Special Permit
_ r
~POh'AP?~; COt:,IiY FL,~~I1~'I?`1G CO;~i+.~1ISSIOI1
Telenhone : Broadi-!ay 1141 Court House
Snokane, Washington
R. L. RuttPr, Chair^ian Edgar T. HatiArI.e;,r, Secretary
r1A''IE DATE 77r,zarV
STRCiCTUP,E L4CATICPT i.ii 1.,,_ .,t 1~," ,.~.•~~.r; :~x r_cua. o„ -
(Legai description froM deed, tax receint or contract)
FUF.POSE - ~ - - 1,1A77RIAL USED ` . I~ •
J. I
~Fesidence,Stare,Garage,Alterations,Ete) (Lunber,Concrete,Brick,etc.)
(W idth and Length ) (One, one and a hal f, two, et c.)
(Include oim labor)
F,ASE11; 'r1 i . FOL'l:DATION or_c.
(Full, part, none) (Concrete, ??oclc, etc. )
(Cesspool,Septie tank,SeT,rer) (Elec+ricitJr, etc. )
(Purpose, COSt+dl^iA21Slnns)
'.3A11 OF' STR'~,'~': T S'='I?UCTUF.E FN CT~'.S
(ror purpose of corrnct house nur.iber)
i'.E.`.LTH tTNIT. r:ecessary to have ~ipproval of County Health C,f'ficPr for huil3ir_gs,
where publio is to be accor2modated as stores, service station, haIls.
ytRECKIi3G YA-RDS, JT.T17K YARDS, SECOr1D HA.riD 11UT0 Y1~:RD I:ND PV.AICjRI PIL,ES. r?o permit to
be issued if vrithin 300 feet of a hirh?vay or riain travele3 road.
BZLLBQtT-JS 1:lTD SIGT?S. rIot to be alloiAred in res+rietPd or undPsirRble plaee. Loca-
tion subject to vPrificatior_.
PlititiS 'J1D SPECIFIC'.TIONS. To be furnished if the Co_^unission deems zt necessary.
It40'JING. Permit necessary to :nove old building to a new locatior.. Tf m-,.)vei on a
State Highv:►Qy, perr-iission will have to be had f rom that JApartrient.
ZGiSE. 'Otructure to conforr-t to regulations as to USE in Zone District in which it
is "located.
(Sign hprP)
- ,A ~ M n.. . . . • ..a~.+--......... . . . adult female
It ic bereby Agrood, cs a par4w at' thi^ ;~-T~lic~.Cion and 0" e canditiam
u*~on v1hich tho Crotiyu- o i' i;hio a;=;'1 ± cntion AW1 bo br•:3.:~dj
that X.
wil l dt no titee koep or m3,tninL r.xart- thntt - t"°'ezjt9 (~C ) r~~ctzpOn -ths
Prariieee and. that the nink- ahwl iorg haro:.n to, :~ill be mov"
. baek. frari bho weatern bolmQnavr~f Cr].isle -Qtr+ee# to the roar af trw
,raets fis e.occ: ib-:e- on tltt, ? nSM.yTf) !;ie.ft M.` thia arvllieat~our e dis-
. . _ _ . . . ~ee. of mfi. 1 e"+; fio
~eet. . . . . . . .
. . . ril'~.,... . ` "f' a
. . . , ~ . ~r~~
. , . , . . .
. , _
. . ,
, . .
. t. .
_ . . ,
. , .
, . .
. ,
PER.t:-i I T FE E-- ~ 1. M
11P0IiF J?E C OL?"1 -'Y PLAI.TI1 I PIG C C)'.C' I? S S I OI.T
TeI~,phcnP; Rroadv!ay 1141 Court I?ousc
3pokane, Wash-Ington
ii. L. Rutter, Chair-man Edcar T. Hawle,r, Secretar~;
I; r'o IE
T. B. _ DA TF ~
~ --v
P~JST dF~'ICE P.~7F~, ~c , i~;LEn~iO'T
R2C. ra r1 i s1 ra - t8
2%.-~1" 17 - ""Ec T ~ s IyA r, A D. D 17' s~
ST 71'. C'ljJ:'f, LOCAm10?T
r41~{ t' i. _ . • • ~ w- : .i .
~ ~.i'~ i
Le~-a7. descripn fror.trr i 3eed, tax reeeint cr corf'r'Act
(Resi(lence,Store,,zRrPge,Alterntior.s,Etc) (Lu~?~Pr,Cor_crete.;~r~icY,etc)
(ti"licith and Length) (Gnn, one ttr_~i e, }:a, r -~c
rYPROXIPIATF COST 2.po ?1T~;~??I~ OF P30CI:k'3 Q=
( Inc lu,le ot-rr_ 1abor )
T:~.SE11EITi' 0 Ui:'J'1i, TIC''`
~ ~•.Z, , rl: 1 n'"f~ /v iy ' y ' ~ t~ / _ ~ _ _..1 ~ .
J~~i:L,.T~ ;i Ai: ~-r~. i Z~ -•~'L..
T T . .T ? • . ~
W \
T 1
.-e, c~s t:f? nr,
~ r., 7. ~r~r
, ~T1"1JT - ~
J1 t J', t .~^.il~.
l .
F':?Or: ~7D"
I~TII-, S 0:T(~{ UI7~ STr,L•'~~T
iiF.;LL'I'H TJLIT. ryF;cQSSary ~o ha;-e Apprc,val of Count,y Nealth Officer for building-L-,
t-.here publio is to be accorlmodated as stores, s:>rvice station,
7rRECKIPIG Y!!RJS, JLTf1K Y:iF,DS, 3;COP17 'r~~ND :1UTO Y.-`:F.D f°.Nn rL^L~-VRE PIiFS. P?o pPrr.iit +.:be issued if wi+.r.in 300 f'P.P.'t nf a hirhway or Tnain travAled road.
