16-144.00 Verizon/TRS: Non-Disclosure Agreement Verizon Wireless(YAW)LLC • NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT September 29,2016 Verizon Wireless(VAW) LLC (herein"VAW"), the City of Spokane Valley (City) and Tax Recovery Services,LLC("Auditor")agree as follows: 1. In connection with the provision of material and/or services to the Auditor by VAW,the City and VAW may find it beneficial for VAW to disclose to the Auditor and/or the City sales,purchasing,and related tax data or other documentation or business information(herein"information")which VAW considers proprietary. 2. Unless VAW acknowledges to the contrary,all information obtained by the Auditor and/or the City hereunder will be presumed to be confidential and proprietary and will be so treated by the Auditor and/or the City. The restrictions outlined in this agreement do not apply to Confidential Information which: a. Is,or later becomes,publicly known through no breach of this agreement by Recipient(s)or their agents,employees or third parties;or b. Was received by Recipient from a third party not subject to this agreement;or c. Was already in Recipient's possession prior to receiving it from Verizon;or ` d. Was independently developed by Recipient(s)without the developer(s)having access to Confidential Information received from Verizon;or e. May be required by law to be released. Any release by the City of any Confidential Information as required by law shall not be considered as a violation of this Agreement 3. With respect to information provided under this agreement,the Auditor and City shall (except as required or specifically allowed by law): (a)hold the information in confidence, (b)restrict disclosure of the information solely for the purpose of the audit and not disclose it to any other parties, (c)use the information only for the purposes hereunder,except as may otherwise be mutually agreed upon in writing. 4. Any information disclosed by VAW to the Auditor and/or the City which VAW holds subject to an obligation of confidence to any third party,shall be subject to the same level of protection as VAW confidential information. 5. To the extent allowed by the Washington State Public Records Act,Ch.42.56 RCW,the information shall be deemed the property of VAW and the Auditor and/or the City will return all infonnation in tangible form to VAW or destroy all such information excepting the final audit papers and necessary supporting documents for the audit results.In the event that any information is requested under the Public Records Act,the City will first provide VAW prompt written notice of such,so that VAW may take any protective steps they deem appropriate regarding the request.In such an event,the City will continue to protect all information covered by this agreement as required under this agreement to the extent allowable by law. 6. Upon discovery of any disclosure by the City,Auditor,their agents,or their employees of VAW confidential information,the Auditor will notify VAW and,at its own expense, take all steps necessary to prevent further disclosure of confidential information in violation of this agreement. 7. Nothing contained in this agreement shall be construed as granting or conferring any rights by license or otherwise in any information disclosed to the Auditor. 8. This agreement shall benefit and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. 9. This agreement shall become effective on the date written above and shall continue until terminated in writing by either party. The obligation to protect the confidentiality of the information received prior to such termination shall survive the termination of the agreement. 10.This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous oral or written representations with regard to the subject matter hereof. This agreement may not be modified except by a written amendment signed by both parties. Verizon Wireless(VAW)LLC Tax Recovery Service§,,LLC-- . (sig) (sig) `(� (Name) Philip Gerber (Name) Michael J. Crisp (Title)Associate Director-Transaction Taxes (Title)President.Tax Recovery Services (Date Signed) (Date Signed) ` \• �-'�t k: City of Ssa Valley (sig) n (Name) Mark Cal h curt (Title) Acti C.14 /�6DIVlA (' (Date Signed) to/4/Io 5. To the extent allowed by the Washington State Public Records Act,Ch.42.56 RCW,the information shall be deemed the property of VAW and the Auditor and/or the City will return all information in tangible form to VAW or destroy all such information excepting the final audit papers and necessary supporting documents for the audit results,In the event that any information is requested under the Public Records Act,the City will first provide YAW prontpt written notice of such,so that VAW may take any protective steps they deem appropriate regarding the request.In such an event,the City will continue to protect all information covered by this agreement as required under this agreement to the extent allowable by law. 6. Upon discovery of any disclosure by the City,Auditor,their agents,or their employees of YAW confidential information,the Auditor will notify VAW and,at its own expense, take all steps necessary to prevent further disclosure of confidential information in violation of this agreement. 7. Nothing contained in this agreement Shall be construed as granting or conferring any rights by license or otherwise in any information disclosed to the Auditor. 8. This agreement shall beuefit and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. 9. This agreement shall become effective on the date written above and shall continue until terminated in writing by either party. The obligation to protect the confidentiality of the information received prior to such termination shall survive the termination of the agreement. 10.This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous oral or written representations with regard to the subject matter hereof. This agreement may not be modified except by a written amendment signed by both parties. Verizon Wireless(VAW)LLC Tax Recovery,Service9,LW- ( g) (sig} : i si ' `-- h.�� (Name) Gerber (Name) Michael a.Crisp (Title)A,ssociateDirectQj-T paetion Tiixes (Title).President.Tax Recovery Services (Date Signed) I f. I (Date Signed) `1.„ ) City of Spokane Valley (sig) LI 444 CJiii.6v,„ (Name)Ma K Q117.(.64.415 (Title) /.k.: ite Ma,matar (Date Signed) kb (, •