2017, 01-03 Study SessionAGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION FORMAT Tuesday, January 3, 2017 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 11707 East Sprague Avenue, First Floor (Please Silence Your Cell Phones During the Meeting) DISCUSSION LEADER SUBJECT/ACTIVITY GOAL CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL ACTION ITEMS: 1. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 17-001 Amending SVMC 7.20 Alarm Systems — Morgan Koudelka [public comment] 2. Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointment Two Planning Commissioners — Mayor Higgins [public comment] 3. Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointment: Two Members to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee — Mayor Higgins [public comment] 4. Motion Consideration: Mayor Appointments: Councilmembers to Various Board and Committees for 2017 — Mayor Higgins [public comment] 5. Motion Consideration: Appointments to and Charge of Library Ad Hoc Committee — Mark Calhoun [public comment] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NON-ACTION ITEMS: 6. Morgan Koudelka GIS Enterprise License Agreement Discussion/Information 7. Eric Guth Pines Road Underpass Right-of-way Discussion/Information Acquisition 8. Steve Worley City Hall Update Discussion/Information 9. Mayor Higgins Advance Agenda Discussion/Information 10. Mayor Higgins Council Check in Discussion/Information 11. Mark Calhoun City Manager Comments Discussion/Information ADJOURN Study Session Agenda, January 3, 2017 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 3, 2017 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First Reading Proposed Ordinance 17-001: False Alarm Amendment GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code 7.20 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council Approved False Alarm Program Contract C09-163 on October 13, 2009. Council extended the contract for one year on December 28, 2015. On October 16, 2016, Council provided consensus to move forward with internal false alarm program. On December 20, 2016, Council provided consensus to move forward with the amended ordinance. BACKGROUND: City started the current false alarm program in 2010 in order to reduce the number of false alarms, improve police response times, increase officer safety, and create more time for proactive policing. Spokane Valley Municipal Code 7.20.010.A states, "The City regulates security alarm businesses to assure that responses to false alarms do not diminish the availability of police services to the general public and to assure that citizens who cannot afford or do not choose to operate security alarm systems are not penalized for their condition or choice." Spokane Valley Municipal Code 7.20.160.A. states, "Causing police to engage in a false alarm response constitutes an appropriation of public police services for private purposes and is subject to a cost recovery fee." In 2015, staff conducted an evaluation of the program, costs and revenues, and dispatch records. Council approved the following changes to the program based upon that evaluation. ■ Extended the contract with Public Safety Corporation one year. ■ Reduced the false alarm rates to $75/residential and $125/commercial (Previously $85/$165). ■ Made the registration renewal rate the same regardless of previous false alarms, $15/residential and $25/commercial (Previously, if the customer had a false alarm in the past year the registration rate was $25/residential and $35/commercial). ■ Eliminated the appeal fee (Previously $25). ■ Suspend registered accounts for non-payment at 60 days past due (Previously 120 days). In October of 2016, Council provided consensus for staff to move forward with the development of an in-house false alarm reduction program that would reduce costs, simplify administration, and reduce government regulation and intrusion. This program does not require registration of an alarm system and makes police response to an alarm trip voluntary for the alarm system owner. The customer may opt -out of that service with the alarm monitoring company. Tonight is an opportunity for Council to consider a First Reading of the proposed amended ordinance. Ordinances generally require two readings before Council prior to adoption. Summary of changes to False Alarm Ordinance: ➢ Elimination of all references to registration. ➢ Elimination of false alarm awareness classes. ➢ Consolidation of alarm administrator and appeals officer positions. ➢ Simplification of appeals process. ➢ Consolidation of multiple terms with the same meaning. ➢ Clarification of business registration requirements. ➢ Reduction of ongoing requirements of alarm companies. ➢ Elimination of late fees. ➢ Addition of exceptions for extreme weather events. OPTIONS: Proceed to a Second Reading of the Ordinance Amendment with or without further amendments; or request additional information. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to advance Ordinance 17-001 to a Second Reading. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Any costs for processing payments will be offset by cost recovery fees. An amended fee resolution will be considered separately at a future meeting. STAFF CONTACT: Morgan Koudelka, Senior Administrative Analyst ATTACHMENTS: Draft Amended False Alarm Ordinance: clean and redlined versions. DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 17-001 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 7.20 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO FALSE ALARMS, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley previously adopted chapter 7.20 Spokane Valley Municipal Code in 2009, to be effective January 1, 2010; and WHEREAS, the purpose and intent of adopting the original chapter 7.20 SVMC was to assure that responses to false alarms did not diminish the availability of Police services to the general public, and to provide for and promote the health, safety and welfare of the general public; and WHEREAS, the City has operated the existing system and regulatory requirements for seven years, primarily through its former contract with Public Safety Corporation (Cry Wolf), which expired December 31, 2016; and WHEREAS, City staff have worked with Police Department staff to identify changes to the false alarm program that would allow the City and Police Department to operate the program in a manner that is anticipated to be more efficient and with a greater emphasis on customer service; and WHEREAS, Article 11, section 11 of the Washington State Constitution allows local governments to make and enforce within their jurisdictional limits, local laws and regulations not in conflict with the general laws of the State; and WHEREAS, the City Council, in enacting this Ordinance, seeks to promote the City's interest in protecting the public health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington ordains as follows: Section 1. Amendment. Chapter 7.20 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: 7.20.010 Intent A. The City regulates security alarm businesses to ensure that responses to false alarms do not diminish the availability of police services to the general public and to ensure that citizens who cannot afford or do not choose to operate security alarm systems are not penalized for their condition or choice. B. The intent of chapter 7.20 SVMC is to encourage alarm businesses and alarm users to maintain the operational viability of security alarm systems and to significantly reduce or eliminate false alarm dispatch requests made to the Police Department. C. The purpose of chapter 7.20 SVMC is to provide for and promote the health, safety, and welfare of the general public, not to protect individuals or create or otherwise establish or designate any particular class or group of persons who will or should be especially benefited by the terms of chapter 7.20 SVMC. Chapter 7.20 SVMC does not impose or create duties on the part of the City or any of its departments, and the obligation of complying with the requirements of chapter 7.20 SVMC, and any liability for Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 1 of 10 DRAFT failing to do so, is placed solely upon the parties responsible for owning, operating, monitoring, installing, or maintaining security alarm systems. 7.20.020 Definitions. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Alarm administrator" means the person designated by the Chief of Police to administer the City's security alarm program, to issue citations, hear and decide appeals, and levy false alarm response cost recovery fees pursuant to chapter 7.20 SVMC. "Alarm business" means any business, by an individual, partnership, corporation, or other entity, engaged in the selling, leasing, maintaining, servicing, repairing, altering, replacing, moving, installing, or responding to security alarms. 1. Alarm businesses also include any person, business, or organization that monitors security alarm systems and initiates alarm dispatch requests, including units or divisions of larger businesses or organizations that provide proprietary security alarm monitoring services only to affiliates of the parent business or organization. 2. Alarm businesses do not include persons doing installation or repair work solely on premises they own, lease or rent where such work is performed without compensation of any kind (i.e., "do- it-yourselfers"). "Alarm dispatch request" means the initiating of a communication to the police, via police dispatch, by an alarm business indicating that a security alarm system has been activated at a particular alarm site and requesting Police Department response to that alarm site. "Alarm installation company" means a person in the business of selling, providing, maintaining, servicing, repairing, altering, replacing, moving or installing a security alarm system in an alarm site. "Alarm site" means a structure or portion thereof served by a single security alarm system (a "fixed" alarm site). In a multi -tenant building or complex, each portion of the structure or complex having its own security alarm system is considered a separate alarm site. "Alarm user" means any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity who/which: 1. Controls a security alarm system at an alarm site; and 2. Is financially responsible for the operation of a security alarm system. "Alarm user" may mean more than one person, if more than one person has accepted financial responsibility for operation of a security alarm system. "Burglary alarm" means an alarm system that is used to detect and report an unauthorized entry or an attempted unauthorized entry upon real property. "Call-up dialer alarm" means a security device that is designed to evoke a police response by transmitting a pre-recorded, unverified signal or message to the police E911 system or to any other police telephone. "Chief' means the Chief of Police of the City or his designee. "City" means the City of Spokane Valley and/or the area within the incorporated municipal boundaries of the City of Spokane Valley. "Enhanced call verification" means an independent method whereby the alarm monitoring company attempts to determine that a signal from an automatic security alarm system reflects a need for immediate police assistance or investigation. This verification process will be conducted by the security alarm system monitoring personnel and shall consist of making at least two phone calls to the responsible party or parties prior to requesting a police dispatch. "False alarm response" means Police Department response to an alarm dispatch request by a commissioned officer of the Police Department where, in the opinion of that officer, no evidence of the commission or attempted commission of a crime is present that can be reasonably attributed to having caused the alarm activation. A false alarm response is also deemed to have occurred when the responding officer is unable to determine if evidence of a criminal offense or attempted criminal offense is present because the alarm site is inaccessible: 1. Within a locked structure, such as an apartment building or business complex with a common entry; or Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 2 of 10 DRAFT 2. Behind a locked gate and no person is present to provide access to the officer; or 3. Contains a dog and no person is present to remove the dog so the officer can inspect the site; or 4. Contains any type of "protective/reactive" device or contrivance). "False Alarm Response Cost Recovery Fee" means the cost for police responding to an alarm call in which the alarm is determined to be a false alarm. The fee is revenue neutral and recovers only costs associated with responding to the call, invoicing, payment processing, and program administration. This fee is not punitive. "Government facility" means any alarmed location where the primary owner, operator, renter, or lessee is the City, county of Spokane, state of Washington, or agency of the United States government. A public school facility is not a government facility. "Monitoring" means the process an alarm business uses to: 1. Keep watch on security alarm systems; 2. Receive alarm activation signals from security alarm systems; 3. Verify alarm activations; 4. Relay alarm dispatch requests to the Police Department for the purpose of summoning police response to an alarm site; and 5. To cancel alarm dispatch requests when appropriate. "Multi -unit complex" means any building or group of buildings located/co-located on the same real property and comprised of two or more separately occupied units. "One -plus duress alarm" means a security alarm system which permits the manual activation of an alarm signal by entering on a keypad a code that either adds the value of "1" to the last digit of a normal arm/disarm code (e.g., the normal arm/disarm code "1234" if entered as "1235" automatically activates the duress alarm feature) or that involves entering any incorrect final digit to a normal arm/ disarm code (e.g., the normal arm/disarm code "1234" if entered as "123X" — where "X" is not "4" — automatically activates the duress alarm feature). "Person" means an individual, corporation, partnership, association, organization or similar entity. "Police Department" means the Spokane Valley Police Department. "Protective/reactive alarm system" means a security alarm system that is equipped and prepared to produce any temporary disability or sensory deprivation through use of chemical, electrical or sonic defense, or by any other means, including use of vision obscuring/disabling devices. "Robbery alarm" means an alarm signal generated by the manual or automatic activation of a device, or any system, device or mechanism, on or near the premises intended to signal that a robbery (refer to RCW 9A.56.190) or other crime is in progress, and that one or more persons are in need of immediate police assistance in order to avoid injury, serious bodily harm, or death at the hands of the perpetrator of the robbery or other crime. "Security alarm monitoring business" means any person, firm, or corporation which is engaged in the monitoring of security alarm systems and the summoning of police officer response to activations thereof. This includes all businesses that are engaged in alarm monitoring for profit, and businesses which have specialized units or subsidiaries that monitor only their own security alarm systems. "Security Alarm system" means a device or series of interconnected devices, including, but not limited to, systems interconnected with hard wiring or radio frequency signals, which are designed to emit and/or transmit a remote or local audible, visual, or electronic signal indicating that an intrusion may either be in progress or is being attempted at the alarm site. 1. It includes only the equipment located at the alarm site when a system is connected to an alarm system monitoring company. 2. It does not include those devices designed to alert only the inhabitants of specific premises and that have no sounding or signaling devices which can be generally heard or seen on the exterior of the alarm site. It does not include personal alert devices worn on a person's body that are primarily designed as an alert of a medical condition or other types of alarms such as car alarms. "Subscriber" means an alarm user who is a customer of an alarm monitoring company. Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 3 of 10 DRAFT "Suspend" ("suspension") means the temporary loss for an alarm user of police response to an alarm activation. "Unmonitored alarm system" means a security alarm system that is not actively monitored by an alarm business which has a function to evoke police response solely by means of a generally audible and/or visible signal. "Verified response" means a police response that is based on information received from a person physically present at an alarm site or from real-time audio or video surveillance positively verifying that there is evidence either of a crime or an attempted crime at the location. 7.20.030 Administration and funding-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. The Chief of Police shall be responsible for administration of chapter 7.20 SVMC. B. The Chief of Police shall designate an alarm administrator to carry out the duties and functions described in chapter 7.20 SVMC. C. Money generated by false alarm response cost recovery fees shall be paid into the City's general fund. D. The alarm administrator shall conduct an annual evaluation and analysis of the effectiveness of chapter 7.20 SVMC and identify and implement appropriate system improvements. 7.20.040 Responsibilities of alarm users. -- - - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Each alarm user shall be responsible for ensuring that his security alarm system is used properly and pursuant to the manufacturer's directions and the law. Inherent in this responsibility is ensuring that all persons with access to the security alarm system shall be properly trained on correct use of the system and are authorized to cancel accidental activations, and ensuring that procedures and practices are followed that minimize the risk of false alarms. B. Each alarm user shall be responsible for keeping his security alarm system properly maintained and in good working order. C. Each alarm user shall be financially responsible for paying false alarm response cost recovery fees when police respond to false alarms from his alarm site. If the alarm user does not want a police response for alarm activations, it shall be the alarm user's responsibility to instruct the alarm monitoring company not to request police response without specific authorization by the alarm user. D. Failure to comply with SVMC 7.20.040(A) - (D) may lead to suspension of police response to alarm dispatch requests. E. If an alarm user has six false alarms within a calendar year, the person/business responsible for the alarm site may be required to meet with and provide a false alarm abatement plan to the alarm administrator. 7.Alarm installation pies quivalid City bg - - - - - - - -20.050 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -com- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -an - - - - - - - - - -re - - - - - - - - - -red - - - - - - - - - -to - - - - - - - -have - - - - - - - - -a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -usi - - - - - - - - - - - -ness - - - - - - - -re - - - - - - - - - - - -istration- - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------- - All alarm businesses shall have a current and valid City business registration. Companies that provide monitoring services, but which do not install systems and are not located within the City limits, are exempt from City business registration requirements. 7.20.060 Verified response required in certain circumstances. A. The Police Department may respond to the activation of unmonitored security alarm systems, and security alarm systems with a suspended status only if independent reporting indicates that a crime is in progress or has been attempted at the involved alarm site. B. No alarm user or alarm business shall presume, anticipate, or expect that a police response will result solely from the activation of - 1. Any unmonitored alarm system; or Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 4 of 10 DRAFT 2. A security alarm system in suspended status. 7.20.070 Differentiation and reporting of alarm activations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. No person shall operate a security alarm system in the City that fails to differentiate burglary alarm activations from robbery activations, or that fails to accurately report such activations independently. B. No person shall operate a security alarm system in the City that fails to differentiate police incidents (i.e., burglary activations, robbery activations) from fire, medical, or other non -police incidents, or that fails to accurately report such incidents independently. 7.Alarm dispq. - - - - - - - -20.080 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -atch - - - - - - - - - -re - - - - - - - -uests- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. Alarm dispatch requests shall be made in the manner prescribed by the alarm administrator and approved by 911 and police dispatch. B. Alarm dispatch requests shall include, but are not limited to, the following information: 1. Location of the alarm activation. 2. Type of alarm activation (burglary or robbery). 3. Alarm business's incident number (or other official incident identifier). 4 Name and Contact phone number of the alarm user. 5. Alarm zone information, including sensor type and location. C. Alarm dispatch requests made to the Police Department (or its designee) shall be for police incidents only, and shall accurately indicate the type of alarm activation (burglary or robbery) that is the proximate cause for the alarm dispatch request. D. No alarm business shall initiate an alarm dispatch request if it knows, or reasonably should know, that doing so would cause a law enforcement officer to respond to an alarm site containing a protective/reactive alarm system. E. No dispatch request and subsequent police response to a robbery alarm pursuant to SVMC 7.20.020 may be cancelled by the alarm user. In every case at least one officer shall respond to affirm that the alarm user is not under duress. 7.Duties of installation py and/or itoring py----------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - -20.090 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -alarm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -com- - - - - - - - - - - -an - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -mon- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -com- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -an - - - - - - A. All alarm installation and/or monitoring companies shall ensure that their customer information is updated at least monthly. This information shall include: 1. Customer name and contact information, including all phone numbers; 2. Alarm site address and billing address; 3. Monitoring company name and contact information; and 4. Installation date or date the alarm monitoring ended. B. The alarm installation company shall provide written and oral instructions to each of its alarm users in the proper use and operation of their security alarm systems. Such instructions shall specifically include all instructions necessary to turn the security alarm system on and off and to prevent false alarms. C. Installation or use of a robbery alarm which is a single action, non -recessed button is prohibited. D. Alarm installation companies shall, on new installations, use only alarm control panel(s) which meet SIA Control Panel Standard CP -01. E. Automatic voice dialers which call 911 or the Police Department are prohibited. F. After completion of the installation of a security alarm system, an alarm installation company employee shall review with the alarm user the customer false alarm prevention checklist established by Police Department policy.. G. A monitoring company shall: 1. Report alarm activations or signals by using the telephone numbers designated by the alarm administrator; 2. Attempt to verify every burglar alarm signal prior to requesting a police dispatch by making at least two phone calls to the responsible parry or parties. This procedure shall not apply to robbery alarm signals; Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 5 of 10 DRAFT 3. Communicate alarm dispatch requests to the Police Department in a manner and form determined by the alarm administrator; 4. Communicate cancellations to the Police Department in a manner and form determined by the alarm administrator; 5. Ensure that all alarm users of security alarm systems equipped with robbery alarm(s) are given adequate training as to the proper use of the robbery alarm(s). 6. Communicate any available alarm zone information (north, south, front, back, floor, etc.) about the location on all alarm signals related to the alarm dispatch request; 7. Communicate type of alarm activation (silent or audible, interior or perimeter); 8. After an alarm dispatch request, promptly advise the Police Department if the monitoring company knows that the alarm user or the responder is on the way to the alarm site; 9. Attempt to contact the alarm user or responder within 24 hours via mail, fax, telephone or other electronic means when an alarm dispatch request is made; and 10. Shall maintain, for at least one year from the date of the alarm dispatch request, records relating to alarm dispatch requests. a. Records include the: i. Name, address, and telephone numbers of the alarm user; ii. Security alarm system zone(s) activated; iii. Time of alarm dispatch request; and iv. Evidence of an attempt to verify. b. The alarm administrator may request copies of such records for individually -named alarm users. c. If the request is made within 60 days of an alarm dispatch request, the monitoring company shall furnish requested records within three business days of receiving the request. d. If the records are requested between 60 days to one year after an alarm dispatch request, the monitoring company shall furnish the requested records within 30 days of receiving the request. 7.. Alarm dispqcancellations. - - - - - - - -20 - - - - -00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -atch - - - - - -re - - - - -uest - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. An alarm dispatch request may be canceled only by the alarm business initiating the request prior to the time the responding police officer reports arrival at the alarm site. B. Alarm dispatch requests may be canceled pursuant to procedures established by the alarm administrator and approved by 911, police dispatch, and by the alarm business making the original request. C. Alarm dispatch requests canceled prior to the police officer's arrival on scene shall not be subject to false alarm service fees. 7.20.110 Prohibited devices. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. No person shall operate an alarm system in the City that has a siren, bell, or other signal audible from any property adjacent to the alarm site that sounds for longer than five consecutive minutes after the alarm is activated, or that repeats the five-minute alarm cycle more than three consecutive times without resetting. This limitation is subject to noise restrictions pursuant to SVMC 7.05.040(L). B. No person shall operate an alarm system in the City that is programmed for one -plus duress alarms. 7.20.120 Violations. A. The following actions constitute unlawful use of a security alarm system: 1. Any person who activates a security alarm system with the intent to report: Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 6 of 10 DRAFT a. Suspicious circumstances, or b. Any non -criminal incident, or c. A need for fire, medical or other non -police services. 2. Any person who violates SVMC 7.20.070(A) or (B), or SVMC 7.20.110(A) or (B), shall be subject to a cost recovery fee for the improper activation of the security alarm system. B. Chapter 7.20 SVMC shall not prevent the installation of a single reporting device for both types of security alarms, fire alarms, and medical alarms, provided, that such device complies with SVMC 7.20.070 and applicable fire code requirements. 7.20.130 Appropriating public police services for private purposes subject to false alarm response cost recovery fees. A. Causing the Police Department to engage in a false alarm response constitutes an appropriation of public police services for private purposes and is subject to a false alarm response cost recovery fee. B. The alarm user shall be responsible for payment of his false alarm response cost recovery fees. C. When, in the opinion of the responding officer(s), an alarm dispatch request may be reasonably associated with an actual or attempted criminal offense at the involved alarm site, the alarm is valid and the response is considered a basic police service not subject to false alarm response cost recovery fees. D. When, in the opinion of the responding officer(s), an alarm dispatch request can be reasonably attributed to an earthquake, tornado, wind storm, or other unusually violent act of nature, no false alarm response cost recovery fee shall be assessed. E. During the first 60 days following a security alarm system installation, a residential alarm user shall be provided one false alarm response without any charge. F. When, in the opinion of the responding officer(s), an alarm dispatch request cannot be reasonably attributed to the conditions pursuant to SVMC 7.20.130(C) or (D), the incident shall be deemed a false alarm and the police officer response shall be deemed an appropriation of public police services for private purposes that is subject to a false alarm response cost recovery. G. When the responding officer(s) is (are) unable to determine if an alarm is valid or false because of inaccessibility of the alarm site, the response is presumed to be a false alarm response, and is subject to a false alarm response cost recovery fee pursuant to the Master Fee Schedule. 7.20.140 Authorization to issue citations and assess service fees. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. The alarm administrator shall be granted a special commission by the Chief of Police to issue citations pursuant to this chapter, but citations shall not be issued for false alarms as an alternative to false alarm response cost recovery fees. B. The alarm administrator is authorized to assess costs pursuant to SVMC 7.20.260. 7..1processing. - - - - - - - -2050 - - - - - - - - - - - -Fee - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. Alarm businesses contracting with customers to provide monitoring services, including their agents, shall ensure that customers residing in the City are provided information of the City's false alarm response cost recovery fees in the event of a false alarm. B. All fees are due and payable on receipt. Fees that are unpaid for 60 days or more after the date of initial invoice are considered past due and subject to suspension of police response to alarm activations. Spension. -7-.2-0.160- - - - - - - - - - - - - - us - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. Any alarm user having more than three false alarm responses in any calendar year may, on the event of the fourth such incident, be suspended from receiving police response for alarm calls for service for 90 days. B. Any alarm user having false alarm response cost recovery fees 60 days past due in any year shall be suspended from receiving police response for alarm calls for service until all outstanding fees have been paid in full. Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 7 of 10 DRAFT 7..1App. - - - -20 - - - -70 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -eals- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - False Alarm Response Cost Recovery Fees may be appealed to the alarm administrator, as follows: A. The appeal process shall be initiated by the alarm user sending a letter to the alarm administrator requesting that the false alarm response cost recovery fee be waived, and specifying the reasons for the appeal. This letter shall be received by the alarm administrator within 30 calendar days after mailing of the initial invoice to the alarm owner. Failure to comply with this 30 day requirement shall render any appeal untimely and therefore void. B. False Alarm Response Cost Recovery Fees may be appealed only on the grounds that the incident cited as the basis for the service fee was, in fact, not a false alarm response or that the alarm was activated due to an extreme weather event or a natural disaster. Human error or mechanical/electronic failure of the security alarm system are not valid reasons for appeal. The alarm user shall, in his letter requesting an appeal, describe detailed, credible evidence in his possession that supports the assertion that the incident was a valid alarm pursuant to SVMC 7.20.140(C) or (D) an alarm activation due to an extreme weather event or natural disaster. C. The alarm administrator may reject requests for appeals that are not supported by detailed, credible evidence of criminal activity or extreme weather events or natural disasters. Notice of rejection of a request for this initial appeal shall be sent to the appellant in writing within 10 working days following receipt of the appeal request by the alarm administrator. D. The alarm administrator may affirm, waive, cancel, or modify the false alarm response cost recovery fees or actions that are the subject of the appeal. A record of any modification of the false alarm cost recovery fee shall be recorded and forwarded to the Police Chief and the City Manager on a monthly basis. E. If the alarm administrator affirms or modifies the amount of a false alarm response recovery fee due, that amount becomes immediately due and payable. F The official decision of the alarm administrator shall be final. Aity f aministrator. -7-.2-0.