Agenda 03/09/2017 SCITI POKane Valle y Spokane Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda City Hall Council Chambers, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. March 09, 2017 6:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 9, February 23, 2016 VI. COMMISSION REPORTS VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject which is not on the agenda. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: i. Public Hearing: STV-2017-0001, Street Vacation, Wilbur Road located between Nora Road and Interstate 90 ii. Study Session: STV-2017-0002. Street Vacation, McMillan Street and an unnamed right-of-way east of Barker iii. Update: Supportive Housing Information X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers—City Hall February 9,2017 I. Chair Graham called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. Secretary Deanna Horton took roll and the following members and staff were present: Heather Graham Cary Driskell,City Attorney James Johnson Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Tim Kelley Micki Harnois,Planner Mike Phillips Michelle Rasmussen Suzanne Stathos Deanna Horton, Secretary for the Commission II. Agenda: Commissioner Johnson moved to accept the February 9,2017 agenda as presented. The vote was six in favor,zero against and the motion passed. III. Minutes: Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the January 09, 2017 minutes. The vote on this motion was six in favor, zero against, motion passes. IV. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Kelley reported he attended a Traders Club meeting, which is a group of commercial real estate brokers. V. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Senior Planner Lori Barlow informed the Commission the next meeting would have a study session for a street vacation. VI. COMMISSION BUSINESS: a) Study Session: Supportive Housing Planner Micki Harnois gave the Commissioners an update on supportive housing with information the Commissioners had requested from the previous meeting. Ms. Harnois had gathered information regarding how different cities handled their supportive housing regulations: • Olympia has regulations for temporary emergency homeless encampments, generally tents, which must be hosted by a religious organization and regulations for a homeless encampment in an industrial area which has permanent housing for the temporary use of homeless people. The County homeless encampment provides temporary housing on a permanent site in an industrial area,is owned by a non-profit and was built with grants and donations. There is on site supervision and community building for showers, gathering and laundry. Quixote Village was constructed under the County homeless encampment regulations. • Portland has regulations which allow sites to be declared as designated campgrounds. One of two such Portland campgrounds allowed for transitional housing accommodations which have a maximum two-year stay. This supportive housing provides for the residents to govern themselves. Dignity Village was constructed under these regulations. • Seattle has regulations to allow supportive housing in industrial and commercial areas but allowed in any zone if an accessory to a religious organization. The property must be owned by the city, private party or educational institute. Both transitional housing and tents on wooden platforms are allowed. • Los Angeles does not have any kind of supportive housing regulations. Currently they are converting old motels and developing unused city land for homeless apartments. • Salt Lake City does not have any supportive housing regulations. Currently Salt Lake City is working to site four new homeless shelters with 150 beds each. 12-10-16 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 • The Transitional Living Center located in northwest Spokane is building cottage housing development with supportive services for the homeless. http://www.help4women.org/new-housing-for-home le ss-families-be gins-in-northwe st- spokane. • Several examples of permanent supportive housing for the homeless in the form of apartment type buildings were provided. Olympia, Portland, Seattle, Spokane and Spokane Valley either have already built or are in the process of building apartment like transitional housing complexes for homeless populations. Commissioner Rasmussen requested staff to print copies of WA Senate Bill SB 5656 which is currently being proposed concerning the goals of ending homelessness. Commissioner Rasmussen was concerned by Part W which states"By July 1,2018, a local government that duly enacts laws and ordinance that provide for homeless encampments must authorize as many spaces as necessary to house all of that local government's homeless population."Ms. Rasmussen was concerned how this could affect the City. City Attorney Cary Driskell stated he was not familiar with the bill and stated that this is not something which the Council has added to the legislative agenda. He also stated he was not sure how likely it was to be adopted,and he would rather not offer an opinion on it at this time. Commissioner Rasmussen also requested the link to the Spokane County Regional Plan to End Homelessness https://static.spokanecity.org/documents/chhs/plans- reports/reports/2009-road-home-update.pdf, and the update for the plan https://static.spokanecity.org/documents/chhs/plans-reports/planning/2015-2020- strategic-plan-to-end-homelessness.pdf, as