1989, 09-15 Permit: 89003146 Change of Use-^ . ^ SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKAms, WASHINGTON 992*0 (509) 456-3675 I certrovisions Included herein and ageee to ywsae. p- - '— contained it and submitted ,wonm��^mmnomxwxuoun000no��m addition. '~~~~~-- - ' of laws and oxo,w"v,"m./unuomm"vm" the u^mmc �mun°""u*m subsequent `''~'~`^°`governing ction approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority �~o/any"mmo,mco/law mw«'"""o iconst--'����or as a warranty conformance with t rovisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE orAPPLICATION �� _ /«y_ �,� OWNER onAGswT ��' DATE / .' PROJECT NUMBER= 89003146 DATE= 09/15/89 PAGE= Oi ISSUED PERMIT **************************** PERMIT INFORMATION **************************** SITE STREET= 12606 E 16TH AVE PARCELt= 27542-0505 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99216 PERMIT USE= CHANGE OF USE - ADULT HOME(4 BOARDERS TO 6) PLATt= 001843 PLAT NAME= OPPORTUNITY TERRACE 2ND ADD BLOCK= i LOT= 5 ZONE= AG%UB DI%T�= F ° AREA= 000i5975 F/A= F WIDTH= DEPTH= R/W= 60 0 OF BLDG%= t DWELLINGS= OWNER= DICKEN%ON, 0 L PHONE= 509 922 i104 STREET= P O BOX 14376 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99216 CONTACT NAME= DONNA & GENERAL LOVELESS PHONE NUMBER= 509 927 9340 BUILDING SETBACKS : FRONT= EXI% LEFT= EXI% RIGHT= EXI% REAR= EX'S ********* ********************* BUILDING PERMIT **************************** CONTRACTOR= OWNER PHONE= - NEW= REMODEL= ADDITION= CHANGE OF USE= X DWELL UNITE= OCCUP^ LD= BLDG HGT= STORIES= BLDG W X D = X %Q REQ PARKING= OHANDICAP= SEWER= N HYDRANT= N {7[�+� n �� ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AM Ti `� OUNT \� � ------------------------- -------- ---------- V ETA-:: SURCHARGE Y 4.50 CHANGE OF USE/SAFETY IN%P Y 5O.00 ******************************* PAYMENT SUMMARY **************************** PAYMENT DATE RECEIPT0 PAYMENT AMOUNT 09/13/89 4168 54.50 ------------ TOTAL DUE= .00 TOTAL PAID= 54.50 PERMIT TYPE FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING --------------- ------------- ------------ _____________ BUILDING PERMIT 54,50 54 .50 .00 ------------- ------------ ------------- 54.5O 54.5O .00 PROCE%JED BY : WENDEL, GLORIA PRINTED BY : WENDEL, GLORIA ******************************** THANK YOU ********************************* INSP ID ki' I� 1 DATE _ ._. —w i i,MIIIIIIIIIIIIIdlrlIllIlIlliIl 1 , ZL B 11111 1111111111111111111 WI b- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIILIIIIIIII II „ 1 P r U U N G in, 1 majmM E H AC N 11 III C A L O 11 111111 T H E 1 I ®1111111111 8 1111 ' 1111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111 11111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 * * * * * * * * * * THIS SPACE FOR COMMERCIAL PLANS TRACKING./ CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY ONLY* * * * * * * * * * Date received for C/O processing: (I ( I (Se-7 Plans pulled for final processing: '`( , ( (c- Conditions to check: Conditions resolved: Temporary C/O requested (y/n) Certificate of Occupancy issued: Received application: By: Approval granted: By: ________ 7•=> fe.. ////t/- Ninety days after C/O issuance: Owner/contractor called regarding the return of plans: Date: (:) Plans returned: Received by: No response from owner/contractor/� - plans destroyed: Notes:/p/ni GA40pih5. rtor/ 64-427'. 7//L i" ! civ._ ---C3 INSPECTION REPOR Spokane County Fire Prevention DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY North 811 Jefferson TYPE: Building Spokane,Washington 99260-0050 Other (509) 456-3675 BUSINESS NAME: / =� - F' CONTACT PERSON: ?6 7 7 /� ,� 2 '�' PROPERTY ADDRESS: l- �' � . - � - PHONE NO.: --2 7— APPROVED: REQUIRED CORRECTIONS DATE/INITIALS /- /Ac / f:- --- /-/- This ,This inspection has been conducted in the interest of your safety and the ordinances and laws adopted by Spokane County. Your cooperation in correcting the above-mentioned hazards and/or violations is appreciated. The above-listed items will be reinspected on or before —z ✓ 1Cl �-� -' If you have any questions concerning this inspection or if you feel the reinspection date is not adequate for compliance, please contact this office at 456-3675. / PAGE OF INSPECTOR: DATE: