PC APPROVED Minutes 01-26-17 Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers—City Hall January 26,2017 I. Chair Graham called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. Secretary Deanna Horton took roll and the following members and staff were present: Heather Graham Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney James Johnson Lori Barlow, Senior PIanner Tim Kelley Mike Phillips Michelle Rasmussen Suzanne Stathos, absent-excused Deanna Horton, Secretary for the Commission Hearing no objections, Commissioner Stathos was excused from the meeting II. Agenda: Commissioner Johnson moved to accept the January 26,2017 agenda as presented. The vote was five in favor, zero against and the notion passed. HI. Minutes: Commissioner Kelley moved to approve the December 08, 2016 minutes. The vote on this motion was five in favor, zero against, motion passes. Commissioner Johnson asked when the information from the last meeting would be returning to the Commission. IV. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Johnson reported he attended a community meeting on Jan. 12,2016 regarding traffic improvements along Mission between Barker and Flora roads. The other Commissioners had nothing to report. V. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Senior Planner Lori Barlow reported the supportive housing topic would be on the Commission agenda at the next meeting,February 9, 2017. VI. COMMISSION BUSINESS: a) Election of Officers: Secretary Deanna Horton reminded the Commission only members who have been on the Commission for more than one year are eligible for appointment to the positons of chair and vice-chair. Ms. Horton asked for nominations for chair and Commissioner Phillips nominated Commissioner Graham for the position of chair. Receiving no other nominations, Commissioner Graham was elected to the position of chair. Ms. Horton asked for nominations for vice-chair,Commissioner Kelley nominated Commissioner Phillips and Commissioner Rasmussen nominated Commissioner Johnson. Commissioner Phillips declined the nomination, Commissioner Johnson was elected to the position of vice-chair. b) Annual Training: Public Records Act, Open Public Meetings Act: Deputy City Attorney Erik Lamb explained to the Commission the state requirement for training regarding the Public Records Act and the Open Public Meetings Act. He shared the importance of following the rules and what impacts any violations could have on the City and individuals should these regulations not be followed. Mr. Lamb covered in detail the requirements of the state Public Records Act and the Spokane Valley Municipal Code 2.75 which covers how the City addresses requests when they are received. He discussed what constitutes a writing, what the City must do to provide the `writing,' best practices, how the City responds to requests,where records might be located, exemptions and penalties should the City not comply in a proper manner. Mr. Lamb turned to the Open Public Meetings Act which was enacted in 1971, and is set forth in RCW 42.30. It applies to all city and town councils including many subordinate board and committees including the Planning Commission. All meetings of the governing bodies are open to the public and all actions taken by such bodies shall be done inside of meetings which are open to the public. Emails, phone calls, messaging can be considered serial meetings. The City has procedural requirements for meetings: noticing, meetings are open to the public, votes are not by secret ballot, and members of the public are not forced to give their name or other information as a 2017-01-26 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 2 condition of attendance. It is not considered a meeting if City matters are not discussed, such as social gatherings, or before and after meetings. Public perception of a gathering where City business is not conducted should be taken into account, because it could be misconstrued. There are fines for violations and any action taken, where a violation occurred,the actions are considered null and void. Mr.Lamb also covered the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine. He talked about how Commissioners would judge for themselves if a proposal under consideration would have any financial benefit for them or someone they are close to. If a Commissioner felt a proposal would impact them, the Commissioner should state so and then recuse themselves from all discussions of that specific proposal. VII. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Commissioner Graham asked if the Commission was still seven members and when would the Council appoint the other member. Mr. Lamb stated it was still a seven member board however he had not heard a date as to when the Council would appoint the final member. VIII. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:44 p.m. The vote on the motion was unanimous in favor, motion passed. AI ( j q ao Heather Graham, Chair Date signed 1:( /- k) Deanna Horton, Secretary