well as the Resolution 10-001 which is the City's agreement to participate in the regional plan, be included as part of the record. The Commissioners discussed what their end result should be. Ms. Barlow simply stated the draft regulations had been removed from the Comprehensive Plan for further study and returned to the Planning Commission for review. Commissioners Stathos stated she was in favor of permanent housing for the homeless if someone would be monitoring and caring for a facility,but was not in favor of encampments or tiny house villages. Commissioner Kelley stated in the beginning the discussion was around people being able to become home owners. He said he likes the idea of permanent apartments. They are an efficient use of land and can provide more housing than putting tiny homes on a site. He has seen the apartments which are being built in downtown Spokane and feels those are a good example. He would support either development. Commissioner Phillips stated he was glad the cottages stayed in the regulations however,he does not support a tiny home development or encampments. He is happy the regulations are the way they are. Commissioner Rasmussen said based on the research she has done she would support charities building all of the apartment type housing they would like, however after seeing what has happened in Seattle she feels there needs to be another way to provide for the homeless. Commissioner Graham clarified there was nothing in the current code which would prevent a charity from building apartment type housing in the City in commercial zones and Multifamily Residential zones. Commissioner Johnson still had too many questions to make a decision. Commissioner Graham asked what the obligations were. Mr.Driskell stated there were no obligations to provide homeless encampments in the City. The City does not want to be a provider of social services. Staff will contact some of the service providers to consult with them to determine if our regulations preclude the types of projects they anticipate providing in the future. If our current regulations are sufficient, then the Commission would see no reason to pursue any further development of regulations for supportive housing. VII. GOOD OF THE ORDER: There was nothing for the good of the order. VIII. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 p.m. The vote on the motion was unanimous in favor,motion passed. 12-10-16 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3 Heather Graham, Chair Date signed Deanna Horton, Secretary Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers—City Hall February 23,2017 I. Chair Graham called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. Secretary Deanna Horton took roll and the following members and staff were present: Heather Graham Cary Driskell,City Attorney James Johnson Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Tim Kelley Karen Kendall,Planner Mike Phillips Michelle Rasmussen,absent-excused Suzanne Stathos Deanna Horton, Secretary for the Commission Hearing no objections, Commissioner Rasmussen was excused from the meeting. II. Agenda: Commissioner Johnson moved to accept the February 23, 2017 without the agenda item approving prior minutes as no draft minutes had been sent with the agenda packet. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero against and the motion passed. III. COMMISSION REPORTS: The Commissioners had no reports. IV. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Senior Planner Lori Barlow informed the Commission Ms.Harnois was still contacting some of the social service providers see if the City's current regulations would inhibit the types of developments they see building in the City in the next few years. Commissioner Graham clarified there are no restrictions which would limit someone from buying land and placing tiny homes on it currently. V. COMMISSION BUSINESS: a) Study Session: STV-2017-0001, Street Vacation of a portion of Wilbur between Pines and Bowdish. Planner Karen Kendall gave the Commissioners an over view of STV-2017-0001,a street vacation of a portion of Wilbur Road which is between Pines and Bowdish Roads and Mission Ave and Interstate 90. Ms. Kendall explained a street vacation is the process of vacating a public right-of- way (ROW) which is no longer needed or used by the general public. The requested vacation is approximately 260 feet in length ranging in width from 30 to 40 feet. The three abutting parcels have the same ownership. Ms. Kendall stated staff looks at street connectivity, traffic volumes future development and access needs. The applicant states the reasons for applying for the vacation are the area is unimproved, vacating it would allow for maximum use of the property, all the surrounding parcels have the same owner and there is no northerly way to continue this road. Commissioner Johnson asked what would happen to the drywell which is in the street at that location. Ms.Kendall stated this would be determined at the time the vacation was completed,but suggested it could be moved into public ROW or an easement could be granted to service it. Commissioner Kelley offered he was happy to see land formerly zoned as Office now able to be used. He asked how Avista would access the utility lines which are noted are in the street. Ms. Kendall stated an easement would be granted and no buildings would be allowed to be built across that easement, this type of agreement has been used in other instances around the City. Commissioner Johnson asked what improvements would be necessary for Wilbur Road, if the vacation were approved. Ms. Kendall stated she was not certain at this time and will follow up at the public hearing. There were no other questions from the Commission. VI. GOOD OF THE ORDER: There was nothing for the good of the order. 