Special Permit
~ 1
, -
1 _
Telephone : Broadti•rRy I14I Court Eouse
Sn okane , Wa s hingt on
R. L. Rutter, Chairman Edgar T. Hawlel.r, Secretar,y
LeCa descriptian from dee , ax rece-ljft or contrac
(Residence,Sto~~e,Gara.ge;Aiter tions,Etc) (Lunber,Conerete,Brick,etce)
(W idth an~ ~ L.ength ) (OnPs one ar.d a hal £s tv►o~ etc.
(Include omm labor)
(Full, part, nane) (Concrete, Rock, etc. )
SF;r~ ';GE , LIG:ITI,JG ~ ~ ~ ~ • . ~ ,
(Cesspool,Septic tank,Sewer) (Electr'icity, etc.)
(Purpose, cost,dimensions)
4 ,
(For purpase of correct house nu*nber)
iEI.LTH UNIT. P:ecessary to ha1~e 1lpproval of. County Hea,lth nfficer for ruiIdings,
i,rhere publia is to be eccorunodated gs steres, service station, hal's.
VrPECKIl'iG YARDS, JUP1K YARDS, sFCOrrD HArTD t1UT0 YI:RD I':ND M".AUP~E PIIES. rTC perr.iit to be i ssued if within 300 feet of a highway or -main traveled road.
LILLBC`r.F?DS 1"_r'D SIGTIS. A?ot to be a12oi-ved in restrictPd or undesirable place. Laca-
tion subject to ti•Pri£ication. _
PIu'dJ'S !,14D SPECIFIC..TIOPdS. To be furnisheci if thP Co:iriission de •ns i.t necessary.
P:~G~'~r•1G. Pez-!nit necessAr~~~ to .nove old building to a ner~r loc If ove3 6n a
State Highv,Qy, perr,iisSion will have_ to be hyA f ror~ :)epartnent.
IG?;E . S±ructure to con£orm to regulations as to U5E /~~/Zone Distri,6t in «rhich it
is locRte:i.
( S'ign h? re )
Affidavit of Publication
The 8pokane County Plsan[nQ Com- COUNTY aF gPOKANE
mieaion will hold a 8pecial Ddeeting in
the Coanty Conrt Honae at 2:80 P. M. BESSIE F. RA1'I.IFF, being lirst duly
on Wediceedsy, September is, 1944, to sworn on oath, deposes and says• That she
coneider the spplication of Loren Lemen
for s Special Permit to conetract s 19 the Bnsiness Mana;er o! T°HE IIvLAND
hanimr snd repa[r a6op for uee in the EMPIRE TTEW$, 3 weekly newspaper,
condnct of a Landing Field R.epsir whidt has been established, published In
Bhop for 1[ght sircraft. The Lsnding
Field fe to compriae sn ares of 180 the English lanRna.ge, and circulated OoA-
acres, located on the NW % of 8ectloa ti21U01ffily AS a WCCkly newspaper I21 tlE
26-25-44. City of Spokaae, and in said County and
At etid time and Dlsce, any intsr- St.3tC, 8IId of gencral ciroulation in Said
eeted pereon may be heard for, or
sgainst, che granting of aaid 8pectal, countY tor more than six (6) moDnths
Permit. driOr to the date of the first pnblication
PLAYNIN(~ C03dMY$SION, e Nottcx hereto attached, a.nd that
By Edgar T. Hawley, Exec. Secretary. ~ e sald INLAND EMPIR.E NEW3 W8B on
Dated, spoksne, Waehtngton, Bepcem• the lst day of Jul.y, 1941, approved as a
~ ber 5, 1944. I legal newspapPr by the Superivc Court of
said Spokane Gbnnty, and that the annex-
ed is a true oopy
------------as it appeared
in the regvlar and entire issue of sa3d
paper itself and not In a supplement
thereof for a period of------ / e"eeeMii+~rs•
weelk ees~wMw~-on the_.----- 7 ....day of
- - - - - - - - - 1 194-07_, and endIng
on the .day of.......................................
0 ~ n 4------- a.nd that said newspaper was reg-
arly distributed to its subscribers dnr-
g all of this period. That the full
amount ot
has been paI in tull, at the rate of 150
per column inch for the first insertion and
12c per colum,n inch for each subseqaent
. .
Su~'-~cribed and sworn to before his
...l._d__....day of--m.
Notary Publia in and for the State .
of Washington, Residing at Spokane
N o.
~o,, c,
r 44 .
25 ,
2-7 i~-.
;ctiorls z2;..--'
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card o
f r~ti``1"a b`T Post
,..rmers th~t ,vlere
V% -
. •
P. 0. Boa 3224 Civil Aeronnutiaa Admini8tration
See►ttle, 14, Washington
C 0 P Y Auguat 21, 1944
Spokane County Planning Coa,mieeion
Spokene County Court Houae
Spokana, Waahington
Attention: Fdgar T. Ha.nley
Exeoutiv+e Secretary
Furthar reference ia rne►de herein to your letter of Auguat 3 to the
Regionnl Manager requeeting ndviae Prom the Civil Aeronautics Acimir.-
iatration a hout the deoision whiah your aommisaion has to meke on
spproral or diaapproval o£ Vr. Loren Leman's applioation £or the
right to establieh a lending field for the repsiring of light air-
craft and the training of flyera.
In accordance with Klr. Puckey's reply oP August 4, one of our airport
engineers has mada sn examination of the proposed site. lie reports
that it will canaiat of approximately 160 aeres, or 1/2 mile square,
inatead of the 80 acrea noted in your letter and that there are no
natursl obstruationa r+rithin a radius of three miles. He also reports
that ft would not be a very deRirable site for £lying inatruationa
due to the presenae of a poxer line with polea approximately 35' above
the field on the north e►nd east $ides and on pe►rt of one other side,
but that it would probably meet Mr. Lem,an ls need8, partioularly with
ref'erence to his propoeod RirplanA rApair buainees.
Another fe►ctor in your deviaion might be conaideration of whether one.
or more airporte of the oounty's future system of airporte fbr private
f'lying in the Spokane Qrea might or shou?.d be within six miles or lese
of Mr. Le+mn's propoaed aite. IP there wera auah oonfliat of ]ocation
the county might later have the exgense of reimbursing Mr. Leman for
putting hie then exiating private airport out of businesa to avoid
endangering the aperation of publie eirports at more deeirable looa-
If yov decide to approve Mr. Leman's requPSt, or to rePrain from I
disspproving those parts of it whiah are xithin the scope of your
oommiaeion's functiona, it is eugc:ested that he be edvised thdt any
applioation for its coneideration as a DesiEnated Landir..g A.rea
arould have to be al;proved by the Interdepartmental Air Traffia
Control Boerd. That board includes Army, 3;avy e.nd C.A.A. end rinal
approrrals are p4seed on in Waahington whioh might require txo or
threa months for actian. For that reason, it would be wiae for Mr.
Spokene CountS* Planning Commission
Par,e 2 4ugust 21, 1944
Leman to arrange for withhaldinir, or payment for lease or purchase of the
lanc unti_1 appraval of the site z;s R')Psigneted Lenrli.nt- Area rLgl bean
o'-t:~ ir_ed.
-a ho~e that the above corrc^ents f-i].1 assist you ~n ~:ec3.dinr; y,~ur action
in this matter.
'Terv truly yours,
/S/ J. H. :.eavey
J. H. Reavey
Acting ;:upervisor of nirports
~ .
' - 1~~7'~~E'ZC,Tt C'z
A1 ltt~ ~.t ~
~Mr / ~riZ~.y2
f" Augus t 13, 19n~4
. Te the unders ign?d have rlo ob j e c ti ons
~ L
landin.g i ield loca ~.ed Sectiori -t~ Towrship %q*=
TA.Range 44, f-)r conlmerciA1 use.
o ,
PRo~~~Y CWr~~~S NFAR zZIEr; ~~~POSF~ ~IRPO?~~ ~ITF,
Sectian 23-25-44
School Distri~t-440 Hemen Sahrnidt
Ear1 Tvt Fatt;.bon e Alagiast Bx'ede
C. A. Manos, eta.l G. F. Reese
E~~th MoLEian J. W. ~atch
Cath. Bisho~ of Spvkane Angelo lavagetto
J. W. Hawder Robert H. Sampson
Fred F. Sharcilow A~i-ke AriiaZdo
Catherine I,,ewis J. H. Atraps
Lewis A. Taj.wis Antane Sodja
BeraIloy Corporatian Jae Obrezar
1.1innie J. Danie1s
Section 24-9-5r-44
B. W. Ha:wks Spokane ;Tal~ey Irrig. Dist.
V. C. Asbury A. M. Sor.ner
John Me nd ham 11tH. S t a en
Charley =:iendYam C. J. Teufert
P. J. Danklefs James E. Shelley
Tinus Berland Vialg Ingalls, ete.l
Marae Allen Lettie Ray Nick Dudan Frances E. Shelley
G. E. Baraka Spokane County
Fred Mendham Eva R. Rotch#'ord
Moen-Leick Ind. li%ri.e M.. Reed
Iffilliam McBride
S$ction 25-9-5-44
L. A. Pringle C. G. & P. Scarpelli Eva Rotchf'ord W. T. Ifiiebb
Ri 1 da Nee dham
Sec-tion 26-25-44
Cole LgcDoiigal C. C. Glaver ~
Cha3. W. Bows x' S Spdk8.3'1$ Ct7 W1ty J
T'{' 2`~ d K9 lp N. R. NmvtC?Yl
VerQ Irrigation I7istrict M. Schreiber
TENTATIVE AFPLIC ATION made in late Jtitly,
ITFII to lemen. - July 26, 1944.
