1998, 11-19 Permit App: 98011814 Addition 4 Project Number: 98011814 Inv: 1 Application Date: 11/19/98 Page 1 of 2 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Project Information: :M:.*.*: :., ww :: MMA :: •::M . . r� � . . ;�.:MWM : U::::: Permit Use: RESIDENCE ADDITION Contact: GILLAM,CHARLES Address: 10512 E 13TH AVE Setbacks:Front NA Left: 5 Right: NA Rear: 75 C-S-Z SPOKANE,WA 99206 Phone: (509)928-5965 Site Information: Plat Key: 002704 Name: UNIVERSITY PLACE District: Parcel Number: 45204.2207 SiteAddress: 10512 E 13TH AVE Owner:Name: GILLAM,CHARLES SPOKANE,WA 99206 Address: 10512 E 13TH AVE Location::SPO SPOKANE,WA 99206 Zoning: UR 3.5 Urban Residential 3.5 Water District: 999 UNKNOWN Hold: ❑ Area: 0 Sq Ft Width: 50 Depth: 150 Right Of Way(ft): 5 Nbr of Bldgs: 1 Nbr of Dwellings: 1 Review Information: „ .. a_: •. :.,....4m .;; -a :akkt-. :..q {;mk .: .•v. -:� :<:: , u;-: Department Review BUILDING Plan Review Comments: Permits: i Q\`5 `i: nZ3KMs?3 ?iia;i33MMV3>3e'Y'3s i>>`M#3#M2; 23 ki> `b A\k�o�C5d3#i333s`3`3i4' :Z5S: 3.M1MdrY3O...xS''a2>.r'33#i i»iii Building Permit Contractor: OWNER Firm: OWNER Address: 0 Phone: (000)000-0000 000000,00 000000 Building Characteristics Const Category: Addition Nbr Of Dwellings: 1 Occupant Load: Building Height: 12 Stories: 1 Bldg W x D: 12 x 12 Building Sq Ft: 144 Sprinklers: ❑ Req Parking: Handicap Parking: Critical Materials: ❑ This Application: Total Project: Description Gtr Type Notes So Ft Valuation Sq Ft Valuation RES ADD R-3 VN 144 $8,928.00 144 $8,928.00 Totals: 144 $8,928.00 144 $8,928.00 Item Description Units Unit Desc Fee Amount RESIDENTIAL VALUATION 1 Y OR BLANK $150.50 STATE SURCHARGE 1 Y OR BLANK $4.50 RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE 1 Y OR BLANK $33.11 Permit Total Fees: $188.11 Project Number: 98011814 Inv: 1 Application Date: 11/19/98 Page 2 of 2 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Payment Sammarv: • Operator: JDL Printed By: JDL Print Date: 11/19/98 Permit Type Fee Amount Invoice Amount Amount Paid Amount Owing Building Permit $188.11 $188.11 $0.00 $188.11 $188.11 $188.11 $0.00 $188.11 Notes: :a,zm....tkw:K:,,,m:.::;:.:aw:K:mv,,,w,K:kmm:.::.::.:mtm*mo:—swze.ki:.::.:: ..::;g.::.::isKom:.::.::xm...,::t:-a,,,-zwatktakkx..kk<awmxmmi:.::K:::•:,.::;:.::k.ky..mxmwmct :mmx:.::Kakxt.:tw...,m Fr v n--i- �7fr�-e�� - 13' I III kik39 lint e ,/ 1 X \vv / ; X ` \` �/ / ay ay / s 9 �/ //, \,1 ': ///i, 1 'D..' =, ..4. *..... . 4 , 37 --opos .d Addifl oh ns I 0 I f6o1 E i tc,"r 1 C. L --- A b ovQ, ' %r®vrd rj t ADDRESS. , /o I.7• /3 ,/ ZONE: 3• s"' )A \-- ROAD WIDTH: �� . u;� FRpNT�/� FLANKING: . ,wCOM141Ei�'?'S