Sprague E 8803 Auto Sales & Service - Remodel f s > "c ` L4M Y► as c rra ~a• r ~ I SPOKANE COUNTY DEPAR'TMENT OF B1JILQING AhtD SAFETY Ni.RTH 811 JEFFERSON SPOStLaNE, WdSH1PiG'TDN 992$0 (SM9) 456-36r 5 f ! 1 certify that I have examEned this permit sntl Oate that the Inforrnation corrtaineO ifi Ir and iubrnrtted by me ar n'+Y ageryt to camplle sald permit Is truo and corret In i addikion I have raaa and urvdarsMnd the INSPEG'T1aN RE-OUIREMERII'S/NOTICE provrsicros lmludad heresn and agree t8 ccrnpty wi#h same All previsians af taws artd ordinartoes goeamirig this type af vwsrlc wfll be caryu~lad wfth whetbar spectlied herem ot rtipt, I understand ttat the `ssE+ar~e ol tfus permd artd a~y subsequent inspelmn aptravais ar CertlfiCates rsf Cyctupancy "4 no3 b6 ctmstrueB to glve authoriFY ta vbtate at camal Ilte DmtBbns ot erry state or lncai !aw regutatirag canstrvctbn or as a warranty ol canformance wlth the provlsicns of any state or local Iavrs Pagulating cocistruction SIGNAfiURE Of APPLICATfON OWtdER OR AGEMT DATE f . . . . PRQJECT NIJMHER= 87402871 DAT~= 09J0'2187 PAGE= 41 APPLICATYDN SITE STREET= 803 E S~'R~1GUE A1~E F~,~~.CEL*= 18544-9101 AUDF~ES = SPOKANE WA 99212 PERMI'C USE= REMt]DEL FOR AUTO SALES & SERVICE ~ f PLATO= 999999 F'LAT NAMEm RANGE ALOCK= LaT= ZQNE= CQMM DISTOn E ® aF A~~~ 00?40002 DGJEL.L I ~lS~ F WID~'H= I~EF'T~~= F~/W= nwNER= aiCHARnsoN, R PHONE= STREET= 8803 E SPRaGUE aVE AnnRESS= SPOKANE Wa 99212 caNrACT NaME= BaB EACKMasYER PfloNE NuMBERffi 509-924-1000 BUILDING SETBACKS. ~~ONT'= LEFT= RIGHT= REAR= e REViEW INFQRMATIQN I3ATE DEPARTMENT NAME REVIEW CUMMENTS I NIOUT I NIT I ALS r~rr.ur~r~~.rrurro..~ BUILDING & SAFETY PLAN REVIEW REQUTRED a70902 GMW ~M=- n -W- CRTYIGAL MAfiERZALS CRYTrCAL USE ACTIVITY WIIN ASA 874942 GMW 1jo~~.~.l~d.~. - ~~►8~..~~,..~ ..~-~?~-~-.~7 r~~hiT' J~~ IM s"oP cauNrY ENGINEER DRAi~~~~ PLAN REQ'D w~~N AsA 870902 w i~~~~ ~ ---~~~~AI~~~~~w~Iti~M~~r~w~w~~~~w---~l~-Ml-~~-l- ~i^ iMf--MMM----1r-Ytl--li-i-r--~~~--- iAM---\i rY~r ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH NEW AR ADDYTIONAL WASTE WATER 870902 GMW -~hz 464 ~ ~ - ='t?-If--- - - ~ CQUN1"Y PLANhllNG SI7E PL_AN REVIEW REQUIRED 874902 GM r. 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t f~ ~ ~ •iJ ~ 2~~ C ....y...~ ....n.... ~ ~ ~ » - - -r ~ - //TN ,~~L~tLCO(~~lTY UT°II.ZTIES ~ F'RY~F+t TY SEWEF: AREA 870902 GMW ,..r.,.r... ~ ~ _ ~ _ ~.r ~ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~f~►t.. ~~~C~'1~~:~ SY AIISC U$. SNatiRosx'M OPSP1CB ItMA ~ Ck':7ftT4z% WRMNC4 i ~ • 1 Spokane County Departinent of Building & Safety i JAMES L. MANSON. DIRECTOR TO : Ken Jeffrey, Building and Safety Jim Legat, Utilities Department Bob McCann, Engineer's Office John Pederson, Planning Department Daryl Way, Health District O Tom Davis, Code Compliance Coordinator Department of Building and Safety DATE: July 9, 1987 RE : July 8, 1987 Pre-Application Conference Auto Dealership - East 8805 Sprague Avenue. Enclosed is your copy of the minutes to the re€erenced meeting. ' Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel f ree to contact me. TLD:mas cc: Mr. Larry Sullivan, Architect Mr. Ferman Pasold, Architect Mr. Dennis Scott, Public Works Director ~ f NORTH 811 JEFFERSflN • SPOKANE, WASHIAIGTON 9986000050 • TELEPHONE (509) 456 3675 MINUTES PRR-APPLICAT'IIDN C CS AUT0 D P= BAST 8805 SPRAGUS AV$NUB JULY 8, 1987 CALL TO ORD$R: The meeting was called to order at approximately 11:00 a.m. by Building and Safety's Code Compliance Coordinator Tom Davis, with the following in attendance. PERMIT RB'vIEW PARTICIPANTS : Tom Davis, Building and Safety Ken Jeffrey, Building and Safety Jim Legat, Utilities Department Bob McCann, Engineer's Office John Pederson, Planning Department Marla Stach, Building and Safety Daryl Way Health District APPLICANT: Mr. Larry Sullivan, Architect Mr. Ferman Fasold, Architect SCOPB/PROJBCT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is proposing to convert the existing building formerly occupied by U-Haul to an 8698 square foot auto dealership with an addition of 8 feet to the front of the building for showroom space. , ~ This project will be completed in two phases. This conference is regarding the first phase only, which includes the showroom and sales areas. Phase two will include the service and parts areas of the dealership. In order to remodel the building to an auto dealership, the interior will be gutted including the removal of an existing apartment. SUMMARY OF DEPARTI4EN'rAL RBQUTREME'NTS : 1. Building and Safety (456-3675) A. Discussion/Requirements 1. Building and Safety has completed a preliminary review of the plans submitted. 