2000, 05-09 Permit App: 00003336 GarageProject Number: 00003336 Inv: 1 Application Date: 05/09/2000 Page 1 of 2 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Proiect Information: Permit Use: DETACHED GARAGE - 28 X 40 „ Contact: QUALITY STEEL BLDGS Address: 7810 N MARKET ST C - S - Z: SPOKANE, WA. 99217 Setbacks: Front 50+ Left: 23 Right: 12 Rear: 12 Phone: (509)468-1606 Group Name: Site Information: Project Name: Plat Key: 002704 Name: UNIVERSITY PLACE District: F Parcel Number: 45204.2523 Block: Lot: SiteAddress: 10122E 13TH AVE Owner: Name: LEYERLE, BOB SPOKANE, WA 99206 Address: 10122 E 13TH AVE Location:: SPO SPOKANE, WA 99206 Zoning: UR -3.5 Urban Residenti2l3.5 Water District Hold: ❑ Area: 0 Sq Ft Width: 0 Depth: 0 Right Of Way (ft): 0 Nbr of Bldgs: 0 Nbr of Dwellings: I Review Information: Department Review BUILDING Site Plan Review By. 1 I _t Permit Conditions: BUILDING Plan $aview Hold Reasons: Permit Conditions: PLANNING _ _ Landuse/Zoning By. c� `�.n old Reaso Permit Conditions: Permits:,,,,a.,.n...ar„„,,,.,....:,.,.o,;.,�.,.,,a,,;,,,e,..,. ..,.�;, _,F:.,. Project Number: 00003336 Inv: I Applltaticia Date: 05/09/2000 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit _.. __._ _... Building Permit Contractor: QUALITY STEEL BUILDINGS INC Firm: QUALITY STEEL BUILDINGS INC Address: 7810 N MARHET ST Phone: (509) 468-1606 SPOKANE, WA 99207 Building Characteristics Const Category: New Group: U-1 Type: VN Nbr OfDwellmgs: 1 Occupant Load: 0 Building Height: 22 Stories: 1 Bldg W x D: 28 x 40 Building Sq Ft: 1120 Sprinklers: Req Parking: 0 Handicap Parking: 0 Critical Materials: This Application: Total Project: Description Gm Tvoe Notes So Ft Valuation So Pt Valuation GARAGE U-1 VN 1,120 $13,440.00 1,120 $13,440.00 Totals: 1,120 $13,440.00 1,120 $13,440.00 Item Description Units Unit Desc Fee Amount RESIDENTIAL VALUATION 1 YOR BLANK $213.00 STATE SURCHARGE 1 Y OR BLANK $4.50 RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE 1 Y OR BLANK $46.86 Permit Total Fees: $264.36 Payment Summary: Operator: RMB Printed By: RMB Print Date: 05/09/2000 Permit Twe Fee Amount Invoice Amount Amount Paid Amount Owing Building Permit $264.36 $264.36 $0.00 $264.36 $264.36 $264.36 $0.00 $264.36 Notes: Page 2 of 2 [Quality] STEEL BUILDINGS, INC. N. 7310.Wrket. Cmtef Suite Spok=e, WA 99207 O&ce (509) 468-1606 F= (509)468-;720 LIC R QUALISBO81C7 (�I SHOW �f NORTH O \ SHOW STREEMALLEYS \ Q SHOW SEPTICISEWERIURAINFIELD j SHOW EXISTING BUILOWGS SHOW SETBACXS+RONT, REAR, SIDE SHOW LOT SIZE ( ;zol/ �g I Tnis si'Sdfor'nn urycsa of v obtaining a b ftrtg porm;t antl Is a truy'and const( represen[atian of the pro known property IinesPoime ons, cu s[r ores and easements haws n Identifi o in 'ate re wetlantls, bodies of wat slo her - areas. Signed' �y Cate.n> /' l rw1ffzRr qft 7—. i o �J:Cy s� ra=ta drx s ro waswm u+E-tam,t+ewu,-rvo arnatFT wrcr PFNt a wo ¢Ggn RII„ s. r®wlnEa FAOY,cxf atR fixrcowttuw�rnw sasarx�a caer�etnr-eurre rerecm mwrnanmrcur,E SDwrrsetesatraYr+mwr srtarrntrt+.e tm Ten r mar orf - rFm fr✓tivrll INW W SGttVEFOOt!�E. raY W lafIAFA 0r�T0EtES.4 Ti4W 100054 FTa wrrmamwelarsatHntaamcnwrremxvn oesrmuatrRwaeA sromooextru< rowo,sspncrrnrrrsn r;�tlser eras,�c swwr, rsaaw.,w wu,+srD ro ocu tom rmt NgIV1YwINTSrNiKV.ff NT09E9YiE,WYYeLLW' SIIEN59 t)wl�l'/all�ef�}1t�fC ' rIfYYSCE 1Mb5Elbaf SIr♦YYIFH1,Np Y1eVJt ADDRESSE• IUQD. I-:�� ZONE ROAD WIDTH r2o reo FRONT E�FLANKING a� COMMENTS REVIEWED BY ;fk 7=-161161,41E �_ 7,3 P'