1964, 10-01 Permit: F04393 Garage SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT NUMBER F 0 4 3 9 3 Court House, Spokane, Washington w w Land Use or Structure Permit Property Address 14th.a East 12406 Group..i. Type)/ Zone..Agti..f tb Permit for. 'edlti...grivatea__$egtac2led ....__________ Spokane Owner---.Iaf,ui Wohlseia E. 1206 —L.th.,Address PhoneWA 4- 41........................... Architect Address. Pl1onea..........................n. Contractor.-.lSome Address-- ----- ------ W 61,63' of 246.52 of N. E o3' Block-220, Oppor`t ' ;---225h3=-133 Location 22-?5 . ! 4 ,--front- -•-cf-at••least..25.!s-.a..aide..ya rai..af at lead _5e (15e from flanking streets) and San -m uet--fil1E tt--ate-.morel--glass--2!--.i.n.fret--and.--side-.xllx=dia Bldg. Zone..1 Fire Zone Size of Lot Sewage V0:00---.... Material.fra ..(pro 4 .Dimensions Q Total Sq. Ft 240 Valuation..__.....-"................ Rooms Basement Foundation Concrete Chimney. F' lace ea ` , Miscellaneous• rales_.1s of construction must have inspecions called for, as r bygCCSdei. I a private detached —this building is for private'..._..._.-...u.... Certificate of Occupancy Issued for $�' �.^el�r... Remarks.reai detiatis ...U1W.P'llY: in accordance with Zoning Ordinance. THISJrfl is granted upon the express conditon that th -building or tend use for which the permit is issued shall conform in all respects to gall the car of the County of Spokane,regulating the construction, use and oaCiipaney of buildings in Spokane County', and ray be revolted at any time upon the violation of any of the . provisions of said ordinances, or failure of plans, as approved, to comply with said ordinances. In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall regrow srAz said sign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. J. This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within from this date; after which time this permit will be void. .,uthorized by Building-Official ficial ---,--,-BUILDINGIDE DEWTMENT Permit Expires Novembers. 196By Assistant H4 lI.ng arl�eTOlt Fee Paid $ ' ^v' '"""' / Date Arr . (Pose 3708-Bldg. Code-5.1/'1-11-61)