BILLBOAF?DS }'_''?P, SIGPIS. r?ot to be. Ql?owed in :^p.strict?d or undPsirable place. Lcca-
tion subject to verification.
PL►P'S .'04D S11ECIFICI_TIOP:S. To be furnished if thfl Co:~ir.iission deems it necessar,.-.
~.iC.;~It~1~. PPr-mit :~ecessar;r to :~ove old buildir.g to A nel~r loca+ior. If no,7e3 or_
State Highwav, permis sion ~r il l have t o be had f ron that Depart!r:e:.t,
ZCl1t'.. St;ructure to confozm ta reg.,,.?ations as -to USE in Zone District in «:h.ich i-,
is loca.ted.
( S igr. here )
It is herebq agreodp as a part of thia e-,,)plication ead as a condition
upon Which tho grautinf- oi' this a-::)licatioa sr,-111 bc baeods that I
uill d1c no time keep or mnitaia more thna twenty (80) mink npon the
premieee and that the mink sholtAr, harein roi'erred top will be mo4ed
bnek fmm the westoru boundaYy Tlf {3rlisle 3treet to tne rear of ny
:ract, ae described on the reverse side of thie aT)^licatione a dis-
Uuaae of at ? eaat 50 feet. . , .
_ . . . . . . . .
Mr. P. L. :!oador
Nortr: 2603 'list=_-
Orchard Avonue, ~a ~ri::,-t:)n
?`ear Tfr. ''Puder :
IllnPss hns prevented nP takin7 sina► `,'artheN tiction ~-oZat'+vs *_o ycur
zoninC, retition or cor_+.acting 1!r. ':~eeks rHgarding the ,rnnting ol' the per-
Qit "o r '-h- nk shA Lter.
No data has been set for the next :aeeting of -vhe Co±vniss ion, but it
rrill probe.bly be on Jamuar,y ?E, 1944. A public meAttne Por the ennsi ~nrn-
tion oP 7oninE; in yaur listrict crnald be taken up at that ti!r.P, but T
believR that we sliolild havA morP researoh an(i acquaint both the resi:'Arits
and -tho public tivith the 3etails of tho proposition bet'ore it is passed ii, on
by the "'or.ueission. If you will dosignate a time F,-hen Y'pD1"r,gP7ttAtiveS o`'
the Planning Cor.i ission can T1AAt vrfth your conu4unitv l~fL iQr:
boundaries And distrieta, MrA will be t.1a(lk to hA pre-,Rnt. '
e t'.rA sAndin~; yo!_i a oop,y o'' the mirnitns o=' the lagt r~Apting in n•hich
yov will seR what action rocan tqkPn hv the f'rnnmiRSion r,-tntivr) t^ the -n i.r.--
ahelter and ronirt;; inetltfoii.
I T'AthA?" ~~,,;orj.orai.-<3
for the locqtion er his mink sholtnr, b«t T thin}:, '.)y persoua1 contact, c
w►ill hnve no Itf'ficulty 4-n him nlacing I± ''urthAr to thA rear of his prop--
If ;ou }1f~4A *~urtzvr inla:ration or sut;i;es+:ions to nake cn n_t}ier of
these projocts, 7 woulil bP pieased to hFive you oontact rae and we wi 11 c? is-
cuss the same.
:'ery trt:ly yours,
Fdgar T. Hafrley, vxec. Secretary
PE F2:? I T FE E-- ~1. nn
,,PO1ir"~17E COL`";TY PLAPiZ:I?G rC,r.iTSS'rOIi
ToI,--pI^cnP ; Rroauwa3- 1141 Court Eouse
Sno%ane, Vjash;_ngton
R. L. Rutter, Cr:air-,ar. Edcar T. I-:ai-rleSecretar;,r
N.A2 IE -R. DATi,
1.. ~
A F.C:iT 1 r C T T S I1A~~ r.DD 2LFSS
ST?'-CTUt c, LOCAiIC.' , s~-.,,.: r. - • ~ nr
17 L`eE Q:L descrirta.on ro:~ deed, ~ax recei„t or cor:±ra ct~
PUP.POSE P..ATERIAL TJSED IAI►n1I ,.n (Resicience, Store,,xgre.gP,Altera-',-ions,Etc) (Lunrer, C:?rcrPte;~rick .e cc )
(1°+f idth and l.ength ) ( Or.e, orie ar.:3 aha ~ i,
-ROXT7.1hTE COST 'r~C?:~
{Inclu:le oi,.~r. iaboi- ;
F :,SKI,i'Ei; T i iC~~t^
~zr-t, r_"::e) ~.C`ncr`,~ :~cc~~,
• - -
~ . T I
\r;~SSp ,-)o;;ept_c ±c~ rkr; ri71t
I P1~I"n n~`~ n.n~' t~ _..,~y,-, •"l~l C. !
. . ) -
G i ~ Li i:1 S C; t c T' C'.
hR~_LTH MIT. r:ecessary to halre Approval of County Health C`'ficPr for bui Idir_t
~+rhere publia is to be accor2modated as stores, service sta.tion, hai1:7.
';:r:R.ECkING Y!:R~S, JUt1K Yr_RiS, aFCOPiD IU:PiJ AUTO Yl'_??D ~`_ND P".M:PE PILES. r?o gQm i t
be issued if vri±r.in 300 feet o£ a hi[-h.vfty or -iain travAled roa
BILLBOAFDS r.T?D SIGPIS. rTo+ to be allowed i- nr
t; on sub ject to vqrif icat io::.
PL~AP:a SPECI'r'iC'.TIO?'S. To be furrished, if the Co_:j-izssicn aeem.-: ;t . .
hiG'v'ITPerrii+ necessary to -r:o%re old building to a nec~ locatior_. If I'10v9d or_
S±ate Highvray, perriisSion will have to 'ce had f rom thQt Departmen','o
ZrTiE • J+T'uCtll2'e t0 COTlf'C)I":'l ~r', r.»41 ~+-ir.,i•g a ~ -17- 1I1 ?i ~~-rict 1n
1S iOCEitP!.",.
i •
. ,
It ic hera~~~ a"read, 3S 8. part of this l.icaticn ard as a condition
~~.>on ~°rhich t:!e ~ranti*~~: of' ~h.i~ i.c~.tion sh~ll be based, ±hat I
47ill at no tim.e keen, or r..aitain :.Lore than tvrenty .(2C) mint; upon the
-,remises ar_0, that t!1._ i~1-..k:,h~l herein referrec' ±o ,ill. be moved
back from the westcrT,_ boundary ~ f~.rlisle S#treet tt 4% -,'f =e rear. of *7
tr.--ct, as oescribed on...ti►e reverse sidQ df ~this a dis-
tancz of ,qt least. 50 'feet.
f '
A •
C Q P -Y FEF1:'I1T FEE ~1.110
- -
0"PCI{r1'?E COtm;~Y PLATI1;IPTG CC_",2.II~SIOI~1
TclenhcnP : Broad-e.►ay 1141 Court EousP
Snolcane, Washingtor.
R. L. Rutt,~r, Cha:.r-ian Ed€ar T. Haw1e:-, Secretary
rTA".iE T. R. :70ek s DATE
POST OF~'ICE ADDF~SS E. 8225 Carlis!c,. , ~guta „S TELEPsiO; -
~?:?;FCTtJ lbAP~E A 7) 17 S ~
L,QCA':'ICT1 FBSt 31"",5 ca,, 15~,~ ~'Tt:Ct 19~~_ Or~l~rr1 ..vr3 » : ~ r ^ , c
(Le~ aT descriptlon fror.t ieec?,~ ax receint Nr~c ~r~~ a+
FtT~?.PQSE mirik peIl i:IATEIRIAL L?SED t~r~~x. ani
(Pesiderce,Store,Garage,Alterntions,Etc) (L,x-,nPr,Corcrete.F r1c:,
(►"lidth and Length) onP ar.cl a haif, two, e -~c i:i'PROXIMATE CnST $80.00 'Tt"R'?1"'1 7 r~rT~
( I n c 1 uie ot%•r: 1 abo r
F.'. SEi:E; 11'i' r.o21e
. (`i J ' . T t r
r, ,n^^=~•~ .~T - x-~
,?T.~: ~r 1'7
(For purpose of correct house nurnber)
I'.Er.LTH [TNIT. rdecessa.ry to have Approval of County Nealth OfficPr for bui.ldings,
where publio is ±o be accorur,odated as stores, ser•,rice station, halls-.
17RECKIr1G YARDS, JIJTIK Y~~F.GS, 3FC01`1D ~-il^21D r~,LTTC~ Y~'_RD ~ ND MLL~V[?kF PIi.~ES. rTO per-nit to
be issued if within 300 feet of a him}r.vay or nain -travPled road.
BILLBO1.r?DS 1!1rD SIC21S. T?ot to be ailowed in _`'f?St;I'1Ct'.?d or Lzndesirable place. Laca-
tion sub ject to vPrif ication.
PL1P~S ;~TIJ SsECIFICl_TIOP:S. To bc furnished if the Co-mmission deems it necessary.
MVING. Permit necessar%r to meve old buzlding to a neti;r Iocati-or_. If move3 on a
State Highway, pernis s ion wil l he.ve t o be r.ad f ror.; that Depar±ment. I
'L"JiIE. S+ructure to confcm ~o reriila-tions as to USE in Zone District in which it
is ioca+.ed.
T sc~:~se~s,,s
( ove r ) A,'~
~ igr. here )
1 v
T• 't' i C` ' ~ i .l- o~' I ~ 1 . •
L al 1
f.'_Z" Ei ~1i1. .=F? • .~I t.'I" 1.; - tIl~ vC ~,E~I ~ f.: .~'..~511:t3Sa j li`~ ~ To
. . . ~ ~ , , ; , ? . ;~.c ~ oing to try aross-brPedi.n, for
_ - ~
. ,
, , • . .
~ t_=
NoVembtt2' 23, 1943
MI'o H* Do WalkHT
ChBI]By, Yfa5hingt(]Il
DeA7` Mr. WalkeI':
Enclosed is a c+opy or an apglicatian for the onnstruatiQn
of EL builrlfng in the pra;noting of a mink farm prvject in
Oraha.rd Avenue.
ITe have hs.d pratests froan residents oP thtit a istriat, par-
ticularly thrvugh Ilr. R. L. Meedex-, and he is airculating a peti- .
tion tn be filod reqt°Qsting that the Comrnissian refuse the permit. i
I have taken up the matte-r with Mr. Evans of the Proseautor's
orf ice relative to the gowers of the Commission in handlirg an
applica.tion of this character, and he wiIl be at thia meeting pre-
pared to give the proper legal ad,vice. 7he granting or reNsal of
this application far a permit is samething tn be seriousIy comsid-
ered as zt invoIves the $aope of the atijthority zn mtters of thi~
kind that is given to the Plenning Cam.*aission. See page 1160 para-
gmph 5-7, Sesr ian Laws o£ 1935.
