1972, 03-27 Permit App: J2328 Duplex! 0 County of Spokane, Washington BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT. COURTHOUSE, SPOKANE. WASHINGTON 99501 dJ APPLICATION FOR LAND USE OR STRUCTURE PERMIT — GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PERMIT FEE.... _ ... --- _.._..... PERMIT REQUIRED. A land use or structure cermlt is required by County Resolution se erect s conldingstruction or structure of any, kind or alter any building or str not are already erected, or to change s Ind use. Construction most conform with the spokane County Building Code and Zoning Ordinance. Coa,tructloa is subject to inspection. WATER. Water supply must be approved by the County and State Health HeGartments. Where work onmater council.. disturbs the surface, shoulders or ditches of County Roads, permleslav must be obtained from the County Elle lneer'e Office. SEWAGE SYSTEM. Permits are required in all cases by County Resolutions Nm. 45-133 and 47.235. of at SET-HACg FROM PROPERTY LINES. In mast zones and order most circumstances, a set -back from the trout property line. I...t 25' is required, a 5' side yard, 15' aide yard from a flanking street, and a 25' rear yard are revulred. STATE HIGHWAYS. Where the structure abuts a State Highway, cleeravice must be obtained pertaining to set -back and ingress and egress. COUNTY ROADS. Work on street right-of-way may not be performed until staked by County Road Department and wark must be orm perfed in accord..,h with stakes. Points of ingress and egress must be approved by the County Engineer. MOVING OFBUILDINGS. atb rN..Aeobtained fomtheCounty Engineerad/orState High."Department.arequired t existing nitm. When a buildinismoved on a County or State Highway, clearance ACCESSORY BUILO INGS. Accessory buildings (garages, sheds, etc.) require a separate permit. wRESTRICTIVE are COVEl nforrceable throughrciviluld actiocheck kprovision- of County Officials cannot bringnts or dactioontoaenforceacovenao si o[ dedications. m, With the d APPLICANT FILL IN BELOW THIS LINE pr� S zsl� PieKreRO Phole9z�— 410 Name of Owner W,M RCedt!G Address Architect _ _ �h YA to Phone Flig ineer Phone ntractor Address Ph ppe Co / rR etc.) SYU `F Legal Description of Property (Glue complete description Pram deed, tai receipt, DESCRIPTION OF WORK: New Addition Remodel _Moving _ Bldg. Zone �L--Fire Zone f Size of Lot Sewage System<p� Stories z Const. Frhi72 Dimensions 80X29340X0/. Total Sq. Ft. —Valuation [,/27)0(1 (Pcame, concrete, brick, etc.) ��nsChiG Rupees CR " Baths Basement Ft). Foandation Cot. (-Cry C, Chimney Fireplace (Number) lFull, part, none) (Kind) Real. system OarY1 CEJOA9 Int. Wall Finish s67 R�1f ys _Type of Roofing Ext. Finish Use of Bldg. No. of Units__ Bedrooms CS Cmport :fheA /sR� h'T% Private Uetmclied 0-1�rddrlbpildiiagg; PLOT PLAN sketch with dimensions showing: (1) property lines; (2) street orrd locations; (3) localion pf existing and (4) distance to property lines and street.; (5) dimens larm of buildings; (6) location of sewage Sys- tem and water supply lines. State License No. NORTH Ind. Ins. Acct. No. REQUIRED Plumbing Permit we Heating Permit _ M Sewage Permit _ H Plain Received Plans Checked — Plans Returned _ Plans Picked UP. Plans Mailed — SOUTH I hereby certify information submitted __is �correct and there are no other structures located on this property except sun In shown PI'i't a 7— 7 % /P Owner or Agent Date A LAND USE OR STRUCTURE PERMIT MUST RE ON THE PREMISES BEFORE CONSTRUCTION COMMENCES. THIS IS NOT A PERMIT. DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE _ Your street address .111 be / L Td ' 'r ^ a ..me I. Sewage Permit Number IssuU !ed / � i{[/G Building Permit �celpt 471, Reaerkk Foam $23 Bldg. Code