LX''TE~j, t o C. A. A. - Aug 3, 44
LETTER from C. A. A. - Aug. 4.44
LETTIIR from C. A. .A. - Aug. "01, 44
LETTFR to Lemen Aug 23, 44.
NO COIINTY ORDINANCE required for establishment of AirPielda.
ffeaial Per~At,,
Fublic Hear~.
TED RICHARDSON. Consulted by Secretary.
LEMEN. - Present and desire a to be heard,
August 26, 1944
'Ir. Loren La►n-n
RoutA -45
SpobKne, ~Vashington
')ar~r '!r. ?,F.~An :
? rngrnt thnt I wAs no+, in the nf rl C9 when vm
ca11Ad on Fri.day. T~lAsi.r,3 to takf~ up the -^atter of
vrnir anulintition nersonally.
Tf' c;rnVR^IP.TIt, n1ensR tT'1' tO SOP1 rtR' Sn•hF't;i'iE3 r?T.
'+,)rciay or TllP;;clwv, _;revious to the Menti ng of the
:'lan►_,ing Coi+vission. I thinl: i aan fi:lly expln :n
w_ r E.ttituJe. '-re='erablv comR in the rorenoon.
, !,-r-kr +-ri~Iv yours,
Edgar T. HaMrley, rxoc. Secretary
ET?, :
~ - - ~
July 26, 1944
Mr. I,orsa 1.emea
3308 Colazaan Road
Spo3cane lb, "'4shi ngCvu
T)ear !dre l,vwn:
k;nolosed j;Isaee t'incj e oopy or the !s,ast,er ^one Re'i-u-
letiona of Spoicene Couaty. 4n pnge 12, rogulatirns Lrnrern-
9ng the eetablishment of a Unding rield Zone nistrict wi21
bs tound.
"o that gn applioatioa for the airport oan bo rHj;ul&rly
£:lec1. .rill you plaaaw i'urnlah the follcwtns informatien:
(1) LooiLtion aad desoription of tht3 propoasd fielc
ere,a in aares.
(2) T'urpoao for wZiioh the Airport will be uaed.
(3) 2:umber, usea, nnd approxi-mc:te oost r!' r_ or.tA:i, ? f.ted
structltree end bu t Idings.
-i le yoUr :'o: ma1 a;7.p1; oKta m, vr.th the rsquestsd in r"or;a-
tiori. with t ia o: fir,e ar~! -vr, -A11 1-rw:i:j,tm1y mr.A:e prel;m-
irery fnvsetigation.
The oppliat:tiaaz will be cor,sidered by the rao!ibers of the
17om-ilssion :n oonJunoti-m -vith the Bcurd o!' +'ouaty ^crv+issioryars.
It will be noaessary, bef'or:- gmnting the parmit,
be c:ontaat- !:n:, thn'r 'rcv-.:I 77i12 bo
A21y. ±`U:"'t.}trtt' fi.tln i Tn.^1~sr~8 !.t,Clt .te c '''~t•~~G~1
J;ZL~:~' ~ '_~i'~i: r',^ , Z.~C:~t'UZI.
.`i?'f3KANF, CO~t rLA?~'rIYG !'0'fi"I ~SI
! ^.dgar F&iwley, Fxea. Secmtwry
August 23, 1944
Mr. I.oren Lemen
3308 Coler.an Roud
Spokane 15, "ashinZton
?Dear Mr. Lemen :
For your inPormation, we are sending you a copy
of a letter from the C. A. A. Your attention is
pertia»larly oalled to xhat is conteined in Paragra.ph
4 of the seime.
Your apl, liaetion w; ll be brought +o +he etten-
tion oP the Planning Com.ission at its regular monthly
-ioeting on August 30. TTr_cier the advi ae oontainAI s n
thA lettar from the C. A. A., there is little likeli-
hood that any aotion will be tsYen on your requost
until the situation is clarified to thn satts£ACtion
of the ?r.terdepsrt:nentnl Air Traffic Cor±ro2 Aoard.
Vary truly yours,
SP(:Ki'.?+F (;OU'NTY CCV,-'T:~SI(!IV'
E'dgar T. :iari'iey, Uxec. SecrAtarr,•
r T'H: ,j ra
July 26, 1944
;,!r. 1,oren '.amen
3303 ColA:aan Road
Spokane 15, 74shington
:)ea r M r. i.Artien s
EnQlused pleaae £in<i a oopy or the "`iiatAr 7one Kor«-
lati ons oP SpoScane Cour.ty. 4n pRge 12, rorulatinne ronern-
ing the eatablishment of a Landing Ffeld Zone Dietrict uill
be Poijnd.
So the►t an applieatf on for tha a irport oen bc3 reFularly
rilecl, wiil you pleasf: furnish the fnllaainF; int'ormation:
(1) Locution an3 (teaoription o!' tht~ pro;: oeed field
area fn acres.
(2) :'ur;)ose £or which the airport wi.ll bn used.
(3) ?:ZnabFr, uaes, and arF:roximots oo6t of oor.teza~pIFted
atructtirPa ar►d buildinga.
:~ale your ^or_--ia1 a;-r;11cation, w.ith the 2'Aq13AfitAd in"or-na-
tian, with t!s of z'&co ar.u ~le Nsil2 irr--.,ediately rnnke r, p reli:a-
irary InQestigation.
The applict.tfm.i will be ccnsiderec: by the rnembPrs oC the
Com-iiss3on in ooniuncticm -rit}i the Aoard of ('ounty vAt'L"iiniitnn!!T8•
It will be neco -sary, bt-)forn Lrs►:,+ ing th~ t.c%r:ait, tritit tr,e C.1►.1.w
be oontt.cts-("I, nnd tho :r r. :-)rovsl will bo royuirocl.
Any furthAr infor,atlrn^ In the prerniaee that we crn 2'urrish
will be Z1Rd1;; j-~; van ut-on A-;.liaation.
'To ry tn: ly yourA,
Mdgar t. 'HAV►ley, Fx:3c. Secr^tr►ry
7TH:jm .
September 15, 1944
Mr. Loren Lemen
Rovte 4~5
Spokane, Washington
Dear tir. Lemen:
At their meeting on Saptember 13, the Plonriing Com-
iaission granted your request for a perrsit to construct e
hanrar and repa *r srop on the Nt''1 of Section 26-25-44.
'n ti•c,:r spplicvtior for a building it (ltci
r.ot des igna*e Mrhether or not ±he two bui lr? -r.`s wor~rf, i:r.-? °r
the samA roof or were GAptil'BtP, structures.
Our reeulations Frovide for a "ee to be collocted
f'or the issuin€ of each buildi.nE, permit.
."rovi ded they are sepKrate builci lnz s, your per-iit
will be 42.~D0, but if tr,ey ere both a oart of the same
structure, yoUr fee wzll be $1.00.
Please reriit to this office the appropriate sl:m of
onA or two ciollE:rs anc' we Yr; ll r.ail you four perrait.
Very trtily yoiars,
Fdgar T. Hwmloy, FX9C. Se(-retary
~ Tct ; ~m
ROUTE 5 ' •
15, 19-14
Count;,- i'lar.nir.s
i:'ounty Court House
-)okane, ':'.ushington
"onorable Comanission-~rs:
Iwish to thank you for
and extra work that y ou have so g::m-~rously given
in helpinE rr:e ::ecur~ ~~r. ~ari~y hearinJ and r«rsin, ~
of :ry uirport p-Irrii t.
I want you to 'lnow thiz; ti+as dee ply an're c i-t,,ad und
I hold the kind°st r-ng~. rds for al1. of Jou.
' I
, 3rel~► ~
L,o n-1 n L~~me n
0. ~ ox 3124
Yasl, ; r_ -ZC'in
:u •u~t ?1, 19~~';
Spokane County Plar.nir-, Comrr.i.ssior
Spokane County 1.3,ourt '?ouse
✓Tn,.,LYi~, •..3y ; n ~,r,
. ~
_ittr, rt i.<)?']; lE
.}:e C_ _`."t r'E.^,T'=xr" .
"l"i.tler rEferer.ce i_G I:?arle herPln +..0 yOtlr 1°t.}. eY'
:*_e~ional ':{anager requssting a3vice fro~ the Civil ~:erorauti cs Arimin-
istration 3bout the decision which yot-vr com-; irsion has to m3ke on
j^oroval or c~isapproval of :'r. ~,oren Leman's 3nplicatien for the
right to establish 3 landing fielJ for the re;airin~r of lirht ~t-ir-
-raft and tr e training of flyers.
Tn accordance with Yr. Puc►cey'v re;:ly of Aut-ust, one of our airrorL
enpineers 'r.as -ade an exami.nation of the prcrosed s_te. :'.e reports
that it wil.l consist, of apnroxim3tely 1_6i acres, or 112 mile square,
instead of the SO acres noted in your letter arH that t.hpre arA no
n3tvral obst,rvctions wi+,hin a radius of three miles. Fe also reports
it, would no± a verrr des irab; e s ite for fl;rin a instructions
c,,)e to the presence of apower lina with roles arr.roximately 351 above
".-he fi_el d on the north an3 east sides and on part of onP other Gi.de,
~1jt that it would probably meet h'_r. Leman' ° needs, n3rtictilar7.v with
r~°1~rPrcP to hi° pro~Dosed airnlare re, -air h1,siness. y "actor 1.n yoiir decisi_cn ►^i7h~ '-e (-onsidera ;ion ef wr-th :r ane
or more airnort,v of thP count;•' futire sy~t,em of 3? -"n0I`±S for nr -ivate
flyina ir the .23pokanP area mi7ht or G~►ould be withi n siY miles or less
~.f '-.'r. Leman's propaseri site. If tnere were such torFlict of locatior.