Tiie pratesternts ta the grarztirtg af the permit will bo present
and Mr. Yfee~s will also be there to make an explanation af his
A similar letter has been sent to Mr. Ruttnr and Mr. Iteenaoh.
Please note that I3ecembvr 15 has been tentatively set by Mr. Rutter
as the date for the hearing upan this matter.
Very truly yours,
Edgar T. Hawley
Noveznber 20, 1943
Yr. R. L. Ru tte r
I Spokene & Eastern
Spokane S. Washingtcm
~aR r 1dr. ~'zzttc~ z- :
:'hie is a copy of Qn application z'or :hv const-n-t^-fic;n
a buildin,g in the i>ronntin~,- oz'' a mznfK £ar,n prc~>>~'
:^l:'~tlti?^"' '.-~?',3::~• I ~it: `.'c.i tlf.1.: t1I'C Lc~ ;iti ~ :'2'UT:i :'t:..'_ ..1E3 ~;,:i ~J ~ ~;.Ll'_ : 3 i'.. )
partiaularly through Mr. R, L. Meader, and he is cira~.~lat i:~;;
n petition to be i'ilari rnc;►xestinE- thRt thn Corirnlgsion r!±lr~~c
the pereiit.
Z hKVe ~-.,akon up the r.:attor with Mr. INI'vans o:,
eautor*s offiae relative to tho powers or the Coynmission in
hendling an application ot' this charucter, and he xi11 be i:''
tho meeting pregareci to vi.ve the proper legal advice. The
frantin,g or refl:sal o£ this application for s permit is ^nM -
~ thing to be seriously considered as 3.t involves the saopet ~
the authority in nattarsof t}iis kind that is given tr Planriing Conmission.
The protestants to the irranting of tho pormit xi `
prosent and Tir. ►le- . , ~ ~ , . ~ . . t ion o±' ti~ s requAs t.
lot mo
ber 1o is satisfaatory to you as I inf ormed ifr. 1:4aekL4
. ~ -
, .
T . -V
~ .iF{.JaY'' ~
lVi / i * 11
s. 62`E5 CarlBila.
Rauto 5 Spolmne.
Dear Ur ~;ee':^ • -
V• :.nclosed pleae6 find a uew anplication ror the erection
of ponr ffink shelter. The prov&sions for the grnntir.g of the enme
xere pa-3sed bt- the Flennin.* COTIods:j7.OII et ite meeting oP Dee.15, 194; ,
Ploaee si --n both the front nnd reveree efde of the ±he ^a:-e to t;his o'~`icu "•ith v re-TA+.tP.nce oi' " 1.0{:4
rii 1o-s !Tou to tuilci thi` structure ithin iu ,
Oarlisle atreet it ia enMeeted, in the intereet of neigaberhor
harmonp,that -Tou place the shelter on tho extrsme rear of vour ,
:7111 -;-ou plense accompany the eigned •3pplict-1ion rith the iaPornation
ns to the eaact lacation oP the mink shelter.
Yourf; truJ.-
..T-. ,^.T^'^-lr' T . , .-T-., a., , ~ . ,T.- •
'_'o t'~e 'our.±_. l-nnir_,
Co-,rt House.
::r ok-r.e,
nt7- : 1 .E": : -
r'!e, the undorsigned resVients and propertr o:mers ir. ~he ,'rchc ,7
Avenue District, Spokane County, protest the establisiLmc-nt of a 1'3.32K F~,-I_ t
in our vicinit~- n.-1 - 411
that purpose.
,Ie request that we be advised o~ the uaze and tiiie ^f tne hf--arinsr on
the application for GaV permit so that -e can b.,!? nresent rnc' "ive the '
re? sons for our p Ost .
~ , „
~ ,..u Di,~,.~1.)
~ `
~ V
- v-~
. a IL~r. -Zr i / ~ \ ~ • ~
w f i r
~'?~c • ~r`' ~.,,il s= ~?,%.~j ,T~'-t -.S .
Qr~`'/X l• f !?D y,o
/ -
2&e4 - , ~ , ~.~L ~ vo
. ,
~ -
_J~ G d
Q 3
FAbruary 8. 1944
T. R. :~OeYs
Pa►st 6225 Carli8le
,,,o,:te 4'S
:'pokane, 7"ashinj;ton
:)cswr R;r. Weeks :
Tt ie requeated thet you conforci to your aZroement
with the }'ler,ninr, Cowiesion at tho time your pArsait wae
issued,Lo have your mink abAter -novel to the loaation
agreod uron.
'"riis f'allure to rewvA the structure `_'rosa tts I-,resent
location to the one in the reer of yaur lot hde boen called
to the attontion of this of*PtaA by eeveri►1 interested prop-
erty rnmers.
P1Aese 61ve this your ;m.-ladiete attAntion.
"'nolosed you xill ^ind o Self-aadrossed stanpecl Anve-
lope tiiat you me,y uee to roply to tlin abovn roq~iest.
very t.ruly yours,
SPnYA? CC??1~''_'Y :,U-4117"11; f'C`.r.~-; :,i C`TI
-.dgar T. l!uwley, Xec. SPcretwry.
