2017, 01-24 Regular MeetingAGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FORMAL FORMAT MEETING Tuesday, January 24, 2017 6:00 p.m. Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers 11707 E Sprague Avenue Council Requests Please Silence Your Cell Phones During Council Meeting CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION: Pastor Danny Shultz, Sun City Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT PROCLAMATION PUBLIC COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except those on this agenda as action items. (Action items include public hearings, and those items under NEW BUSINESS. Public Comments will be taken on those items at the time those items are discussed.) When you come to the podium, please state your name and city residence for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion: I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of claim vouchers on Jan 24, 2017 Request for Council Action Form, Total: $3,722,109.92 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending January 15, 2017: $419,049.67 c. Approval of January 3, 2017 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session Format d. Approval of January 10, 2017 Council Meeting Minutes, Regular Formal Format NEW BUSINESS: 2. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 17-002 Amending Spokane Valley Municipal Code 2.15 —Cary Driskell [public comment] 3. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 17-003 Amending Spokane Valley Municipal Code 2.40 — Cary Driskell [public comment] 4. Proposed Resolution 17-002, Grant Reimbursement Authority — Cary Driskell [public comment] PUBLIC COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except those on this agenda as action items. (Action items include public hearings, and those items under NEW BUSINESS. Public Comments will be taken on those items at the time those items are discussed.) When you come to the podium, please state your name and city residence for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. Council Agenda 01-24-17 Formal Format Meeting Page 1 of 2 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 5. Fire Department 2016 Year in Review — Chief Collins 6. Siting of Sculptures — John Hohman 7. Advance Agenda - Mayor Higgins INFORMATION ONLY (will not be reported or discussed): 8. Department Reports CITY MANAGER COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT General Meetin,i Schedule (meeting schedule is always subject to change) Regular Council meetings are generally held every Tuesday beginning at 6:00 p.m. The Formal meeting formats are generally held the 211 and 41 Tuesdays. Formal meeting have time allocated for general public comments as well as comments after each action item. The Study Session formats (the less formal meeting) are generally held the 1st 31d and 5t'—' Tuesdays. Study Session formats DO NOT have time allocated for general public comments; but if action items are included, comments are permitted after those specific action items. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 921-1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. Council Agenda 01-24-17 Formal Format Meeting Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 24, 2017 Department Director Approval: El Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ❑ new business 0 public hearing AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: VOUCHER LIST 01/06/2017 01/06/2017 01/09/2017 01/10/2017 01/11/2017 01/11/2017 01/13/2017 01/18/2017 VOUCHER NUMBERS 40225-40240 40241 40242-40295; 1324620; 1338529 40296-40318 40319-40331 40332 40333-40345 40346-40396 G TOTAL AMOUNT $457,454.65 $185,591.95 $1,876,730.66 $164,141.13 $172,882.94 $471,332.79 $8,516.13 $385,459.67 RAND TOTAL: $3,722,10992 Explanation of Fund Numbers found #001 - General Fund City Council 001.016.000. 001.032.000. 001.076.300.576. 001.076.301.571. 001.076.302.576. 001.076.304.575. 001.076.305.571. City Manager Legal Public Safety Deputy City Manager Finance Human Resources Public Works CED - Administration CED — Economic Development CED —Development Services -Engineering CED — Development Services -Planning CED —Building Parks & Rec—Administration Parks & Rec-Maintenance Parks & Rec-Recreation Parks & Rec- Aquatics Parks & Rec- Senior Center Parks & Rec-CenterPlace General Gov't- Council related General Gov't -Finance related General Gov't -Employee supply General Gov't- Centralized Services General Gov't -Other Services General Gov't -Transportation General Gov't -Natural & Economic General Gov't -Social Services General Gov't -Capital Outlay General Gov't -Pavement Preservation on Voucher Lists Other Funds 101 — Street Fund 103 --- Paths & Trails 105 — Hotel/Motel Tax 106 — Solid Waste 120 - CenterPlace Operating Reserve 121— Service Level Stabilization Reserve 122 — Winter Weather Reserve 123 — Civil Facilities Replacement 204 — Debt Service 301 — REET 1 Capital Projects 302 - REET 2 Capital Projects 303 — Street Capital Projects 309 —Parks Capital Grants 310 -- Civic Bldg Capital Projects 311 — Pavement Preservation 312 — Capital Reserve 314 — Railroad Grade Separation Projects 402 — Stormwater Management 403 -- Aquifer Protection Area 501 — Equipment Rental & Replacement 502 — Risk Management RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve attached list of claim vouchers. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director ATTACHMENTS: Voucher Lists vchlist 01/06/2017 9:11:15AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 1 Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 40225 1/6/2017 000277 AWC 40226 1/6/2017 003255 DAY WIRELESS SYSTEMS 40227 1/6/2017 002604 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC 40228 1/6/2017 001728 HP FINANCIAL SERVICES CO 40229 1/6/2017 002991 IAVM 40230 1/6/2017 003277 INLAND NW BUSINESS ALLIANCE 2017 586177 78823045 600514317 00076337 22320 40231 1/6/2017 003316 INLAND NW BUSINESS, TRAVEL ASSOC 2017 40232 1/6/2017 000012 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS 71415 40233 1/6/2017 000193 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL INC January 2017 40234 1/6/2017 002532 NPELRA Whitehead 30018 40235 1/6/2017 002475 POST FALLS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 7232 40236 1/6/2017 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 42000341 40237 1/6/2017 000273 SRTC TS -1989 Fund/Dept 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 Description/Account Amount SPOKANE VALLEY MEMBERSHIP F Total : TOWER RENTAL Total : COMPUTER LEASE: 001-8922117-0 Total : SCHEDULE 572E3651 Total : 2017 MEMBERSHIP DUES: C. CAR1 Total : 2017 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES Total : 2017 MEMBERSHIP DUES: C. CAR1 Total : 2017 C BRANCH CITY HALL RENT: JAN 2017 Total : Total : 2017 MEMBERSHIP DUES J WHITE Total : 2017 RESOURCE GUIDE - ADVERT Total : ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICE JANUJ Total : 65,700.00 65,700.00 208.13 208.13 862.13 862.13 830.28 830.28 470.00 470.00 150.00 150.00 420.00 420.00 39.95 39.95 36,221.75 36,221.75 200.00 200.00 500.00 500.00 20,517.41 20,517.41 2017 MEMBERSHIP DUES 18,832.00 Page: 1 vchlist 01/0612017 9:11:15AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: 2 Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 40237 1/6/2017 000273 000273 SRTC 40238 1/6/2017 000780 UNION PACIFIC RR CO 40239 1/6/2017 000098 WA CITIES INSURANCE AUTHORITY 40240 1/6/2017 000129 WRPA 16 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 16 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been fumished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date C1P 0251 40132 2017 (Continued) Fund/Dept 303.000.251.595 502.502.000.518 001.076.301.571 Description/Account Amount Total : EUCLID AVE RECONSTRUCTION P Total : 2017 LIABILITY/PROGRAMASSESE Total : MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS: 2017 Total : 18,832.00 545.00 545.00 311,467.00 311,467.00 491.00 491.00 Bank total : 457,454.65 Total vouchers : 457,454.65 Page: 2 vchlist 01/06/2017 9:18:33AM Voucher List Page: Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 40241 1/6/2017 000459 SPOKANE CO TITLE CO 35231.1412 303,000.247.595 ROW ACQUISTION PROJECT #024' 185,591.95 Total : 185,591.95 1 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 185,591.95 1 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Total vouchers : 185,591.95 Page: vchiist 01/09/2017 2:21:20PM Voucher List Page: —1 Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 40242 1/9/2017 000197 ACRANET 40243 1/9/2017 001107 ADVANCEDTRAFFIC PRODUCTS 40244 1/9/2017 003089 ALL WESTERN MACHINE WORKS 2289 0000017041 103829 40245 1/9/2017 002244 AOT PUBLIC SAFETY CORPORATION SPKVLY-85 40246 1/9/2017 003337 ARROW CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY INC 185882 40247 1/9/2017 002517 BROWN BEARING CO INC 40248 1/9/2017 000101 CDW-G 40249 1/9/2017 000322 CENTURYLINK 40250 1/9/2017 000729 CH2MHILL INC 40251 1/9/2017 003319 CO -ENERGY, CONNEL OIL 40252 1/9/2017 002469 COMMUNITY MINDED ENTERPRISES 40253 1/9/2017 000508 CONOCOPHILL!PS FLEET 5540797 GHL1501 GHS3925 DECEMBER 2016 4034950 4043705 0168039 -IN 12-31-2016 48167918 Fund/Dept 303.303.155.595 303.303.155.595 Description/Account Amount EMPLOYEE BACKGROUND CHECK Total : REPLACEMENT: SPRAGUEICONKL Total : SUPPLIES: PW Total: NOTIFICATION LETTERS TO REG!.E Total: SUPPLIES: PW Total: SUPPLIES: PW - SNOWPLOWS Total : INK FOR HP T930 PLOTTER INK FOR HP T930 PLOTTER Total : 2016 PHONE SVCS: ACCT 509 -Z14 - Total : 0155 - SULLIVAN RD W BRIDGE SL 0155 - SULLIVAN RD W BRIDGE SL Total : SUPPLIES: SNOWPLOWS PEG REIMBURSEMENT Total : Total : DECEMBER 2016 FLEET FUEL BILL 33.00 33.00 2,259.35 2,259.35 352.71 352.71 3,315.60 3,315.60 117.29 117.29 285.60 285.60 747.00 149.40 896.40 529.87 529.87 0.00 47,196.31 47,196.31 691.66 691.66 11,449.83 11,449.83 1,062.35 Page: vch l ist 01/09/2017 2:21:20PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: —2' Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 40253 1/9/2017 000508 000508 CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEET 40254 1/9/2017 001880 CROWN WEST REALTY LLC 40255 1/9/2017 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 40256 1/9/2017 000734 DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 40257 1/9/2017 000278 DRISKELL, CARY 40258 1/9/2017 002157 ELJAY OIL COMPANY 40259 1/9/2017 003392 EPICENTER SERVICES LLC 40260 1/9/2017 003274 EXCHANGE PUBLISHING LLC 40261 1/9/2017 005418 FARO TECHNOLOGIES INC (Continued) DECEMBER 2016 RE 46 JG457 L004 RE-313-ATB61017022 RE-313-ATB61213036 RE-313-ATB61213047 RE 46 JG6436 L008 EXPENSES 4258054 2016-28 435756 436484 437169 437170 437171 437172 437747 90193388 90193424 40262 1/9/2017 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 46637 46670 Fund/Dept 303.000.238.595 311.000.211.595 402.402.000.531 314.000.223.595 314.000.223.595 314.000.223.595 Description/Account Amount Total COMMON AREA CHARGES FOR M/ Total : 0238 - SR 27 & MIRABEAU PKWY 0211 - SULLIVAN TRENT TO WELLE REIMBURSE TRAFFIC SVCS MAINZ REIMBURSE ROADWAY MAINTENP Total : OCTOBER DECANT CHARGES Total EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : FUEL FOR SNOWPLOWS/MAINTEN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION 1,062.35 155.10 155.10 645.09 1,744.09 4,181.67 9,656.77 16,227.62 1,026.28 1,026.28 37.42 37.42 8,787.38 Total : 8,787,38 Total : Total LASER SCANNER FOR SVPD LASER SCANNER FOR SVPD Total : 608.85 608.85 56.88 54.00 18.96 54.51 75.05 70.31 71.25 400.96 2,174.16 57,509.52 59,683.68 LEGAL PUBLICATION 120.00 LEGAL PUBLICATION 59.50 Page: vchlist 01/09/2017 2:21:20PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: Bank code : apbartk Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 40262 1/9/2017 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 40263 1/9/2017 002975 FREEDOM SALES AND SUPPLY LLC 40264 1/9/2017 002992 FREEDOM TRUCK CENTERS 40265 1/9/2017 001253 GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL 40266 1/9/2017 000917 GRAYBAR 40267 1/9/2017 003177 GUTH, ERIC 40268 1/9/2017 002043 HDR ENGINEERING INC 40269 1/9/2017 003297 HIGGINS, LEWIS ROD 40270 1/9/2017 005414 KAR-GOR INC. 40271 1/9/2017 002466 KENWORTH SALES COMPANY 40272 1/9/2017 001944 LANCER LTD 40273 1/9/2017 004632 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS (Continued) 46671 46672 46673 46702 2016900 PC001363172:01 Dec 16 1042 989014763 EXPENSES 1200027007 EXPENSES K1121634 SPO1N2127941 0462665 50031536 Fund/Dept 001.013,000.513 303.000.239.595 001.076.305.575 Description/Account Amount LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION OFFICE SUPPLIES Total : Total : SUPPLIES FOR SNOWPLOWS Total : GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS SUPPLIES: IT Total : Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : 0239: 16 -086 -ROW SERVICES Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : ACCIDENT SPRAGUE & CONKLIN - Total SUPPLIES FOR SNOWPLOWS Total BUSINESS CARDS Total : 69.70 25.00 77.35 155.20 506.75 43.46 43.46 8.07 8.07 3,893.14 3,893.14 116.74 116.74 36.76 36.76 200.25 200.25 38.88 38.88 2,791.48 2,791.48 528.24 528.24 102.45 102.45 TELECOM SERVICES 1,159.37 Page: vch list 01/09/2017 2:21:20PM Voucher List Page: --4� Spokane Valley Sank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 40273 1/9/2017 004632 004632 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 40274 1/9/2017 002203 NAPAAUTO PARTS 40275 40276 40277 40278 1/9/2017 000662 NATL BARRICADE & SIGN CO 774641 774879 777713 778085 778101 778484 999512 999515 93704 (Continued) 1/9/2017 004850 NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS, HRA PLAN 10067699 1/9/2017 000895 NEWBILL, BRANDON 1/9/2017 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. Fund/Dept 402.402.000.531 REIMBURSEMENT 001.076.305.575 884632813001 884641857001 884641857002 887784426001 888725859001 888726343001 888726344001 889295404001 890624630001 890646462001 40279 1/9/2017 000307 OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER NOVEMBER 2016 40280 1/9/2017 002578 REBUILDING & HARDFACING INC Description/Account Amount Total : MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FOR SN MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FOR SN MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FOR SN MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FOR SN MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FOR SN MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FOR SN SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FOR SN Total : SUPPLIES: STREET Total : FLEX SPENDING ADMINISTRATION Total : REIMBURSE SUPP. LIFE INSURAN' Total : OFFICE SUPPLIES - PW OFFICE SUPPLIES - PW OFFICE SUPPLIES - PW OFFICE SUPPLIES - PW OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES: IT OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES STATE REMITTANCE Total Total : 58277 3454' KENNAMETAL TC BLADES 1,159.37 56.83 11.40 55.39 216.04 8.84 15.54 78.20 8.67 450.91 47.61 47.61 384.00 384.00 4.80 4.80 276.46 9.10 13.03 22.52 26.99 31.56 22.06 76.26 -26.99 -31.56 419.43 39,109.40 39,109.40 1,044.61 Page: vchlist 01/09/2017 2:21:20PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 40280 1/9/2017 002578 002578 REBUILDING & HARDFACING INC (Continued) 40281 1/9/2017 003407 RIGHT! SYSTEMS 1NC 40282 1/9/2017 000031 ROYAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS 40283 1/9/2017 002520 RWC GROUP SI -150185 IN54349 41965N 42088N 42098N 42388N 40284 1/9/2017 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 7621218 7629434 40285 1/9/2017 002531 SIX ROBBLEES INC 40286 1/9/2017 005456 SOLITUDE PROPERTIES LLC 40287 1/9/2017 000308 SPOKANE CO PROSECUTING ATN 40288 1/9/2017 000459 SPOKANE CO TITLE CO 40289 1/9/2017 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 40290 1/9/2017 002110 TARGET MEDIA NORTHWEST 40291 1/9/2017 000717 TRANSPO GROUP INC. 5-784581 PARCEL 45214.1217 NOVEMBER 2016 SM5309 14800633 51503624 51461 19671 Fund/Dept 001,090.000.518 303.000.239.595 303.303.123.595 402.402.000.531 303.000.201.595 Description/Account Amount Total : JUNIPER EX3300 POE SWITCH Total : DECEMBER 2016 COPIER COSTS Total : SUPPLIES FOR SNOWPLOWS SUPPLIES: SNOWPLOW #203 SUPPLIES FOR SNOWPLOWS SUPPLIES FOR SNOWPLOWS Total : DE-ICE SIDEWALKS FUTURE CITY SIDEWALK SNOW REMOVAL FUTU Total : SUPPLIES FOR SNOWPLOWS Total : ROW - BOWDISH & 11TH SIDEWAL Total : CRIME VICTIMS COMPENSATION F Total: CIP 0123- PLANT INFORMATION G Total: 4TH QTR L1000R/EXCISE TAX DECEMBER 2016 WORK CREW IN` Total : HOT TOPIC WINTER 2016-2017 Total: 1,044.61 7,095.94 7,095.94 735.02 735.02 77.72 452.91 56.72 60.35 647.70 59.79 152.19 211.98 22.76 22.76 1,740.00 1,740.00 562.18 562.18 2,010.95 2,010.95 6,302.68 6,085.40 12,388.08 2,927.82 2,927.82 0201 - ENGINEERING SERVICES 3,801.86 Page: vchlist 01/09/2017 2:21:20PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 40291 1/9/2017 000717 000717 TRANSPO GROUP INC. (Continued) Total : 3,801.86 40292 1/9/2017 000087 VERIZON WIRELESS 9777352607 WIRELESS DATA CARDS 120.03 Total : 120.03 40293 1/9/2017 000980 WESTERN SYSTEMS INC 0000031996 ETHERNET SWITCH/ MOUNT-REPL 1,129.11 Total : 1,129.11 40294 1/9/2017 002497 WILBERT PRECAST INC 1064371 402.402.000.531 SUPPLIES: STORMWATER 108.70 Total : 108.70 40295 1/9/2017 002651 WOODARD, ARNE EXPENSES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 46.64 Total : 46.64 1324620 12/30/2016 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 9290201038 LE CONTRACT BILLING DECEMBEI 1,467,372,00 Total : 1,467,372.00 1338529 1/5/2017 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER DECEMBER 2016 SPOKANE COUNTY SERVICES 169,806.28 Total : 169,806.28 56 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 1,876,730.66 56 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 1,876,730.66 Page: vchlist 01/10/2017 2:10:36PM Voucher List Spokane Valley /) Page: Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 40296 1/10/2017 001081 ALSCO LSPO1850080 LSPO1855468 40297 1/10/2017 004046 AMERICAN ONSITE SERVICES A-204014 40298 1/10/2017 003076 AMSDEN, ERICA Expenses 40299 1/10/2017 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 9815939 S0150561 40300 1/10/2017 001930 DARDAN ENTERPRISES, INC 40301 1/10/2017 000795 EARTHWORKS RECYCLING INC. 40302 1/10/2017 001939 EXTREME SCIENCE 40303 1/10/2017 005458 FISHER, JARED 40304 1/10/2017 005309 ICON CORPORATION 40305 1/10/2017 000388 IRVIN WATER DIST. #6 40306 1/10/2017 001635 ISS FACILITY EVENT SERVICES Pay app #1 353844 12282016-1 Expenses S4089 Dec 2016 1127040 1129707 1129965 1131060 Fund/Dept 001.076.300.576 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.301.571 001.076.300.576 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 Description/Account Amount FLOOR MAT SERVICE AT PRECINC FLOOR MAT SERVICE AT PRECINC Total : RENTA FENCE FOR BROWNS PAR Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C Total : OLD JAIL REMODEL Total : RECYCLING COLLECTION AT CP 1: Total : IN CLASS FIELD TRIP: WINTER CA Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : ROOF WORK/REPAIRS AT CENTER Total : UTILITIES: PARKS Total : EVENT SVCS FOR CENTERPLACE EVENT SVCS FOR CENTERPLACE EVENT SVCS FOR CENTERPLACE EVENT SVCS AT CENTERPLACE 20.39 20.39 40.78 105.98 105.98 21.60 21.60 47.10 26.35 73.45 38,561.22 38,561.22 20.00 20.00 150.00 150.00 56.07 56.07 41,986.05 41,986.05 166.00 166.00 31.61 79.01 147.49 84.28 Page: vchlist 01/10/2017 2:10:36PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: r Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 40306 1/10/2017 001635 001635 ISS FACILITY EVENT SERVICES (Continued) 40307 1/10/2017 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO Dec 2016 Dec 2016 40308 1/10/2017 001860 PLATT ELECTRICAL SUPPLY 40309 1/10/2017 003237 PROSSER & SONS 40310 1/10/2017 000415 ROSAUERS FOOD & DRUG CENTER 40311 1/10/2017 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE [NC. L022924 41802 10-1702782 7621217 7628060 7628100 7628215 7629405 40312 1/10/2017 001083 STANDARD PLBG HEATING CONTROLS 55122 55204 40313 1/10/2017 001832 SWISHER 4134320 40314 1/10/2017 002306 TERRELL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, MIC 2814 40315 1/10/2017 001472 TESTAMERICA LABORATORIES 59105227 40316 1/10/2017 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKANE 0398940-2681-2 0398941-2681-0 0398942-2681-8 Fund/Dept 001.076.302.576 001.076.305.575 309.223.40.00 001.076.301.571 001.076.300.576 001.076.305.575 001.076.300.594 001.076.300.576 402.402.000.531 001.076.305.575 Description/Account Amount Total : UTILITIES: DEC 2016 PW UTILITIES: DEC 2016 PARKS Total : SUPPLIES FOR CENTERPLACE Total : RETAINAGE RELEASE: REPLACEM Total : SUPPLIES FOR REC PROGRAMS Total : MONTHLY SVCS AT PRECINCT - DE MONTHLY SVCS AT PRECINCT: DE DE ICE WALKS AT FUTURE CITY H, CONTRACT MAINT: PARKS DEC 20 MONTHLY SVS AT PRECINCT: DEC Total : NOV 2016 MONTHLY MAINT: PREC DEC 2016 MONTHLY MAINT: PREC1 Total : JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: CP Total : BROWNS PARK WATER SERVICE C Total : J5255-1 MONTHLY DRINKING WATE Total : WASTE MGMT: MAINT SHOP DEC WASTE MGMT: CENTERPLACE WASTE MGMT: PRECINCT 342.39 8,535.92 1,500.77 10, 036.69 33.97 33.97 6,570.00 6,570.00 17.64 17.64 190.23 516.33 59.79 58,934.26 543.50 60,244.11 623.61 623.61 1,247.22 Page: 404.28 404.28 574.25 574.25 28.50 28.50 175.12 750.05 286.31 vch l ist 01/10/2017 2:10:36PM Voucher List Page: '3r Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 40316 1/10/2017 000038 000038 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SPOKAN (Continued) Total : 1,211.48 40317 1/10/2017 004917 WHITE, KARLA 40318 1/10/2017 003876 ZBAARCHITECTURE PS 23 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 23 Vouchers in this report I, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Expenses EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 9.45 Total : 9.45 2215 PROJECT 1619 -PROFESSIONAL Sl 2,240.00 Total : 2,240.00 Bank total : 164,141.13 Total vouchers : 164,141.13 Page: vchlist 01/11/2017 12:14:17PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 40319 1/11/2017 005268 ATLAS ADVERTISING LLC 40320 1/11/2017 004231 BELSBY ENGINEERING 40321 1/11/2017 003261 FEHR & PEERS 40322 1/11/2017 000321 GREATER SPOKANE INC 40323 1/11/2017 002259 MENKE JACKSON BEYER LLP 40324 1/11/2017 002948 NA DEGERSTROM 40325 1/11/2017 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC. 40326 1/11/2017 002616 ROADWISE INC Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 1112 ADVERTISING 16397 112098 111054 499 PAY AP P 2 890279824001 001.076.305.575 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Total : Total : Total : Total : Total : RETAINAGE RELEASE CIP 0236 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,270.00 1,270.00 12,280.00 12,280.00 10,750.00 10,750.00 1,985.10 1,985.10 3,590.59 Total : 3,590.59 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CENTERPLACE Total : 56317 LIQUID MAG (FEEZGARD ZERO) 56318 LIQUID MAG (FEEZGARD ZERO) 56319 LIQUID MAG (FEEZGARD ZERO) 56327 LIQUID MAG (FEEZGARD ZERO) 56328 LIQUID MAG (FEEZGARD ZERO) 56391 LIQUID MAG (FEEZGARD ZERO) 56392 LIQUID MAG (FEEZGARD ZERO) 56393 LIQUID MAG (FEEZGARD ZERO) 56460 LIQUID MAG (FEEZGARD ZERO) 56461 LIQUID MAG (FEEZGARD ZERO) Total : 40327 1/11/2017 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 7629378 40328 1/11/2017 004535 SHRED -1T USA LLC 8121520755 SIDEWALK SNOW REMOVAL Total : DOCUMENT DESTRUCTION 20.41 20.41 5,988.41 5,959.06 5,959.06 5,991.87 5,998.77 5,950.43 5,953.89 5,950.43 5,957.34 5,921.08 59,630.34 54.35 54.35 156.30 Page: �I' vchlist 01111/2017 12:14:17PM Voucher List Page: —2 -- Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 40328 1/11/2017 004535 004535 SHRED -IT USA LLC (Continued) Total : 156.30 40329 1/11/2017 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 110100140 SIGNAL/SIGN/BEACON MAINTENAI 58,323.45 51503606 NOVEMBER 2016 WORK CREW IN 1,079.30 Total : 59,402.75 40330 1/11/2017 000391 SPOKANE VALLEY FIRE DIST. #1 Q4-2016 FIRE FEES Q4-2016 FIRE FEES 21,961.78 Total : 21,961.78 40331 1/11/2017 004740 THOMSON REUTERS -WEST 835368011 SUBSCRIPTION CHARGES 781.32 Total: 781.32 13 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 172,882.94 13 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 172,882.94 1, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have beeri furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: vch l ist 01/11/2017 12:28:32PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 40332 1/11/2017 000459 SPOKANE CO TITLE CO 45033.5001 314.000.223.595 PROPERTY ACQUISITION PROJEC 471,332.79 Total : 471,332.79 1 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 471,332.79 1 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 471,332.79 1, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the tabor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim. Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Page: vchlist 01/13/2017 11:51:33AM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 40333 1/13/2017 000150 ALLIED FIRE & SECURITY 40334 1/13/2017 000277 AWC 40335 1/13/2017 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 40336 1/13/2017 001447 FREE PRESS PUBLISHING INC 40337 1/13/2017 002963 INLAND EMPIRE GARDENERS, THE 40338 1/13/2017 004926 LE CATERING CO 40339 1/13/2017 005457 MADDEN MEDIA RCB200455859 47678 9817970 S0154243 S0154276 46728 10934 Contract #26 C54531 40340 1/13/2017 000616 NEW HORIZONS COMPUTER LEARNING 34703 40341 1/13/2017 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC, 40342 1/13/2017 005455 SORENSON, ANGELIK 40343 1/13/2017 000323 SPOKANE CO UTILITIES 40344 1/13/2017 001472 TESTAMERICA LABORATORIES 892027062001 892027428001 Expenses Jan 2017 59105278 Fund/Dept 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001, 076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076,305.575 001.076.302.576 001.076.300.576 Description/Account Amount SECURITY MONITORING AT CENTE Total : 2017 DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTING Total : LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C Total : LEGAL PUBLICATION Total : ADVERTISING FOR CENTERPLACE Total: CATERING INVOICE: INLAND EMP11 Total: ADVERTISING FOR CENTERPLACE Total : COMPTIA SECURITY+ Total : OFFICE SUPPLIES: FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES: FINANCE Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : SPOKANE CO SEWER CHRGS: JAt Total : 117.00 117.00 308.00 308.00 56.82 42.33 48.74 147.89 99.45 99.45 632.50 632.50 153.24 153.24 1,687.00 1,687.00 2,475.00 2,475.00 102.48 35.86 138.34 15.52 15.52 1,637.69 1,637.69 J5299-1 MONTHLY DRINKING WATT 28.50 Page: vchlist 01/13/2017 11:51:33AM /2 Voucher List Page: —2 -- Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor invoice Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount 40344 1/13/2017 001472 001472 TESTAMERICA LABORATORIES (Continued) Total : 28.50 40345 1/13/2017 000129 WRPA 1703 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 1,076.00 Total : 1,076.00 13 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 8,516.13 13 Vouchers in this report 1, the undersigned, do certify under penalty of perjury, that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane Valley, and that 1 am authorized to authenticate and certify said claim, Finance Director Date Council member reviewed: Mayor Date Council Member Date Total vouchers : 8,516.13 Page: vchlist 01/18/2017 3:06:16PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: f Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 40346 1/18/2017 000958 AAA SWEEPING LLC 40347 1/18/2017 000334 ARGUS JANITORIAL LLC 40348 1/18/2017 005268 ATLAS ADVERTISING LLC 40349 1/18/2017 002603 B&H PHOTO VIDEO 40350 1/18/2017 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 40351 1/18/2017 003300 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 40352 1/18/2017 000101 CDW-G 40353 1/18/2017 002572 CINTAS CORPORATION 40354 1/18/2017 001169 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 57458 57459 57460 INV014382 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1188 119548088 9813912 Dec 2016 GJL4520 606229690 606230954 606231137 606232229 606233579 606233757 Dec 2016 Fund/Dept 402.402.000.531 402.402.000.531 402.402.000.531 001.076.305.575 Description/Account Amount STREET SWEEPING SERVICES STORM DRAIN CLEANING STORM DRAIN CLEANING Total : JANITORIAL SVC: DEC 2016 ADVERTISING ADVERTISING ADVERTISING ADVERTISING ADVERTISING ADVERTISING Total : Total : HUDDLECAMHD 10X-GY-G3 PTZ C, Total : LINEN SERVICE AND SUPPLY AT C Total : LATE FEE COMPUTER HARDWARE Total : Total : SERVICES AT MAINT. SHOP CONTI SERVICES AT MAINT. SHOP CONTI SERVICESATMAINT. SHOP CONTI SERVICES AT MAI NT. SHOP CONTI SERVICES AT MAINT. SHOP CONTI SERVICES AT MAINT. SHOP CONTI Total : PETTY CASH: 14817,18,19 9,251.56 8,593.80 -1,182.34 16,663.02 2,501.87 2,501.87 2,500.00 5,253.04 2,000.00 29,650.00 15,000.00 3,000.00 57,403.04 899.00 899.00 246.23 246.23 7.27 7.27 201.07 201.07 134.89 122.92 275.76 122.92 122.92 318.19 1,097.60 3.00 Page: vch l ist 01/1812017 3:06:16PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 40354 1/18/2017 001169 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 40355 1/18/2017 000840 CLARY, AARON 40356 1/18/2017 003317 COEUR D' ALENE PRESS 40357 1/18/2017 004437 COMMUNITYATTRIBUTES INC 40358 1/18/2017 000326 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION #19 40359 1/18/2017 000246 EAST SPOKANE WATER DIST #1 40360 1/18/2017 003697 ELECTRIC LIGHTWAVE LLC 40361 1/18/2017 000924 ELLER CORP 40362 1/18/2017 002075 ENVIROTECH SERVICES INC 40363 1/18/2017 004152 EVENT RENTS, LLC (Continued) Dec 2016 EXPENSES Dec 2016 1927 Dec 2016 December 2016 14313714 12149 CD201705026 CD201705027 CD201705028 CD201705856 CD201705857 CD201705858 CD201705859 CD201705860 CD201705861 C D201705862 Fund/Dept 402.402.000.531 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.300.576 101,000.000.542 101 000.000.542 286325 001.076.305.575 Description/Account Amount PETTY CASH: 14821,22,23,24,1500' Tota! : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : NORTH IDAHO BUSINESS JOURNA Total : SPOKANE VALLEY TOURISM ANAL Total: UTILITIES: PARKS AND CENTERPL Total : WATER CHARGES: DEC 2016 Total : INTERNET SERVICE Total : SNOW REMOVAL CONTRACT 16-1 Total : 1012 - ICE SLICER 1012 - ICE SLICER 1012 - ICE SLICER 1012 - ICE SLICER 1012 - ICE SLICER 1012 - ICE SLICER 1012 - ICE SLICER 1012 - ICE SLICER 1012 - ICE SLICER 1012 - ICE SLICER Total : 6.25 9.25 60.14 60.14 271.00 271.00 10,524.37 10, 524.37 68.35 68.35 65.85 65.85 235.52 235.52 21,812.50 21,812.50 6,034.30 5,307.39 5,969.68 5,830.23 5,717.15 5,832.02 5,232.54 5,279.21 5,250.48 5,234.34 55, 687.34 SUPPLY RENTALS FOR CENTERPL 8.02 Page: vchlist 01/1812017 3:06:16PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 40363 1/18/2017 004152 004152 EVENT RENTS, LLC 40364 1/18/2017 005418 FARO TECHNOLOGIES INC 40365 1/18/2017 000321 GREATER SPOKANE INC 40366 1/18/2017 000002 H & H BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. 40367 1/18/2017 002043 HDR ENGINEERING INC 40368 1/18/2017 005472 JOHNSON, JOHN 40369 1/18/2017 000864 JUB ENGINEERS INC. 40370 1/18/2017 004926 LE CATERING CO 40371 1/18/2017 003190 LUK1NS & ANNIS P.S Fund/Dept (Continued) 90200538 111316 Description/Account Amount Total : LASER SCANNER FOR SVPD Total : PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 331560 COPIER COSTS 331561 COPIER COSTS 331885 COPIER COSTS 331886 001.013.000,513 COPIER COSTS 331889 COPIER COSTS 331890 COPIER COSTS 331899 COPIER COSTS 331900 COPIER COSTS 331905 COPIER COSTS 331906 COPIER COSTS 331959 COPIER COSTS 331960 COPIER COSTS 332086 COPIER COSTS 1200029822 EXPENSES 0105868 Contract #14 Contract #22 358480 359069 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Total : Total : Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : 2016 TIP MAINTENANCE & UPDATE Total : CATERING INVOICE: INLAND EMPII CATERING INVOICE: INLAND EMPII Total : PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1 1 8.02 7,503.33 7,503.33 0,750.00 0,750.00 25.33 1.84 823.57 47.98 110.03 8.20 153.32 21.20 282.57 25.25 417.39 29.83 3.20 1,949.71 4,946.05 4,946.05 69.46 69.46 3,248.02 3,248.02 153.24 153.24 306.48 52.50 195.00 Page: vet -dist 01/18/2017 3:06:16PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 40371 1/18/2017 003190 003190 LUKINS & ANN1S P.S (Continued) 40372 1/18/2017 004850 NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS, HRA PLAN 10072606 40373 1/18/2017 005115 NB STORMWATER ENGINEERING LLC 0007 40374 1/18/2017 005050 OGDEN MURPHY WALLACE PLLC 40375 1/18/2017 000058 OMA 40376 1/18/2017 000881 OXARC INC 40377 1/18/2017 003587 PACE, ED 40378 1/18/2017 001133 PATRIOT FIRE PROTECTION INC. 40379 1/18/2017 005049 PEDERSON, MICHAEL ROY 40380 1/18/2017 005238 PHILLIPS, CHAD 40381 1/18/2017 002520 RWC GROUP 42875N 42890N 731460 A500163 R460609 EXPENSES 2213595 DECEMBER 2016 EXPENSES 40382 1/18/2017 004862 SCARSELLA BROS INC 40383 1/18/2017 002835 SCS DELIVERY INC 10957 9394 Fund/Dept 402.000.193.531 402.402.000.531 Description/Account Amount Total : FLEX SPENDING ADMNISTRATION Total : CONSULTING SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Total : Total : NEW HIRE PHYSICALS FOR DECEI Total : CYLINDER RENTAL Total : EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : SERVICE CALL: REPLACE FLOW S Total: DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL Total: EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Total : SUPPLIES FOR SNOWPLOW #204 SUPPLIES FOR SNOWPLOW #205 Total : ON-CALL SNOW REMOVAL Total : PACKAGE DELIVERY FOR COUNCI Total : 247.50 376.00 376.00 9,759.00 9,759.00 618.60 618.60 155.00 155.00 97.37 97.37 29.16 29.16 652.20 652.20 750.00 750.00 62.46 62.46 48.03 59.94 107.97 25,936.00 25,936.00 100.00 100.00 Page: vchlist 01/18/2017 3:06:16PM Voucher List Spokane Valley Page: Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 40384 1/18/2017 000709 SENSKE LAWN & TREE CARE INC. 40385 40386 40387 40388 1/18/2017 000090 SPOKANE CO INFO SYSTEMS 1/18/2017 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 1/18/2017 001903 SPOKANE TRAFFIC CONTROL INC 7632709 7635331 7635387 7635477 50315344 9020100413 2167 1/18/2017 001083 STANDARD PLBG HEATING CONTROLS 55233 55234 55235 55236 55246 40389 1/18/2017 000065 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 40390 1/18/2017 001969 SUNSHINE DISPOSAL 40391 1/18/2017 000335 TIRE-RAMA 3322572905 3326039394 3326039395 3326039396 3326039397 3326039398 3326039400 3326039401 3326039402 3326039403 1125632 8080047580 Fund/Dept 402.402.000.531 402.402.000.531 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 001.076.305.575 Description/Account Amount 895 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE SIDEWALK SNOW REMOVAL CITY SNOW REMOVAL: PRECINCT SIDEWALK SNOW REMOVAL FUTU Total : COUNTY IT SUPPORT DECEMBER Total : 2016 GENERAL ELECTION TRAFFIC CONTROL Total : Total : WORK ORDER: CENTERPLACE WORK ORDER: CENTERPLACE WORK ORDER 28432: CENTERPLP WORK ORDER: CENTERPLACE WORK ORDER: PRECINCT Total: OFFICE SUPPLIES: LEGISLATIVE OFFICE SUPPLIES: GEN'L GOVT OFFICE SUPPLIES: GEN'L GOVT OFFICE SUPPLIES: LEGISLATIVE OFFICE SUPPLIES: LEGISLATIVE OFFICE SUPPLIES: LEGISLATIVE OFFICE SUPPLIES: LEGISLATIVE OFFICE SUPPLIES: COMM. DEV. OFFICE SUPPLIES: COMM. DEV. OFFICE SUPPLIES: COMM. DEV. Total : TRANSFER STATION Total ; 402.402.000.531 OIL CHANGE 2014 ESCAPE 6-402 6,430.89 195.66 1,467.46 244.59 8,338.60 9,807.01 9,807.01 85,892.98 85,892.98 787.50 787.50 6,741.33 513.06 1,985.47 419.93 740.57 10,400.36 6.19 98.90 91.28 -6.19 35.61 33.07 40.94 69.00 136.28 293.48 798.56 399.93 399.93 36.36 Page: �5 vch l ist 01/18/2017 3:06:16PM Voucher List Spokane Valley 03 Page: 6 Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 40391 1/18/2017 000335 000335 T1RE-RAMA 40392 1/18/2017 002597 TWISTED PAIR ENTERPRISES LLC 40393 1/18/2017 000295 VALLEYFEST 40394 1/18/2017 003206 VAN NESS FELDMAN LLP 40395 1/18/2017 000087 VERIZON WIRELESS 40396 1/18/2017 000842 WM WINKLER COMPANY 51 Vouchers for bank code : apbank 51 Vouchers in this report (Continued) 12282016 DEC 2016 131743 9777228089 16870-01 Fund/Dept Description/Account Amount Total : BROADCASTING COUNCIL MEETIN Total: 2016 ECO DEV GRANT REIMBURSI Total: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Total : DECEMBER 2016 VERIZON CELL P Total : SNOW REMOVAL 12-2016 Total : Bank total : 385,459.67 Total vouchers : 385,459.67 36.36 1,402.00 1,402.00 11,434.72 11,434.72 868.00 868.00 1,781.65 1,781.65 18,086.25 18,086.25 Page: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 24, 2017 Department Director Approval : Item: Check all that apply: ® consent ❑ old business ['new business ['public hearing ['information ❑admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Payroll for Pay Period Ending January 15, 2017 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Budget/Financial impacts: Employees Council Total Gross: $ 281,411.10 $ $ 281,411.10 Benefits: $ 137,638.57 $ $ 137,638.57 Total payroll $ 419,049.67 $ $ 419,049.67 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to Approve above payroll. [Approved as part of the Consent Agenda, or may be removed and discussed separately.] STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri DRAFT Attendance: Councilmembers MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY COUNCIL MEETING STUDY SESSION Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley, Washington January 3, 2017 Staff Rod Higgins, Mayor Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor Caleb Collier, Councilmember [arrived 6:09 p.m.] Pam Haley, Councilmember Mike Munch, Councilmember Ed Pace, Councilmember Sam Wood, Councilmember Mark Calhoun, City Manager Cary Driskell, City Attorney John Hohman, Comm & Eco. Dev. Director Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Eric Guth, Public Works Director Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director Morgan Koudelka, Sr Administrative Analyst Mark Werner, Police Chief Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present except Councilmember Collier. Mayor Higgins mentioned that Councilmember Collier would be arriving a little late. ACTION ITEMS: 1. First Reading Proposed Ordinance 17-001 Amending SVMC 7.20 Alarm Systems — Morgan Koudelka After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to advance Ordinance 17-001 to a second reading. Mr. Koudelka gave a summary of the proposed changes, which he said included some re -numbering and a few grammatical edits; said this amendment would eliminate all registration requirements and only have cost recovery fees assessed should an alarm occur and be deemed false by the police; he mentioned that an amended fee resolution will be necessary, and that staff continues working with the County on those fees. Deputy Mayor Woodard asked if the fee estimates would be ready by the second reading, and Mr. Koudelka replied that he is not certain, but staff is working through the cost estimates and that it might be toward the end of the month before we have those figures; he mentioned that he has had some phone calls relative to this and he has been informing citizens that the fees will remain as they are until changed. Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Mr. Tony Lazanis: mentioned a letter he received a few days ago from the Police Chief that he said sounds like he has everything finalized to charge a fee; said the County allows free false alarms but we don't here; said the letter indicates if they come to your place, they'll charge you a fee, but it doesn't state how much. Mr. Koudelka explained that this new system will be strictly cost recovery to recover the cost to send out an officer to check the premises; said the County has a much higher false rate than we do; but the County is joining us with this effort and will have the same fee structure. Mayor Higgins invited further public comment. Gary Babcock: said he wished Council would get rid of this; that he was falsely accused one time and they even sent him a letter and charged him $175, and said they had come to his house, but Mr. Babcock said that they actually didn't. [Councilmember Collier arrived 6:09 p.m.] In response to Deputy Mayor Woodard's question about the typical cost for residents, Mr. Koudelka explained that he did an analysis earlier last year where he looked at the cost of responding, number of response times, how long on site, the difference between residential and commercial, plus the cost of the private vendor administering the program, as well as a bank accepting payments; said that was when we came back and recommended reducing the fees and said he hopes to reduce those even further; that we Council Study Session: 01-03--2017 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: DRAFT want to make it easier, get rid of all the registration requirements, and will now have this in-house, it will be through our police department with people familiar with the area who can follow-up if corrections are necessary; and also taking into consideration such things as power outages, or windstorms; he said we won't have a private vendor, and our police department will hear any appeal, and that there will be no appeal fees. There were no further public comments. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 2. Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointment Two Planning Commissioners — Mayor Higgins It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to confirm the Mayor's nomination for appointment to the Planning Commission of Michelle Rasmussen for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2019. Mayor Higgins explained that although there are two vacancies, due to time constraints he did not have an opportunity to interview the other applicants, and that this is a re -appointment of Ms. Rasmussen. Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 3. Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointment: Two Members to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee — Mayor Higgins It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to confirm the Mayoral appointments to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee of Lee Cameron for a term of two years; and of Scott Peterson for a term of two years, with terms beginning January 1, 2017. Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 4. Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointments: Councilmembers to Various Boards and Committees for 2017 — Mayor Higgins Deputy Mayor Woodard noted that in addition to those committee appointments listed, Councilmember Sam Wood would also be appointed to the Health District Board. It was then moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to confirm the Mayoral appointments of Councilmembers to the committees and boards as listed. Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 5. Motion Consideration: Appointments to and Charge of Library Ad Hoc Committee — Mark Calhoun City Manager Calhoun briefly explained the background of the idea of forming the ad hoc committee, as noted on his January 3, 2017 Request for Council Action form; and said that once approved, he would contact Library District Director Nancy Ledeboer to get the meetings started. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to confirm the formation of the Library Ad Hoc Task Force with the charge to research the library building concept and site; that the committee will sunset December 31, 2018, and to confirm the committee appointments of Councilmembers Rod Higgins and Arne Woodard; as well as City Manager Mark Calhoun, City Attorney Cary Driskell, Community and Economic Development Director John Hohman, and Parks & Recreation Director Mike Stone. Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Mr. Tony Lazanis: suggested it would be nice if the people who get appointed would say a couple of words so the public can see who they are. There were no other public comments. At the behest of Deputy Mayor Woodard, the staff for this committee stood. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. NON -ACTION ITEMS: 6. GIS Enterprise License Agreement — Morgan Koudelka Senior Administrative Analyst Koudelka went over the information contained in his January 3, 2017 Request for Council Action form, giving a brief overview of what GIS is and what is does for us, such as mapping, tables of information, and programs for analysis; said members of the public can access information on such things as drywells and where they are located; the GIS will show all the streets, types, traffic counts, pavement index rating, as well as street lights and replacement schedules; concerning land use, said the use of the GIS makes the review process much more beneficial, and the public can access the maps that show the land use simply by clicking on a parcel; he explained that this interlocal agreement is Council Study Session: 01-03--2017 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: DRAFT updated every four years, and going together with others saves money. A question arose about cost and Mr. Koudelka said that the cost is set out in the agreement, but we pre -pay a year in advance; said that the other entities wanted more licenses and they have different types of licenses that do more; so the total cost goes up but our cost actually goes down since we don't have the special extensions or some of the other enhancements. There was Council consensus to bring this forward for a motion consideration at an upcoming Council meeting. 7. Pines Road Underpass Right-of-way Acquisition — Eric Guth Public Works Director Guth went through his PowerPoint presentation explaining the Pines Road Grade Separation project; he showed the realignment of Pines, said that the City agreed to purchase the vacant property to protect it from being developed, adding that it would be more costly if the right-of-way were purchased after development; he noted the potential right-of-way takes include the slope, retaining walls, and future drainage swale; and also mentioned as part of the negotiations with the owner, a boundary line adjustment; he said the outcomes would mean that the new parcel would allow the construction of the road, that the neighboring property could be developed, and that acquisition allows the project to move forward. Councilmember Collier asked about having a cost analysis for the shown green, black and blue areas, and Mr. Guth said he would caution against putting numbers to that as it would likely change, as this design is very preliminary There was also discussion about the cost per square foot of $7.50, and that the total area of 62,669 square feet equates to approximately $470,000; which Mr. Guth said is within the budget of $500,000 allocated. City Manager Calhoun noted that this will be included in the 2017 budget amendment; and for next week, this will come before Council for approval consideration. Council concurred with bringing this back next week for a motion consideration. 8. City Hall Update — Steve Worley Standing in for Mr. Worley, Public Works Director Guth went through the PowerPoint presentation showing the progress of the new City Hall building. 9. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins Councilmember Munch asked about having an update on the issue of snow removal from sidewalks, and City Attorney Driskell said the committee met today, and he will prepare an administrative report for the January 17 council meeting. There were no other suggestions for the advance agenda. 10. Council Check-in — Mayor Higgins Council had no further comments. 11. City Manager Comments — Mark Calhoun Mr. Calhoun mentioned he received an e-mail from lobbyist Briahna Murray regarding an update on Senator Padden's water rights bill; Mr. Driskell said that the public hearing on that issue will be January 12, from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and that Ms. Murray requests staff and/or council come testify if possible. At Mayor Higgins' request, and in an effort to support the bill, Mr. Driskell said he will try to determine if another venue can be used to testify other than going to Olympia in person. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:01 p.m. ATTEST: L.R. Higgins, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Study Session: 01-03--2017 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council: DRAFT MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Rod Higgins, Mayor Arne Woodard, Deputy Mayor Caleb Collier, Councilmember Pam Haley, Councilmember Mike Munch, Councilmember Ed Pace, Councilmember Absent: Sam Wood, Councilmember Staff Mark Calhoun, City Manager Cary Driskell, City Attorney Mike Stone, Parks & Rec Director John Hohman, Comm. & Eco. Dev. Manager Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Morgan Koudelka, Sr Administrative Analyst Steve Worley, Cap. Improvement Program Mgr. Jim Dingfield, Senior Engineer Mark Werner, Police Chief Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Brad Bruszer of Genesis Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, staff and the audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present except Councilmember Wood. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmember Wood from tonight's meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS n/a COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS There were no reports, although some Councilmembers commented about and expressed appreciation for the work of the snow plow crews. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Higgins reported that he attended a Clean Air Board meeting, and that Board was scheduled to hold a public hearing tonight on the moratorium of growing marijuana outdoors; also noted he attended a Boy Scout recognition banquet and said the valley was well represented with several eagle scouts. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Laura Renz: spoke about the issue of service dogs and signage, and handed a copy of her poster for businesses, to the City Clerk for distribution to Council; said she made a webpage, published an article on the front page of the Sunday Spokesman a few weeks ago, and that all this has garnered a lot of interest; and said the City of Spokane is interested in the issue and trying to get something on their books. Stephanie Culver: also spoke about the issue of signage and service dogs, and handed a copy of her handouts to the City Clerk for distribution to Council; mentioned the ADA (Americans with Disability Act) requirements, and said it is very beneficial having businesses with appropriate signs. Nina Fluegal: spoke about snow plowing; said she has seen kids walking on top of the berms because they can't walk on the sidewalks and with the snow and ice, and that there is very little chance to get those sidewalks clear; said maybe it would be a good investment for the City to pay someone to go behind the Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 01-10-2017 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT plows to help clear the sidewalks, and perhaps the City could invest in ATV's (all -terrain vehicle) that have a plow on the front. City Manager Calhoun noted that both of these items are scheduled as administrative reports for next week's Council meeting. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion: I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of claim vouchers on Jan 10, 2017 Request for Council Action Form, Total: $2,712,746.97 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending December 15, 2016: $398,054.35 c. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending December 31, 2016: $427,984.19 d. Approval of December 13, 2016 Council Meeting Minutes, Formal Meeting Format e. Approval of December 20, 2016 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session Format It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 17-001 Amending Alarm Systems — Morgan Koudelka After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to approve Ordinance 17-001 amending SVMC 7.20. Mr. Koudelka again explained some of the major changes with this ordinance amendment, such as eliminating all registration requirements, and making the appeal process simpler; and said if this is adopted tonight, the City would be issuing refund checks to those who pre- paid 2017 registration fees. Mr. Koudelka noted that there were some comments last week about the perception that we are taking something away from people in that we previously had some free false alarms; he said that a lot of this false information has been passed from alarm companies; he said that the program has been in place for six years and has always been based on cost recovery; said the fee was the same if it were the first or subsequent false alarms, and that the only free false alarm was within the first sixty -days of someone having a new alarm system, in order to give a grace period to get familiar with the alarm system; he said we will continue to work with people and grant exceptions for such things as power outages, or weather events, and that the idea is to control the number of false alarms. Mr. Koudelka explained that if an officer never goes to the home or business, there would be no cost, and with the new system, there is no registration fee either. Mayor Higgins invited public comment. Nina Fluegal: said she has an alarm system and the company calls her first as that is the way she set it up; she questioned how the City could put a price on an officer's time since they work on a salary, and that should be part of their job. Tony Lazanis: said he hasn't read the document, but suggested Council beware of Mr. Koudelka; said this is why we have a police department, so they can monitor things and if they get an alarm they're supposed to go check it; said it seems that someone is making money off this, that citizens pay enough taxes to have that service, and Council should beware of what they're doing, as someone is trying to stick it to the citizens. Mr. Koudelka said police respond to alarm activations; that alarm companies tell customers that if they don't have an alarm reduction in place, not to worry about how many times it occurs, as they will call the police every time and the police will check it out and make sure everyone is ok; said our police officers were chasing a lot of false alarm calls and it was getting worse; and when officers respond to false alarms, they have less time for pro -active policing like patrolling neighborhoods and looking for suspicious activity; and that not everyone has an alarm system so this is strictly cost -recovery; said the cost is broken out according to the dispatch records, which show how many officers responded and how long they were there; also the cost of administering the program was factored in, as well as the cost for the bank to process the payments, including return check fees; said the rates were previously reduced and likely will be reduced again, but we are waiting for the County to provide that information. Mayor Higgins invited further comments. Laura Renz said she has an alarm system and it is her responsibility to make sure the equipment is working properly; and that she doesn't want officers to have to come to false alarms. There were no further public comments. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 01-10-2017 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT 3. Proposed Resolution 17-001 Repealing and Replacing 16-002, Bank Signing Authority — Chelsie Taylor It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to approve Resolution #17-001 declaring which qualified public depositories the City is authorized to conduct financial transactions with, and declaring which Councilmembers and City officers have signing authority on behalf of the City. Finance Director Taylor explained that due to the change in staff and elected officials, the resolution needed to be updated concerning who is authorized to sign checks, and which qualified financial depositories the City may use to make payments on claims or obligations. Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 4. Motion Consideration: GIS Enterprise License Interlocal Agreement — Morgan Koudelka It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to authorize the City Manager to execute the Interlocal Agreement for Participation in the County of Spokane ESRI Enterprise License Agreement. Senior Administrative Analyst Koudelka explained that as he mentioned last week, there are many things GIS licenses do for us; and that every four years Spokane County, on our behalf, negotiates with the vendor, ESRI; that we enter into an enterprise license agreement with the County and a few other jurisdictions, which results in saving 1 8% on our annual cost. Councilmember Munch indicated that following our link, the link only works about a quarter of the time, and Mr. Koudelka said he would check on that. Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 5. Motion Consideration: Bid Award, Appleway Trail, Pines to Evergreen — Steve Worley It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the contract for the Appleway Shared Use Path Pines to Evergreen Project #0227 to T. LaRiviere Equipment & Excavation, Inc., in the amount of $1,680,981.00. Mr. Worley explained that this bid is for the second phase of the Appleway Trail Project; and as noted in the Request for Council Action form, he explained why the lowest bid was rejected. Mayor Higgins invited public comment and Mr. Lazanis asked if this was about Barker Road; when Mayor Higgins said this is the Appleway Trail, Mr. Lazanis said if there is federal money, it should go to Pines or Barker Road, and Council needs to prioritize Pines before they do anything else. There were no further public comments. Councilmember Pace said he would vote no just to protest the DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise) federal requirement. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Higgins, Deputy Mayor Woodard, and Councilmembers Munch and Haley. Opposed: Councilmembers Pace and Collier. Motion carried. 6. Motion Consideration: Consultant Agreement Design Barker Rd/BNSF Separation Project- Steve Worley It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute a Contract with David Evans and Associates in the amount of $1,274,031 for the Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation project design services. Mr. Worley explained the issue as noted in his Request for Council Action form; said that this is the consultant we have for moving the design of the Barker Road; and as an aside, said staff has issued an RFQ (request for qualifications) for the Pines Road and those came in last Friday, so that will be coming to Council soon for a similar contract to begin the design of the Pines Road grade separation project. Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. Councilmember Collier said he is concerned we are throwing money at something that may or may not come to fruition; and Councilmember Haley agreed, adding that there is no certainty if the requirements will change. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Higgins, Deputy Mayor Woodard, and Councilmember Munch. Opposed: Councilmembers Collier, Haley and Pace. Motion failed. 7. Motion Consideration: Pines Road Underpass Right-of-way acquisition — Steve Worley It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the documents for the purchase of the Pinecroftproperty for the Pines Road/BNSF Grade Separation project. Mr. Worley explained the background of the acquisition of the property, as noted in his Request for Council Action form; said the owner wanted to develop it, or have the City purchase it; said Council previously gave direction to move forward with the property purchase. There was brief discussion about the configuration of the property, and the property owner's preference of the City doing a boundary line adjustment. Mayor Higgins Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 01-10-2017 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: DRAFT invited public comment. Nina Fluegal asked about the price and how we would pay for it. Mr. Calhoun said the price is $7.50 per square foot, with a total price of $470,000; and Mr. Worley mentioned that it would be paid from capital reserve fund 312. Mr. Calhoun also mentioned that the price is per the appraised per square foot dollar figure. Mayor Higgins invited further public comment. Brad Bruszer said he wasn't familiar with this issue and asked where the property is located. Mr. Worley explained the location of the property, east of Pines Road, owned by Pinecroft, LLC. There were no further public comments. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Higgins invited public comment; no comments were offered. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 8. Railroad Bridge Repair/Maintenance — Cary Driskell Via his PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Driskell explained about the safety concerns with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe bridge southeast of Trent near Kaiser, as well as the Union Pacific bridge near Spokane Valley Mall; he mentioned there have been several train derailments across the country, some of which involved materials such as crude oil, or anhydrous ammonia. Mr. Driskell explained that most likely local jurisdictions have no authority to regulate railroads as the FRSA (Federal Railroad Safety Act) is the statutory regulating act for rail safety. Mr. Driskell explained that a concerned citizen contacted staff last year to express potential safety concerns involving those two bridges, and Mr. Driskell showed photos of the areas in question. Councilmember Munch said he thinks we need to contact the federal delegation now; that as shown in the photos, the wood doesn't look dangerous, but it is worrisome and federal delegation needs to be aware of the concern. Mr. Driskell said that staff will not give up on attempts to influence people to look at this; said the answers he has received so far are not wholly satisfying, but he will continue to pursue this, and he also mentioned contacting state entities to try to identify some leverage points. 9. Advance Agenda - Mayor Higgins Deputy Mayor Woodard said that during the next Advance Agenda meeting, he would ask for reconsideration of tonight's agenda item #6 on the Barker Road contract; said nothing is certain about the next requirement; that we are already in jeopardy of losing up to $10 million; that it is a critical railroad crossing; we have no clue of what will be required for an under or over pass; and if we let this go, we'll never see the Barker Road crossed. There were no other suggestions for the Advance Agenda. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Mr. Calhoun noted that we are in the process of a full -city plow, which started yesterday morning; that we have nine plows and several contracted road graders; and ideally we'd have twelve, and that it takes about 600 total road grader hours to do a full city plow, but since we are in competition with Spokane City and Spokane County for graders, we only have six graders. Mr. Calhoun noted that citizens who have snow - related concerns are encouraged to either complete a "report a concern" which can be found on our website, or to call us directly at 921-1000. Mr. Calhoun said he is pleased to announce that he has selected John Hohman as the new Deputy City Manager for the City of Spokane Valley. After Mr. Calhoun gave some background on Mr. Hohman's qualifications, everyone joined Mr. Calhoun in welcoming Mr. Hohman to his new position. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m. ATTEST: L.R. Higgins, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Minutes Regular Council Meeting: 01-10-2017 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 24, 2017 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ information ❑ admin. report Department Director Approval: ® new business ['public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First reading proposed Ordinance 17-002 amending SVMC 2.15.050 relating to City Manager. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 2.15.050. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adoption of chapter 2.15 SVMC on January 23, 2003; approval of current City Manager Employment Agreement November 8, 2016; administrative report January 17, 2017. BACKGROUND: SVMC 2.15.050, adopted prior to Spokane Valley formally becoming a City, states that the means for removal of the City Manager are pursuant to RCW 35A.13.130-.140. Those provisions represent a statutory default in the event a municipality is otherwise unable to arrive at an agreeable way of completing the task. It is not intended to be the exclusive means for removing a city manager. The City Council recently approved an employment agreement with City Manager Mark Calhoun which provided for additional options for removal of the City Manager. It is appropriate to update the SVMC to generally reflect that the City Council may approve additional options pursuant to an employment agreement that is adopted by a majority of the Council in an open meeting. This change may help avoid confusion in the future as to whether the SVMC dictates the exclusive means for removing the City Manager. Other housekeeping changes are proposed as part of an on-going effort to use consistent language throughout the SVMC, but are not substantive. OPTIONS: (1) Move to a second reading; or (2) take other action as appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move we advance Ordinance 17-002 amending SVMC 2.15.050 relating to the City Manager to a future agenda for a second reading. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, City Attorney. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Ordinance 17-002 amending SVMC 2.15.050. DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 17-002 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 2.15.050 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO APPOINTMENT/REMOVAL FROM OFFICE, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley previously adopted chapter 2.15.050 Spokane Valley Municipal Code before formal incorporation of the City on January 28, 2003, and which became effective upon incorporation March 31, 2003; and WHEREAS, SVMC 2.15.050 relates to appointment of the City Manager, and how he/she may be removed from that position; and WHEREAS, the provisions contained in RCW 35A.13.130-.140 are the two statutory options available for removing a city manager, but are not the exclusive means for doing so; and WHEREAS, the City recently approved an employment agreement which provides for alternative means for requesting the resignation of the City Manager than those set forth in RCW 35A.13.130-.140, and the Council desires to incorporate those means into the Spokane Valley Municipal Code to avoid potential future confusion; and WHEREAS, the "legislative body of each code city shall have the power to organize and regulate its internal affairs...and to define the functions, powers, and duties of its officers and employees." The proposed amendment to SVMC 2.15.050 is within the statutory authority of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington ordains as follows: Section 1. Amendment. Spokane Valley Municipal Code section 2.15.050 is hereby amended as follows: 2.15.050 Removal from office. The eCity (*Manager shall be appointed for an indefinite term and may be removed by a majority vote of the Ceity eCouncil pursuant to in accordance with the provisions of RCW 35A.13.130 and 35A.13.140, or pursuant to an employment agreement approved by a majority of the City Council in an open meeting. Section 2. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City. Ordinance 17-002 Amending SVMC 2.15.050 Page 1 of 2 DRAFT PASSED by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this day of January, 2017. ATTEST: L.R. Higgins, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 17-002 Amending SVMC 2.15.050 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 24, 2017 Department Director Approval: El Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: First reading proposed Ordinance 17-003 amending SVMC 2.40.010, Oath of Office. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Chapter 2.40 SVMC. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Adoption prior to incorporation on December 10, 2002 (with an effective date of March 31, 2003), amended October 11, 2011 relating to the title of the City Clerk and the Finance Director; administrative report January 17, 2017. BACKGROUND: Council requested that staff provide information regarding the content of the oath of office for certain staff members and incoming Councilmembers. SVMC 2.40.010 requires that four staff members provide an oath as a prerequisite of assuming their duties for the City. Those positions are City Manager, City Clerk, Finance Director, and Chief of Police. The Municipal Code does not require a specific oath of office for incoming Councilmembers, nor does state law. The Council may consider codifying specific language in the Municipal Code for the Council oath. One aspect of the initial discussion from the Council was a desire to have the oath for applicable staff and Councilmembers specifically include reference to the Constitutions for the state of Washington and the United States. Staff drafted language it believes addresses the issues identified by Councilmembers without inclusion of language that could be problematic in terms of appropriate scope of authority for staff or Council. The existing language for applicable staff members is found in SVMC 2.40.010, and states as follows: OATH OF OFFICE I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully and impartially to the best of my ability perforin the duties of the office of in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and all other duly enacted laws, rules and policies of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington. By: [Attestation] As mentioned above, neither state law nor the City's Municipal code regulates the content of an oath of office for Councilmembers. The oath generally used for Councilmembers is as follows: I , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution and laws of the United States of America and the Constitution and laws of the State of Washington, and that I will faithfully and impartially perform and discharge the duties of the office of Spokane Valley City Councilmember according to law, to the best of my ability. Signature Subscribed and sworn to before me on this day of , 2017. Signed: (official administering oath) (title of official) At the January 17, 2017 administrative report, a majority of the Council stated they preferred adopting a revised oath suggested by staff to be adopted in an amended SVMC 2.40.010, which would be applicable to Councilmembers and the previously identified four staff members. The specific language would be as follows: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully and impartially to the best of my ability perform the duties of the office of pursuant to the Constitutions of the United States and of the state of Washington, the applicable laws of the United States and of the state of Washington, and all other duly enacted laws, rules, and policies of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington. By: [Atte station] OPTIONS: (1) Advance ordinance to a second reading on a future agenda with or without further amendment; or (2) take other action as appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move we advance Ordinance 17-003 amending SVMC 2.40.010 regarding oath of office for Councilmembers and specified staff to a future agenda for a second reading. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA. STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance 17-003 amending SVMC 2.40.010. DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 17-003 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 2.40.010 OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO OATH OF OFFICE FOR INCOMING COUNCILMEMBERS AND SPECIFIC STAFF MEMBERS, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley previously adopted chapter 2.40.010 Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) before formal incorporation of the City on December 10, 2002, and which became effective upon incorporation March 31, 2003; and WHEREAS, SVMC 2.40.010 requires that certain specified staff members take an oath of office or affirmation prior to undertaking their appointed duties; and WHEREAS, Washington state law requires incoming Councilmembers to provide an oath or affirmation prior to undertaking their elective duties, but does not require specific language; and WHEREAS, the Council desires to adopt revised language in an effort to bring certainty to the issue of which language to use for the oath or affirmation for new Councilmembers and certain specified staff members; and WHEREAS, the "legislative body of each code city shall have the power to organize and regulate its internal affairs...and to define the functions, powers, and duties of its officers and employees." The proposed amendment to SVMC 2.40.010 is within the statutory authority of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington ordains as follows: Section 1. Amendment. Spokane Valley Municipal Code section 2.40.010 is hereby amended as follows: 2.40.010 Oath required. Each City Councilmember, Tthe eCity (Manager, eCity eClerk, eCity Ifreasurer/eitt4Finance dDirector and the eCity eChief of pPolice shall.; before entering upon the performance of their duties, shall be required to take an oath or affirmation for the faithful performance of their duties in substantially the following form: OATH OF OFFICE I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully and impartially to the best of my ability perform the duties of the office of in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and all other duly enacted laws, rules and policies of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington. Bv• [Attestation] Ordinance 17-003 Amending SVMC 2.40.010 Page 1 of 2 DRAFT OATH OF OFFICE I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully and impartially to the best of my ability perform the duties of the office of pursuant to the Constitutions of the United States and of the state of Washington, the applicable laws of the United States and of the state of Washington, and all other duly enacted laws, rules, and policies of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington. By: [Attestation] The oath or affirmation shall be given before the (Mayor and filed with the Spokane County -aAuditor. Section 2. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after date of publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this day of January, 2017. ATTEST: L.R. Higgins, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Publication: Effective Date: Ordinance 17-003 Amending SVMC 2.40.010 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 24, 2017 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ information ❑ admin. report Department Director Approval: ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Resolution 17-002 establishing the scope of authority for the City Manager to administer the City's grant program. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Chapter 35A.11 RCW; chapter 25.A.15 RCW; chapter 2.15 SVMC; chapter 3.35 SVMC; and 2 CFR 200.415(a). PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Administrative report January 17, 2017. BACKGROUND: The origin for this Resolution was a recent change in federal law which requires that municipalities may only submit requests for reimbursements on federal grants that are signed by a person who is authorized to legally bind the non -Federal entity. This law became effective December 1, 2016. Staff has been able to work with our partners on these grants to continue payments in the short term, but recommend adoption of a resolution clarifying the authority to ensure we don't risk delaying future payments. In the process of drafting the Resolution to address this issue, staff discussed other situations relating to grants that the Council may want to consider adopting in the interest of saving time. The first would be to authorize the City Manager to be able to apply for any grant under $25,000 without additional authorization by Council. There are not large numbers of these, and many of a relatively minor dollar amount. Such grants generally relate to Justice Assistance Grants (JAG) for our Police Department, for such things as body armor, ammunition, technology, and emphasis patrols for things like DUI or seatbelts. Any grant $25,000 and above would require prior approval by Council. Some grants may still require a resolution by Council specific to that grant request, which would also be brought to Council. The threshold amount of $25,000 is merely a suggestion from staff. If the Council has a different preference, it should be suggested. Consistent with the council-manager form of government, the City Manager is the administrative head of the organization. While it is implied that the City Manager has the duty and function to oversee any grants applied for, including all administrative oversight and reporting, we can make clear that this is the case, especially in light of the new federal law which seems to bring this into question. Regardless of the size of the grant, the City Manager would be authorized to execute any agreements to contractually obligate the City, or file any necessary reports. The second issue would be to specifically authorize the City Manager to make minor changes to the grant level, with the authority of the granting agency, consistent with the level of authority previously granted by the Council on other contracts pursuant to SVMC 3.35.010(A), up to $200,000 or 15%, whichever is less. OPTIONS: (1) Adopt Resolution 17-002 as drafted or amended, or (2) take other action as appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: I move we adopt Resolution 17-002 establishing the scope of authority for the City Manager to administer the City's grant program. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Not applicable. STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, City Attorney; Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution 17-002 establishing the scope of authority for the City Manager to administer the City's grant program. DRAFT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION 17-002 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SETTING FORTH THE SCOPE OF AUTHORITY OF THE CITY MANAGER REGARDING APPLYING FOR AND ADMINISTERING GRANTS RECEIVED BY THE CITY, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, in the council-manager form of government, the City Manager has the responsibility for the general administrative functions of a city, which he/she may then further delegate to subordinate staff; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35A.11.020, the City Council has the authority to "organize and regulate its internal affairs within the provisions of this title and its charter, if any; and to define the functions, powers, and duties of its officers and employees..."; and WHEREAS, pursuant to SVMC 2.15.020, the City Manager's powers and duties are listed, including SVMC 2.15.020(A), which states that the City Manager shall "[s]erve as chief executive and administrative officer of the City, supervising, administering, and coordinating the activities and functions of the various City offices and departments as established by the City's ordinances and the policies of the city council"; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to clarify the City Manager's authority regarding grants received by the City, including authority to legally bind the City regarding grant reimbursement requests, and to apply for certain grants without prior authority of the City Council; and WHEREAS, federal granting agencies, both directly and through the state of Washington and other pass-through entities, authorize funding to the City for various projects; and WHEREAS, the Code of Federal Regulations, 2 CFR 200.415(a) has been revised to ensure that final fiscal reports or vouchers requesting payment under federal agreements shall include a certification signed by an official who is authorized to legally bind the non-federal agency. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington as follows: SECTION 1. Scope of City Manager Authority To Apply For State And Federal Grants. A. The City Manager is authorized to apply for and accept any grant on behalf of the City for City purposes that is less than $25,000. B. The City Manager shall obtain prior approval from the City Council to apply for any grant of $25,000 or more. For any grant for which the City Council has given prior approval to apply for, the City Manager shall have authority to execute any agreement with the granting agency to contractually obligate the City to receive the funds. Resolution 17-002 Delegating Certain Grant Authority to City Manager DRAFT C. The City Manager is authorized to execute any amendment to a grant agreement with the granting agency which does not exceed 15% of the original grant amount, or $200,000, whichever is less, pursuant to SVMC 3.35.010(A). SECTION 2. Scope of City Manager Authority to Administer State and Federal Grants. The City Manager or designee is authorized to administer all aspects of the City's state and federal grant program, including legally binding the City with regard to reimbursement requests, delegating authority pursuant to 2 CFR 200.415(a), and signing certifications for annual and final fiscal reports or vouchers requesting payment for grant funded projects. SECTION 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effective upon adoption. Adopted this _ day of January, 2017. ATTEST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk L. R. Higgins, Mayor Approved as to form: Office of the City Attorney Resolution 17-002 Delegating Certain Grant Authority to City Manager CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 24, 2017 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ information ® admin. report Department Director Approval: ❑ ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Fire Department 2016 Year in Review GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Chief Collins will give an overview of the Fire Department's 2016 Year OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF/OTHER CONTACT: Fire Chief Collins ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation COMMUNITY RISK REDUCTION PROJECT RISK 44 Residential + Inspection * Smoke Alarms » Knowledge Spokane Valley Fire Department PROJECT RISK Kyyid4ntial . lnvv.c titin • Smcikc Alarmy • Kngvel4dgq • Project RISK is a Spokane Valley Fire Department initiative to reduce fire and medical emergencies in our community through proactive, targeted outreach and education 2 COMMISSION ON FIRE ACCREDITATION INTERNATIONAL (CFAI) • Measured against "Fire Service Industry Best Practices" • Hundreds of performance indicators, documents reviewed by peer assessors, site visit by assessors to validate all categories • 11 Member Commission representing a cross section of the Fire service - large and small cities, counties and fire districts, labor organization, city and county management, code councils, USDOD • SVFD Reaccredited for 5 more years 3 WSRB Washington Survey and Rating Bureau 4 FOUR CATEGORIES • Fire Department - 40% • Water Supply - 35% • Emergency Communications - 9% • Fire Safety Control - 16% 5 SPOKANE VALLEY LIBERTY LAKE MILLWOOD Class 2 6 1f COMMUNITIES BY CLASS 1 a..; 7 WASHINGTON CLASS 2 DEPARTMENTS • Bellevue FD • Seattle FD • Olympia FD • Federal Way (South King Fire Rescue Dept) • Spokane Valley Fire Department 8 INTERNATIONALLY ACCREDITED CLASS 2 DEPARTMENTS IN WASHINGTON • Bellevue Fire Department • Spokane Valley Fire Department 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 24, 2017 Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ information ❑ admin. report Department Director Approval: El ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Spokane Valley Arts Council Sculpture (SVAC) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Not Applicable PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Hall Supplemental Design Efforts August 16 and August 23, 2016, Outside Agency Funding Requests September 21, 2016, Outside Agency Funding Allocations, October 25, 2016, December 13, 2016, December 20, 2016. BACKGROUND: On August 16th and 23rd, staff discussed funding a design effort with Architects West concerning the placement of a sculpture entitled The Rise of the Schitsu'Umsh by artist Kevin Kirking. On December 7, 2016, staff was approached by the SVAC with a proposal to purchase and donate an alternative sculpture by artist Jerry McKellar entitled Coup Ponies. This sculpture is also tribal themed but is of a sufficient scale that staff believes is compatible with the City Hall site. On December 13, 2016 staff presented this alternative to the City Council and at the December 20, 2016 meeting the City Council approved a motion to reallocate previously awarded Outside Agency funds from the Rise of the Schitsu'Umsh sculpture to the Coup Ponies sculpture. Architects West will present options for placement of this sculpture, as well as others in and around the grounds at the new City Hall. OPTIONS: Discussion RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: John Hohman, Deputy City Manager Attachment: Presentation Spokane Valley City Hall Art Placement 1-24-2017 Valley Architects'.': River / Rock Examples -Natural River / Rock Examples - Constructed 'Orchard' Trees Appleway Trail Open Green Space Permit Center Parking Accessible Parking 'River' Paving Appleway Trail Secure City Vehicle Parking Outdoor employee break area Trash Enclosure Planted Median at Sprague — Future project, not included in this scope. Pedestrian Crossing Driveway 'River' Paving River Rock Boulders Existing Tree Public Parking Open Green Space Paved Plaza Planting Beds Existing Tree r-• • Future Expansion Area Accessible Parking Existing Tree Site Plan Final Site Plan • Sprague West -Bound • 1 1 Ct Alternative Art Placement Locations A First Look At Potential Sites 6 NMI Accessory Central Reception Circulation / Common Space Community and Economic Development Council Human Resources Public Toilet Rooms Shared Public Conference Rooms First Floor West Elevation - Permit Entry Woman With Horse - Permit Entry East Elevation - Main Entry Berry Picker SPRAGUE AVI.hi.`T. �n+y� •^y'wt-moi:.• •-r • • • SPRAGUE AVENUE TURF Mullan Trail Marker Coup Ponies -�`J C •' rte,_ l �/-:. . 2.1 1 - 4 .. i ... ; tiny. • • �w 4 f 1 0 Alternative Art Placement Locations A First Look At Potential Sites • • 401. • It 0r 1 1 Alternative Art Placement Locations A First Look At Potential Sites - '' � - —•oma "----"s--___,--_:..„-:-..:=-7:1-;--. '1`—\ ��w .-�- .i!*- . �� '.... tom_ y I .-�I `moi s \ _ ',I_ ' f--- :1O,C• v Coup Ponies East Elevation - Main Entry MULLAN ROAD MONUMENT Sitc Location #2 PLANTING MULLAN ROAD MONUMENT wvw L AXEEV ARTAs WNW TUILF SCULPTURE LOCATION SCULPTURE. LOCATION PAVER PAT}ntAY BIKE RUCKS TURF PLANTED AREA PAVER ACYS_SS VGi1EK If for 140a. MAIN ENTRY WOMAN WITH HORSE - Sitc Location #4 Legend o ALTERNATIVE ART SITE BERRY PICKER -Site Location #1 `COUP PONIES' SITE rn�+.nMra SPOKANE VALLEY CITY HALL SITE ART PLACEMENT STUDY Proposed Site Plan cry,, Ln rsumwo Er. Atis ArchftectsWest Off -Site Venues Spokane Valley City Art P ac t 1-24-2017 SilokValley ane Architects' To: From: Re: DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA as of January 19, 2017; 8:30 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative Council & Staff City Clerk, by direction of City Manager Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings January 31, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda February 7, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 17-002 Amending SVMC 2.15.050 — Cary Driskell 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance 17-003 Amending SVMC 2.40.010 — Cary Driskell NON -ACTION ITEMS: 3. City Hall Update — Steve Worley 4. Advance Agenda [due Tue, Jan 241 [due Tue, Jan 31] (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 30 minutes] February 14, 2017, Special Meeting, Winter Workshop, 8:30 a.m. — 2:00 p.m. Council Chambers February 14, 2017 Formal Meeting, 6 pm: Cancelled February 21, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Accomplishments Report for 2016 — Mark Calhoun 2. Advance Agenda February 28, 2017, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins 3. Info Only: Department Reports March 7, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. City Hall Update — Steve Worley 2. Advance Agenda March 14, 2017, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins March 21, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda March 28, 2017, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins 3. Info Only: Department Reports April 4, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. City Hall Update — Steve Worley 2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins Draft Advance Agenda 1/19/2017 10:14:21 AM [due Tue, Feb 141 (— 120 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 125 minutes] [due Tue, Feb 21] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [*estimated meeting: minutes] [due Tue, Feb 28] (5 minutes) [due Tue, March 71 (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue, March 141 [due Tue, March 21] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue, March 281 (5 minutes) (5 minutes) Page 1 of 2 April 11, 2017, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins April 18, 2017, Studv Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins April 25, 2017, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins 3. Info Only: Department Reports May 2, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. City Hall Update — Steve Worley 2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins May 9 2017, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins May 16, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins May 23, 2017, Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Consent Agenda (claims, payroll, minutes) 2. Admin Report: Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins 3. Info Only: Department Reports May 30, 2017, Studv Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins June 6, 2017, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. 1. City Hall Update — Steve Worley 2. Advance Agenda — Mayor Higgins *time for public or Council comments not included OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING 8t' & McDonald follow-up Bidding History CDBG (Fall, 2017) Fee Resolution Food Event, City Sponsorship General Fund, Fund Balance SCRAPS Update Second Amendment Sanctuary City Draft Advance Agenda 1/19/2017 10:14:21 AM ISSUES/MEETINGS: Term Limits TIP (Public Hearing, May) TPP Undergrounding Utility Facilities in ROW Utility Tax Washington State: E/W [due Tue, April 4] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue, April 11] (5 minutes) [due Tue, April 18] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue, April 25] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue, May 2] (5 minutes) [due Tue, May 9] (5 minutes) [due Tue, May 16] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) [due Tue, May 23] (5 minutes) [due Tue, May 30] (5 minutes) (5 minutes) Page 2 of 2 Spokane Walley City of Spokane Valley Community & Economic Development Monthly Report 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016 Page Title 1 Cover Sheet 2 Pre -Application Meetings Requested 3 Online Applications Received 4 Construction Applications Received 5 Land Use Applications Received 6 Construction Permits Issued 7 Land Use Applications Approved 8 Development Inspections Performed 9 Code Enforcement 10 Revenue 11 Building Permit Valuations Printed 01/03/2017 11:44 Page 1 of 11 I��Ol.il .0 00.0 Valley Pre -Application Meetings Requested Community & Economic Development Monthly Report 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016 A Pre -Application Meeting is a service provided to help our customers identify the code requirements related to their project proposal. Community & Economic Development scheduled a total of 8 Pre -Application Meetings in December 2016. 15 10 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Land Use Pre -Application Commercial Pre -App Meeting Commercial Pre -App Land Use Pre -Application Meeting Monthly Totals Annual Total To -Date: 115 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 6 6 6 11 6 7 7 7 3 3 6 6 5 7 3 3 4 1 6 2 1 2 5 2 11 13 9 14 10 8 13 9 4 5 11 8 Printed 01/03/2017 11:44 Page 2 of 11 l��a.Ile 4000 Valley Online Applications Received Community & Economic Development Monthly Report 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016 Community & Economic Development received a total of 155 Online Applications in December 2016. 400 200 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Trade Permit G.ml Right of Way Permit Sign Permit Reroof Permit Pre -Application Meeting Request Demolition Permit Other Online Applications Approach Permit Approach Permit Demolition Permit Other Online Applications Pre -Application Meeting Request Reroof Permit Right of Way Permit Sign Permit Trade Permit .2 DecJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 0 1 2 5 2 1 3 0 1 3 0 1 1 o 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 101 101 102 71 103 67 90 61 48 37 13 24 30 47 45 41 43 44 67 72 69 69 40 2 1 0 1 3 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 47 55 69 54 114 100 78 99 72 97 99 100 Monthly Totals 105 190 223 205 231 250 192 259 212 219 0: 155 Annual Total To -Date: Printed 01/03/2017 11:44 2,449 Page 3 of 11 r��a.Il galley° Construction Applications Received Community & Economic Development Monthly Report 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016 Community & Economic Development received a total of 290 Construction Applications in December 2016. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Commercial - New Commercial - TI Residential - New Other Construction Permits Commercial - New Commercial - TI Residential - New Commercial - Trade Residential - Trade Residential - Accessory Demolition Sign Other Construction Permits Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 4 3 17 6 20 51 5 9 3 33 17 2 15 10 10 15 13 15 7 19 15 *15 10 10 16 19 44 27 15 33 8 15 12 31 11 9 *28 *25 *36 *17 *46 *29 *28 *32 *45 *35 *21 *29 *109 *113 *146 *132 *137 *175 *105 *133 *96 *165 *130 *120 2 8 *12 22 27 12 18 10 16 19 10 2 *3 *4 *7 *3 *2 *7 4 *3 *6 2 *1 *2 *8 *13 6 *10 *14 8 *9 *9 *12 5 5 *13 *144 *245 *318 *300 *244 *307 *222 *289 *277 *245 *204 *103 Monthly Totals 329 440 596 532 518 637 406 519 482 550 409 290 Annual Total To -Date: Printed 01/03/2017 11:50 5,708 Page 4 of 11 *Includes Online Applications. I��Ol.ile ,� P Malley° Land Use Applications Received Community & Economic Development Monthly Report 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016 Community & Economic Development received a total of 52 Land Use Applications in December 2016. 100 50 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ▪ Boundary Line Adjustment L. Short Plat Preliminary ▪ Long Plat Preliminary Mi Binding Site Plan Preliminary Final Platting Zoning Map/Comp Plan Amendment State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Administrative Exception/Interpretation Other Land Use Permits Boundary Line Adjustment Short Plat Preliminary Long Plat Preliminary Binding Site Plan Preliminary Final Platting Zoning Map/Comp Plan Amendment State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Administrative Exception/Interpretation Other Land Use Permits M Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 3 5 3 4 4 5 2 5 4 5 2 3 0 2 1 3 1 0 3 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 3 3 2 3 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 3 3 0 31 53 68 65 50 31 18 50 37 69 50 46 onthly Totals 37 65 75 72 60 43 31 59 49 79 59 52 Annual Total To -Date: Printed 01/03/2017 11:50 681 Page 5 of 11 r��a.Il .00 Valley, Construction Permits Issued Community & Economic Development Monthly Report 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016 Community & Economic Development issued a total of 284 Construction Permits in December 2016. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Commercial - New Commercial - TI Residential - New I= Other Construction Permits Commercial - New Commercial - TI Residential - New Commercial - Trade Residential - Trade Residential - Accessory Demolition Sign Other Construction Permits Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2 4 14 2 18 2 3 16 21 5 5 19 16 9 8 10 13 11 7 19 12 15 10 10 19 17 27 22 20 18 10 18 15 29 17 10 25 20 34 19 32 35 23 33 44 26 25 26 104 113 125 122 145 137 109 143 99 161 149 117 2 6 12 18 26 13 14 14 13 19 10 3 2 4 6 3 2 7 4 3 6 2 1 1 6 12 6 10 14 6 9 10 9 6 5 12 120 181 291 282 230 243 211 250 245 207 178 86 onthly Totals 296 366 523 488 500 472 390 506 464 470 400 284 Annual Total To -Date: Printed 01/03/2017 11:51 5,159 Page 6 of 11 I��Ol.ile ,� P Malley° Land Use Applications Approved Community & Economic Development Monthly Report 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016 Community & Economic Development approved a total of 48 Land Use Applications in December 2016. 100 50 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Boundary Line Adjustment Short Plat Preliminary Fitil Long Plat Preliminary Binding Site Plan Preliminary Final Platting Zoning Map/Comp Plan Amendment State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Administrative Exception/Interpretation Other Land Use Permits Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Boundary Line Adjustment Short Plat Preliminary Long Plat Preliminary Binding Site Plan Preliminary Final Platting Zoning Map/Comp Plan Amendment State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Administrative Exception/Interpretation Other Land Use Permits 2 0 1 1 2 3 1 1 0 1 2 4 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 26 50 70 64 46 33 15 47 40 60 54 42 Monthly Totals 29 52 74 66 50 39 18 53 45 64 57 48 Annual Total To -Date: Printed 01/03/2017 11:51 595 Page 7 of 11 .010 Valley Development Inspections Performed Community & Economic Development Monthly Report 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016 Community & Economic Development performed a total of 1074 Development Inspections in December 2016. Development Inspections include building, planning, engineering and ROW inspections. 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2016 2015 2014 2014 2015 2016 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Totals 764 958 1,333 1,390 1,445 1,564 1,284 1,452 1,554 1,528 1,502 1,074 801 974 1,063 1,243 1,420 1,761 1,624 1,144 1,053 1,060 934 777 601 633 996 1,281 1,323 1,296 1,415 1,225 1,309 1,486 972 1,027 Printed 01/03/2017 11:53 Page 8 of 11 i��a.Ile p_Malley, Code Enforcement Community & Economic Development Monthly Report 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016 Code Enforcement Officers responded to 25 citizen requests in the month of December. They are listed by type below. Please remember that all complaints, even those that have no violation, must be investigated. 80 60 40 20 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ME CE -Stop Work Order Environmental General Nuisance N. Property Complaint, Non -Violation CE -Stop Work Order Complaint, Non -Violation Environmental General Nuisance Property Monthly Totals Annual Total To -Date: Printed 01/03/2017 11:53 462 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 21 6 1 0 0 2 2 12 21 33 37 20 26 48 49 35 21 21 15 4 1 13 14 11 8 6 6 4 1 3 8 18 23 46 51 31 59 62 58 39 24 26 25 Page 9 of 11 .010 Valley Revenue 2016 Trend 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 Community & Economic Development Monthly Report 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016 Community & Economic Development Revenue totaled $133,482 in December 2016. 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 Jan Feb Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Mar Apr 1- 2016 2015 Five -Year Trend May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 1 Nov Dec Totals $213,319 $191,658 $383,912 $196,705 $371,319 $243,029 $128,848 $271,684 $252,268 $208,349 $150,902 $133,482 \,745,475 $77,272 $72,713 $144,159 $149,274 $188,707 $202,096 $153,853 $116,015 $132,681 $131,066 $97,315 $75,414 $1,540,565 $74,775 $108,328 $161,174 $187,199 $123,918 $117,453 $162,551 $162,864 $99,587 $181,791 $99,627 $102,195 $1,581,462 $74,628 $66,134 $198,571 $160,508 $282,086 $152,637 $117,776 $127,540 $153,838 $149,197 $84,442 $97,689 $1,665,046 $158,912 $51,536 $102,538 $106,496 $184,176 $409,592 $277,553 $102,021 $129,174 $133,561 $98,386 $66,559 $1,820,504 $34,204 $60,319 $177,737 $173,932 $268,672 $223,888 $123,137 $103,703 $113,731 $112,542 $108,948 $51,745 $43,842 $77,247 $80,774 $118,237 $84,684 $106,909 $88,247 $83,949 $167,076 $78,237 $95,172 $58,881 Printed 01/03/2017 11:54 Page 10 of 11 1,552,558 .000 Valley Building Permit Valuation Community & Economic Development Monthly Report 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016 Community & Economic Development Building Permit Valuation totaled $5,518,809 in December 2016. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2016 Trend 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec $7.97M $28.14M $55.63M $10.09M $36.76M $19.11M $7.07M $41.60M $33.67M $9.13M $7.76M $5.52M $6.76M $4.80M $6.38M $9.26M $18.09M $18.98M $11.21M $7.48M $10.66M $9.92M $4.89M $3.49M $2.93M $10.71M $8.07M $18.60M $6.73M $7.53M $5.05M $8.06M $5.15M $14.42M $5.86M $5.08M $3.18M $2.45M $9.90M $8.92M $34.58M $7.44M $6.37M $9.47M $12.01M $7.74M $3.60M $6.30M $25.49M $1.92M $3.59M $7.30M $22.22M $41.88M $32.91M $6.52M $8.11M $14.22M $7.25M $2.54M 173.95M'! $0.72M $2.95M $5.29M $5.32M $24.39M $33.08M $7.91M $9.89M $6.47M $8.78M $3.76M $1.66M p110.22M'. $1.46M $5.95M $5.03M $6.15M $2.53M $4.98M $3.83M $3.45M $21.54M $4.46M $3.97M $1.85M Totals $262.45M 111.90M $98.19M 111.96M Printed 01/03/2017 11:54 Page 11 of 11 Siiokane .000.Valley Memorandum 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhall@spokanevalley.org To: Mark Calhoun, City Manager From: Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Date: January 17, 2017 Re: Finance Department Activity Report — December 2016 Following is information pertaining to Finance Department activities through the end of December 2016 and included herein is an updated 2016 Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures through the end of December. 2016 Yearend Process Although December has come and gone we anticipate we will receive a significant number of invoices in January and February from vendors who delivered goods and services during the latter part of 2016. Consequently the expenditure figures reported herein will likely change materially in subsequent updates. By the same token the revenues figures reported at this point will also change materially as we await State distributions of shared revenues in January and February that date back to 2016. With that said we are in the preliminary phases of closing the 2016 books and hope to have this process complete by the end of March. Following the closing of the books we will begin the process of preparing our annual financial report which will be finished by the end of May. We hope to have the State Auditor's Office on site by early June to begin the audit of 2016. Lodging Tax The schedule leading to awarding funds is as follows: • August 31 - Letters mailed to agencies that have historically received funding, media release to City website and notice to newspapers. • October 7 - Grant applications due at City Hall. • October 20 - Grant applicant presentations to lodging tax advisory committee. • November 8 - Admin report to Council on results of lodging tax advisory committee meeting. • December 13 - City Council motion consideration: Award lodging tax for 2017. Budget to Actual Comparison Report A report reflecting 2016 Budget to Actual Revenues and Expenditures for those funds for which a 2016 Budget was adopted is located on pages 5 through 18. Because we attempt to provide this information in a timely manner, this report is prepared from records that are not formally closed by the Finance Department at month end or reconciled to bank records. As I indicated earlier in this report, I anticipate updates to revenues and expenditures in all funds prior to the time the 2016 books are finally closed. P:IFinancelFinance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports1201612016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1.docx Page 1 We've included the following information in the report: • Revenues by source for all funds, and expenditures by department in the General Fund and by type in all other funds. • A breakdown between recurring and nonrecurring revenues and expenditures in the General Fund, Street O&M Fund and Stormwater Fund. • The change in fund balance including beginning and ending figures. The beginning fund balance figures are those that are reflected in our 2015 Annual Financial Report. • Columns of information include: o The 2016 Budget as amended. o December 2016 activity. o Cumulative 2016 activity through December 2016. o Budget remaining in terms of dollars. o The percent of budgeted revenue collected or budgeted expenditures disbursed. A few points related to the General Fund #001 (page 5): Recurring revenues collections are currently at 101.02% of the amount budgeted with 100.0% of the year elapsed. • Property tax are paid to Spokane County in two installments each year on April 30 and October 31 and are then remitted to the City primarily in May and November with lesser amounts typically remitted in June and December. Property taxes received thus far in 2016 are $11,375,555 or 99.10% of the amount budgeted. In January we receive one final payment related to 2016 collections. • Sales tax collections represent only 11 -months of collections thus far because taxes collected in December are not remitted to the City by the State until the latter part of January. Collections are currently $18,222,066 or 98.60% of the amount budgeted. • Gambling taxes are at $288,374 or 86.60% of the amount budgeted. Gambling taxes are paid quarterly with fourth quarter payments due by January 31. • Franchise Fee and Business Registration revenues are typically received in the month following a calendar year quarter. In 2016 we received $962,749 or 83.43% of the amount budgeted. Fourth quarter franchise fees will be received in January, and I anticipate actual revenues will exceed the budget estimate at that point. • State shared revenues are composed of State of Washington distributions that include items such as liquor board profits, liquor excise tax, streamlined sales tax mitigation and criminal justice monies. Most of these revenues are paid by the State in the month following a calendar quarter. Through December we've received remittances totaling $1,974,636 or 97.54% of the amount budgeted. We will receive an additional payment related to the fourth quarter of 2016 in January. • Fines and forfeitures revenues are composed of monthly remittances from Spokane County with payments made in the month following the actual assessment of a fine and false alarm fees. Through December 2016 we've received remittances through the month of November with receipts of $1,192,705 or 82.63% of the amount budgeted. December remittances should bring actual collections to approximately the amount budgeted. • Community Development service revenues are largely composed of building permit and plan review fees as well as right of way permits. Revenues are currently at $2,629,756 or 176.32% of the amount budgeted. The amount collected is far in excess of the amount of the budget expectation primarily due to several Targe construction projects in the City that were permitted during 2016. • Recreation program fees are composed of revenues generated by the variety of parks and recreation programs including classes, swimming pools (in -season), and CenterPlace. Currently, revenues total $691,052 or 113.62% of the amount budgeted. P:IFinancelFinance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports1201612016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1.docx Page 2 Recurring expenditures are currently at $36,089,674 or 90.89% of the amount budgeted with 100.0% of the year elapsed. Once all invoices related to 2016 activity are received and booked, I anticipate a higher percentage of the budget will be consumed. Investments (page 19) Investments at December 31 total $53,367,022 and are composed of $48,347,339 in the Washington State Local Government Investment Pool and $5,019,683 in bank CDs. Total Sales Tax Receipts (page 20) Total sales tax receipts reflect State remittances through December and total $20,565,227 including general, criminal justice and public safety taxes. This figure is $1,617,356 or 8.54% greater than the same 11 -month period in 2015. Economic Indicators (pages 21 — 23) The following economic indicators provide information pertaining to three different sources of tax revenue that provide a good gauge of the health and direction of the overall economy. 1. Sales taxes (page 21) provide a sense of how much individuals and businesses are spending on the purchase of goods. 2. Hotel / Motel taxes (page 22) provide us with a sense of overnight stays and visits to our area by tourists or business travelers. 3. Real Estate Excise taxes (page 23) provide us with a sense of real estate sales. Page 21 provides a 10 -year history of general sales tax receipts (not including public safety or criminal justice) with monthly detail beginning January 2007. • Compared with calendar year 2015, 2016 collections have increased by $1,454,402 or 8.67%. • Tax receipts reached an all-time high in 2015 at $18,209,568, besting the previous record year of 2014 when $17,440,083 was collected. • Collections in 2016 will exceed those of 2015. Page 22 provides a 10 -year history of hotel/motel tax receipts with monthly detail beginning January 2007. • Compared with calendar year 2015, 2016 collections have increased by $23,169 or 4.29%. • Collections reached an all-time high in 2015 of $581,237, exceeding the previous high set in 2014 of $549,267. • Collections in 2016 will exceed those of 2015. Page 23 provides a 10 -year history of real estate excise tax receipts with monthly detail beginning January 2007. • Compared with calendar year 2015, 2016 collections have increased by $215,984 or 10.94%. • Tax receipts peaked in 2007 at nearly $2.6 million, decreased precipitously in 2008 and 2009, and are slowly gaining ground. Debt Capacity and Bonds Outstanding (page 24) This page provides information on the City's debt capacity, or the dollar amount of General Obligation (G.O.) Bonds the City may issue, as well as an amortization schedule of the bonds the City currently has outstanding. • The maximum amount of G.O. bonds the City may issue is determined by the assessed value for property taxes which for 2016 is $7,748,275,097. Following the December 1, 2016 debt service payments, the City has $13,260,000 of nonvoted G.O. bonds outstanding which P:IFinancelFinance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports1201612016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1.docx Page 3 represents 11.41 % of our nonvoted bond capacity, and 2.28% of our total debt capacity for all types of bonds. Of this amount: o $5,065,000 remains on bonds issued for the construction of CenterPlace. These bonds are repaid with a portion of the 1/10 of 1% sales tax that is collected by the Spokane Public Facilities District. o $995,000 remains on bonds issued for road and street improvements around CenterPlace. The bonds are repaid with a portion of the real estate excise tax collected by the City. o $7,200,000 remains on bonds issued for construction of the new City Hall building. The bonds are to be repaid with General Fund revenues. Street Fund Revenue Sources (pages 25 and 26) The last two charts reflect a history for the two primary sources of revenue in Street Fund #101. These include: • Page 25 provides a 10 -year history of Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax collections with monthly detail beginning January 2007. o Compared with calendar year 2015, 2016 collections have increased by $71,088 or 3.97%. The increase is primarily due to increased motor vehicle fuel taxes that were approved by the State Legislature in 2015. o Tax receipts peaked in 2007 at just approximately $2.1 million, and subsequently decreased to a range of approximately $1,857,000 to $1,940,000 in the years 2011 through 2015. • Page 26 provides a 6 -year history of Telephone Utility Tax collections with monthly detail beginning January 2009 (the month in which the tax was imposed). o Compared with 2015, 2016 collections have decreased by $173,235 or 8.35%. Unlike tax revenues collected by the State and remitted monthly, these taxes are paid to the City directly by the service provider. Consequently there is not a "clean cutoff' in terms of when a vendor pays the tax. Tax revenues currently reported for November include only those that were received through December 31 for November returns. o Tax receipts peaked in 2009 at $3,054,473 and have decreased each year since due to what we suspect is the reduction in land lines by individual households. o The 2016 Budget was adopted with a revenue estimate of $2,340,000. It appears that actual 2016 revenues will come in at less than the budgeted amount. o The City has hired a consultant to perform an audit of providers who pay the telephone utility tax. The audit will assess whether providers are accurately remitting all taxes owed to the City, and the consultant will be paid on a contingent basis out of revenues recovered from the telephone providers. P:IFinancelFinance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports1201612016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1.docx Page 4 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2016\2016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2016 #001 - GENERAL FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Budget Year Elapsed = 2016 100.0% Budget Actual Actual thru Budget December December 31 Remaining % of Budget Revenues Property Tax 11,479,200 606,736 11,375,555 (103,645) 99.10% Sales Tax 18,480,500 1,652,181 18,222,066 (258,434) 98.60% Sales Tax - Criminal Justice 1,556,400 135,028 1,507,744 (48,656) 96.87% Sales Tax - Public Safety 867,400 75,031 835,417 (31,983) 96.31 % Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax 333,000 1,254 288,374 (44,626) 86.60% Franchise Fees/Business Registration 1,154,000 11,791 962,749 (191,251) 83.43% State Shared Revenues 2,024,528 356,678 1,974,636 (49,892) 97.54% Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties 1,443,500 145,034 1,192,705 (250,795) 82.63% Community Development 1,491,500 141,279 2,629,756 1,138,256 176.32% Recreation Program Fees 608,200 30,768 691,052 82,852 113.62% Miscellaneous Department Revenue 95,900 26,210 133,691 37,791 139.41% Miscellaneous & Investment Interest 104,200 19,912 264,173 159,973 253.52% Transfer -in - #101 (street admin) 39,700 0 36,392 (3,308) 91.67% Transfer -in - #105 (h/m tax -CP advertising) 30,000 0 0 (30,000) 0.00% Transfer -in - #402 (storm admin) 13,400 0 12,283 (1,117) 91.67% Total Recurring Revenues 39,721,428 3,201,901 40,126,593 405,165 101.02% Expenditures City Council 506,869 31,383 374,563 132,306 73.90% City Manager 717,303 54,578 591,211 126,092 82.42% Legal 494,951 37,930 483,798 11,153 97.75% Public Safety 24,703,749 2,120,490 22,688,948 2,014,801 91.84% Deputy City Manager 737,002 49,817 609,101 127,901 82.65% Finance/IT 1,253,080 101,436 1,173,154 79,926 93.62% Human Resources 255,694 21,024 241,827 13,867 94.58% Public Works 966,870 73,378 749,625 217,245 77.53% Community Development -Administration 272,107 20,374 261,593 10,514 96.14% Community Development - Econ Dev 545,157 29,646 427,054 118,103 78.34% Community Development- Dev Svc 1,486,637 138,205 1,417,209 69,428 95.33% Community Development- Building 1,344,165 96,076 1,264,647 79,518 94.08% Parks & Rec - Administration 281,871 22,415 258,712 23,159 91.78% Parks & Rec - Maintenance 832,043 156,574 911,280 (79,237) 109.52% Parks & Rec - Recreation 241,197 17,042 232,732 8,465 96.49% Parks & Rec - Aquatics 461,200 10,400 461,538 (338) 100.07% Parks & Rec - Senior Center 95,781 7,480 88,224 7,557 92.11 % Parks & Rec - CenterPlace 882,223 70,481 839,671 42,552 95.18% General Government 1,587,500 90,832 1,210,238 377,262 76.24% Transfers out - #204 ('16 LTGO bond debt service) 198,734 0 170,343 28,391 85.71 % Transfers out - #309 (park capital projects) 230,300 0 181,210 49,090 78.68% Transfers out - #310 (bond pmt>$434.6lease pmt) 72,500 0 66,458 6,042 91.67% Transfers out - #310 (city hallo&m costs) 271,700 0 249,058 22,642 91.67% Transfers out - #311 (Pavement Preservation) 943,800 0 865,150 78,650 91.67% Transfers out - #502 (insurance premium) 325,000 0 297,917 27,083 91.67% Total Recurring Expenditures 39,707,433 3,149,563 36,115,265 3,592,168 90.95% Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 13,995 52,338 4,011,328 3,997,333 Page 5 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2016\2016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2016 #001 - GENERAL FUND - continued NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Budget Year Elapsed = 2016 100.0% 2016 Budget Actual Actual thru Budget December December 31 Remaining % of Budget Revenues Transfers in - #106 (Repymt of Solid Waste) 40,425 0 37,056 (3,369) 91.67% Transfers in - #310 (Lease in excess of bond pyrr 198,734 0 170,343 (28,391) 85.71 % FEMA Grant Proceeds 36,400 0 37,459 1,059 102.91 % Total Nonrecurring Revenues 275,559 0 244,859 (30,700) 88.86% Expenditures General Government - IT capital replacements 108,000 0 87,949 20,051 81.43% Community & Econ Dev (comp plan update) 350,000 7,923 334,336 15,664 95.52% Parks & Rec (upgrade dial-up modem at pools) 15,000 4,252 13,811 1,189 92.07% Parks & Rec (CenterPlace Roof Repairs) 52,000 44,010 47,944 4,056 92.20% City Manager Severance 453,116 0 242,561 210,555 53.53% Police Department - CAD/RMS 140,281 39,706 84,170 56,111 60.00% Police Precinct (security camera upgrade) 6,400 0 6,343 57 99.12% Police Precinct (office construction) 25,000 17,070 25,000 0 100.00% Transfers out - #122 (replenish Winter Weather Res 16,418 0 0 16,418 0.00% Transfers out - #309 (P&R Windstorm damage) 37,225 0 0 37,225 0.00% Transfers out - #312 ('14 Fund Bal > 50%) 1,828,723 0 1,828,723 0 100.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 3,032,163 112,961 2,670,837 361,326 88.08% Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (2,756,604) (112,961) (2,425,978) 330,626 Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures (2,742,609) (60,623) 1,585,350 4,327,959 Beginning fund balance 26,045,444 26,045,444 Ending fund balance 23,302,835 27,630,794 Page 6 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2016\2016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2016 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS #101 - STREET FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Budget Year Elapsed = 2016 100.0% 2016 Budget Actual Actual thru Budget December December 31 Remaining % of Budget Revenues Telephone Utility Tax 2,340,000 166,823 1,900,477 (439,523) 81.22% Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax 2,004,900 175,438 1,853,725 (151,175) 92.46% Multimodal Transportation 0 15,916 95,509 95,509 0.00% Right -of -Way Maintenance Fee 50,000 0 56,035 6,035 112.07% Investment Interest 3,000 499 5,293 2,293 176.42% Insurance Premiums & Recoveries 0 100,244 115,981 115,981 0.00% Miscellaneous Revenue 10,000 94 188 (9,812) 1.88% Total Recurring Revenues 4,407,900 459,014 4,027,207 (380,693) 91.36% Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes 734,604 102,529 800,458 (65,854) 108.96% Supplies 111,500 3,691 87,533 23,967 78.50% Services & Charges 2,132,754 226,072 2,060,097 72,657 96.59% Snow Operations 430,000 86,546 404,150 25,850 93.99% Intergovernmental Payments 771,000 86,741 742,759 28,241 96.34% Interfund Transfers -out - #001 39,700 0 36,392 3,308 91.67% Interfund Transfers -out - #501 (non -plow vehicle 71,000 0 65,083 5,917 91.67% Interfund Transfers -out - #311 (pavement preservai 67,342 0 61,730 5,612 91.67% Total Recurring Expenditures 4,357,900 505,580 4,258,202 99,698 97.71 % Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 50,000 (46,566) (230,995) (280,995) NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grants 0 0 8,174 8,174 0.00% Insurance proceeds (traffic signal cabinet) 46,000 0 43,688 (2,312) 94.97% Miscellaneous 0 0 38 38 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Revenues 46,000 0 51,901 5,901 112.83% Expenditures Capital 0 40 2,045 (2,045) 0.00% Traffic signal cabinet replacement 46,000 0 36,437 9,563 79.21 % Signal detection equipment upgrades 20,000 1,162 24,420 (4,420) 122.10% Maintenance facility storage unit 5,000 0 4,871 129 97.42% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 71,000 1,202 67,772 3,228 95.45% Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (25,000) (1,202) (15,872) 9,128 Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures 25,000 (47,768) (246,866) (271,866) Beginning fund balance 1,443,077 1,443,077 Ending fund balance 1,468,077 1,196,211 Page 7 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2016\2016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2016 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued #103 - PATHS & TRAILS Revenues Motor Vehicle Fuel (Gas) Tax Investment Interest Total revenues Expenditures Interfund Transfers -out - #309 Capital Outlay Total expenditures Budget Year Elapsed = 2016 100.0% 2016 Budget Actual Actual thru Budget December December 31 Remaining % of Budget 8,500 740 7,818 (682) 91.98% 0 17 150 150 0.00% 8,500 757 7,968 (532) 93.74% 9,300 0 0 9,300 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0.00% 9,300 0 0 9,300 0.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures (800) 757 7,968 (9,832) Beginning fund balance 38,054 38,054 Ending fund balance 37,254 46,022 #104 - TOURISM FACILITIES HOTEL/MOTEL TAX FUND Revenues Tourism Facilities Hotel/Motel Tax Investment Interest 377,000 0 30,156 365,572 (11,428) 96.97% 200 1,315 1,315 0.00% Total revenues 377,000 Expenditures Capital Expenditures 0 Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance #105 - HOTEL / MOTEL TAX FUND Revenues Hotel/Motel Tax Investment Interest 30,356 366,887 (10,113) 97.32% 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0.00% 377,000 30,356 366,887 (10,113) 182,347 182,347 559,347 549,234 580,000 46,393 562,896 (17,104) 97.05% 300 120 1,132 832 377.37% Total revenues 580,300 46,513 564,028 (16,272) 97.20% Expenditures Interfund Transfers - #001 30,000 0 0 30,000 0.00% Tourism Promotion 499,350 61,332 443,611 55,739 88.84% Transfers out - #309 (Browns Park Volleyball Court) 60,650 0 0 60,650 0.00% Total expenditures 590,000 61,332 443,611 146,389 75.19% Revenues over (under) expenditures (9,700) (14,819) 120,417 Beginning fund balance 208,702 208,702 Ending fund balance 199,002 329,119 Page 8 (162,662) P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2016\2016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2016 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued Budget Year Elapsed = 2016 100.0% 2016 Budget Actual Actual thru Budget December December 31 Remaining % of Budget #106 - SOLID WASTE Revenues Sunshine Administrative Fee 125,000 0 93,750 31,250 75.00% Investment Interest 0 19 161 (161) 0.00% Grant Proceeds 53,500 4,803 22,480 31,020 42.02% Total revenues 178,500 4,822 116,391 62,109 65.21% Expenditures Interfund Transfers - #001 Education & Contract Administration Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance #107 - PEG FUND Revenues Comcast PEG Contribution Investment Interest 40,425 0 37,056 3,369 91.67% 138,075 4,382 66,165 71,910 47.92% 178,500 0 42,874 4,382 440 103,221 13,170 42,874 75,279 57.83% 42,874 56,044 (13,170) 90,000 0 59,596 30,404 66.22% 0 85 684 (684) 0.00% Total revenues 90,000 85 60,280 29,720 66.98% Expenditures PEG Reimburse - CMTV 117,000 69,362 117,000 0 100.00% PEG COSV Broadcast Capital Outlay 12,500 5,008 18,182 (5,682) 145.45% New City Hall Council Chambers 25,000 5,435 5,435 19,565 21.74% Total expenditures 154,500 79,805 140,617 13,883 91.01% Revenues over (under) expenditures (64,500) (79,720) (80,336) 15,836 Beginning fund balance 301,182 301,182 Ending fund balance 236,682 220,846 #120 - CENTER PLACE OPERATING RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest Interfund Transfer 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0.00% Total revenues 0 0 0 0 0.00% Expenditures Operations Total expenditures 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 0 0 0 Beginning fund balance 300,000 300,000 Ending fund balance 300,000 300,000 Page 9 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2016\2016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2016 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - continued Budget Year Elapsed = 2016 100.0% 2016 Budget Actual Actual thru Budget December December 31 Remaining % of Budget #121 - SERVICE LEVEL STABILIZATION RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest Interfund Transfer Total revenues Expenditures Operations Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance 6,500 0 1,994 19,266 12,766 296.40% 0 0 0 0.00% 6,500 1,994 19,266 12,766 296.40% 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0.00% 6,500 1,994 19,266 12,766 5,461,789 5,461,789 5,468,289 5,481,055 #122 - WINTER WEATHER RESERVE FUND Revenues Investment Interest 600 175 1,753 1,153 292.21% Interfund Transfer - #001 16,418 0 0 (16,418) 0.00% Grant Reimbursement for Windstorm Cleanup 38,510 0 38,511 1 100.00% Subtotal revenues 55,528 175 40,265 (15,263) 72.51% Expenditures Snow removal expenses 500,000 0 0 500,000 0.00% Total expenditures 500,000 0 0 500,000 0.