-1-80 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -uthor- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -larm - - - - -ad - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The following cases shall be within the jurisdiction of the alarm administrator: A. False alarm appeals. B. Alarm suspension of any system located within the City or under its jurisdiction. C. Administration of false alarm response cost recovery fees related to, or applicable to, any security alarm system. D. Any other administrative alarm appeals as they may pertain to security alarm systems located within the City. 7.20.190 Alarm administrator selection — Oualification and removal. A. The alarm administrator shall be appointed by the Chief of Police. B. The alarms administrator(s) shall be appointed solely with regard to their qualifications for the duties of the office and shall have such training and experience as will qualify them to conduct the duties or responsibilities pursuant to chapter 7.20 SVMC. C. The alarm administrator(s) may be removed from office by the Chief of Police. 7..ppinflflict of i, ppof fai------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - - - -20 - - - - - -200 - - - - - -Im- - - - - - - - - - - -roer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -uence, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -con - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -nterest- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -a - - - - - - - - - - -earance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -rness- - - - - - - A. No City official, elective or appointive, shall attempt to influence the alarm administrator in any matter officially before him so as to constitute misconduct of a public office pursuant to chapter 42.20 RCW. B. The alarm administrator(s) shall conduct all proceedings in a manner to avoid conflicts of interest or other misconduct. If such conflicts or violations cannot be avoided in a particular case, the alarm administrator shall assign an alarm administrator as a pro tem to act in his absence. Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 8 of 10 DRAFT 7..pi - - - - - - - -20 - - - - - -210 - - - - - -EM - - - - - - - - -e - -tons. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. Chapter 7.20 SVMC shall not apply to temporary security alarm systems used by the Police Department or other public law enforcement agencies for investigative or protective purposes. B. Government Facilities. 1. Pursuant to SVMC 7.20.020, government facilities are subject to the following special rules: a. Fee Structure: No cost recovery fees shall be charged for police response(s) to false alarms at government facilities. b. Government facilities are exempt from having police response suspended. 2. To qualify for the special rules and exemptions under this section, an alarm site shall meet the following criteria: a. The site is located within the municipal boundaries of the City; and b. The site meets the criteria pursuant to SVMC 7.20.020, "government facility." 3. Upon the fourth response to a false alarm in any calendar year, a responsible parry for the government alarm site shall meet with the alarm administrator and present a false alarm abatement plan. 4. The alarm administrator may make any other special rules and exceptions as are deemed necessary to ensure that appropriate protection and accountability are maintained at government sites. Special pppu. -7-.2-0.2-20- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -rules - - - - - - - - - - - -a - - - - - - - - - - - - - -licable - - - - - - - - - -to - - - - - - - - - - -blic - - - - - - - - -schools - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. Public schools shall be subject to the following special rules: 1. Service fee structure: a. No fee shall be charged for the first false alarm in any calendar year. b. The second and all subsequent false alarms in any calendar year shall be charged at the standard false alarm response cost recovery fee rate. 2. Public school sites are exempt from suspension. B. To qualify for the special rules and exemptions pursuant to SVMC 7.20.220, a school alarm site shall meet the following criteria: 1. The site shall be located within the municipal boundaries of the City; and 2. The site shall be a public school site serving children in one or more of grades K-12, owned and operated by the East Valley School District, West Valley School District, Central Valley School District, or Spokane Public Schools C. The alarm administrator may make any other special rules and exceptions as are deemed necessary to ensure that appropriate protection and accountability are maintained at public schools regarding use of a security alarm system. 7..Confidentiality of information. - - - - - - - -20 - - - - - -230 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -alarm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. All information gathered through activations of false alarms, and/or through the appeals process shall be treated as confidential by all employees of the City and its third parry administrator, if applicable. Such information shall be proprietary and is confidential except as otherwise required by chapter 42.56 RCW, the Public Records Act. B. Absent special circumstances or court order, no information gathered through activations of false alarms, and/or through the appeals process shall be released to the public or any other person except as otherwise required by chapter 42.56 RCW, the Public Records Act. C. This information may be released by the alarm administrator to another law enforcement agency, the applicable alarm user, and/or his installation or monitoring company upon written request of one of those three entities. Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 9 of 10 DRAFT 7..Scoppdy p. - - - - - - - -20 - - - - - -240 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -e - - - - - -of - - - - - - - - - -olice - - - - - - - - - -ut- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -Immun- - - - - - - - - -ities - - - - - - - - - - - - -reserved - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. Chapter 7.20 SVMC does not create a contract between the City and any alarm user, alarm installation company, or monitoring company, nor does it create any duty or obligation, either expressed or implied, on the Police Department to respond to any alarm activation. B. Any and all liability and/or consequential damage or loss resulting from the failure of the Police Department to respond to an alarm dispatch request is hereby disclaimed and governmental immunity as provided by law is fully retained. C. Police Department response to an alarm activation may be impacted by the availability of officers, priority of current calls for service, traffic, weather conditions, and staffing levels. 7..Alarm pCost y . - - - - - - - -20 - - - - - -250 - - - - - - - - - - - -False - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Res - - - - - - - - - - - - - -onse - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Recover - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The fees for false alarm response cost recovery shall be determined by separate resolution. Section 2. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this day of January, 2017. L.R. Higgins, Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 10 of 10 DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 17-001 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 7.20 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO FALSE ALARMS, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley previously adopted chapter 7.20 Spokane Valley Municipal Code in 2009, to be effective January 1, 2010; and WHEREAS, the purpose and intent of adopting the original chapter 7.20 SVMC was to assure that responses to false alarms did not diminish the availability of Police services to the general public, and to provide for and promote the health, safety and welfare of the general public; and WHEREAS, the City has operated the existing system and regulatory requirements for seven years, primarily through its former contract with Public Safety Corporation (Cry Wolf), which expired December 31, 2016; and WHEREAS, City staff have worked with Police Department staff to identify changes to the false alarm program that would allow the City and Police Department to operate the program in a manner that is anticipated to be more efficient and with a greater emphasis on customer service; and WHEREAS, Article 11, section 11 of the Washington State Constitution allows local governments to make and enforce within their jurisdictional limits, local laws and regulations not in conflict with the general laws of the State; and WHEREAS, the City Council, in enacting this Ordinance, seeks to promote the City's interest in protecting the public health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington ordains as follows: Section 1. Amendment. Chapter 7.20 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: 7.20.010 Intent A. The City regulates security alarm businesses to ensureasswe that responses to false alarms do not diminish the availability of police services to the general public and to ensuree that citizens who cannot afford or do not choose to operate security alarm systems are not penalized for their condition or choice. B. The intent of chapter 7.20 SVMC is to encourage alarm businesses and alarm users to maintain the operational viability of security alarm systems and to significantly reduce or eliminate false alarm dispatch requests made to the pPolice dDepartment. C. The purpose of tk—chapter 7.20 SVMC is to provide for and promote the health, safety, and welfare of the general public, not to protect individuals or create or otherwise establish or designate any particular class or group of persons who will or should be especially benefited by the terms of Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC – False Alarms Page 1 of 15 DRAFT chapter 7.20 SVMC. T-he-eChapter 7.20 SVMC does not impose or create duties on the part of the City or any of its departments, and the obligation of complying with the requirements of 4+is-chapter 7.20 SVMC, and any liability for failing to do so, is placed solely upon the parties responsible for owning, operating, monitoring, installing, or maintaining security alarm systems. 7.20.020 Definitions. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Alarm administrator" means the person designated by the eChief of pPolice to administer the City's security alarm program, to issue citations, hear and decide appeals, and levy false alarm response cost recovery fees pursuant to chapter 7.20 c�'�SVMC4+is-�-. ehap�er-. "Alarm business" means any business, by an individual, partnership, corporation, or other entity, engaged in the selling, leasing, maintaining, servicing, repairing, altering, replacing, moving, installing, or responding to security alarms. 1. Alarm businesses also include any person, business, or organization that monitors security alarm systems and initiates alarm dispatch requests, including units or divisions of larger businesses or organizations that provide proprietary security alarm monitoring services only to affiliates of the parent business or organization. 2. Alarm businesses do not include persons doing installation or repair work solely on premises they own, lease or rent where such work is performed without compensation of any kind (i.e., "do-it-yourselfers"). "Alarm dispatch request" means the initiating of a communication to the police, via police dispatch, by an alarm business indicating that a security alarm system has been activated at a particular alarm site and requesting pPolice dDepartment response to that alarm site. "Alarm installation company" means a person in the business of selling, providing, maintaining, servicing, repairing, altering, replacing, moving or installing aii securijy alarm system in an alarm site. "Alarm site" ase "senii�nlarm site") -means a structure or portion thereof served by a single security alarm system (a "fixed" alarm site). In a multi -tenant building or complex, each portion of the structure or complex having its own security alarm system is considered a separate alarm site. Alafffi LL JJ LL JJ J 3 alami ste 4� alarm systems de not ineliide these deviees designed to aler-t only J odiea eandition. "Alarm user" means any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity who/ -(which}: 1. Controls a security alarm system at an alarm site; and . t Tn oa the nin. n� n�; �. -4 z 42. Is financially responsible for the operation of an security alarm system. "Alarm user" may mean more than one person, if more than one person is listed an the-r-egistr-atieff-ai+d-has accepted financial responsibility for operation of an security alarm system. "Burglary alarm" " means an alarm system that is used to detect and report an unauthorized entry or an attempted unauthorized entry upon real property. Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC - False Alarms Page 2 of 15 DRAFT "Call-up dialer alarm" means a security device that is designed to evoke a police response by transmitting a pre-recorded, unverified signal or message to the police E911 system or to any other police telephone. "Chief' means the eChief of pPolice of the City er Spek *e V44e-y or his designee. "City" means the City of Spokane Valley and/or the area within the incorporated municipal boundaries of the City of Spokane Valley. "P ..�,, t" t� c k e V le ,.n„ l an �, v€�-ccrrrrr€i���lie—ccirs�i�c�pv _ cc�a€�-cci cmrr€+r "Enhanced call verification" means an independent method whereby the alarm monitoring company attempts to determine that a signal from an automatic securi1y alarm system reflects a need for immediate police assistance or investigation._ This verification process will be conducted by the securitV alarm system monitoring personnel and shall consist of making at least two phone calls to the responsible parry or partiesh�'�Pt ta4e mer -e pan f;. „t€s ffam tne timezne alal:ffl signal has been aeeepted by toe a4afm system ,r rite .:r„ e .prior to requesting_a police dispatch. "False alarm response" means pPolice dDepartment response to an alarm dispatch request by a commissioned officer of the Police Ddepartment where, in the opinion of that officer, no evidence of the commission or attempted commission of a crime is present that can be reasonably attributed to haviage caused the alarm activation._ A false alarm response is also deemed to have occurred when the responding officer is unable to determine if evidence of a criminal offense or attempted criminal offense is present because the alarm site is inaccessible (e.g., where t4e a4afffl site is 10e4e& 1. Within a locked structure, such as an apartment building or business complex with a common entry; or 2. Behind a locked gate and no person is present to provide access to the officer; or 3. Contains a dog and no person is present to remove the dog so the officer can inspect the site; or 4. Contains any type of "protective/reactive" device or contrivance). "False Alarm Response Cost Recovery Fee" means the cost for police responding to an alarm call in which the alarm is determined to be a false alarm. The fee is revenue neutral and recovers only associated with responding to the call, invoicing, payment processing, and program administration. This fee is not punitive, and is t4us neo "Government facility" means any alarmed location where the primary owner, operator, renter, or lessee is the City-&f-��ey, county of Spokane, state of Washington, or agency of the United States government. A public school facility is not a government facility. Held up Alafm. (See"Rebaoi- "Monitoring" means the process an alarm business uses to: 1. Keep watch on security alarm systems; 2. Receive alarm activation signals from security alarm systems; 3. Verify alarm activations; 4. Relay alarm dispatch requests to the Police Ddepartment for the purpose of summoning police response to an alarm site; and 5. To cancel alarm dispatch requests (when appropriate). "Multi -unit complex" means any building or group of buildings located/co-located on the same real property and comprised of two or more separately occupied units. "One -plus duress alarm" means a security alarm system which permits the manual activation of an alarm signal by entering on a keypad a code that either adds the value of "1" to the last digit of a normal arm/disarm code (e.g., the normal arm/disarm code "1234" if entered as "1235" automatically activates the duress alarm feature) or that involves entering any incorrect final digit to a normal arm/ disarm code (e.g., the normal arm/disarm code "1234" if entered as "123X" — where "X" is not "4" — automatically activates the duress alarm feature). Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 3 of 15 DRAFT Panic Aiafm.. (Seee""Rabbef z.nicfmr") "Person," r pii fpeses er *his ehapte+ means an individual, corporation, partnership, association, organization or similar entity. "Police Department" means the Spokane Valley Police Department. "Protective/reactive alarm system" means a* security alarm system that is equipped and prepared to produce any temporary disability or sensory deprivation through use of chemical, electrical or sonic defense, or by any other means, including use of vision obscuring/disabling devices. "Robbery alarm"(a4se "diir-esrnm , "held „p alaf " of "pani^ alafmL4 means an alarm signal generated by the manual or automatic activation of a device, or any system, device or mechanism, on or near the premises intended to signal that a robbery (refer to RCW 9 56 , nnn n 56 , nnn" 54 , W9A.56.190) or other crime is in progress, and that one or more persons are in need of immediate police assistance in order to avoid injury, serious bodily harm, or death at the hands of the perpetrator of the robbery or other crime. "Security alarm monitoring business" means any person, firm, or corporation which is engaged in the monitoring of security alarm systems and the summoning of police officer response to activations thereof. This includes all businesses that are engaged in alarm monitoring for profit, and businesses which*at have specialized units or subsidiaries that monitor only their own securily alarm systems. "Security Alarm system" means a device or series of interconnected devices, including, but not limited to, systems interconnected with hard wiring or radio frequency signals, which are designed emit and/or transmit a remote or local audible, visual, or electronic signal indicating that an intrusion may either be in progress or is being attempted at the alarm site. 1. It includes only the equipment located at the alarm site when a system is connected to an alarm system monitoring company, 2. It does not include those devices designed to alert only the inhabitants of specific premises and that have no sounding or signaling devices which can bee�y heard or seen on the exterior of the alarm site. It does not include personal alert devices worn on a person's body that are primarily designed as an alert of a medical condition or other types of alarms such as car alarms. _"Subscriber" means an alarm user who is a customer of an alarm monitoring company. "Suspend" ("suspension"), for- pufpeses of this ehapp ^r means the temporary loss for an alarm user of police response to an alarm activation. system i toe Git-y (spee fi^^"y paliee r e) "Unmonitored alarm system" means air securi alarm system " that is not actively monitored by an alarm business which has awhese— functions to evoke police response solely by means of a generally audible and/or visible signal. "Verified response" means a police response that is based on information received from a person physically present at a leeutiea (e.g. an alarm site} or from real-time audio or video surveillance positively verifying that there is evidence either of a crime or an attempted crime at the location. nistration and funding. -7-.2-0.0-3-0-Ad-mi- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. The Chief of Police shall be responsible for administration hof B. The c -Chief of Ppolice shall designates an alarm administrator to carry out the duties and functions described in thi-,chapter 7.20 SVMC. -PC. Moneys generated by false alarm response cost s&F4ee-k-esrecovery fees and -egis4a4i^„ roes shall be paid into the City's general fund. Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC - False Alarms Page 4 of 15 DRAFT €D. The alarm administrator shall conducts an annual evaluation and analysis of the effectiveness of chapter 7.20 SVMC and identifyie-s and implements appropriate system improvements -,-as Waffa+Iye4. Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC - False Alarms Page 5 of 15 DRAFT 7.20.0640 Responsibilities of alarm users. -RA. Each alarm user shall beis responsible for ensuringassufi*g that his securily alarm system is used properly and pursuant toin aeear- a*ee w44 the manufacturer's directions and the law. _Inherent in this responsibility is ensuririgass,,: � that all persons with access to the security alarm system shall beafe properly trained on correct use of the system and are authorized to cancel accidental activations, and ensuringasstififfg that procedures and practices are followed that minimize the risk of false alarms. GB. Each alarm user shall beis responsible for keeping his securily alarm system properly maintained and in good working order. -PC. Each alarm user shall beis financially responsible for paying false alarm response cost recovery sepl4iee-fees when police respond to false alarms from his alarm site. If the alarm user does not want a police response for alarm activations, it shall be the alarm user's responsibility to instruct the alarm monitoring company not to request police response without specific authorization by the alarm user. BD. Failure to comply withmeet 144 r sibs ities SVMC 7.20.0460(A) - (D) listed in s4seetie A, R ror- r, G „r t4is etion may lead to suspension ,.., io „r . 4.,.....r-egistfation a -R less „r toe privileges asseeiatedw44 th of police response to alarm dispatch requests. FE. If an alarm user has six false alarms within a calendar year, the person/business responsible for the alarm site sl4�--may be required to meet with and provide a false alarm abatement plan to the alarm administrator. 7.20.05-70 Only licensedalarmi �ses meintiat e alarm dispatch requests -Alarm installation companies required tom have a valid Cit v of Spoor.. Valley business t4e Qep ea! s valid r;,. „4 Spe All alarm businesses W4441 t4e city 6� Si3eka-He Valley eit-y limits +PtFA shall have a current and valid CitS� e� y business registration. Companies that provide monitoring services, but which do not install systems and are not located within the City limits, of Speka-ae are exempt from City business registration requirements. 7.20.0860 Verified response required in certain circumstances. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A., The Police dDepartment mays respond to the activation of unmonitored security alarm systems, i ,r H40foa by t lieeased sfi z aesses—=anregisier-ed a4afm systems, and securily alarm systems with a suspended status only if independent reporting indicates that a crime is in progress or has been attempted at the involved alarm site B. No alarm user or alarm business shall presume, anticipate, or expect that a police response will result solely from the activation of - 1. Any unmonitored alarm system; or 42. An security alarm system inw4" suspended regi status. Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 6 of 15 DRAFT 7.20.0170 Differentiation and reporting of alarm activations. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. No person shall operate a security alarm system in the City that fails to differentiate burglary pfE)pef* 4titf siE)r_ alarm activations from robbery4+e44- zrn�e,4tifessidafm activations, or that fails to accurately report such activations independently. B. EffeetiNe jan-aafy 1, -20 10, aad t4efea4ef-,ffNo person shall operate a security alarm system in the City that fails to differentiate police incidents (i.e., burglaryL„fE)pef i+itf sio+ alaffn activations, robbery 4el W Pani Elti fess a4afm activations) from fire, medical, or other non -police incidents, or that fails to accurately report such incidents independently. 7.20.08400 Alarm dispatch requests. - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. Alarm dispatch requests shall be made in the manner prescribed by the alarm administrator and approved by 911 and police dispatch. B. Alarm dispatch requests ma�-shall include, but are not limited to, the following information: i Ala...,. site r is�r- is a mbor -21. Location of the alarm activation. 9�2. Type of alarm activation (burglary , or robbery or- r -ell ever,/air-bag deplay+aent), 43. Alarm business's incident number (or other official incident identifier). -5-4 Name and Contact Pphone number of the alarm user. 5. Alarm zone information, including sensor type and location. C. Alarm dispatch requests made to the Police dDepartment (or its designee) shall be for police incidents only, and shall accurately indicate the type of alarm activation (burglary or; robbery +ek „� �: a,,, o��) that is the proximate cause for the alarm dispatch request. D. No alarm business shall initiate an alarm dispatch request if it knows, or reasonably should know, that doing so would cause a law enforcement officer to respond to an alarm site containing a protective/reactive alarm system. E. No dispatch request and subsequent police response to a robbery alarm pursuant to(as aor roa :r SVMC 7.20.0204 may be cancelled by the alarm user._ In every case at least one officer shall respond to affirm that the alarm user is not under duress_ -7-.2-0.0 — - - Duties - - - - - of - - - alarm - - - installation - - - - - - com- - pan - - y - - an - - d/or - - m - on - itor- - - - ing co - mp- - any -. - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. All alarm installation and/or monitoring companies shall ensure that their customer information is updated w4h rho a' a:m .,am iaistr-at , . of design&e at least monthly. This information shall include: 1. Customer name and contact information, including44-.e—., all phone numbers3; 2. Alarm site address and billing address; 3. Monitoring company name and contact information; and 4. Installation date or date the alarm monitoring ended. C -B. The alarm installation company shall provide written and oral instructions to each of its alarm users in the proper use and operation of their secujjy alarm systems. _Such instructions shallwi44 specifically include all instructions necessary to turn the security alarm system on and off and to prevent false alarms. alafm systems -programmed w44 ane phis dttr-ess .,1.,....,..s pr4of to Ta*tt ry fir, -2014 Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 7 of 15 DRAFT EC -D. te—aetivate a Installation or use of a l tprobbery alarm which is a single action, non -recessed button is prohibited... €DE. Eneetiv-2010, tke-aAlarm installation companies shall, on new installations, use only alarm control panel(s) which meet SIA Control Panel Standard CRO1. GEE. An alafmreempa*y sha'�Pt=ase a -Automatic voice dialers which call 911 or the pPolice dDepartment are prohibited. 14FG. After completion of the installation of arr securily alarm system, an alarm installation company employee shall review with the alarm user the customer false alarm prevention checklist established by Police dDepartment policy. 1. -1G14. A monitoring company shall: 1. Report alarm activations or signals by using the telephone numbers designated by the alarm administrator; 2. Attempt to verify every burglar alarm signal prior to requesting a police dispatch by making at least two phone calls to the responsible parry or parties. This procedure shall notdees not apply to a, r-ess a . hel ,.„robbery alarm signals; 3. Communicate alarm dispatch requests to the Sp e�'a'�PPolice Department in a manner and form determined by the alarm administrator; 4. Communicate cancellations to the Speka+ie ;'Etlley-pPolice Department in a manner and form determined by the alarm administrator; 5. Ensure that all alarm users of security alarm systems equipped with a, ess hold ” a pawrobbery alarm(s) are given adequate training as to the proper use of the diffess, hold ups-epanierobbe� _��lafm 6. Communicate any available alarm zone information (north, south, front, back, floor, etc.) about the location on all alarm signals related to the alarm dispatch request; 7. Communicate type of alarm activation (silent or audible, interior or perimeter); -98. After an alarm dispatch request, promptly advise the Spokane 'a'�PPolice Department if the monitoring company knows that the alarm user or the responder is on the way to the alarm site; 4-99. Attempt to contact the alarm user or responder within 24 hours via mail, fax, telephone or other electronic means when an alarm dispatch request is made; and 4410. Effeetive Janiiafy 1, -2010, MA!qfm imeni Ii gee�S-shallot maintain, for e peried eat least one year from the date of the alarm dispatch request, records relating to alarm dispatch requests. a. Records most include the: i. Name, address, and telephone numbers of the alarm user; ii. Security Aalarm system zone(s) activated; iii. Time of alarm dispatch request; and iv. Evidence of an attempt to verify. b. The alarm administrator may request copies of such records for individually -- named alarm users. Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 8 of 15 DRAFT c. If the request is made within 60 days of an alarm dispatch request, the monitoring company shall furnish requested records within three business days of receiving the request. d. If the records are requested between 60 days to one year after an alarm dispatch request, the monitoring company shall furnish the requested records within 30 days of receiving the request. 7.20.4}10-30 Alarm dispatch request cancellations. ------------ ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. An alarm dispatch request may be canceled only by the alarm business initiating the request prior to the timepei-n4 the responding police officer reports arrival at the alarm site. B. Alarm dispatch requests may be canceled pursuant toin aeear- anee w44 toe procedures established by the alarm administrator and approved by 911, police dispatch, and by the alarm business making the original request. C. Alarm dispatch requests canceled prior to the police officer's arrival on scene shall not beet subject to false alarm service fees. 7.20.11040 Prohibited devices. A. Bnreetive janiiatzy 1, Z01 er-ea tem No person shall operate an so,.,,,.:,-, a4afm systemalarm system in the City that has a siren, bell, or other signal audible from any property adjacent to the alarm site that sounds for longer than five consecutive minutes after the alarm is activated, or that repeats the five-minute alarm cycle more than three consecutive times without resetting. This limitation is subject to noise restrictions pursuant to SVMC 7.05.040(L). B. No person shall operate an seetif4y alafffi sys alarm system in the City that is programmed for one -plus duress alarms. 7.20.120" Violations. - - --- ------------ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. The following actions constitute unlawful use of a security alarm system: 1. Any person who activates a security alarm system with the intent to report: a. Suspicious circumstances, or b. Any non -criminal incident, or c. A need for fire, medical or other non -police services_ 2. Any person who violates toe „rev ilio � �r SVMC 7.20 0907 -2n OW7 20.07--'90(A) or (B), or SVMC 7.204407.20."47.20.1410(A) or (B), shall bels subject to a cost recovery fee for the improper activation of the security alarm system. B. Chapter 7.20 SVMC"Tethi g in this seet o shall not prevent the installation of a single reporting device for both types of security alarms, fire alarms, and medical alarms,; provided, that such device complies with SVMC 7.20.090'' 20.4947 20.09760 and-gpplicable fire code requirements. _7.20.1360 Appropriating public police services for private purposes subject to false alarm response cost recovery fees. Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 9 of 15 DRAFT A. Causing the Ppolice Department to engage in a false alarm response constitutes an appropriation of public police services for private purposes and is subject to a false alarm response cost recovery fee. B. The alarm user shall beis responsible for payment of his false alarm response cost recovery fees. C. When, in the opinion of the responding officer(s), an alarm dispatch request mayc-an be reasonably associated with an actual or attempted criminal offense at the involved alarm site, the alarm is valid and the response is considered a basic police service not subject to false alarm response cost recovery fees. D. When, in the opinion of the responding officer(s), an alarm dispatch request can be reasonably attributed to an earthquake, h"f4ea+e-tornado, wind storm, or other unusually violent act of nature, no false alarm response cost recovery fee shall be assessed. E. During the first 60 days following a security alarm system installation, aA residential alarm user shall be provided one false alarm esponse without any charge. F. When, in the opinion of the responding officer(s), an alarm dispatch request cannot be reasonably attributed to the conditions pursuant to SVMC 7.20.413460(C) or D of phis seeti .fi, the incident shall be deemedis a false alarm and the police officer response shall be deemedis an appropriation of public police services for private purposes that is subject to a false alarm response cost recovery. EG. When the responding officer(s) is (are) unable to determine if an alarm is valid or false because of inaccessibility of the alarm site, the response is presumed to be a false alarm response, and is subject to a false alarm response cost recovery fees pursuant tons set fei4k ;a the mMaster Ffee sSchedule. 