F`:'P-'." I T FE E--- -~1. 10
aPOKP !T.:' COtT:; TY PL~A?`Il`'Ii'IG CC'ff.'I-STO
Tnln~;l^o:~P ; F3roa:i~-.►ati- I14I Court House
a y
Spokane, We shi.ngtor.
R. Tio RuttPr, Chairman Edcar T. Hawle,f, Secretary
- ,
POST GF7TrE .":DDRESS 10 `";r._,.• ..0' TFI.E PHC??r, • ,
LA~Cfil i ECT ',S P1ArIE ADTJ;Tr, SS
~ 0
(LeE,Qi descrzFtion fror.Z deed, ~ax receint cr contract)
~,P.esi(-Ience,Store,Garage,Alter~itinns,Etc) (I,u-i"ber,ConcreLe;Bric;r-.etc,)
JI i FSI OT:S STORIES (Width and I.,enr.th) (Cne, one ar.d a half, ti-c, etc,)
:',.PP?OXII~~TE COST . : r1U7ME:Z OF P,OO:.:S .r _
(Include o%,m labor)
-,`.SEIEA1T , FOUI:D-ATIQ'1 r-•;f,
(Fu11, part, none) (Concrote, Roc::, etc. )
1'L' LIG'~ITI'i1U ; -
(Cesspoel,Septie t~.rk,Se.,er) ~E~ectricit~•, etc.)
(Purpose, cnSt.d;m.ensioris)
DTSiAi:C- r'RGS~JE L±:?ES C-F L(~~' ~R SIDE S?';.EJT
(For purpose of correct house nur:lber)
11,11T. P-Iecessary to have Apprcval cf Courty Health OfficPr f or bui.Idings,
~►rrere publia is to be acco^umodated as storFs, service station, halls.
~;::.~C.~Tl~iG Y:.:?I;S, JL~;K YhR~S, SFCOrTD i'~1~ 1lLTT0 ~'.':F.J f'.r1D F'.,'.I~ft,TP.E PILES. t'o per^:it to
be issued if tivi±hin 300 feet of a hi7,hway or nain traveled road.
~.I?,LEC:.~~ ~~S i.!'P- SIuTTS. IJot to bP aliav~ed in rPSt2'1CtPd r.r undesirabIe ~lace. LocQ-
tion subject to vFrification. ~
PL:`_t1'S i D Si'I. C I F IC:.TIOr?S. To be furr:ished if ±he Corun--ssion deeris it necessary.
I',SC~''II1~T. per.mit necc;ssary to meve old building to a new 1-ocatiar_. If move3 on a
State HiChway, Femission i,.rill have to be had f rom tliat Lepartment.,
ZGi~r,. S±r}acture ta confar-m ta r?g«lations as to USE in Zone Distric in w~hich it
is loca+,ed. - ~ ,
V S igr, n pre
_ . , _ . ~ ' ' : . - rt;~t. _ , c~r- ~'i:i;;~,-~ri; ~
- . ~ . . ~ • ~ ~ , „ ~ , ~ • ' ~ ~ ' ' 1~,. . - . . _
_ - ~ - ~ .
, ' - , ~ . : ~ r_ _ - , c _ ; _ 1 -
. ` . .
. ~
. ~
. ~
JAMAtrY 39 1944 •
W/ '1'. R•
g. 82233 Carlsils.
Rmte $ Spokane.
Dear W Weslet-
FAnclossd plsase tind s am appliaatiou !br the rrsetioae
of your rgtnlc eWt~r. Ma provisions !or the granting of the sems
*as~s psassd bp the Flanninp, Coa~aisA ion at ite me►ttiag ot Dee.IS, 1943 •
Ploams ai ra Dot3t the tront eud revsrss sid• of the appliption end retura
the eem to tbis o"iee with a ra~ittamoe en' * 10040
Vhile the permit e1Lows pou to b%i].d this stmatars within 50 lest of
Qerliele atrest it 1n wmmate~l. in the iabsreat of aot~bes~ood '
b~s~o~o~q, that v.on plaee the ehslter on the aartrem Y*tr or yoroqr lot .
will trou plews sooompa~y tbe sigaed oqpp1leAtian with the intoruation
ai to the toaaot laantton of the ffinlt e2nelter.
Yowa tru3.y0
SFQXV?~' o0m'3`S'Y I1L:'t?77m, CCJE:vj :~.q34N.
~ar wrl~►aIt ~ s 9sc~tert
December 15, 1943
MEETING: Ce+lled to order by Che~irman R. L. Rutter in the County Commissioners=
~ Assembly Rvom in the Court House at 2:00 p.m,
MBMBFRS: Present: ?dessrs. Rutter, Meenach, Rohwer, Andre, Cannon, Rigg, Vdalker,
BienE, and Fosseen
Absent: Messrs. Mix, State, and Reasor
Visitors : County Commissioner John T. Little; Messrs• R. L. Meader= jq. G.
Moseley, President, Orchard Avenue Cor.L-nunity Club; Edward C.
; Richardson, Deputy Covmty Prasecutor; Harry F. Awmak, City Plan
Engineer; T. R. Weeks; Frank C. Trunk, Attorney; and Dr. Arthur
E. Lien, County Physician
MINUTES: The minutes of the mQeting of Nover.tber 10, 1943, were Qpproved as pre-
, I+dr. Hawley: The preliminary sketah of this plat was presented at the last
meeting. Everything is ready except the e nginee ring. A request has been
made for continuance of this plat until the next r.ioating•
ACTION: A motion was made, duly seconded, and carried unanimously that
a continuanoe be granted on Prattts Addition to Opportunity until the
next meating.