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures (444,472) 175 40,265 (515,263) Beginning fund balance 444,472 444,472 Ending fund balance 0 484,737 #123 - CIVIC FACILITIES REPLACEMENT FUND Revenues Investment Interest Interfund Transfer - #001 700 0 696 (4) 99.39% 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total revenues 700 0 696 (4) 99.39% Expenditures Transfers out - #311 (pavement preservation) 559,808 0 513,137 46,671 91.66% Total expenditures 559,808 0 513,137 46,671 91.66% Revenues over (under) expenditures (559,108) 0 (512,441) Beginning fund balance 559,108 559,108 Ending fund balance 0 46,667 Page 10 (46,675) P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2016\2016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2016 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS #204 - DEBT SERVICE FUND Revenues Spokane Public Facilities District Interfund Transfer -in - #001 Interfund Transfer -in - #301 Interfund Transfer -in - #302 Total revenues Budget Year Elapsed = 2016 100.0% 2016 Budget Actual Actual thru Budget December December 31 Remaining % of Budget 380,300 0 380,300 0 100.00% 198,734 0 170,343 (28,391) 85.71% 83,400 0 76,450 (6,950) 91.67% 83,400 0 76,450 (6,950) 91.67% 745,834 0 703,543 (42,291) 94.33% Expenditures Debt Service Payments - CenterPlace 380,300 0 380,300 0 100.00% Debt Service Payments - Roads 166,800 0 166,800 0 100.00% Debt Service Payments -'16 LTGO Bond 198,734 0 198,734 0 100.00% Total expenditures 745,834 0 745,834 0 100.00% Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 0 (42,290) Beginning fund balance 4,049 4,049 Ending fund balance 4,049 (38,241) Page 11 (42,291) P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2016\2016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2016 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS #301 - CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 1 - Taxes Investment Interest Total revenues Budget Year Elapsed = 2016 100.0% 2016 Budget Actual Actual thru Budget December December 31 Remaining % of Budget 1,000,000 93,217 1,094,821 94,821 109.48% 1,000 930 6,503 5,503 650.33% 1,001,000 94,147 1,101,325 100,325 110.02% Expenditures Interfund Transfer -out - #204 83,400 0 76,450 6,950 91.67% Interfund Transfer -out - #303 742,503 0 62,843 679,660 8.46% Interfund Transfer -out - #311 (pavement preserve 365,286 0 0 365,286 0.00% Interfund Transfer -out - #314 20,000 0 0 20,000 0.00% Total expenditures 1,211,189 0 139,293 1,071,896 11.50% Revenuesover(under)expenditures (210,189) 94,147 962,032 (971,571) Beginning fund balance 1,594,088 1,594,088 Ending fund balance 1,383,899 2,556,120 #302 - SPECIAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues REET 2 - Taxes Investment Interest 1,000,000 93,217 1,094,821 94,821 109.48% 1,000 987 7,015 6,015 701.52% Total revenues 1,001,000 94,205 1,101,837 100,837 110.07% Expenditures Interfund Transfer -out - #204 83,400 0 76,450 6,950 91.67% Interfund Transfer -out - #303 382,816 0 40,066 342,750 10.47% Interfund Transfer -out - #311 (pavement preserve 365,286 0 0 365,286 0.00% Total expenditures 831,502 0 116,516 714,986 14.01 % Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance 169,498 1,728,297 94,205 985,321 1,728,297 1,897,795 2,713,618 Page 12 (614,150) P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2016\2016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2016 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued Budget Year Elapsed = 2016 100.0% 2016 Budget Actual Actual thru Budget December December 31 Remaining % of Budget #303 STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds 8,149,606 249,667 5,075,020 (3,074,586) 62.27% Developer Contribution 275,087 212,768 212,768 (62,319) 77.35% Transfer -in - #301 742,503 0 62,843 (679,660) 8.46% Transfer -in - #302 382,816 0 40,066 (342,750) 10.47% Transfer -in - #312 8th & Carnahan 415,000 0 0 (415,000) 0.00% Transfer -in - #312 Euclid Ave Reconst 50,000 0 0 (50,000) 0.00% Transfer -in - #312 Sullivan Rd W Bridge 1,467,779 0 230,539 (1,237,240) 15.71 % Investment Interest 0 0 29 29 0.00% Total revenues 11,482,791 462,435 5,621,264 (5,861,527) 48.95% Expenditures 060 Argonne Rd Corridor Upgrade SRTC 06-31 0 0 4,355 (4,355) 0.00% 123 Mission Ave -Flora to Barker 332,566 7,003 56,919 275,647 17.11% 141 Sullivan & Euclid PCC 1,981,060 1,543 61,875 1,919,185 3.12% 142 Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan 0 0 29,030 (29,030) 0.00% 143 Barker Rd/BNSF Grade Separation 0 0 3,016 (3,016) 0.00% 149 Sidewalk Infill 5,000 0 105 4,895 2.10% 155 Sullivan Rd W Bridge Replacement 5,237,650 498,918 5,160,700 76,950 98.53% 156 Mansfield Ave. Connection 5,000 0 738 4,262 14.77% 166 Pines Rd. (SR27) & Grace Ave. Int. Safety 491,331 5,696 109,759 381,572 22.34% 167 Citywide Safety Improvements 228,127 1,674 88,319 139,808 38.72% 201 ITS Infill Project Phase 1 (PE Start 2014) 271,357 4,057 46,880 224,477 17.28% 206 Sprague/Long Sidewalk Project 5,000 0 235 4,765 4.71 % 207 Indiana & Evergreen Transit Access 0 0 102,684 (102,684) 0.00% 221 McDonald Rd Diet (16th to Mission) 559,200 9,298 436,143 123,057 77.99% 222 Citywide Reflective Signal Backplates 40,500 0 0 40,500 0.00% 223 Pines Rd Underpass @ BNSF & Trent 0 105 5,509 (5,509) 0.00% 229 32nd Ave Preservation 0 0 433,297 (433,297) 0.00% 233 Broadway Ave. Street Preservation 0 0 56,085 (56,085) 0.00% 234 Seth Woodard Sidewalk Improvements 361,000 0 393,046 (32,046) 108.88% 238 Pines RD Mirabeau Parkway Intersection 350,000 9,254 409,910 (59,910) 117.12% 239 Bowdish Rd & 11th Ave. Sidewalk 400,000 10,394 61,863 338,137 15.47% 247 8th & Carnahan Intersection Improvments 415,000 1,143 10,016 404,984 2.41% 249 Sullivan & Wellesley Intersection 0 400 400 (400) 0.00% 250 9th Ave Sidewalk 0 2,309 5,623 (5,623) 0.00% 251 Euclid Ave Reconstruction Project 50,000 4,424 18,283 31,717 36.57% Construction - Small Works 0 0 0 0 0.00% Contingency 750,000 0 0 750,000 0.00% Total expenditures 11,482,791 556,218 7,494,789 3,988,002 Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 (93,783) (1,873,525) (9,849,529) Beginning fund balance 75,538 75,538 Ending fund balance 75,538 (1,797,987) Note: Work performed in the Street Capital Projects Fund for preservation projects is for items such as sidewalk upgrades that were bid with the pavement preservation work. Page 13 65.27% P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2016\2016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2016 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued Budget Year Elapsed = 2016 100.0% 2016 Budget Actual Actual thru Budget December December 31 Remaining % of Budget #309 - PARKS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Grant Proceeds 410,132 7,433 113,378 (296,754) 27.64% FEMA Grant Proceeds - Windstorm 21,875 0 21,875 0 100.00% Interfund Transfer -in -#001 237,525 0 181,210 (56,315) 76.29% Interfund Transfer -in - #001 (Browns Park Splashps 30,000 0 0 (30,000) 0.00% Interfund Transfer -in - #103 (Appleway Trail - Univ -I 9,300 0 0 (9,300) 0.00% Interfund Transfer -in - #105 (Browns Volleyball Coo 60,650 0 0 (60,650) 0.00% Interfund Transfer -in #312 (Appleway Trail) 72,940 0 0 (72,940) 0.00% Investment Interest 500 0 723 223 144.69% Proceeds for Loss/Impairment of Capital 0 0 7,857 7,857 0.00% Total revenues 842,922 7,433 325,043 (517,879) 38.56% Expenditures 176 Appleway Trail - University to Pines 9,300 0 25,325 (16,025) 272.31 % 225 Pocket dog park 400 0 379 21 94.71% 227 Appleway Trail - Pines to Evergree 206,297 2,800 134,052 72,245 64.98% 237 Appleway Trail - Sullivan to Corbin 276,775 9,203 37,147 239,628 13.42% 241 Valley Mission Dog Park - Phase II 81,300 0 80,685 615 99.24% 242 Browns Park Splashpad 146,500 25,072 121,959 24,541 83.25% 243 Browns Park Volleyball Court 60,650 31 58,388 2,263 96.27% 244 COSV Park Signs - Phase II 20,500 6,739 7,312 13,188 35.67% 245 TV Playground Equipment Replacement 59,100 0 59,554 (454) 100.77% xxx City entry sign 70,000 0 0 70,000 0.00% Total expenditures 930,822 43,845 524,801 406,021 56.38% Revenues over (under) expenditures (87,900) (36,412) (199,758) (923,900) Beginning fund balance 98,461 98,461 Ending fund balance 10,561 (101,297) #310 - CIVIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Revenues Investment Interest 1,200 485 4,569 3,369 380.72% Interfund Transfer -in - #001 - Future C.H. Bond P 72,500 0 66,458 (6,042) 91.67% Interfund Transfer -in - #001 - Future C.H. O&M 271,700 0 249,058 (22,642) 91.67% Total revenues 345,400 485 320,085 (25,315) 92.67% Expenditures Transfers out - #001 (Lease pymt in excess of bond) 198,734 0 170,343 28,391 85.71 % Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total expenditures 198,734 0 170,343 28,391 85.71% Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance 146,666 1,182, 548 485 149,742 1,182, 548 1,329,214 1,332,290 (53,705) Note: The fund balance includes $839,285.10 paid by the Library District for 2.82 acres at the Balfour Park site. If the District does not succeed in getting a voted bond approved by October 2017 then the City may repurchase this land at the original sale price of $839,285.10. Page 14 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2016\2016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2016 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued Budget Year Elapsed = 2016 100.0% 2016 Budget Actual Actual thru Budget December December 31 Remaining % of Budget #311 - PAVEMENT PRESERVATION FUND Revenues Interfund Transfers in- #001 943,800 0 865,150 (78,650) 91.67% Interfund Transfers in- #101 67,342 0 61,730 (5,612) 91.67% Interfund Transfers in- #123 559,808 0 513,137 (46,671) 91.66% Interfund Transfers in- #301 365,286 0 0 (365,286) 0.00% Interfund Transfers in- #302 365,286 0 0 (365,286) 0.00% Grant Proceeds 2,063,000 0 534,269 (1,528,731) 25.90% Investment Interest 0 378 7,070 7,070 0.00% Total revenues 4,364,522 378 1,981,357 (2,383,165) 45.40% Expenditures Pre -Project GeoTech Services 50,000 0 0 50,000 0.00% Pavement Preservation 4,500,000 0 0 4,500,000 0.00% 188 Sullivan Rd Preservation Project 0 0 2,131 (2,131) 0.00% 211 Sullivan Trent to Wellesley 0 1,744 2,043 (2,043) 0.00% 218 Montgomery Ave Street Preservation 0 0 120 (120) 0.00% 220 Houk-Sinto-Maxwell Street Preservation 0 0 58 (58) 0.00% 221 McDonald Road Diet 0 27,167 1,194,373 (1,194,373) 0.00% 224 Mullan Rd Street Preservation 0 0 26 (26) 0.00% 226 Appleway Resurfacing Park to Dishman 0 36,449 992,042 (992,042) 0.00% 229 32nd Ave Preservation 0 0 915,303 (915,303) 0.00% 233 Broadway Ave St Presery - Sulliv to Moore 0 0 406,345 (406,345) 0.00% 235 NB Sullivan Rd Pres 0 45,847 49,856 (49,856) 0.00% 240 Saltese Road Preservation 0 6,727 24,391 (24,391) 0.00% 248 Sprague Street Pres - Sulliv to Corbin 0 425 745 (745) 0.00% 253 Mission - Pines to McDonald 0 339 553 (553) 0.00% 254 Mission - McDonald to Evergreen 0 156 370 (370) 0.00% 255 Indiana Street Preservation 0 1,459 1,459 (1,459) 0.00% 256 University Rd Pres -16th to Dishman 0 267 267 (267) 0.00% 257 University Rd Pres -16th to 24th 0 267 267 (267) 0.00% Total expenditures 4,550,000 120,847 3,590,349 959,651 78.91% Revenues over (under) expenditures (185,478) (120,469) (1,608,992) (3,342,817) Beginning fund balance 2,605,219 2,605,219 Ending fund balance 2,419,741 996,227 #312 - CAPITAL RESERVE FUND Revenues Transfers in - #001 ('14 Fund Bal > 50%) Investment Interest 1,828,723 0 1,828,723 0 100.00% 0 2,252 13,352 13,352 0.00% Total revenues 1,828,723 2,252 1,842,075 13,352 100.73% Expenditures Transfers out - #303 1,932,779 0 230,539 1,702,240 11.93% Transfers out - #309 72,940 0 0 72,940 0.00% Transfers out - #314 500,000 0 0 500,000 0.00% Total expenditures 2,505,719 0 230,539 2,275,180 9.20% Revenues over (under) expenditures (676,996) 2,252 1,611,536 (2,261,828) Beginning fund balance 4,576,597 4,576,597 Ending fund balance 3,899,601 6,188,133 Page 15 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2016\2016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2016 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS - continued Budget Year Elapsed = 2016 100.0% 2016 Budget Actual Actual thru Budget December December 31 Remaining % of Budget #313 - CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION FUND Revenues 2016 LTGO Bond Proceeds - Par Value 7,275,000 0 7,275,000 0 100.00% 2016 LTGO Bond Proceeds - Premium 671,088 0 671,088 (0) 100.00% Investment Interest 0 2,557 23,498 (23,498) 0.00% Total revenues Expenditures Capital Outlay - City Hall 2016 LTGO Bond Issue Costs 7,946,088 2,557 7,969,586 (23,498) 100.30% 7,294,400 1,260,151 5,873, 071 1,421,329 80.51% 96,515 0 96,515 0 100.00% Total expenditures 7,390,915 1,260,151 5,969,586 Revenues over (under) expenditures 555,173 (1,257,593) 2,000,000 Beginning fund balance 4,789,046 4,789,046 Ending fund balance 5,344,219 6,789,045 1,421,329 (1,444,827) 80.77% #314 - RAILROAD GRADE SEPARATION PROJECTS FUND Revenues Interfund Transfers in- #301 20,000 0 0 20,000 0.00% Interfund Transfers in- #312 500,000 0 0 500,000 0.00% Grant Proceeds 230,000 0 0 230,000 0.00% Investment Interest 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total revenues 750,000 0 0 750,000 0.00% Expenditures 143 Barker Rd/BNSF Grade Separation 250,000 877 877 249,123 0.35% 223 Pines Rd Underpass 500,000 1,715 1,715 498,285 0.34% Total expenditures 750,000 2,592 2,592 Revenues over (under) expenditures 0 (2,592) (2,592) Beginning fund balance 0 0 Ending fund balance 0 (2,592) Page 16 747,408 0.35% 2,592 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2016\2016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2016 ENTERPRISE FUNDS #402 - STORMWATER FUND RECURRING ACTIVITY Budget Year Elapsed = 2016 100.0% 2016 Budget Actual Actual thru Budget December December 31 Remaining % of Budget Revenues Stormwater Management Fees 1,870,000 108,585 1,892,707 22,707 101.21% Investment Interest 1,500 804 6,735 5,235 448.99% Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total Recurring Revenues 1,871,500 109,389 1,899,442 27,942 101.49% Expenditures Wages / Benefits / Payroll Taxes 514,132 31,130 439,519 74,613 85.49% Supplies 15,900 679 12,286 3,614 77.27% Services & Charges 1,113,683 139,559 1,071,896 41,787 96.25% Intergovernmental Payments 67,000 0 30,564 36,436 45.62% Vehicle Rentals - #501 11,000 0 0 11,000 0.00% Interfund Transfers -out - #001 13,400 0 12,283 1,117 91.67% Total Recurring Expenditures 1,735,115 Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures NONRECURRING ACTIVITY 171,368 1,566,548 168,567 90.28% 136,385 (61,979) 332,893 196,508 Revenues Grant Proceeds 223,800 0 96,391 (127,409) 43.07% Developer Contributions 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Revenues 223,800 0 96,391 (127,409) 43.07% Expenditures Capital - various projects 151,100 0 82,360 68,740 54.51 % Maintenance Facility Storage Unit 5,000 0 4,871 129 97.42% Windstorm Related Sweeping 50,000 0 0 50,000 0.00% 193 Effectiveness Study 175,000 22,401 99,947 75,053 57.11% 228 Pines Rd Mirabeau Parkway Intersection 0 0 6,848 (6,848) 0.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 381,100 22,401 194,026 187,074 50.91% Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (157,300) (22,401) (97,635) 59,665 Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures (20,915) (84,380) 235,259 256,174 Beginning working capital 1,896,925 1,896,925 Ending working capital 1,876,010 2,132,184 Note: Work performed in the Stormwater Fund for preservation projects is for stormwater improvements that were bid with the pavement preservation work. #403 - AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA Revenues Spokane County 400,000 216,342 388,590 (11,410) 97.15% Grant DOE - Sprague Park to University LID 0 0 0 0 0.00% Grant revenue 0 0 0 0 0.00% Investment Interest 0 347 2,178 2,178 0.00% Total revenues 400,000 216,689 390,768 (9,232) 97.69% Expenditures 198 Sprague Park to University LID 0 0 0 (0) 0.00% 221 McDonald Road Diet 425,000 0 324,028 100,972 76.24% 234 Seth Woodard Sidewalk Improvements 0 0 38,087 (38,087) 0.00% Total expenditures 425,000 0 362,115 62,885 85.20% Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning working capital Ending working capital (25,000) 216,689 28,653 921,660 921,660 896,660 950,313 Page 17 (72,117) P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2016\2016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Budget to Actual Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2016 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Budget Year Elapsed = 2016 100.0% 2016 Budget Actual Actual thru Budget December December 31 Remaining % of Budget #501 - ER&R FUND Revenues Interfund vehicle lease - #001 24,000 0 22,000 (2,000) 91.67% Interfund vehicle lease - #101 31,000 0 28,417 (2,583) 91.67% Interfund vehicle lease (plow replace) 40,000 0 36,667 (3,333) 91.67% Interfund vehicle lease - #402 11,000 0 10,083 (917) 91.67% Investment Interest 1,000 410 3,907 2,907 390.69% Total revenues 107,000 410 101,074 (5,926) 94.46% Expenditures Vehicle Acquisitions 105,000 0 103,928 1,072 98.98% Snow Plow Replacement 225,000 118,513 118,513 106,487 52.67% Total expenditures 330,000 118,513 222,440 107,560 67.41 % Revenues over (under) expenditures (223,000) (118,102) (121,367) (113,486) Beginning working capital 1,248,997 1,248,997 Ending working capital 1,025,997 1,127,630 #502 - RISK MANAGEMENT FUND Revenues Investment Interest 0 76 332 332 0.00% Interfund Transfer - #101 0 0 0 0 0.00% Interfund Transfer - #001 325,000 0 297,917 (27,083) 91.67% Total revenues 325,000 76 298,249 (26,751) 91.77% Expenditures Auto & Property Insurance Unemployment Claims Miscellaneous Total expenditures Revenues over (under) expenditures Beginning working capital Ending working capital 325,000 0 277,298 47,702 85.32% 0 0 6,751 (6,751) 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0.00% 325,000 0 284,049 40,951 87.40% 0 194,383 194,383 76 14,200 194,383 208,583 (67,702) SUMMARY FOR ALL FUNDS Total of Revenues for all Funds 78,983,495 4,736,073 69,378,380 Per revenue status report 78,983,495 4,736,072 69,378,380 Difference 0 0 (0) Total of Expenditures for all Funds Per expenditure status report 82,954,325 6,210,760 65,926,482 82,954,325 6,210,760 65,926,482 0 0 0 Total Capital expenditures (included in total expenditures) 26,232,294 2,151,524 18,432, 094 Page 18 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2016\2016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Investment Report For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2016 Beginning Deposits Withdrawls Interest Ending 001 General Fund 101 Street Fund 103 Trails & Paths 104 Tourism Facilities Hotel/Motel 105 Hotel/Motel 106 Solid Waste Fund 107 PEG Fund 120 CenterPlace Operating Reserve 121 Service Level Stabilization Reserve 122 Winter Weather Reserve 123 Civic Facilities Replacement 301 Capital Projects 302 Special Capital Projects 303 Street Capital Projects Fund 309 Parks Capital Project 310 Civic Buildings Capital Projects 311 Pavement Preservation 312 Capital Reserve Fund 313 City Hall Construction Fund 402 Stormwater Management 403 Aquifer Protection Fund 501 Equipment Rental & Replacement 502 Risk Management *Local Government Investment Pool 12/12/2016 $ 51,324,477.48 $ 3,015,270.10 $ 2,000,000.00 $ 56,339,747.58 2,501,102.93 0.00 0.00 2,501,102.93 (5,500,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (5,500,000.00) 21,758.51 3,382.88 1,030.26 26,171.65 $ 48,347,338.92 $ 3,018,652.98 $ 2,001,030.26 $ 53,367,022.16 matures: 6/28/2017 rate: 0.45% 11/15/2017 0.40% Balance Earnings UMPQUA Total LGIP* BB CD CD(') Investments $ 51,324,477.48 $ 3,015,270.10 $ 2,000,000.00 $ 56,339,747.58 2,501,102.93 0.00 0.00 2,501,102.93 (5,500,000.00) 0.00 0.00 (5,500,000.00) 21,758.51 3,382.88 1,030.26 26,171.65 $ 48,347,338.92 $ 3,018,652.98 $ 2,001,030.26 $ 53,367,022.16 matures: 6/28/2017 rate: 0.45% 11/15/2017 0.40% Balance Earnings Budget Current Period Year to date $ 25,960,199.31 1,109,077.46 37,209.70 444,065.12 266,098.50 42,353.82 187,814.88 0.00 4,431,527.21 389,635.43 0.00 2,066,666.85 2,194, 007.06 0.00 0.00 1,077,179.49 839,944.04 5,003,211.57 5,681,966.12 1,785,762.60 769,951.52 911,708.57 168,642.91 $ 13,837.34 499.14 16.75 199.85 119.76 19.06 84.53 0.00 1,994.39 175.35 0.00 930.09 987.40 0.00 0.00 484.78 378.01 2,251.67 2,557.14 803.67 346.51 410.31 75.90 $ 125,611.03 5,292.71 149.56 1,314.91 1,132.12 161.47 684.07 0.00 19,266.19 1,753.24 695.73 6,503.34 7,015.23 28.76 723.46 4,568.66 7,069.94 13,352.31 23,497.81 6,734.92 2,178.25 3,906.90 332.36 $ 45,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,500.00 600.00 700.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 500.00 1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 $ 53,367,022.16 $ 26,171.65 $ 231,972.97 $ 62, 300.00 (1) CD was previously at Banner Bank. During November, the CD was transferred to Umpqua Bank after staff performed a rate comparison for the investment. Page 19 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Council Monthly Reports\2016\2016 12 31 - 2016 12 PRELIMINARY No 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Sales Tax Receipts For the Twelve -Month Period Ended December 31, 2016 Month Received 2015 2016 12/12/2016 Difference February 1,962,820.56 2,109,906.28 147,085.72 7.49% March 1,358,307.78 1,488,699.93 130,392.15 9.60% April 1,401,618.35 1,555,221.97 153,603.62 10.96% May 1,655,903.08 1,852,586.82 196,683.74 11.88% June 1,557,740.48 1,768,797.14 211,056.66 13.55% July 1,886,262.22 1,848,301.11 (37,961.11) (2.01 %) August 1,944,085.56 2,013,841.16 69,755.60 3.59% September 1,894,514.58 1,963,131.36 68,616.78 3.62% October 1,765,807.42 2,044,241.64 278,434.22 15.77% November 1,836,885.94 2,058,260.31 221,374.37 12.05% December 1,683,925.38 1,862,239.72 178,314.34 10.59% January 18,947,871.35 20,565,227.44 1,633,949.35 20,581,820.70 20,565,227.44 1,617,356.09 8.54% Sales tax receipts reported here reflect remittances for general sales tax, criminal justice sales tax and public safety tax. The sales tax rate for retail sales transacted within the boundaries of the City of Spokane Valley is 8.7%. The tax that is paid by a purchaser at the point of sale is remitted by the vendor to the Washington State Department of Revenue who then remits the taxes back to the various agencies that have imposed the tax. The allocation of the total 8.7% tax rate to the agencies is as follows: - State of Washington 6.50% - City of Spokane Valley 0.85% - Spokane County 0.15% - Spokane Public Facilities District 0.10% * - Criminal Justice 0.10% - Public Safety 0.10% * 2.20% local tax - Juvenile Jail 0.10% * - Mental Health 0.10% * - Law Enforcement Communications 0.10% * - Spokane Transit Authority 0.60% * 8.70% * Indicates voter approved sales taxes In addition to the .85% reported above that the City receives, we also receive a portion of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety sales taxes. The distribution of those taxes is computed as follows: Criminal Justice: The tax is assessed county -wide and of the total collected, the State distributes 10% of the receipts to Spokane County, with the remainder allocated on a per capita basis to the County and the cities within the County. Public Safety: The tax is assessed county -wide and of the total collected, the State distributes 60% of the receipts to Spokane County, with the remainder allocated on a per capita basis to the cities within the County. Page 20 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Sales Tax Collections - Novembe, For the years 2007 through 2016 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Tax Revenue\Sales Tax\2016\sales tax collections 2016 2007 1 2008 1 2009 1 2010 1 2011 1 2012 1 2013 1 2014 1 2015 1 2016 January 1,759,531 February 1,155,947 March 1,196,575 April 1,479,603 May 1,353,013 June 1,428,868 July 1,579,586 August 1,516,324 September 1,546,705 October 1,601,038 November 1,443,843 1,729,680 1,129, 765 1,219,611 1,423,459 1,243,259 1,386,908 1,519,846 1,377,943 1,364,963 1,344,217 1,292,327 1,484,350 1,098,575 1,068,811 1,134, 552 1,098,054 1,151,772 1,309,401 1,212,531 1,227,813 1,236,493 1,155, 647 1,491,059 963,749 1,018,468 1,184,137 1,102, 523 1,123, 907 1,260,873 1,211,450 1,191,558 1,269,505 1,139, 058 1,460,548 990,157 1,015,762 1,284,180 1,187, 737 1,248,218 1,332,834 1,279,500 1,294,403 1,291,217 1,217,933 1,589,887 1,009,389 1,067,733 1,277,621 1,174, 962 1,290,976 1,302,706 1,299,678 1,383,123 1,358,533 1,349,580 1,671,269 1,133, 347 1,148, 486 1,358,834 1,320,449 1,389,802 1,424,243 1,465,563 1,466,148 1,439,321 1,362,021 1,677,887 1,170, 640 1,201,991 1,448,539 1,400,956 1,462,558 1,545,052 1,575,371 1,552,736 1,594,503 1,426,254 1,732,299 1,197, 323 1,235,252 1,462,096 1,373,710 1,693,461 1,718,428 1,684,700 1,563,950 1,618,821 1,487,624 12/22/2016 2016 to 2015 Difference ok 1,863,225 130,926 7.56% 1,316,682 119,359 9.97% 1,378,300 143,048 11.58% 1,640,913 178,817 12.23% 1,566,178 192,468 14.01% 1,641,642 (51,819) (3.06%) 1,776,653 58,225 3.39% 1,746,371 61,671 3.66% 1,816,923 252,973 16.18% 1,822,998 204,177 12.61% 1,652,181 164,557 11.06% Collected to date 16,061,033 15,031,978 13,177,999 12,956,287 13,602,489 14,104,188 15,179,483 16,056,487 16,767,664 18,222,066 1,454,402 8.67% December 1,376,434 1,129,050 1,070,245 1,141,012 1,247,920 1,323,189 1,408,134 1,383,596 1,441,904 0 Total Collections 17,437,467 16,161,028 14,248,244 14,097,299 14,850,409 15,427,377 16,587,617 17,440,083 18,209,568 18,222,066 Budget Estimate 17,466,800 17,115,800 17,860,000 14,410,000 14,210,000 14,210,000 15,250,000 16,990,000 17,628,400 18,480,500 Actual over (under) budg (29,333) (954,772) (3,611,756) (312,701) 640,409 1,217,377 1,337,617 450,083 581,168 (258,434) Total actual collections as a % of total budget 99.83% 94.42% 79.78% 97.83% 104.51 % 108.57% 108.77% 102.65% 103.30% n/a % change in annual total collected 5.36% (7.32%) (11.84%) (1.06%) 5.34% 3.89% 7.52% 5.14% 4.41% n/a % of budget collected through November 91.95% 87.83% 73.78% 89.91% 95.72% 99.26% 99.54% 