7.20.1450 Authorization to issue citations and assess service fees. - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. The alarm administrator shall beis granted a special commission by the eChief of ppolice to issue citations pursuant to this chapter. but citations shallwi4 not be issued for false alarms as an alternative; to false alarm response cost recover fees. ees. B. The alarm administrator is authorized by 4he e_;4y_ to assess costs pursuant to SVMC 7.'', 2007.20.260. 7.20.1150 Fee processing. - - - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Alarm businesses contracting with customers to provide monitoring services, including their agents,3 shall ensureassure that customers residing in the City eemplete initial ,-egistfalie r^fms an r-emil the r-equir-ed r-egistfation fee to �he City (or- its designee) prior- �e aet"�atiefi 0� fRefi4er-ing sere are provided informatior~~� of the Citv's false alarm response cost recovery fees in the event of a false alarm. B. All fees are due and payable on receipt. _Fees that are unpaid for 460 days or more after the date of initial invoice are considered past due and subject to suspension of police response to alarm activations.. Suspension. of .stmt,,, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Any alarm user having more than three false alarm responses in any calendar year may, on the event of the fourth such incident, be suspended from receiving police response for alarm calls for service for 90 days. or the i..,'. nee of theyear- for- .: i,ie Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 10 of 15 DRAFT B. Any alarm user having anaida4 r-egJ4tienaz*&ef -false alarm response cost recovery fees 60 days past due in any year shall have his -eggs*r�*i . de- be suspended from receiving police response for alarm calls for service until all outstanding fees have been paid in full. 7.20.17330 Appeals. - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - False Alarm Response Cost Rfecovery F€ees may be appealed to the alarm appea4 e€€eeradministrator, as follows: A. The appeal process shall beis initiated by the alarm user sending a letter to the alarm appeals e€€eeadministrator requesting , that the false alarm response cost recovery fee be waived, and specifying the reasons for the appeal_ sehed-Eiled appea4 fee. _This letter ara appe ' shallmtFA be received by the alarm appeals E)rf4eeradministrator within 30 calendar . e days after mailing of the initial invoice to the alarm owner. Failure to comply with this 30 day requirement shall render any ppeal untimely and therefore void. B. Sep,4ee False Alarm Response Cost Recovery F€ees may be appealed only on the grounds that the incident cited as the basis for the service fee was, in fact, not a false alarm response or that the alarm was activated due to an tiffee+i ,.,.11able e v ei t stieh extreme weather event or a; natural disaster et4e . ae- �. Human error or mechanical/electronic failure of the security alarm system are not valid reasons for appeal. The alarm user shall, in his letter requesting an appeal, describe detailed, credible evidence in his possession that supports the assertionee+4eaaen that the invelved incident was a valid alarm -pursuant to, a &ef+bea :* SVMC ''.. 07.20.1440(C) or (D) an alarm activation due to an tmeeatfallab'. extreme weather event or natural disaster.et4er- aet 0rQ- C. The alarm appeals ofTieefadministrator may reject requests for appeals that are not supported by detailed, credible evidence of criminal activity or extreme weather events or- natural disasters., or- aeIs of "d E4 Spokane Valley false a4afm appeal gidideline fefm by rho appella Notice of rejection of a request for this initial appeal shall be sent to the appellant in writing within 10 working days following receipt of the appeal request by the alarm appea4s arPee administrator. P. PA'iea€'ertoe� first appeal denied, toe i�er�iay-ta€i�file -crscChima=wir4€i—uipcci Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 11 of 15 DRAFT The filing E4 a rvqiiest for- an appea4 e0fffefeffee W4h aff alafffl appeals 04ieer-� Shall ae� 4) Sb&Se�S rveavefy roes pr -to the Belie „i^a i.eafi ^ ^i mss- GD. The alarm appeals ^rPeefadministrator may affirm, waive, cancel, or modify the false alarm response cost recoverypeffa4y fees or actions that are the subject of the appeal. A record of any modification of the false alarm cost recovery fee shall be recorded and forwarded to the Police Chief and the City Manager on a monthly basis. SIE. If the alarm appea4s offieefadministrator affirms or modifies the amount of a false alarm response recovery&eFAee- fee due, that amount becomes immediately due and payable. 4-F _ _ _ beeemir^ ef4ei '. The official decision of the alarm appeals ^f4eefadministrator shall bels final_, ra ne feft e s edies are . ilable -7-.20-.180230 A -- uthority of alarm appeal offie^sadministrator. ---------------------- - - - -- -- - -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following cases shall be within the jurisdiction of the alarm administrator A. Any and a4l fFalse alarm appeals gavemed by 4.is ehapt^r. B. Alarms suspension of any system located within the City or under its jurisdiction-ge €d C. Administration of sepAee roes an ^r fires rvl4ed tefalse alarm response cost recovery fees related to, or applicable to, any security alarm system . D. Any mother administrative alarm appeals as they may pertain to security alarm systems located within the City. 7.20.190240 A_ larm administrator selection -Qualification and removal. ------------------------------------------at -- n------------ e ---- --------------------------- A. The alarm ppe s e�Pee _W administrator shall be appointed by the eChief of Ppolice. B. The alarms�nee�administrator(s) shall be appointed solely with regard to their qualifications for the duties of the office and wi4shall have such training and experience as will qualify them to conducttte-esickergs- asellefthe duties or responsibilities pursuant to chapter 7.20 SVMC. an iilate a eats ara to dice of e any 0+hef_ C. The alarm appea s erPeefadministrator(s) may be removed from office by the eChief of Ppolice. Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC - False Alarms Page 12 of 15 DRAFT -7-.2-0.2 — 00250 - - Im- p - ro- p - - er in - fl - uence, - - - - - con - fl - - - - - ict of interest - - - - - , app - earance - - - - - of - - - fai- rness- - - ------------------------------------------------ . - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. No City official, elective or appointive, shall attempt to influence the alarm appeals e€f ee administrator in any matter officially before him so as to constitute misconduct of a public office pursuant tom Gchapter 42.20 RCW. E)IatiE) E)r*lie E)� f :.-nosy dE)e , iia B. The alarm appe s E)ffieefadministrator(s) shall conduct all proceedings in a manner to avoid conflicts of interest or other misconduct. and eWiens of the appeafanee effaifne3s deems _If such conflicts or violations cannot be avoided in a particular case, the alarm appeals e€fieeradministrator shall assign an alarm appeals erfieeradministrator as a pro tem to act in his absence. 7.20.210-70 Exceptions. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A The pr-e-4sie,,s of t4is eChapter 7.20 SVMC shall not apply to temporary securily alarm systems used by the Police Ddepartment or other public law enforcement agencies for investigative or protective purposes. B. Government Facilities. 1. Pursuant to SVMC 7.20.020. Ggovernment facilities ass-def+ie :1 S;1N4r 7.20. a subject to the following special rules: a. Fee Structure:. No cost recovery fees shall be charged for police response(s) to false alarms at government facilities. ., inferxmati6" for- the alar -m syst€mTvcrt are e?7'ce�l(��ipt Payment „4 l r -v the ana-Ha rGgistr- lT0n fees established 5'CTant to SVMC .20.310. b. Government facilities are exempt from having police response suspended. 2. To qualify for the special rules and exemptions under this section, an alarm site shall+ffwA meet the following criteria: a. The site is located within the municipal boundaries of the City; and b. The site meets the criteria pursuant tons defined in SVMC ''.''07.20.020, "Ggovernment facility." 3. Upon the fourth response to a false alarm in any calendar year, a responsible parry for the government alarm site shall meet with the alarm administrator and present a false alarm abatement plan. 4. The alarm administrator may make any other special rules and exceptions as are deemed necessary to ensureaesufe that appropriate protection and accountability are maintained at government sites. 7.20.2280 Special rules applicable to public schools. - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. Public schools shall bei subject to the following special rules: Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC – False Alarms Page 13 of 15 DRAFT D41ie sekools are s4bjeet to t e fe4o service fee structure: ., i ties a i, a S344C regiscruti6i� ccr-�cpjni^ ��6 g6�e�iizir€i�� u i�zcT—aB--avSC�iacc�ii��s,zv�rc i l n�T ba. No fee shallis be charged for the first false alarm in any calendar year_- e4ass. #b. The second and all subsequent false alarms in any calendar year shall beafe charged at the standard false alarm response cost recoveEY sefviee fee rate. 2. Public school sites are exempt from suspension. B. To qualify for the special rules and exemptions pursuant to SVMC 7.20.22450 „fla phis S^ a school* alarm site shallmttst meet the following criteria: 1. The site shall beis located within the municipal boundaries of the City; and 2. The site shall beis a public school site serving children in one or more of grades K-12, owned and operated by the East Valley School District, West Valley School District, Central Valley School District, or Spokane Public SchoolsSehool Dist4 et 4, ; ^r Sehooi Dist iet Of SehoOi Piss iet Q i C. The alarm administrator may make any other special rules and exceptions as are deemed necessary to ensureassttre that appropriate protection and accountability are maintained at public schools regarding use of a* security alarm system. 7.20.2330 Confidentiality of alarm information. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - – - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. All information gathered through , activations of false alarms, ,.,fAi ~ ^f eustofnef li is by .,laffn sales iasta4a6oa of me*tter4*-eek and/or through the appeals process shall be treated as confidentialhek ^^„f4a^r^^ by all employees of the City and its third parry administrator, if applicable._ Such information shall beis proprietary and is hefe y deela ^a confidential except as otherwise required by chapter 42.56 RCW, the Public Records Act. B. Absent special circumstances or court order, no information gathered through alaffn registf�*�^r� activations of false alarms, and/or through the appeals process shall be released to the public or any other person except as otherwise required by chgpter 42.56 RCW, the Public Records Act.–._ C. This information may be released by the alarm administrator to another law enforcement agency, the applicable alarm user, and/or his installation or monitoring company upon written request of one of those three entities. 7.20.24300 Scope of police duty – Immunities preserved. - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A. Chapter 7.20 SVMC does not create a contract between the City and any alarm user, alarm installation company, or monitoring company, nor does it create any duty or obligation, either expressed or implied, on the pPolice dDepartment to respond to any alarm activation. B. Any and all liability and/or consequential damage or loss resulting from the failure of the pPolice #Department to respond to an alarm dispatch request is hereby disclaimed and governmental immunity as provided by law is fully retained. C. _ Police Department response to an alarm activation may be impacted by the availability of officers, priority of current calls for service, traffic, weather conditions, and staffing levels. Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC – False Alarms Page 14 of 15 DRAFT 7.20.25340 Aegis for- . lar -m istr-,*;,.., and fall. alar -m enroreement.False Alarm Response Cost - Recov-ery- - - - - Fees- -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The fees for id eiifefeefHefftfalse alarm response cost recovery shall be determined by separate resolution. Section 2. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this day of January, 2017. L.R. Higgins, Mayor ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 17-001 Amending Chapter 7.20 SVMC — False Alarms Page 15 of 15 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 3, 2017 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Planning Commission Mayoral Appointments GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code 18.10. BACKGROUND: Two Planning Commissioner terms expired December 31, 2016: Kevin Anderson, who completed the remainder of the unexpired term of Sam Wood; and Michelle Rasmussen, who completed the unexpired term of Joe Stoy. Kevin Anderson decided not to apply for re -appointment consideration. According to SVMC 18. 10, members of the Planning Commission shall be nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by a majority vote of at least four members of the City Council. Planning Commissioners shall be selected without respect to political affiliations, and shall serve without compensation. A vacancy announcement was posted on the City's webpage, and was published in the Spokesman Review, in the Valley News Herald, and in the Exchange. The original deadline to submit an application was 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 2, but because we only received one application, the deadline was extended to 4:00 p.m. Monday, December 19. Copies of the applications were previously distributed to each Councilmember. Mayor Higgins will announce his nominations for these appointments at tonight's meeting. OPTIONS: Confirm or not confirm, the Mayor's recommendations for appointment to the Planning Commission. If the Mayor's recommendations are not confirmed by Council, Mayor Higgins may either make another recommendation, or the matter can be postponed. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: "I move to confirm the Mayor's nominations for appointments to the Planning Commission, of and each for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2019. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: n/a STAFF/COUNCIL CONTACT: Mayor Higgins ATTACHMENTS: Copy of December 19, 2016 memorandum, sending applications to Council and appropriate staff, with attached applications. +n� wA�p 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 406 0 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityha[L@spokanevattey.org M e m o rn d u m To: Mayor and COUncllmembers Cc: City Manager Mark Calhoun; Community & Economic Development Director John Hohman From: Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Date: December 19, 2016 Re: Planning Commission Appointments According to SVMC 18.10, members of the Planning Commission shall be nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by a majority vote of at least four members of the City Council. Planning Commissioners shall be selected without respect to political affiliations, and shall serve without compensation. Terms shall be for a three-year period and shall expire on the thirty-first day of December. An announcement seeking applicants was posted on the City's webpage, and was published in the Valley News Herald, the Spokesman Review, and in the Exchange. The deadline to submit an application was originally December 2, and because we only received one application, the deadline was extended to 4:00 p.m. Monday, December 19, 2016. Two Planning Commissioner's term are slated to end December 31,2016: (1) Michelle Rasmussen (she completed outgoing Joe Stoy's term) (2) Devin Anderson (he completed Sam Wood's unexpired term. Mr. Anderson did not seek re- appointment) These appointments are scheduled for the January 3, 2017 Council meeting. The following attached applications have been received for consideration for the Planning Commission appointment: 1. Pockell, Kristopher 2. Rasmussen, Michelle 3. Walton, Matthew 001111100� S#6 ane ,;oOValley® Application Form for Committees/Boards/Commissions POSITION APPLYING FOR: Planning Commissioner Applicant's name (please print): Kristo her Pockell U-0 ED DEC .19 2016 C''ty Of Spnkan, CitVa11,y Clerk Return Completed form to City Clerk at City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-720-5102 phone; 509-688-0194 fax Applicant's Residence Address: 11511 E. Valleyway Ave. Spokane Valley 99206 Street City ,Zip Code Applicant's Mailing Address (if different from Residence address): Street City Zip Code Applicant's Email: kpockell remail Cam Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell Phone: 5096072312 Length of time continuously lived within Spokane Valley City Limits: 6 ears NOTE: You must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley to participate on most boards, committees and commissions. Gender: Female M Male mr U.S. Citizen? Wa. State Registered voter? EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present or last employer: AssetWorks Inc. Position Held: Software Developer__ Dates of Employment: February 2016 - Present Address: 16201 E. Indiana Ave. Ste. 2900 S okane Valley, WA 99216 Phone: 858-452-0458 Previous Employer: Romney Motion Inc. Position Held: Machinist Dates of Employment: November 2014 - February 2016 Address: 1111 Innovation Way, Post Falls ID 83854 Phone: 208-457-3043 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: High School: „ Central Valley High School _ _ Diploma: Yes St No City/State Address 821 S. Sullivan Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99037 College/University: Western Governor's University Degree Earned: Software Development (Enrolled) City/State Address: 20435 72nd Ave. South Ste. 301 Kent WA 89032 College/University: City/State Address: Degree Earned: COWUNITY RELATED ACTIVITIES, PAST & PRESENT: {attach additional sheets if necessary VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES, PAST & PRESENT: Volunteer at the Liberty Lake Community Theatre SPECIAL SKILLS/INTERESTS: Special skills include IT related certifications as well as business management certifications. Interests include politics computers liberty and property rights. PAST OR PRESENT MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS OR GOVERNMENT BOARDS, COMMITTEES, OR COMMISSIONS: Committee Name City/State Committee Name City/State Committee Name City/State What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not he evident from information already furnished? As a long-time resident of Spokane Valley, I have a deep seated passion for the people and the community here. I know of no better place to live and thrive then the Valley. Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Hoard, Committee or Commission for which you are applying? My long standing interest in property rights and freedom, as well as my deep ties to this community give me a unique perspective that will be beneficial to the to the Planning Commission. Would yourappointment to this position create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? Signature 12/18/2016 Today's Date Spokane ,Va11eyy Application Form for Committees/Boards/Commissions POSITION APPLYING FOR: Applicant's name (please print): Planning Commission Michelle Rasmussen NO V 2 8 2016 City Of S13Ok City CI t-k'✓afiOy Return Completed form to City-Gl o at City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-720-5102 phone; 509-688-0194 fax Applicant's Residence Address: 8221 E. Liberty Ave. Spokane Valley, 99212 Street City Zip Code Applicant's Mailing Address (if different from Residence address): Street City Zip Code Applicant's Email Home Phone: m.rasmu2011 @gmall.com 509-892-4008 Work Phone: 509-359-6448 Cell Phone: 509-994-3879 Length of time continuously lived within Spokane Valley City Limits: 18 1/2 years NOTE: You must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley to participate on most boards, committees and commissions. Gender: Female M Male M U.S. Citizen? yes Wa. State Registered voter? EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present or last employer: EWU Position Held: Director, Parking & Transportation Dates of Employment: 1/2015 - present Address: 101 Tawanka Hall, Cheney, WA 99004 Phone: 509-359-6448 Previous Employer: City of Spokane Valle Position Held: Admin. Assistant to City Manager Dates of Employment: 6/08 to 1/15 Address: 11707 E. Sprague, Ste. 106 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 Phone: 509-921-1000 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Highschool: Tahoma High School _ Diploma: Yes No City/State Address Ma le Valle WA College/University: WSU Degree Earned: City/State Address: Pullman, WA yes College/University: Whitworth Univeristy Degree Earned:Business/Org Mgmnt City/State Address: Spokane WA COMMUNITY RELATED ACTIVITIES, PAST & PRESENT: (attach additional sheets if necessary) Court Appointed Special Advocate; Vacation Bible School; Tutored high school students. Organized fun run for non-profit. VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES, PAST & PRESENT: PTA Riverside School district, Vanessa Beehan, Sunshine Gardens Adult Care Facility, Riverside High School choir trips and athletic department volunteer ; Maui Soup Kitchen. SPECIAL SKILLS/INTERESTS: Ability to work collaboratively; detail oriented; adept at reviewing/researching plans. PAST OR PRESENT MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS OR GOVERNMENT BOARDS, COMMITTEES, OR COMMISSIONS: Planning Commission Spokane Valley, WA Committee Name City/State Women's Business Exchange Seattle, WA Committee Name City/State Seattle Executive Association Seattle, WA Continittee Name City/State What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already furnished? listen to all sides and do not have a preconceived answer concerning what direction the City should o. I research and review in depth to recommend the best overall options for Council review. Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission for which you are applying? am currently on the Planninq Commission and I have a vested interest in the City I have lived in and Would your appointment to this position create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? No Signature Today's Date SI(IT e ,;oOValley- Application Form for Committees/Boards/Commissions POSITION APPLYING FOR: Planning Commission Applicant's name (please print): Matthew Walton RECLOVD DEC 10 2016 City Of Spokane Valley -turn Cor_'r0�tedlr6rfCr to City Clierk at City Hall, 117p7 °Sprague Ave -.-Ste 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-720-5102 phone; 509-688-0194 fax Applicant's Residence Address: 1$706 E 9th Ct Spokane Valley 99016 Street City Zip Code Applicant's Mailing Address (if different from Residence address): Applicant's Email: matthewwalton2@gmail.com Street City Zip Code Home Phone: 509-434-4423 Work Phone: 541-321-5730 Cell Phone: 509-4344423 Length of time continuously lived within Spokane Valley City Limits: 2008-2014 & most recently Sept 2016 -Pres NOTE: You must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley to participate on most boards, committees and commissions. Gender: Female ® Male M U.S. Citizen? YES EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present or last employer: United Parcel Service Wa. State Registered voter? YES Position Held: Senior Account Manager Dates of Employment: August 2014 - Present Address: 1016 N Bradley Rd Spokane Valley, WA 99212 Phone: 800-877-1508 Previous Employer: City of Spokane Position Held: Parking Enforcement Officer Dates of Employment: March 2014 - August 2094 Address: 808 W Spokane falls Blvd Spokane, WA 99201 Phone: 509.625.6160 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: High School: Junction City High School Diploma: Yes No City/State Address Junction City/OR College/University: Gonzaga University Degree Earned: BA - Political Science City/State Address: Spokane/WA College/University: Degree Earned: City/State Address: COMMUNITY RELATED .ACTIVITIES, PAST & PRESENT: (attach additional sheets if necessary) Inland Empire Soccer Referees Association - Grade 7 Soccer Referee 2006 -Present, Spokane County Sheriff Reserve Deputy - 2006-2014,. College Republicans - 2000-2004 VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES, PAST & PRESENT: Spokane Valley Junior Soccer Association - Youth Soccer Coach 2016 - Pres, SNAP Volunteer - 2015, Susan G Kamen Race Volunteer - 2015, Boy Scouts of America - 2002-2004, Inland Northwest Blood Center volunteer - 2009-2011, Spokane County Holidays & Heroes Volunteer - 2006-201 American Cancer Society Relay for Life Volunteer - 1998-2009 SPECIAL SKILLS/INTERESTS: I hold a minor in Economics from Gonzaga University and am strongly interested in being an active part of my community in terms of economic development and planning. Advanced skills in Microsoft Office, personal and business computing, business development, logistics, transportation, supply chain management and social networking. PAST OR PRESENT MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS OR GOVERNMENT BOARDS, COMMITTEES, OR COMMISSIONS: Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America - Lifetime member awarded in 1997 National Organization Committee Name City/State Committee Name City/State Committee Name City/State What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already furnished? I am a dedicated father, husband and employee who believes that community begins at home. Being civically active is an important aspect of being a part of my community and I want to help my community through being an active part of the ongoing dialogue surrounding growth and development. Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission for which you are applying? As a member of my community and as an employee of a company with deep economic roots in our community, I would like to bring my zeal for business development and strong community engagement to bear for the city in which I reside. Would your appointment to this position create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? No Signature Today's Date CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 3, 2017 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Mayoral Appointment: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Members GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 67.28.1817 and SVMC 3.20.040 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: n/a BACKGROUND: Per state statute, the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee shall consist of five members: two representatives of businesses required to collect the tax, two members involved in activities authorized to be funded by the tax, and one City Councilmember to act as chair. As of January 1, 2017, a vacancy exists for a member involved in activities authorized to be funded by the tax, and for a member who represents a business required to collect the tax. These appointments would fill two members term expiring December 31, 2016. Ads announcing the openings were placed in the Valley News Herald, the Spokesman Review, the Exchange, and on the City's website. The application deadline was December 2, 2016. The current committee consists of Councilmember Wood as Chair, and: Entities which collect the tax I Entities Involved in Activiti Lee Cameron, Mirabeau Park Hotel (current term ends 12-31-2016) Colleen Heinselman, Hampton Inn Suites (current term ends 12-31-2017) Peggy Doering, Valleyfest (current term ends 12-31-2016 William Ames, HUB Board Member (current term ends 12-31-2017) Terms are either for one or two years, at the discretion of the Mayor. OPTIONS: Confirmation of Mayoral Recommended Appointments. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, of of for a term of BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: n/a 1 move to confirm the Mayoral appointments to the for a term of year(s); and year(s), with terms beginning January 1, 2017. STAFF/COUNCIL CONTACT: Mayor Higgins ATTACHMENTS Applications for openings. Applications were received from Entities Required to Collect the Tax: Entities Authorized to be Funded by the Tax: Lee Cameron, Mirabeau Park Hotel Bill Burke, Six Bridges Arts Association Cal Clausen, Sterling Hospitality Bill Crawford, Heritage Museum Peggy Doering, Valleyfest Scott Peterson, Spokane County Fair Board Also attached is a letter of recommendation for Cal Clausen, from the Spokane Hotel/Motel Association. c 01 16 04:13p Lee Cameron ■ ■ Spokane ,,;oo*Va1k Application) Foran for CommitteeslBoardslCom missions 253-265-0117 p.1 �e��, y Of S 2016 k Return Comp form to ity Clerk at City Hall, 11707 E. SpraquAve. Suite 106 Spokane 11ey, WA 99206 509-720-5102 phone; 509-688-0194 fax POSITION APPLYING FOR: t'1 ofi t �- two t - l fa D U ISoE - a t> -'i Applicant's name (please print): l-1= C L, Applicant's Residence Address: Street City zip Code Applicant's Mailing Address (if different from Residence address): Street City Zip Code Applicant's Email; Home Phone: Work Phone:So2 �l 't ,0 Cell Phone:,256 CoR(, Length of time continuously lived within Spokane Valley City Limits: 13 yz S NOTE: You must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley to participate on most boards, committees and commissions. Gender: Female [M Male M U.S. Citizen? Wa. State Registered voter? EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present or last employer: _ �i i 9-4� B t5A t -C -PaF< i c� i L, 'i- LfQ U E-01-1 d !�j- PositionHeld: () ojlj F P Dates of Employment: RL[Cni iST o2 G3 "' PFZ�S t✓ T Address: 11 00 !,], '--DO (- L ( Phone: io-cq x' 007 Es Previous Employer: Moa rod -CPL l 0 -SP f=K1 0 4� s LOD- [�: � � R (h L 1~ ,�' Getj 6 o i -a~ 4 Ski � Position Hel d: Q On15/ 0 LZI N WOE JAC F-ag fy -r- Dates of Employment: t5O r Address: L-ic-A U l Phone: EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND_ i r High School: ov KL H pi IU i G }-1 S c E D J—' . Diploma: Yes Non City/State Address G - =I.L_ &0 College/University: f,,Vj. 5� i AT2= L b2! f�C•�S LZ7 Degree Earned: KA City/State Address; ) W a College/University: Degree Earned: City/State Address: Dec 01 1604:13p Lee Cameron 253-265-0117 p.2 COMMUNITY RELATED ACTIVITIES, PAST & PRESENT: (attach additional sheets if necessary) Loo, r Ibis 130aTZp rte+F-m9E 3yc-< VOLUNTEER 13RFm>=V-7( SPECIAL SJULIS/INTERESTS: PAST & PRESENT: '), ; C'l.i-ra, 40t<otie-6 4wue:n--rio N�4 Q15! ioLz� U.RE"AUL PAST OR PRESENT MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS OR GOVERNMENT BOARDS, COMMITTEES, OR CONMSSIONS: 0 Hr r� [ I] M F ➢7't 01✓ g, L l � l �� L-, A Committee Name CityiState S�pa loatj P-ig t -- oto'/S0 E opqp— Committee Name City/State Committee Name City/State 'tat do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already furnished? O U 1 D—F A C U AJ "O CC t i 7 40 ^-j Gc�w1� R71h� ,141URIS"1 0,1P -Q r:;::C'.E iJTL/�Lcs"ptLlCeL�i� iSSGI� �i Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission for which you are applying? C'U9 R EA,5Y7— 4 P6 S__ 7 ajwx IvfiL x A -0 c i ��QI.1 -7-1 A-% 1Lr- S o6 -VI AlzF � l -i' y � � 0%cJ C, u G, I� /-!!ii F— 1-0 }. Would your appointment to this position create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? 3 Signature l 1A of %/ 6 Today's Date Spokane ,,,;,oO'Dalley Application Form for Committees/Boards/Com missions POSITION APPLYING FOR: © �k t � Applicant's name (please print): Applicant's Residence Address: Street Applicant's Mailing Address (if different from Residence address): 12-02-16A04:44 RCVD L -r Return Completed form to City Cleric at City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-720-5102 phone; 509-688-0194 fax 'Alco'; S Zip Code e9 Street City Zip Code Applicant's Email: %� 1©, � ',�+��� . e c-) /tI Home Phone: • Work Phone:-:�Cj_,� cQxo CellePhon??,`7 Length of time continuously lived within Spokane V-attTG#y-UFnitst A-6 3 C DOTE: You must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley to partici ate on most boards, a6mmittee. and commissions. Gender: Female® Male M U.S. Citizen? c W a. State Registered voter? Xl EMPLOYMENT HIS"T"ORY: Present or last em toyer: Position Held: C Z' Date of Emplo��yrnent: Address: C.U�� Phone: �5 Previous Employer: Position Held: Address: Phone: Dates of Employment: 'EDUCATIONALBACKGROUND: High School: �/9c />' /`r/T 4 Diploma: Yes E21 No CityfStateAddress 14z,-, (JeC!n College/University. Degree Earned: City/State Address: 5 College/Un iversity:. Degree Earned: City/State Address: ��_ COMMUNITY RELATED ACTIVITIES, PAST & PRESENT: (attach additional sheets if necessary VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES, PAST & PRESENT: SPECIAL SKILLS/INTERESTS: PAST OR PRESENT MENIDER OF THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS OR GOVERNMENT BOARDS, COMMITTEES, OR COMMISSIONS: Sn12) ittee Name j City/State Committee Name City/State '7 Committee Nam c /U' F,P--5: IP Ui City/State What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already furnished? ri er1 r. e— till l c s ° s,- A] Ai e f ' Why do you fd�1 you ar qualified to act asra member of the Board, Committee or Commission for which you are applying? Would your appointment to this position create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest?� Signature Today's Date ;,.