Mr. Hawle,Y : A requPst hfls also bc~en r►e~de by the sponsors o£ the Country
HomPs plat to be continued indefinitely.
Mr. Meenach: Pratt's Addition is just a temporary pastponement.
AM~: A motion Mras made, duly seconded, and carried unanimously that
a continuance be grftnted on Tracts 119, 120, & 122 of Countr,y Hames
, Mr. Hawle,Y : Zrle hRVe an applico:tion by Mr. Ted ':'Veeks to buiZd e► structure
, at East 8225 Carlisle a r.iink pen 12 x 30, costing $80. It is to be a.
p ortable building. The rnvner hQS rabbits, cows, chickens, and a horse.
He is not going to start a business; he will have a maximum of about 10
or 12. He was going to try cross-breeding for silver mink. The sppli-
cetion was mde and we have a petition signed by 25 property awners in
that district requesting that the permit be rflfused by this Commission, -
(Mr. Hawley read the petition.) I visited the section with representa-
tives of the Hea'-th Department. rir. Diddams said there was no objection
from the Health Department. His property is surrounded by 50 residents.
On the eASt it is all open. It is within 60 feat of the nearest houses.
rQr. Rohvier: Is this in a zoned areQ?
1+~re ffa-w-ley: No, it is in an unclassified area.
Mr. We.lker o Which area is it, Orchard l.venue ?
Mr. Hawiey: Yes.
bir. ?'►~ker : We he3d a h9aring there at one time.
1* 1 -
lAr. Hawley: I wasn't here, but that wAS where we had oar firsc meetinc.
W. Reenach : I Qm not clear about i}!here this tract i s.
Mro Haa•le : It is north of Trent Road almost 1 block, RnJ e5s+ c{' Park
Road. Mr. Hawley pointed it out on the map.) it is on the eastern
bor3er of Orchard Avenue.
Mr. ?'feeks : I have one acre. A mink farm will be ,just a hobby. I have
one cow, a pony, and some chickens and rabbits. My house is on Eighth
and Carlisle about one block north of Trent.
Mro 11eenach: VThe►t of£ensive odors would there be?
Rr. WeekS s I suppose if it was evmmercie:Z, there riight be a considerable
odor, but just 10 or 12 mink wouldn't have as much of an odor as a chicken
house or cow barn. I an in the hardwood floor business. That would be
. more prof itable.
Mr. Rohwer :Where i,s that other mink farm?
Mro ti"leeks: llr. Perkins ha.s one this side of Park Road about 1~ miles.
There is also another one who has about 500.
Mr. Rohweri Any s1QUghtering?
Ddr. Weeks : No, ?.sr. Perkins has had no complaints. It would not pay a
person to butcher.
Mr. Andre: Larson has a mink farm there too east of Greenacres.
Mro rleenachs 1'Ta,s there an affadavit o£ posting?
Mr. Hawiey: They have all been notified, but it wasn't advertised as a
puMic meeting.
Mro Weeks : ItSr. Perkins butchers horses and I ivas going ta buy my meat
from him and put it in aold storage, but no more than i vrould need. It
wouldntt te.ke rnuch to last quite errhilo.
Mr. Hawley: Mr. Riehardson is here as the legel advisor. He might be
able to thravr som.e light on the situation.
Mr. Meader: Gentlemen, I would li.ko to show you Q little diagram one
of the raasons for prot,-.sting the building of this mink sheltvr and plac-
ing it where it is. I don't think it is over 10 foet fr.om the road, and
about the samP distance from fl noighbor's line. T ce.n sit in my front
room and look at this buzlding. Ev.~ryano of those places is a first class
country home. That property, before 11r. T:eeks bought it, was in A-1
shape. Te take pride in keeping our places in ni.ce shape. I:lr. Vleoks has
gono in there and, to be frank about it, has mado a junk yard of that
Mro Vlvoks : In what vra:y?
Mr. Meader: You have lrour horse and cow, and your chickens run all over
the neighborhood.
Mr. Trunk: This is a discussion on mink.
• Mro bieader: He has plonty of room back here to placa this obstruction
and we donit feel that it is an asset to the neighborhoad~
Mr. Rutter: ti'lould you be satisfied if he moved it over here? Would you
have any complaint then?
Mr. Dleader: 11ot if it is kept in the proper condition, although mink are
worse than skunks.
Tdr. Weeks : I can Move it to where he cQn't see it from his house..
Mro Rutter: Captain, when you issue a, perr.tit, you describe the property
Tlhat it is going to rest on. Can't you issua a permit giving the exQCt
spot to place the structure?
Mro Walker : Not under the rules of the ordinance •
Mr. Meeriach: Unless by agreemento
I4r. Meader: I dontt like the farm placed in a residential district.
Mro i-VQiker: On August 3, 2937, his neighborhood objeoted to zoning. Why
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~ .
didn't they zone it? There was a hearing held there a.nd they didn't v►ant
any zoning. They wanted to do as thev pleased.
Mr. Meader: They objected because they thought that i£ they went and had
it zoned, they would lose tr.eir eattZe and horses and chickens.
Mr. Vialker: They have had 6 ti•ears bptYfeen that time and now.
P.Rr. Reader: There is a petztion toda;T to zone that district•
1-Ar. Raw iey : 59 re s i dent s s igned it.
1.1r. Meader: This happens to be in the southeast corner v£ the district.
(The names of the signers o£ the two peta.tions vrere co:►ipAred by I'r. iyalker
and Mr. IIeader. ) Tn sia years, there has been some changes.
l+,Kr. Rohwer: The ones signing the petition are directly concerned?