2017-02-23 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 2 VII. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:19 p.m. The vote on the motion was unanimous in favor,motion passed. Heather Graham, Chair Date signed Deanna Horton, Secretary CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: March 9, 2017 Item: Check all that apply ❑ old business ® new business ® public hearing ❑ information ❑ study session ❑ pending legislation FILE NUMBER: STV-2017-0001 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing—Wilbur Road street vacation DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Request to vacate 260 feet of Wilbur Road. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 22.140; RCW 35A.47.020 and RCW 35.79 PREVIOUS PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: A study session was conducted on February 23, 2017. BACKGROUND: The City received an application on January 26, 2017 from property owner Jay Rambo, requesting a street vacation of 260 feet in length of Wilbur Road ranging from 30 to 40 feet in width. The total area is approximately 9,100 square feet. The portion of right-of-way proposed to be vacated is located between Interstate 90 (north) and Nora Avenue (south) and adjacent to three parcels (45094.0598, 45094.0515 and 45094.1001). The property owner is making a request for the following reasons: 1. The area proposed to be vacated is unimproved and not maintained; 2. The vacation will allow maximum use of abutting properties; 3. All three parcels abutting Wilbur Road are owned by the same property owner; and 4. Interstate 90 intersects Wilbur Road to the north hindering future right of way connection. On February 7, 2017 the City Council passed Resolution 17-003 to set a public hearing date with the Planning Commission on March 9, 2017. Pursuant to SVMC 22.140 the Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing and render a recommendation to the City Council. The attached staff report provides an analysis of the proposal. Staff will present the findings at the public hearing and proceed on March 23, 2017 for finalization of the Commission's findings and recommendation. OPTIONS: Recommend conditional approval of the proposed street vacation, recommend approval with changes, or recommend denial. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to recommend conditional approval of the proposed street vacation to the City Council as proposed; STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Planner ATTACHMENTS: 1. Staff Report 2. PowerPoint presentation RPCA Public Hearing for STV-2017-0001 Page 1 of 1 COMMUNITY&ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Spokane PLANNING DIVISION STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION 40,Valley FILE No: STV-2017-0001 STAFF REPORT DATE: March 2, 2017 FILE NO: STV-2017-0001 PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: A request to vacate an unimproved section of Wilbur Road that is 260 feet in length ranging from 30 to 40 feet in width. STAFF PLANNER: Karen Kendall, Planner, Community & Economic Development Department PROPOSAL LOCATION: The portion of right-of-way (ROW) proposed to be vacated is located between Interstate 90 (north) and Nora Avenue (south) and adjacent to three parcels (45094.0598, 45094.0515 and 45094.1001) further located in the SW quarter of the SE quarter of Section 9, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane Valley,Washington BACKGROUND: The City received an application on January 26, 2017 from property owner Jay Rambo, requesting to vacate a portion of Wilbur Road. The total area is approximately 9,100 square feet. The property owner is making a request for the following reasons: 1. The area proposed to be vacated is unimproved and not maintained; 2. The vacation will allow maximum use of abutting properties; 3. All three parcels abutting Wilbur Road are owned by the same property owner; and 4. Interstate 90 intersects with Wilbur Road to the north hindering future right of way connection. The site contains a public inlet and drywell that must remain accessible for maintenance. Gas and water lines are also located on site. Although the lots are owned by one person a vacation of the ROW would leave a lot without access. Discussions have been ongoing with the appropriate parties, and complete comments are attached for your review. However the following comments related to location and preservation of existing services within the 260 feet of Wilbur Road proposed to be vacated identify the areas of major concern: 1. City of Spokane Valley has an inlet and drywell that is located along the southern boundary of the area proposed to be vacated. A map indicating location is attached as Exhibit 5 (agency comments). The inlet and drywell shall be relocated or an easement created for access and maintenance. 2. Pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 20.20.090.F states "Every lot shall have direct access to a paved public street, private street, or an easement for a private driveway." The proposed vacation will result in Parcel 45094.0515 being without access to a public ROW. The owner may wish to consolidate parcels or create an easement for access as proposed in the recommended conditions. Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2017-0001 Page 1 of 6 March 2,2017 3. Avista has natural gas service, an eight inch pressure gas main, a cathodic well with underground communications used for monitoring. An easement shall be created to preserve those facilities. 4. Modern Electric Water Company (MEWC) has facilities within the area proposed to be vacated and as a condition requires the facilities to be relocated. The property owner is working with MEWC to remove the existing facilities in Wilbur Road and relocated to better serve the water company and proposed development on parcels 45094.0598, 45094.0515 and 45094.1001. 5. Spokane County Environmental Services Department is requiring that each lot have access to a public ROW for access to sanitary sewer service. The street vacation is proposed to eliminate ROW to parcel 45094.0515. It is recommended that all parcels are consolidated in a way that all access public ROW or create a sanitary sewer easement to access parcel 45094.0515. 6. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) utilizes water and power service for landscaping along Interstate 90. Coordination will be required to preserve services. The Planning Commission requested additional information regarding ROW improvements at the time of future development. Currently Wilbur Road is paved for approximately 40 feet north of Nora Avenue to the driveway of an existing single family residence on parcel 45094.0598. Development Engineering will require approximately 10 feet of ROW dedication to the City for future sidewalk improvements on Wilbur Road for a length of approximately 65 feet, from the southeast corner of parcel 45094.0598 north to the southern end of the proposed ROW vacation,. There is no requirement for ROW dedication on Nora Avenue. Frontage improvements will not be required for Wilbur Road and Nora Avenue. Exhibit 6 contains responses by owner, Jay Rambo to the Commission's questions from the February 23, 2017 study session. PROPERTY OWNER:Jay Rambo; PO Box 142011; Spokane Valley, WA 99214 APPROVAL CRITERIA: 1. SVMC—Title 20 (Subdivision Regulations) 2. SVMC—Title 21 (Environmental Controls) 3. SVMC—Title 22 (Street Vacations) 4. City of Spokane Valley Street Standards ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit 1: Vicinity Map Exhibit 2: Aerial Map Exhibit 3: Application Material Exhibit 4: Notice of Public Hearing Exhibit 5: Agency Comments Exhibit 6: Property Owner responses following 2-23-17 meeting Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2017-0001 Page 2 of 6 March 2,2017 I. PROPERTY INFORMATION Size and Characteristics The ROW area is approximately 9,100 square feet of an of proposed vacation: unimproved section of Wilbur Road. A portion of the vacation has a 40 foot in length by 30 foot wide area of pavement. The remaining ROW is covered in grass and weeds. Adjacent Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) Comprehensive Plan Designation: Adjacent Zoning: Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) Adjacent Land Two easterly parcels are vacant. A single family residence Use(s): and several out buildings are located on the parcel west of street vacation. II. STAFF ANALYSIS OF STREET VACATION PROPOSAL A. COMPLIANCE WITH SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE(SVMC)TITLE 22.140.030 Findings: 1. Whether a change of use or vacation of the street or alley will better serve the public? The area proposed to be vacated is unimproved. Existing utilities such as electric, gas and water are located within current right of way. The utility purveyors have requested easements to preserve existing infrastructure and future connections. The vacation is expected to have no impact on the general public as surrounding parcels currently do not use ROW for access. The vacation is expected to have no impact on the general public. 2. Whether the street or alley is no longer required for public use or public access? The subject ROW is currently vacant land not being utilized for public access and is not required for current or future public access. The area contains a drywell that handles drainage from Wilbur Road. Should future development require improvements to the intersection of Wilbur Road and Nora Avenue, the intersection improvements will be reviewed and right-of-way needs assessed through agreement with the future development. 3. Whether the substitution of a new and different public way would be more useful to the public? There is no need for a new and different public way. So long as access to the drywell for maintenance is provided, the public interest is served. 4. Whether conditions may so change in the future as to provide a greater use or need than presently exists? It is not anticipated that changes would occur in the future which would require the use of the subject right-of-way for public access. Should future development require improvements to the intersection of Wilbur Road and Nora Avenue, the intersection improvements will be reviewed and right-of-way needs assessed through agreement with the future development. Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2017-0001 Page 3 of 6 March 2,2017 5. Whether objections to the proposed vacation are made by owners of private property (exclusive of petitioners) abutting the street or alley or other governmental agencies or members of the general public? No objections or public comment has been received. Conclusions: The findings confirm criteria set forth in SVMC 22.140.030 have been met. B. COMPLIANCE WITH SVMC TITLE 21—ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS The Planning Division has reviewed the proposed project and has determined that the project is categorically exempt pursuant to WAC 197-11-800 and SVMC 21.20.040 from environmental review under the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). III. PUBLIC COMMENTS Findings: No public comments have been received following the notice of public hearing issued, mailed and posted on February 17, 1017. A Notice of Public Hearing sign was posted on the property February 16, 2017 and public hearing notices were mailed to all petitioners of the vacation the same as the three parcels abutting Wilbur Road on the same day. Notices were posted in the Spokane Valley Public Library, City of Spokane Valley main reception area and CenterPlace Event Center on February 17, 2017. Lastly, the notice was published in the Spokane Valley Herald and Exchange on February 17, 2017 and February 24, 2017. Conclusion(s): Staff concludes that adequate public noticing was conducted for STV-2017-0001 in accordance with adopted public noticing procedures. IV. AGENCY COMMENTS Notice was provided to agencies and service providers. Comments were received from the following agencies and are attached as exhibits to this staff report. Where necessary, comments have been incorporated into the recommended conditions of approval in Section V. Agency Received Comments Comments Dated City of Spokane Valley Public Works Yes 2-15-17 Spokane Valley Fire District No.1 Yes 2-8-17 Spokane County Environmental Services Yes 2-17-17 Spokane Regional Health District No Avista Utilities Yes 2-18-17 Spokane Transit Authority No City of Spokane Valley Police No Department Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2017-0001 Page 4 of 6 March 2,2017 Century Link No Comcast No Modern Electric Water Company Yes 1-27-17 WA Archaeology and Historic No Preservation V. OVERALL CONCLUSIONS AND FINDINGS Staff concludes that STV-2017-0001 as proposed is generally consistent, or will be made consistent, through the recommended conditions of approval based on the approval criteria stated herein. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request to vacate a 260 foot long segment of Wilbur Road, subject to the following: 1. Initial work to satisfy conditions of the street vacation (File No. STV-2017-0001), including all conditions below shall be submitted to the City for review within 90 days following the effective date of approval by the City Council. 2. The vacated property shall be transferred into the abutting parcels (45094.0598, 45094.0515 and 45094.1001) as shown on the record of survey created and recorded with Spokane County Auditor's Office pursuant to condition 9. 3. The following easements are required to be established. Submit recording number on record of survey and written documentation of easement for City verification. a. An easement acceptable to the City of Spokane Valley for access and maintenance of existing inlet and drywell located along southerly portion of vacated Wilbur Road. As an alternative, the inlet and drywell may be relocated to a new location within City public right-of-way. b. All existing lots shall have access to a public street or existing driveway easement prior to finalization. Parcels shall be reconfigured through a boundary line adjustment or an easement shall be created to provide access to parcel 45094.0515. c. An easement acceptable to Spokane County Environmental Services for access to public sewer to serve parcel 45094.0515. If, parcel 45094.0515 is consolidated with an adjacent parcel that has access to the sanitary sewer system, no easement is required. d. An easement acceptable to Avista to preserve existing facilities. e. An easement acceptable to WSDOT and Modern Electric Water Company to preserve existing facilities. 4. Coordinate with Modern Electric Water Company to remove existing water service line located in vacated Wilbur Road and relocate to an acceptable location. 5. Following the City Council's passage of the Ordinance approving the street vacation, a record Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2017-0001 Page 5 of 6 March 2,2017 of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor in the State of Washington, including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying any and all applicable easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities and services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the Community and Economic Development Director, or designee, for review. 6. The surveyor shall locate a monument at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right- of-way with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the SVSS. 7. All direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated street from public to private ownership, including but not limited to, title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees shall be paid by the proponent. The City shall not and does not assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title. 