1995, 10-13 Permit App: 95008456 Carport, Deck • PROJECT NUMBER= 95008456 APPLICATION DATE= 10/13/95 PAGE= 01 ****** THIS IS NOT A PERMIT ****** PENALTIES WILL BE ASSESSED FOR COMMENCING WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT SITE STREET= 9924 E 13TH AVE PARCEL#= 45204 .2741 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 PERMIT USE= CARPORT ADDITION (12 X 23) & DECK ADDITION (10 X 24) PLAT#= 002704 PLAT NAME= UNIVERSITY PLACE BLOCK= 26 LOT= ZONE= UR-3.5 DIST#= E AREA= 00000000 F/A= F WIDTH= 70 DEPTH= 150 R/W= 60 # OF BLDGS= 2 # DWELLINGS= 1 WATER DIST = OWNER= REEVE, KATHRYN/ARCHER, PERRY PHONE= 509 921 9172 STREET= 9924 E 13TH AVE ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 CONTACT NAME= PERRY ARCHER PHONE NUMBER= 509 921 9172 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= NA LEFT= 25 RIGHT= 3 REAR= 11 ****************************** REVIEW INFORMATION ***************************** DEPARTMENT REVIEW REQUIREMENT BUILDING PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED APPROVAL: PER FIELD INSPECTION DATE: 10/13/95 BUILDING SETBACK REVIEW REQUIRED APPROVAL: J SHATTO 14 . 810. 080 DATE: 10/13/95 ******************************* BUILDING PERMIT ******************************* CONTRACTOR= OWNER PHONE= NEW= REMODEL= ADDITION= X CHANGE OF USE= DWELL UNITS= OCCUP. LD= BLDG HGT= 9 STORIES= 1 BLDG W X D = X SQ FT= 276 SPRINKLER= N REQ PARKING= #HANDICAP= CRITICAL MAT= N DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE SQ FT VALUATION CARPORT U-1 VN 276 1242.00 DECK R-3 VN 240 1680.00 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT RESIDENTIAL VALUATION Y 54 . 00 INVESTIGATION FEE Y 54 .00 STATE SURCHARGE Y 4.50 RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE Y 10.80 PROJECT NUMBER= 95008456 APPLICATION DATE= 10/13/95 PAGE= 02 PERMIT TYPE FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING BUILDING PERMIT 123.30 . 00 123. 30 123. 30 . 00 123. 30 PROCESSED BY: JULIE SHATTO PRINTED BY: JULIE SHATTO ******************************** THANK YOU ************************************ • APPLICATION INFORMATION What is the JOB SITE address? ASSESSORS tax parcel number? E 4 13-11--, Legal description as it appears on the property deed OWNERr OCCUPAN Phone I •// v-v -� v 6v ( 1 I -7� Mailing address City,state Zip E t c-1 L/ / fi r v ULDA Who sho contact regardi this pr ect? Phone �Y� ' � c C7 1 -5 t -7 What work is bein. �.ne under this permit? Y` � � - � CCU ( C) c1c Lone Inspector district Property size Right of way width Water district 4- Building Building height #of stories Contractor Dimensions TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE WA State Contractor license# Main floor area Unfinished basement area Mailing address 2nd floor area Finished basement area Architect/Engineer Garage area Size of decks,etc. What is the heat source? What is the cost of your project? Manufactured Home Sign Width: Length: What is the square footage of How high is the sign? the sign face? Year: Make: Installer Contractor Wa State Contractor license# Wa State Contractor license# Mailing address Mailing address Relocation Fire Safety Previous address Fire Sprinkler _ Tent Paint booth_ Fire Alarm _ Fireworks display VALUE Contractor Contractor WA State Contractor license# WA State Contractor license# Mailing address Mailing address Poet Storage Tanks Swimming Pool (Circle one) Above-ground Underground Size/gallons Private Contents of tank(s) Size/gallons Public/semi-private Contractor Contractor Wa State Contractor license# WA State Contractor license* Mailing address Mailing address COMPLETE ALL APPLICABLE INFORMATION Spokane County does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission to, or treatment or employment in,its programs or activities. 14.810.040 Tori Soil Removal Top soil may be removed for commercial purposes other than that removal necessary for normal construction of buildings or roads,provided that: 1. Less than five thousand (5,000) cubic yards are removed per year; 2. Not more than one (1) acre is disturbed at any one time; 3. No top soil removal shall be allowed exceeding a depth of three(3)feet below the existing natural elevation. 4. A top soil removal permit is obtained from the Department. 