16-187.00 AM Hardware: City Hall Key System Locks lip-IS7 � r P.O. Box 682 Veradale WA 99037 (509)927-8399 PROPOSAL PROJECT:Cormax patented key system for Spokane Valley City Hall DATE: November 4kh, 2016 LOCATION: Spokane Valley,WA TO: Steve Worley as Requested • New Factory Patented High Security Coremax Interchangeable Grandmaster Key System for the new Spokane Valley City Hall,and complete rekey of the Center Place Building incorporated into the new Spokane Valley City Hall's patented key system. o New Spokane Valley City Hall will have removable core High Security Best Coremax system at all locks. o Existing locks at Center Place Building are conventional cores(Non-Removable)and will be replaced with High Security Best Coremax conventional cores in existing locks. o AM Hardware will provide and install to replace the existing cores at Center Place. o AM Hardware will replace and install the locks at the maintenance building with new Best locks and cores.AM Hardware will also provide and install cores needed at the pools for the 23 existing locks that will accept the new Coremax system. This Proposal will be provided at no additional charge. * Requires Owners acceptance and signature ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGED %) 6i/4./(r1�I =�lJ /'All prices good for 45 days from date of proposal *No tax or installation included unless otherwise noted "Excludes:Glass, Bituminous coating,Grout,and fasteners *FOB AS REQUIRED Accepted By: AM HARDWARE CO, INC. Date: Matthew Applegate 2616 N. Dartmouth—Spokane,WA 99206 Fax(509)927-1487 STANLEY PATENTED MASTERKEY SYSTEM SECURITY AUTHORIZATION FORM The purpose of this form is for the end user to designate representatives who are authorized to place an order for Stanley patented cores or keys and to confirm the correct shipping address for Stanley Patented product. It is the responsibility of the Distributor to ensure that the end user completes a Security Authorization Form and submits it to Stanley with each order. The Stanley Patented Masterkey System provides a higher level of protection against unauthorized key duplication and crossovers. To help ensure that Stanley patented cores and keys do not end up in the possession of unauthorized personnel, Stanley will only authorize sales and shipment of Stanley patented cores and keys to the individuals noted on this form. Please complete this form carefully as Stanley and/or its Authorized Distributor will strictly adhere to this information. END USER: City of Spokane Valley End User Name Account Number SECURITY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL: Please provide the names of all security personnel who are authorized to place purchase orders for End User's Stanley Patented Masterkey Systems. 1. Mark Calhoun 10210 E Sprague Ave Name Street Address City Manager Spokane Valley,WA 99206 Tiwfaik City,State,Zip Zip (509)720-5100 mcalhoun@spokanevalley.org Signature Phone Number/Email Address i/(S7I 7 Date 2. John Hohman 10210E Sprague Ave Name Street Address Deputy City Manager Spokane Valley,WA 99206 Title City,State,Zip (509)720-5300 jhohman@spokanevalley.org Signatu,//7 Phone Number/Email Address ate ' ' i? 3, John Whitehead 10210 E Sprague Ave Name Street Address Huma -esou ces Manag-r / Spokane Valley,WA 99206 TitleIOW City,State,Zip (509)720-5111 jwhitehead@spokanevalley.org Si Jlature_/i��� Date Phone Number/Email Address S1 1/29/2014 Page 1 AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR: please insert the name below of the Authorized Distributor that you that you assign and authorize to place orders for Stanley Patented Product on your behalf. I. AM Hardware 2616 N Dartmouth Lane \ams Street Address Office Mana er Spokane,WA 99206 111414 , e,Zip 50 509-9-927-8399/scotth aQamhardware.com nature Phone Number/Emall Address May 4,2017 Date SHIPPING ADDRESS: please provide the address where you would like all Stanley Patented Product shipped. Spokane Valley City Hall Department 10210 E Sprague Avenue Stress Address Spokane Valley,WA 99206 Clq,State,7Jp ACCEPTABLE METHOD FOR PLACING ORDERS: please identify below the method that you authorize for place ent of orders for Stanley Patented Product. ❑Signature Verification—Stanley may only accept original purchase orders that have been signed in blue ink by one of the individuals designated on this form by the End User. Stanley will verify that the signatures match before initiating activity on the order.Stanley will not initiate activity until the original P.O.has been received. El Email Verification—Stanley may accept electronic purchase orders from the email accounts designated on this form by the End Uer. Stanley will verify that the email account sending the purchase order has been designated as an tluthorizcd purchaser. Purchase orders received from accounts not listed will not be accepted. ❑Fat Verification—Stanley may accept purchase orders via fax from one of the individuals designated on this form by the End User. Stanley will verify that the individual placing the order has been designated as an authorized purchaser. STANLEY MASTERKEY CODE& MASTERKEY SERVICE POLICY: In accordance with the Stanley Masterkey Code and Masterkey Service Policy,all Stanley Patented Masterkey Codes and combinations are available for distribUtion solely to end users and select Authorized Distributors.To assist in reducing the possibility of duplication within a Stanley Patented Mastcrkey System and ensure security,all Stanley Patented Masterkey Code extensions and next in series codes should be made or approved by Stanley Masterkey personnel and/or the Distributors that have been authorized by Stanley to have accesso Stanley Patented Masterkcy Codes,un-combinated cores and key blanks. Duplication or release of Stanley Patented MasterIcey Codes to non-authorized people or organizations,including,but not limited to,unauthorized distributors,wholesalers, private locksmiths,other lock manufacturers,architects,or contractors violates Stanley's ownership rights and is strictly prohibited By signing below,End User acknowledges that I)the information provided above is accurate and correct and 2)that any unauthorized use including,but not limited to,the transmission or dissemination of Stanley Patented Masterkey Codes,without the excess written consent of Stanley is strictly prohibited. END USER SIGNATURE: P/(".' TITLE: City Manager DATE: 5/1.$l r 7 1/29;/2014 Page 2