1970, 05-04 Letter of Recommendations for Addition it May 4, 19`70 Spokane Valley General UospitaI 6gok**, Washington p. 2 See oep*rate letter of recommendetions. for t:u gestio ce offered by the Wathin ;ton State Department of Health for improvement of the designof the facility. rt meld facilitate the vraressing of fututct pLmie and our ava1"► uatioct of your answers to the items in the enclose review of you would use our Umbering system rad snow each item Wiwi.. dually. Answers to thee* review itoms.mbould accompany resub- mission Of plaste of not submitted sooner, Areas rewired en the plane amid be idtntified for easy reference. Ifo there are any iters Stith rimy be in need of cl ification, please fel fret-to cell us. Sincerely, 48, garrison, 11.D., Chief Dills.On of Ik mlth Facilities Stoecker, SectiOn Bead Planning and construction Section Mt:PSC: Are .aa: State Fire Marshal Local Building Departt l Chitett; Don byer$ M Portland) Crown. !Enclosures; Plan Review Letter of ecotmendattons f----t _. IIiii_. 4, 1970 .W.- Epokase Valley Gcriesal 'Hospital Addition 12606 Bost nisei= Avenue Spo e, Woshir gton Description; Addition to enicticc building including col nursing roo (32 beds),, pediatric tOCMD (22 beds), surgical patient roomb (34 beds)* nursery 0.n. reVieionc, O.R. revisions' ICC-CCU revision, emergency rcvicici, out..patici t phcy► £EGTA, kitchen dining and amoral Boma alterations. Edited end Reviewed Dv Bert Scott, Architect, W D3 Checked 13y: P . Cordon We /tree, Su,crv3sing Arthitet, t, Project Architect: Dan Dyers • Portland, Oregon ] its of: Sche izttic% Floor Pion c sd Site Drawing Pict dated: November 6, 1969 and March 6,, 1976 Plana received: March 12, 1974, April I, 1970, cid April i7, 1970 PCE Corr. to. 70600487.4 PCS Com. No. 70625•2B7-2 PCS Corr. No. 70650-237,3 ItcD £ollacsed by cit. tton of ¢ semis n n bor are .rd jutrc nta <f the i taudarchs, r !u1oe and f e3ulattc�tg incl ell coxto uc s ra latic�na of tri ,"stntO nap ht of Health for Boopitald es adopted by Washington State Board of Health and codified in the Washington ington starative Code under anthority of Chapter 70.41 UCW do 9 ceded. Part Additional l tion and/or Material Needed for Review purposes. 1 II � 1. The Ott submission s�'could phew ell equipment and it rtzu es, tad if carpet is i I to be ctsed, the areos that aro tote carpeted. 2. Mace identify the four rose between is-ray special pr•.ocerlur o room and misting cursing station on the 2BAbed orthopedic and surgical unit. Y3. Ply tri to boo the sewage disposal oyster will be increased in order to hoc lle the additional sew€3a load for this addition gust be submitted to the Spokane County Wealth Deportment for review and approval. Also send capita of 00 plane to thio office. d. Shoo there the 'medicine preperation and storage exam or teams will be on the next eibdsalon for ell nursing units including ICU-(C6 and emergency deport.- stmt, eport•rpt, The, medicine steam= meet the requirements s Larder W4(: 243-16-710(1). S. Show location pf ice realities on each nursing- quit, (WAC 24$-18.550(7)) 6. 0.