2011, 04-29 Comment 10001879 Second Submittal ReviewSpokan �
April 29, 2011
John DeLeo
DeLeo Consulting Group, PS
P.O. Box 1269
Spokane Valley, WA 99037
Development Engineering
11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 1 Spokane Valley WA 99206
509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhatt@spokanevalley.org
Re: SUB -04-09 Elliott's Addition
St. Charles Road from 0' to 6th
City Project (i.e. PLUS) No.: 10001879
Review Comments for Submittal #2
Dear Mr. DeLeo,
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Development Engineering thanks you for the opportunity to support you in the design and
implementation of your client's project. We have reviewed your submittal of the Civil Plans
and Drainage Report for the above-mentioned project. In our review of the design, there
were a few items for which we request further clarification.
Note: RS = Spokane County Road Standards, SRSM = Spokane Regional Stormwater
Manual, ROW = right of way
1. General
a. Please include a signature block for the project sponsor on each sheet reviewed by
the City.
2. Cover sheet
a. Materials
i. Note #13, HMA —as mentioned in our previous letter, the HMA depth in
the note (0.17 foot) does not match the depths called out in the other
sheets. Please revise.
3. Sheet 2, St. Charles Road —
a. Curve table — For 6t' Avenue, the curb radius should be 20 feet; for 4th Avenue
the curb radius should be 30 feet.
b. Plan view —
i. Please include the north arrow.
ii. For the items from RS section 5.04 mentioned in the previous letter —
1. Call out the new monuments needed at each end of St. Charles
Road (RS 5.04 #15).
2. Please include the beginning, middle and ending elevations of curb
returns (RS 5.04 #21).
iii. Show the curb inlets that are called out at station 15+50.
Dev. Eng.: SUB -04-09 Elliotts Addn - Review2. docx
iv. Since the driveways at station 11+14 (Detail R-111) will enable
stormwater to enter the swale, it seems that the curb inlets at station 11+43
might not be needed.
v. Since there are structures for 4t' and da' Avenues called out on this sheet,
please include the stationing for these streets.
vi. Please offset the curb opening and the catch basin on 6h Avenue at station
11+68 so the catch basin is not directly in front of the curb opening.
c. Typical section —
i. Please include the cross -slope for the sidewalks.
d. Construction notes —
i. Note 4 — include the callout of the standard plan for the inlets
ii. Note 9 B & C — the standard plan is A-16. Was not able to find standard
plans 16A and 16B. Please check.
iii. Note 9 D — also reference IFC Appendix D and specify which sign(s) to
use. Also, we found out that the Fire Department prefers the signs to be
spaced 100 feet apart for the length of the street. Please adjust the spacing.
4. Sheet 6, 4t' Avenue —
a. Street improvements — as mentioned in our previous letter, the pavement
widening needs to extend along the full length of the frontage to the property
limits similar to the curb & gutter, swale and sidewalk. The pavement tapers
would then begin at the ends of the pavement widening (the taper may need to be
narrowed a bit so it doesn't cross into the neighbor's property).
b. As mentioned in our previous letter, please label all utilities (e.g. telephone)
within the right-of-way and border easements and specify which ones will need to
be relocated. All fixed objects should be located outside of the pavement and clear
zone areas.
c. HMA Widening Plan View — please include stationing.
d. Profile — please include the centerline (RS 5.06)
e. For the items from RS section 5.08, Typical Section, mentioned in the previous
letter, please include. —
i. Station limits
ii. Label the centerline.
iii. Dimension the existing ROW, ROW dedication and border easement.
iv. Sidewalk —
1. Dimension the width.
2. The cross slope should be 2%
v. Provide the slope for the right swale side slope.
vi. Please include a note that the pavement cross -slope for this typical section
should continue through the intersection with St. Charles.
