1980, 08-19 Spokane Co Correspondence Re: Fence ,fly i l 1 I BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT } :, ,II'sll �� `{t., 4 BUILDING—MECHANICAL—PLUMBING '� 111 �IilrA"ll"1111"irj'• 811 North Jefferson Street —Spokane, Washington 99260 4. " qr.—.. rA �tsl o1 4p,L„.,.a wiltlrti�isi Telephone: 456-3675 JAMES L. MANSON, Director SPORANL CIL/NIT COURT HOUSE August 19, 1980 CERTIFIED - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Ms. Judith Alexander East 5621 15th Spokane, WA 99204 Dear Ms. Alexander: This office has received reports regarding the fence located around your swimming pool , located at East 5621 15th, Spokane. Specifically these reports alledge your swimming pool fence is in non-compliance with the fencing requirements of Title Three of the Spokane County Code. Section 3.05.010 of this code states that, "All private swimming pools shall have a fence not less than four feet in height surrounding the pool, or the yard area in which the pool is located, and such fenced area shall be provided with a gate or gates having a latch openable only from the pool side of the fence." These reports have been verified during a visual inspection by our field inspector which indicates that there is a large hole in the fence which could allow access to the pool . We are of the opinion that since you have now been informed of the require- ments of the Spokane County Code, a period of 30 days, beginning with your receipt of this letter, should be sufficient time for you to facilitate repair of this fence. Do not hesitate to act upon this important matter, since a violation of the County Code is a misdemeanor and does carry a penalty. I am sure it is important to you, as it is to me, that we re- solve this situation quickly. If you wish to discuss these findings, have any questions, or believe these allegations to be unfounded, please feel free to contact me at 456-3675. Sincerely, Morrie Aman Building Inspector MA:db i BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT J, ' , 4.4\ 4 i I Pan t yi,� "; z BUILDING—MECHANICAL—PLUMBING ;,,�� j ;.L_A. -�'�.., �I1' 04-i, 811 North Jefferson Street—Spokane, Washington 99260 F k,4"::,:1-111L111'4° rkvixl P, 10 1 ITelephone: 456-3675 JAMES L. MANSON, Director SPOKANE COUNTY COURT HOUSE December 16, 1980 Ms. Judith Alexander East 5621 15th Spokane, WA 99204 Dear Ms. Alexander: This is the second notice that we have written to you regarding the fence around your swimming pool . The first letter was August 19, 1980. You at that time temporarily repaired the fence with two sheets of plywood, which we gave you approval to do until the road and landscaping are completed. As of December 15, 1980, the plywood has been removed so again we are saying the fence is in noncompliance with the fencing requirements of Title Three of the Spokane County Code. Also, for your own protection and that of the small children, the gate should be closed. Section 3.05.010 of this code states that, "All private swimming, ools shall have a fence not less than four feet in height surrounding the popl, or the yard areas in which the pool is located, and such fenced area s411 be -pro- vided with a gate or gates having a latch openable only from the pool side of the fence." These reports have been verified during a visual inspection by our field inspector which indicates that there is a large hole in the fence which could allow access to the pool . We are of the opinion that since you have now been informed of the require- ments of the Spokane County Code, a period of 30 days, beginning with your receipt of this letter, should be sufficient time for you to facilitate repair of this fence. Do not hesitate to act upon this important matter, since a violation of the County Code is a misdemeanor and does carry a penalty. I am sure it is important to you, as itis to me, that we re- solve this situation quickly. If you wish to discuss these findings, have any questions, or believe these allegations to be unfounded, please feel free to contact me at 456-3675. Sincerely Morrie Aman Senior Building Inspector MA:db �;9-7 -1 xto* osup% -44-1 .477 ,..#41144 T 7L/7— 30 Y3 PQ1 40868e8 Ms. Judit._ Alexander's attorney called on 9-2-80 about the fence around the pool. • RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE'MVV.I.Fn__ P" Agman said they are going to be in NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL c art soon with Stan Sloon. He said they sENTTO (See Reverse) do want to put up the fence until the pro- Ms. Judith Alexander perty line has been established. He asked STREET AND N . what they should do and I suggested that East 56�L1 15th COD .--------- they either drain the pool or fix the fence. Spokane,ZIP AD99204 He said they would drain the pool. POSTAGE CERTIFIED FEE 0 EH SPECIAL DELIVERY ` jJ�y,4`p LL RESTRICTED DELIVERY d �j� �J'I ¢ SHOW TO WHOM AND DATE DELIVEREDet Cn Q f SHOW TO WHOM,DATE, ewe C lc U /� /qo� ,(JS D 5! / E AND ADDRESS OF a P sC y,J �P �f^ DELIVERY ��jj SHOW TO WHOM AND DATE DELIVERED WITH RESTRICTED o - DELIVERY LI SHOW TO WHOM,DATE AND - 7 �(,(Q/ i-' ADDRESS EOFD DELIVERY WITH cr /`�( t RESTRICTED DELIVERY r-- o. �t - TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES $ /'1�'_- 7 Zo a V • POSTMARK OR DATE g 9—.23-on Ci-,.e-t.�. .4.6? �, aa4e4 d a /*4)010-0 40- rDC,1"1-7 / L4 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 1 OFFICIAL BUSINES3 PENALTY FOR PRIVATE SENDER INSTRUCTIONS USE TO AVOID PAYMENT Print your name,address,and ZIP Code in the space below. OF POSTAGE.s300 un®rslw • Complete items 1,2,and 3 on the reverse. - ®d,• Attach to front of article if space permits, �� otherwise affix to back of article. • Endorse article"Return Receipt Requested" adjacent to number. RETURN ..a TO Spokane County BuildingCodes Dept. (Name of Sendr North 811 Jefferson (Street or P.O.Box) Spokane, WA 99260 . (City,State,and ZIP Code) 1 0 ;R: Complete item/1,2,ane , o Add your address in the"RETURN TO"R�_onJ. • I reverse 1. The following service is requested(check we.) b) Show to whom and date delivered. --t 5 0 Show to whom,date and address of delivery _t io 0 RESTRICTED DELIVERY V us Show to whom and date delivered —t 0 RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom,date,and address of delivery.$_ (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TOc M Ms. Judith Alexander 9 East 5621 15th Spokane, WA 99204 en r 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: M REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO. INSURED NO. D 4086888 J 0 (Always obtain signature of addressee or agent) m I have received the article described above 21 NA.. -E OAddressne • theorized DATE OF DELIVERY , in pl UNABLE NABLE TO DSLIVER BECAUSE: .ii N QIWTIALB g BUILDING CODES i +GPO:197a 2188 84E