5. Any removal of top soil not in conformance with this section shall constitute a mining operation and shall require a Mining Zone. 14.810.060 Front and Flanking Street Yards Where any front or flanking street yard is required,no building shall be hereafter erected or altered so that any portion thereof shall be nearer to the front or flanking street property line than the distance indicated by the depth of the required front or flanking street yard. • 1. Exceptions: a. Eaves,cornices, and similar ornamentations may project over a required front or flanking street yard not more than two(2) feet. b. Steps, terraces,platforms, and porches having no roof covering,may extend not more than ten (10)feet into a required front or flanking street yard. c. Fireplaces may extend into a required front or flanking street yard a distance of not more than twenty-four(24) inches. d. Exceptions for solar developments are provided in Section 14.812.040(2). e. Structure setbacks for uses within each zone that are adjacent to private roads and recorded ingress and egress easements shall be established from the edge of the easement rather than by reference to the centerline of the right-of-way. Designated Tract"X"future rights-of-way shall be treated the same as a public street for structure setback purposes. f. See Chapter 14.506 Administrative Exception. 14.810.080 Side Yard Where any specified side yard is required,no building shall be hereafter erected or altered so that any portion thereof shall be nearer to the side lot line than the distance indicated by the width of the required side yard. 1. Exceptions: a. Eaves,cornices, and similar ornamentations may extend over a required side yard for a distance of not more than two (2)feet Chapter 14.810 Zoning Code Printed: February 1995 Page 413 of Spokane County b. Platforms, terraces, and steps may extend not more than two (2) feet into a required side yard; c. Fireplaces and chimneys may extend into a required side yard a distance of not more than twenty-four(24) inches; d. Exceptions for solar developments are provided in Section 14.812.040(2); e. Exceptions for zero-lot-line housing are provided in Chapter 14.814; and f. Structures less than one hundred twenty(120) square feet may be located on the side lot line. g. See Chapter 14.506 Administrative Exception. 14.810.100 Rear Yard Where any specified rear yard is required,no building shall be hereafter erected or altered so that any portion thereof may be nearer to the rear lot line than the distance indicated by the depth of the required rear yard. 1. Exceptions: a. Eaves,cornices, steps,platforms, and open porches may extend into the required rear yard for a distance of not more than two(2)feet. Private garages attached to a single-family dwelling may extend into the required rear yard. The required setback for an attached private garage is five(5)feet per story; b. If on a corner lot a residence maintains the required front yard setback from both the front and flanking streets,the required rear yard shall be that area included within a twenty-five(25)-foot radius measured from the inside lot corner, c. Exceptions for solar developments are provided in Section 14.812.040(2); d. Exceptions for zero-lot-line housing are provided in Chapter 14.814; and e. Structures less than one hundred twenty(120)square feet may be located on the rear lot line. f. See Chapter 14.506 Administrative Exception. 14.810.120 Height of Structures and Roof Structures Penthouses or roof structures for the housing of elevators, stairways,tanks,ventilating fans,or similar equipment required to operate and maintain the building;fire or parapet walls, skylights,flagpoles,chimneys, smokestacks,church steeples and belfries, wireless masts, and similar structures; and silos,barns,windmills,and equipment used in harvesting agricultural and forest products may be erected above the height limits of this Code; provided,however,no penthouses or roof structure,or any other space above the height limit prescribed for the zone in which the building or structure is located, shall be allowed for the purpose of providing additional livable floor area. Section 14.812.040(b) provides for height exceptions for solar energy systems and except that the provisions for height within the Airport Overlay zone shall apply to any structure. Chapter 14.810 Zoning Code Printed: February 1995 Page 414 of Spokane County •R 7.7; c ` - . '-t-Th 1*''" �, a i .' it • •/4,/z ov4 te sr 7 ADDiicSS.7‘7c - 0.......__.. c.....„ , ZONE: Lt�4 - , •' ROAD WI 4.4)., �-✓ � DTH: zz FRONT: Q FLANK G: - S R � �-� COMMENTS: • 1: 1� REVIEWED 8 1111W /ID 4 .' • AL r c_ J a 4 -7 R‘ 3e. , k 7, q ..._,12, : .2\(:(7-'-7 n.1 Li.'' - _.101)/Z- 6100_-, • - A----° 6--YL ( .,\ cce, ,R). _ u , . _ _ _ ;)0 J - ------- 7 6 ,