Mr. I+'eader: They are the eame ones as I read hPre. Yfe don't think of
• such a thing as a mir.k farr.t in a residential district.
1'dr. WQlker: "VIe 149ve no authora.ty to vrevent it. If it were zoned, it
would be different.
Mr. ideader: Four years ego a rabbit farm v:as to bE startQd, and as soon
as the residents found out about it, a vetition 1A~as gotten aut, and the
m~.n aras kind enourh to i-rithdraw it. w
Mr. Weeks : 111r. Crawford has a chicken ranch facing Trent Road and he buys
and butchers chickens and rabbits. I vrould say he has around 2,000
chickens thntts a Iegal slaughterhause.
I,'Ir. Rohtrer: Some of those pAople have to make a lzving on their property.
Mr. Hleenach: Haiv much do you want to expand?
'.'ir. VTeeks : I don't f igure on having over 20. S want to cross Yukon and
silver miriY.
Mr. 1'ieenach: If we grant the permit, tiR►ould you sign an agreQment not to
exceQd 24 mink?
Mr. ?"leeks : I am rtot going into ths bus inF s s and I want t o do U*hat i s
Mr. Ldeader: Can <<re re3.-► on that?
Mr. Richardson: In an unclassified district, certain businesses are pro'
7ited, A mink farm is not among thern. I f thP re s ident s out there want
it prohibited, they have other recourse. This Board has the discretion
to grant the perr.iit.
Mr. Heenach: If v►e grant a special perrtit, how can we terr.tinate it?
PZr. Vfafker: He wotild have to amend his per:riit apolication. If he applies
for a straight perr:iit, v~e csn only grant it.
t:sr. Rutter: Yie want to patch up soriething.
1.4r. I:eader: If you wa.nt t,o he rieht about it, v;hy did you put it out
t he re ?
1.4r. Weeks : If I set it back, thP u►ind could blarr the odor on yours and
~ other places. Located here, it i~►il1 blow against no house.
; Mr. 7alker :Would you ma};e an mpplication not to exceed 20 mink?
iJlr. Meader: Pfr. WePks said he nut it there e.s there is no odor; now he
says there is an odor.
Mr. P.uttpr: I sympathize with you, but you had your npportunity and
muffed it. Thi_s man has acted in a noble rmy, ancl you have yoursplf to
blame. It is a conpromise settleMent and I am for it. We cantt stop it
Mr. lr`talker: I rrove tha.t the Comnission grant the per:nit on awritten
application by r:ir. 1'-roeks #'ar not to cxccid 20 nink a.nd that his hutches
be placed back from thr; road not to exceed 50 fee+.
l4r. Fosseen: They have nrnrr applied for a zoning district, havcn't thny?
Iam strictly for the maiority. I can't :~F~e th~:t there sr.ould be any
- 3 -
~ .
ob ection for a little mirk farm. I didn't notice an odorz heKas ver
~ Y Y
meticulous about keeping them they are bea.utiful anima3s. If, we estab-
lish some precedent if they want to join nations change thei.r mind.
They have the right to chftnge their mind. If the :najority wa.nts to have ~
it zoned, what happened in the past shnuld not prejudice us. Sr+Iv shauld
be very careful; they have an intention of zoning. As far as the last
meeting, that mpans nothing. As it is what the ma,jority wants, I am for
it. I think Mr. Treeks is doing a very nice thing; it r.iight be wortlnuhile
to breAd this mixture.
Mr. Cannon: Ia*n in favor of it.
Mr. Meader: This is not a personal matter with r,ir. "reeks; it is R business
proposirtion from e. sa.nitary and residAntial standpoint. N0w you have a
' rabbit hutch end you have it right on the I ine. Do you know tha.t you have
no business to hgve it there? It seems to me that if your mind was right,
you woulci havQ found out befora you lad placed it there. (Ct'.pt. Hawley
read the rAstrictions for an unclassified district.) You can build right
on the Zine in the unclassified district?
Dr. Lien: He is not violating any se.nitarv conditions.
tdr. Rohvrvr: Thev aro even encouraged to keen a fevr pigs to aid the wur
ACTTO~.T: The motion that the Cor.nission grpnt the permit on a written
application by r!r. i"Teeks for not to excned 20 mink and that his hutches
be placed back from the rond not to axceod 50 feet, r.ade by Mr. r&lker,
ivAS dulv sQCOnded and carried.
Mr. 2-deena.ch: V'fe have here bef'ore us this petition. (Mr. Meenach read the
petition. ) I think the.t c211s for so*1P consideration. I move that the
matter be referred to tl:o zoning cor.►mittee to fix the deLte of the public
hearing etc.
Mr. Meader: P:4r. t,toseley is president of the Community Club. He would
cal"l a riPeting and have Cnpt. Havrley and a representative and anothAr
representative of the Comtnission and hr..ve thArn Pxplain just what they have
to hp-ce. 1"e could form e► eomr,iittee to confer and work with the zoning
Mr. Fosseen: In reference to the first public hearing there, the resi-
dents thought we hRd initiatPd it the ma,jority seomed to ro of the
opinion th.e.t 7re iverc trying to force the zoning on ther.i.
Mr. lAoseley: Ihave b.'en in the comriunitv 11 years. I am one of the men
who opposed this Commission coming in there, but I didntt attend the meet-
r ing. I o.m interestPd this time; I am one of the signers. I knovr what
, zoning has donP to rie; I knol-r vihRt it can do to others. If th=~re is a
plan to take carc of thc wido sweep of Orchard Avenue district so that all
will be treated equally right and fair, I ari £or it. 3ut if i.t viill pen-
alizc any o£ th- people, Iam opposed to it. I don't rrant a h:aring with
a prejudiced mind.
