09-104.00 Spokane County, City of Spokane: Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Award MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPOKANE, WA, CI`i`Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA, AND COUNTY OF SPOKANE, WA 2009 BYRNE JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) PROGRAM AWARD TH{S MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDtNG is between the Ctty of Spokane, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 808 West Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane, Washington 99201, the City of Spakane Valley, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, Washmgton 99206, and Spokane County, a poldical subdivision of the State of Washington having offices for the transaction of business at 1116 West Broadway Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99280, jointiy refeRed to as the PARTIES WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the PARTIES ane making a joint applicatron for an Edward Byrne Memoriat Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program hereinafter referred to as the "GRANT," and WHEREAS, the PARTIES are required in conjunction with the Grant application process to sign a Memorandum of Understanding indicating who will serve as the applicant / fiscal agent for the Grant as well as to allocate among themselves the GRANT funds, and WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of the GRANT, the PARTIES are desirous of reducing to wntmg their understanding as to who will serve as the appltcant / fiscal agent for the GRANT as well as the allocation of the GRANT funds among the PARTIES, Now, Therefore, The PARl'IES agree as foilows SECTION NO 1 OESIGNATION OF APPLICANT/FISCAL AGENT The PARTIES hereby agree that the City of Spokane shall be the designated applicant ! fisca) agent in conjunction wrth the GRANT SECTION NO 2 ALLOCATION OF GRANT MONEYS The PARTiES' agree that the GRANT amount of Two Hundred Ninety-Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty-Nine Doliars ($297,369 00) shall be split among the PARTIES as follows 1 City of Spokane $199,876 00 City of Spokane Valley $500367 00 Spokane County $47,12600 SECTION NO 3 USE OF GRANT FUNDS BY YHE PARTIES The City of Spokane agrees to use the $199,876 for Law Enforcement Programs, Prosecution and Court Programs until September 30, 2013 City of Spokane Valley agrees to use the $50,367 for Law Enforcernent Programs, Prosecution and Court Programs unbl September 30, 2013 Spokane County agrees to use the $47,126 for Law Enforcement Programs, Prosecution, and Court Programs until September 30, 2013 SECTION NO 4 LlA61LITY FOR CLAtMS Each party to this Memorandum of Understanding wlll be responsible for its own actions m providing services under this Mernorandum and shall not be liabte for any civil liability that may anse frorn the fumishing of the services by the any other party SECTION NO 5 THIRD PARTY RIGHTS The PARTIES to this Memorandum of Understanding do not intend for any third party to obtain a right by virtue of this Memorandum This Memorandum of Understandmg shall not create any nghts in any party not a signatory hereto SECTION NO 6 ENTtRE UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding contains the entire understanding of the PARTIES No representations, promises, or agreements not expressed herein have been made to induce any party to sign this Memorandum SECTION NO 7 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Upon award of the GRANT, the PARTIES shali enter into an Interlocal Agreement setting forth the final terms and conditions of the GRANT allocation and management 2 Dated dct CITY OF SPOKANE By 61 G..,, B. Mary Vemer, Mayor Attest Approved as to form ` sistant City Attomey ` rg As Cdy Cle Wt Dated COUNTY OF SPOKANE, WASHINGTON C~ `I gy • Marshall ramell, Chief Executive Officer Approved as rm il ep Prosecuti Attomey ~rON Dated CITY OF SPOKANE VALIEY . By City anag esignee AttzClerk'-I- Approved as to form ity Deput ity Atto y 3