09-102.00 MOU Clarify Prosecuting Attorney • MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Ttus Memorandum of Understandmg (hereinafter "MOU") Zs entered mto by and beriueen the Crty of Spokaae Valley (hhereinafter "the City"), Spokane County (hereinafter `the County'), and the Spokane County Prvsecuting Attomey (herelnafter "the Prosecutor"), somehmes referred to jointly as "Parties" WITNESSETH ~ WHEREAS, the Parties entered mto the Interlocai Agrcement for Prosecuhng Attorney Services in the City of Spokane Valley (bereinafter "the Interlocal Agreement") on March 14, 2006, adopted by the Board of Commissianers for Spokane Couniy under Resolution 6-0194, vvhereby the County and Prosecutor would provide prosecuuon semces as set forth therem for the City, and WHEREAS, the Pames determined that the language m Section l, Recitals and Findings, and Exhibit 1 of the Interlocal Agreement, creates potentxal ambigwty as to whether all misdemeanors and infractions charged within the City limits would be prosecuted by the County and Prosecutor for the City, and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Parhes to clanfy that the Interlocal Agreement includes prosecuton of all misdemeanor, gross misdemeailor, and infiaction offenses charged wntlun the corporate luruts of the Gity, except for cases ansing from violations of the City's zonmg code and adult entertainment provisions, which may be handled on an hourly basis upon agreement of the Parfies, and THEREFORE, the following understanding is agreed upon 1 Parties The Parties to this Agreement are the City of Spokane Valleya the ~ Spokane County Prosecutora and Spokane County 2 Pumose The purpose of this MOU is to clanfy the tnteat of the Parties as ta what cases were to be covered by the Interlocal Agreement executed by the Parties on Mazch 14, 2006, and w}uch was adopted by the Spokane County Board of Commissioners under Resolution 6- 0194 3 Terms of the Memorandum of Understanding I a Section 1(d) and Exhibit 1 shall be interpreted to meet the intent of the Parhes so that the Interlocal Agreement covers prosecutton of all misdemeanor, gross misdemeanors and infraction chazges arisiag within the corporate lunits of the City under the eost allocabon formula set forth ui Exhibit 2A and 2B, exeept as specifically set forth in (b), below Provided, the tenrunology "prosecution" shall noi include the defense of any constitutional challenge to any City Qrdinance unless specifically agreed to by the Prosecutor and C2ty on a case by case basis -1- Coq- f42 b Prosecution of cases ansing from violations of the City zontng code and adult entertmnment Code/provisions may occur on wntten agreement of the Parhes, and any such services sha11 be provided under the cost formula set forth m Exhubit 2C Provided, the terminology "prosecuhon" shall not include the defense of any constitutional challenge fio any City zonulg code or adult enterta.uiment ordinances/provisions unless specifically agreed to between the City and Prosecutor on a case by case basis 4 Other Provisions of Interlocal ALyreement Remain Unchaneed All remailung provisions of the Interlocal Agreement are unaffected by this MOU and contulue in full force and effect 5 Effective Date This MOU shall be in effect the day follovving the date the last signature is affixed hereto City of Spokane Valiey Spokane County Prosecuti Attorney ~ • < lv-ee~' ~ 414 > David Merciei Ci Manager Steven J Tucker, S o ane ounty Prosecutor Date 1)~ Date ~ ATTE Board of County Commissioners of ~ Spokane County, Washmgton ~ stine Bainbn ge, Gity Cl APPROVED AS TO FORM Boniue Magzr, C-haw- . 7 2 ~ Office f the Ci Attorney Todd 1Vi~ e~-Chair ~ 13 87 Mark R.tchazd, Commis5ioner ATTESTClerk of the Board Daiuela Er~ckson ~ Date ctim -2- 1I spomf*q _ COX_ OFFICE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONFRS TODD M[ELKE 1 ST DISTRICT °MARK RICHARD, ZND DISTRICT • BONNIE A MAGER 3RD DISTRICT July 13, 2009 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Spokane WA 99206 Attn Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Dear Chris, Enclosed for your records is the following item _ e(Original) "Interlocal Agreement for the City of Spokane Valley's, Spokane County Prosecututg Attorney Memorandum of Understanding, as amended under Resoluhon No 9-0333 and under Resolution No 6-0194" Yours very truly, ~ J Ginna Vasquez Assistant to the Clerk of the Board Spokane County Commissioners Encl i_ I I I I WEST BROADWAY AVEt3UE ° SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 992GO-0100 (509) 477-2265 . No ~1-06333 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY CONIlVIISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF EXEC'UTIlVG A ) MEMORANDUM OF ) R E S O L U T I O N UNDERSTANDING AMONG THE CITY ) OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE ) COUNTY AND THE SPOKANE ) COUINTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY ) RELATNE TD THE I]'VTERLOCAL ) AGREEMENT EXECUTED AMONG ) THE PARTIES ON MARCH 14, 2006 ) CONCERNING PROSECUTION ) SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE ) PROSECUTOR TO THE CITY OF ) SPOKANE VALLEY ) WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36 32 124(6), the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County (the `Board") has the care of County property and the management of County funds and business, and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Va11ey (the "City'), Spokane County Prosecutuig Attorney (the "Prosecutoe) and Spokane County (the "County") jointly referned to as the "Parties" entered into the Interlocal Agreement for Prosecutmg Attorney Services m the C'rty of Spokane Vailey ("the Interlocal Agreement") on March 14, 2006, adopted by the Board of Commissioners for Spokane County under Resolution 6-0194, whereby the County and Prosecutor would provYde prosecubon services as set forth therem, and WHEREAS, the Parties deternuned that the language in Sechon 1, Recitals and Findings, and Exhibit 1 of the Interlocal Agreement, creates potenhal ambigwty as to wbether all m.isdemeanors and uifractions charged wYthin the City hmits would be prosecuted by the County and Prosecutor for the City, and WHEREAS, lt is the intent of the Patties to clanfy that the Interlocal Agreement includes prosecution of all misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, and uifracuon offenses charged witlun the corporate limits of the City, except for cases ansuzg from nnolahons of the City's zoning code and adult entertainment pravistons, wtuch may be handled on an hourly basis upon agreement of the Parhes, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLYED by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, pursuant to the prornsions of chapter 39 34 RCW, that either the chauperson of the Board or a majonty of the Board be and is hereby authonzed to execute that document enhtled "NiEMOR.ANDUM OF LJNDERSTANDING" wherein the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County Prosecutmg Attomey, and County will clanfy that the Interlocal Page 1 of 2 R Agreement executed among the Parnes on the date and Resolubon Number set forth herein above so that rt clanfies that the Prosecutor will prosecute all misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, and infiachon offenses charged wnttun the corporate lunits of the City, except for cases ansing &om violahons of the Citys zoiung code and adult entertainment provisions wluch vvill be handled on an hourly fee bams and except for conshtuhonal challenges to any City Ordinance wluch may be specifically agreed to by the Prosecutor and City on a case by case basis PASSED OPTED this /Y~'GI day of 070_rl 2009 01 co~uss l BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS c~~'~~►~ OF SPOK:ANE, COUNTY, WASHINGTON . • . sPA- TOD--VMIELKE, Chmr ATTEST CLERK OF THE BOARD A'-..NI MARIC RICHARD, Vioe-Chair ~ L~a s DarueIa Enckson 9,o3 33 ONNIE MAGER, CommissioneO Page 2 of 2