8. The zoning district designation of the properties adjoining the street to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the districts. The adopting Ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoning district designations. 9. The record of survey and certified copy of the Ordinance shall be recorded by the City Clerk in the office of the Spokane County Auditor. 10. All conditions of City Council authorization shall be fully satisfied prior to any transfer of title by the City. Staff Report and Recommendation STV-2017-0001 Page 6 of 6 March 2,2017 EXHIBIT 1 L * --..--..\\ is nland . 1 11 _ • c Wilbur Road ° � L ---street vacation -mool , E�,S„ntgorncly Dr – : .. s < -I____ 2 --.4-.t--- ----_____.__,,_,,. Ns,„„..,46_ _____ ___________-, >1.1 1 1 I ! • 11111 Splash Doan 'I li �° b �{ 1 20/5 ft _ Z . . 1--i.:7 r 11 I > ,•_-- • . l L'SII It,4^�- L-SII,o are ,_ _ 2p: C v` — ,r _ — CITY OF ` — Spokane -1-1'2(-1-17-71-7-7-1-m �T^1 fT N •. ,IL- 1 -I 1 I !< jValley' EXHIBIT 2 - - -4mm_ Y......Yi icitg-„' -!' -- _ --.. - _ _ ,. .r„.,,,r_ ....., .._ ,'• -... ,r . 0... .. ..oteast., ofoina. ,...,..„.L.1 „i.:.,,;•,.._,. ,..L.,:,.1.,:. . , ' • -.- —--- . __..___-''. ...:__:. --_,,, - ' : • ••- ,',74 .,_!!!.q-P- ‘`‘--." '-g- ' •-c 10 , c ! 01•1 --, rot L Proposed . 2 , Wilbur Road street vacation .. ..., • , •, ,., f - ,., --, ',,,:, -5,1,..4. '1,0• ''- ." 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Jay. 1 1 soF �.___ STREET VACATION APPLICATION SjöIne SVMC 22.140 Valley. Community Development- Planning Division 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.720.5310 ♦ Fax: 509.688.0037♦ pianning®spokanevalley.org STAFF USE ONLY ^^ t /� Date Submitted: 1 1-rrW Received by: Fee: I 72(.9.5.c ID PLUS #: File#: abn-15 ao i` l ` n GcrAvQ.044 ART 1 — REQUIRED MATERIAL "THE APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF THE REQUIRED MATERIALS ARE NOT ReE ID V E ❑ Completed Application Form JAN 2 6 IVED 2017 11Application Fee SPOKANE VALLEY 4Notice of Application Packet(17.80.110)–Adjacent Property(ies) COr,115,1UNITy DEVELOPMENT ❑ Written Narrative – A written narrative describing the reasons for the proposed street vacation, the physical limits of the proposed street vacation and the public benefit of the proposed street vacation. ❑ Written Correspondence from Utility Purveyors _Telephone _Cable _Electric _Other(Specify) Water District _Fire District —Gas Utility _Sewer Utility El Vicinity Map–Submit a map showing the general area of the proposed vacation ntiaRecord of Survey, if available, for the subject street and/or alley proposed for vacation, and abutting roperties, streets and alleys within 100 feet on all sides of the proposed vacation. ❑ Written Evidence of all easements, allowances or reservations, if available, pertaining to the street and/or alley proposed for vacation. 1'Lu SEC yvz.:v 0y. ,_, v L D CSV Development Engineering PART II — APPLICATION INFORMATION JAN 6 1 2L APPLICANT NAME:Jay Rambo Project=; Name_ MAILING ADDRESS:PO Box 142011 CITY:Spokane Valley STATE:WA ZIP:99214 PHONE:509-879-0865 FAx:None CELL:Same EMAIL:jay©jrambo.net PROPERTY OWNER NO.1:Jay Rambo MAILING ADDRESS:PO Box 142011 CITY:Spokane Valley STATE:WA ZIP:99214 PHONE:509-879-0865 FAx:None CELL:Same EMAIL:jay@jrambo.net PL-15 V1.0 Page 1 of 3 SO a' STREET VACATION APPLICATION Sgo�ane Valley PROPERTY OWNER No.2:Dayber Properties, LLC MAILING ADDRESS: PO BOX 142011 CITY:Spokane Valley STATE:WA ZIP:99214 PHONE:509-879-0865 FAx:None CELL:Same EMAIL:jay@jrambo.net If more than two (2) abutting property owners, include information and written authorization on a separate sheet of paper for each. NAME OF STREET/ALLEY TO BE VACATED: lr�l�lit--moi:-- .,,AC) DIMENSIONS OF STREET/ALLEY TO BE VACATED: PP 'A.r 4,r�f T V1 .�`'40 1* 9 0 SQUARE FEET OF STREET/ALLEY TO BE VACATED: !k Fac [M i t— I �°`S�' r r• ABUTTING TAX PARCEL NO(5).: 45094.0598,45094.1001, 45094.0515 ADDRESSES OF ABUTTING PARCELS: 1705 N. Wilbur Road ZONING DESIGNATION: CMU THE FOLLOWING IS CRITERIA EVALUATED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN FORMULATING A RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL. ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS SHALL BE ANSWERED IN A DETAILED MANNER; 1. HOW DOES A CHANGE OF USE OR VACATION OF THE STREET/ALLEY IMPROVE SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC? 2. IS THE STREET OR ALLEY NO LONGER REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC USE OR PUBLIC ACCESS? EXPLAIN. 3. WOULD SUBSTITUTION OF A NEW AND/OR DIFFERENT PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY BETTER SERVE THE PUBLIC? EXPLAIN. 4. HOW WILL USE OR NEED FOR THIS RIGHT-OF-WAY BE AFFECTED BY FUTURE CONDITIONS? EXPLAIN. 5. WILL EASEMENTS BE RETAINED FOR ALL UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES? THE REQUESTED VACATION IS LOCATED IN THE SERVICE AREA OF WHAT UTILITY COMPANIES.(SPECIFY)? 