±'ie covnty mipht 1-,+pr hRvF' t'^e errense of reimbiirsin~ ?`r. Leman for
rl,ttir~_- hiS then existir.? nri_vatP alrport out of business to atroici
endpngPrin` the oneration of nllb1ic 3irports at merP dPsir«hle loca-
l~~~n.G.• `
lf LrQu d2C'tde -.O ..Emarit Or y0 T'E ~'I'aln "rorn
sarnrovinE those pirts of i t whi.ch are wi-thin the scoFs of yotzr.
^oyrrAssion's ftimctions, it is surygested that he be advised +.h.at any
vIcTORY 3r-,Flication for its consideration as a _resirnated Lan(?inZ Area
LPS -uld have to be ap:,roved hy the Interdepartmental Air Tra f fic
onf,rol Eoard. -hat board includes Army, Nav-,~ 3nd C.:..A. and f'inal
a;~provals 3re ~~assed on -n `!~ashinZton whj_ch rnight reqllire two or
rrF.e ,)rt~F +"07' "i+'f L0:'l. -oT' Z'- 0n l± 7,1 C.
2 +
Leman tr) ~,.rrar,~e oi' r3y~,,«,nt j'or i e3st ~r („JT'^~~.se ot'
13nd until ?rproval of thP site as a Desi~;n:1ted Land3nlcT Area had been
:O'e hope that trP aboti-e comments will as,-ist -irol-i in dFc1r3i nr yo»r 3,-tior
in tM_s Ma±t er.
rv tr~i?ST vour,,,
~ . :`7 • ~_P3V@~r
.:c tin - :'~i~r~~.sor ~;f .:i r;^o~•t s
~ In Reply Refer to
P. 0. Box 3224 Civil Aeronautics Adniinistration
See.ttle, 14, Washington
August 21, 1944
C 0 P Y
Spokane County Ple.nning CoYmnission
SpokQne County Court Houae
Spokane, iRashington
Attention: Edgar T. Haxley
Exe c ut ive Se o re ta ry ~Gentlemen:
Further reference is made herein to your letter of August 3 to the
Regional Manager requesting advice Prom the Civil Aeronautics Admin-
istration about the decision which your comissim has to make on
approval or disapproval of Mr. Loren Leman's application for the
right to establish a landing field for the repairing of Iight air-
craft and the training of flyers.
In accordance rrith Mr. Puc.key's reply of August 4, one of our airport
engineers has made an examination of the proposed site. He reports
that it xill conaist of approximately 164 acres, or 3/2 mi.le square,
instead oP the 80 acres noted in your letter er..nd that there are no ~
natural obstructions within a radius of three miles. He also reports
that it would not be a very desirnble site -ror flying instruotions
due to the presence of a prnver line with poles approximately 35' above
the field on the north and east sides and on part of one other side,
but that it would probably meet ?uir. Leman's needs, partioularly with
reference to his proposed airplane repair busiaess.
Another factor in your decisi-on might be consideration of whether one
or more airporta of the county's ftiiture system of airports for private
flying in the Spokana aree, might or should be within six miles or less
of Mr. Lernan's proposed site. If there were such con£liot of loaetion
the oounty might later have the expense of reimbursing Mr. Leman for
putting his then existing prive►te airport out of bueineaa to avoid
ende►ngering the operation of public airports at more desirable loca-
IP you decide to approve klr. Leman's request, or to refrain from
disapproving those garts of it which are wi_thin the saope of your
commission's functions, it is suggested that he be a.dvised thRt any
applioation for its aonsideration as a Designated Landing A.rea
Rould heive to be approved by the Interdepartmental Air Traf£io
Control Board. That board includes Army, Navy and C.A.A. and final
approvals are passed on in YTashington Which might require two or
three months for action. For that reason it xould be wise for Mr.
Spokane County Ylanning C71nanission
Pa ge 2
August 21, 1944
Leman to arrange fo r withhold ing of payment for lease or purohase of the
land until approval af the site as a Designated Landing Area had been
We hope that the abovP cori.~~:ents wi.11 assist you in -?ec1~ing your acticn
in this matter.
'Jery truly yours,
ISI J. H. Reavey
J. H. Reavey
p.cting Supervisor of Airports
. "
Y. 4. Box 3224 CiTil Aercrosertias Adminirtre►tion
Seattls, 14, Washington
C 4 F Y Auguat 21, 1944
Spokane Gounty Planning Comraias ion
Spakane County Court Houss
SpokRne, Washington
Attention: E'dg►r T. Hi►wley
Rxeoutivs Seoretary
mut*ther rAferenoe 3e mdw hwrein ta your letter of Aul;ust 3 to ths
Rsgionsl Mene►ger requeet ing advi.ae i'ras the Civi 1 Aeronautios Admin-
ietration ebout the dsoirion whiah your aareN:ission ?mLa to mKke on
spproval or dlsapproval o!' Vr. Lorer Ie9man's appliaetion rar the
right to setablieh a landing field for tbe repe►lring of light ef r-
cn-ft e►nd the training of f'lyers.
In aooordanae xith Mr* t uokey'a rej:lv of August 4, one of our airport
onginoers haa mnde an e3oe►mination of the proposed site. ?!e reports
that it will amsist e!' approximately 180 aerea, or 1/2 mils squre►re,
instewd of the 80 aores notsd in ynar letter and thet tr,ere nr" no
nstural obstruotion• within a► radiua of three mS.les. He •lso reporte
that it .rould not be 4 very do-Rirdble site for flyini- instruotions
due to the prwsenos QP a parrer line xith poles spproximtely 3V above
the t'iold on the north and efAet sides and on psrt of one other aide,
but thst it xould probebly meet Mr. Iman'a needa, partioularly with
rei'erenos to hie prepoee+d a ti-c?lenw rwpai r bueiaeea.
Itnother t'pctar in your deoision mirht be oonsiclerutlon of whether on•
or more airporte of ths oovnty'• tluturs eystem o" af rporte Per prtr►±e
flying in the ':pokane area mfght or should bo wfthl.n six mi lea ar loas
of kr. I.e+man' e proposed a 3te. I t thero •rore such Qonf'1! ot o!' location
, the oourty rnitht later have thR Q7pA116A of reimbursing Mr. I.oms►n for I
putting hie then existirg, privutR airgort out of bus!r.esse to sTOid
endangoring the operat: en of j,ublic wirporta st raore deeimble loow-
tions. '
It' you deoide to s;tprove llr. tA*mn's request, or te rePraia #'rom
disapproirint ttiose parts of it whioh arA within the aooFe of your
oomsiasian's tunctiona, it ia eug; eated t2at he be advised that any
applioetion !'or itr. consicieratian an aDesiEnated T.anding rrea
would heve to be a; proved by the Tntere-epartmental Air Trai'Pic i
Control Aa►rd. Thwt board inolucles Army, lie►vy nnd C.A.A. vxnli !':nftl
approra 1 s a re pa e eed on in 14aehin6-ton whiah might re ;;u i re two or
thrPe fiontt~s Pvr e~etion» L'or +}°--t rn~e~ns it, ~ro,~l^ l,~ ~YisA 'r.
okRne cw.,Nt.,, :'la r,.,i.r~;o-rji-; F? •,n
. r►.~fl ~ . ~ ' .
1..o*-nun tc nrrar.o for :n±thhnl(!`_YlE', n*' t'or loc:se or ; urct:Hae of the
ltind unt :1 A,.-prmral o.f the eite a8 a;'-eslgnnted Le►ne-Ing, Aree had b'on
O'=,t,ained •
A hoFe that trt- F,t•r~ rc~-~--~~rt~ a^Qi st •,nv Tn -'Ac1~';tt- ~mtir O►ct,inn
in this rie►tta3
: .
/s/ .r. 11. ={O►oA;,
. ~ • 1y!lb1.9eV
~ 1 { . . . ++e±± r i ; r ~1 1~
P. 0. Box 3224 Ci'f 1 Aeronautioa Admin.f etrntion
3eattls, 140 Frashington
C 0 P Y Augu at 21, 1944
Spokane County Planni.ng Commiaelon
Spokane County Court Houae
Spokans, WA ahf ngton
Attention: Fdgar T. HaN1Ay
Fxeoutive Secretnry
Gentlemen s
.Furthsr reference is :ne►de herein to ;our letter of l+ugust 3 to the
Regional Mana6er requeetlng advice from the Civil Asroni►utios Admin-
iatration about the devision vrhioh your oar.nniaalon hae to moke on
approval or dianpproval oP Mr. Loren I.9nan'e e►pplioation for the
r4ght to establiah e. luncting fiold for thP repairinr of Iit;ht air-
crnf`t and the tre+ininE; o* flyera.
In aacordance with Mr. Fuok•y's rerly of Aupvet 4, one of our airport
engiaeers h4a made an examination of the proposed aites lie reporta
that it will acuaiet oP approximately 160 aores, or 1/2 mile ayuwre,
inatead of the 80 acres noted i.n your Ietter Rnd thet there are no
retursl obstruotions within e► radiue of three miles. He+ •lso repc+rta
that it would net be 4 vcary dApirable site for flying inetruotions
ciue to the presenae of a poti+*er lir_e with polea approximately 35' Qbove
the tield on the north snd eeat sideR Rnd on part of one other sidm,
but that it Mrolllci Frobably meet ur. Leman'a needa, partiou2erly with
referenoe to his propoeed afrplene repair buainess.
