1980, 11-14 Permit: 80B-3768 BasementPLAN NUMBER APPLICATION/PERMIT SPOKANE COUNTY — BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT NORTH 811 JEFFERSON / SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 / (509) 456-3675 APPLICANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES — PRESS HARD TO MAKE 3 COPIES J B ADDRESS 1. (4.:. / �r 1 / 7 z--4, t'1.iJ-L, LOT 2. c5 BLOCK l SUBDIVISION LEGAL DESCRIPTION — SEE ATTACHED PARCEL NUMBER/S ��d' �.,� 4/x'1 -7s% pier ire <` f3xKl TER 3. /)LSL?„ ADDRESS e 7 CQN�jRACTOR 4. �rfoG. ei--� t-LyfC� yty � -'✓� . ADDRESS f DESIGNER PHONE ,e ak99-4,37 ZIP Actual Set Backs in Fpvt •• North South'// llllEaS� West 5' ADDRESS PHONE ZIP C.f%,;/`f Size of Parcel Occupancy I �''Sprinklered ❑Yes No E Req'd. Zone Classif'cation r i? Type Const. PHONE ZIP luation M1ain Floor I Upper Floors Building/Area in Sq. Ft. 7 'i -' e/✓liDki Garage Area Storage CHANGE OF USE FROM 6. TYPE 7. OF WORK C N E W �Q BLD. Ntif ALT. ❑ PLMB. TO Area of Decks Finished Basement Unfin. Basement ❑ AD'N. ❑ MECH. ❑ RPL ❑ MVE. ❑ H. P9p L OTHER No. Baths No. Stories No. Rooms No. of Dwellings CERTIFICATE of EXEMPTION Req'd. Rec'd. Not Req'd. D CRIBE WORK F VALUATIQN SOURCE OF 944)4,14/ UTI LLITIES /7o .,44-: GAS ELECTRIC A7rER / Enum. Dist. I Location (Area) SEWER Ownership Public ❑ Private 1,4 USE CODE I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and have read the "NOTICE" provisions included on reverse side, and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating constructiga'q or the performance of construction. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REQUIRED INSPECTIONS DATE OF APPLICATION /if c -r/ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT SPECIAL APPROVALS NAME DATE Env. Health Planning , Fire Marshall Co. Engineer Utilities Plans Examiner SEPA Checklist Building ®Tec nicia .f�(.azilV a/L SPECIAL CONDITIONS: x ../.q # L AJC: k; NS& 'fr( 6 x PERMIT IS NONTRANSFERABLE PERMIT EXPIRES ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF ISSUANCE FEES COLLECTED Single Building Plumbing Mech. Plan Check SEPA Mobile Home Other (Specify) TOTAL r 45-1-7 PERMIT NUMBER 02* *5600 * 5600 * 56.006 A *000 3767 11-14-80 z 6479, WHEN MACHINE VALIDATED IN THIS SPACE, THIS BECOMES A PERMIT. 11ti4-80. DATE ISSUED 57682 *56,00 PERMIT NO. aaI- TOTAL