2. The existing fire flow is adequate. f V 3. There were several exit problems apparent. However, several alternatives were discussed which would resolve this problem including the addition of another stairway. ' 4. The applicant was advised that should the occupant load for the second story exceed 30 or more people the Regulations for Barrier-Free Facilities will apply. B. Permit Release Requirements 1. A revised plan must be submitted for review. 2. The Critical Materials list is required to be submitted for review and approval. 3. The existing gas tank located on the property must be removed or properly abandoned. 2. Engineers Office (456-3600) A. Discussian/Requirements 1. A copy of comments was giuen to the applicant and Building and Safety by Bob McCann. 2. County records indicate that there is a 10 foot road riqht-of-way behind the existing curb on Sprague Avenue. The parking in front of the building may not encroach into this right-of-way. 2. Your contact person at the Engineer's Office will be Gary Nelson. B. Permit Release Requirements. 1. A drainage plan for the entire site (phases 1 and 2) is required to be submitted. At a minimum the plan must contain: a. Drainage calculations for stormwater volumes generated. b. Calculations for total impervious surfaces contained within the site. c. Finished grade elevations for structures to be canstructed. d. Finished grade elevations at the top and bottom of the 208 swale. e. A typical cross section of the 208 swale. - 2 - . ~ f. Calculations to justify the number and types of drywells,proP4sed. . • 2. Approach permits must be obtained for driveway approaches to Sprague Avenue. 3. A lighting plan indicating the location for outdoor lighting is required. 3. Health District (456-6040) A. Discussion/Requirements 1. The existing on-site sewage disposal system was installed in 1979. 2. The current system is capable of handling a maximum 39 person per shift, per day. 3. The method for storage and disposal of critical materials was discussed. This will not be required in phase one however, the service area (phase 2) would possibly require compliance with the the ASA overlay zone. 4. Split systems for the disposal of critical materials are not allowed however, a proposed amendment to this zoning section is currently beinq considered which would allow split systems under certain conditions. 5. There is a sewer line available for conriection, the option for connection and procedures that must be done in order to connect to this line was discussed. B. Permit Release Requirements. 1. No permits are required by the Health District for this phase of the proposal, therefore the Health District will sign off the permit. 4. Planning Department (456-2205) A. Discussion/Requirements 1. The possibility of using diagonal parking spaces in front of the building to eliminate the encroachment into the right-of-way requirements was discussed as a possible alternative. t ~ H. Permit Release Requirements 1. The actual parcel humbers for this proposal need to be clarified with the possibility of a lot line adjustment. 2. The setbacks are required to be illustrated on the site plan. 3. In order that a determination can be made on the required number of parking spaces the following information is needed: the square footages for the showroom area, office, storage, parts area and service area. 4. The parking must be shown on the site plan. 5. Utilities (456-3604) A. Discussion/Requirements 1. A ULID statement will be required if there is a change to the sewer system. If no changes are made to the sewer system this statement will not be required. B. Permit Release Requirements 2. If there is no change to the existing sewer system the Utilities Department will sign off the perinit. ADJO : There being no further business, Tom Davis thanked the applicant and the departinents for their participation and reminded all that he should be contacted if there are any unforeseen problems which may arise. Also, should there be any changes from what appears in the minutes, we should be notified within one day of your receipt of these minutes. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:35 a.m. Copies of Minutes to: All participants File - East 8805 Sprague Avenue Auto Dealership