Another faetor ir. ,yoiar deoision mi<<ht be oonaicler'►ti on of whether one
or more airF►orts of the oounty's fluttirP syatem o!^ ai rporte Por private
flyint in the Spokene Area milrht or ehould be withl.n eix mile8 or loas
of bdr. I.emsn' a Froposed aite. 7t there xere suah eont'liot of 2oeation
the oounty mirht 1Hter have the expense o£ reimrursir.g Mr. L#+man for
putting his then axiatiniT privRte airport out oP buslr.ese to aioid
endsngerine the+ opAratien of publio airporta et more deeirablR loon-
If you deoide to e►pprove Mr. Lemn'B requp$t, or to refrain f'roas
dfaapprov3ng tl►os• parts ot' it which art) within the soope of' your
aoaRmS.ssion'e i~ancstiona, it is eu-,,7 ested that he be advi.aed theLt any
applioation fnr its Qoneiderntion ee a Desi :;nated Lnndir.g Area
~ would heve to be nl:proved by the Inter(Iepartnental Air Traffio
i Cor.trol Board. Thst bvard inoludee Army, 1-ie►vy and C.A.A. and !'ine►1
; apn ►r.»►1 s e re p4 s Bed on in Ksshington whioh might requ i re two or
; thre• montha Por actian. For thpAt rekaon, it .voiild ba wiae for xlr.
/ I
~Foke.ne County Ylanning Gommission
t1Ai'9 2 ."•.11;ilut 220 1944
L-e-r,an tin Rrrar_ge f'or 7ri fhhr.lt? :ni• n" pa;,n^Ar_t; t'or 1onse ar ; urcrEksA of the
lsLnd until e.--,proval of the site as a n"eignatad Laneinr Area hsd been
ebtt3 inec.
o ho--:a that obnve co-rci-rt4 --iIi -,-oii ~n n;- •rf-ur F,ction
~ .
in this mntter.
Pry truly your,
J. H. T',eavey
F. Iteavey
~c~i.n~ `;ugervis~r of ' frrorte
1W.PA►tV.Vh7 oF CcWBRCE:
Y. O. Doz 3224 Civil Aercmautioa Acimir.istration
S*attle, 14, 'Fashingtan
C 0p Y Auavst 21, 1944
~ w ~r w
Spokane Couaty F'lanning ronaise ion
Spokane County Court Hvust
Spolcane, KRahington
Attentf on: F:dgar T. ile►wloy
nxaoutive Sworetary
Gent leeaen:
Nrthor referenoe ie made hwrein to yovr Ietter o!' huCust 3 to the
R•gioral Mara6er requsat ing adviae from the Civi 1 Aeranautios Admir-
istratian about the dsoiotan xhiah yhur oaRrriesion 1u►e to mko on
spprovwl or diiapprovwl of *fr. L.orAr LAman'a impplication tor tbe
ri ght to eatablish a lanci inC rielct f'or tibw rwpe►! ring of light wi; r- I
oreft and the tt-t►lAirg of Pl)vra. ~
In aocordanoe with gre i'uokey'a rslal,t of A.ugvst 4, one of our airport
•nfineors haa mde an •xmination a!' thf propoaod site. 1,141 reportt
that ~t will aonsirt of upprox3aately 160 eares, or milo squr►re,
instoad of the 80 norea notsd in your letter anct thgt there arc+ no
natural obstruotiana withtn a ndiu• of threv miles. He aleo rsports
thr►t it would not be a very dos4rable site for flyinE; Instruotion•
due to the prAmsno• of a pawer line wi.th ~~~~l-n a;-r raxiay►tely 36' obow
the f ield on tha north and swst aidea and v-; ~,art rif one ot.her side,
but that it xould probably meet Mr. Lman'a Leeda, partioularly with
refere»ao to h!s propaswcl nirplane rwpair businese.
~ Anot?er factor in your dec-{alon mieht be oonsirlerstion of whether a►so
~ or more airports et' Eh• oo,.:nty's tUtt:ra systesm o'.' ai rporte !'or priv+ate
i t'lying in ths -.,poknne arew might or should tx+ wlt,hi.n ais mi les or lese
of Mr. I.wrnRn lp pro~.~ossci site. x f there w►sre suoh oonfll.ot of loeati4n
the oounty miCht later huw thA e3q)e+nse of reimbura ing Mr. Lmman !'or
;}uttiny hie tben existin; privste e►irport out of bus{nes• to svoid
endangerfng the aparatlon of f,ublio airForta at more 1leeirabla loon-
; I f you deoide to ai}prov+s Ur. Iortan's requost, or to rePTain from
f disapFroving t}ioa• parte o!' it whioh e►ro within the sooF• ot' your
commiaeieaz'e f'unctiana, !t fs eu}:;.eetsd that he bo advised tr,at any
npplia►tion !`nr Ita aonaiciert►tian at+ s ?)osiUnatsd 1.snding Arvs
would heve to be a; proved by ths IntArcieparta►ontal Air ?'rR!'fio
; Control Aa+rd. Tlat board inolude• Areny, ttavy r-nd r.A.Ao oLnd !';nal
; s c~p rnA 1 s a re paceed on in vtn shinb-ton whivh vigbt re y-u i rr two or
thre• mcanths Por a►etirnn. For tru:t reaeon, it would bo xise for Yr.
, I
Srokene Covnty Plnnning Coaaaieeion
s ar;s 2 R ugust 21, 1944
Iaemn tr, arrar.go for withhold!rF o,' payrient ror leaee or 1-iurohase oP the
land urtt i1 apF?rove► 2 oP the a i te ati a i}e+e igz*tsd I.ane-i nr, A rea ?ad boon
obt,ainsd . I
Y ehope ttu3t thA abav+a aosa^ients wil.l assist vc►u In -'.Aoiding, ycyur aotion
in thia mstter. '
lFA Cy t!"L11y 'Inu!'s$
li. ?tei►vey
.i. Fi. T~~e.t►ey ,
hotfng `,uparvishr o.* ~ irports
' •~:S
' r. -ai,l ',orris I
" eg i ona 1Va na ge r;.' .
Rox 3224
• .
:'he : poknrie '_-uaty -~1~„~_i*~;• ,.o7 ission i~ in r~~cai~t o' a royt,pst
`i•om "r. I.oren Leman of 3308 N. Colemen :coad, SpokRne, for the right to
establish a landina fie]d for the repairing of light aircraft and the
trainin:• of flyers.
"'he trgot upon Which the IandinR field is to be IoaRted ia in the
,;nst ::pokane Va] ley, epproximately 6 miles Esst of the City ~f'`Spokane
qnd 1 mile South of Spregue Avenue (Anplexay), aamprisin~; 8~ acres. It
is in the Cpportunity-Versdale seation of the vRlle,y FAnd about 6 miles ~
from Felts Field.
'"here is no County ordinance that gives the 'lanning Com.-nission
any authority to grant or refuse the esteblishment of en airport but w--
do have the euthority to grent or reflase a perrAt for all structures 1.(l
be erected in oonneotion with the maintenence of the field. The ?lannii.
;ommission is authorised to form e zoning under its tiaster Lone "esolutio:.
= owevar no eppl ication h9s been mede to zone for landing field purposea.
~`-or cur information we are incloaing a copy of our Y-aster Zone Reso1~,4-i n,.
e will not rive consideration to the npplication until it has 'et>prov-1 of the ^..A.1 snd reyuest that you inform thia offiae aa to your
deciaion in the premisee. ' -r-
~.~.rr.i~' .
At the
df? oir; 1 on I' .
- - . . y
,,,,.F.,~, ni_.''T ,I::~: I I
, , .
mr ~,:dpar T. Ii,;Wley, y'xea. S9cretary
L L o r ~
j ~
. ~ . -
Spoksnp l:ounty T-~ldnnin~ ~~orrjaission
Spokane .0o.ulty Court House
Spokane, WashinFton •
r',ttention: :,dgar T. Hawley, Ecec. Secretary
:-e-Nntl emen :
This Ri.ll acknoWledge receipt of your letter of August j ac?dresseci
to Mr. Paul 'r'iorris which has been referred to this office for reply. In your letter yoii advised that ?dr. Loren :,eman of 3308 Yorth i,cle-
man Roa.d, Spokane, it desirot,~.s of establishing a landing field
arproxifiut1-lv six miles eas+, of the City of Spokane, also advi.sinr
~-.nat you will not give consideration to t,he application until it
3s the approval of the Civil. Aeronalita.cs Administr3tion. This
admiriis+xation apz-,reciates +.he consideration beino, ^iver our
vrganj.zation by the Spokane County Planning Comnissi.on. We will,
be nlpased to have one of our ai.rport eng-ineers irake a thorough
inve--ti-ation cf the uroposed airport, site and will give you ovr •
co=er.t,s lust as soon as no~Fir)le.
Pr~" tr-i ly vat!
"lichard T. -Pucke,y `
~-ctin;o- Super"i.sor of A,ir•norts
September 23, 1944
Mr. Riahwrd Puakey
Aotin6 Super►iaor of Afrporta
Cirl.l Asronuautioa Administration
P. 0. Box 3224
Seattle 14, Ph.ahington
I?esr Mr. Puakey:
Chain±r►n R. L. Rutter of the Gouaty Planning Co~iesfanrequeste thst yau be inPormed of the Planni.ng Commisaion'a
gratetul appreofation f or your e►sa istanoe and oeaperstioa
in ooneidering mattars pertaining to air£ielda in Spakaae
Mr. tIerper, your repreaentative at a reoent meeting,
having to determi.ne the adviaability a£ s1lowing a lending .