•- diet kitchen facilities on or at jnecnt to each nursing unit* 248-10-554($)) 7. Chow equipment oto rage rood for nerving spd mecism oviipment far the orthopedic- surgical =rang unit and the ICU-CCU. MAC 248-10-516(9)) 8. :how There wheelchairs and stretches will be stored for the orthopedic-Surgicel nursing unit and for the pediatric nursing unit. (tM 248-10-550(30)) 3 Y:aq 4, 1970 El 0 apo 1e Valley General.Cpokane, Warnhington P• 2 9. thaw ether° lergo equipment ouch co cc xdo cheJra, wheolehairt, stretchere, and other medical ted =Ties eRnipmeet vUl be stored in the ICU-CCU. 10. Show where the etretehera in to surgical mite Wi1I be etored. (UAC 20- •59S(3)) U. There €e no anesthesia storage "it.Un the ourg1cal mite? Anesthesia sial etoisge to required unless It to prcrvided Ler elsewhere. Pieawe indicate. 24340-599(4)) 12, Shewuhere the clean up facil£tieta for tNe caect,al procedures roots will be located. thither a coiled-utility ream or, a soiled collection area is needed dapping upon the ret herds of handling the equipment. (WAC 243-18-595(1)) 3. Deters:ixio the tveivam number of postpartum beds that will be used an the obetetrical-gyneeologicel nurstugiseth and indicate vhieh row will belated for the post-pro patients end Bch for the gym patiiettta. The a patieets taint be kept separated from the obbtetrical petionto. (t:AC 243-18.530(4)(a)) 14. In the ICU..CC: hot 'crttl the rotes which ban 'f en ) a ,from the preen{: shotes# dots n wed? 5. In the delivery suite, hew will theratiall alcove loaned botuec the cleanup vow and tb_ cls room be used? 6. Where will the obetefirical mad surgical paeh o be put op? There is no clerk roam shown in either eren. [--1 1i 'Whence will the inhalettba department be located? le. row viU the c=ze. 9 €vl 3 a zo ram to- eats l Y29. Each roar, a and item or tired egui ht or movable chall be Ad t:tf on all draws to demonstrate than the required fecilitiee for each emetic*: have been provided. (VAC 24344E-510(2)) ti. A vrittan program containing information of services oper tonal methods is required by the regulations. ao the project involves eddittioec andeltera- time which caiterielly increase the bed capacity of the hospital, the program (Zell contain a th eroegh appraisal of all misting supporting CcrVfcee to determine their adequacy for the increesod number of patients. (tom 248'10.-510(2)(e)) 21. a. dare ore inactive racexde to be stored? b. Ara the 'records' by the cut-patient corridor the only active @tora},�e for the 230 tied c. Cie»hattdred eq. ft. arta err recnrd eterase with edditiottnl apace required for out.-patLent ecorde is needed to meet rietra= regulations. Please clarify. (tZtC 248•!3»525(3)(n)(b)(c)) _., ..:. a it r.47 4, IVO Cpokaue Valley mer"tai Iipttal Spokane, t binston p4 3 Port fl: Decigt Features not Meeting thefltandardo of tho State Board of iktsith. A. ho janitor° closet located t tthin t$cr©.t3 corrider is acceptable 'fsv uta for bath the nursery and delivery cute. But, t janitors closet is requiressi for the Q.S. and Gyne. burning mit. The &doting-jerd toxrs closet ter-ionated in the area bac'C of CSS autoclaves is nen-outside the nursing unit ,and is not convenient no satisfactory for the- O. 3. or Oyu. nursing unit:. It is over 140 feet i:roa that closet to the extreme and of the nursing unit. CA. janitor() closet- is needed an the 0.g. Cyn. eursi r, unit. (RAC 248-16-5504i)) 24 The.dictance from tha janitors closet in the t it-patio torr tdor is ovor lit? fect :to t:1.cr far eed of the urgency divartroarr. it is not conveutent -fc tate energeticy department. It is i ea zed• that 'the 3cinitors closet ad ahoun housed for p!xy tccul therapy 4nd the put- tient corridor cud adjacent =rest. � A j mftoxa closes conn .ieet to the gcncy roomis required. (W&C 248-18-645(12)) L 1 A janitors closet convenient to rehabilitation facilities is req ired, U (tom 248.3.13-675(10)) 3. no janitors closet° axe thonn for t.ToyDeparttoet, laboratory, CSS and C recovery ream (since it- is outside the canary crate). an A jenitara clt formerly located in roan to. 136 has been rived on this plan end the janitors closet in recovery y ram has been -r ve . The jcnito rt clout beck of the CSS eutoeLeves to not convenient to of these units. 