5. Sheet 7, 6�' Avenue —
a. Street improvements — as mentioned in our previous letter, the pavement
widening needs to extend along the full length of the frontage to the property
limits similar to the curb & gutter, swale and sidewalk. Since this area will not
have pavement tapers, please provide striping on 6`t' to guide motorists into and
out of St. Charles.
b. As mentioned in our previous letter, please label all utilities (e.g. telephone)
within the right-of-way and border easements and specify which ones will need to
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be relocated. All fixed objects should be located outside of the pavement and clear
zone areas.
c. HMA Widening Plan View — please include stationing.
d. Profile — please include the centerline (RS 5.06)
e. For the items from RS section 5.08, Typical Section, mentioned in the previous
letter, please include —
i. Station limits
ii. Label the centerline location.
iii. Dimension the existing ROW, ROW dedication and border easement.
iv. Sidewalk — provide the cross -slope.
v. Swale —
1. Increase the text size for the left swale side slope so that it is
2. Provide the slope for the right swale side slope.
vi. Please include a note that the pavement cross -slope for this typical section
should continue through the intersection with St. Charles.
f. Grading table — please increase the text size so that it is legible.
6. Sheet 8, Stormwater Plan and Profile —
a. Plan view - include stationing for 4f and 6t' Avenues.
b. Stormwater facilities table — Drywell at station 16+44 is described as a type B but
in other places it is called out as a type A. Please correct.
c. Construction notes
i. Note 3 — please confirm that this is the correct grate type for a catch basin.
ii. Please include the following notes
1. Structure rims are to be 6 inches above swale bottom finished
2. Joints of pipes passing under roads are to be gasketed (WSDOT)
d. St. Charles Sta 16+44 x -section — should elevation 2025 at the bottom of the axis
be 2010?
7. Sheet 9, ESC Plan —
a. Per BMP C105 -please include a geotextile underneath the rock.
b. Material note #9 —the entry should be a minimum of 100 feet long.
Drainage Report
8. Section II.3, paragraph 2 — confirm that the north and south directions mentioned are
9. Table II.A, Basin Info Summary — Hydraulically Unconnected Impervious area:
a. Please remove the word sidewalk since, as mentioned in previous comments,
these are connected.
b. CN for impervious areas should be 98 and the C value should be .9
10. Section IV.3 — Pipe capacity table: according to the calcs in Appendix D the values in
the Max Q column are actually the flow velocities. Please correct.
11. Appendix B, UIC Well Registration - The form only shows 4 drywells but there are 5 in
the project. Please correct.
12. Appendix C, Hydrology - The C values in the basin summaries for the roofs were
updated per the previous comment letter but the revised weighted C's do not appear to be
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correct. Please check and update the calcs as needed. Also, should area 3 also include the
swale area?
Where applicable, please incorporate your responses to the above drainage comments
into the drainage report.
Lot Plans (1St submittal)
13. Please submit the lot plans as separate documents from the drainage report. We make the
individual plans available to home builders.
14. Each drawing is to be sealed and signed.
15. Provide the distance between the property line and the approach.
16. Callout the driveway standard detail.
17. Check that the drywell type is correct on the drawings.
18. Dimension the utility easements and call out and dimension the border easements.
19. Please specify the maximum allowable driveway width on each lot incase the
homebuilder wants to widen it so as to ensure that the remaining swale treatment area is
20. Please provide a dimensioned cross-section for each plan (See SRSM Appendix 3C)
21. Lot 1, Block 2 — is there a 12 inch pipe here? The plans only call out 10 inch. pipes.
Please provide a written response to each comment above to ensure that we properly review
any revisions or lack thereof.
Note —
For the fmal submittal, all plan sheets need to be —
a. Signed and dated by project proponent or agent, and,
b. Stamped and signed by Engineer.
All submittals must be submitted to the Building Department Permit Center located at 11703
E Sprague Avenue, Suite B-3.
If you have any questions, please email me at hallengspokanevalley.org or call me at (509)
lenry len
Development Engineer
• Mr. Brent Elliott, 3306 W. Bruce Ave., Spokane, WA 99208
• Spokane Valley Planning Department —Project Planner
• Spokane Valley Building Department - Permit Center
• Spokane Valley Development Engineering— Project File
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