6. DOES THE RIGHT-OF-WAY INCLUDE STORMWATER DRAINAGE FACILITIES(SPECIFY)? PLEASE NOTE: PER RCW 35.79.040 (TITLE TO VACATED STREET/ALLEY), THE PROPERTY WITHIN A PUBLIC STREET OR ALLEY VACATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL SHALL BELONG TO THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS, ONE-HALF (1/2)TO EACH. THEREFORE, PROPERTY OWNER SHALL BE REQUIRED TO SIGN THE STREET VACATION APPLICATION. PER RESOLUTION 07-009 OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, THE CITY COUNCIL HAS THE AUTHORITY TO IMPOSE CHARGES FOR STREET/ALLEY VACATION PURSUANT TO RCW 36.79.030 PL-15 V1.0 Page 2 of 3 gin STREET VACATION APPLICATION v Valley. PART III - AUTHORIZATION (Signature of owner or authorized representative) 1ZArv%. , (print name) swear or affirm that the above responses are made truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. `AI 1 • 20 • ►^t (Signature) (Date) Notary Public NOTV rashington t3rown STATE OF WASHINGTON) Commission Expires 08-11-2019 ss: COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) �j SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this G-° day of ;J IN-Mt , 20It NOTARY SEAL fr*--etAAIL NOTARY SIGNATURE Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at h , My appointment expires: LEGAL OWNER NO. 1 AUTHORIZATION: If the applicant is not the legal owner(s), the owner must provide the following acknowledgement; I, , owner of the above described property do hereby authorize to represent me and my interests in all matters regarding this application. LEGAL OWNER NO. 2 AUTHORIZATION: If the applicant is not the legal owner(s), the owner must provide the following acknowledgement; I, , owner of the above described property do hereby authorize to represent me and my interests in all matters regarding this application. PL-15 V1.0 Page 3 of 3 PORTION OF WILBUR ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land being a portion of the Southeast Quarter of Section 09,Township 25 North, Range 44 East,Willamette Meridian, City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County,Washington, said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Being that portion of the Wilbur Road Right-of-Way lying North of the Westerly extension of the North Right-of-Way Line of Nora Avenue as it crosses Wilbur Road and South of the South Line of the Interstate 90 Right-of-Way as it crosses Wilbur Road. Containing 9,106 Square Feet of land more or less. i �ii .1;07i .1, 09 .._ 0\ 0,y2 r�te/L k' r INTERSTATE 90 SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE— — PINECROFT RRST ADD ION / PINECROFT FIRST ADDITION (BOOK M OF PLATS, PAGE 35) (BOOK hi OF PLATS, PAGE 35) TRACT 45 LESS RIGHT-OF-WAY _ TRACT 48 LESS RIGHT-OF-WAY - PINECROFT FIRST ADDITION /15 15e PINECROFT FIRST ADDITION (BOOK M OF PLATS, PAGE 35) (BOOK M OF PLATS, PAGE 35) / TRACT 50 TRACT 49 `.ng4 0595 APN 45084.0515 APN 4 — PORTION OF WLBUR ROAD_//1/7 — RiGFiT-OF-WAY TO BE VACATED 15 25 / y f WILBUR ADDITION / (BOOK 12 OF PLATS, PAGE 76) a+ ` BLOCK 1,LOT 1 PINECROFT FIRST ADDITION , / (BOOK M OF PLATS, PAGE 35) TRACT 52 // , ,/ ppN 45094/001 GRAPHIC SCALE 25 50 — I NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE IItFEET ) PINECROFT FIRST ADDITION I NORA AVENUE 1 inch a 50 IL (BOOK M OF PLATS, PAGE 35) NORTH 53 FIST OF TRACT 52 I — _ — le tt,,, Vi-A.CARL �.LD ofwAsgt� , AUGUSTA SUBDIVISION WILBUR ADDITION v � 4.� (BOOK 4 OF PLATS, PAGE 69) I I (BOOK 12 OF PLATS, PAGE 76) rn 4, �Z BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2,LOT 1 .1 Cd m " ' O A. -48373 ?4C1sTEILC:x N it 2-�LO'vALL019 1 .��.a/Ma....,. .i. �iiii..irrnyeldl, o srorhau WILBUR ROAD ROW VACATION EXHIBIT 1 CNI S09,T25 N,R 44 E,W.M. CO `NI i civil engineering planning _ SPOKANE VALLEY,WA. '^° landscape architecture I surveying DRAWN TAC DATE 02/02/2017 EXHIBIT 1 510 east third avenue I spokane,washington 99202 I p 509.242.1000 f 509.242.1001 CHECKED TAC SCALE 1" = 50' PROJECT16-262.011 RECEIVED Exhibit A JAN 2 6 2017 SPOKANE VALLEY Explanation of the request to vacate the portion of Wilbur Road. COt.1r.1UNITY DEVELOPMENT Parcels#45094.0598,45094.1001 and 45094.0515 have recently been purchased by Jay and Donna Rambo. These parcels border Wilbur Road before Wilbur Road terminates into 1-90. The three parcels were purchased with the intent of constructing a self-storage facility(which is now possible due to the recent changes in the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Spokane Valley). Wilbur Road bisects the above mentioned three parcels (with#45094.0598 being to the west of Wilbur Road and#45094.1011 and#45094.0515 being to the east of Wilbur Road). No other parcels touch or are adjacent to the portion of Wilbur Road which is being asked to be vacated. If the portion of Wilbur Road is vacated,the land would be paved and used as a driveway to access the self-storage units. Ideally a gate would be installed at the top of the hill (which is just north of the corner of Nora and Wilbur Road)at a location agreed upon by the City of Spokane Valley(assuming the vacation request is approved). We have been advised,that if approved,the City may request compensation for the portion of the road which is vacated. The City may also request a dedication in lieu of monetary compensation. - It is our understanding that the monetary compensation is typically 50%of either the assessed value or FMV of the surrounding parcels on a per square foot basis. - Alternatively,it may be more appropriate for a dedication of land in lieu of monetary compensation. It has been suggested that a 10 foot strip of land from the southeast corner of Parcel#45094.0598 which borders the existing pavement of Wilbur Road may be more appropriate(as then the eastern boundary of Parcel#45094.0598 and Parcel#45094.0646 which borders Wilbur Road would then be identical) If requested, I think we would be fine should the City of require either monetary compensation or a dedication under either of the scenarios described above. Given a