Sprague E 11505 Addition to Existing Bldg for Storage Bldg . ~ SPOKANE COI,JNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUtLDiNG AND SAFETY W.1S09 BROADWAY AVENUE ~ SPOKANE, WA8HINGITON 99Z60 (608) 466-9878 I certiiy that I heveexamlrted this permlt snd state that Me Information contalned In it end aubmttted by me or my egent to compltesald permk letrue and cqrnect. tn nddldon, 1 have smd and urtderatarM the IN3PECTION REGUIREMENTB/NOTICEprovielone Inctuded hereln and agree to connply with sarne. AIl provialona of lavra and ordinsnaes poveminp tAle type of woHc wtll be aomptled wttli whether speattiad hereln ot not t underalertd Ihat ths iseuence of thtspennlt end any subaequeni Inspeoion epprovals or CeAtRcBtes of Oacupenay ehsit not be conatrued to plve authortty to viotate or cancel the provislons of any slate or locai (ew reputefing conutructton. or ea e warranty of conformance with the provlslons of any afnte o► loaal lews repulallnQ aonst►uclton SICiNATURE OF APPUCATION OWNER OR AC3ENT nATF H'kQ,Jw G r NUMBER= 89400317 D~1 a"' 7/8~' I Cr~. 0 1 A~~E:T'-- CN ! I g APF'l..ICATI0N "1' TL S"T~'~CE Y= 11505 C S'Pi;AC:UE AVE PARC:ELIW= i 6544-QS07 ()UDRC,SS ~ SF'i.ll<ANC WA y9'..'.0b P1wRM1T IISE= ADI>ITxC1N Tt1 CXxSTTNG IiL.UG FUR S74RACE r-'LA T4= 001838 F,inY NraMF-= 0PP,TR. 1-354 B 1_ ac 1(-- 1~01 = aawr= cOMM nI.VYV= F Ar~FA= 000-638 5 i- iA= F WTDTW= 145 nEPrH=~iJ R/w= 01 EtLDGS-- 4 ~ DWELL] NGS= OWNLR== KYLE, ~DWar,D H ''HCINI- p- 208 112 40'26 STRCET- 562.4 N GO1FERNi~ENT WAY ADDRFSS = CCIFUFi D ALGNE TD 83814 coNrAcr NAME= owNER w'HONc ~~~MBEr,= BuTi z>xNG sErBACKS r'RUNT= ExiS LEFTM '25 RrrFiT- ~EA~= ExIs REV]" EW INF0 RMA T I0 N 1t lt 1f ~t H 3f tt IG Jt If ~f ~ 3~ at ~f ~i 3F ~t h )f ~fr }t it DOTC DEPARTMENI NAME REvxEw rOM~~NTs xNioUr xNz ra.ni_S _ PPI'DzNG & SAFETY PLa~ ~EVTEw REQuTr,En 8 9 0 12, 17 snH ws .w aw ww .w w r Mw w.w1 w rs ..w Mr w~x w r« r w..« r ~.w ......w wr rr..« DUTIS;1 NCy & SAF"E:TY ENERGY C'I...AN REVTEW REQ1JIRED 890217 SDI-I _ .w . ..__.._~r......_ .r. COUNTY ENG LNEER DRATNAGC N'LAN REQ`D W/TN A,SA 890217 SIDIA ~ CNVTF'~0NMENTAL tiEALTM INCREASE IN LCII CQ1IERACE 1394021 7 SDH CCiUNT`)" I'1..ANNING SXTC Pl..AN REVILW I&QUIkFWD 8902ir SDI-i __--w_--_____-_ _F] R[° D[,TTFiTCT ~ TRl:. FI._(JW 1O BE RCVIG::WEn $90217 SDI I ..__-___--_-_-___w_w___ _ _ _ _~~~...r.. w _ ~ _ _ . SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGi AND SAFETY , W.1303 BROADWAY AVENUE t 1 BPOKANE, WASHINQTON 88ZISO r (509) 458-8675 ~ I certly Mat I heve examined lhfe pennft and etete thet the Intonnatton oontatned In it end aubmltted br me or my egentto aomplte aald permit ts Vue ana co►mct In eddltlon, Ihavere8dandundeesienathelNSPECTIONiiEOUTALMENTB/NOTICEprovtelansincludedherelnandagrestocomplywilheeme.Allprovlatonsoflaws and onlinanaes goMemin thts rype ot worlc wlp bs complted wPth whetAer apeoltied hereln or Rot. I underatand that the iseuenae af Mts permitand emyoubsequent Inspeotton approvafs or AHtcatea ot Ocoupenay shall not pe conetrued to glve authortty to vfolate or cnncel the pravistone of eny stete or IOCat laar mguleting constructlon, ar sa e warrenty of contonnenae with the provislona of amr state or Iocsl lawe regulaling eonatrucllon SIONATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR ACiENT nATF ('F,rQ,)~--CY Nl.1i`'iBEFti' ° f39000317 DATEm 02/17/89 F'A;r.v~ = 0' APN'I_ CATT OA! Btl.CLDTNG i''L:RM1T CONTRAC; TClR= OWNER PHANEw NEW= FEML)DCl...