Pield to be astabliahed in the 5pakane Valley, gave ua
informdtion and dats+►► that wnd raluable in arriving at a
ooneluaion on the►t partioular npplioation.
Mr. Avrasok, Spolcane City Ple►n Enginaer, and our seore-
tsry are working o4n the prograra for deaignating paasible
and appropriate landing fields in the oounty, ae outlined '
by Wr. Bsrper, and will have a report fomuleted in the
near future.
Sinasrely yours,
Edgsr T. Hawley, Exeo. Seoretary
ETH : Jm
) ss
JR%q«elin Miller, bein~; :'irst duly s:•rorn, deposes and says
trat on SRptomber 8, 1944, she personsliy rte.i.led r.otices cr a
meet;nC to be hela to c:onsic'.er the applieation =or a Sp^ei~:i
P~rmit of Loren Lemen for the f-onst_ :clion of buildings in ~,he
mint,enRnce o?^ a Landing Field "0 126 residents s►nd property
awners residinF adjacAnt to the proposed site of the conte^.ii lated
S»hscribed and svvorn to befldre me
September 13, 1944
Pesiciir_g at Spr►knnP, 7washington
f I
; N 0 T I C E
MePti in the County Court House Qt 2:30 P.M. on t1.1ednesriay,
Septem e'r 13, 19440 to cansider the application of LOREr'
LFr'rEN for a SPECIAL PE?OET to construct a hengar anci repair
shop for use in the conduct of a LANDITIG FIFLD and the re-
peiring of light aircraft. The Landing Field is to comprise
an area of 160 ecres, located in the NW~ of Sec. 26-25-44.
At said time and place, any interested persan may be heard
for, or ageLinst, thP granting of said SPECIAL PERMIT.
Fdgar T. H-rlev, xec* ecr ary
DATF.D: Spoka.ne, t^lashington
September 8, 1944
~ .
• ~
L.k' t
T~; Rradale
Section 23-25-44
Earl W. Pettibone, Veradale
C. A. Manos, Veradale
Edith McLean, Veradale
Catholic Bishop of Spokene, W. 1215 Riverside, Spokane
J. Yr. Hovvder, E. 14214 Spra.gue, Veradale
Fred F. Shardlaw, Veradale
Catherine LeYris, c o Washington IfTater Pawer, Spokane
Lewis A. Lewis, c o 1Xeshington vz-ater Power, Spokane
Walter Black, Opportunity
Mrs. D. J. Kingery, Veradale
Re rman S chnidt, Faute #1, Veradale
August Arede, Old Natianal Bank, Spokane
J. W. Hatch, Vera.de Ie
JosAph V. Aryant, Veradale
Vetnoh E. Bryanti, Veradale
J. M. Schnidt, West 1925 Riverside, Spokane
Clsrence A. Johnsnn, c/o Sidney Smith, Opportunity
Antone Sod,ja, Veradale
F., G. Travis, Route Veradale
Section 22-25-44
Louis A. Deliganes, Veradale
J. B. Stackton, Veradale
Scott Renfro, East 13704 Sprague, Opportunity
Leura W. McGinnis, Veradale
A. B. Steller, Veradale '
A2fred E. Shaw, Veradale Dora E. Russell, Route 4,11, Veradale
Jahn E. Gray, Veradale
G. Tobert, Veradale
C. E. Folkins, Veradale
N. A. I41ller, Keyport, Wash.
Joe C'Sretor, Veradale
J. C. Almond, Opportunity
Joe J. Meshishnek, Veradale
Josephine Geise, East 9 Main, Spokane
Co ra B ryQ nt , Opp orti.m ity
C. L. Snider, Opportunity
Mabel F. Southon, Curlew, r,'ash.
N.alvin Schaff, Route ik1, Veradale
W. A. Stuart, Jr., Spokane dc ►Rastern Trust Dept.,Spokane
F. J. Schroeder, Veradale
E. C. Heath, Veradale
C. Vl. Fatton, Raute #8, Spokane
R. C. Klobucher, Dishman
Sdith M. and L. H. Hvkom, Veradale
L. C. Larson, Veradale
J. K. Ochs, Veradale
Mary Rabdan, Route #1, Veradale
B. K. Blake, Veradale
AnnQ C. Jone s, Ve rada Ie
A. B. Houk, c% First Fecieral Savings, Spokane
Section 22-25-44 Continued
H. F. Hughes, c% First Federal Savings, Spnkane
Roswell Seeley, Opportunity
Modern Electrio and 'Mater Compary, Opportunity
W. R. Kilgore, Route #1, Opportunity
Alma E. Hayward, Vdest 607 Sinto, Spokane
F. S. Duggan, 811 Paulsen Building, SpokQne
Anna Nagel, Clarks Fork, I daho
Section 26-25-44
Cole McDougal, Troy, Montana
Charles W. Aowers, Route -41, Veradale
Jasper Brighton, Veradale
Vera Irrigation Diatrict, Veradale
C. C. Glover, Veradale
N. R. Newton, East 2528 - 5th Avenue, Spokane
M. Sehreiber, gast 2029 - 4th Avenue, Spokane
Sectian 27-25-44
Anna M. Schade, 'Test 2511 Broadv►ay, Spokane
IV. T. PAarson, Box 179, Route #1, Veradale
Yimnie.M..Hg1stead;-9ast 1805 Long£ellow, Spokane
Anna Drew, Route 4L1, Garfield, ti'Jash.
Dora M. Pdoore, Route #5, Spokane
J. E. !delton, Route ~S, Spokane
Elmer Dahlin, Selah, ►Yash.
Tract 150 - Hiram Eberle, Veradale
Tract 150 - W. W. Swartz, Veradale
Tract 151 - S. M. 1dcCallum, Veradale
Tract 155 - Treda Pryor, Veradale
Tract 155 - R. D. Kellmer, Route 7i1, Veradale
Traet 157 - Elmer W. Berinett, Opportunity
Tract 157 -iNilliam A. Kirkby, Veradale
Tract 174 - C. E. ROVL9lZ9, Rotate 41, Veradale
Tract 174 - Mrs. F. A. Lofgren, Route -4I, Veradale
Tract 174 - D. A. Shaw, Veradale
Traat 217 - Julius Ramain, Rout6 Veradale
Tract 218 - Annie S. Sherrard, 'F)est 1605 ':'rilsc,n, Spokane
Tract 222 - H. R. 7feybright, Veradale
Tract 224 - H. G. Anderson, Veradale
Tract 224,- A. J. ?dcDonald, Veradale
Tra at 227 -7take f ie ld Land Compeny, VP racia 1 e Tract 232 - Flla T. Johnson, Veradale
Trect 233 - Anthony Pegnanilli, Veradale
Tract 238 - Alva N. Omr_en, Veradale
Trect 239 - Grace M. Callaway, Veradale
Tract 239 - E. W. Syr,ie►, Ileradale
Tract 168 - Yfilliam B. Tupper, Veradale
Tract 168 - Elmer Viarren, Veradale
Tract 168 - t't. ',V. 3ri4ce, Route #1, Veradale
Tract 170 - T. 0. Junbar, Veradale
Traet 171 - John 'JanHess, Veradale
Tract 172 - Ha.zel '3radish, Veradale
I ,
VF;RA rontinued
Tract 173 - C. A. Crume, Hanford, i7ash.
Tract 173 - Abbie Alice Austad, TJeradale
Tract 183 - J. F. Retzel, Route 41, VAradale
Tract 185 - J. H. Fisher, Veradale
Tract 185 - C. M. Collins, Veradale
Tract 188 - B. 0. Porter, Veradale
Tract 188 - J. H. Lyon, Route #1, Veradale
Tract 190 - F. C. Morrow, c% Great Northwe st Life Ins., Sp ox ar.e
Tract 142 - Henry Toll, Route !91, "'Pra-lrle
Tract 143 - Hens Yinge, Veradale
Tract 144 - John Chenzek, Veradale
Traet 147 - Gearge IN. Hill, Veradale
Tract 147 - F. B. Pendell, Veradale
Tract 148 - H. D. Kox, Route #92, Opportunity
Tract 158 - L. G. Ralston, Veradale
Tract 158 - W. B. Welch, Veradale
Tract 160 - Yt'. J. Vasey, Veradale
Tract 160 - Thor.as Plunkett, Veradale
Tract 160 - Frank C. Revele, Veradale
Tract 162 - Fredrzck Renz, Veradale
Tre.ct 163 - Iiiles Willy, Veradale
Tract 163 - L. ff. Og1PSbee, Veradale
Tract 163 - W. L. Peterson, Route A1, Veradale
Tract 166 - Bert Va.n Zyverden, Route :~1, Veradale
, Tract I68 - A. B. Caton, Ileradale
' Tract 195 - L. J. Knoll, Veradele
T ract I63 - Valley Investrnent Company, Dishman, Wash.
Tract 171 - Sidne,y Smith, Opportunity
N 0 T I C E
The Spokena County Planriing Coramissfon will tiold a Special Meeting
in the County Court House at 2z30 P.M. on Wednesday, September 13, 1944,
to coneider the application of Loren Lemen for a SpeciQl Permit to aon-
struct a hangar and repeir shop for use in the conduct of a Ianding Field
Repe►ir Shop for light aircraft. The Landing Field is to comprise ar.tirea
op 160 aci•e s, loct ~f-r, nn tltP T.r`.I c,l' Scct inn 2C-2F-<<4.
