2016, 12-19 Planning Commission Openings (S/R) *Federal Tax ID No. 68-0617327
County of Spokane} ss
Name: City of Spokane Valley Client ID: 42365
The City of Spokane Valley seeks
two members to serve on the City
of Spokane Valley's Planning Total Cost: $128.00 Order No. 225204
Commission.Terms are'for three=
years. The Commission studies
and makes recommendations to
the City Council for futnre planned
growth as directed by the City
Council. Qualifications'include I, Janet Pattison
having an interest in planning, do solemnly swear that I am the Principal Clerk of The Spokesman-Review,
land use, transportation, capital
infrastructure,,anddbuilding and a newspaper established and regularly published, once each day in the English
Iandseape design as evidenced by. language, in and of general circulation in the City of Spokane County, Washington;
training,experience,or interest in and in the City of Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho; that said newspaper
the City of Spokane Valley.
Commission members are has been so established and regularly published and has had said general
nominated by-the Mayor and circulation continuously for more than six(6) months prior to the 23rd day of
confirmed by a•majority vote of July, 1941; that said newspaper is printed in an office maintained at its
City Councilmembers. ,The
,appointments are tentatively place of publication in the City of Spokane, Washington; that said newspaper
scheduled to be made at the was approved and designated as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior
,lanmary 3,2017 Council meeting.
Members are selected without Court of the State of Washington for Spokane County on the 23rd day of July,
respect to political affiliations 1941, and that said order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect;
and serve without compensation. that the notice attached hereto and which is a part of the proof of publication,
Members-must of rese within tThe waspublished in said newspaper two time(s), thepublication having
limits of Spokape Valley. The
Commission generally meets at been made once each time on the following dates:
6:00 p.m„on the 2nd and 4th
Thursdays. Applipations may be
obtained fromfhe City!s website- December 8 & 15, 2016
at December 1, 8 & 15, 2016
or by contacting Chris Bainbridge,
City Clerk, 509x720-5102. The That said notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every number
,,deadline to submit applications
has been extended, and of the paper during the period of time of publication, and that the notice was
applications must be received by published in the newspaper roper and not in a supplement.
the Spokane Valley City Clerk
Chris Bam.,Monday,
no later than '"x
4:00 p.m., Monday,December.19, / ..,-
i2016.The term for,these positions
will begin January 2017.
Christine Bainbridge,.MMC Subscribed and swor o before me at the City of Spokane, this
Spokane Valley City Clerk 15th day of December , 2016. ��
PUBLISH:Doc 0 and 15,2016 V I N O ,'
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R/t/t-9 igt- V/IWieled ARY /
N ry Public in and for the State of Washington, //oN N P u�1 ,C (Q O i�
residing at Spokane County, Washington (1I 'xj )14BEFt,1. :�
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Notary : i:%,�r.�
Paper Affidavits.xls