= X ADDTTICIN= KCwlANGk ClF U.SI°= DWI;LI.. UNI'i'S= ClCCIJPe L.D- EsLDG MCT= STUF'IES= R P-1 D(; W X D = X S G FT= hC Q F'~)hl: ING= ti HANDTCAf-'= S'{:.WEIi-= Y HYDRANt-= Y I"'pt7ch ,S'N1 D ~'~sY Wlp NDEI_ , GI..CIr J !1 I'lld1'NII-A9 TtY STr VC:. HC)LYI< T HANI< Y U LJ ~ ~ 4 ~l \ ~ Spokanc County ~ p-Department of 8uilding & Safety < JAMES L. MANSON, DIRE(,'IOR MEWED LETTER OF TRANSM T TTAL FEB 17 1989 uoaftft TO : Air Pollution Control Authority ~ County Engineer's Environmental Health County Planning Department County IItilities City of Spokane Liberty Lake Sewer District FROM: Department of Building and Safety DATE: FEBRUARY 17, 1989 The attached permit application/plan has been submitted to our office. PROJECT 89000317 PARCEL jf,S44-n5n7 ADDRESS: FagT 11505 SPRAGUE AVENUE A Pre-Construction Conference regarding the above-mentioned projpct has been scheduled for FEBRUARY 22, 1989 at 10 in the Building and Safety conference room. TLD : j a s WF.ST 1303 B80ADWAY • SFOKANE. WASEIDYGTON 99'l60 0 0050 • TFI.PPH0i+1E (509) 456-3675 f # ~ ~ Spokane Cou nty . , . Department of Building & S ~ ~ - M 1 ` I . JAMES L. MANSON, 15 lltt~8, , w ,..,w- TO : Ken Jeffrey, Building and Safety Bob McCann, Engineer's Department hn Pederson, Planning Department Fryl way, Health Department FROM~ omas L. Davis, Code Compliance Coordinator b-, partment of Building and Safety DATE: February 23, 1989 RE : February 22, 1989 - Pre-Construction Conference East 11505 Sprague Avenue - Storage Addition Enclosed is your copy of the minutes to the referenced meeting. Please Note: After the meeting the Planning Department submitted additional comments as follows: 1. A site plan illustrating parking needs to be submitted with a total of 21 parking stalls. The four service bays may be included in the parking. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. TLD:rmd cc: Mr. Edward Kyle, Owner Mr. Dean Fowler, Utilities Department Mr. Dennis Scott, Public Works Director \ oo/ WES'f 1303 BROADVYAY • SPOKANE. WASHMGT'ON 99250 0 0050 • TFLBFHON6 009) 456-3675 . ~ ' PRE-C0N5`TRUCTION CON CR BAST 11505 SPRAGUS AVffiMJS - STORAGE ADDITION FSBROARY 22, 1989 CAI,I, Tp pRDBR: The meeting was called to order at approximately 10:45 a.m. by Building and Safety's Code Compliance Coordinator Tam Davis, with the following in attendance. P1MMIT RMBW PARTICIPAiI'rS : , Robin Domitrovich, Building and Safety Ken Jeffrey, Building and Safety Bob McCann, Engineers Department John Pederson, Planning Department Daryl Way, Health Departntent APP'LICANTS : Edward Kyle, American Television North 5624 Government Way, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 (208) 772-4026 SCOPB/PROJ$C'P D$SGRIPTION:, I. General Overview - Proposed is the construction of a 44 x 40 addition on to an existing building. The primary use of the addition will be to store car audio equipment that will be sold in the existing part of the building. The addition will also be used for "listening rooms" and some installation of the audio equipment. St11M1ARY OF D$PARTI4ENTAL REQ S= I. Planning Department (456-2205) A. Discussion/Requirements 1. The site is zoned Commercial. No special conditions exist other than those applicable within the zoning ordinance. 2. There are no sign restrictions on the proposed project. Separate permits will need to be obtained for any future signs. 3. All parking spaces must be within 60 feet of a landscape feature consisting of a minimum of 32 square feet in area. 4. The existing 11208" area may be used as landscaping. 