At said tirne and place, ary intPrestPd pPrson -iav bP 1:Rar:_: for, or
eee.inst, the Cranting of sc;d Special FAI-r~it. y
C0111+iY C0,:Ii.II8STC`1r
~ Bv `FdCur T. Hawley, Fxec. SPCretary
DATEn: Spokane, Washingtor.
SeptArnbPr 5, 1944
~opt~r~ber 1, 1944
Mr. kiohard T. F'unkey
Aotins ":upervisor of !.irporte
('ivil Aarmautios Vministrr►tirnn
Rox 3224
:~eattle 140 ; :tahinrton
,)our :3r. ~'uckeys
At their myetiru; on Aut;ust 30, 1944, t:he ;;pokane ^otmty : lanrtnf Connis-
sion set 2:U0 ''.N. on ~"~dneeday, .iAptembA!' 13 as the ciate i'or s publio hoarini;
for th+ oonsicie+ratiwn o!' the 4ppliostion o!' l.oron t.sm.n for a epeofsl permit
to ereot •nd nr intain attuotwros to bc ueed in thr+ ronc'.i:ot nf a lan(itri ,fi t-ld
and 1 ii;ht • irora f`t repe ir shop.
Tha F'laming t'ammission rroul(i apprAoiKte havins, yrstsr-:eif' or a rei►re 4ents~-
tive at tr,e meat;ing, •s it is our c3eeits to be ltilly inf'orrwcl or, ell mattere
pertainirig to the i;rwntint; o!' suoh wr a►prliaaticm.
Any aotion twkwn by thw CoR±r.!+lesicn oii t2iis apROiefo reclucat will be taken
in oetisiclerati on of the ef'!'eot it miE ht hr.ve or tho !RV*'1nnMpnt of Owit1.lrP l-Lr.fi-
int. flelci projecsts in pokane rounty.
At the sugi.eet ion of !$Ayor arl "ix of -*er :ark, who i s a momber of the
I'lanrin% CoemAiesion, rre are requeetinf; thet you otitline to us your ohservations
as to s ooopAratite oi rport Frot;ntn .*or the City and CounLy of Spdcane. (!ur
r,oc~+iaeior ie inpreaeod with the thoua;ht that some irmtedi4te ctwcision ahould 'oe
!mci• to provide rulws dnd tmgulutions for the loaation snd wnciunt of airfield•
in Lhe County, anci thA resFoneibility enfi int,e+resta of both the "ounty and City
in the r,~stter •r-- ^o closelv a111Ad thiht joint ror.sic?Artition f.r. ~lent€ton eho%ld
bo ~A::~?I;•
; e rr01.10 appreoiatA he+arinC fran you at en et►rly detA ito t}at r.o ^uture
aotion tacen tnr our Cow-isslm woiald ooni'liot •rith the polioles of the C.A.A.
'IPry tr;ily yourF,
:E' c)KA14 E r,clL1NTY : Ir t.': I1; 6
"V' On t-,1t ur T. I'uv,ley, ~ x~Q. ,f►cro-tary
~ . .
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JAColzelir. ?%:i12er, tFinL; "irst c:~i;;.
tember 8, 1944, she persona~ infii.lec3 nc'
that on SeP ~
i . . ~ . ' ,•,.r; - ~i ' t; ~ rrt • ~i . ~ . , _ r_ ~
Yl', ll. „t'l I i...(:t. _ .~i:_.:l'•'i` i i l~ , . . ' . ~ c; . ~ I . 1' .
owners residing Rd,jacPi,c T..11- ~ rc:~ c;:,L"_. 1.;.
. ~
S~.>>~cribsa ar~~l sv~~.: . ` - ,~~i•e -
:7',r-,l Fi";':bF'?' 17, l,~•~ .
!?TnTA T?~ 3LI C I?' PT'J FC P:_~:-
"N'r -~.'i ATE C` N' 'i.rA SHI ?,i GTGY
Residing at Spoka.ne, Washinbten
September 5, 1944
Inland &npire News
North 4912 Market
Spokane, 7fQShington
CreP_t ZAIf19T2 S
Fnclosed please `'ind two notioes which you will
plPase run in your next issiae of vour paper, on Thurs-
day, Septembar 7, 1944.
Also, please furnish us with an btrfidavit of pub-
Yours very tr»ly,
Edgar T. Hawley, Fxec. SPcretary
ETSI : jm
F,nc. 2
°u-tist 23, 1944
!.Sr. 14ron T.omen
33(}8 Colomdn Ro4d
: -.okane 15, Woshircton
''eer ltr. I.emen :
For your inf orcnation, we are sen:iing you u copy
of a latter fram the C. A. A. Your attention is
~»►rtioularly e~,. , • „ , ~ r ; r r, .
4 oP the se►.me.
Your app liQ►t:an wiil be urought tc, t.it, L
tion of the F'lanninr Commiaeion at ita regular ::Gntnly
loeting on August 309 ilr,der the advi ce aontained j n
tha letter Prom the C. A. A., there is little likoli-
hood that any aotion Ri 11 be takan on your request
until the eitiiation is clariPied to the sattafaot; on
1? T~.y+nl~v(I)ri~l~'I[1~'17a , .`.Z{~ ^ ♦l1vl\~ T~•
ry trul}• yrourr-,
T`KAN~: CCs?1:7'Y PLl',?d1:IIJG C0WI;.SICi~
~;dga r T. itawley, Ezec . Se aretary
July 26, 1944
Mr. Loran Lemen
3308 Coleman Road
Spokane 15, !'raahington
Bear Mr. Lemen :
- i
Bnoloaed pleaae find a oopy of the Master Zone ReEv-
letions of Spoknne County. On page 12, reoulatinna Cooern-
ing the eatabliahment o{' a Landing Field Zone District will
be tound.
So thnt an applieation f'or the airport aen be reglildrly
filed, will you pleaee f urnish thA follrn+in6 inf'ormtion :
(1) Location and deaoription o£ th-9 propoeed fiell
srea in aares.
(2) F'urpose for -rhich tho Airport wi12 be usec?.
(3) 1duQnber, usea, end epproxim&te oost or COTIt.B'!li,IP.t;9dl
structures and buildings.
File your f ornal apgl? aati on, with the requested fnfor-ra-
tion, with t: is of fir,e ar.ci .vo ~~ill in.:.QdifitPly- nnl_A ri prellm-
inary investigation. v ~
The appliaation will be coz:sidered by the merctbers of the
Co:niisaion in oonjunetion with the Board of County Corn-iasiorters.
It will be necessnry, bef'ore granting the permit, thet *he C.A.A.
be contaatRd, and their sonroval will bv required.
Any further inrorme►tion in the premises tha.t we c,,r f»rniah
rrill be gledly given upon n:;nliastion.
Very truly yours,
PAgar T. ftewley, Fxea. SecrAtary
FTH: jri
Aup.zst 30, 1944
MEETING: CQlled to order by Chairman R. L. Rutter in the Caurty Corrmissioners'
Assembly F?ooTMi in the Court House a.t 2 P.T.I.
h4EMBERS: Present: Messrs. R.utter, ?,Zoenach, Andre, Fosseen, State, e.nd Walker '
Absent s Messrs. llix, Reasor, and uigg
Visitors: Caunty Commissioners C. M. Lockv►ood and Jol,m T. Little; 1.1r. Pat
' He+..herton, Fxecutive Cfficer of State Planning Council; tir.
a J. VT. hlutch, Planning Comr.iission Fngineer; Mr. Charles Freese,
Federal Housing Administrator; Mr. Fdward C. kichardson, Deputy
Countv Prosecutor; and ISr. Z-oren Lemen, 1'. 3308 Coleman Road
'IIPNTFS : The minutes of the meeting of June 28, 1944, were approved as presented.
` 1.1r. Havrley: This is an application made by rir. Le;men relative to estab-
=1shing an airfield. Late in Jul,y, l4r. Lempn contfteted the office on
several occasians and made e. tentativP apFlicPtion. On July 26, this
letter was wz-itten to him. (?4r. Ha-rley reR(3 tl^.is 3etter, a letter to the
C.A.A., and twv lettPrs .fror.i the C.A.A. in response. ) Mr. Lamen has made
an application for a hangar to be Ivicated in the rP"1 of Section 26-25-44.
Mr. Lemen also filed a petition wr:ich has bFen sigr.Pd by eight peoplo
favorRblP to hf s appl icRt; on, not tiving thPir res icjence. (Mr. Hawley
read the petitior. ) Fror.i the records in the Assessor's Office, ve ob-
tained a list of the adjacent property awners, but they have not yet been
notified. It is in a designatPd Agricultural Zone District established by
the Planninr Cor.iriission, and to Crant the request vrotxld require a special
perriit and a ptirlic hearinC. Mr. Richardsan, whor► I hava consulted, r.tight
be able to g ive morP ViP.I•/S on it.
Mr. Lemen: The reason I s9lectPd this land wvs that I f'ound that it had
not been tised f'or several yee:rs for farrr►infr,. At one time, there wss an
irriga.tion pro ject there, but the vrells were all sold to the Vera Irriga-
' tion District. ThFre has been no farming for et least eight or ten years.
