09-116.00 Acme Concrete Paving: Sprague & Pines PCCP Intersection ane 3WLKt ey CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO 08-024 DEPARTMENT OF PUBIIC WORKS , PROJECT SpraguelPines PCCP Intersection Project CONTRACT DATE 4/2412009 CONTRACTOR Acme Concrete Pavlng, lnc CHANGE ORDER NO S CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO 0103 BID NO 09-024 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This Change Or+der adds to the contract amount overages in the following urnt bid items Item Nc Descriotion Unit guantitq Unit Price Total 6 Sawcut AC or PCC Pavement LF IN 10726 $1 00 S10 726 00 14 Roadway Excavation Inct Haul CY 1830 $15 00 $2745000 15 Abandon Existing Drywsll EA 55 5900 00 $4 950 00 18 Crushed Surfacing Top Course TN 291635 $18 00 $52 494 30 24 Cement Concrete Pavement 10 Thick InG Dowels SY 2595 525 00 $6 487 50 25 Furnlshing Concrete for Cement Concrete Pavement CY 1635 $120 00 519 620 00 51 Temporary Pavement Markmg LF 4885 §1 10 55.373 50 The worfc Is funded by an STA prant and by the City Totai Amount of this Change Orcler( incl Tax) $127,101 30 , SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Original Date 6/2212009 Prior to thls Change Orcler 6122/2009 Including this Change Order 6/2412009 P~qmal Working Days 30 Workmg Days Added bY this CO 0 Working Days including thfs CO 34 THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWINC3 ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE 1 ORIGINAL COfdTRACT AMOUNT ~s 5634 42$ 25 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT~ $ 44 563 45 TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER s 678 991 70 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 12710130 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 806 093 00 This change order adds 0 days to contract time ~ CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE DATE 7 ~7 /07 The contrador hereby accepts this adJustment under the tarms of the origlnal cantract tor all warfc perfomed . RECOMMENOED BY DATE 7/(G~ 10I 1P L ! APPROVED BY ( DATE Ne+l Kersten ublic W APPROVED Blr DATE / Davfd Merder Clly Manager ATTACHMENTS Oistrrbutron ORIGINALS 70 Contractor City of Spokane Valley Cleric s ONiae PW ProJeet File COPIES TO PW Pro;ect File E r r ~9- ~ ► ~ S ~ \Wmmk~ Public Works ~Departmen# pc`iM)ne Capital lmprvvem+enf Program ,;oO%Hey 11707 F Sprague Ave Suite 906 4 Spokane Yalley WA 94206 509 921 1040 4 Fax 5G9 421 1008 * cityhatl@spokartewalley arg Memorandum aate July 17, 2009 To Steve Woriey, Nell Kemten From Craig Aldworth Re Change Order 8 far Sprague Pfnes PGCP fntersec#ton Project, ClP 0103 Budget A.ccount hTo 303 303 0103 595 30 63 00 Acme Concrete Paving Contract 09-024 Change Order B identifies and ptovides payment for seven unit cost bid items that have had large quarttity aaer-runs Payment for each af these bid items in Schedule A has been capped at the bid quantrty All quanttties above #he bid quantity are patd for under the Change Order Qver-run Unjt ftem No DescriQtion Unit Quantity Price Total 6 Sawcu# AC or PCC Pavernent LF-!1V 10726 $1 00 $10,72600 14 Roadway Excavation Incl Haul CY 1830 $15 Da $27,450 00 15 Abandon Existmg Drywell EA 55 $9000t3 $4,95000 18 Crushed Surfacing Top Caurse TN 2816 35 $1800 $52,494 30 Cement Cflncrete Pavement 'i D ` Thick 24 lnc) Dowels SY 2595 $25 00 $61487 50 Fumishing Concre#e for Cemen# Concrete 25 Pavement CY 1635 $120 00 $19,620 00 51 Temporary Pavement IVlarking LF 4885 $9 10 $5.37350 $127,10130 Tvtal estimated cast (inc1 tax) for th,is Ghange C3rder w►ork is $127,101 30, paid for by an 79 5°l0 STA gran1 and the Ciiy of Spakane Vailey There are sufficient funds ln. the project budget to cover these costs The +Change order adds 0 days to the Cantract tune Qriginai Contract amaunt = $634,425 25 Previous Ghaage Order Cast _ $44,563 45 Change Order #8 Cost = $127 101 30 Pro,~ect CQntract Amount uzcluduzg Change Order #8 = $80609300 Reman.ning P W Director Contracl Authonty after CO #7 $30~436 55 This Change Ordcr reqarres Ci#y Admmstrator APprova1 Public Warks ctar Frojec~Aanager C'c Deputy City Ma r Ftnance DeparEment ~ ~ CS 77'Y Pr~b~ic Warks Departmen~ ~~&e Capltal lmprowement Pnogram 1 t 707 E Sprague Ave Su9te 106 ♦ Spvkane Valley WA 99206 504 921 1000 4 Fax 509 921 1008 4 cltyhal4spokanevalley org Memorandum aate Juiy 15, 2009 Ta 5teve Woriey, Neil Kersten From Craig Afdworth Re Updated Cost Estimates for Combined Sprague Avenue lntersection STA Grants Sprague ! Pines PCGP 1n#eraecban Praject, C 1 P No 0103, Acme Concr+pte Paving Contract 09-024 Sprague ! Evergreen PCCP Intersecbon Project, C I P No 0902, A+cme Concrete Paving Contract 09-026 Sprague ! McDonald PCCP Intersection ProJect, C I P Na 0704t Acme Concrete Paving Gontrac# 09-026 Pines Budqet Account No 303 303 103 595 30 63 00 Acme Concrete Paving Contract 09-024 Evergreen Budget Account No 303 303 102 595 30 63 00 Acme Concrete Paving Contract 09-026 IVlcDonatd Budget Account No 303 303 104 595 30 83 00 Acme Concrete Paving Contract 09-026 The current esfima#ed praject casts are compared with the STA grant budgets in the table below I Current Cost Eshmate 1 Crant Budget ~ Prvaect Construcnan EngmeeruQg Tatal Total Project STA Share City Share Pro,}ected Budget (79 5°/n) (20 5%) Unspent budget Evergeen $6$1,000 $130 QOQ+1- $$1 I,OQ0 $I,082,00$ $$60,196 S221,$12 $271,008 Bid +f 0°/a Contingeacy Pmes $819,000 $130 UOO+I- $949,000 $949r031 $754,484 S194551 $0 Cost to complete McDonald $660,000 $130,000+1- $790,000 5912,961 $725,844 $187,157 $122961 Btd +10°la Caafingency , Total ~ $2,160,000 ~ $390,040 ~ $2,550,000 ~ %($2,944a040 1 $2,340,440 $603,600 ~ $393,069 The $140,000 overage an #he Sprague ! Pines PCCP Intersec#lon project is cavered by the funding available rn the cambirred project budgets r~ ~ Q~CrtAlAtr $upf,~ ` Project Wanager ef oes ' ~-74z1 000 At~+o,Jk.o'. ( t o fop'li 000 033~ 000 00 ,