1981, 03-19 Permit: 81A-1689 InspectADDRESS DATE INSPECTION RECORD REMARKS v1 Q fre 1114.iN HUMBER fI n-y� \.I2 JASIG / pB ADDRESS tl//77 EL LO n SOeorvmury 2 owI 2. SO .46W1S AOL) ER a RtR ceaysT r� ADDRESS PO ilex 74'2/7 Sr'O/`4.0'J CONTRACTOR AooREsa DCSI0066NER B' ADORESS 2/a o/8/ APPLICATION/PERMIT SPOKANE COUNTY — BUILDIN _, ES DEPARTMENT PL.4N NOATII ess aEF FE RSOT , s0OKANF wASN ON 30260 / 16031.663676 APPLICANT. COMPLETE NUMBEREI, .:P/,.ES PRESS HARD TO MAKE 3 COPIES LEGAL DESCRIPTION - SEE ATTACHED PHONE 4� 3C/DPHONE PARCEL NUMBERS usy/-270 ctua Al 6•t Baras In North .3 'SWIM /64. rat 23" Iwaal / l s1 Claud ramp 90Xr.230 2z. k/sS ZIP Omura., 6pMRlerm ,syy ❑Vm 0No 0 Rao.. PHONE Building Arm In So. Ft vel mf+SU552 /s/led ZIP Main Floor Upper Floors I.raga Arm O� Drage 0 CHANGE OF USE FROM a 7. OF *NEW 0 ALT. WORK /',BLO.. D P' P. TO Arm of OuluInINm Bamment Unlln. Eaml 0 0 oa8mm 0 ROW. 0 RPL O MECM, 0 M,H. ❑ MV E. 0 OTHER 0 POOL N.Battu No. 310111113 2- No. ROOMS CERTIFICATE f Pod d. of EXEMPTION of Owalume Tl 1 OtaGRIBS OR a cONsr. /'a. A'/s0- GAR AC/P VALUATION SOURCE OAS ELECTRIC S..87 /D tLITIEs �' ✓/5/ 4 WATER 'C SEWER 1//iK1- "uiP1Y� UNlK Enum. OM. Logsdon (Arm) Owngalo Public 0 Prwat•P[ USE COOK I hereby certify that I hate read and examined thio application and heve read the "NOTICE" nruvisiuns included on reverse side, and know the same to be true and correct. All 1`i ovlinins of laws and n..1 es governing Ihls type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or r. The granting of .rr 1r does not presume to give euthority t0 Violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulaunn construction or the performance of construction. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REQUIRED INSPECTIONS `O DATE OF APPLICATION 2. 7/3 O / SIGNAI URE 01 A/v11 CAN SPECIAL APPROVALS MEDATE '//r ue Ma,man SPECIAL CONDITIONS: �-P FEES COLLECTED Single i Building J.�il_ Plumbing Mech. Plan Check SEPA Mobile Nam Other ISPeelryl TOTAL B]dEi PERMIT NUMEE C7.• •28600 •8600 6r e2860QA A •000 8 143.85 02-13-81 5 6479.