�J/� Mote[ November 22, 2016 To whom it may concern: On behalf of the membership of the Spokane Hotel Motel Association, I would like to recommend Cal Clausen to serve on the Lodging Tax Advisory committee; representing a business required to collect the tax. Mr. Clausen has been in the hospitality industry for the balance of his professional career, He and his brother lead Sterling Hospitality, a comprehensive management company for focused service properties. There are currently twelve independently owned properties in five states within the Sterling portfolio. Mr. Clausen operates two hotels in the City of Spokane Valley: Holiday Inn Express — Spokane Valley, and the Quality Inn Valley Suites, employing approximately 75 people. Mr. Clausen is involved in his community and has represented his properties and the lodging industry through various positions over the years. He has represented Spokane County as a Washington Lodging Association Board Member and has represented the Spokane Hotel Motel Association's interests as a Public Facilities District Board Member as well. He is knowledgeable and committed to the success of the industry as well as the overall economic health of the region. As such he would serve the advisory committee well. encourage you to consider Cal Clausen to serve on this important committee. His lifelong career in the industry, knowledge and skill, combined with his commitment to positively contribute to the communities in which he operates, would be an asset to the City of Spokane Valley. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions and I wish you well in the selection process. Sincerely, Toni Hansen Executive Director Spokane Hotel Motel Association 9560 N Cirque Lane, Liberty Lake, WA 99016 509-869-0619 thansenshma@msn.com www.spokanehma.com November 21, 2016 Spokane Valley City Hall Attn: City Clerk Chris Bainbridge 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 RE Help Bring Visitors to Spokane Valley i MARKE-1 INC PROMOTIONS EVENT'S RECEIVE© NOV 2 12016 City of Spokane Valley Office of the Ctty Clerk Please accept my application to serve on the City of Spokane Valley's Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC). I have an abundant amount of experience in hospitality marketing, non-profit organization program development, special event management and managing tourism campaigns for other cities and counties using Washington State Hotel/Motel Tax funding. Thank you for the opportunity to serve our community. If you need more information, please don't hesitate to call me. Cordially, Bill Burke 4720 S. PROGRESS CT. NERADALE. VVA 99037 PHONE 509.921.5579 FAX 509.921.5979 EMAIL bill nie123C)coincast.net Spor�ne ,,;oo4FVa11ey, Application Form for Committees/Boards/Commissions POSITION APPLYING FOR. Lodging Tax Advisiory Committee Applicant's name (please print): Bill Burke Applicant's Residence Address: 4720 S. Progress Court Street Applicant's Mailing Address (it different from Residence address):_ Applicant's Email billme123@comcast,net Return Completed form to City Clerk at City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-720-5102 phone; 509-688-0194 fax Veritdale S City Street City 99037 Zip Code Zip Code Home Phone: (509) 921-2205 Work Phone: (509) 921-5579 Cell Phone: (509) 879-0826 Length of time continuously lived within Spokane Valley City Limits: NOTE: You must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley to participate on most boards, committees and commissions. Gender: Female M Male ® U.S. Citizen? Yes Wa. State Registered voter? Yes EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present or last employer: Burke Marketing Position Held: Owner Dates of Employment: 1988 - 2016 Address: 4720 S. Proeress Court, Veradale, WA 99037 _ Phone: (509) 921-5579 Previous Employer: Spokane Area Chamber of Commerce Position Held: Program Manager Dates of Employment: 1983 - 1987 Address: W. 1020 Riverside Ave., Spokane, WA 99205 Phone:. 509) 625-1393 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: High School: Newport High School Diploma: Yes ® No City/State Address—Newport, WA 99156 College/University: Eastern Washington University Degree Earned: BA- Marketing City/State Address: Cheney, WA College/University: Degree Earned: City/State Address: COMMUNITY RELATED ACTIVITIES, PAST & PRESENT: (attach additional sheets if necessary) Please see attached VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES, PAST & PRESENT: Please see attached SPECIAL SKILLS/IIVMRESTS: Please see attached PAST OR PRESENT MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS OR GOVERNMENT BOARDS, COMMITTEES, OR COMMISSIONS: Please see attached Committee Name City/State Committee Name City/State Committee Name City/State What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already furnished? Reliable and supportive participation. Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission for which you are applying? Career and Spokane community pariticipation and experience. Would your VpoinpRe4 to this position create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? No Signature H1 Today' Date 4720 S. Progress Court Veradale, WA 99037 BILL BURICE Office: (509) 921.5579 Home: (509) 921.2205 Cell: (509) 879.0826 Email: billme1239comcast.net ORGANIZATION MANAGER, EVENT PRODUCTION MARKETING & PROMOTIONS EXECUTIVE Cross -Functional Experience & Cross -Industry Expertise Highly qualified Marketing and Promotions Consultant/ Project Manager offering more than 30 years of community non-profit organizational management, event production, fundraising, retail promotion, downtown/ community revitalization, and tourism promotion experience. A results - focused and effectual leader with proven ability to increase community revenue. Talent for proactively identifying and resolving problems — controlling costs, maximizing productivity, and delivering multi-million dollar profit increases. Strengths include: • Non -Profit Organizational Management • Budgeting, Accounting and Fundraising • Marketing Campaign Creation, Production, Media Relations/ Buying and Implementation • Sales Campaigning • Contract Negotiation • Co-ordinate Marketing Strategies with Contractors and/or Designers • Staff Management/ Development • Resource Development • Community Event Production and Promotion • PubIic Speaking, Corporate Presentation, Public Meetings • Marketing Analysis/Marketing Research • Problem Solving PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Burke Marketing attd Protttotiotrs, Veradale, Washington (Owtter/Maiiager) (1981 –2016) • Downtown Revitalization Consultant/ Program Manager (over 575 communities) • focal and Regional Advertising Clients (over $27 million in total billings) • Tourism Organization and Marketing (local, regional and national tourism promotion) • Community Event Production (over 1,000 events, concerts, street fairs, fairs and festivals) • Fund Raising (over $15.5 million in 28 years) • Non Profit Organizational Management (contracted executive) • Assessment Districts (LID, PBIA, BID, TPA, Washington State Hotel -Motel Tax) Spokane Central Business Association, Spokane, Washittgtoii (Executive Director) (1981 –1986) • Central Business District Association Management o Coordinating with Board of Directors and Committees o Production of Corporate Communications o Funding/ Resource Development and Budget Control • Program of Work Development and Implementation o Organization, Community Leadership and Policy Development o Core Area Design and Aesthetics o Economic Restructuring and Job Development o Marketing (retail promotion, traffic -building events and public relations) • Program Funding and Budget Management BILL BURKE Page - 2 o Volunteer Membership/Support o Developing Public/ Government Support o Grants and Corporate Sponsorships o Accurate Program Accounting and Reporting Contntunity PublicatiotislColttrrnadly Press Nezvspaper, Spokane, Wasltington (1 977 -1981) • National, Regional and Local Advertising Sales • Publication Promotion (reader and advertiser promotion) • Special Event Production (community events) EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA (Marketing, Accounting, Radio & Television, and Public Administration) COMMUNITY SERVICE & VOLUNTEER PARTICIPATION Six Bridges Arts Association Board of Director, Treasurer (1994 — 2016) Spokane Scholar's Foundation Board of Directors (2000 — 2010) Cliase Yotttlt Foundation Board of Directors (1999 — 2005) Spokane Advertising Federation Board of Directors, Max Awards Chairman, Student Committee Chairman, President, Spokane's Advertising Professional of the Year (1979 —1992) Spokatte Entertainment, Arts, raid Conventions Advisors Board (SEACAB) Board of Directors (1985 —1997) Spokane County Health District Food Advisory Board (1996 — 2001) Spokane Interstate Fair Board of Directors (1986 —1989) Greater Spokane Sports Association Little League Coach (1990 —1994) BILL BURKE 4720 S. Progress Court Veradale, WA 99037 Office: (509) 921.5579 Home: (509) 921.2205 Cell: (509) 879.0826 Email: billme123@comcast.net DOWNTOWN/ CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT REVITALIZATION CLIENTS, CONSULTANT PROJECTS AND PRESENTATIONS National Main Street Center - National Trust for Historic Preservation, Washington, D.C. Downtown Revitalization Institute, Cornell University, Ithica, New York National Town Meeting, Washington, D.C. Urban Demonstration Program, Washington, D.C. Promoting Downtown East Coast Conference, Baltimore, Maryland Promotion Downtown West Coast Conference, Portland, Oregon Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Rawlins, Wyoming Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Cody, Wyoming Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Laramie, Wyoming Wyoming Main Street Managers' Training Conference, Laramie, Wyoming New Mexico Main Street Managers' Training Conference, Gallup, New Mexico Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Gallup, New Mexico Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Raton, New Mexico Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Silver City, New Mexico Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Las Vegas, New Mexico Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Socorro, New Mexico Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Bartow, Florida Florida Main Street Managers' Training Conference, Bartow, Florida Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Sebring, Florida Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Tarpon Springs, Florida Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Lake Worth, Florida Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Chipley, Florida Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Oskaloosa, Iowa Oklahoma Main Street Managers' Training Conference, Anadarko, Oklahoma Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Anadarko, Oklahoma Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Alva, Oklahoma Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Okmulgee, Oklahoma Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Tahlequah, Oklahoma Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Duncan, Oklahoma Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Petaluma, California Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Prescott, Arizona California Main Street Managers' Training Conference, Sacramento, California Hawaii Main Street Managers' Training Conference, Hilo, Hawaii Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), El Segundo, California Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Encinitas, California Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), New Albany, Indiana Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Knoxville, Iowa Grant County Economic DevelopinentAssociation Community Revitalization Plan Development, Ephrata, Washington Richland Main Street Association, Richland, Washington Managing Consultant Ida -Ore Planning and Development Association Creating a New Image for Your Downtown and Community, Boise, Idaho Creating a New Image for Your Downtown and Community, Lewiston, Idaho BILL BURKE Page - 2 Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development Seventh Annual Star City Conference, St. Paul/ Minneapolis, Minnesota Florida Main Street Program Marketing Consultant, Downtown Chipley, Florida Marketing Consultant, Downtown Quincy, Florida Minnesota Main Street Program Project Manager's Training Conference, Alexandra, Minnesota City of St. Pa 111, P.E.D., St, Pa u2, Minnesota Competing for the Retail Dollar Conference Washington State Downtown Association, Seattle, Washington Wenatchee Downtown Development Assistance Team, Wenatchee, Washington Walla Walla Downtown Development Assistance Team, Walla Walla, Washington Washington State Departinent of Connnunitp Development Revitalizing Washington's Downtowns: 1989 Governor's Training Institute Revitalizing Washington's Downtowns: 1990 Governor's Training Institute Revitalizing Washington's Downtowns: 1991 Governor's Training Institute Revitalizing Washington's Downtowns: 1993 Governor's Training Institute Revitalizing Washington's Downtowns; 1997 Governor's Training Institute Revitalizing Washington's Downtowns: 1999 Governor's Training Institute Revitalizing Washington s Downtowns: 2000 Governor's Training Institute Downtown Marketing Consultant, Tacoma Union Station District Association Downtown Marketing Consultant, Walla Walla, Washington Downtown Marketing Consultant, Kent, Washington Downtown Marketing Consultant, Pasco, Washington Downtown Marketing Consultant, Auburn, Washington Washington State Department of Trade and Economic Development Marketing Consultant, Promoting Home Based Businesses, Lewiston, Idaho Marketing Consultant, Promoting Minority -Owned Businesses, Seattle, Washington Marketing Consultant, Nonprofit Organization Fund Raising, Mt. Vernon, Washington Marketing Consultant, State Economic Games I, Ellensburg, Washington Marketing Consultant, State Economic Games II, EIlensburg, Washington Marketing Consultant, State Economic Games III, Ellensburg, Washington Marketing Consultant, North Central Washington Tourism Summit, Lake Chelan, WA Washington Water Power/Avista Downtown Revitalization Consultant, Medical Lake, Washington Downtown Revitalization Consultant, Colville, Washington Downtown Revitalization Consultant, St. Maries, Idaho Downtown Revitalization Consultant, Spokane, Washington Downtown Revitalization Consultant, Deer Park, Washington Downtown Revitalization Consultant, Cheney, Washington Downtown Revitalization Consultant, Pullman, Washington Downtown Revitalization Consultant, Colfax, Washington Downtown Revitalization Consultant, Othello, Washington Downtown Revitalization Consultant, Clarkston, Washington Downtown Revitalization Consultant, Grangeville, Idaho Downtown Revitalization Consultant, Kellogg, Washington Downtown Revitalization Consultant, Wallace, Idaho BILL BURKE Page - 3 Oregoti Domitowii Development Association 1" Manager's Training Conference, Silver Creek Falls, Oregon 2'd Manager's Training Conference, Silver Creek Falls, Oregon 3'd Manager's Training Conference, Silver Creek Falls, Oregon Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), La Grande, Oregon Resource Team (Marketing Consultant), Coos Bay, Oregon Downtown Marketing Consultant, Albany, Oregon Downtown Marketing Consultant, McMinnville, Oregon Downtown marketing Consultant, Astoria, Oregon Centrailia-CliehalisITzvin City Chainber of Commerce Downtown Marketing Consultant- Getting Ready to Do Business Leagtie of California Cities Downtown Revitalization Conference, Sacramento, California League of Florida Cities Downtown Revitalization Conference, Daytona Beach, Florida City of Ogdeii, UtaliIDowntozvti Ogdeti Associatioii Downtown Organization and Marketing Consultant, Ogden, Utah City of Natcliez, Mississippi Marketing Consultant, Natchez Main Street Program City of Elletisburg, Washingtoti Marketing Consultant, Downtown/Community Marketing Pulliriaii Main Street Association Marketing Consultant, Downtown Pullman Marketing Plan La Gratide Maiii Street Progratti Community Marketing Program, La Grande, Oregon City of Lindsay, Califoriiia Downtown Marketing Consultant City of Tulare, California Downtown Marketing Consultant City of Visalia, California Downtown Marketing Consultant City of Porterville, California Downtown Marketing Consultant Exetor Cliatnber of Cointiterce, Exetor, Californui Community Marketing Consultant City of San Diego, Califorida Downtown and Business District Marketing Consultant City of Auburn, Wasliingtoii Downtown and Business District Marketing Consultant City of Kent, Washiiigtoii Downtown and Business District Marketing Consultan BILL BURKE Page - 4 City of Vancouver, Washington Downtown and Business District Marketing Consultant City of Sebring, Florida Downtown and Business District Marketing Consultant City of Pensacola, Florida Downtown and Business District Marketing Consultant Derrington Economic Advisory Council, Derrington, Washington Downtown and Business District Marketing Consultant City of Moses bake, Washington Community Revitalization and Tourism Marketing OTHER MARKETING & ADVERTISING CLIENTS • Grant County Tourism Cotnmission — Marketing/Advertising Agency • Grant County Centennial Celebration — Contracted Manager/Producer • Northwest Business Development Association — Marketing/ Public Relations + Inland Northwest Bank— Advertising and Public Relations Agency + City of Moses Lake - Tourism Promotion, Summer Concert Series Production, Aquatic Center Marketing, Babe Ruth World Series Promotion + Spokane Parks and Recreation — Riverfront Park Advertising, Public Relations, Event Coordinator • Spokane CountylSpokane Interstate Fair — Advertising and Entertainment Management • Sherwood Mall— Advertising Agency • Burger King Restaurants of Spokane/CDA/Lewiston —Advertising Agency • Mustard Seed Restaurants — Advertising Agency • Cotntttunity PresslCotninunity Publications — Public Relations and Advertising • Dodson's Jewelry — Advertising Agency • The Spokesman ReaiezolSpokatie Chronicle — Ad Copy Writer • Spokane Transit Authority — Holiday Promotion Coordinator • KAYU TV— Advertising Agency • Spokane Valley Travel — Advertising Agency + The Spokane Club — Marketing Plan Development * Spokane Art Supply — Advertising Agency • Lawton Printing, Iite. — Marketing Plan Development • Saveco Sales, Itte. -- Public Relations/ Retail Advertising Agency • ClarklWhlte Advertising — Copy Writer • FoxlCarskadan Property Development and Managentent — Mall Marketing Management + Coons, Shotwell and Adams— Intern/ Copy Writer • Shadle Shopping Center — Marketing Plan • Spokane Area Chamber of Comnterce — Copy Writer • Diamond Parking Company - Advertising Agency •Rukavina Law Office — Television Advertising Production BILL BURKE Page - 5 ENTERTAINMENT / CONCERT PRODUCTION & PROMOTION Live indoor and outdoor entertainnient presentations - Tower of Power, Beatlemania, Lloyd Jones, Lydia Pense and Cold Blood, Webb Wilder, Delbert McClinton, WAR, Elvin Bishop, Buddy Guy, John Mayall, Junior Wells, BeauSoleil, Robert Cray, Roger McGuinn, The Byrd's Celebration, Curtis Salgado, Tony Bennett, Johnny "Clyde" Copeland, Edgar Winter, Nicolette Larson, Robin Ford, The Platters, The Drifters, The Tokens, Paul deLay Band, Average White Band, The Coasters, Little Anthony, Clinton Gregory, John Stewart, The Sangri-las, The Chifons, Brewer & Shipley, Gary Guthman, The Marvelletes, John Sebastian, Asleep at the Wheel, Gene Watson, Rick Vincent, Bobby Bare, Kenny Chesney, Michael Twitty, Norton Buffalo, The Kingsman, Jr. Cadillac, Merilee Rush, Maria Maldaur, Dan Hicks, KISS Army, Ronna Reeves, Mason Williams, Glenn Yarborough, Kingston Trio, Howard Roberts, B. J. Thomas, The Chambers Brothers, Martha Reeves, Ben E. King, Terrance Simien, The Tubes, Eric Burton, Motown 40`h Anniversary, Rick Derringer, Big Head Todd and the Monsters, The Young Dubliners, Paula Maya, The Blues Cousins, Irma Thomas, The Spokane Symphony, Spokane Jazz Orchestra, Tim Noah, Mel Carter, The All-American Boys Choir, Danny and the Juniors, Highway 101, Tom Wopat, The Nelsons, Show Brazil, Adrian Legg, Los Volcanos, The Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra, The Buckinghams, Dan Seals, Classic Rock All -Stars, Poco, Bo Diddley, Felix Cavaliere and the Young Rascals, Maktub, Canned Heat, Tommy Tutone, Al Stewart, Electric Flag, Pat Travers, Leon Russel, Asia, Classics IV, The Yardbirds, Fishbone, Dave Mason, The Gibson Brothers, Blue Highway, Sierra Hull, Los Lobos, Junior Brown and many others. SPECIAL EVENT PRODUCTION • Gratrt County Food and Wine Festival -Event Production, Promotion and Management • Pig Out irr the Park - Event Production, Entertainment, Promotion and Management (37 years) • Five Suns Bluegrass Festival - Event Production, Entertainment, Promotion and Management • Spokane American Music Festival - Spokane's Official 4`h of July Celebration (1996 - 2002) • Moses Lake Summer Concert Series -- Parks & Recreation Summer Concert Series (1988 - 2014) • Grattt County Centennial Celebration - Contracted Manager/Producer • Liberty Lake Surtrrtrer Concert Series - Pavilion Park Association Activities • Spokane Interstate Fair - Advertising, Public Relations, and Entertainment Management • Inland Empire Cycling Classic - Downtown Cycling Criterium • Mait1 Street USA Street Fair - Entertainment, Food, Arts & Crafts, Cars, Children's Activities • Out to Lunch Concert Series - Free Downtown Summer Concert Series • Mayor's Go -Cart Racing - Downtown Go-cart Racing • M.D.A. Berl Races - Core -area Fund Raiser • Spokatre Expo '74 plus 10 & 20 Celebrations - Commemorative Activities • Spokane Cetiterrrrial Celebration - Community Activities and Events • KREM's Pub Crawl - Event Organization and Fund Raising • Kid's Dray in Rivet front Park - Youth Recognition and Entertainment/ Activity Festival • The Sprltig Rutt Off - Tune for Bloomsday Event, Timed Fun Run • Spokane Mayor's Salute - Entertainment and Presentation Management • Spokatie Grand Prix - Concession Manager • Festival of Four Cultures --- Washington State Centennial Event Manager • American Federatiotr of Musicians - Musician and Booking Agent, Spokane, Local ##105 BILL BURI<E Page o G OTHER EVENT MANAGEMENT PRODUCTION Additional event production experience - news conferences, business meetings, sporting events, conventions, annual meetings, holiday celebrations, fireworks exhibitions, children's programs, arts and crafts markets, fairs, commemorations, grand openings, special announcements, master of ceremonies, cultural presentations and literary readings (Ell cR (Spokane ,,;oOValley° Application Form for Committees/Boards/Commissions POSITION APPLYING FOR: L oA a i v1,,4 1e Applicant's name (please print): Applicant's Residence Address_ 1f ZQq Eo Street Applicant's Mailing Address (if different from Residence addr 1 Pei --. NOV 2g 20, C1tY Cit p°kd ne �, Y 6erk d 11 eY Return Completed form-tb City Clerk at City Hall, 91707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-720-5102 phone; 509-688-0194 fax City vtc '-�-103 7 Zip Code �/ Siree City Zip Code Applicant's Email: •tn1 ML r -[1.V tr�v r : t- D M c_ 111 o a e -� - -- - Home Phone: 50q - 4) Z.$- -02-44--Work Phone: lZe+ v )� Cell Phone: SM, Length of time continuously lived within Spokane Valley City Limits: NOTE: You must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley to participate on mo t boards, committees and commissions. Gender: Female JM Male EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present or last employer: G w Position Held: Address: 38 C Phone: Previou Positiol Address Phone: U.S. Citizen? Y65 Wa. State Registered voter? YEIIS Dates of Employment: .7—'-60 B - EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: High School: -e-vi toi� Diploma: Yes No City/State Address College/Lfniversity: O 1) / Degree Earned: 1637deloz 01r,", City/State Address: l College/University: Degree Earned: City/State Address: �tCe-qCC NMMrUNITY RELATED ACTIVITIES, PAST & PRESENT: (attach additional sheets if necessary VOL v'� P QAT?rY A T QTCTT T Q/TAFT'T�T71'i QTQ. L 2) F PAST OR PRESENT MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS OR GO RNMENT BOARDS, COMMITTEES, OR COMMISSIONS: C,ginmittee Name City/State 4,/x ,1/ � Gi. f lrh�� Ca P!� d C,px�mittee Name City/State V61 "�Commi�tteeame Cit�ta What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already furnished? PAST & PRESENT: 4 Gf 11"Je /V --) Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission for which you are applying7 k a V e— Vl A Fe -,,v,,,4— c-,) -C— • f — k �� �' ea C:� C� ✓} Gi �' � V C d Un �, t� € � kl S C Z> � C 1 r of ✓ Would your appointment to this position create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? / IQ } Signature Today's Da Spokane Walley - Application Form for Comm itteesf Boards/Commissions POSITION APPLYING FOR: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Applicant's name (please print): Margaret (Peggy) Doering CityAloe 3 D 2016 Of S Cit p®kane Y 6erk Return Completed form to City Clerk at City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-720-5102 phone; 509-688-0194 fax Applicant's Residence Address: 11522 E. Sunview Circle Spokane Valley WA 99206 Street City Zip Code Applicant's Mailing Address (if different from Residence address): Street City Zip Cade Applicant's Email: peggy@valleyfest.org Home Phone: 509 230-6829 Work Phone: 509 922-3299 Cell Phone: 509 230-6829 Length of time continuously lived within Spokane Valley City Limits: 33 years NOTE: You must be a resident of the City of Spokane Valley to participate on most boards, committees and commissions. Gender: Female ® Male ® U.S. Citizen? yes Wa. State Registered voter? yes EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present or last employer: Valleyfest Position Held: Executive Director Dates of Employment: 1996-2016 Address: 10814 E. Broadway Ave Spokane Valley WA 99206 Phone: 509 922-3299 Previous Employer: Mid City Concerns Position Held: Volunteer Coordinator Dates of Employment: 1998-2003 Address: 1222 W. Second Ave Spokane WA 99201 Phone- 509 456-6597 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: High School: Bishop Kelly High School City/State Address Boise, Idaho Diploma: Yes =1 No M College/University: Gonzaga University Degree Earned: City/State Address: Spokane WA College/'University: City/State Address: Idaho State Pocatello, Idaho BA Degree Earned: 30 Graduate Credits COMMUNITY RELATED ACTIVITIES, PAST & PRESENT: (attach additional sheets if necessary YMCA Advisory Board, Greater Gonzaga Guild, Valleyfest, Washington State Fair and Festival Board, Gonzaga U. School of Business Dean Advisory Board, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Campfire, SC Medical Auxiliary, WState Medical Alliance, PEO, VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES, PAST & PRESENT: Valleyfest, Meals on Wheels, MAC, Spokane Preservation Advocates, church and school (SPACE program), PTA, YMCA, community health projects SPECIAL SKILLS/INTERESTS: Community organization, reading, PAST OR PRESENT MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS OR GOVERNMENT BOARDS, COMMITTEES, OR COMMISSIONS: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Spokane Valley, WA Committee Name City/State YMCA Advisory Board Spokane Valley, WA Committee Name City/State Gonzaga University School of Business Dean's Advisory Board Spokane WA Committee Name City/State What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already furnished? Over the past years, i have worked on tourism for the City of Spokane Valley through Valleyfest. This includes meetings with Visit Spokane, Sports Commission, Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce and business leaders. Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission for which you are applying? Since the City of Spokane Valley was incorporated, I have served several terms on this committee. From conversations with elected officials at the state, and city level, I understand the intent of the law and the process in which these funds can be allocated while supporting the goals of the City of Spokane Valley. no Would your appointment to this position create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? Signature 11/28/2016 Today's Date Sp6kane Walley - Application Form for Committees/Boards/Commissions POSITION APPLYING FOR: Applicant's name (please print): City ©NOV 3 0 0616 Upokaf7e valie Clerk Y Return Completed form to City Clerk at City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-720-5102 phone; 509-686.0194 fax Applicant's Residence Address: frU v . 0--t drls%" `may Street ity Zip Code Applicant's Mailing Address (if different from Residence address): �gtreet City Zip Code Applicant's Email: — •C� ea.► Home Phone:' Work Phone: v? 0-4Yi-A Cell Phone: -;S Length of time continuously lived within Spokane Valley City Limits: NOTE: -You -muss -be -a -resident of -the City of Spokane'alleytoparticipate-on=m€tst==boards; committees -and -commissions. Gender: Female M Male U.S. Citizen? EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present or last emp oy r: /�/�l�I�.✓/�3�i�s/� Position Held: s.� Dates of Address: 2✓e' vo 44V Phone: r�2 Previous Empl Position Held: Address: Phone: Wa. State Registered voter? �t- High School: /tiiJlr r �f//0!!.04_ Diploma: Yes Mr -'Nom City/State Address 1 College/University: 4.�W4i %. Degree Earned: t City/State Address: OF College/University:4f X W *'0- r4wJ-/-4-$, __ Degree Earned: _ City/State Address: COMMUNITY RELATED ACTIVITIES, PAST & PRESENT: (attach additional sheets if necessary) VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES, PAST & PRESENT: SPECIAL SKI LLSATNTERESTS: PAST OR PRESENT MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL, CMC ORGANIZATIONS OR GOVERNMENT BOARDS, COM MITTEES, OR COMMISSIONS: / e14.✓! .P_* �'�! �✓ '�,�►-� ~'i d a r,d' IRAQ r^ Committee Natne City/State Committee Name City/State What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already furnished? Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission for which you are applying? Would your appoi Ventto s position create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? S� e Today's Date CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 3, 2017 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Confirmation of Mayoral Appointments: Council - members to Boards and Committees GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Various ordinances, resolutions, and state statutes. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Annually, the Mayor makes appointment recommendations to place councilmembers on various regional board and committees The following are the Mayor's recommendations for each Councilmember's committee assignments: [Note: need one more appointment to the Health District Board] Mayor Higgins: (currently appointed to Mayor's Assoc.of NE Wa, and to Clean Air Agency through 2017) Spokane Valley Finance Committee GSI (Greater Spokane, Inc.) Growth Management Steering Committee of Elected Officials Visit Spokane Deputy Mayor Woodard: (currently appointed to HCDAC through 2017) Spokane Valley Finance Committee Spokane Valley Governance Manual Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce Board Councilmember Collier: Emergency 911 Board Wastewater Policy Advisory Board Councilmember Haley: Spokane Valley Finance Committee Spokane Transit Authority Councilmember Munch: Health District Board Councilmember Pace: Spokane Valley Governance Manual Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) Spokane Transit Authority Councilmember Wood: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Tourism Promotion Area (TPA) — Hotel/Motel OPTIONS: Move to confirm the Mayoral appointments of Councilmembers to the committees and boards as modified or listed above. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move to confirm the Mayoral appointments of Councilmembers to the committees and boards as listed above. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: COUNCIL CONTACT: Mayor Higgins ATTACHMENTS: List of committees and current Council appointee 1. Clean Air Agency, Spokane Regional - (new appointment not necessary) Some functions include coordinating activities with others in the community to carry out sound policies for air pollution control; establish policies to achieve the board's mission. Delegates serve 4 years (or run with council term) Currently: 2016 Rod Higgins (Rod Higgin's Council term runs 2014-2017) 2. Emergency Communications Board 911 Purpose is to provide rapid public access for coordinated dispatching of services, personnel, equipment and facilities for police, fire, medical or other emergency services. Term generally runs in perpetuity as long as individual retain prerequisite for position, or until their appointing body designates a new representative. Meetings generally held 7:30 a.m. last Tuesday of each month. Currently: 2016 Caleb Collier, appointed 8-9-2016 through the remainder of 2016 3. Finance Committee, Spokane Valley See Spokane Valley Municipal Code 2.50.120(a) and (b): "The responsibility and authority for developing, adopting, modifying and monitoring the travel policies and procedures for reimbursement of expenses incurred while on official business of the COSV, is delegated to the finance committee." The City Manager may also request meetings to discuss matters of financial interest with the Finance Committee. Finance Committee also has authority to approve certain change orders on short notice. Currently: 2016 Rod Higgins, Arne Woodard, Ed Pace 4. Governance Manual, Spokane Valley Works toward reviewing, refining, clarifying, or changing Council policies and procedures, to bring forward to full Council for further discussion/consideration. Currently: 2016 Arne Woodard, Ed Pace 5. Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce Board The Chamber is a nonprofit 501(c)(6) organization; it serves businesses & organizations; they are committed to fostering relationships between members and the community to improve the economic climate and quality of life in Eastern Spokane County. Annual meeting held November; and other meetings throughout the year. Term usually Sept 1 to Aug 31 — but they are OK with us having an annual appointment We are permitted 1 — ex -officio non-voting member. Currently: 2016 Arne Woodard (has served since 2012) 6. Growth Management Steering Committee of Elected Officials Operates under the GMA Joint Planning Interlocal Agreement; responsibility is to specify standards for defining urban growth areas, minimum levels of service for UGA, distribution of future growth, negotiating UGA designations, and making recommendations regarding UGAs to the Board of County Commissioners. Meets the 3' Wed of each month, 10 a.m. Spokane Transit Authority Board Room. One-year term subject to reappointment. Currently: 2016 Rod Higgins (and all other current Councilmembers as alternates) 7. GSI (Greater Spokane, Inc.) According to bylaws, delegate must be Mayor Currently: 2016 Rod Higgins 8. HCDAC (Housing & Community Dev. Advisory Committee)- (new appointment not necessary) Authority: Spokane Co Housing & Comm Development Advisory Committee By -Laws Purpose: provide citizen representatives of Spokane County the opportunity to participate in, comment on, and review all funding proposals for the HCDAC Division. Regular meetings 2nd Thurs of the month, 4-5 p.m. Community Service Bldg. Term Period: 3 years. Appointment Process: Mayor writes to BoCC requesting ok of appointment Currently: 2016 Arne Woodard (term ends 12-31-2017) 9. Health District Board Serves at discretion of appointing Mayor but not to exceed 3 years. Serves as governing body of the Health District; works to unite the municipalities & the county in a cooperative effort to supervise all matters pertaining to the preservation of the life and health of the citizens within its jurisdiction. Typically meets last Thursday of the month at 12:30. Two elected officials from Spokane Valley. Currently: 2016: Mike Munch and Pam Haley, through end of 2016 10. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, Spokane Valley Committee consists of 5 members: Two members who represent businesses required to collect tax and; two members involved in funded activities; and one council member to act as chair. Currently: 2016 Sam Wood 11. Mayors Association of NE Washington — representative is Mayor 12. SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) Purpose: facilitates such appropriate coordination and cooperation of transportation planning and provides for continuing area -wide transportation planning program in association with powers & functions as noted in interlocal. Meets monthly, 2nd Thursday at 1 pm, downtown Spokane. Per interlocal agreement, term is 3 years or the tenure of office of the representative in their jurisdiction, whichever is the lesser time, subject to reappointment. We are permitted one voting position: appointed by each governing body, who shall be an elected official. Currently: 2016 Ed Pace 13. STA (Spokane Transit Authority) 1 year subject to reappointment. Board meets 3' Thursday of the month. 2 delegates for Spokane Valley. Board provides policy and legislative direction for the Corporation and its administrators. Currently: 2016 Ed Pace, Pam Haley 14. TPA (Tourism Promotion Area) — Hotel/Motel We have one representative. Currently: 2016 Sam Wood 15. Visit Spokane One year term, subject to reappointment. Purpose is to market the Spokane region as a preferred destination for all visitors. Currently: 2016 Rod Higgins, with Pam Haley as ex -officio through end of 2016. 16. Wastewater Policy Advisory Board Per interlocal: 2 Spokane Valley Elected Representatives. 4 year term or until any such elected official ceases to be an elected official. 2016: Caleb Collier appointed through the end of 2016. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 3, 2017 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Mayoral Appointments: Library Ad Hoc Committee GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Governance Manual Chapter 5:13. In -House Committees, Boards, etc. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: August 30, 2016, Councilmember Pace suggested that a library task force be formed to address the library building concept and site; December 20, 2016, City Manager Calhoun mentioned the committee structure and that possible appointments could tentatively be brought before Council at the January 3, 2017 Council meeting. BACKGROUND: On November 17, 2016, staff met with the Library District to discuss options for moving the construction project forward. The District was favorable to forming a committee who's main task would be to work together to develop a plan to fund and construct a library structure at the location across from the new City Hall. Along with two Councilmembers, City Manager Calhoun suggests the committee include himself, Mr. Driskell, Mr. Hohman, and Mr. Stone. Once the committee is formed, it is anticipated that a committee chair will be recognized to begin scheduling meetings to address the task at hand. The frequency of meetings should be at the committee's discretion, and the goal would be to report back to Council at least quarterly, either by writing or in person. It is further suggested that this committee sunset at midnight, December 31, 2018, unless further extended by a motion approved by a majority of councilmembers during a regular open council meeting. OPTIONS: Council discretion. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move to confirm the formation of the Library Ad Hoc Task Force with the charge to research the library building concept and site; that the committee will sunset December 31, 2018, and to confirm the committee appointments of Councilmembers and ; as well as City Manager Mark Calhoun, City Attorney Cary Driskell, Community and Economic Development Director John Hohman, and Parks & Recreation Director Mike Stone. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: undetermined STAFF CONTACT: Mark Calhoun, City Manager ATTACHMENTS: n/a CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 3, 2017 Department Director Approval: ❑ Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Interlocal Agreement for ESRI GIS Enterprise License Agreement with Spokane County, City of Spokane, Regional Health District, and SRTC. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 39.34 Interlocal Agreements PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council authorized execution of the previous Interlocal Agreement for GIS Licenses on February 5, 2013. BACKGROUND: The City utilizes licenses for Geographic Information System (GIS) software to give us a better understanding of our physical infrastructure and to perform complex spatial analysis. The layers of information used vary depending on the department or purpose. It is also used to assist the Community and Economic Development department and other City departments in providing better service with shrinking resources. For instance, the City can use GIS to identify the best location for a new business as an economic development tool or view crimes and code violations to detect patterns, etc. In the last year, the City implemented an Enterprise GIS system allowing the City to apply business rules to the City's GIS data and provide multiuser access and historical archiving. The system also allows staff and the public to leverage GIS using mobile devices. Since incorporation, the City has participated in a regional Interlocal Agreement for GIS software. The City renews this agreement every four years. Spokane County negotiates the agreement with the GIS vendor Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), and then all participating local jurisdictions enter into the regional Interlocal Agreement. This agreement includes the City's online GIS licenses which were previously included in a separate contract with ESRI. This saves the City money and simplifies the management of the contract. There is a new contract provision that limits reductions in licenses to 10%. This provision is primarily to prevent one participant from making a large reduction in licenses and shifting costs onto the other participants. If some jurisdictions felt the need to go beyond a 10% reduction it would need to be mutually agreed upon and negotiated with ESRI. OPTIONS: Provide consensus to proceed to a motion consideration at a future Council meeting; request more information. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A Staff seeks Council consensus to proceed to a future motion consideration. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Estimated annual costs will be $17,369 compared to $21,210 currently. There will be no CPI adjustment for the next three years and we have already pre -paid for the first year. Costs do fluctuate depending on how many licenses each jurisdiction has. Costs include a County IT Admin fee of 2% and Indirect Costs. STAFF CONTACT: Morgan Koudelka ATTACHMENTS: Interlocal Agreement and Addendums, Enterprise License Agreement. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BY .AND AMONG THE CITY OF SPOKANE, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT, AND THE SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE COUNTY OF SPOKANE/SSRI ENTERPRISE LICENSE AGREEMENT NO. 2004ESL6082, AS AMENDED PURSUANT TO AMENDMENT NO. 9 ("INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR SPOKANE REGIONAL GSI SYSTEM") THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT (Hereinafter referred to as "ILA"), is made and entered into the day of , 20J by and among the CITY OF SPOKANE, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 808 West Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane, Washington 99201; the CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206; the SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 1101 W. College Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99201; the SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL, a munlelpal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 421 W Riverside Avenge, Suite 500, Spokane, Washington 99201; and SPOKANE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Washington having offices for the transaction of business at 1116 West Broadway, Spokane, Washington 99260. The CITY OF SPOKANE, the CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, the SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT, and the SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL are hereinafter listed as "Eligible Agencies" in this ILA, as well as in the County of Spokane/ESRI Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082, as amended and pursuant to Amendment No. 9 (see Addendum A for a listing of the Contract Documents for the County of Spokane/ESRI Enterprise License Agreement). Any entity subsequently added to this ILA as a user of the GIS Software, System or Services shall be included in the definition and list as "Eligible Agencies". Spokane County is hereinafter referred to as the "County." Collectively, the Eligible Agencies and the County are referred to as the "Parties." This ILA replaces and supersedes all previous interlocal agreements between the Parties for Participation in the County of Spokane/SSRI Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082, as amended pursuant to Amendment No. 9, or any subsequent amendment. WITNESSETH; WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.32.120(6), the Board of County Conunissloners of Spokane County, Washington has the care of County property and the management of County funds and business; and WHEREAS, chapter 39.34 RCW authorizes public agencies to contract with one another to perform any governmental service, activity, or undertaking which each public agency entering into the contract is authorized by law to perform; and WHEREAS, the Parties have cooperated for many years in the use of Geographic Information Systems Resources by standardizing on ESRI GIS software in order to jointly build DECEMBER 13, 2016 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PAGE 1 OF 14 SPOICANE REGIONAL GSI SYSTEM common interagency GIS data Iayers that have enabled the Parties to provide geographic services that have best nrct the needs of the community while avoiding duplication of effort and cost; and WHEREAS, in 2004, the Eligible Agencies entered into interlocal agreements with the County to receive and use selected software, data and documentation subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082 between Environmental Systems Research Institute, Ine.(ESR1) 380 New York St., Redlands, CA 92373-8100, and the County; and WHEREAS, in 2016, ESRI and the County have entered into the County of Spokane/ESRI Enterprise License Agreement No, 2004ESL6082, as amended pursuant to Amendment No. 9; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to reduce GIS software acquisition costs and continue to improve the efficiency of geographic services provided to the community; and WHEREAS, the Eligible Agencies are desirous of continuing to receive and use selected software, data and documentation subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the County of Spokane/ESRI Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082, as amended pursuant to Amendment No. 9. WHEREAS, the Parties desire to continue further cooperation by agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the above recitals which are incorporated herein by reference and other good and sufficient consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged, and for the mutual terms and conditions contained herein the Parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1. Purpose. The purpose of this ILA is for the County to provide an opportunity for the Eligible Agencies to acquire selected ESRI GIS software licenses, maintenance and other administrative services/benefits as delineated herein and under the terms and conditions of the County of Spokane/ESRI Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082, as amended pursuant to Amendment No. 9 (hereinafter referred to as "ELA"). The ELA Contract Documents are attached hereto as enumerated in Addendum A, and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Particitration. The Eligible Agencies have been previously authorized to participate in the ELA, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the ELA applicable to a Licensee by signing this ILA. ESRI may pursue remedies directly against any user (i.e., either against the County or directly against any Eligible Agency) for noncompliance of the terms of the ELA. Rights specifically granted to the County by ESRI are not to be extended to the Eligible Agencies. 3. Additional Or Revised Terms.. The Eligible Agencies agree that additional or revised licensing terms for: (1) upgrades or updates to the Site License Software and Limited Deployment Software or (2) upgrades or updates non -Site License Software terms may be incorporated from time to time. These license revisions/updates shall be provided by the County to the Eligible Agencies as they are incorporated into the ELA. Additional or revised terms and conditions for new software, data, documentation, shall be governed by the ELA, and any revised terms found in the then -current General License Terms and Conditions and Exhibit 1, the terms of which will be DECEMBER 13, 2016 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PAGE. 2 OF 14 SPOKANE REGIONAL GSI SYSTEM indicated on ESRt's Web site or enclosed in the deliverable's packaging, depending on the method of delivery. The pricelist(s) for non -Site License Software, Data, Documentation, maintenance for non -Site License Software items, training or services may be revised from time to time, but in no event shall pricing contained therein exceed standard commercial pricing. Unless revised via mutual written amendment between ESRI and the County, the annual FLA fee paid by the County to SSRI is fixed for the term of the agreement. The items provided by ESRI in exchange for the fee are identified in the FLA and include selected software (type and quantity defined), maintenance for the defined software, limited virtual campus training and a fixed amount of ESRI User Conference registration passes. 4. Agreement Is Non -Exclusive. The Eligible Agencies agree to officially name ESRI as their standard and further agree to act as a reference for other ESRI customers and potential customers as long as this ILA remains in effect. Notwithstanding, under no circumstances shall this ILA be construed or interpreted as an exclusive dealings agreement and the Eligible Agencies reserve the right to purchase from third parties any of their requirements for GIS software. 5. Scone Of Ser -vices. Services provided by Spokane County Information Technology (County IT) are as follows: County IT shall administer and manage the ELA for the Eligible Agencies. The County will have the authority from ESRI to deploy ESRI Site License Software to the EIigible Agencies. Additionally, the Parties may order training, services, custom software, and maintenance for standard licenses, or standard licenses for Software, Data, and Documentation separately under the applicable terms of this ILA as fiuther described in Amendment No. 9. b. County IT shall administer and manage the optional ESRI Premium Support site license as further described in Amendment No. 9 (Appendix C). The decision to keep or suspend ESRI Premium Support sluall be by mutual agreement between the City of Spokane and Spokane County. If either agency chooses to suspend Premium Support, the remaining agency may retain Premium Support but shall be responsible for all costs related to Premium Support and will receive all benefits of Premium Support. The County shall provide Tier 1 Teelmical Support to Eligible Agencies. County IT shall also maintain the official Iist of the eight (8) named individuals who may contact ESRI's Tecluiical Support Group directly for Tier 2 Teclulical Support in Addendum B and two (2) named individuals who may contact ESRI's Premium Support in Addendum B. Tier 1 and Tier 2 Technical Support is defined in the FLA, Amendment No. 9 (Article 7). Named individuals who may contact ESRI's Premium Support Group directly are allocated as follows: Spokane County, one (1) user; and City of Spokane, one (1) user; DECEMBER 13, 2016 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PACE 3 OF Int SPOKANE REGIONAL GS1 SYSTEM Named individuals who may contact ESRI's Standard Technical Support Group directly are allocated as follows: Spokane County, two (2) users; City of Spokane, three (3) users; City of Spokane Valley, one (1) user; Spokane Health District, one (1) user; and Spokane Regional Transportation Council, one (1) user. d. ESRI Conference Registrations (Amendment No. 9, Appendix C) shall be distributed to the Eligible Agencies, based on the following: i. ESRI Annual Conference Registrations are allocated as follows: Spokane County, three (3) registrations; City of Spokane, two (2) registrations; City of Spokane Valley, one (1) registration; Spokane Health District, one (1) registration; and Spokane Regional Transportation Council, one (1) registration. ii. ESRI Developer Conference Registrations are allocated as follows: Spokane County, one (1) registration; and City of Spokane, one (1) registration, iii. Eligible Agencies must confirm they will use their registration allocation by January 15"' each year. If an Eligible Agency does not \vish to use a conference registration, the registration will be made available for another Eligible Agency to use. Spokane County will notify all Eligible Agencies if an additional conference registration becomes available. 6. Invoicing And Cost Sharin. The County shall handle all invoicing associated with the ELA as follows. Make annual ELA payments to ESRI within 45 days of the anniversary date of the ELA of 1 January for the term of the ELA. Annual Fee (pre-tax): 2017 $251,000.00 2018 $305,000.00 2019 $305,000.00 2020 $305,000.00 b. Make annual ESRI Premium Support payments to ESRI within 45 clays of the anniversary date of the ELA of 1 January so long as the optional service is in effect, for the term of the ELA. DECEMBER 13, 2016 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PAGE 4 OF ] d SPOKANE REGIONAL GSI SYSTEM Annual Fee (pre-tax): 2017 $38,500.00 2018 $38,500.00 2019 $38,500.00 2020 $38,500.00 c. Spokane County will collect two annual fees for contract administration: 1.) a County 1T administration fee of two (2) percent of the ELA armual fee (pre-tax) 2.) a County administration services fee to cover legal and financial expenses based on Spokane County Information Technology's annual countywide cost allocation rate (Indirect Costs). d. Yearly proration of the ELA License Fee, associated taxes, County IT Administration Fee and County Indirect Costs shall occur in September of each year in the ELA terns. Proration shall be based on two factors: 1.) the number of ArcGIS Online Subscription credits per agency, and 2.) the number of ESRI software licenses keyed to a given agency/licensee. An ESRI software license table will be acquired by County IT on an ainual basis (Table of Standard SSRI Maintenance Fees) and will be distributed to Eligible Agencies. e. Cost al location methodology is as follows (see Addendum C for 2017 example): i. City of Spokane and Spokane County will each be allocated 50% of the cost of optional ESRI Premium Support (if applicable). ii. Each Eligible Agency will be allocated a cost for ArcGIS Online subscription credits of $0.60 per credit. Any additional ArcGIS Online services (additional user packs, etc...) will be allocated a cost as detailed in the Table of Standard ESRI Maintenance Fees, and then added to the ArcGIS Online subscription credit cost. The total ELA cost will be reduced by the amount from this step for the remaining proration (iii). iii. Proration of remaining costs: a. Each individual ESRI software license will be associated with its standard ESRI maintenance fee based on the Table of Standard ESRI Maintenance Fees. b. The sum of the standard ESRI maintenance fees for all keyed ESRI software licenses for given agency will then be calculated. The stun of all agencies' standard maintenance fees will be calculated. DECEMBER 13, 2016 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PAGE 5 OF 14 SPOKANE REGIONAL GS1 SYSTEM d. The sura of each agency's individual standard ESRI maintenance fees calculated in b. will be divided by the sum of all agencies' standard maintenance fees calculated in c. e, The sum of the retraining ELA costs (costs after Step 2), the annual County FLA Administration Fee, County Indirect Costs, and all associated taxes will then be multiplied by a given agency's annual percentage calculated in d. iv. Each agency will be invoiced on a monthly basis the suns of i. (if applicable), ii., and iii divided by twelve (12) to generate a monthly cost. The Eligible Agencies shall remit the funds due to the County within 30 days of invoicing. Invoicing for each year of the contract begins in January of the preceding year as ESRI requires payments in advance for software and maintenance. 7. Request, Deployment, & Account Pioeedin-cs Of Newly -Keyed ESRI AGREEMENT Site License Software. Spokane County Information Technology shall maintain the official list of authorized individuals (one per licensee) in Addendum D who have the budget authority to request additional ESRI software covered by the FLA (as listed in FLA Amendment No, 9; Renewal Term Appendix B). Requests by a given Eligible Agency for additional ESRI Software Licenses must be sent to gis rr,snolcanecounty.or1j. Newly keyed licenses will be added for that licensee to the ESRI software license Table maintained by County IT. Newly keyed licenses will be incorporated on an annual basis into the Cost allocation procedures describe in Section 6 e iii under INVOICING AND COST SHARING. 8. Minimum License Counts. Spokane County Information Technology performed an ESRI keyed license review in September, 2016, for each. Eligible Agency. The results of this license review shall be referred to as the "Initial License Count" and will be maintained by County IT for the duration of the Agreement. Parties may reduce the number of keyed licenses by up to ten (10) percent. froth the Initial License Count. Further reductions in the number of keyed licenses shall not occur except upon mutual agreement of the Parties. 9. Compliance with Laws. The Parties shall observe all federal, state, and local laws, ordinances and regulations to the extent that they may be applicable to the terms of this ILA. 10. Assignments. This ILA is binding on the Parties and their heirs, successors, and assigns. No party may assign, transfer or subcontract its interest, in whole or in part, without the other PARTIES prior written consent. 11. Amendments. This ILA may be amended at any time by mutual written agreement and the Parties. No modification or amendment of this ILA shall be valid until the same is reduced to writing and executed with the same formalities as this ILA. I2. Anti -kickback. No officer or employee of the Eligible Agencies, having the power or duty to perform an official act or action related to this ILA shall have or acquire any interest in the DECEMBER 13, 2016 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PAGE 6 OF 14 SPOKANE REGIONAL GSI SYSTEM contract, or have solicited, accepted or granted a present or future gift, favor, service or other thing of value from or to any person involved in this contract. 13. Termination. This ILA shall commence on execution by Spokane County with ESRI and run for a term of four (4) years. This four (4) year time frame shall be referred to as the "Initial Terni", This ILA may not be terminated during the Initial Terni except upon mutual agreement of the Parties. Each Eligible Agency agrees to be bound by the provisions for termination, and cessation of using the SSRI GIS software, system and any related services, all as set forth in Article 7 of Amendment No. 9 to the ELA, or as may be subsequently amended. The agreement on the part of the Parties to be bound by the provisions for termination, and cessation of using the SSRI GIS software, system and any related services, all as set forth in Article 7 of Amendment No. 9 to the ELA shall survive any termination of this ILA and shall survive the termination of any Eligible Agency's participation in this ILA. 14. Severability. If any parts, terms or provisions of this ILA are held by the courts to be illegal, the validity of the remaining portions or provisions shall not be affected and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall not be affected in regard to the remainder of the Agreement. If it should appear that any part, term or provision of this ILA is in conflict with any statutory provision of the State of Washington, then the part, terns or provision thereof that may be in conflict shall be deemed inoperative and null and void insofar as it may be in conflict therewith and this ILA shall be deemed to modify to conform to such statutory provision, 15. Nondiscrimination. No individual shall be excluded from participation in, denied benefit of, subject to discrimination under, or denied employment in the administration of or in connection with this ILA because of race, color, creed, marital status, familial status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, Vietnam era or disabled veteran status, age, or disability. The Parties shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local nondiscrimination laws, regulations and policies. 16. Ventre. This ILA has and shall be construed as having been made and delivered in the State of Washington and the laws of the State of Washington shall be applicable to its construction and enforcement. Any action at law, suit in equity or judicial proceeding for the enforcement of this ILA, or any provision thereof, shall be instituted only in a court of competent jurisdiction within Spokane County, Washington, 17. All Writings Contained Herein. This ILA contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the Parties. The Parties agree that there are no other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this ILA shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the Parties. 18. Administration. No new or separate legal or administrative entity is created to administer the provisions of this ILA. 19. Agreement To Be Filed. The Eligible Agencies shall file this ILA as provided in RCW 39.34.040. DECEMBER 13, 2016 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PAGE 7 Or 14 SPOKANE REGIONAL GSI SYSTEM 20. Non -Waiver. No waiver by any the Parties of any of the terns of this ILA shall be construed as a waiver of the same or other rights of that party in the future. 21. Headings. The section headings appearing in this ILA have been inserted solely for the purpose of convenience of reference. In no way to they purport to, and shall not be deemed to define, limit or extend the scope or intent of the sections to which they pertain, 22. Compliance With Laws, The Parties shall observe all federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations, to the extent that they may be applicable to the terns of this ILA. 23. Relationship Of The Parties. The Parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this ILA. The Eligible Agencies are interested only in the results that could be achieved, and the conduct and control of all services will be solely with the County. No agent, employee, servant or otherwise of the County shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servant, or otherwise of the Eligible Agencies for any purpose, and the employees of the County are not entitled to any of the benefits that the Eligible Agencies provides for the Eligible Agencies' employees. The County will be solely and entirely responsible for its acts and the acts of its agents, employees, servants, subcontractors or otherwise, during the performance of this ILA. The County does not have the power or authority to bind the Eligible Agencies in any promise, agreement, or representation other than specifically provided for in this ILA. 24. Enforcement Costs. If any legal action or other proceeding is brought for the enforcement of this ILA, or because of an alleged dispute, breach, default or misrepresentation in connection with any provisions of this ILA, the successful or prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, and all expenses even if not taxable as court costs (including, without limitation, all such fees, costs, and expenses incident to appeals), incurred in that action or proceeding, in addition to any other relief to which such party or parties may be entitled. 25. Maintenance Of Records. The Parties will maintain, for at least three (3) years after completion of this ILA, all relevant records pertaining to the Agreement. The Parties shall make available to other Parties, or the Washington Mate Auditor, or their duly authorized representatives, at any time during their normal operating hours, all records, books or pertinent information which the Parties shall have kept in conjunction with this ILA, and which the Parties may be required by law to include or make part of its auditing procedures, an audit trail, or which may be required for the purpose of funding the services contracted for herein. 26. Remedies.. No remedy herein conferred upon the Parties is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy, and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise. No single or partial exercise by any Party of any right, power, or remedy hereunder shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof. 27. Counterparts. This ILA may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when so executed and delivered, shall be an original, but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same. DECEMBER 13, 2016 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PAGE 8 OF 14 SPOKANE REGIONAL GSI SYSTEM 28. Notices. All notices or other communications given under this ILA shall be considered given on the day such notices or other communications are received when sent by personal delivery; or the third day following the day on which the notice or communication has been mailed by certified mail delivery, receipt requested and postage prepaid addressed to the other Parties at the address set forth below, or at such other address as the Parties shall from tine -to -time designate by notice in writing to the other Party: Spokane County Information Technology Department 815 N Jefferson Street Spokane WA 99260 City of Spokane Innovation Technology Services 808 W Spokane Falls Blvd Spokane WA 99201 City of Spokane Valley Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) Spokane Valley City Hall Spokane Regional Health District 11707 E Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 1101 W College Avenue Spokane Valley WA 99206 Spokane WA 99201 Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) Spokane Regional Transportation Council Paulson Center 421 W Riverside Avenue, Suite 500 Spokane WA 99201 29. RCW 39.34 Required Clauses. a. Purpose: See Section 1. b. Duration: See Section 5. Organization of Separate Entity and its Powers: No new or separate legal or administrative entity is created to administer the provisions of this ILA. d. Resl2onsibilities of the Parties: See Agreement provisions. e. Agreement to be filed: See Section 19. f. Finaiiein : Parties shall be responsible for the financing of its contractual obligations under its normal budgetary process. g. Termination: See Section 13. h. Property upon Ter-mination: Title to all personal property acquired by any party in the performance of this ILA shall remain with the acquiring party upon termination of the Agreement. 