94.51% 95.12% 98.60% % of actual total collected through November 92.11% 93.01% 92.49% 91.91% 91.60% 91.42% 91.51% 92.07% 92.08% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of November 20,000,000 18,000,000 16,000,000 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 November 4 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 ■ November ■ October ■ September ■ August ■ July ■ June ■ May ■ April ■ March Page 21 i CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Hotel/Motel Tax Receipts through - November Actual for the years 2007 through 2016 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Tax Revenue\Lodging Tax\2016\105 hotel motel tax 2016 2007 1 2008 1 2009 1 2010 1 2011 1 2012 1 2013 1 2014 1 2015 1 2016 January 25,138 February 25,311 March 29,190 April 37,951 May 31,371 June 36,267 July 56,282 August 51,121 September 57,260 October 43,970 November 36,341 Total Collections 1/9/2017 2016 to 2015 Difference 28,947 23,280 22,707 22,212 21,442 24,185 25,425 27,092 31,887 4,795 17.70% 24,623 23,284 23,417 22,792 21,549 25,975 26,014 27,111 27,773 662 2.44% 27,510 25,272 24,232 24,611 25,655 27,739 29,384 32,998 34,330 1,332 4.04% 40,406 36,254 39,463 38,230 52,130 40,979 48,246 50,455 52,551 2,096 4.15% 36,829 32,589 34,683 33,791 37,478 40,560 41,123 44,283 50,230 5,947 13.43% 46,660 40,415 39,935 41,403 43,971 47,850 52,618 56,975 55,060 (1,915) (3.36%) 50,421 43,950 47,385 49,312 52,819 56,157 61,514 61,809 65,007 3,198 5.17% 50,818 50,147 54,923 57,452 57,229 63,816 70,384 72,697 73,700 1,003 1.38% 60,712 50,818 59,419 58,908 64,299 70,794 76,100 74,051 70,305 (3,746) (5.06%) 38,290 36,784 41,272 39,028 43,699 43,836 45,604 49,880 55,660 5,780 11.59% 35,583 34,055 34,330 37,339 39,301 42,542 39,600 42,376 46,393 4,017 9.48% 430,201 440,799 396,847 421,768 425,079 459,572 484,434 516,011 539,727 562,896 23,169 4.29% December 31,377 26,290 27,131 26,777 32,523 30,432 34,238 33,256 41,510 0 Total Collections 461,578 467,089 423,978 448,545 457,603 490,004 518,672 549,267 581,237 562,896 Budget Estimate 400,000 400,000 512,000 380,000 480,000 430,000 490,000 530,000 550,000 580,000 Actual over (under) budg 61,578 67,089 (88,022) 68,545 (22,397) 60,004 28,672 19,267 31,237 (17,104) Total actual collections as a % of total budget 115.39% 116.77% 82.81% 118.04% 95.33% 113.95% 105.85% 103.64% 105.68% n/a % change in annual total collected 10.67% 1.19% (9.23%) 5.79% 2.02% 7.08% 5.85% 5.90% 5.82% n/a % of budget collected through November 107.55% 110.20% 77.51% 110.99% 88.56% 106.88% 98.86% 97.36% 98.13% 97.05% % of actual total collected through November 93.20% 94.37% 93.60% 94.03% 92.89% 93.79% 93.40% 93.95% 92.86% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of November 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 November 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 November October September • August ■ July • June • May ■ April • March • February • January Page 22 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 1st and 2nd 1/4% REET Collections through November Actual for the years 2007 through 2016 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Tax Revenue\REET\2016\301 and 302 REET for 2016 2007 1 2008 1 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 1 2015 1 2016 January 228,897 February 129,920 March 263,835 April 211,787 May 222,677 June 257,477 July 323,945 August 208,040 September 165,287 October 206,443 November 191,806 145,963 159,503 133,513 128,367 158,506 178,203 217,943 133,906 131,240 355,656 147,875 55,281 45,181 73,307 81,156 77,464 105,021 122,530 115,830 93,862 113,961 133,265 59,887 64,122 86,204 99,507 109,625 105,680 84,834 72,630 75,812 93,256 72,021 64,128 36,443 95,880 79,681 124,692 81,579 79,629 129,472 68,020 61,396 74,753 46,359 56,115 71,730 86,537 111,627 124,976 101,049 106,517 63,517 238,095 104,886 56,898 155,226 72,172 90,377 116,165 139,112 128,921 117,150 174,070 117,806 78,324 61,192 67,049 81,724 105,448 198,870 106,676 208,199 172,536 152,323 123,505 172,227 96,141 103,508 165,868 236,521 165,748 347,421 217,375 202,525 179,849 128,833 129,870 104,446 83,583 220,637 205,654 192,806 284,897 248,899 231,200 178,046 253,038 186,434 1/9/2017 2016 to 2015 Difference 8,306 8.64% (19,925) (19.25%) 54,769 33.02% (30,867) (13.05%) 27,058 16.32% (62,524) (18.00%) 31,525 14.50% 28,675 14.16% (1,803) (1.00%) 124,205 96.41% 56,565 43.56% Collected to date 2,410,113 1,890,676 1,016,857 923,580 895,674 1,111,407 1,246,221 1,449,747 1,973,658 2,189,642 215,984 10.94% December 179,568 96,086 71,366 38,725 65,077 74,300 75,429 117,682 157,919 0 Total distributed by Spokane County 2,589,681 1,986,762 1,088,222 962,304 960,751 1,185,707 1,321,650 1,567,429 2,131,578 2,189,642 Budget estimate 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 760,000 800,000 950,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,600,000 2,000,000 Actual over (under) budget 589,681 (13,238) (911,778) 202,304 160,751 235,707 321,650 367,429 531,578 189,642 Total actual collections as a % of total budget 129.48% 99.34% 54.41% 126.62% 120.09% 124.81% 132.17% 130.62% 133.22% n/a % change in annual total collected 5.22% (23.28%) (45.23%) (11.57%) (0.16%) 23.41% 11.47% 18.60% 35.99% n/a % of budget collected through November 120.51% 94.53% 50.84% 121.52% 111.96% 116.99% 124.62% 120.81% 123.35% 109.48% % of actual total collected through November 93.07% 95.16% 93.44% 95.98% 93.23% 93.73% 94.29% 92.49% 92.59% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of November 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 2007 2008 November 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 E November • October • September • August ■ July • June ■ May ■ April • March ■ February Page 23 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Debt Capacity\2016\debt capacity 2016 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Debt Capacity 2015 Assessed Value for 2016 Property Taxes 7,748,275,097 Voted (UTGO) Nonvoted (LTGO) Voted park Voted utility 1.00% of assessed value 1.50% of assessed value 2.50% of assessed value 2.50% of assessed value Maximum Outstanding Remaining Debt as of Debt ok Capacity 12/31/2016 Capacity Utilized 77, 482, 751 116, 224,126 193, 706, 877 193, 706, 877 581,120, 631 0 77,482,751 13, 260, 000 102, 964,126 0 193, 706, 877 0 193, 706, 877 13,260,000 567,860,631 0.00% 11.41% 0.00% 0.00% 2.28% Bonds Repaid 2014 LTGO Bonds 12/1/2014 12/1/2015 12/1/2016 225,000 175,000 185,000 135,000 125,000 130,000 360,000 300,000 315,000 0 0 75,000 360,000 300,000 390,000 585,000 390,000 975,000 75,000 1,050,000 12/1/2017 190,000 130,000 320,000 12/1/2018 230,000 135,000 365,000 12/1/2019 255,000 140,000 395,000 12/1/2020 290,000 140,000 430,000 12/1/2021 320,000 145,000 465,000 12/1/2022 350,000 150,000 500,000 12/1/2023 390,000 155,000 545,000 12/1/2024 430,000 0 430,000 12/1/2025 465,000 0 465,000 12/1/2026 505,000 0 505,000 12/1/2027 395,000 0 395,000 12/1/2028 300,000 0 300,000 12/1/2029 245,000 0 245,000 12/1/2030 225,000 0 225,000 Bonds 12/1/2031 180,000 0 180,000 Remaining 12/1/2032 130,000 0 130,000 12/1/2033 165,000 0 165,000 12/1/2034 0 0 0 12/1/2035 0 0 0 12/1/2036 0 0 0 12/1/2037 0 0 0 12/1/2038 0 0 0 12/1/2039 0 0 0 12/1/2040 0 0 0 12/1/2041 0 0 0 12/1/2042 0 0 0 12/1/2043 0 0 0 12/1/2044 0 0 0 12/1/2045 0 0 0 150,000 470,000 155,000 520,000 160,000 555,000 165,000 595,000 170,000 635,000 175,000 675,000 180,000 725,000 185,000 615,000 195,000 660,000 00,000 705,000 05,000 600,000 15,000 515,000 2'0,000 465,000 2-5,000 450,000 23.,000 415,000 241,000 370,000 250 000 415,000 260,100 260,000 270,000 270,000 280,110 280,000 290,010 290,000 305,000 305,000 315,000 315,000 330,000 330,000 340,000 340,000 355,000 355,000 365,000 365,000 375,000 375,000 390,000 390,000 5,065,000 995,000 6,060,000 7,200,000 13,260,000 5,650,000 1,385,000 7,035,000 7,275,000 14,310,000 Page 24 12/8/2016 Road & LTGO Bonds Period Street 2016 LTGO Grand Ending CenterPlace Improvements Total Bonds Total 12/1/2014 12/1/2015 12/1/2016 225,000 175,000 185,000 135,000 125,000 130,000 360,000 300,000 315,000 0 0 75,000 360,000 300,000 390,000 585,000 390,000 975,000 75,000 1,050,000 12/1/2017 190,000 130,000 320,000 12/1/2018 230,000 135,000 365,000 12/1/2019 255,000 140,000 395,000 12/1/2020 290,000 140,000 430,000 12/1/2021 320,000 145,000 465,000 12/1/2022 350,000 150,000 500,000 12/1/2023 390,000 155,000 545,000 12/1/2024 430,000 0 430,000 12/1/2025 465,000 0 465,000 12/1/2026 505,000 0 505,000 12/1/2027 395,000 0 395,000 12/1/2028 300,000 0 300,000 12/1/2029 245,000 0 245,000 12/1/2030 225,000 0 225,000 Bonds 12/1/2031 180,000 0 180,000 Remaining 12/1/2032 130,000 0 130,000 12/1/2033 165,000 0 165,000 12/1/2034 0 0 0 12/1/2035 0 0 0 12/1/2036 0 0 0 12/1/2037 0 0 0 12/1/2038 0 0 0 12/1/2039 0 0 0 12/1/2040 0 0 0 12/1/2041 0 0 0 12/1/2042 0 0 0 12/1/2043 0 0 0 12/1/2044 0 0 0 12/1/2045 0 0 0 150,000 470,000 155,000 520,000 160,000 555,000 165,000 595,000 170,000 635,000 175,000 675,000 180,000 725,000 185,000 615,000 195,000 660,000 00,000 705,000 05,000 600,000 15,000 515,000 2'0,000 465,000 2-5,000 450,000 23.,000 415,000 241,000 370,000 250 000 415,000 260,100 260,000 270,000 270,000 280,110 280,000 290,010 290,000 305,000 305,000 315,000 315,000 330,000 330,000 340,000 340,000 355,000 355,000 365,000 365,000 375,000 375,000 390,000 390,000 5,065,000 995,000 6,060,000 7,200,000 13,260,000 5,650,000 1,385,000 7,035,000 7,275,000 14,310,000 Page 24 12/8/2016 ■ P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Tax Revenue\MVFT\2016\motor vehicle fuel tax collections 2016 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Motor Fuel (Gas) Tax Collections - November For the years 2007 through 2016 2007 1 2008 1 2009 1 2010 1 2011 1 2012 1 2013 1 2014 1 2015 1 2016 January 172,711 February 162,079 March 156,194 April 175,010 May 173,475 June 183,410 July 178,857 August 183,815 September 191,884 October 180,570 November 181,764 165,698 149,799 159,316 165,574 162,281 176,085 166,823 171,690 176,912 165,842 193,360 133,304 155,832 146,264 161,117 156,109 173,954 169,756 179,012 175,965 163,644 167,340 161,298 145,869 140,486 161,721 158,119 168,146 164,221 176,869 175,067 164,475 168,477 154,792 146,353 141,849 165,019 154,700 158,351 165,398 153,361 173,820 158,889 160,461 159,607 135,208 144,297 153,546 144,670 159,827 160,565 164,050 171,651 153,022 162,324 146,145 145,998 135,695 156,529 151,595 167,479 155,348 173,983 195,397 133,441 164,303 152,906 148,118 131,247 156,269 156,850 161,965 157,805 172,308 173,299 160,539 165,871 152,598 145,455 140,999 157,994 156,259 164,872 168,205 186,277 174,505 161,520 181,771 163,918 163,037 145,537 167,304 171,829 157,737 177,427 177,567 194,640 166,369 176,178 Collected to date 1,939,769 1,853,380 1,782,297 1,784,748 1,732,993 1,708,767 1,725,913 1,737,177 1,790,455 1,861,543 December 159,750 142,230 144,376 143,257 124,714 138,223 142,140 141,298 153,338 0 Total Collections 2,099,519 1,995,610 1,926,673 1,928,005 1,857,707 1,846,990 1,868,053 1,878,475 1,943,793 1,861,543 Budget Estimate 2,000,000 2,150,000 2,050,000 1,900,000 1,875,000 1,897,800 1,861,100 1,858,600 1,858,600 2,004,900 Actual over (under) budg 99,519 (154,390) (123,327) 28,005 (17,293) (50,810) 6,953 19,875 85,193 (143,357) Total actual collections as a % of total budget 104.98% 92.82% 93.98% 101.47% 99.08% 97.32% 100.37% 101.07% 104.58% n/a % change in annual total collected 6.25% (4.95%) (3.45%) 0.07% (3.65%) (0.58%) 1.14% 0.56% 3.48% n/a % of budget collected through November 96.99% 86.20% 86.94% 93.93% 92.43% 90.04% 92.74% 93.47% 96.33% 92.85% % of actual total collected through November 92.39% 92.87% 92.51% 92.57% 93.29% 92.52% 92.39% 92.48% 92.11% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of November 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 2007 2008 2009 November 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 1/9/2017 2016 to 2015 Difference ok 11,320 7.42% 17,582 12.09% 4,538 3.22% 9,310 5.89% 15,570 9.96% (7,135) (4.33%) 9,222 5.48% (8,710) (4.68%) 20,135 11.54% 4,849 3.00% (5,593) (3.08%) 71,088 3.97% 2015 2016 November October ■ September ■ August ■ July ■ June ■ May ■ April ■ March Page 25 1 P:\Finance\Finance Activity Reports\Tax Revenue\Telephone Tax\2016\telephone utility tax collections 2016 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA Telephone Utility Tax Collections - November For the years 2009 through 2016 2009 1 2010 1 2011 1 2012 1 2013 1 2014 1 2015 1 2016 January 128,354 February 282,773 March 230,721 April 275,775 May 242,115 June 239,334 July 269,631 August 260,408 September 249,380 October 252,388 November 254,819 234,622 266,041 264,175 254,984 255,056 251,880 250,593 246,261 240,111 238,500 247,848 241,357 230,366 245,539 238,561 236,985 239,013 244,191 349,669 241,476 237,111 240,246 193,818 261,074 234,113 229,565 227,469 234,542 226,118 228,789 227,042 225,735 225,319 217,478 216,552 223,884 214,618 129,270 293,668 213,078 211,929 210,602 205,559 212,947 210,777 205,953 208,206 206,038 210,010 210,289 205,651 205,645 199,193 183,767 213,454 177,948 212,845 174,738 214,431 187,856 187,412 190,984 185,172 183,351 183,739 175,235 182,167 173,971 177,209 171,770 174,512 170,450 174,405 171,909 170,476 166,784 166,823 1/9/2017 2016 to 2015 Difference ok 4,219 2.37% (38,874) (18.26%) 2,471 1.41% (42,661) (19.89%) (13,344) (7.10%) (16,962) (9.05%) (16,579) (8.68%) (13,263) (7.16%) (12,875) (7.02%) (16,955) (9.23%) (8,412) (4.80%) Collected to date 2,685,698 2,750,071 2,744,514 2,513,584 2,349,585 2,258,983 2,073,711 1,900,476 (173,235) (8.35%) December 368,775 236,065 236,449 221,883 213,097 202,077 183,472 0 Total Collections 3,054,473 2,986,136 2,980,963 2,735,467 2,562,682 2,461,060 2,257,183 1,900,476 Budget Estimate 2,500,000 2,800,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 2,900,000 2,750,000 2,565,100 2,340,000 Actual over (under) budg 554,473 186,136 (19,037) (264,533) (337,318) (288,940) (307,917) (439,524) Total actual collections as a % of total budget 122.18% 106.65% 99.37% 91.18% 88.37% 89.49% 88.00% n/a % change in annual total collected n/a (2.24%) (0.17%) (8.24%) (6.32%) (3.97%) (8.28%) n/a % of budget collected through November % of actual total collected through November 107.43% 98.22% 91.48% 83.79% 81.02% 82.14% 80.84% 81.22% 87.93% 92.09% 92.07% 91.89% 91.68% 91.79% 91.87% n/a Chart Reflecting History of Collections through the Month of November 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 November 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 ■ November ■ October September August ■ July ■ June ■ May ■ April ■ March ■ February ■ January Page 26 S`pokane j�lley` 4th Quarter 2016 ADMINISTRATIVE: Operations & Administrative Services' 4th Quarter 2016 Operations & Administrative Services • Reviewed and processed Pictometry Imagery Tiles Contract • Participated in reviewing and updating Solid Waste rates for collection and disposal • Coordinated development of and presented new False Alarm Reduction Program to Council • Part of Project Team that developed and issued RFP for Solid Waste Collection Services • Evaluated need for Jail software system and provided to County • Processed MOU for Police Scan Station • Processed and evaluated WASPC Police grant • Corrected County CAD/RMS billing • Negotiated Public Defender Cost Methodology Change (not yet finalized) HUMAN RESOURCES. Recruiting/Employment Activity to Fill Budgeted Positions Recruitment PT Recreation Assistant—Host Filled or Recruiting Recruitment Recruiting Filled or Recruiting On -Call Snow Plow Operators Office Assistant I—CED Filled Filled Building Inspector II Filled Administrative Assistant— Public Works Filled Office Assistant I—CED Recruiting Administrative Assistant—CenterPlace Filled Page 1 Spokane jUalley Operations & Administrative Services' 4th Quarter 2016 Public Information 4th Quarter 2016 • MEDIA RELATIONS: Media contacts: 36 Does not include those that were subsequently referred to another City resource or multiple contacts on same request. Media releases & traffic: 77 Including: 4 calendar requests, 28 traffic alerts, 15 snowinfo & 30 regular • Total media stories: 134 Does not include ads, police reports, or all television/ radio/web as not all are available online. • Citizen Contacts: 43 • NEW! Twitter followers: 106 • Media Release email distribution subscribers: 732 • Traffic Alert email distribution subscribers: 702 • Snowlnfo Email subscribers: 805 • Hot Topic Community ENewsletter Subscribers: 890 • Website Updates: 72 Earned media stories: 56 * Earned media is coverage that is a result of outreach (media release or story pitched to a reporter) initiated by the City PIO office. Does not include all television/radio/web as not all are available online Equivalent ad value of earned media stories: $14,404.10 Equivalent ad value is calculated on "earned media" according to what it would cost to purchase ads (by words per column inch for print media, and per 15 -second increment for broadcast media). Be cause ad costs vary according to the publication and the section in which the coverage appears, or the time of the broadcast in which it's covered, we use the most conservative ad costs provided by the media outlet. For internet exposure on blogs, we use only the cost of one "impression" or view by a single viewer because the number of "impressions" available for each bit of coverage is not readily available.) These ad costs are updated annually. This total is just for known broadcast coverage as not all broadcast media make copies available for online retrieval, and calculates blog coverage based on one minimum ad size. Areas of Significant Focus: Snow Season information outreach Launched Twitter for communications outreach Page 2 Spokane jUalley Operations & Administrative Services' 4th Quarter 2016 Website Summary 4th Quarter 2016 4th Quarter 2016 October November December Year to Date Unique User Sessions 11,302 9613 10,062 140,090 Top Five Pages Viewed Job Openings 3049 2300 1932 30,072 Snow Removal 31 106 3896 4330 Permit Center 1307 1193 961 17,442 Police 1197 1170 1036 14,148 Council 1056 1297 630 11,806 Top Five "Referrer" Websites Google 8608 7020 6845 94,996 Bing 492 521 562 5654 Spokesman 116 34 79 525 Spokanecares.org 83 68 65 1355 Facebook 31 139 36 553 Page 3 Spokane jUalley Operations & Administrative Services' 4th Quarter 2016 CENTRAL RECEPTION 4th Quarter 2016 BUSINESS Registrations: 538 New & 10,244 Reactivations Reactivations New 4th Qrt Business Licenses 1 1 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 VISITOR VOLUME: 374 Total Visitors 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 12000 CALL LOG VOLUME: 1,796 Total Calls 600 500 400 300 200 100 Ih 111 INN 0 OHO ■ October ■ November December Page 4 October November December CALL LOG VOLUME: 1,796 Total Calls 600 500 400 300 200 100 Ih 111 INN 0 OHO ■ October ■ November December Page 4 Spokane jUalley Operations & Administrative Services' 4th Quarter 2016 E-GOV C.A.R.E.S. REQUESTS 4th Quarter 2016 Total C.A.R.E.S. 4th Quarter: 100 50 0 EL a El NE ro\�y °,� avay�ay \O y\o� zea, Jeywy \area ° a� 6 5' ay os, a` • � Q \*(''c' Qe°c Q° • October • November • December sP• Page 5 Mark Werner Chief of Police Spokane Valley Police Department Accredited Since 2011 Services provided in partnership with the Spokane County Sheriff's Office and the Community, Dedicated to Your Safety. Ozzie Knezovich Sheriff TO: Mark Calhoun, City Manager FROM: Mark Werner, Chief of Police DATE: January 16, 2017 RE: Monthly Report December 2016 On October 4t', 2016, we went live with a new Mobile and Records computer system called New World from Tyler Technologies. This new system has built-in logic to finally enable the Sheriff's Office and Spokane Valley Police to submit our stats to the state, who in turn sends the data to the FBI, using NIBRS (National Incident -Based Reporting System) standards. Because we are in this transition between the old system and new, the programs that would give us the normal stats in this report are still being written by programmers; therefore, we are unable to provide that information for December. It is expected that we will have data in the next month, at which time, we'll resume including our monthly stats in our report. ADMINISTRATIVE: In early December, Chief Werner attended the monthly Joint Leadership Forum in the morning and then headed out to Airway Heights Prison to participate in the semi-annual FACE Panel in the afternoon. FACE (FireArms Crime Enforcement) is a program facilitated at Airway Heights as well as other prisons in the State of Washington where a panel comprised of representatives from various agencies to include law enforcement, speaks to inmates who are scheduled for release. The inmates are identified as Armed Career Criminals and are reminded by members of the panel not only that they cannot possess firearms or ammunition after their release, but the ramifications should they not change their former criminal ways and abide with conditions placed on them once they are released from prison. Chief Werner along with others from the Sheriff's Office Command Staff attended the annual Salvation Army Christmas Luncheon. Page 1 In mid-December, Chief Werner was pleased to attend the WA Basic Law Enforcement Academy graduation where nine new deputies were commissioned for the Spokane County Sheriff's Office. Mid -December also brought the monthly Citizens Advisory Board meeting and Spokane Regional Law and Justice Council meeting, both of which Chief Werner attended. Chief Werner attended the Joint Terrorism Task Force meeting at the end of December. SHERIFF'S COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING EFFORT (SCOPE): In the month of December, S.C.O.P.E. participated in: • Celebration of Lights- U -City • Bike Helmet Fitting- Ness Elementary School- 70 kids • GoodGuides Mentoring WVHS • East Valley Community Coalition Mtg./ Underage Drinking/Drug Prevention • GSSAC Coalition meeting • Operation Family ID December 2016 Volunteers Hours per Station *Includes estimated volunteer service hours that are provided in the City of Spokane Valley. These two locations cover both Spokane Valley and the unincorporated portion of the county. Location # Volunteers Admin Hours L.E. Hours Total Hours Central Valley 10 105.5 132.0 237.5 East Valley* 23 279 188 467 Edgecliff 18 267.5 19.5 287 Trentwood 4 143.5 91 234.5 University 19 210 31 241 West Valley* 19 543.5 21.5 565 TOTALS 93 1,549 483 2,032 Volunteer Value ($22.14 per hour) $44,988.48 for December 2016 S.C.O.P.E. Incident Response Team (SIRT) volunteers contributed 16 on -scene hours (including travel time) in December, responding to crime scenes, motor vehicle accidents and providing traffic control; 8 hours were for incidents specifically in Spokane Valley. There was one Special Event in Spokane Valley in December, the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, where volunteers provided a total of nine hours. Total December volunteer hours contributed by SIRT, including training, stand- by, response and special events is 528; total for 2016 is 6,324. Overall, we ended the year with 11% (13) fewer call outs than YTD 2015. The 2015 numbers included two huge labor intensive events (Wildland fires and windstorm) that did not repeat in 2016. Total on scene hours was 1,108. We also participated in five fewer special events in 2016. Good news is that we are up 2 members over the 2015 staffing count for a total of 24 SIRT members. Overall, the SIRT team is better staffed and teamwork and morale is at a high level. Page 2 Abandoned Vehicles SCOPE DISABLED PARKING ACTIVITY REPORT Oct Nov Dec Tagged for Impounding 34 28 33 Cited/Towed 6 7 8 Hulks Processed 11 8 14 Total Vehicles Processed 116 88 86 Yearly Total of Vehicles Processed 943 1031 1117 SCOPE DISABLED PARKING ACTIVITY REPORT City of Spokane Valley # of Vol. # of Vol. # of Hrs. # of Disabled Infractions Issued # of Warnings Issued # of Non - Disabled Infractions Issued January 2 11 2 0 0 February 2 1.5 2 0 0 March 2 53 4 0 0 April 3 60 8 0 0 May 2 53 7 0 0 June 2 50 5 0 0 July 2 55 7 0 0 August 2 52 2 0 0 September 2 12 0 0 0 October 2 27 0 0 0 November 2 57 0 0 0 December 2 49.5 0 0 0 YTD Total 25 481 37 0 0 Spokane County # of Vol. # of Hrs. # of Disabled Infractions Issued # of Warnings Issued # of Non - Disabled Infractions Issued January 2 26.5 2 0 0 February 2 18 0 0 0 March 1 16 1 10 0 April 2 115 0 0 0 May 2 15 1 0 0 June 2 12 3 0 0 July 3 19.5 3 0 0 August 0 0 0 0 0 September 1 7 0 0 0 October 2 28.5 0 0 0 November 2 14.5 0 0 0 December 1 12.5 1 0 0 YTD Total 20 284.5 11 10 0 Page 3 OPERATIONS: Trespass Suspect Returns to Steal — In early December at approximately 4:10 p.m., Spokane Valley Police Deputies responded to Walmart and contacted store loss prevention employees at 5025 E. Sprague in Spokane Valley. The employee stated she was advised by Home Depot loss prevention that a 30 -year-old male suspect was in the area of the stores; they provided his description and the vehicle he was in. The loss prevention officer explained that the male suspect has returned to the store several times since he was trespassed and apparently believed if he got in and out quickly, he wouldn't get caught. She observed the male suspect enter Walmart carrying a green backpack. The suspect walked into the Sporting Goods section, picked up three packages and continued down the aisle. Assisted