17-026.00 Spokane County, Consolidated Irrigation: Euclid Ave Reconstruction MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY AND CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DISTRICT NO.19 FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING WATERLINES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE EUCLID AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT, CIP NO. 0251 AND THE EUCLID AVENUE TRUNK SEWER PROJECT NO. 219C WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley (City) intends to construct the Euclid Avenue Reconstruction Project CIP No. 0251 (Road Project) in 2017 on Euclid Avenue between Flora Road and Barker Road and on Flora Rd between Euclid Avenue (West) and 400 feet north of Euclid Avenue (East); and WHEREAS, Spokane County(the County)intends to construct a project known as the Euclid Avenue Trunk Sewer Project No. 219C (Sewer Project), which is located within the limits of the Road Project; and WHEREAS, Consolidated Irrigation District 19 (District 19) is operating existing waterlines within existing rights-of-way on Euclid Avenue and Flora Road; and WHEREAS, due to the open ditch excavation around existing asbestos concrete waterlines,it may be advantageous to remove and replace these waterlines at specific locations in order to minimize post construction water main breaks,and to expedite the Sewer Project construction;and WHEREAS, the City, the County, and District 19 desire to enter into this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish the mutually agreed terms to accomplish the tasks set forth herein. WHEREAS, this mutual understanding MOU will not supersede any existing contracts the City,the County, and District 19 have in existence NOW, THEREFORE, the City,the County and District 19 do hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 —RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY 1.1 The City shall designate a"responsible person" who shall represent the City's interest during the design and construction of the Road Project,and shall coordinate any modifications or changes needed by the City in conjunction with the work. 1.2 Plans and specifications for the Road Project are being prepared by the City, and the City intends to construct the Road Project in 2017. The County is preparing plans and specifications for the Sewer Project, which will be bid by the City under a separate schedule within the Road Project. MOU—Euclid Avenue Reconstruction/Sewer Project Page 1 of 3 Last updated 1/31/17 ARTICLE 2—RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COUNTY 2.1 The County shall designate a "responsible person" who shall represent the County's interest during the design and construction of the Sewer Project, and shall coordinate any modifications or changes needed by the County in conjunction with the work. 2.2 The County shall identify on the Sewer Project plans those waterlines which District 19 has pre-approved to be sectioned out and replaced. 2.3 The County specifications will require the following work be done by the Sewer Project contractor: A. Provide District 19 a minimum of 48 hours advance notification before excavating at the water line locations identified on the plans. B. Excavate and install the sewer line at least 48 hours after notifying District 19. C. Notify District 19 at least 48 hours before the trench is backfilled to the bottom of new water line bedding elevation. Provide sufficient working area, access, and time for District 19 to isolate the water line, remove the existing AC pipe and fittings, replace with new materials, and place the water line back into service. D. After District 19 has replaced the waterline, the Sewer Project contractor shall install pipe bedding,according to the 2016 Standard Specifications M 41-10 by Washington State Department of Transportation, preapproved by District 19 and backfill the trench to the bottom of subgrade elevation. 2.4 The County shall be responsible for inspection for all aspects of the design, construction and construction management of the Sewer Project. ARTICLE 3—RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DISTRICT 19 3.1 District 19 shall designate a "responsible person" who shall represent District 19's interest during the design and construction of the Road Project and Sewer Project, and shall coordinate any modifications or changes needed by District 19 in conjunction with the work. 3.2 District 19 shall be responsible for the following work: A.The water lines to be modified are:replacement of 10"AC and 6"AC at N.Flora and Euclid and cap 6" AC main at N. Tschirley and Euclid. District 19 shall provide water system plans of these segments showing depth of cover and valving for each segment. B. The length of the water lines to be replaced shall be approximately equal to the width of the excavated sewer trench, plus two (2) feet on each side of the sewer trench. C. Given at least 48 hours' notice by the Sewer Project contractor,District 19 shall isolate each waterline segment that has been pre-approved to be removed. D. Given at least 48 hours' notice by the Sewer Project Contractor, District 19 shall cut and remove the existing section of water line following backfilling up to the bottom of new water line bedding. District 19 shall install, flush,pressure test, and disinfect the new waterline. District 19 shall place waterline warning tape and locating wire for each waterline. MOU—Euclid Avenue Reconstruction/Sewer Project Page 2 of 3 Last updated 1/31/17 ARTICLE 4—ALLOCATION OF COSTS 4.1 The County shall reimburse District 19 time and materials cost to re-install water lines 10"AC and 6" AC at N. Flora and Euclid and cap 6" AC main at N. Tschirley and Euclid. In no event shall the total reimbursement paid by the County to District 19,pursuant to this agreement,exceed $4,800.00. 4.2 District 19 shall invoice the County during construction for the waterline work. The invoice shall include tabulations of all quantities, equipment, and labor hours for work done. 4.3 Upon receipt of an invoice from District 19,the County shall immediately review each invoice and shall bring to District 19's attention any amount on an invoice that is unclear or questionable. The County shall pay District 19 all unquestioned amounts within 30 days of the receipt of the invoice. • The Parties have executed this Agreement this o day of -e n,l.GlN , 2017. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY 4/„.i By: Mark Calhoun :y: Kevin ' Cooke, P.E. City Manager Environm- tal Services Director ATT !! JJ Christine Bainbri ge, City Clerk CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DISTRICT 19 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 411111_� By: Shane Shepard - A Consolidated Irrigation District 19 Mgr. O of the IPFAttorney MOU—Euclid Avenue Reconstruction/Sewer Project Page 3 of 3 Last updated 1/31/17