5. A site plan showing the parking arrangement needs to be submitted. The amount of parking stalls has not been calculated at this time. B. Permit Release Requirements , 1 1. A revised site plan illustrati.ng parkihg needs to be submitted prior ta release of the permit. II. Engineering Department (456-3600) A. Discussion/Requirements 1. The applicant needs to identify how storm water generated from the new addition will flow into the existing drainage swale. 2. During removal of the underqround storage tanks and building construction, the existing grade needs to be maintained to insure proper drainage. B. Permit Release Requirements 1. The Engineer's Office will be able to release their portion of the building permit after the review and approval of the applicants storm water drainage proposal. III. Health District (456-6040) A. Discussion/Requirements l. The applicant needs to arrange for transportation of all construction debris to a licensed landfill. 2. The existing building has already been connected to the city sewer system, therefore the Health District has no requirernents for release of the building permit. B. Permit Release Requirements 1. Health District has authorized release af their portion of the building permit. IV. Utilities Department (456-3604) A. Discussion/Requirements 1. The Utilities Department having no comments for the proposed project was not present. V. Building and Safety (456-3675) A. Discussion/Requirements 1. Plan review has been completed and a letter will be sent to the applicant. 2. Ken Jeffrey contacted Fire District #1 who stated that no additional hydrants will be required. 3. Grade/slopes need to be illustrated to insure , adequate handicap access to the building. . 4. A question was raised regarding the disposition of the underground storage tanks. The applicant stated that the existinq underground storage tanks and gas islands are being removed form the project site. 5. The applicant needs to submit a soil compactian report for the areas where the underground storaqe tanks are being removed. 8. Permi.t Release Requirements 1. Building and Safety will release their portion of the building permit once the conditions of the plan review letter are met. APPLICANT' S CO1~I~1S~iTS/ACKH : The applicant acknowledged that all conuaents/requirements were understood and had no further questions at this time regarding permit requirements. COiRRSCTIONS: To minutes or changes from what appears in the minutes, we should be notified within one day of your receipt of these minutes. To site plans as required by any or all of the above-listed departments shall be submitted to Building and Safety who will then distribute accordingly to those departments. AWOURNMENT: There being no further business, Tom Davis thanked the applicant and the departments for their participation and reminded all that he should be contacted if there are any unforeseen problems wha.ch may arise. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:25 a.m. Gopies of Minutes to: Al1 participants File - East 11505 Sprague Avenue Addition to existing building for storage NOTS TO APPLICANT: Some ti.me ago the county recognized the need to streamline the building permit system and accordingly initiated these Pre-Construction Conferences. Comments so far would indicate these conferences are successful and do enhance the permit system. As a recent participant, we would appreciate any comments you might have to further improve the process or, should you have any questions or concerns regarding your conference, please contact either Jim Manson, Building and Safety Director, at 456-3675 or Dennis Scott, Public Works Director, at 456-3600. James L. Manson, Di rector