1953, 04-17 Permit: A5912 ResidenceSPOKANE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION
Courthouse, Spokane, Warkington NUMBER A -5912 . �,
1662145 TENTH, EAST 12818
Structure Permit
Owner_WRail-------------------------------- Phone__"._6626____________-.
Address_19B2b_Easl_SprraF,Itar YsrAd&j&.jfShj06*'= --------------------------------------
- Lot 1+_31nvk_6� 4Lnndracd_Yas][_Il�iLi�oa�-9N�..1F4{-____________________
U➢CI.AS�1_FIIsD_Z�IIfI__APl'�a��.TA dL.aLLasi26rr�if�-+,M1x�d�ef-a4i�ae!-Y6 ��-"
._91de_yard_ nP_aLLasiBt-{1W-t�nf-lnL)-i�s�guiaydr-----------------------
Material Uaed_ Wng� ___________Dimensions_95T89____ Storiee__j^-------- Number of Rooms_4D.}
Basement- _HOnt----------- Foundation_Conairebs ----- Sewage ip_gq,,6__Lighting_ 6160blic
Accessary Buildings --- (A_Lra&? attaohed_________________________Estimated Cost.$22app0a4___.
Certificate of Occupancy Issued for_Eeeidams_aL_IiggL-12916-1aaLk___________________________
Remarka_xR U; 1`1A&1LJA vitro ry TTun11T l'1{b;..pt?p90YA6-'Jk'-$ILi-6t%ritTY-iiEirLggl-EHs1+i£`3,-------
the ordnamcce ofTHE PERMIT Is granted upon the erprees cmaillml that the bullding for which the Permit le 1..ued shall conform In all rased. to
he revoked at any time upon thhe e vlo of elton of any the provisions the construction,
of said ordinances. orafed]ato of put. of approved. ae approved tonty, and ang
comply whit
said ordinances.
Conm gn
consideration of the Issuance of the Permit for the erection or at". the grantee must place the geld signs where directed by the
nly Planning Cmurnmian sad .hall re ove the sell sign at the expiration of the Permit unless regularly renewed.
Permit Expires QOgAtl=tIQOJaiLLt_ba_unl Armed priWANK J. GLOVER, C unty Auditor
to Loiramber 1, 1965• `
Fee Paid $1&0--------------- By----
(Poon 8111—Pian comm... 1M—ee:) ua----e...... Date De U