09-105.00 WSDOT: Sprague Resurfacing Ph 1 University to Evergreen ~e~ ~ ~ rtation ~Ocal AgencY A9reement Supplement Agency Supplement Number Cit.y of Spokane Vall~y 1 Federal Aid Project Number Agreement Number CFDA No 20 205 ARRA-3840(008) (Catalo$ ot Federal DomesdcAssfstance) , The Local Agency desires to supplement the agreement entered into and executed on All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this suppiement The changes to the agreement are descnbed as fcllows Project Description Name Sprague Avenue Resurfacing - Phase I Length 2 Miles Tenrnni Univers►ty Road to Evergreen Road Description of Work E No Change Reasor for Supplement De-obliganon of ARRA funds in the amount of $283,531 Does this change require additional Right of Way or Easements? ❑ Yes 0 No Eatlmate of Funding T e of Work (1) c2) ~ (3) - F (4) (5) yp Previous Supplement Estimated Total Estlmated Agency EsUmated Agreement/Suppl Pro1ed Funds Funds I Federel Funds PE a Agencv 8 260 00 1 8 260 00 8,260 00 1 0 % b Other Consultant 81,740 00 81 740 OA 81740001 c.Other ~ - Federal Ald d State Part`c(pat(on Ratio for PE e Total PE Cost Estimate (a+b+c+d) 90.00000 ~ 1 90,00000 90,000001 Right of Way f AQenctL % g.0the[ ~ Federal Aid ~ Partiapation h Other Ratio for RW t State 1 Totat R/W Cost Estimate (f+q+h+i) Construcdon k Contract ~ 2r889 000 00. -283 53100 1 2, 605 469 001 I 2 64S 469 00 1 Other ELgtble non-p8rt1C I 141 400 00 v 1 141400001 141400001 ` m Oihec n Other , . 100 % o Agency - - - - Federal Aid Parbcipation P State _ 1 000 00 1 000 00 I 1 000 00 RaUo far CN q Total CN Cost EsUmate (k+1+m+n+o+0) 3.031,400 00, -2$3.53100 1 2.747.869 0011 141.400 00 1 2.606.469 00 r Total Project Cost Estimate (e+q) ~ 3.121.400.00, -283,531.09 2.837.859.0 0 1 231•400•0 Q 1 2.606.469.00 The Local Agency further stipulates that pursuant to said Title 23, regulations and policies and procedures and as a condffion :o payment of the Federai funds obligated, it accepts and will comply vrnth the applicable provisions Agenc Washington State pa ent of Tran$portation ey ey - Title Public Wnrks, Dl.ttrxctnL Dfrector ot Hlghways and L cal Programs ~ City nf Sreakane Vallev _ _ _ - Dete ExeCUted JUN 2 3--2009 DOT Form 140 041 EF Revised 1/2007 Ct~~j -1 c)cj