30. Execution and Approval. The representatives of the Parties signing this ILA warrant that they have been duly authorized to act for and on behalf of the party for purposes of DECEMBER 13, 2016 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PAGE 9 OF lit SPOKANE REGIONAL GSI SYSTEM confirming this ILA and that the persons named in the Contract Administration Section are duly authorized to act for and on behalf of the party for proposes of in carrying -out the Contract Administration ditties and responsibilities as set forth in this ILA. 31. ILA Administrator 1 ILA Administration. The Administration duties and responsibilities of this ILA shall be performed on behalf of each entity by and through the personnel (or their designees) appointed by each Party as identified in the table below with a brief description of the duties and responsibilities following the table. ASSIGNED ILA ADMINISTRATORS OF THE PARTIES COUNTY ILA ADMINISTRATOR: Kevin Norris Progranuning Services Manager Plione: (509) 477-4231 Email: kiioil-is@spokaiiecotitity.org spokanecounty.org CITY OF SPOKANE ILA ADMINISTRATOR: Bill Myers GIS Supervisor Phone: (509) 625-6418 Email: biiiyers@spokanceity.org spokanceity.org CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ILA ADMINISTRATOR_ : Morgan Koudelka Senior Administrative Analyst Phone: (509) 720-5104 Email: nikoudelka ri spokatievalley.org SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT ILA ADMINISTRATOR Todd Miller IT Manager Phone: (509) 324-1689 Email: trmilier tr srhd.org SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL ILA ADMINISTRATOR: Ryan Stewart Executive Director (acting) Phone: (509) 343-6370 Email: rstewart@sr-tc.org DECEMBER 13, 2016 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PAGE I0 OF 14 SPOKANE REGIONAL GS1 SYSTEM ILA Administration Duties and Responsibilities: The duties and responsibilities will include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: a. Serves as the primary point of contact of their governmental agency for the purposes of coordinating any functions, work or activities in connection with this ILA. b. As necessary, reports to the various users and internal key stakeholders it) their respective agency concerning the progress of work and services and deliverables as furnished and performed in connection with the purpose of this ILA and the ELA. c. hlitiates and coordinates changes or modifications to this ILA and causes the same to be finally executed by amendments or modifications according to the procedures of their respective agency. 32. Interlocal Agreement ("ILA") Documents. The Interlocal Agreement ("ILA") Documents for this Interlocal Agreement For Spokane Regional GSI System are as enumerated below, all as may be amended, and which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference in order of precedence (i.e., 1 to 10, below) as follows (collectively the ILA Documents may otherwise be referred to as the "ILA"): 1. Any updated addenda as issued by Spokane County; and 2. This Interlocal Agreement including the following addenda: a. Addendum "A" — ELA Contract Documents b. Addendum "B" - Eligible Agency Staff Who May Contact ESRI's Technical Support Group Directly (as amended and updated) c. Addendum "C" — Example - 2017 Total Costs by ELA Eligible Agency Derived using ELA Cost Allocation Methodology (as amended and updated) d. Addendum "D" — Eligible Agency -Authorized Individuals For Software Requests (as amended and updated) DECEMBER 13, 2016 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PAGE I I OF 14 SPOKANE REGIONAL GSI SYSTEM IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Interlocal Agreement to be executed on the date and year opposite their respective signatures. DATED: ATTEST: Gimia Vasquez, Clerk of the Board DATED: Attest: City Clerk Approved as to form: City Attorney 1 Assistant BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON SHELLY O'QUINN, Chair AL FRENCH, Vice -Chair JOSH KERNS, Commissioner CITY OF SPOKANE Title: DECEMBER 13, 2016 INTrRLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PACE 12 OF 14 SPOKANE REGIONAL GSI SYSTEM DATED: Attest: City Clerk Approved as to form: City Attorney 1 Assistant DATED: DATED: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY In Title: SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT Title: SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL By: Title: DECEMBER 13, 2016 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PAGE 13 OF 14 SPOKANE REGIONAL GSI SYSTEM Addendum A ELA Contract Documents The Contract Documents for the Spokane of County ESRI Enterprise License Agreement No. 2004ESL6082 are as enumerated below, all as may be amended, and which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference in order of precedence (i.e., I to 10, below) as follows (collectively the Contract Documents may otherwise be referred to as the "ELA"): 1. Amendment No. 9 Contract No. 2004ESL6082 2. Amendment No. 8 Contract No. 2004ESL6082 3. Amendment No. 7 Contract No. 2004ESL6082 4. Anlcadment No. 6 Contract No. 2004ESL6082 5. Amendment No. 5 Contract No. 2004ESL6082 6. Amendment No. 4 Contract No. 2004ESL6082 7. Amendment No. 3 Contract No. 2004ESL6082 8. Amendment No. 2 Contract No. 2004ESL6082 9. Amendment No, 1 Contract No. 2004ESL6082 10. County of Spokane/ESRI Enterprise License Agreement a. Agreement No. 2004ESL6082 b. License Agreement Signature Page(s), E1 19 c. General License Terms and Conditions (E200 11/04) d. Exhibit 1, Scope of Use (E300 11/04) e. Enterprise License Agreement Addendum f. —APPENDIX A, Eligible Agencies g. — APPENDIX B, Enterprise License Agreement Sofhvare and Deployment Sclicdule Ii. — APPENDIX C, Enterprise License Fee Schedule i. — APPENDIX D, County Deployment Report j. —APPENDIX E, ESRI Reg istration/Keycode Request Form k. MPA Price List (E405 10/04B) 1. ESRI Client Site Training Terms and Conditions (E207 11/04) in. Custom Sofhvare, Technical Data, and Assistance License Addendum (E600 5/04): i. Attachment A — Sample 'Task Order Form; and H. Attachment B —Time incl Materials Rate Schedule (J-8410/BD) DECEMBER 13, 2016 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PAGE 14 OF 14 SPOKANE REGIONAL GSI SYSTEM ADDENDUM D ELGIBLE AGENCY STAFF tiYHO MAY CONTACT LSRI'S TECHNICAL SUPPORT GROUP DIRECTLY (As of November d, 2016 — Subject to Change) SPOKANE COUNTY Eligible Agency Name Authorized Individual Phone Number Call Level Email Address SPOKANE COUNTY MIKE STEWART (509) 477-7253 License Manager, Standard Support unstc«-artCspokanoecounty.org (509) 477-7531 SPOKANE COUNTY SHAWNA ERNST Premium Support semstoa spokanecounly.org SPOKANE KIRSTEN FROST (509) 477-7216 Standard Support kfrostospokanecouuty.org COUN'T'Y ANDERSEN CITY OF SPOKANE JOE SACCO -6417 CITY OF SPOKANE Eligible Agency Name Authorized Individual Phone Number Call Level Entail Address CITY OF SPOKANE BILL MYERS MIKE SMITH (509) 625-6418 (509) 625-6457 License Manager, Premium Support bmyersCa,spok mccity.org Standard Support bmsnnithcspokaneeity.org CITY OF SPOKANE —� SPOKANE DAN NEYMAN CITY OF MIKE CLINE I (509)625-6962 Standard Support mclineCospokanccity.org SPOKANE CITY OF SPOKANE JOE SACCO -6417 vrecityarg(509)625 tanarupport r CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Eligible Agency Authorized — Namc Individual Phone Number Call Level Email Address CITY OF Email Address SPOKANE SPOKANE DAN NEYMAN (509) 720-5302 Standard Support dncyntant�a,spokanevalley.org VALLEY i HEALTH SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT Eligible Agency Authorized- — Name Individual Pi�onc Number Call Level Email Address SPOKANE REGIONAL JOHN DIXON (509) 324-1644 Standard Support jdixon r,srhd.org HEALTH DISTRICT SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL Eligible Agency Authorized Name Individual Phone Number Call Level Email Address SPOKANE REGIONAL KEVIN SHIPMAN (509) 343-6385 Standard Support kshipmaanCasric.org TRANSPORTATI ON DISTRICT INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT -ADDENDUM I3 ADDENDUM C Example - 2017 Total Costs by Eligible Agency Derived using ILA Cost Allocation Methodology Eligible Step 1, Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Agency Premium ArcGIS Online Remaining ELA Grand Total Support Costs Cost Costs (Subscription credits, (ESRI Costs, County taxes, additional user Admin Fee, County packs) Indirect Costs, Taxes) Spokane County $19,250.00 $40,762.50 $98,784.66 5158,797.16 City of Spokane $19,250.00 $40,762.50 $81,319.68 $141,332.18 City of Spokane $0.00 $4,348.00 $13,020.83 $17,368.83 Valley Spokane County Health $0.00 $0.00 $1,645.76 $1.,645.76 District Spokane Regional Transportation $0.00 $1,630.50 $5,034.08 $61664.58 Council INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT -ADDENDUM C ADDENDUM D ELIGIBLE AGENCY -AUTHORIZED INDIVIDUALS FOR SOFTWARE REQUESTS (The following individuals have budget authority within their agency to make Requests to Spokane County IT for ESRI software covered by the ESRI ELA) (As of November 44, 2016 —Subject to Change) CITY OF SPOKANE Eligible Agcncy Name Authorized Individual Phone Number Entail Address CITY OF SPOKANE. BILL MYERS (509) 625-64119 bntyersCa spokanceity.org CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Eligible Agency Name Authorized Individual Phone Number Entail Address CITY OF SPOKANE MORGAN (509) 7Z0 51D4 mkoudelka r spol anevalie}.org VALLEY KOUDELKA HEALTH DISTRICT SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DISTRICT Eligible A enc y Name Authorized Individual Phone Number Email Address SPOKANE REGIONAL (509) 343-6370 r (CWartcasac.org DISTRICT HEALTH DISTRICT TODD MILLER (509) 321-1689 trmiller ra,srltd.org SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL Eligible Agency Name Authorized Individual _ Phone Number Email Address SPOKANE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION RYAN STEWART (509) 343-6370 r (CWartcasac.org DISTRICT INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT- ADDENDUM D (;esr*i" Amendment No. 9 Contract No. 2004LSL6082 Esri, 384 New York St., Redlands, CA 92373-8100 USA • TEL 909-793-2853 • FAX 909-793-5953 This Amendment No, 9 is entered into by and bethveen Spokane County, Washington (hereinafter referred to as "County") and Environmental Systems Research Institute, Ina (hereinafter referred to as "Esri"). WHEREAS, Esri and County entered into ail Enterprise License Agreement effective December 22", 2004 and Amendments 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8 extended the term until January 111, 2017 ("Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the Enterprise License Terms and Conditions of the Agrecmelrt to (i) update applicable appendices and (ii) extend the term rmtil January P, 2021 ("Renewal Term") for an additional one million one hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars ($1,166,000); and WHEREAS, the County has the option to purchase Premium Support Services (PSS) for an additional thirty-eight thousand five hundred dollars ($38,500) per year for an additional total fee of one hundred fifty-four thousand dollars ($154,000) for the Premium Support Services (PSS). NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree to the following: 1. Extend the term of this Agreement until January 111, 2021 unless terminated earlier as provided in Article 7—Term, Termination, and Expiration. 2. Aruerrd Appendix B Software and Deployment Schedule with the attached Renewal Term Appendix B Software and Deployment Schedule, which shall supersede and apply during the Renewal Term. 3. Amend Appendix C ELA Fee Schedule with the attached Renewal Term Appendix C ELA Fee Schedule, which shall supersede and apply during the Renewal Term. 4. Delete and Replace Enterprise License Agreement Addendum Section 6.1 Purchase Orders, Delivery and Deployment with the attached Section 6.1 Purchase Orders, Invoicing, Delivery, and Deployment. 5. Delete and Replace Enterprise License Agreement Addendum Article 7—Term, Termination, and Expiration with the attached Article 7—Term, Termination, and Expiration. 6. Delete and Replace MPA Price List 13413, elated 07/06/2011 with the attached County of Spokane Standard Products Price List of current commercial list prices E407 -4Q2016 for County's internal use only. The Standard Products Price List is subject to change and an updated version may be provided to Comity upon request. 7. Use the following definitions for the duration of the Renewal Term: L. Reserved M. "Technical Support" means a process to attempt to resolve reported hrcidents through error correction, patches, hot fixes, workarounds, replacement deliveries, or any other type of corrections or modifications provided by SSRI Technical Support Staff, N. "Tier 1 Support" means the Technical Support provided by Centralized Help Desk as the primary contact to Authorized Users in attempted resolution of reported Incidents. O. "Tier 2 Support" means the Technical Support provided by Esri to the Centralized Help Desk when the Incident cannot be resolved through the Tier 1 Support. Except as may be specifically modified by this Amendment No. 9, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement and any Anrendment(s) or Addendunr(s) constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede all prior and contemporaneous agreements or representations, written or oral, concerning the subject matter of this Agreement. iN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment No. 9 as of the date of the last party to sign below. ACCEPTED AND AGREED: 2004ESL6082 Page r of 8 12!9/2016 LG 307540 SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON (County) By: Printed Name: Title: Date: ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. (Esri) By: Printed Name: Title: Date: Page 2 of 8 RENEWAL TERM APPENDIX B SOFTWARE AND DEPLOYMENT SCHEDULE County may Deploy the Enterprise License Software up to the total quantity of licenses indicated below during the Renewal 'Perm of this ELA. Table A-1 Enterprise License Software—Unlimited Quantities Itenn Total Qty./Seats to Be Deployed ArcGIS for Desktop Software (Single Use or Concurrent Use) Basic, Standard, and Advanced uncapped ArcGIS for Desktop Extension Software (Single Use or Concurrent Use) ArcGIS 3D Analyst, ArcGIS Data Reviewer, ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst, ArcGIS Network Analyst, ArcGIS Publisher, ArcGIS Schematics, ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, and ArcGIS Workflow Manager uncapped ArcGIS for Server Software (Basic/Standard/A(lvaneetl) ArcGIS Server Workgroup, and ArcGIS Server Enterprise uncapped ArcGIS for Server Extensions ArcGIS 3D Analyst, ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst, ArcGIS linage Extension, ArcGIS Network Analyst, ArcGIS Schematics, ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, and ArcGIS Workflow Manager uncapped ArcGIS Engine uncapped ArcGIS Engine Extensions ArcGIS 3D Analyst, ArcGIS Geodatabase Update, ArcGIS Network Analyst, ArcGIS Schematics, and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst uncapped AreGIS Runtime Standard uncapped ArcGIS Runtime Extensions (Single Use) ArcGIS 3D Analyst, ArcGIS Network Analyst, and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst uncapped Mapping and Charting Solutions Esd Production Mapping for Desktop uncapped 2004ESL6082 Page 3 of 8 12/9/2016 LG Table A-2 Enterprise License Software—Limited Quantities Rolled -In Qty. Item ('if applicable) Qty./Seats to Be Deployed Total Esri Developer Network (EDN) Standard annual subscriptions - --- 2 2 ArcGIS Data Interoperabilily for Desktop Extension Concurrent- 2 use 0 2 Esri CityEngine Advanced Concurrent Use 1 0 1 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server - 2 2 Product Number of Subscriptions Named Users per Si►bserilition Annual Credits per Subscription ArcGIS Online Subscription 1 10 5,000 (City of Spokane Valley) ArcGIS Online Level 1 1 5 2,500 Subscription (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) ArcGIS Online Level 5 1 500 62,500 Subscription (City of Spokane) ArcGIS Online Level 5 1 500 62,500 Subscription (County of Spokane) Product Number of Subscriptions Niiniber of Autliorized Callers Number of Incidents Premium Support Services (Optional) 1 2 Uncapped 2004ESL6082 Page 4 of 8 12/9120161,6 RENEWAL, TERM APPENDIX C FLA FEE SCHEDULE Tlie Total Required EA Fee for the Renewal Term is $1,166,000. The Total Fee for the Renewal Term, including the optional Premium Support Services, is 81,320,000. Renewal Term: x* If county elects to (10 so, the PSS option must be exercised on the first (lay of an annual payment period. Premium Support Services will be automatically renewed on an annual basis during the term of the EA unless the City/County provides written notice to Esri in order to discontinue the Services. Number of Esri International User January 1s1, 2017 January 151, 2018 January 1s1, 2019 January 151, 2020 Total per Year to to December 3151, to December 3151, to December 3151, 2 Renewal Term of ELA December 3151, 2018 2019 2020 2017 Required 5251,000 5305,000 5305,000 8305,000 51,166,000 Annual EA Fee Annual S38,500 538,500 $38,500 838,500 8154,000 Premium Support Services (.PSS) Fee (optional)** Total Annual 5289,500 5343,500 5343,500 $343,500 81,310,000 Fees (including optional) x* If county elects to (10 so, the PSS option must be exercised on the first (lay of an annual payment period. Premium Support Services will be automatically renewed on an annual basis during the term of the EA unless the City/County provides written notice to Esri in order to discontinue the Services. Number of Esri International User Conference Registrations per Year 8 Number of Esri Developer Conference per Year 2 Number of Tier 2 Support Callers 8 Sets of Back-up Media (upon request) 2 Renewal Term of ELA January 1s1, 2017 thl-ough December 3151, 2020 2004ESL6082 Page 5 of 8 12/9/2016 LG 6.1 Purchase Orders, Invoicing, Delivery, and Deployment 6.1.1 a. Esri does not require County to issue purchase orders. County may submit a purchase order in accordance with its own process requirement, provided that County issues its initial purchase order on or before the Effective Date and subsequent purchase orders at least thirty (30) days before the annual anniversary date for each additional year. b. Any purchase orders that County issues will reference, incorporate, and be subject to the terms and conditions of this EA. No additional, conflicting, or different terms contained in a purchase order or ordering document will be binding. County will process all orders and deliveries pertaining to this EA through County's centralized point of contact. c. County will include the following information in each purchase order: (1) Esri customer number, the ship -to address, and bill -to address as identified in Article 4 — Points of Contact. (2) Purchase order number. (3) Applicable annual payment clue and narmc of Licensee. For Unit -Priced Items, the name of the product and quantity. (4) On the face ofthe purchase order, the following printed statement; "Governed by and subject to Enterprise Agreement No. 2004ESL6082." d. Esri will provide Authorization Codes to activate the nondestructive copy protection program that enables County to download, operate, or allow access to the EA Products listed in Appendix B. e. Delivery of updates/new versions of EA Products will be made in the same manner. If requested by County, Esri will deliver a limited number of sets of backup media as provided in Appendix C to the ship -to address identified in Article 4 — Points of Contact, FOB destination with shipping charges prepaid. County may purchase additional backup media sets at the prices in effect at the time of purchase. Delivery or receipt of tangible media could cause prior and future license fees to be subject to taxes. Esri may invoice for and County agrees to pay any such sales or use tax associated with receipt of tangible media. f. County shall track the Deployment status of EA Products, 6.1.2 Annual Report of Deployments. At each anniversary date and ninety (90) clays prior to the expiration date of this EA, County sliall provide a written report, as set forth in Appendix D, to Esri detailing all Deployments made, including preexisting and Rolled -hl Software. The report will be subject to audit by an authorized representative of Esri. 6.1.3 Esri User Conference Registration. Esri shall provide Esri User Conference registrations to County annually during the term of this EA in the quantities set forth in Appendix D. County is responsible for distributing the registrations to Licensees. Third parties may not represent or altend on behalf of County or Eligible Agencies at any Esri User Conference. 2004ESL6082 P1gc 6 of 8 12/9/2016 LG ARTICLE 7 -TERM, TERMINATION, AND EXPIRATION 7.0 Term- The term of the Agreement shall be through December 31, 2020. 7.1 Termination For Breach- Either party may earlier terminate this Agreement after written notice for material breach. Any such termination will terminate license rights as set forth herein. ESRI, or the County, may elect la terminate the license rights of a particular Eligible Agency for material breach without terminating this Agreement with the County or other Eligible Agencies. The breaching party, or entity, shall be given a period of thirty (30) days to cure any material breach. Upon completion of the 30 -day notice period of the termination of this Agreement for material breach, any terminated Eligible Agency shall uninstall, remove, and destroy all Deployed Enterprise License Software, Data, or Documentation, and training materials, and any whole or partial copies, modifications, or merged portions in any form and execute and deliver evidence of such destruction to ESRI, which evidence shall be in a form acceptable to ESRI.. County shall reasonably cooperate with ESRI in termination of any Eligible Agency in a material breach of this Agreement, including the enforcement of this Agreement with respect to the termination of such Eligible Agency. Other deliverables to any terminated Eligible Agency that may be included in this ELA such as EAP, Virtual Campus training license, access, or VC dollar credits, and User Conference Registrations shall also terminate upon termination of this ELA. 7.2 License Terms and Use Upon Expiration of Term- Upon payment of fees due and the expiration of this Agreement (at the end of the full term defined in Article 7.0) the Enterprise License Software Deployed and the preexisting Rolled -In Software that has been updated (under ELA Maintenance) may continue to be Used and licensed by the Licensee under the terms and conditions set forth in the License Agreement. At the end of the terns (as defined in Article 7.0) of this Agreement, the parties may negotiate to extend this Agreement or negotiate and execute a follow-on Agreement. Licensee will notify ESRI as to which licenses it ovill continute to support under continuing maintenance and which licenses will not be supported under maintenance, 7.3 Termination For Non -Appropriation of Funds- The County, or ESRI, may terminate this Agreement for non -appropriation of funds by providing a 30 -day notice to the other party. Non -appropriation may include eitlier: (a) a lack of funding approval by the County legislative body in any budget year; or (b) the termination of any Eligible Agency for a non -appropriation of funds by that agency's legislative body in any budget year. Under no circumstances may the County, or an), Eligible Agency, deploy additional copies of the Enterprise License Software, Data, or Documentation upon termination of this Agreement for non - appropriation of Funds. If termination is made for County non -appropriation of finds, then Agreement shall terminate and both Sections 7.3.1, and 7.3.2, shall apply. If termination is made as a result of the non -appropriation of funds by any number of Eligible Agencies, then Sections 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 shall apply to the affected Eligible Agencies that did not appropriate the necessary fiutding; and Section 7.3.3 shall apply to the Comity, as well as to any remaining unaffected Eligible Agencies that did appropriate the necessary funding. 7.3.1. Licensee trust uninstall, remove, and destroy all Deployed Enterprise License Software and any whole or partial copies identified in Appendix B, Table B-2; 7.3.2. Licensee stay continue to use Deployed Enterprise License Software identified in Appendix B, Table B -t; PROVIDED (i) The County shall report the quantity and types of Deployed. Enterprise License Software, and ESRI shall determine the quantity and type of Deployed Enterprise License Software, Data, or Documentation that Licensee may continue to use under the general license terms, based on the value of the soltware deployed at then -torrent commercial list prices deemed by Esri to be current and accurate against a portion of the amount paid (portion applicable to Enterprise License Software licenses identified in Table B-1). Licensee shall uninstall, remove, and destroy the Deployed Enterprise License Software in excess of the authorized quantities and types. The remaining authorized quantities and types of software ("Remaining Software") shall be licensed in accordance with the License Agreement; and (ii) Rolled -In Software licenses of the type identified in Table B-1 shall not terminate and may be used at the version level they have been upgraded to at the time of termination. Use and licensing of Rolled -In Software licenses shall be in accordance with the License Agreement. 7.3.3. Annual ELA Fee After Termination for Non -Appropriation of Funds. If an Eligible Agency is terminated for that Eligible Agency's non -appropriation of finds, then ESRI and County will act in good faith to renegotiate, as necessary, a mutually signed amendment to adjust the Enterprise License Fee Schedule that will apply for the remainder of the Agreement. If 2004ESL6082 Page 8 of 9 12/9/2016 LG after 30 -days of renegotiation, the parties are not able to arrive at a mutually agreed upon Enterprise License Pee Schedule, then ESRI or the County may terminate this Agreement pursuant to this section 7.3, in which case the County and all remaining Eligible Agencies must comply with Sections 7.3.1 and 7.3.2. 7.4 Maintennnee After Termination- Within thirty (30) days of termination of this Agreement, the County must document in writing to ESRI, the total quantity and type (e.g. Product) of Remaining Software for which Licensee desires to obtain maintenance, if any. Payment of maintenance fees for such Remaining Software for which Licensee Nvishes to have maintenance, if any, will be effective $•onu the date of the termination.. Other items that may be included in this ELA such as EAP, Virtual Campos training access/ VC dollar credits, User Conference Registrations sliall also terminate if this ELA is terminated. Rolled -In licenses that have been upgraded may continue to be used at the original. Rolled -In quantities (and at the upgraded version). Use and licensing for Rolled -In licenses shall be in accordance with the License Agreement. 7.5 Record Retention and Public Disclosure- If tine County terminates this Agreement for any reason, then notwithstanding any language to the contrary in the Agreement, any and all records or documents required to be maintained within the record retention and public disclosure requirements of Washington State may be subject to retention and disclosure by the County or by an Eligible Agency. 2004ESL6082 Paoc 8 of 8 12/9/2016 LG Page 3 of 22 Esri Proprietary and Coildenlinl Information County of Spokane Standard Products Price List E407 -4Q2016 Section Description Price 1 ArcGIS for Desktop Software 1 ArcGIS for Desktop Concurrent Use Licenses ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Concurrent Use License $9,900.00 ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Concurrent Use License $7,000.00 ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Concurrent Use License $3,500.00 1 ArcGIS for Desktop Concurrent Use Licenses Maintenance Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Concurrent Use License $3,000.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Concurrent Use License $1,200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Concurrent Use License $1,500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Concurrent Use License $1,200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Concurrent Use License $700.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Concurrent Use License $500.00 1 ArcGIS for Desktop Core Extensions Concurrent Use Licenses ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Publisher for Desktop Concurrent Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Tracking Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Desktop Concurrent Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Network Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Schematics for Desktop Concurrent Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Desktop Concurrent Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop Concurrent Use License $2,500.00 1 ArcGIS for Desktop Core Extensions Concurrent Use Licenses Maintenance Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Publisher for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Publisher for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Tracking Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Tracking Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcG15 Network Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Schematics for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Schematics for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Desktop Concurrent Use license $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop Concurrent Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop Concurrent Use License $200.00 1 ArcGIS for Desktop Single Use Licenses Page 3 of 22 Esri Proprietary and Coildenlinl Information ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $9,900.00 ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Single Use License $7,000.00 ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Single Use License $1,500.00 i ArcGIS for Desktop Single Use Licenses Maintenance Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Single Use License (core only) $3,000.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Single Use License (core only) $1,200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Single Use License (without extensions) $1,500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Single Use License (without extensions) $1,200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Single Use License (with extensions) $2,100.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Single Use License (with extensions) $1,800.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Single Use License (core only) $400.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Single Use License (core only) $300.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcG[S for Desktop Basic Single Use License (core plus extensions) $1,000.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Single Use License (core plus extensions) $900.00 i ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Core Extensions Single Use Licenses ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $2,500,00 ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Network Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Schematics for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Publisher for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Tracking Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $2,500.00 1 ArcGIS for Desktop Core Extensions Single Use Licenses ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Desktop Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGI5 3D Analyst for Desktop Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst for Desktop Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Publisher for Desktop Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Tracking Analyst for Desktop Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Desktop Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Network Analyst for Desktop Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Schematics for Desktop Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Desktop Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop Single Use License $2,500.00 1 ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Core Extensions Single Use Licenses Maintenance Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Geostatistical Anaiyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Tracking Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Tracking Analyst for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Publisher for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Publisher for Desktop Advanced Singie Use License $200.00 Page 4 of 22 Esri Proprietary and Conlidentint Information Page S of 22 Esri Proprietary and Confidential Information Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Schematics for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Schematics for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $500.