4. The anal janito closet sl ;tea Lu the corridor Tut re-stretcher aroma is not adequate nor convenient forthe new 34-bed nureiaa unit. gouscitenPirin facilities for the qua 34-bed medical nuraina unit era required. Mg 248.1&0S50(L1)) 5. There Is no patient toilet facility opeaicg ofi~ C . corrulor o . . v ,Meal nursing unit, the pediarrio nursing unit, and the orthopedic gicel cursing unit. At lariat one patient toilet opening. directly graft the paint corridor on cac t nursing unit hav-ins tt Uti•bed row ie required. (W&C 248'l8‘.545(G)) • 6. Oa the 34 bed mu c1ice1 .curreing unit, there ams too bnthi facilities obese (one shOwer roam and one tub room) for 32 patients. Chewers and tubs in the ratio Of et least one bathing facility per 12 beds or frprtioe thereof in each =Sit* unit is required. Another bathing facility mut be provided. A rollwin ctla„ator would bo preferred. (w 2413-180545(7)) 7. There id to island cub shoot for the turgicd1 uurems unit or for tho combined orthopedic- .rrgteal nursing unit. An island tub to required Car both units. (OAC 24&48"54 (tø)) • e L'es, 1070 r.70:1=0 P a tcy Ctrl Llovital 0. Cn t1713 o wtrigoi-cyneloair.4 ours Wit* cc la only ono chi r and ono tub room rbrrat. ror Ostettical pott.partnn untto ecru coat bo ono for eVmy elect bode. Zoo theca= 11=1 COO the t tc . pnr.tcnto tit bo retained ancluotvoly for tbtra cud nay net bo used by othor patient". if Cron. 0. bode owe to to-occupied by nont-patnn rotiontro tem .(3) oti4VL: ' 1c c the pootopertun patients woad 1,0 owltrc 3. tho othgr bonds 8£ t o obat artcal patients a ticip d to be ton* trs4 laut otba: too 'bola trooid bo occupLc a etoc aEvaoloateel petiontos ct texot toe ��!+ !! a for tbo poet pµattiyc yta t ,tip oo/tavirc cud t of bothtij Coollitio f ..i:Z3 d ! potionti7. t dot rr .zat'to . ohmic! b3 =On ati t4fl cant= =bar of abotetrical pentivartun Nen that 4L1. bo anticipatedand . trial= o.1 britsa; loolliticsde:moo-intact 1=od tbot information. rare botTain3 fooilttlon cro regoirtad. (t i EWA40#545(0)) 9. Sbents aro onpedicol Male foot/Woo provided say too Marc ottml. ctaS g. 4 ant= rettl.rcrncato iactucab at lona a coat room. (MC- 240.10.523(6)) Ito. Ln t rCa‘ceti =it Mere to c anitta°y 000 care foot aC *eco in CI =Intim p 't3 a the slit Bch trill cooniocodoto only five beer. C1 ,bty (C0)- . .ate foot oC otoblo Mss Apace La required for each bed in r .i •bod races. U Cot t c ttaa tort ark. £tv to Cec41=anded to UV. (''',C 2A1-113.540(1)(0) En t•: trait additionof S U, individual patient r crawl aw c r____\11. mronicately 00 a4. ft. in oleo. All otTrAe paticut r' ano rcgt t cG to bo of least 100 4i. CC. of ,z 3:to= flow pace. WM 2,40-/ga341)(1)(0) 12, In tho coo addition 01 tba IM-CCT, one of tbo cina4 a patio memo cboon ics J not on outtrido room end it mold bo taloosIbIo tp co a Oindoo to nit All patient r tom Ve .slot t4. have trindorm =opt labor t c (11.14 243.40-433(2)) IS. Moro to ro el= at11ity ofo codientico c amp tho iabot cad recovaty too= tho cfttttri^.za3 4eamt. Ito ckEztsri utility arca of the co4vt cadet ht term-Lod Qat tbo foyer Within i Z :mite. A, clam nt ity area that icl eco bo utilize!) fez Cor.ealcince pootibly s b' tx tto chnold bo pre. '. .43"1-0'405(3)) 14. a. TIZZIat eat =MT io located of e the =room`=ft =On Vittlin the tenbore =it. .'SIC► 3Z. a".t Qry coot be lacatod co that 'neva to no dignet, halon Cr= other nursery mica:. 