by her managers, the loss prevention officer contacted the male suspect as he headed for the exit doors without paying. The male suspect yelled and caused a disturbance as he was detained and was escorted to the loss prevention office. Deputy Zlateff advised the male suspect of his rights and the suspect said he understood and agreed to answer questions. The male suspect stated he sells the merchandise he steals to get money to support himself and his girlfriend. He apologized for being in the store, but did not appear to be remorseful for his actions during the contact; he would not provide information regarding the vehicle he arrived in or who was driving it. Two hand warmers, two ParaHatchets and one knife were found in the suspect's backpack and returned to Walmart employees. The male suspect was transported and booked into the Spokane County Jail for Burglary 2nd Degree and Theft 3rd Degree. Suspect Resists Arrest after Foot Pursuit, Drugs Found - Spokane Valley Deputies arrested a 33 - year -old male suspect for Possession of a Controlled Substance -Methamphetamine, and Resisting Arrest after he ran from deputies just after midnight in early December. Deputy Krystal Bitzer and Deputy Louis Acosta were in the area of 1' Avenue and Dearborn in Spokane Valley as a two -person patrol team. Deputy Bitzer observed a male wearing a grey sweatshirt and blue jeans walking in the middle of the roadway as they turned onto Dearborn. They activated their emergency lights and stopped to contact the male for the unsafe pedestrian violation. Deputy Bitzer told the male suspect to step over in front of the patrol car, but the suspect did not follow the command and asked what he did wrong. Deputy Bitzer told him again to move out of the roadway and stand in front of the patrol car where she would explain, but he did not comply. Suddenly, the male suspect turned and began running toward Sprague. Deputies ordered him to stop as they gave chase. During the foot pursuit, the suspect was observed reaching into his pockets several times, as well as throwing some items on the ground. Not knowing if the suspect was armed, deputies used caution as the suspect ran behind a building on the north side of Sprague, onto the railroad tracks, and out of sight. Deputy Acosta located the male suspect a few seconds later standing with one hand in the air and talking on his cell phone. The suspect went to his knees and continued to talk on his phone, ignoring commands to lie on the ground and show his hands. Both deputies approached to take the male suspect into custody after he finally dropped down to his stomach. As they began to place him in handcuffs, the suspect began to tense up, started pushing against the deputies, and tried to stand up. After he ignored several commands to stop resisting, Deputy Acosta applied a knee strike to the suspect's left side to gain compliance, but it appeared to have no effect. The suspect was able to get one arm free and now had it under his body as he continued to struggle and resist. Not knowing the suspect's intentions or if he had a weapon, two additional strikes were applied before the male suspect was taken into custody with the assistance of additional arriving deputies. Deputies retraced the route of the foot pursuit and located several pieces and small baggies containing a white crystallized substance on the ground. The substance was later field tested and showed a presumptive positive result for methamphetamine. The Page 4 male suspect refused to answer any questions before he was transported and booked into the Spokane County Jail for Possession of a Controlled Substance -Methamphetamine, and Resisting Arrest. Running, Hiding, Lying: What Not to Do - Spokane Valley Deputy Jason Hunt arrested a 24 -year- old male suspect after he was observed running from a store, hid from the deputy, lied about his identity when contacted, was found to be in possession of drugs and had an active felony warrant for his arrest. In early December at approximately 8:40 p.m., Deputy Jason Hunt observed a male in dark clothing running from Walmart near Broadway and Sullivan in Spokane Valley. The male was carrying a jacket and continued to run across the entire parking lot, raising Deputy Hunt's suspicions. Deputy Hunt, in his clearly marked patrol car, drove toward the male suspect as he continued to run. The suspect looked back at the patrol car and quickly ducked behind a tractor trailer, attempting to hide in a row of thick trees. After waiting for a second unit to assist, Deputy Hunt located the suspect hiding in a large tree. He followed commands and was safely detained for further investigation. The suspect said he was running because a store employee was "pestering" him and the police had been called. The male suspect said he didn't have identification and verbally identified himself using another person's name. Deputy Hunt checked the information and confronted the male suspect with the obvious lie; he admitted he lied because he had a warrant for his arrest. Deputy Hunt checked the suspect's true name and found there was a confirmed felony warrant for Larceny -Theft of a Motor Vehicle. After being advised he was under arrest for the warrant, the male suspect advised he had hypodermic needles in his pocket and he was a methamphetamine and heroin user. Two clear plastic bags were found in a pocket of the jacket the suspect was carrying. The substances in the bags were individually field tested and showed presumptive positive results for methamphetamine and heroin. The male suspect said he didn't know the drugs were inside the jacket because he just took the jacket from a friend's house. Upon further questioning, the suspect was unable to tell Deputy Hunt where the house was located or who lived there. The male suspect was transported and booked into the Spokane County Jail for two counts of Possession of a Controlled Substance and his warrant. Suspect Flees in Stolen Semi Tractor and Trailer - Spokane Valley Deputies assisted by Spokane County Sheriff's Deputies and Spokane Police Officers arrested a 38 -year-old male suspect after he fled in a stolen semi -tractor and trailer. Just before noon in early December, two alert citizens reported seeing a Walmart trailer pulled over in the 3100 block of North Coleman in Spokane Valley. They observed two males unloading items from the trailer into a white pickup truck before both vehicles left the area. Spokane Valley Deputy Rob Cunningham located the semi -truck and trailer in the area of Argonne and Empire and attempted to stop the vehicle. The driver did not stop and instead he began to accelerate in an attempt to elude Deputy Cunningham. The pursuit continued westbound on Upriver Drive at approximately 55-60 mph. As the male suspect entered into the City of Spokane, Spokane Police Officers attempted to deploy spike strips and began blocking intersections to warn the public of the approaching pursuit. In the area of Frederick and Upriver Drive, the suspect began crossing into oncoming lanes of travel as he reached speeds of approximately 70 mph. He continued his extremely reckless and dangerous driving and swerved toward Spokane Police Officers as they blocked traffic forcing them to quickly move out of the way to avoid being hit. In the area of Division and Buckeye, the male suspect's driving became so alarming, the pursuit was terminated. The suspect continued driving eastbound on Buckeye as deputies pulled over. With several patrol units from multiple agencies in the area, the semi-truck/trailer was located a few minutes later where it had crashed through a fence, hit a parked car and then hit a detached garage near Helena and Dalton. Citizens witnessed the suspect flee on foot after the crash and were able to inform deputies of his description and direction of travel. Page 5 A perimeter was quickly established and Corporal Thurman and his K9 partner Laslo were called to the scene to try and locate the suspect. K9 Laslo began searching for the male suspect and led deputies and officers to a residence in the 1500 block of East Dalton where Laslo located him hiding in a garage. The male suspect was taken into custody and provided medical treatment for the K9 contact. Deputies later learned the Walmart trailer was stolen from the Airway Heights Walmart around 5:00 a.m. that morning and the tractor used to steal the trailer was stolen from a parking lot near Broadway and I-90 in Spokane Valley sometime the prior night. Neither had been reported as stolen at the time this incident began. Air 1 was called out to assist during the pursuit and captured video just after the male suspect was taken into custody and of the crash scene. Video can be viewed on the Sheriff's Office YouTube Channel at https://youtu.be/bzVuC6NVxLI . The suspect was transported and booked into the Spokane County Jail on charges of Attempting to Elude a Police Vehicle, Possession of a Stolen Motor Vehicle (2 counts), Attempted Assault 1st Degree (4 counts), Vehicle Hit and Run, Property Damage Hit and Run and a misdemeanor theft warrant. Thankfully no citizens, deputies or officers were hurt during this incident. Thank you citizens for helping Spokane Valley Deputies, Spokane Police Officers, Air 1 Flight Crews, Spokane County Sheriff's Deputies and K9 Laslo as they worked together to ensure the suspect's capture. The investigation is active as investigators work to identify the driver of the white pickup involved as well as locate the items stolen from the trailer. Woman Caught Stealing Purse on Video Arrested - Spokane Valley Investigative Unit (SVIU) Detectives identified and arrested a 29 -year-old female suspect after surveillance video showing Ward -White stealing a victim's purse was broadcast by a local news station. In late November, a victim reported she was shopping at the Spokane Valley Goodwill around 7:00 p.m. when someone stole her purse from her shopping cart. The victim's purse contained her cell phone, an IPad, cash and other personal items. In early December, KXLY News aired the surveillance video of the suspect brazenly stealing the victim's purse during their news report regarding holiday season property crimes. SVIU Detectives investigating the theft received tips regarding the suspect's identity approximately one week later, detectives located the female suspect at an apartment complex in Spokane Valley and took her into custody for Theft 2nd Degree. During the investigation, detectives learned the vehicle the female suspect was driving was stolen. They also located a substance believed to be Methamphetamine and additional items believed to be evidence of Identity Theft. The female suspect, who has a fairly extensive history of property crimes dating back to 2003, was booked into the Spokane County Jail for Theft 2nd Degree for the original theft investigation. Detectives continue to investigate new information and evidence located at the time of her arrest and believe additional charges will be filed in the near future. ******************** Page 6 S`p'okane _ Valleyh PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT December 2016 AGREEMENTS FOR SERVICES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION Contract Name Contractor Contract Amount Total Expended % of Contract Expended Street Maintenance Poe Asphalt $1,366,663.00 $1,366,663.00 100.00% Street Sweeping AAA Sweeping $490,200.00 $485,292.82 99.00% Storm Drain Cleaning AAA Sweeping $189,990.00 $189,990.00 100.00% Snow Removal Poe Asphalt $70,000.00 $25,466.43 36.38% Landscaping Senske $61,178.00 $60,728.01 99.26% Weed Spraying Spokane Pro Care $19,400.00 $19,400.00 100.00% Emergency Traffic Control Senske $10,000.00 $8,548.19 85.48% Litter and Weed Control Geiger Work Crew $60,000.00 $55,563.90 92.61% State Highway Maintenance WSDOT $265,000.00 $201,263.78 75.95% Traffic Signals, Signs, Striping Spokane County $632,000.00 $596,552.94 94.39% Dead Animal Control Mike Pederson $20,000.00 $11,490.00 57.45% * Budget estimates ** Does not include December Citizen Requests for Public Works — December 2016 200 180 *Information in bold indicates updates 1 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 _1 1 ■ ■I 11 11 1■ ■_ _■ 11 1 Total Req CARE S Dead Anim al Rmvl Pot Holesd Road Hazar Sign & Signal Req Storm Drain / Errsn Traffi c IDe Ice (12 3 De Ice (4) Snow Berm s Snow Com m Snow Plow Dmg Snow Plow P1-3 Snow Plow P4 Submitted 173 10 5 5 3 19 2 12 15 18 18 12 5 14 35 In Progress 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Waiting 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 Resolved 167 8 5 5 3 19 1 12 15 18 18 11 3 14 35 *Information in bold indicates updates 1 WASTEWATER Status of the process can be monitored at: http://www.spokaneriver.net/, http://www.ecy.wa.qov/geographic/spokane/spokane river basin .htm, http://www.spokanecounty.orq/utilities/WaterReclamation/content.aspx?c=2224 and http://www.spokaneriverpartners.com/ STREET MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY The following is a summary of Public Works/Contractor maintenance activities in the City of Spokane Valley for December 2016: • Snow and ice operations. • Pothole patching. STORMWATER UTILITY The following is a summary of Stormwater Utility activities in the City of Spokane Valley for December 2016: • Continued work on EW Effectiveness Study Development. • Continued cost estimates of storm drainage improvements for 2017 paving projects and proposed sidewalk projects. • Continued re-evaluation of stormwater action request list for small works and maintenance projects in 2017 and 2018. See Stormwater Ratepayer Project Requests table below. • Continued annual update of stormwater utility fee evaluation for new development and property changes. • Completed annual service contract renewal process for contracts that are paid in part or whole from Stormwater Utility. • Started drafting Request for Qualifications for Consultant Services for Glenrose and Central Basin Floodplain evaluation. • Provided review comments of O&M plan for proposed flood routing infrastructure with development application. • Started reviewing GPS tracking options for service vehicles such as snowplowing, sweeping, and storm drain cleaning operations. Citizen Requests for Stormwater Projects Through December 2016 Total Requests Logged Since 2009: 221 Completed Projects: Placed on No -Build List (Unwarranted Projects): 66 27 Remaining Total Project Backlog: 128 Assigned Projects for 2017-2019 72 Small Works: 47 Maintenance: 25 Remaining Backlog Awaiting Assignment: 56 *Information in bold indicates updates 2 5,600 Date 12 01 15 12/02/15 12/03/15 12 04 15 12 05 15 12/06/15 12/16/15 12/26/15 12/29/15 12/30/15 December 2016 Snow and Ice Operations Mag Ga ons 1,000 1 500 Ices icer Tons Snow a 0.2 M111111111111111.1MMI 0.0 Tra ce .111111111111111a111111111111111 .111111111111111.1== 100 180 1 500 5,950 800 9 000 3,000 300 3 500 5 700 3,100 4 200 5 650 2 200 900 5,500 5 450 5,500 1 700 39.00 54.00 68.00 47.00 10.00 26.00 31.00 5.00 10.00 34.00 6.00 9.00 56.00 29.00 14.00 26.00 11111111MM11111111111111111111111111111 Totals Season Totals 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 72,330.00 75,730 37.00 38.00 539.00 539 Tra ce 1.8 3.4 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.4 mm 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.5 1.8 0.0 0.0 4.3 1.7 0.2 0.8 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 Tra ce 19.00 22.30 Pre -Treat Deicing X X 111111111111111111111 ME Precipitation Totals 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 • Snowfall • Precipitation Temperature Graph 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 "Information in bold indicates updates 3 Ave High Avg Low Actual Hi Actual Low CAPITAL SOOkane Public Works Projects Monthly Summary - Design & Construction December -2016 Street Projects 0123 Mission Ave - Flora to Barker 0141 Sullivan & Euclid PCC 0155 Sullivan Rd W Bridge Replacement#4508 0166 Pines Rd. (SR27) & Grace Ave. Int Safety 0201 ITS Infill Project- Phase 1 0221 McDonald Rd Diet (16th to Mission) 0239 Bowdish Rd & 11th Ave. Sidewalk 0249 Sullivan &Wellesley Intersection Improv 0250 9th Ave Sidewalk- Raymond to University 0251 Euclid Avenue Reconstruction Project 0258 32nd Ave Sidewalk-SR27 to Evergreen Street Preservation Projects 0235 NB Sullivan Rd. Pres (Spo Rvr-Flora Pit) 0240 Saltese Road Preservation Project 0248 Sprague Street Pres - Sullivan to Corbin 0252 Argonne Resurfacing: Broadway to Indiana 0253 Mission - Pines to McDonald 0255 Indiana St Pres (Mirabeau-Evergreen) Traffic Projects 0167 Citywide Safety Improvements 0222 Citywide Reflective Signal Back Plates FHWA - STP(U) FHWA - STP(U) FHWA - BR HSI P FHWA - CMAQ TIB - UAP TIB - SP FHWA - STP(U) STA - FTA/ N F COSY TIB - SP COSY COSY FHWA- STP(U) FHWA- STP(U) COSY COSY HSIP HSIP Parks Projects 0227 Appleway S.U.P. - Pines to Evergreen FHWA - STP(U) 0237 ApplewayTrail- SullivantoCorbin COSV 02/02/18 01/27/17 06/27/14 04/07/17 02/27/17 05/27/16 03/03/17 05/03/19 04/07/17 02/03/17 04/13/18 TBD 04/28/17 04/06/18 02/02/18 04/28/17 04/21/17 02/23/18 02/17/17 07/18/14 04/28/17 08/19/16* 06/17/16 03/17/17 05/24/19 04/28/17 02/17/17 04/27/18 TBD 04/14/17 04/27/18 02/23/18 05/12/17 04/07/17 30 94 100 95 99 100 90 0 10 33 0 100 15 0 0 0 25 0 0 90 0 0 98 0 0 0 0 0 84 0 0 0 0 0 11/15/18 12/31/17 05/30/17 10/01/17 10/31/17 07/31/17 08/31/17 12/31/19 07/31/17 12/31/17 09/28/18 05/30/17 10/31/17 12/31/19 10/31/18 10/31/17 09/15/17 $ 917,700 $ 2,330,475 $ 15,833,333 $ 733,086 $ 350,402 $ 2,524,104 536,342 1,370,000 240,000 1,800,000 471,891 $ 65,834 $ 920,000 $ 1,770,000 $ 640,000 $ 770,000 $ 949,613 07/31/15 08/21/15 100 90 12/30/16 $ 503,424 TBD TBD 0 11/11/16 12/09/16 100 05/01/17 05/26/17 10 * Initial bids opened 8/19/16. Bids were high due to late season subcontrac response to rebid jack & bore method. Will re -bid forspring 2017 spring co O 03/01/19 $ 81,000 O 07/31/17 $ 2,134,057 O 10/31/17 $ 2,130,000 tor workload; therefore, the project was not awarded. Waiting for UPRR nstruction. Design Bid Estimated Total Project Proposed Open % Complete Construction Project # Design & Construction Projects Funding Ad Date Date PE I CN Completion Cost Street Projects 0123 Mission Ave - Flora to Barker 0141 Sullivan & Euclid PCC 0155 Sullivan Rd W Bridge Replacement#4508 0166 Pines Rd. (SR27) & Grace Ave. Int Safety 0201 ITS Infill Project- Phase 1 0221 McDonald Rd Diet (16th to Mission) 0239 Bowdish Rd & 11th Ave. Sidewalk 0249 Sullivan &Wellesley Intersection Improv 0250 9th Ave Sidewalk- Raymond to University 0251 Euclid Avenue Reconstruction Project 0258 32nd Ave Sidewalk-SR27 to Evergreen Street Preservation Projects 0235 NB Sullivan Rd. Pres (Spo Rvr-Flora Pit) 0240 Saltese Road Preservation Project 0248 Sprague Street Pres - Sullivan to Corbin 0252 Argonne Resurfacing: Broadway to Indiana 0253 Mission - Pines to McDonald 0255 Indiana St Pres (Mirabeau-Evergreen) Traffic Projects 0167 Citywide Safety Improvements 0222 Citywide Reflective Signal Back Plates FHWA - STP(U) FHWA - STP(U) FHWA - BR HSI P FHWA - CMAQ TIB - UAP TIB - SP FHWA - STP(U) STA - FTA/ N F COSY TIB - SP COSY COSY FHWA- STP(U) FHWA- STP(U) COSY COSY HSIP HSIP Parks Projects 0227 Appleway S.U.P. - Pines to Evergreen FHWA - STP(U) 0237 ApplewayTrail- SullivantoCorbin COSV 02/02/18 01/27/17 06/27/14 04/07/17 02/27/17 05/27/16 03/03/17 05/03/19 04/07/17 02/03/17 04/13/18 TBD 04/28/17 04/06/18 02/02/18 04/28/17 04/21/17 02/23/18 02/17/17 07/18/14 04/28/17 08/19/16* 06/17/16 03/17/17 05/24/19 04/28/17 02/17/17 04/27/18 TBD 04/14/17 04/27/18 02/23/18 05/12/17 04/07/17 30 94 100 95 99 100 90 0 10 33 0 100 15 0 0 0 25 0 0 90 0 0 98 0 0 0 0 0 84 0 0 0 0 0 11/15/18 12/31/17 05/30/17 10/01/17 10/31/17 07/31/17 08/31/17 12/31/19 07/31/17 12/31/17 09/28/18 05/30/17 10/31/17 12/31/19 10/31/18 10/31/17 09/15/17 $ 917,700 $ 2,330,475 $ 15,833,333 $ 733,086 $ 350,402 $ 2,524,104 536,342 1,370,000 240,000 1,800,000 471,891 $ 65,834 $ 920,000 $ 1,770,000 $ 640,000 $ 770,000 $ 949,613 07/31/15 08/21/15 100 90 12/30/16 $ 503,424 TBD TBD 0 11/11/16 12/09/16 100 05/01/17 05/26/17 10 * Initial bids opened 8/19/16. Bids were high due to late season subcontrac response to rebid jack & bore method. Will re -bid forspring 2017 spring co O 03/01/19 $ 81,000 O 07/31/17 $ 2,134,057 O 10/31/17 $ 2,130,000 tor workload; therefore, the project was not awarded. Waiting for UPRR nstruction. Street Projects 0142 Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan 0143 Barker Rd/BNSF Grade Separation 0205 Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvement 0223 Pines Rd Underpass @ BNSF &Trent 0247 8th & Carnahan Intersection Improvements Street Preservation Projects 0254 Mission - McDonald to Evergreen 0256 University Rd Pres -24th to Dishman Mica 0257 University Rd Pres -16th to 24th Stormwater Projects 0193 Effectiveness Study 0198 Sprague, Park to University LID 0199 Havana -Yale Diversion 0200 Ponderosa Surface Water Diversion FHWA- STP(U) FMSIB COSY COSY COSY COSY COSY Dept of Ecology Dept of Ecology Dept of Ecology Dept of Ecology *Information in bold indicates updates 4 12/31/18 10/31/17 12/31/18 TBD TBD TBD 05/31/17 12/01/17 06/30/17 03/01/18 10/31/16 10/31/16 90 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 70 30 35 35 $ 276,301 $ 720,000 $ 51,619 $ 510,000 $ 250,000 $ 67,000 $ 48,000 $ 53,000 $ 600,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Design Total Project Complete % Complete Project # Design Only Projects Funding Date PE Cost Street Projects 0142 Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan 0143 Barker Rd/BNSF Grade Separation 0205 Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvement 0223 Pines Rd Underpass @ BNSF &Trent 0247 8th & Carnahan Intersection Improvements Street Preservation Projects 0254 Mission - McDonald to Evergreen 0256 University Rd Pres -24th to Dishman Mica 0257 University Rd Pres -16th to 24th Stormwater Projects 0193 Effectiveness Study 0198 Sprague, Park to University LID 0199 Havana -Yale Diversion 0200 Ponderosa Surface Water Diversion FHWA- STP(U) FMSIB COSY COSY COSY COSY COSY Dept of Ecology Dept of Ecology Dept of Ecology Dept of Ecology *Information in bold indicates updates 4 12/31/18 10/31/17 12/31/18 TBD TBD TBD 05/31/17 12/01/17 06/30/17 03/01/18 10/31/16 10/31/16 90 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 70 30 35 35 $ 276,301 $ 720,000 $ 51,619 $ 510,000 $ 250,000 $ 67,000 $ 48,000 $ 53,000 $ 600,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 TRAFFIC CIP Projects Staff continues to coordinate with traffic related design and study items as part of CIP projects. The installation of countdown pedestrian timers at traffic signals is complete. The sign upgrades and bicycle route installations are mostly complete and being verified by staff. Specific Studies Staff is coordinating with WSDOT on the North Spokane Corridor (NSC) IJR. Development Projects Reviewing traffic impact studies and letters for several projects and assisting Development Engineering with the Comprehensive Plan Update. PLANNING AND GRANTS USDOT FASTLANE II Call for Projects On October 28, 2016, USDOT announced it is conducting a call for projects for FASTLANE II grants. This is the second year of the FASTLANE grant program which was established in the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act to fund critical freight and highway projects across the country. The FAST Act fully funded at $4.5 billion for fiscal years 2016 through 2020, including $850 million for FY 2017 to be awarded by the Secretary of Transportation. The City Council passed a motion on November 22nd for City staff to apply for the Barker Rd/BNSF Grade Separation and the Pines Rd/BNSF Grade Separation projects. FASTLANE II grants pay up to 60% of the total cost of a project. The funding breakdown for these projects would be: Project Project Cost FASTLANE II Grant Request Barker Rd/BNSF Grade Separation Project $36,000,000 $21,600,000 Pines Rd/BNSF Grade Separation Project $19,800,000 $11,900,000 Public Works staff met the deadline for submitting these applications on December 15, 2016. 2016 Innovative Safety Grant The WSDOT (Washington State Department of Transportation) issued a call for projects for the 2016 Innovative Safety Program. The purpose of the program is to reduce fatal and serious injury collisions on public roads using innovative safety improvements. At that time, staff reviewed the grant criteria and recommended that the City submit an application to add reflective backplates to traffic signals at 14 of the city's busier intersections. This project qualifies because by adding the reflective borders, crashes at urban signalized intersections are reduced an average of 15 percent for all accidents. The City Council at their regular meeting of July 12, 2016 passed a motion authorizing the City Manager to apply for Innovative Safety grant funds to install reflectorized traffic signal backplates at 14 City intersections. City staff submitted the application on July 31, 2016. On December 21, 2016, WSDOT Local Programs notified Public Works that the City was awarded the entire grant fund amount requested of $123,830. Innovative Safety grant funds require no City match if phases start before August 31, 2017. Public Works fully intends to start all phases of the project by the deadline so no matching funds are anticipated for this project. *Information in bold indicates updates 5