2002, 08-30 Permit App: 02007510 Porch Cover , 1 w 1 1 PROJECT APPLICATION WORK SHEET SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING&CODE ENFORCEMENT 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE !Ilk SPOKANE,WA 99260 509-477-3675 757SPOKE COUNTY D2 f SPECIFIC SITE INFORMATION Street Address: l5 ,: ( ? e'- Ila 51-7ojcane ) Gl,/g. Assessor's Tax Parcel Number(s): Legal Description: Project Description: ?(n �f)rfi CO\) r 6-L'.1 (ot.c [B'Building Permit ❑ Change in Use ❑ Grading ❑ Manufactured Home Permit ❑ Relocation ❑ Sign El Tenant(New/Change) ❑ Other Department Use Only Water District/Purveyor. Sewer District/Purveyor Road width Setbacks Front Rear. School District- Fire District Zoning Left: Right: OWNER/APPLICANT INFORMATION 0 Indicate who should he contacted n:garding this pry/eel ❑ Owner: Phone: ❑ Applicant: Phone: Fax: lax: Mailing Address: Mailing Address: City,State,Zip City,State,Zip Contractor Phone �/(� Phone ..i ��—`7 8�-��g3 ❑ Architect/lingnneer -) i C €St ( V Fax las Mailing address Mailing address E. 3-( Pt I dyrr-f City,State Zip Cin,State Zip S�,lran L'" 9 o7 W AC r3 c a Contractor license# Contact name: F/SCHC 4 9619Q1 PROJECT INFORMATION Building Information Building height to peak #of stories Main floor sq.ft. Unfinished basement sq.ft. Dimensions Total habitable space 2"1 floor sq.ft. Finished basement sq.ft. Occupancy group C tstruction type v{ Garage sq.ft. Deck sq .ft. YO- O Cost of piec co I teat source(electric,gas,etc.) 0 op Manufactured Home Sign Width: length: What is the square footage of the sign I low high is the sign? face? w Year: Make: #of signs Area of existing signs Relocation Fire Safety Previous address Fire Sprinkler 'Tent Paint booth Fire Alarm Fireworks display Proposed use Value Special Inspections Required? Non-Residential Energy Code Compliance? hem Name Phone Plans Ir:xaminer Phone Inspectors: '- Address Inspector Phone 0 Concrete 0 Welding O Bolting 0 Reinforcement Address ADDITIONAL SITE INFORMATION Arc there structures on the property? 0 Yes 0 No What is the current property size? If yes,ideate on site plan (square feet or acres) Is any part of the property within 250 feet of a shoreline? What is the current use of this property? If yes,identz,on site plan 0 Yes 0 No Is your property in a designated wildlife habitat area? Will the site be served by a septic system?0 Yes 0 No 0 Don't know 0 Yes 0 No Is any part of the property within a 100 yr flood plain? Arc or will there be wells located on the property? Ifyes,identifyon site plan Ifyes,identifi on the site plan 0 Yes 0 No 0 Maybe 0 Don't know 0 Yes 0 No Are there any wetlands,streams or ponds within 200 feet of the property? Ts there evidence of fill or excavation on the property? Ifyes,identifr on site plan 0 Yes 0 No 0 Yes 0 No Arc there slopes greater than 30%on the property?(30 ft rise in 100 ft) Are critical or hazardous materials used or stored on site? ( %) 0 Yes 0 No 0 Yes 0 No DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Is the property in a designated Stormwater Control Area? Is public sewer available to the site? 0 Yes 0 No DYes 0 N Is the property inside the ASA? 0 Yes 0 No Is public water available to the site? 0 Yes 0 No DYes 0 N Is the property inside the PSSA? 0 Yes 0 No Is the property located within 1000 feet of a Natural Resource Area? D Yes 0 No Date Received: Staff Representative: METHOD OF PAYMENT ',,!101111C,; SUBTOT\I. VISA ❑ (.\Sl f 0 CI II1CK ❑ ❑ ❑ FAXED PERMITS WILL ONLY BE ACEPTED WITH PAYMENT OF A MAJOR CREDIT CARD ll:\'1'I1: EX PI TOTAL FEE B:ANK(.ARD NIL\1BI'.R: MINIMUM PERMIT FEE IS.$35.00PLEASE MAKE CI i8Cics PAYABLE TO SPOKANE AUI'l fORI'/,I'D SIGN:A'PURI?: couNrY PtsRntrr CENTER c.:- ( --IQ j. ,.-1' 7 t -1 -1,)v-R 64--'' A) J ` r '-A 4\41 6Y2 a \ n/ \\6\1\, :5 )1 _1 .,(.) ,____------------..----'------.--- 7( 4_, U x /--- __ - , ---.- 1 -9 . ________ ..._—_---- ...- , ---sro0 .. pa,,6\S 1S daa�s Uap oaa\psa��\ LI i r7�, a� ,so � os�aU'' sa1daa .o a Q ,\\\„0,, >e vpoi' �\\C1/4‘-‘'. 'S1 0 o°v� ' �,���¢1 ° SQalQ e' " ala\/-7- e•sov—• ��\p\`c'�•\4 a�'i'S�u1 'spo v2 s \Od \ \`\ ,aa'\ s.,0I•' 5a,0 \I e5\.21ay4n560 31�� a>>o� dI dau>'°bp �„'� ' 8 aN3 O� _ �°°S° Ute' �1N r vac - �_----- cN, Q,�,7 H141 M ad o• (}1 A___IitiO --i? , • 1 .ea Li-c „, t 2 o4...-- ,, .., ,t