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Desktop Advanced Single Use License $200.00 1 ArcG15 Upgrades ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Concurrent Use License Upgrade from ArcGIS for Desktop .Basic Single Use License $2,000.00 1 Upgrade from One ArcGIS Product to Another ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Single Use License Upgrade from ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Single Use License $5,500.00 ArcG15 for Desktop Standard Concurrent Use License Upgrade from ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Single Use License $5,500.00 ArcGIS for Desktop AdvancedSingle Use License Upgrade from ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Single Use License $8,400.00 ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Concurrent Use License Upgrade from ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Single Use License $5,400.00 ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Concurrent Use License Upgrade from ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Concurrent Use License $3,500.00 ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Single Use License Upgrade from ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Concurrent Use License $6,400.00 ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Concurrent Use License Upgrade from ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Concurrent Use License $6,400.00 ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Concurrent Use License Upgrade from ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Single Use or Concurrent Use License $2,900.00 ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Single Use License Upgrade from ArcG15 for Desktop Standard Single Use or Concurrent Use License $2,900.00 2 ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Specialized Extensions Single Use Licenses 2 Esri Roads and Highways Esri Roads and Highways for Desktop Concurrent Use License $10,000.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Desktop Single Use License $10,000.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Roads and Highways for Desktop Concurrent Use License $2,500.00 2 Mapping and Charting Solutions Esri Production Mapping Concurrent Use License $10,000.00 Esri Production Mapping Single Use License $10,000.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Production Mapping Concurrent Use License $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Production Mapping Single Use License $2,500.00 Esri Defense Mapping Concurrent Use License $10,000.00 Esri Defense Mapping Single Use License $10,000.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Defense Mapping Concurrent Use License $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Defense Mapping Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS for Aviation: Airports Concurrent Use License $5,000.00 ArcGIS for Aviation: Airports Single Use License $5,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Aviation: Airports Concurrent Use License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Aviation: Airports Single Use License $1,250.00 ArcGIS for Aviation: Charting Concurrent Use License $10,000.00 ArcGIS for Aviation: Charting Single Use License $10,000.00 Page S of 22 Esri Proprietary and Confidential Information Page G of 22 Esri Proprietary and Confidential Information Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Aviation: Charting Concurrent Use License $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Aviation: Charting Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting Concurrent Use License $10,000.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting Single Use License $10,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting Concurrent Use License $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting Single Use License $2,500.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry Concurrent Use License $5,000.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry Single Use License $5,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry Concurrent Use License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry Single Use License $1,250.00 2 Mapping and Charting Solutions Bundles ArcGIS for Aviation: Airports Bundle Single Use License $10,500.00 ArcGIS for Aviation: Airports Bundle Concurrent Use License $10,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Aviation: Airports Bundle Single Use License $2,750.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Aviation: Airports Bundle Concurrent Use License $2,750.00 ArcGIS for Aviation: Charting Bundle Single Use License $20,500.00 ArcGIS for Aviation: Charting Bundle Concurrent Use License $20,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Aviation: Charting Bundle Single Use License $6,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Aviation: Charting Bundle Concurrent Use License $6,500.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting Bundle Single Use License $18,700.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting Bundle Concurrent Use License $18,700.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting Bundle Single Use License $6,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting Bundle Concurrent Use License $6,000.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry Bundle Single Use License $12,500.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry Bundle Concurrent Use License $12,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry Bundle Single Use License $3,350.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry Bundle Concurrent Use License $3,250.00 2 Esri CityEngine Esri CityEngine Advanced Concurrent Use License $4,000.00 Esri CityEngine Advanced Single Use License $4,000.00 Esri CityEngine Basic Single Use License $500.00 Primary Maintenance for Esri CityEngine Advanced Concurrent Use License $800.00 Secondary Maintenance for Esri CityEngine Advanced Concurrent Use License $675.00 Primary Maintenance for Esri CityEngine Advanced Single Use License $800.00 Secondary Maintenance for Esri CityEngine Advanced Single Use License $675.00 Primary Maintenance for Esri CityEngine Basic Single Use License $100.00 Secondary Maintenance for Esri CityEngine Basic Single Use License $85.00 2 Esri CityEngine Product Upgrades Esri CityEngine Advanced Concurrent Use or Single Use License Upgrade from Basic Single Use License $3,500.00 3 ArcGIS for Desktop Single Use Term Licenses ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Single Use Term License $4,200.00 ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Single Use Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Single Use Term License $800.00 3 ArcGIS for Desktop Extensions Single Use Term Licenses ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Desktop Single Use Term License $600.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Desktop Single Use Term License $600.00 ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst for Desktop Single Use Term License $600.00 ArcGIS Network Analyst for Desktop Single Use Term License $600.00 ArcGIS Publisher for Desktop Single Use Term License $600.00 Page G of 22 Esri Proprietary and Confidential Information Page 7 of 22 Esrl Proprietary and Confidential Information ArcGIS Schematics for Desktop Single Use Term License $600.00 ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Desktop Single Use Term License $600.00 ArcGIS Tracking Analyst for Desktop Single Use Term License $600.00 ArcGiS Data Reviewer for Desktop Single Use Term License $600.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Desktop Single Use Term License $600.00 ArcGIS for Desktop All Extensions Single Use Term License $1,200.00 4 Esri Developer Technology 4 ArcGIS Engine Licenses ArcGIS Engine Single Use License $500.00 ArcGIS Engine Concurrent Use License $1,250.00 ArcGIS Engine Concurrent Use License Upgrade from ArcGIS Engine Single Use License $750.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Engine Single Use License (without extensions) $100.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Engine Single Use License (with one or more extensions) $400.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Engine Concurrent Use License $250.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Engine Concurrent Use License $185.00 4 ArcGIS Engine Extensions Single Use Licenses ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Engine Single Use License $1,000.00 ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Engine Single Use License $1,000.00 ArcGIS Engine Geodatabase Update Single Use License $1,000.00 ArcGIS Network Analyst for Engine Single Use License $1,000.00 ArcGIS Schematics for Engine Single Use License $1,000.00 ArcGIS Tracking Analyst for Engine Single Use License $1,000.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Engine Single Use License $1,000.00 4 ArcGIS Engine Extensions Concurrent Use Licenses ArcGiS 3D Analyst for Engine Concurrent Use License $1,000.00 ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Engine Concurrent Use License $1,000.00 ArcGIS Engine Geodatabase Update Concurrent Use License $1,000.00 ArcGIS Network Analyst for Engine Concurrent Use License $1,000.00 ArcGIS Schematics for Engine Concurrent Use License $1,000.00 ArcGIS Tracking Analyst for Engine Concurrent Use License $1,000.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Engine Concurrent Use License $1,000.00 4 ArcGIS Engine Extensions Maintenance Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Engine Concurrent Use License $200.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Engine Concurrent Use License $150.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Engine Concurrent Use License $200.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Engine Concurrent Use License $150.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Engine Geodatabase Update Concurrent Use License $200.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Engine Geodatabase Update Concurrent Use License $150.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Schematics for Engine Concurrent Use License $200,00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Schematics for Engine Concurrent Use License $150.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Engine Concurrent Use License $200.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Engine Concurrent Use License $150.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Tracking Analyst for Engine Concurrent Use License $200.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Tracking Analyst for Engine Concurrent Use License $150.00 Primary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Engine Concurrent Use License $200.00 Secondary Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Engine Concurrent Use License $150.00 4 ArcGIS Runtime ArcGIS Runtime Standard 25 -Pack Single Use Deployment License (per 25 pack) $5,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Runtime Standard 25 -Pack Single Use Deployment License $1,000.00 Page 7 of 22 Esrl Proprietary and Confidential Information 4 ArcGIS Extensions for ArcGIS Runtime ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Runtime Standard 2S -Pack Single Use Deployment License (per 2S pack) $10,000.00 ArcGIS Network Analyst for Runtime Standard 2S -Pack Single Use Deployment License (per 25 pack) $10,000.00 ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Runtime Standard 25 -Pack Single Use Deployment License (per 2S pack) $10,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS 3D Analyst for Runtime Standard 25 -Pack Single Use Deployment License $2,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Runtime Standard 25 -Pack Single Use Deployment License $2,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Spatial Analyst for Runtime Standard 2S -Pack Single Use Deployment License $2,000.00 4 Esri Developer Network (EDN) 4 EDN Standard Annual Subscriptions EDN Standard Single Use Term License $1,500.00 EDN Standard with ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Single Use Term License $2,000.00 EDN Standard with ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Single Use Term License $3,000.00 EDN Standard with ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Single Use Term License $4,000.00 4 For Current EDN Subscribers EDN Standard Optional Add-on Software ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Single Use Term License $500.00 EDN Standard Optional Add-on Software ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Single Use Term License $1,500.00 EDN Standard Optional Add-on Software ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Single Use Term License $2,500.00 4 EDN Software Upgrades EDN Standard with ArcGIS for Desktop Standard Single Use License Upgrade from ArcGIS for Desktop Basic License $1,000.00 EDN Standard with ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Single Use License Upgrade from ArcGIS for Desktop Basic Single Use license $2,000.00 EDN Standard with ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced Single Use License Upgrade from ArcGIS for Desktop Standard License $1,000.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise 5 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $40,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $10,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $10,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $2,500.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $20,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $5,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $5,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $1,250.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic (up to four cores) $10,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic (up to four cores) $3,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic (additional cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic (additional cores) $750.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to two cores) $10,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to two cores) $2,500.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced (additional cores—maximum four cores per server) $5,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced (additional cores—maximum four cores per server) $1,250.00 Page 8 of 22 Esri Proprielary and Confidenlial Informalion 5 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard (up to two cores) $5,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard (up to two cores) $1,250.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard (additional cores—maximum four cores per server) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard (additional cores—maximum four cores per server) $625.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Basic ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Basic (price per server [core pricing does not apply]—minimum two cores/maximum four cores) $5,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Basic—(price per server [core pricing does not apply]—minimum two cores/maximum four cores) $1,250.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Extensions Enterprise Advanced ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $10,000.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $2,500.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $10,000.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $2,500.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $10,000.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $2,500.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $10,000.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $2,500.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $10,000.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $2,500.00 Esri Defense Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $10,000.00 Esri Defense Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $2,500.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $10,000.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $2,500.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $10,000.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Defense Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Defense Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $625.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Extensions Enterprise Standard ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $10,000.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $2,500.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $10,000.00 ArcGiS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $2,500.00 Page 9 of 22 LsH Proprietai-3� and Confidential Information Page 10 of 22 E sri Proprietary and Confidential Information ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $10,000.00 ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $2,500.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $10,000.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $2,500.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $10,000.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $2,500.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $10,000.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $2,500.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $10,000.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $2,500.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $10,000.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $625.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $625.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Extensions Workgroup Advanced ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $5,000.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $5,000.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $5,000.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $5,000.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $5,000.00 Esri Defense Mapping for Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $5,000.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $5,000.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $5,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Defense Mapping for Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $1,250.00 Page 10 of 22 E sri Proprietary and Confidential Information Page I 1 of 22 Tsd Proprietary and Confidential Infornralion Annual Maintenance for Esri Production Mapping for Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $1,250.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Extensions Workgroup Standard ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) License $5,000.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) License $5,000.00 ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) License $5,000.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) license $5,000.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) License $5,000.00 ArcGIS GcoEvent Extension for Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) License $5,000.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) License $5,000.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) License $5,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) License $1,2S0.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for Image Extension for Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Production Mapping for Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) License $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) License $1,250.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Upgrades 5 ArcGIS for Server Upgrades—Enterprise to Enterprise ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $10,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $30,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $20,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $2,500.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $7,500.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $5,000.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Upgrades--Workgroup to Workgroup ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Basic Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) $5,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Basic Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) $15,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to two cores) $5,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced (additional cores) $2,500.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Upgrades—Workgroup to Enterprise ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Basic Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic (up to four cores) $5,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Basic Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $15,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Basic Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $35,000.00 Page I 1 of 22 Tsd Proprietary and Confidential Infornralion Page 12 of 22 Esri Propriebq and Conlidenlial Information ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $10,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cares) $30,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $20,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard (up to two cores) Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $15,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard (up to two cores) Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $35,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to two cores) Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $10,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to two cores) Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $30,000.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Staging Server 5 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced Staging Server ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $20,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard Staging Server ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $10,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cares) Staging Server $2,500.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $625.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic Staging Server ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic (up to four cares) Staging Server $1,500.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic (additional cores) Staging Server $375.00 5 ArcGIS for Server Extensions Enterprise Staging Server 5 ArcGIS for Server Extensions Enterprise Advanced Staging Server ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for 5erver Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $1,25000 Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Esri Defense Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 Esri Defense Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to Four cares) Staging Server $1,250.00 Page 12 of 22 Esri Propriebq and Conlidenlial Information Page 13 of 22 Esri Proprietary and Confidential Information Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server :Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Defense Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Defense Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 5 ArcGIS for 5erver Extensions Enterprise Standard Staging Server ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Page 13 of 22 Esri Proprietary and Confidential Information Page 14 of 22 Esri Proprietary nud Confidential Inforninfiou Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGfS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 5 ArcGIIS for Server Staging Server Upgrades ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $15,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $10,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $3,750.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard Upgrade to ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $2,500.00 5 Esri Roads and Highways for Server 5 Esrl Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $10,000.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $625.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $70,000.00 Page 14 of 22 Esri Proprietary nud Confidential Inforninfiou Page 15 of 22 Esri Proprietary and Conridentiai Information Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) $2,500.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) $625.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $5,000.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Roads and Highways for Server Workgroup Advanced (maximum four cores) License $1,250.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) License $5,000.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri .Roads and Highways for Server Workgroup Standard (maximum four cores) License $1,250.00 5 Esri Roads and Highways Staging Server Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $5,000.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) Staging Server $1,250.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Standard (additional cores) Staging Server $313.00 5 Esri Roads and Highways Term Licenses Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $600.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Ray Term License $600.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 Esri Roads and Highways for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 5 Roadway Reporter for Esri Roads and Highways Roadway Reporter for Esri Roads and Highways for Server License (up to 50 Users) $20,000.00 Roadway Reporter for Esri Roads and Highways for Server License (up to 250 Users) $40,000.00 Roadway Reporter for Esri Roads and Highways for Server License (up to 500 Users) $60,000.00 Annual Maintenance for Roadway Reporter for Esri Roads and Highways for Server (up to 50 Users) $5,000.00 Annual Maintenance for Roadway Reporter for Esri Roads and Highways for Server (up to 250 Users) $10,000.00 Annual Maintenance for Roadway Reporter for Esri Roads and Highways for Server (up to 500 Users) $15,000.00 5 Roadway Reporter for Esri Roads and Highways—Term Licenses Roadway Reporter for Esri Roads and Highways for Server Term License (up to 50 Users) $12,000.00 Roadway Reporter for Esrl Roads and Highways for Server Term License (up to 250 Users) $24,000.00 Roadway Reporter for Esri Roads and Highways for Server Term License (up to 500 Users) $36,000.00 6 ArcGIS for Server Term Licenses 6 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Term Licenses ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $4,700,00 Page 15 of 22 Esri Proprietary and Conridentiai Information ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $12,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $24,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $2,300.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $6,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $12,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Basic (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 6 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Term Licenses ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $2,300.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $6,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $12,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 ArcGiS for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Basic (maximum four cores) 30 -Day Term license $600.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Basic (maximum four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Basic (maximum four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 6 ArcGIS for Server Extensions Enterprise Term Licenses ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -bay Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 Esri Defense Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 Esri Defense Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 Esri Defense Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -bay Term License $3,000.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 Page 16 of 22 Esri ProprietaiT and Confidential Information ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 ArcG1S Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 ArcGIS for GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 ArcGIS for GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS for GeoEvent Extension for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Standard (tip to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $1,200.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Enterprise Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $6,000.00 6 ArcGIS for Server Extensions Workgroup Term Licenses ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $600.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $600.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $600.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $600.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $600.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 Esri Defense Mapping for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $600.00 Esri Defense Mapping for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 Esri Defense Mapping for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $600.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $600.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Workgroup Advanced (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $600.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $600.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 ArcGIS Image Extension for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 Pagc 17 of 22 Esri Proprietary and ConfidentiA Information Page 18of22 Esri Proprietary and Confidential Information ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $600.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $600.00 ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 ArcGIS Network Analyst for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $600.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $600.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 Esrl Production Mapping for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $600.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 Esri Production Mapping for Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 365 -Day Term License $3,000.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 30 -Day Term License $600.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 90 -Day Term License $1,500.00 ArcGIS for Maritime: Server Workgroup Standard (up to four cores) 365 -bay Term License $3,000.00 7 Reserved 8 Location Analytics 8 Esri Business Analyst for Desktop Single Use Licenses Esri Business Analyst Basic for Desktop National Single Use License $18,495.00 Esri Business Analyst Basic for Desktop Regional Single Use License $13,495.00 Esri Business Analyst Basic for Desktop State Single Use License $8,495.00 8 Esri Business Analyst for Desktop Concurrent Use Licenses Esri Business Analyst Basic for Desktop National Concurrent Use License $18,495.00 Esri Business Analyst Basic for Desktop Regional Concurrent Use License $13,495.00 Esri Business Analyst Basic for Desktop State Concurrent Use License $8,495,00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Business Analyst Basic for Desktop National License $14,795.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Business Analyst Basic for Desktop Regional License $10,795.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Business Analyst Basic for Desktop State License $6,795.00 8 Esri Business Analyst Standard for Desktop Concurrent Use Licenses Esri Business Analyst Standard for Desktop National Concurrent Use License $40,995.00 Esri Business Analyst Standard for Desktop Regional Concurrent Use License $29,490.00 Esri Business Analyst Standard for Desktop State Concurrent Use License $18,405.00 8 Esri Business Analyst Standard for Desktop Single Use Licenses Esri Business Analyst Standard for Desktop National Single Use License $40,995.00 Esri Business Analyst Standard for Desktop Regional Single Use License $29,490.00 Esri Business Analyst Standard for Desktop State Single Use License $18,405.00 8 Annual Maintenance for Esrl Business Analyst Standard for Desktop—Concurrent Use and Single Use Licenses Annual Maintenance for Esri Business Analyst Standard for Desktop National License $32,795.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Business Analyst Standard for Desktop Regional License $23,590.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Business Analyst Standard for Desktop State License $14,720.00 8 Esri Business Analyst for Server 8 Esri Business Analyst for Server Enterprise Advanced Esri Business Analyst for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $150,000.00 Esri Business Analyst for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $37,500.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Business Analyst for Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $100,000.00 Page 18of22 Esri Proprietary and Confidential Information Page 19 of 22 Esri Proprietary• and Conpdcnlial hiformation Annual Maintenance for Esri Business Analyst for Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $25,000.00 8 Esri Business Analyst for Server Workgroup Advanced Esri Business Analyst for Server Workgroup Advanced (per server—minimum two cores, maximum four cores) $75,000.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Business Analyst for Server Workgroup Advanced (per server—minimum two cores, maximum four cores) $50,000.00 8 Esri Business Analyst for Server Staging Server Esri Business Analyst for Server Staging Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $37,500.00 Esri Business Analyst for Server Staging Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $9,375.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Business Analyst for Server Staging Server Enterprise Advanced (up to four cores) $25,000.00 Annual Maintenance for Esri Business Analyst for Server Staging Server Enterprise Advanced (additional cores) $6,250.00 9-12 Reserved 13 Mobile GIS 13 AppStudio for ArcGIS AppStudio for ArcGIS Standard $1,500.00 AppStudio for ArcGIS Standard with ArcGIS Runtime Deployment Pack Bundle—Year 1 $6,000.00 AppStudio for ArcGIS Standard with ArcGIS Runtime Deployment Pack Bundle—Year 2 $2,000.00 EDN Optional Add -On for AppStudio Standard $500.00 13 ArcPad ArcPad Single Use License $700.00 ArcPad Single Use License with ArcPad StreetMap Premium TomTom Europe Street Data $700.00 ArcPad Single Use License with ArcPad StreetMap Premium TomTom North America (USA and Canada) and Europe Street Data $700.00 ArcPad Single Use License with ArcPad StreetMap Premium TOn1Tom North America (U5A and Canada) Street Data $700.