?4r. '"a lke r: Do you know the ope rat a.ons of t he Planning C ommis s ion? You
write your oym ticket and we will approve it, if the ma jority wants it.
Mr. Hawley: Z;e received a letter 3 dr-ys Rgo from C. T. Hartung request-
ing a L-Jpecial permit far the construction of a display roam and shop for
- 4 -
pltunbing equinment. (CaPte Hau-ley read his letter and the answer by the
Planning Comnission. )
1.4r. '17alker: I move we make it a special order of business the next meet-
ACTIC'N: 14r. '~ralkor's motion was duly seconded and carried.
1~Jr. Hawley: dur r.aster Zone Ordinance sQys that upon a request £or a
special permit, we mQy charge up to t25. ttlr. Aurna.ck very kindly sat in
Qnd you v.►ill find here a tabulQtion relative to the amount that couZd be
chArged in issuing a special permit.
' ACTION: A motion ,rras made, duly seconded, and carried unanimously to
~ accept the plan for a graciuated fee.
Mr. Hawley: At our hee►ring on the final plat of Block 4 0f Caroline Addi-
t ion, eve r Jthing T,ra s QK Pxcept a bond f or the wate r requirement s. (t:4r.
Meenach read the bond. )
tir. 24eenach: It hasn't been signed by 1"arsinske. If the lots arentt all
sold ttirithin a vear, the bond will expire.
Mr. Halvlvys That t-ras also my impression. It is only for the dur-ation of
one year.
A4r. P:4eencich: In the meantime, the plat has been accepted. It might be
required that thn v►ater mains be laid. ille should contact him. Thr, water
mains are to be actue.lly installed during the yzar i-:hile the bond is in
Mre Zfalker: The bond should be a bond of specific per£ormance.
7ATIOIR: By a duly soconded and carricd motion, the Secretary was instruc-
ted to confer ?vith the Dcputy Proseclitor and :l.r. 'rlarsinske Rnd havp, the
bond rewra.tten to insure a sp.;cific pcr`'orr.lance.
14r. Rutter: ?.ir. He<rry 1kumack, City Flan Fnginohr, has consented to speak
to u s t oday.
I1r. kumack : 11r. Chairman and gentlcr.ion, f irst Iwould 1 ike to Fxpla in a
1 ittle nota T sPnt about the 1 imited perrni.t. I haci in mind that the
people want to zone. ?v2r. Walker sa.ved the day in puttinC a Zimit on the
, numbAr of mink. The otlier thing is the schedule of fees. :3efore you
use it, it K►ill have to be adogted by the Co:nmission as their scr.edule.
. t'rhen making Vleekst applieation, the Captain would require a denosit.
These ere just fees to do something prohibited.
1'dr. v,falker: This just covers the cast of the Comnission the sane as the
ShAriff 's fees etc.
Mr. tdeenach: Z'rP attempted to set maxir.iums; now it is mini:nums. There is
a question in my nind as to ivhether it is adequate or not.
b4r. Vlalker: It looks to me like a basis of charging not a minimum.
14r. FosGeen: Z'Then vrould it be collected?
A2r. Hawley: rhen the apr.lication is nade.
11r. Aur.zack: This summPr the Citv Plan Cor.iriission obta.ined the services of
a planning technician wl^,o is dowr. in Portland noiv. He toflk the infor~na-
tion and i-rith some Qssistance f.ror.i mP, made thhse maps employed on a
- 5 -
°.L~. i1MY F.AUr,".;67K, CYiY PLAIN r.I'1f=INE'-'R Cor.t:nuPa
pFirt- ti-me basis e''re have atten:i: ted to Islio,-,r t.1:e ncn,' itiol_s i-n this ccr:-
::unity• (?!4r. Aur:iACk explained the rnaps which included ones on the de; :r-- I
able use of 1^nd, e~:isting use of land, Forulat io:~ dens it~,r, industria].
plants, larger !-iork centez-s; existing schools and :-ecreational cer.terc ;
traf£ic flow, and tvar hoiisint;, P.J;plRinzng the significance of the colorc'
areas, where the inforr.►a+ion v;fts ohtained, and othe;r detai3s.l Tr,P Chc,;•.,
ber of Commerce is reproduc ing by photostat some o-l' these maps .f_ or thP ir
use. I might sair that the City Plan Co^mission is going to r.ake additior.-
al mags to shrnrr dQSirable improvet*1Pnts in the highitiravs and in zoning. I
was instrueted by the City Plan Co.t.*nission to bring these. over t,nd shaw
ther.t to you nnople. ?''e oi'£er ,you the use of them at Qny ti::le you want
avail yoursel£ of them. Are there any questions votii
y r ' Mr. MEonach: uow lH.rgo ar,. ~1-.-. rl,,,+,,
~ Mr. A ur1Rc k: 17 x 11.
?'7r. F.utter: l"!e want to tllan'!. : ; - ; . - ~ r-
mEition f.nd thr, timiay you said it.
1:4ro Meenach: T think the secretarv sliould arrange to have photostatic
copi=s in th-~ Planning Corn~^iisrion officp.
Thcr., b:;ing no furt?:(-r rusin-:ss to co•:ic b:~fore th,= 9ot:rd, the :neeting
-:n s i.djournad.
APpFOVr,r,) :
L. ?utter, Chairman
A T_'E S T :
Fdlgar T. 3ccr-vary
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