09-129.00 Acme Concrete Paving: Sprague at Evergreen & McDonald PCCP Intersections ~ Spol~~.ne s ,;oOValley CHANGE ORDER TO CO{VSTRUCTiON CONTRACT N0: 09•024 ~ DEPAR7MENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT: 9prague/Eversreen & McDonald POCP Intera. Project CONTRACT DATE: 811112008 CONTRACTOR: Acme Concrete Pavina, lnc. CHAN4E ORDER N0: 6 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO: 0102 & 0104 81D NO.; 08-026 . DE3CRIPT(ON OF CHANGES This Change Order adds ihe tollowing work to Schedufe A Evergreen IntereecUon Work: • Sch. ftem Descriptlort Unit Quant(ty Prfoe/Unit Total A 53 Replace Dryweii Frame end Grate EA 8 $700,00 $8,600.00 The work ls funded by an STA grant and by ihe Cfty. Total Amount of this Chan;ae Orderf tnc1. 'faxl: $5.800,00 , 8U8STAN1'IAL COMPLETION Originel Oate: 8/31/2009 Prtor to this Change Order. 8/1/2009 including thls Change Order, 911/2008 XAinal WorfcUq Days; 60 Worklnct Days Added bY ihis CO: 0 Workinq Oays including thls C4: 53 THESE CHANGES RE8ULT IN 7HE FOLLOWINa ADJU3TMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRtCB: ORIOINAL CON7RACT AMOUNT .........................~..,..,........,...,....._....~,............w.........,...~...w..........,..~. $1 ,219,000,00 T07AL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $ $45,219.48 TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ $1,284,219.48 NE1 THIS CHAN(3E ORDER ...............................»...........~.......~..,..........w........... $ $5,800.00 TOTAL CON7RACT AMOUN7' INCLUDiNG THIS CHANOE ORDER $ $1,269,819.48 ~ Thls change order adds 0 days to contracE tlme. ~ R ACCEPTANCE: DATE: ~ r 7 CON7RACT0 The conlraclor hereby eccepls fhts adjustment undet the tertns of the orlg(nel contract for ell work perfomed. RECOMMENDED BY: DA7E: O'7' D~T / APPROVED BY: DATE: a ~ Ne eroten, PuAa WoAca Dir o1' ~ APPROVED BY: la DATE; DaNd Mnrder, CRytMansger T ATTACHMENTS; D/stdbutlon: ORIOINALS T0; Coniractor, CIty oi Spokane Velley Clerk'a Offlce, PW ProJect Ffle , COPIHS T0: PW Ptolec! Fi(8 P.Publ-o Vti'orAslPureha'n,= (912812007) Go i ' a`i ~ , ~ L COPY C S ITY OF P~ubft Works Department po n e Capital Improvement Program aley 4D 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhallCspokanevalley.org Memorandum Date: August 7, 2009 To: Steve Worley, Neil Kersten From: Craig Aldworth Re: Change Order 6 for Sprague Evergreen and McDonald PCCP Intersections Project, CIP 0102 and CIP 0104 Budget Account No. 303.303.0104.595.30.63.00 Acme Concrete Paving Contract 09-026 Change Order 5 adds the following to Schedule A- Evergreen Intersection Work: Item Descriation Unit Quantitv Price/Unit Total 53 Replace Drywell Frame and Grate Each 8 $700.00 $5,600.00 Each existing sewer or storm drain frame needs to be replaced with a new 10 inch deep frame to match the new concrete panel depth. This bid item was not included in the Evergreen intersection Bid Schedule. The unit price is the same as the Sprague/McDonald bid item. The total estimated cost (incl. tax) for this Change Order work is $5,600.00, paid for by an 80.0% STA grant and the City of Spokane Valley. There are sufficient funds in the project budget to cover these costs. Original Contract amount = $1,219,000.00 Previous Change Order Cost = $45,219.48 Change Order #6 Cost = $5,600.00 Project Cost including Change Order #6 = $1,269,819.48 15% of Original Contract amount = $182,850.00 Max Public Works Director Contract authority = $75,000.00 Change Order Cost to date = $50,819.48 Rema.in.ing P.W. Director Contract Authority after CO ~6 $249180.52 /,A Public Works 'recto Proj ect anager Cc: Deputy City Manger Finance Department