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcPad Single Use License $250.00 ArcPad Single Use License Upgrade $250.00 ArcPad Single Use License with ArcPad StreetMap Premium TomTom North America (USA and Canada) Street Data Upgrade $250.00 ArcPad Single Use License with ArcPad StreetMap Premium TomTom Europe Street Data Upgrade $250.00 ArcPad Single Use License with ArcPad StreetMap Premium TomTom North America (USA and Canada) and Europe Street Data Upgrade $250.00 13 ArcGls for Windows Mobile ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for Desktop Advanced, Standard, Basic, or ArcGIS Engine 5 -Deployment Pack License $1,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for Desktop Advanced, Standard, Basic, or ArcGIS Engines -Deployment Pack License $300.00 ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for ArcGIS Server Enterprise Standard or Workgroup Advanced 50 - Deployment Pack License $15,000.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard or Workgroup Advanced 50 -Deployment Pack License $3,000.00 ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced 5 -Deployment Pack License $1,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for ArcGIS for Server Workgroup Advanced 5 - Deployment Pack License $300.00 ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard 5 -Deployment Pack License $1,500.00 Annual Maintenance for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Standard 5 - Deployment Pack License $300.00 13 StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile Page 19 of 22 Esri Proprietary• and Conpdcnlial hiformation 13 StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile S -Pack Bundles StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for Desktop HERE North America Street Data 5 -Pack Single Use Term License $400.00 StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for Desktop HERE Europe Street Data 5 -Pack Single Use Term License $600,00 StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for Server Workgroup Advanced HERE North America Street Data 5 -Pack Term License $400.00 StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for Server Workgroup Advanced HERE Europe Street Data 5 - Pack Term License $600.00 StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for Server Enterprise Standard HERE North America Street Data 5 -Pack Term License $400.00 StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for Server Enterprise Standard HERE Europe Street Data 5 - Pack Term License $600.00 StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for Server Enterprise Advanced HERE North America Street Data 5 -Pack Term License $400.00 StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for Server Enterprise Advanced HERE Europe Street Data 5 - Pack Term License $600.00 13 StreetMap for ArcGiS for Windows Mobile 50 -Pack Bundles StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for Server Workgroup Advanced HERE North America Street Data 50 -Pack Term License $3,800.00 StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for Server Workgroup Advanced HERE Europe Street Data 50 -Pack Term License $5,700.00 StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for Server Enterprise Standard HERE North America Street Data 50 -Pack Term License $3,800.00 StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for Server Enterprise Standard HERE Europe Street Data 50 - Pack Term License $5,700.00 StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for Server Enterprise Advanced HERE North America Street Data 50 -Pack Term License $3,800,00 StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile for Server Enterprise Advanced HERE Europe Street Data 50 - Pack Term License $3,800.00 14-15 Reserved 16 Instructor -Led Training (ILT) ILT--per Student, per Day at Esri Learning Centers in the United States $565.00 Instructor -Led Online (ILO) Classroom Training—per Student, per Day $565.00 Additional Student—Client Site Private Class per Student, per Day $380.00 Additional Student—Esri Site Private Class per Student, per Day $380.00 Half -Day ILO Training Workshop—per Student, per Seat $185.00 Half -Day li_0 Private Training Workshop -20 Students $2,780.00 Full -Day ILO Training Workshop—per Student, per Seat $370.00 Full -Day ILO Private Training Workshop—up to 20 Students $5,560.00 Private Classes—Esri Site per Class, per Day (12 students) in Locations in the United States $5,095.00 Private Classes—Client Site per Class, per Day (12 students) in Locations in the United States $5,095.00 Client Coaching Services ---Client Site $4,630.00 Client Coaching Services—Esri Site $4,630.00 Technical Certification Exam Voucher $225.00 EDN Instructor -Led Training (5 days) $2,565.00 16 Esri Training Pass Esri Training Pass—per Day, up to 49 Days $565.00 Esri Training Pass—per Day, 50 Days or More $540.00 Esri Training Pass—One-Year Extension, up to 49 Days $530.00 Page 20 of 22 Esri Proprietary niid Confidential Information Page 21 of 22 Esri Proprietary and Confidenflat Information Esri Training Pass—One-Year Extension, 50 Days or More $1,590.00 17 Online GIS 17 ArcGIS Online for Organizations Plans - Term Licenses ArcGIS Online Level 1 Plan—Includes up to 5 Named Users and 2,500 Credits $2,500.00 ArcGIS Online Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 1 Pian $2,500.00 ArcGIS Online Level 2 Plan—Includes up to 50 Named Users and 10,000 Credits $10,000.00 ArcGIS Online Additional User 5 -Pack for level 2 Pian $1,000.00 ArcGIS Online Level 3 Plan—Includes up to 100 Named Users and 17,500 Credits $17,500.00 ArcGIS Online Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 3 Plan $875.00 ArcGIS Online Level 4 Plan—includes up to 250 Named Users and 37,500 Credits $37,500.00 ArcG15 Online Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 4 Plan $750.00 ArcGIS Online Level 5 Plan—Includes up to 500 Named Users and 62,500 Credits $62,500.00 ArcGIS Online Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 5 Plan $625.00 ArcGIS Online Level 6 Plan—Includes up to 1,000 Named Users and 110,000 Credits $110,000.00 ArcGIS Online Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 6 Plan $550.00 ArcGIS Online Additional Service Credits—Block of 1,000 $100.00 17 Esri Business Analyst Online Organization Plans for Use with ArcGIS Online Esri Business Analyst Online (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 1 Plan—Includes up to 5 Named Users $500.00 Esri Business Analyst Online (for use with ArcGIS Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 1 Plan $500.00 Esri Business Analyst Online (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 2 Plan—Includes up to 50 Named Users $2,000.00 Esri Business Analyst Online (for use with ArcGIS Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 2 Plan $200.00 Esri Business Analyst Online (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 3 Plan—Includes up to 100 Named Users $3,500.00 Esri Business Analyst Online (for use with ArcGIS Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 3 Plan $175.00 Esri Business Analyst Online (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 4 Plan—Includes up to 250 Named Users $7,500.00 Esri Business Analyst Online (for use with ArcGIS Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 4 Plan $150.00 Esri Business Analyst Online (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 5 Plan --Includes up to 500 Named Users $12,500.00 Esri Business Analyst Online (for use with ArcGIS Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 5 Plan $125.00 Esri Business Analyst Online (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 6 Plan—Includes up to 1,000 Named Users $22,000.00 Esri Business Analyst Online (for use with ArcGIS Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 6 Plan $110.00 17 Esri Community Analyst Organization Plans for Use with ArcGIS Online Esri Community Analyst (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 1 Plan—includes up to 5 Named Users $500.00 Esri Community Analyst (for use with ArcGIS Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 1 Plan $500.00 Esri Community Analyst (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 2 Plan—Includes up to 50 Named Users $2,000.00 Esri Community Analyst (for use with ArcGIS Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 2 Plan $200.00 Esri Community Analyst (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 3 Plan—Includes up to 100 Named Users $3,500.00 Esri Community Analyst (for use with ArcGIS Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 3 Plan $175.00 Esri Community Analyst (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 4 Plan—includes up to 250 Named Users $7,500.00 Esri Community Analyst (for use with ArcGIS Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 4 Plan $150.00 Esri Community Analyst (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 5 Plan—Includes up to 500 Named Users $12,500.00 Esri Community Analyst (for use with ArcGIS Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 5 Plan $125.00 Esri Community Analyst (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 6 Plan—includes up to 1,000 Named Users $22,000.00 Esri Community Analyst (for use with ArcG15 Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 6 Plan $110.00 17 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS 17 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS for Use with ArcGIS Online—Annual Term Licenses GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with ArcGIS Online) for 1 Named User Single Use $500.00 Page 21 of 22 Esri Proprietary and Confidenflat Information Page 22 of 22 EsH Proprietary and Co amential ltiforiiiatioit GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 1 Plan—Includes up to 5 Named Users $2,500.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with ArcGIS Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 1 Plan $2,500.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 2 Plan—Includes up to 50 Named Users $10,000.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with ArcGIS Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 2 Plan $1,000.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGiS (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 3 Plan—Includes up to 100 Named Users $17,500.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with ArcGIS Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 3 Plan $875.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 4 Plan—Includes up to 250 Named Users $37,500.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with ArcGIS Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 4 Plan $750.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 5 Plan—Includes up to 500 Named Users $62,500.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with ArcGIS Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 5 Plan $625.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with ArcGIS Online) Level 6 Plan—Includes up to1,000 Named Users $110,000.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with ArcGIS Online) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 6 Pian $550.00 17 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS for Use with Portal for ArcGIS Annual Term Licenses GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with Portal for ArcGIS) for 1 Named User $500.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS Level 1 Plan (for use with Portal for ArcGIS) for up to 5 Named Users $2,500.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGiS (for use with Portal for ArcGIS) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 1 Plan $2,500.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS Level 2 Plan (for use with Portal for ArcGIS) for up to 50 Named Users $10,000.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with Portal for ArcGIS) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 2 Plan $1,000.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS Level 3 Plan (for use with Portal for ArcGIS) for up to 100 Named Users $17,500.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with Portal for ArcGIS) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 3 Plan $875.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS Level 4 Plan (for use with Portal for ArcGIS) for up to 250 Named Users $37,500.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with Portal for ArcGIS) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 4 Plan $750.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS Level 5 Plan (for use with Portal for ArcGIS) for up to 500 Named Users $62,500.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with Portal for ArcGIS) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 5 Plan $625.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS Level 6 Plan (for use with Portal for ArcGiS) for up to 1,000 Named Users $110,000.00 GeoPlanner for ArcGIS (for use with Portal for ArcGIS) Additional User 5 -Pack for Level 6 Plan $550.00 17 Navigator for ArcGIS Navigator for ArcGIS--Named User 5 -Pack $250.00 17 Drone2Map for ArcGIS Drone2Map for ArcGIS Annual Individual Subscription $3,500.00 18 Portal for ArcGIS 18 Portal for ArcGIS Term Licenses Portal for ArcGIS--Includes up to 5 Named Users Annual Term License $2,500.00 Portal for ArcGIS—Includes up to 50 Named Users Annual Term License $10,000.00 Portal for ArcGIS—Includes up to 100 Named Users Annual Term License $17,500.00 Portal for ArcGIS—Includes up to 250 Named Users Annual Term License $37,500.00 Portal for ArcGIS—Includes up to 500 Named Users Annual Term License $62,500.00 Portal for ArcGIS—Includes up to 1,000 Named Users Annual Term License $13.0,000.00 18 Portal for ArcGiS Additional User 5 -Pack Term Licensing Portal for ArcGIS Additional User 5 -Pack for up to 5 Named Users Annual Term License $2,500.00 Portal for ArcGIS Additional User 5 -Pack for up to 50 Named Users Annual Term License $1,000.00 Portal for ArcGIS Additional User 5 -Pack for up to 100 Named Users Annual Term License $875.00 Portal for ArcGIS Additional User 5 -Pack for up to 250 Named Users Annual Term License $750.00 Portal for ArcGIS Additional User 5 -Pack for up to 500 Named Users Annual Term License $625.00 Portal for ArcGIS Additional User 5 -Pack for up to 1,000 Named Users Annual Term License $550.00 19 Premium Support Services Premium Support Annual Use—Unlimited Incidents $38,500.00 Premium Support Annual Use—Up to 10 Incidents $15,000.00 Premium Support Additional Authorized Contact—Unlimited Incidents $10,000.00 Page 22 of 22 EsH Proprietary and Co amential ltiforiiiatioit Page 23 of 22 Esri Proprietary and Confidential Information EDN Technical Support Services (10 calls) $2,000.00 20 StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS HERE Data —North America 20 StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS HERE Data—United States United States—Full Use (per single use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $6,000.00 United States—Full Use (per concurrent use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $15,000.00 United States—Full Use (per ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $75,000.00 United States—Full Use (per additional 2 cores ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $30,000.00 United States—Display and Geocode (per single use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $3,000.00 United States—Display and Geocode (per concurrent use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $7,500.00 United States—Display and Geocode (per ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $37,500.00 United States—Display and Geocode (per additional 2 cores ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $15,000.00 20 StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS HERE Data—North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico) North America—Full Use (per single use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $12,000.00 North America—Full Use (per concurrent use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $30,000.00 North America—Full Use (per ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $150,000.00 North America—Full Use (per additional 2 cores ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $60,000.00 North America—Display and Geocode (per single use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $6,000.00 North America—Display and Geocode (per concurrent use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $15,000.00 North America—Display and Geocode (per ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $75,000.00 North America—Display and Geocode (per additional 2 cores ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $30,000.00 20 StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS HERE Data—State State—Full Use (per single use ArcGIS For Desktop user/per year) $2,000.00 State—Full Use (per concurrent use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $5,000.00 State—Full Use (per ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $25,000.00 State—Full Use (per additional 2 cores ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $10,000.00 State—Display and Geocode (per single use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $1,000.00 State—Display and Geocode (per concurrent use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $2,500.00 State—Display and Geocode (per ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $12,500.00 State—Display and Geocode (per additional 2 cores ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $5,000.00 20 StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS TomTom Data—North America 20 StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS TomTom Data—United States United States—Full Use (per single use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $6,000.00 United States --Full Use (per concurrent use ArcG1S for Desktop user/per year) $15,000.00 United States—Full Use (per ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $75,000.00 United States—Full Use (per additional 2 cores ArcG€S for Server Enterprise/per year) $30,000.00 United States—Display and Geocode (per single use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $3,000.00 United States—Display and Geocode (per concurrent use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $7,500.00 United States --Display and Geocode (per ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $37,500.00 United States—Display and Geocode (per additional 2 cores ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $15,000.00 20 StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS TomTom Data—Small State in the United States Small State—Full Use (per single use ArcGIS For Desktop user/per year) $900.00 Small State—Full Use (per concurrent use ArcG1S for Desktop user/per year) $2,250.00 Small State—Full Use (per ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $11,250.00 Small State—Full Use (per additional 2 cores ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $4,500.00 Small State—Display and Geocode (per single use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $500.00 Small State—Display and Geocode (per concurrent use ArcG1S for Desktop user/per year) $1,125.00 Small State—Display and Geocode (per ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $5,625.00 Small State—Display and Geocode (per additional 2 cores ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $2,250.00_ 20 StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS TomTom Data—Medium State in the United States Page 23 of 22 Esri Proprietary and Confidential Information Medium State—Full Use (per single use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $1,200.00 Medium State—Full Use (per concurrent use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $3,000.00 Medium State—Full Use (per ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $15,000.00 Medium State—Full Use (per additional 2 cores ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $6,000.00 Medium State—Display and Geocode (per single use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $600.00 Medium State—Display and Geocode (per concurrent use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $1,500.00 Medium State—Display and Geocode (per ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $7,500.00 Medium State --Display and Geocode (per additional 2 cores ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $3,000.00 20 StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS Tomiom Data—Large State in the United States Large State—Full Use (per Single use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $1,800.00 Large State—Full Use (per concurrent use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $4,500.00 Large State—Full Use (per ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $22,500.00 Large State—Full Use (per additional 2 cores ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $9,000.00 Large State—Display and Geocode (per single use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $900.00 Large State—Display and Geocode (per concurrent use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $2,250.00 Large State—Display and Geocode (per ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $11,250.00 Large State—Display and Geocode (per additional 2 cores ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $4,500.00 20 StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS TomTom Data—North America North America --Full Use (per single use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $12,000.00 North America—Full Use (per concurrent use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $30,000.00 North America—Full Use (per ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $150,000.00 North America—Full Use (per additional 2 cores ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $60,000.00 North America—Display and Geocode (per single use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $6,000.00 North America—Display and Geocode (per concurrent use ArcGIS for Desktop user/per year) $15,000.00 North America—Display and Geocode (per ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $75,000.00 North America—Display and Geocode (per additional 2 cores ArcGIS for Server Enterprise/per year) $30,000.00 Page 24 of 22 EsN Proprietary And Confidential Information CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 3, 2017 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Pines Road Underpass Right -of -Way Acquisition GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: November 10, 2015, Adoption of the 2016 Annual Budget, which included funds for this acquisition. BACKGROUND: The Pines Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project replaces an at -grade crossing with an underpass of BNSF's railroad tracks; lowers the intersection and adds lanes at the nearby Pines Road/Trent Avenue (SR 290); and closes the at -grade crossing of University Road at the BNSF railway. As part of the project, Pines Road will be shifted to the east. This will require the acquisition of additional right-of-way. The owners of the property east of Pines Road, Pinecroft, LLC, approached the City last year requesting that either 1) they be allowed to develop their property or 2) the City should purchase from them the necessary right-of-way for the Pines Road/BNSF project. Pinecroft, LLC, City staff and City Councilmembers all agreed that it would be in the public's best interest to purchase the needed right- of-way now rather than allowing the property to be developed just to have to later relocate all tenants and remove all improvements later when the Pines Road/BNSF project moves forward. Therefore, Council included the purchase of this right-of-way in the 2016 budget. Staff moved forward with the purchase of this property with the help of a real estate consultant. An appraisal and review appraisal were completed, an offer was made, negotiations ensued, a Boundary Line Adjustment was completed, and the final acquisition documents are now ready for approval. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The cost of the right-of-way acquisition was included in the 2016 Budget. Funds for this purchase are coming from Capital Reserve Fund 312. STAFF CONTACT: Steve M. Worley, P.E. — CIP Manager Eric Guth, P.E. — Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation IF t Se ROW Acquisition - Pinecroft Property Pinecroft Parcel • Pinecroft LLC supports grade separation project • However, Pinecroft wanted to either develop property or have right-of-way purchased for project • Much more costly if right-of-way purchased after development — business relocation, demolition, etc. • City agreed to purchase vacant property to protect it from being developed 3 Negotiations with Owner Pinecroft requested purchase of entire parcel Exceeded available funds r A Boundary Line Adjustment proposed Purchase would be an entire parcel • Fits within project budget Remaining property line parallel to exiting property line 5 Questions? CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 3, 2017 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: New City Hall — Project Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Multiple meetings, Council retreat 02-17-15; Administrative Report 03-17-15, Motion Consideration 03-24-15, Study Session 09-15-15, Motion Consideration 09-29-15, Interior Discussion 11-18-15, Heating and Cooling Discussions on 12-1- 15 and 12-15-15, Interior and Exterior Discussion 12-29-15, General updates on 01-19-16 and 02-02-16, Final design discussion on 02-16-16 and Approval of City Hall Plan authorization to proceed with bid process on 02-23-16; Admin report on bid results at Council's 4-26-16 meeting; Bid Award on May 3, 2016; Admin Report on Project Update on August, 16, 2016, September 6, 2016, October 4, 2016, November 1, 2016 and December 6, 2016. BACKGROUND: City Council and staff have been working since early 2015 on the design of the New City Hall building. Construction of the project began on May 31, 2016. Staff will give a brief update on the current status of the project OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City Hall construction project is anticipated to cost $14.154 million including land acquisition, design services, and construction. This project will be funded through a General Obligation bond which will be authorized by City Council through a separate motion. STAFF CONTACT: Steve M. Worley, CIP Manager Eric Guth, Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation 00000� Spokane ,,;OooIFValley- City Hall Update ------------ - --------- 1 Spokane Valley Schedule • Construction Began May 31, 2016 • Substantial Completion August 31, 2017 • Final Completion September 30, 2017 Project Still on Schedule v PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ,;oOValley Progress — Week 26 2nd Floor Slab -North PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMEN13 00000� Spokane ,,;0oo1FVa11ey- Progress — Week 26 3rd Floor Steel Decking and Glu -lam Installation PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ;. ;� •`' ;..� �,• ,wed �� r ,� Ij � � P� '� �.'��. `r:�u. ` � ��'..�. , °�"i'�� ,;oOValley Progress — Week 27 3rd Floor North Wing Slab Pour PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMEN-f +�+:,+ . � ai., •tit ���� � 2x 53 'i Spokane ,,;oo*Valley® Progress — Week 28 3rd Floor Slab, Trusses and Decking —North Wing PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMEN19 ,;oOValley Progress — Week 28 3rd Floor Interior Framing —South Wing PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ,;oOValley Progress - Building PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENV Spolane ,;oOValley Progress — Site (video) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENY Spokane jvalley Additional Information • 47% Schedule Completed • -$4,948,417 paid to Contractor (51 %) • Requests for Information (RFIs) 87 Answered - 0 Pending • 220 Submittal Packages Reviewed PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Spokane Valley Additional Information Change Orders 1-5 • Change Order 1: $23,345.00 — Hazardous debris testing and removal, electrical site utility changes • Change Order 2: ($71858.00) — Additional electrical per RFI's 32 and 41, top of basement wall insulation, roofing design adjustments, decking support at gridline 4, damproofing material • Change Order 3: $131391.95 — Delete under -slab plumbing and thin slab in South wing, under -slap plumbing in North wing, structural connections and elevations, additional steel from submittal review, elevator head height adjustment, waste piping not shown, native cornerstone PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENY Spokane jvalley Additional Information I0 Change Order 4: $81056.04 — Support for decking at elevator entrance, structural steel shop drawings, mock-up wall changes, curved window head framing, added clips per RFI 70, bottom track anchors, 1-1/4" conduit to N310 per on-site meeting • Change Order 5: $101803.27 — Additional insulation board inside ventilation wells, attic cat -walk, roofing substitution request Total Change Orders (1-5): $47,738.26 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT spokar,\ jVa11ey- Additional Information • Furniture Vendor —Six Companies responded to RFQ — Interviewed 4 —Selected Contract Design Associates PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Spokane jvalley Additional Information Upcoming Activities PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENY 3 Lou Z4ill NA l � �1� r 00, 1 ::VM ADVANCE AGENDA as of December 29, 2016; 8:30 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Clerk, by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings January 10, 2017, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue. Jan 31 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 17-001 Amending SVMC 7.20 Alarm Systems — M.Koudelka (15 min) 3. Proposed Resolution 17-001 Repealing & Replacing 16-002, Bank Signing — Chelsie Taylor (5 minutes) 4. Motion Consideration: GIS Enterprise License Agreement — Morgan Koudelka (10 minutes) 5. Motion Consideration: Bid Award, Appleway Trail, Pines to Evergreen — Steve Worley (10 minutes) 6. Motion Consideration: Consultant Agreem't Design Barker Rd/BNSF Separation Project — Eric Guth (10 min) 7. Motion Consideration: Pines Road Underpass Right-of-way acquisition — Eric Guth (10 minutes) 8. Admin Report: Railroad Bridge Repair/Maintenance — Cary Driskell (20 minutes) 9. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 90 minutes] January 17, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue, .Tan 10] 1. Taxicabs, Commercial Ridesharing — Cary Driskell (15 minutes) 2. Oath of Office — Cary Driskell (15 minutes) 3. Grant Reimbursement Authority — Cary Driskell (15 minutes) 4. Amendment to SVMC 2.15.050 — Cary Driskell (10 minutes) 5. Service Animals — Erik Lamb (15 minutes) 6. Sullivan Bridge — Steve Worley (20 minutes) 7. Bidding History — Eric Guth (30 minutes) 8. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 125 minutes] January 24, 2017, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue. Jan 171 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. First Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending SVMC 2.15.050 — Cary Driskell (10 minutes) 3. Proposed Resolution, Grant Reimbursement Authority — Cary Driskell (10 minutes) 4. Admin Report: Siting of Sculptures — John Hohman (20 minutes) 5. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 6. Info Only: Department Reports [*estimated meeting: 50 minutes] January 31, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda [due ue. Jan 241 February 7, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due ue. Jan 3T1 ACTION ITEMS: 1. Second Reading Ordinance Amending SVMC 2.15.050 — Cary Driskell (10 minutes) NON -ACTION ITEMS: 2. Accomplishments Report for 2016 — Mark Calhoun 60 minutes) 3. City Hall Update — Steve Worley (5 minutes) 4. Advance Agenda (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 80 minutes] February 14, 2017, Special Meeting, Winter Workshop, 8:30 a.m. — 2:00 p.m. Council Chambers Draft Advance Agenda 12/29/2016 8:50:42 AM Page 1 of 2 February 14, 2017 Formal MeetiM 6 pm: Cancelled February 21, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due ue. Feb 141 1. Advance Agenda February 28, 2017, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue. Feb 211 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Reports March 7, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due ue. Feb 281 1. City Hall Update — Steve Worley (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda March 14, 2017, Formal Meetine Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue, March 71 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) March 21, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue. March 141 1. Advance Agenda March 28, 2017, Formal Meetine Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue, March 211 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) 3. Info Only: Department Reports April 4, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tue. March 281 1. City Hall Update — Steve Worley (5 minutes) 2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins (5 minutes) *time for public or Council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUESIMEETINGS: 8' & McDonald follow-up Fee Resolution Food Event, City Sponsorship of, contract General Fund, Fund Balance Discussion SCRAPS Update Second Amendment Sanctuary City Term Limits TPP Undergrounding Utility Facilities in ROW Utility Tax Washington State: 2 states Draft Advance Agenda 12/29/2016 8:50:42 AM Page 2 of 2