1998, 10-29 Permit App: 98010891 Addition Project Number: 98010891 Inv: 1 Application • t9/98 Page 1 of 2 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work with ( a permit Project Information: Permit Use: ADDITION ON TO EXISTING GARAGE-WITH Contact: '1.TJt 02.,WENDELL&DON 2ND FLOOR STORAGE Address: 21ti &] 13TH AVE Setbacks:Front t11N. Left: Ili Right: ry Rear: 4 C-S -Z 0°01: NE,WA 99216 k,k3 (4-.1 Phone: -.)9) 9.22-3003 Site Information: Plat Key: 002753 Name: VERA District Parcel Number: 45224.2245 SiteAddress: 13218 E 13TH AVE Owner: Ndme: SATHER,WE L1. c. DONA SPOKANE,WA 99216 AA ess: 13218 E 13TII E Location::SPO SPOKANE,IA '9210 Zoning: UR 3.5 Urban Residential 3.5 Water District: 999 UNKNOWN Hold: Area: 0 Sq Ft Width: 0 Depth. 0 Right Of NA tt): ii Nbr of Bldgs: 1 Nbr of Dwellings: 1 Department Review BUILDING Site Plan Review • /- / Comments: // - ((C C( Li C BUILDING Plan Review Comments: Project Number: 98010891 Inv: 1 •Application Date: 10/29/98 Page 2 of 2 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Building Permit Contractor: OWNER Firm: OWNER Address: 0 Phone: (000)000-0000 000000,00 000000 Building Characteristics Const Category: Addition Nbr Of Dwellings: 1 Occupant Load: 0 Building Height: 22 Stories: 2 Bldg W x D: 44 x 32 Building Sq Ft: 1768 Sprinklers: 0 Req Parking: 0 Handicap Parking: 0 Critical Materials: El This Application: Total Project: Description Grp Type Notes Sq Ft Valuation Sq Ft Valuation GARAGE U-1 VN 1,208 $14,496.00 1,208 $14,496.00 STORAGE U-1 VN 560 $6,720.00 560 $6,720.00 Totals: 1,768 $21,216.00 1,768 $21,216.00 Item Description Units Unit Desc Fee Amount RESIDENTIAL VALUATION 1 Y OR BLANK $313.00 STATE SURCHARGE 1 Y OR BLANK $4.50 RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE 1 Y OR BLANK $68.86 Permit Total Fees: $386.36 ::;<....::...:......,::<....::.:•::....::::..•.::::..,,..:•.,:....:::.:...iz:E,.:iw:czzzxrxrzi<£titxzx;,w<£zxxxEfEfiii�<k<iirii<i. Payment Summarv. ..............._..:::::::<::<::::::::::::..::::<:<:<:::w� :<<:<:..,................<...........,...<.............<...........t...........,...................:.....� Operator: RMB Printed By: RMB Print Date: 10/29/98 Permit Type Fee Amount Invoice Amount Amount Paid Amount Owing Building Permit $386.36 $386.36 $0.00 $386.36 $386.36 $386.36 $0.00 $386.36 Notes: :v..:K::..:.:.:..:. . :.xK::::..n..x,;:,::::::.,:..:•;x:;::.. ,>. : ;:.:;; . ::.;;,:,,ri.,,.::....,,:.,;:,., :..,w:t, .... ..z.:...:u....::.::...::.::.::...:.;..;:.::..::..:...::..:..:.,:;.,..,.•„ ..: :.<:......, .re S r 7-75 PL.411/ 4� /,r ' i/ , )4-')V R x,,,22_ gg '2- 1 �2. ^- -- This site plan eing so .mitted for ":e purpose of ADDS.24.S� `,�--- ; obtaining a buiidinr�per., .t and is a true and correct ZONE --�` `------- lines/dim----- representation of the pro i osa. A!! known properly ROAD in `'� 1 nes/drmen ions,curb ilne., structures and easements /„f F> } Ii��i__ _.. have been identified. Als• indicated are wetlands, FRO Tei r�_�_ r bodies ofi;•Ater, s' p s/js oro+n�_ritic e eas. CONN .—= Sic3ned ��� .. /_ ��/ C. ()ale: �� i 2.0 /vg 30