2013, 05-02 Permit: BLD-2013-0782 Water Heater 4 City of Spokane Valley 1aT''� ne Community Development 11703 E. Sprague Ave., Suite B-3 ,�,,,I•'�Valley` Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509)720-5240 permitcenter@spokanevallev.orq BLD-2013-0782 BLD-RES-TRADE PROJECT NAME: ISSUED: 05/02/2013 SITE ADDRESS: 11324 E 16TH AVE SPOKANE VALLEY EXPIRES: 05/02/2015 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: INSTALL GAS WATER HEATER PARCEL: 45282.1705 APPLICANT: PRECISE CONSTRUCTION GROUP LLC OWNER: REID,WAYNE J&KATHLEEN R PO BOX 2122 SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 99037 11324 E 16TH AVE 509-315-9927 SPOKANE,WA 99206-5674 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: PRECISE CONSTRUCTION GROUP LLC License: PRECICG901PK PO BOX 2122 Expires: 10/12/2014 SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 99037 509-315-9927 FEES: Paid Due Mechanical Permit $48.00 $0.00 Totals : $48.00 $0.00 FIXTURES Qty Mechanical Fixtures 1 Gas water heater REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Rough- In Mechanical Final Mechanical Inspection For Inspections call 688-0054 Choose 2 - South Area Printed by:Heather Morris on:05-02-2013 15:22:29 Page 1 of 2