Part of this land is ovmed by the county, and other parts have been re-
centlv purchased from the county. There 4s one plot that the County
TreRSUrer's Off?ce se.id has several ,years of back taxes on. The land £a21s
avray in three dirc:ctions. There are some powPr lines ovmed by the VertA
~ Irrightion District. T have talked to thPm and +,hey are willing., Rs soon
as priorities cp.:n be obtainAd, to bury those lines. That would leave
. pr£tctically no obstructions. The main rurnvav-will be corner-wise, from
the northeast to the southn}vest, Ftnd wi12 give me a rurnray of approximatel.y
2500 feet. The.t ,•►i11 cornply with their regulations for an accredited
school. Mr. Perkinson, Inspectar of Airports, said he saw na rnason ~,►hy
it cftn't be used; there arp many airports that are worsa. I have looked
over the Valley, tind any other place. close to tawn, thi, cost is prohibi-
tive because of thc• statP of imprav°ment. I vrould likt. to get ets claso to
toi,rn as possib7.e. After the war, whe21 a p<,rson wants to co!~:1e into towm on
busincss, there, is ,just R miXr from a bus line that runs every hulf hour.
If any of liou hav~. travel-d b,y air, vou realize how important it is to
- 1 Y
get close to transportation. Here at Felts, the e.irliners are coming in,
16 trips a day. About private flyir.g in the future, I don't know. For
the people owning clubs, they hs.ve made it hard. They have, in the past,
had all governmPnt programs. Here, I want to go out and work with the
public. I f the county Iater on wants to put in anothPr airport, you would
have to go farther ea.st to ret a suitable arPa other than this oneo
rAr. MPenach: How is that land ir.iproved to the east, west, and south?
Mr. Lemen: To the «rest, thPre is scrub timber that drops away. To the
eRSt it Arops e►way.
Asr. PSeenach: Is t,hat b1Rek line on the mAp, v►FSt oi' the aree, Saltese
Road ?
• Mr. State : Thet is the DRrknell Road; there are some pretty vrell ii►iproved
roads near there. There is a road trrough the middle of it and one on the
` west side of it. This is farming land arotznd here.
Mr. Lemen: ThPre is dry-land farming to the south.
1+4r. State : There is a nlatted road riglit through the middle; it is just e
ded icated right-of-way.
Mr. Hawley: Mr. Lemen, you informed mP that it Yra,s necessar,y, before you
coura ma~ your presentation to the C.A.A., to show them you had acquired
the property and the buildings.
-Mr. Lemen: I tonk your letter out to the inspectors and asked them hoH I
coul-d go about getting the designation. They didn't knouj bPCause they
can't grant a dpsignation until the rc,quiremc-nts are met. In other words,
some of the requirements are thet you have K hangar, lights, a guard,
telephone, and the proper personnel. Until you hrve that, you aan't make
your apFlication.
Mr. Meenach: They Kre talkinf- about an accreclited school, aren't they?
Mr. Lemen: r1o, as a designatPd landing area. To get a school would take
horsepower, instructors, ground equipment, a rurnra,y, etc. Every airport
must be designated Hs a landing area by the C.A.A. It is submitted to
Seattle to be revievled bv a joint Army, Navv, and C.A.A. Aoard and then
sent to Washington D.C. There is a possibility of a two or three mc►nths
arait; some go through in thirt,y days* It depends on vrhether or not ,you
have met the requirements.
r1ir. Rutter: Is it necessary to have a signal light?
Mr. Lemen: That is only requi.red on certain areas; mine will not come
under that. It i.s requirPd Just v+there therP is heavy traffic. A4any have
been discontinued because of light traf£ic.
Mr. Meenach: "!ha.t arF your plans?
Mr. Lemen: A repair stAtion for light aircraft onlv• It will be for the
private f lyer. There will be n cartain amount of st«dent traininE for
people who buy planes. S prP£er not to train; I would l,ike to leuve it up
to someone else. The club system is coming up.
Mr. Rutter: S'That is that i.n the letter about soMe liability to the county?
, tdr. ~awiey: ti'fithout goinfr further, 1.1r. Richardson can answQr that.
Mr. Meenach: Have you taken options on the la.nd?
Mr. Lemen: Yes, I do have aptions on the land to buy.
Nlr. ~`ichsrdson: That paragraph in the lotter from the C.A.A. refers to the
fsct that you might put up your builciing en~ then not get yaur C.A.A.
Rpproval. Is there a requiremFnt of being nat less than six miles from
anothe r a irport site ?
Mr. LAmen : There is that requirnmrnt, but there fl ri- many of theri the.t are
closer than six milrs. You just have to havf n. sp-:cial waiver from the
C.A.A. From Felts, I am 61- milt-s.
Mr. Richardson: This bottrd 1krould have to hr,.ve a -raiver from you in ease
_ 2 -
~ t
the complicatian shoulc3 arise*
lir. Lemen: I woulci like that explained further. I£ I put $30,000 into
equipment and buildings, and then the county put in anather airport so I
wov,ld have to quit, no Zwouldn 't agree to tha.t.
Mr. 11,'a1ker: Y!e dorz't know wrhat the viar wxll mean and we cs.n't bind the
caunty in the :future to give you the fac'~ that the county won' t put an a ir-
port aut there. Wle donft know. Five years ago, wre dzdnf t think we wvu1.d
have Ge iger or the Air Depot. !"ith the war, we dvn 't knaw. The board
can't grant vou a franchise for the Valley, representing 160,000 pevple in
this cauntV• If a demand comes in, vou xFould have to sign a wai:ver.
Mr. Le-men: In that case, I wouId go svMewhere else vihere I wouldn't he
' hell to those restrietfons.
Mr. I4eanach: I thirzk th~t appItes gn-~Trhere in the cviznty.
~ ~dr. ~~u►lev~. At +:his lacation, it i-,tould require a public hearing; an sn
unzored area, zt onn be fivne v!~thout a puhlic h$aring. Your applicativn
vtould st~~~ have to be gassed upon, put 'in the forr.r a£ a ;gecial peranit
because it is anvn-aonfvrlning us~. I.Ir. Mix called me just bei'ore the
rnoeting and said he h.ad talk~~ ~o Mr. Puckey vf the C.A.A. at the dedica-
tion of the Deer P'ark A irpvrt, E.nd he vranted to call ,your attention to the
fact that there irfould be a iettrr from him in i-rhich he advised that repre-
sentatives or r.ier~;bers of the City and County F1anninE~ Cvmmissions maet to-
gether and rnap vut a nrogram oP sorae kin~ ~olative to --rhere smp-1l airports
shofi,ild be Iocatr~d in ~he county. lie mentioned both city and county because
they would hcLve. to be on county progerty. Plr. t;iix asi;ed that this be re--
layed to you+, He said hc: ivas verv sorry that he couldn't ~e here.
Mr. F{uttsr ; Have ynu anvthing to sExv, Mr. LooktA!ood?
P~r. Locl~~roadz I donft kncrpr a.r:ything t~bQtzt thY~ Particular airport, but as
far as t~e 'fay af the land, I knov a little something about it. I don't
knaw i+rhether I could enlZghten you folkS or r.at. tiFThat this gentlemen is
after, I don ft kna~,r about. F"ram Opgortunity to Fines Cemetery, ane rnile
sovth, there are scrub gines vrith white sandy soil. To the west, the Japs
are farming. To t~,e snuthryest, there are 50 acres vr more of farming. Ta
the sautheast is the A.1.6. Somtner plsxce, Tivo Tqiles south the Sullivan Road
comes in. To the nartheast there are imhite pines, ancl they alsa eLre grmv-
inr, tamtoes and melons. To the Torest are mvre scrub pinf-s and there is
truck ,gardening to the nort~vrest.
Mr. Walker: Tt i.snvt thickly settled vr cut un into small tracts. There
" is comgaratively littJ e build~rtg in there.
Mr. Rutter : How wnuld you regard it i.£ the Plr{zaning Cvmmission shauld
gr€xnt a perrnit that would h~ve thp, liability of` puttirg the expense vn the
caunty if it hud to go out of businesO If they put in other fielc3s, he
miCht havc a claiz;z Rvainst the county.
I.-?r. LQCk-vood : It seems to ine if it is taken Et;:ray f'ram him, he should be
reimbursed. I dorxlt think he should lae taken out of business and not pny
. him for it.
Mr. rJ.aw1ey; This is jtist a prolinimry me,~-tinr. Drz 14r. Lemen' s applica-
tion, a time should bf= ,et in which a public hearzng shoulcl be. helc3. You
couldn~t pass ugnn it at this time.
A+ir. Walker: Dan't vou thir.k %t would be wo,ll to ~ve. a,'oint meeting and
wark out re~ulations for thp future? We ^rc going to h^ue a lat of these
pretty quiek nm.r.
Mr. Haiyiley: I rns hopine; Mr. Puckey tA7oUld k-~tive P. letter to us by taday
xth suggiTstion:; for nutlining D proEran af thrt kind. Tlat is vrhat he in~
terzded to do. T will got aff a lvttcr requr~sting the informatian in this
next rnail. 1.1r. L,~,men zs ^nti.tled, upon h%s agplication, to h.fi4ve a public
- 3 -
hearing. You can fix the date at this time. Relative to the establish-
ment of this field, there are no regulations in the county ordinance which
give us the authority ta either grant or refuse in regard to the airport.
Our control ovsr it i.s to refuse or grant the buil~in- Pe rMit • Thz:t i s
14rhat the Planning Commission has to consider.
Mr. Meenach: Isn't there a prACtiaal side to thi:; question? From your
standpoint, what is the likelihood of any other air£ield being established?
Mr. Lemen: As I stated before, I honestly believe that if the county or
anyone el7se would need a f ield, my locat3on woulci be better there than
within several miles of it. It wauld be cheaper to buy out what I have.
