09-124.00 Kilgore Construction: Spokane Valley Pool Upgrades or•a CHANGE ORDER copies to: Ous,,Qt x ORB Form 300 Asc,,,tect x (ThIs lorm is tn bo exncitfed in UtpHcaU and €aeh party Is to rutain an or;ginai) Contraslat X i'mject :'Vame: Spokane Valley Swimining Poal Upgrades Dite: 23-Jun•3009 Praject Address: I'ark Ruad N9f16 Park Rvad C'hange OrlQr "1'emcre View 13500 F 24"A.c Nn.: 408 VaNey Mi.4sion 1= 111 21Mis,sion t:ontractur Name 6c KilgK1re Cansmiclikin, Inc, ORA F'rnject ►Vo: 2701 Atlclress: P.O. I3ox 367 18621 N. Yate Contmrt Fur K'n-»ml Calbett, 1VA 99005 Cunstrurtioii Contract Date: 2-Apr-~',0(iR Ail supporting documentnfron for the items Iisted betow have been attached to fhrs decumant. 1_ Propasaf RQqusst 042R - Add Aatl valves tfl new ADA rtten's showers at PR 8T/ g398.48 (1Vater pressure is hPgh cavsing averspray out af sfiower areas) Corstracl time assvciated with ihis iEem 0 CafeRdar DaY(s) 2 Pcoposal Request 049 - Terrace Vtsw Spray Arch 8 Pump Modlficat!ons $9,4$7 q7 (Rsvisluns tequlred to achieve preper tbw 8 add noazles) CoMmct time assodated wiifi lhts itam ...........o...o.... Q Galendar Day(s) 3< PreRasal Request OsU - Terrace View add Fil:er to Spray Arch Supply Piping g2,144,34 (Required due to lalge amounts af debr+s in water frortd adjacent Irees clogging spmy noules) Contract time assoCated with this item...o 0 Galendar DsY(s) 4_ Froposaf ReQuest 051 • Terrace View Corttect Spray Featurea Pump to Emergencyr Switrh $422.20 CAs requesled by the Healih disMct. cannect to same srrtiitch as river emergency shutotfl Carstrad Ume associated arvith this item...o~. .a.. ..oo 6 Caletdar Day(s) 5 Propasal RequesE 052- All Sites Rooi Sudion F1tNngs VGB work 590.236.08 (Foo► Wotld tlme 8 material to maka all pouls campfianl uwih FeAeral Virgmia Gramnte 8akar Act) Contract Wne assodated with thts item 0 Calendar DaY(s) TOTAl. COST IMPACT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER.....e S102,689,57 ExCludes Sates Tax Total hme ad{uslment this change order... A Calendar Day(s) I Contract Sum The Origmal Ceniract Sum uvas . o...,..o << S2,664,016.00 Net Ctange by prasv,ously authonzed Change Orde~s) was . S136.540.63 The Contract Sum prttir to lhis Change Ordor Kas .............._......................................o........ 52.800.558.63 1'Ise Controf Sum wdl by lhls Change Order in the amount af, 5102.688.57 The ne•rv Gflntract Sum tncorporating th[s Chang}e Order wfil be.......e $2=803-247.20 Exctudes Saler. Tax Contract Time 1`he Oryginal Sutrsttntiel ComplQtron Data was.o. June S. 2009 The Contract T►me has been moditied on pr+eviously avihorized Change Order(s) Dy...,o.., ..o 0 Calendar Days The Contract Tune will be [unctvangedj tipr.;easmp by...........o ............o.o....... ..e...,.... 0 Ca4endar Oays 1°he Svttstantia( Cfltnpletfon Datc+ iltoorperang thcs Change Order wtil bo,..- ...............................o....................>. Jiirte 5, 2009 Thls Chango Order must be sipned by ths Ownor, Arzhitoct and Contractor to be valle. ORB Ar+chibacts, Inc. Kttpore Conatrudion, Inc. City of Spokane Velley Arehitec! Centreciar (~Ter 607 SW Grady Way, Sulte 210 RO Box 367 11707 E. SQrague Ave. Sulto 106 Addm"s AddrNSS Addre:se RenMn. WA 98055-2977 Colbert, WA 99005 Spokane Valley. WA 99208 city, statQ, np coao ccry ce, zip ce ciry, srale, z~p cado S;gned @y Wck Gharbonneau P►fnt Na" P I Na P Na o Ju~ 2009 c'~?_ Date oa,e oa:e ~ c'_0 9 -12q