01-4 i13 043O) b* act =Tory r-ttrit ceots the rater t€i ao /toted matt3 240-40'630. IS, ao ctcon at, Cacilittt 43 "tet; Cur Me =rata mita.a. Cie t foe/Utica m + - . (7tC 24C«t.0-5x(1)) end (MC 2r 10410(W tf3. bo pi.=to ahoy tho t=ornenoy 4ep ortxmt Lumina mrpialta cubicle* 1ocated to • algia 't arroe int off of tb i =rid= in the-4c7=coaut. 1.7143 only faai�#. t Mot In--y btrdepitned Or an cis aro oboolohnEx cua attatetter Gttta33 =no. The tocrtency deportment t baste at lit ono tr=toont res ottb A taint= 4i oteD of 35 ft. ttt.ctiot bo ovinod ata outliood untlxtL 't :C 13.010•04S(2), 11, ► 4, 197'4 Cpekene Ceaeral Ik spitol Spokane, Washington p. 5 17. ',mere are two cubicles with a minimum di: wagon 06 6 (six) feet sho=rt An the out-patient department zed identified an ' G IGU% EKG e.xaminatione are done with the patient lying down on either a stretcher or bed, eud require priv c;y� as well ,as apage,, Cubicles ere not c�cceptobic, A,, rim et leash 80 sq. ft. in area end with c minimum j dimension of e3igbt ft. Ls required. (WAC 248-I$450(31) 18. Cinnce• the special pio Buren room to eho E-rely department u111 be utilized for prod requiring scare minor surgery and nseptie technique, they. are, reviewed as minor surgery race. Traffic into this venom must: -be controlled. Drcasing facilities for the physician to use are required. One ecrub sink located Aida the rem, but with direct access to the rock, is inquired,.. (WAC 248-48,-,00(2)(0), (W&C 248-18.565}. (WAC 248-18-573(3)),(AC 248-18-590) ri end (WAC 248-18-595(7)) erVrO OF STATE_SLECTUCAL L.YspJsCTOR n' .v electrical et .this timo; electrical working drawings end job specifte ttie to lI be required. I REVIEW OF TIS STATE FIRS t1A A(�L 1. 0.11. corridor is a dead-end corridor, Corridor could possibly be extended through are:overt' end connect with rpt, to won general traffic eorridor. rl b 2. Corridor in .I.C.U', tertian is a dead-end corridor. Exit door could be installed to exit mat to out*ide of building. 3. Wave thou:tand, five hundred sq. ft. area in south central part of building has no-required out eldo exit. All exits from this area are presenl, herr eante3l mite. 1 y relocation of two►houx separutfan wolfs., a required exit directly to the outside could boo gained. 4. TThough plana do not clearly eghow origdoW openings, attention is called to required 114" wire $iaa in areas adJeee t to tna-hour ee poretton toads. 5. Shop dr aegt must be submitted for fire alarm syetcm, ;hewing smoke dew.. tion devices, hold epee devices, etc, 8. Shop drams utast be eubmitted for sprinkler system. 7. required exit at loading dock 0111 recce avail or railing to eepe rat© it from actual loading area. 8. Where ncti edditiche joins existing building and two-hour separation is required, it will be netescary to provide too-hour wept ariou five it. into new and old portio of the roof. (LZC 2962, Section 5O3(e) • eptIuns) Further review will be required when More complete plans are submitted, Mao