Mr. Meenach: Looking over past oxperience in trying to find an airport
• 'location, we travsrsed rrany milvs. You arp not tRking much chancP with
160 acres as any public airport vrould have to be a big airport. It would
" be not less than one sections
l2r. LemAn : There will be t+NO types of airports, onP for private flyers
w TM wiYl bQ n sma.11 field and will be btiilt bv the state or county along
the road. The other type will be a finld like my own, similar to a garage.
Mr. Meenach: 1'Ye don't want to obstruct any program.
Mr. Lemen: The public will be allowed the use of it for a nominal charge.
n you i-vant to keep ,your airplane there, it would be the same as stQring
• your car in a garage damm town. It is the same situation exactly.
Mr. Ha.wley: You mentioned that lrou could get the engineer to talk to us.
Mr. Lemen: He said he pre£Prred not to gPt into any local controversy.
'Re sai=hey had no' objections, i± is their ~lr-?rr~7 nc~t to enter into
Mr. Ar_drec From the looks of thir.,-s, ~;^.re r'.nn",-- to ;vith +:}~ls
thing. I woul(i lil:e to be enlightenpri frort th~ viel>>point of just how we
are related to this.
Mr. V',fall:er: Our nnl., r(>1-:±ionshilr, ~vith it i7 .,.I-,,-±hf,r or nc,t to F rant the
buif-ding permit.
Mr. Andre: Is ;;he only thin6? In o-~hf-.~r ~-:orls, :-ie ri_Lve br-forn us the
question of iA►hether t-re i-iant a building of this purticular type.
Mr. Hawley: Being in an Agricultural District, it requires a public hear-
ing. Mr. LPmen is very anxious to get a decision on it. The public heRr-
ing could be held on the 13th of September.
Mr. Meenach: Y-that size building do you plnn on?
- IIr. temen: Iivi 11 hr:ve to start ut 44 x 40, 20 feet high. L,&ter on, I
~ hope t o get a r.lult iplc hengtzr, p robfLbly 70 x 100.
Mr. Rutter: Do we undPrstand it wQll enough to cAll a meetlng?
Mr. We lker: I dvn't see where we h-Ave much to stand on until we F:dopt ! r
airport construction plan by ordinance. We don't hflve e leg to stand on.
?Ir. HAtivletz Mr. LPrmen hr.ts made an appZicntion for a special permit in an
AgrieulturAl Zone £or the erection of a non-conforming building. Mr.
~ Richardson said he is entitled to a nublic hearing.
?.~r. Lockwood: I don't see 1►,hy it vrouldn't be all right, if he has suffi-
cient land. 7fe «,ill be usi-ng- e.irports more und more in the future. Some-
body's got to make Et bepinning.
Mr. 1'T&:Iker: I think 1,,►e should gr~,.nt thP permit i£ it v.ron't hurt anything.
It iooks far enough rawr.y £rom anvi center so it won't hurt to operF,te. My
only idea is to see that it isn't located in a country homes distriet. I
move that tive hold ^ Public r.earing for the considaration of this applica-
tion on the 13th of September.
Mr. Rutter: Hovr .:bout his vraivinr, his comeback on thA county?
Mr. Hav►ley s That r.►ould bP up to the legal advisor to formulcite some plan.
P.qr. Walker: Thct .-ould be brought up t~t the public hearing*
tir. Fosseen: I ctLn't see any li.abilit,y but Lir. Lemen v►ould be taking a
- 4 -
Mr. Richardson: If we put him out of busir.ess, thP question would arise.
As a nationat`program of airports, it i-+ould be diff.erent.
Mr. We►lker: Wo Qre not giving him a franchise f'or that.
Ar. Reenaeh: I£ the cour.ty established a field that this was in the way
of, this might have to be condemned.
Mr. Loekwood : One question that I would lilce to asY is the matter of
irrigation water.
Mr. Lemen: It belongs to the IrrigRtion District. Mr. Cole ":icDougal
awned the vrell and sold it to thP Vera Irrigation District. He had the
ri;ght to ask for a line to be laid to his property freR of charge. Plo
watAr except domestie vrhich has to be purchased year by year. Water that
. I will need I can get from ths Vera Irrigation District.
Mr. 14eenach: Could the County Engineer and Cor.u►iissioners go over the area
ancrhe weIT in£ormed?
Mr. State : That public right-of-way wotzld have to be closed up after a
pu~f`IC hearing in order to be vacated before he could lay a rurnrn+vay. It
is onl,y a trail through there, but you would be surprised how many people
want that trail open.
Mr. V'lalker: Yie should have a r?port by the council o£ air rights.
L4r. Meenach: Have you had anything likc; this come up, Mr. Hetherton?
Mr. Hetherton: I haven't been on the Airfield work for quite a few years.
XCTI : The motion, made by Mr. 1'la1ker, to hold a publie hearing for the
consideration o£ this application for a special perr.iit on the 13th of
Spptember rvas duly seconded and carried unanir.iouely.
?dr. Lemen : I have an opt ion on the 1and on both s ide s of it.
Mr.!llalker: We hnd a meeting and rather interPSting discussion on post-
war pianning -rhich is right in thP fore£ront. The secretary of the City
PlanninC Corn.^iission, Dr. Johnson of the city of Cheney, and Jim Ford of
the Chamber of Cor.unerce were amone those present. Some 3nteresting
figures developed. One that was interesting we.s that at the preser_t time
in Spokane Caunty, there arP 22,000 more individuals enployed than in 1939. '
Whether or not, in the reconversion, a21 of those individuals will be ab-
sorbed in industries and businesses around here is hf:rd to determine.
Another question is :vhether or not the three big war babies the alumi-
ntun plants and mcq;nesitun plant will be in f.ull operation. It has
developed thnt t}ip Supply Depot will be more or less a pPrmanent fixture,
as is the Spokane Air Depot. It is quite questionub2e Y►hethar mc.ki.ng
maenesium is as c2ieap as the chemiculs tidewater process. Nobody can get
. figures on that. The muin thing confronting the aluminum industry is the
distance now fran bUUxitQ clay. If we get this f'ron the south, shipped in
' along the Colunbia►, then your rolling mill has a good chance of future
operatian. A lot wi12 depond on the businoss of Spoknne end the manpower.
The big development at HQnford is still a closoly gvardod secret. We are
not going in with A backlog of savings; most wage earners Yuaving littlo
to tide then over. Most public officials believe that your counties,
citins, Rnd stRtes ivill have to provide some form of temporary work. I
think rdr. ?ieenach brought out the outline of the proposed county employ-
ment. The city has their street and highway riaintenance. The State HiF7ll-
way Departmont has a big program. Personally, I think whc:n you get
throurh, Uncle SRm will bf., pretty we,-ll flattened and the states wil l~ iv.-
to th~ r~:t~ onnl. ?t I~ 1 tc- ,ror'~: C,at, .-.s r, ur it, th,2 countv ~,ork; it
_ ~ _
Spokane city and county plan-
ning commissivns gnd repre-
sentatives af the civil aeronau-
tics adrr,inistration ate expected
to meet, some time in the near
future to map crut a prugrarn as
to where sma11 airports should
be lvcated in the county.
This 4vas karoa,zghti aut at th~*
meeting of the Spokane cvunty
planning cvmmissian last week
when Lor+en Lerrien, young aviatnr
snd rrcechanic, rra+ade applfcation ta
bn~),' Ft hangar 40 bY 40 and 20
ft-. gh on his praposed private
air, , site about a rnile sauth-
east of Clppartunity.
Captain Hawley, secr+etary of
the cornmission, t+olc~ the members
that the county had nn autharity
etther to grant or refuse an ap=
plicatian far establishing an air-
port, but that It could pass on the
request far a special perrn€t for
construetfon of the hangar in art
agricultural zone. Public hearing
pti this application will be at 2
p. xr,. Septernher 13, aL the court-
Sees Regulatien Need.
In discuss3ng the Lemen matt.er,
M. D. Walker, member of #he
camrnission, said: "i]on't yvu
t.hink ik woulti be well to have a
jOlXlt meetitl,~ to work oUlt regula-
tions for the iuture? We at•ego-
ing to hav6 a lot of these smadl
airp01CtS pretty qlliCk r1[1w."
Cat.ai~x Ha~►wley sait~ such a
tneet~n hac~ alrea~dy k~ee~n sug.
gested ~y a representative of the
A. A.
. -telative to the establishrnent
.1is field," said Capt.ain Haw-
]ey, "there are no regulations Iri
the county trrdinance which gfve
u s. euEhaxity either to grant ar
refuse in regard to the airpart.
Our control ever it is t4 refuse or
gI'8.17t ttle bu11dII1iz peC"T]'ilt.rr
plane ABps,ir Stsfion.
Lernen said he plartned on hav-
ing a field "similar to a garage."
He said he would establish a repair
st,ation tar li ht a~ireraft only.
"`It will t~e far the pa~ivate flyer,'*
he said. "The public will be al-
lcswed to use it for a nvminal.
charge. If yvu want to keep an
airplane there, it wvuld be the .
same as staring a car in a dowrt-.
town gara e." p He adde~ that he had ogt[ons on '
160 scres of land, and expected to
put in about $30,000 In the field. -
Caunty Comxriissianer C. M. !
Lackwoc►d said he favore€3 a pulalic~
hearing vn Lemen's applieatiori. ~
"I don't see why [t vrrouldn't 1ae
all riglxt,,' he added, `•if he has $'uf-i
ficient land. 'UVe will be us4ng air- ;
parts more ancl mare in the future. !
Sornebody's gat to rrtake a begin-.
Cnsensus Qf inembers of khe
cornmission vvas that Spok$ne;
county would have many srnall air- `
ports after ~he war.
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