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2007, 02-23 Permit App: 07000530 Mechanical Fixtures
Permit Centra S' room e Valley, 920 106 • PERMIT NUMBER Spokane Valley, Ave,Av 99206 (50 )698-0036 FAX: (509)688-0039 PERMIT FEE: ' Connnunsty Development wx•x•snokenerapn.ore� Mechanical Permit application �}j€ ! �'Itesideatls! Bulldiv6Owav -_ Nam: Phone: SM9a O Fax: —. Address: J 16INCity Sate: Zip: 'y �s Contractor - - Neme: Phone: SDI; - ( Fu: � f 1 �8OUZ� Add.: /YA! / as Stm: alp p: 6 License No: City ess Lia: Canta6' Nam: Phone:_, AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: xevssEo saws