choice,we would prefer to pay the monetary compensation (based on the formula described to us) instead of the dedication,as the dedication would cost us two rental units. Once we have some feedback from the City,we will request that Storhaug Engineering provide us the dimensions and legal description for the portion of Wilbur Road which has been requested to be vacated, as well as a legal description for the 10 foot strip of land which may possibly be dedicated. We will provide both to the City once we know what the City would prefer. RECEIVED JAN 2 6 2017 Exhibit A(Continued) SPOKANE VALLEY COF.1f,1uNITY DEVELOPMENT Answers to the questions in the proposed Street Vacation Application 1- How does a change of use or vacation of the street/alley improve service to the public? If the vacation of approximately 240 feet of Wilbur Road is approved,the area may be enclosed by a gate and secured for a self-storage facility. This will allow the entire area to be secured and used as a self-storage facility. The costs of improving and paving the vacated portion of Wilbur Road will be borne by the applicants. 2- Is the street or alley no longer required for public use or public access? The area wishing to be vacated has not been used by the public. The current road terminates into i-90 and has never been used by the public. 3- Would substitution of a new and/or different public right of way better serve the public? This portion of Wilbur Road has not been used by the public. The substitution of a new and/or different public right-of-way is not necessary as the public has not used this portion of Wilbur Road for any purposes. 4—How will use or need for this right-of-way be affected by future conditions? The use or need of this right-of-way should not be affected by any future conditions as Wilbur Road terminates into the DOT right-of-way for 1-90. Once the self-storage facility is constructed,there will be no use for this portion of Wilbur Road and it will be unaffected by any future conditions. 5- Will easements be retained for all underground and overhead utilities? The requested vacation is located in the service area of what utility companies? Absolutely. All existing easements will be retained. Avista has an underwater gas line (which runs under 1-90) and a cathodic well (and easement). I have spoken with Curt Lystad (who monitors all the cathodic wells for Avista) and he said they should be fine as long as Avista has access to the well and can check it every two months(and I will get written verification of this fact). It will be necessary to install a water line for Modern Electric and Water,as well as a fire hydrant or two for fire protection. Storhaug Engineering recently completed a survey which identified all easements(and is included with this Application). 6- Does the right-of-way include stormwater drainage facilities? No. The right-of-way does not include any stormwater drainage facilities. It will be necessary for a stormwater plan to be designed for all run-off. Our plan is to incorporate some drainage capabilities into any portion of Wilbur Road which the City may vacate. We are planning on storing any plowed snow on both sides of(the portion of)Wilbur Road (for which we are requesting to be vacated). When any snow melts, it will then go directly into the stormwater drainage facilities. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY F RAMBO PROPERTIES .. INCE IN SECTION 9, TOWN 25 N, RANGE 44 E . x US HWY. 90 DOT RW LOCATION UNVERIFIED — x —f' — — __ --Z— — — —x-- —4==->~— — - US HWY. 90 _ / / AO- ''''Ilr.- .‘ �� yBCJ.-.�. `V-� / ...... �, ---__i _i ` '_-�) 9q^r NORTH BOUNDARY ��/ ! TBM #5..9.4. 1993,94 1 •'''� ,'1 ���- PINECROFT FIRST ADD � NORTH BOUNDARY /i'J4,..,- � i'IGOR'fHERN BO�RDAR•rO�AeROPERTY is LOT 45 i � DEFINED BY SOUTHERN WSDOi.J OW. NO PINECROFTL'IR5T ADD moi' ���'� ... �� j moi' RECORDED SURVEYS ARE AVAILABLf�TO _ / '� NORTHERN BOUN9ATlY OF PROPERTY IS _'- YI' I I ,' �� DEFINE THIS LOCATION. EX. DEBRISPLr 1998 ' / — ��- DEFINED BX-SOUTHERN WSDOT ROW.,NO'' 1 �/ /!JJ g, i REGARDED SURVEYS ARE AVAILABEE TO _1 I i i a90 f 499Y / EX SHED' MINE THIS LOCATION.__/' '�i- �, Ily -•-" /i / / ` 4.Og98_ '' ------ / ��II �' 94.0515 --__--_ ____��_��' 4995 ', '/ i� - %j I I�'��__�..�,_----------- -_.�--_` ,i .' /' -_ y, i"_ ------- .�+ -j�-"` 388 ����— �_ i /__'� -- ---------- � x:W� - - - - -- JIG- --I- -- _-"'-•-__.. rl EX. RETAINING EX PUMP SHED _ __-1.-'" / .� ROCK/GONG. LEGEND F�N1�1SI� :000 � _�_ - _�' II WALL 1BM #..1 E.t. . 1www.na --_ _ .' I EXISTING FEATURES ----------------------------- _- _--_fir_,-, -- 1'I PROPERTY C•—� • —•] ASPHALT SURFACING 2005 ` _-_--wPr� s= • - BOUNDARY .....c s a= CURB --- ----------------------------- = _ _----- �1-- - ----- -- l+ -- 00� ,.'.' ,. •:,. 1 GRAVEL __ DL GREENHOUSE'-- -- -- - ��-_-___ _ _-- -__1�� qpN X941 r,77"--7-.7.477.,•2771) SIDEWALK OR CONCRETE --20i+r QED- - — \`_ 'ZED r _ �I ® FOUND POINT AS NOTED �' ✓ �--_ _----' I.. DRYWELL -i • `..,C'-•,:- � :, s.y-7-•",-.1-7.• —"--4 DRYWELL RIM - 2012.99 ® STORM MANHOLE ......,...,...v......,...7- ! .01 ;:.' '• 4;. •Ii •• .E. 2004.99 0 _ `J EX SHOP ..j•, •'• •�- ' . ��'�-•tom •1 CATCH BASIN ,•- -------- 1 �� I \ �_- \ M • -Q OUY WIRE POLE fa SHED ,•, - 'I II t �- 1�,••�' ca.., POKER POLE/TELEPHONE r ^2015- — -... �`_�� r •.'Il 1` ` .,.,. * LIGHT POLE :'••. •' t ��.'.' •• .'^'--- 09 TELEPHONE ENCLOSURE - �► J----- - -ti COVERED HODS /-- �.C,•. L.t r �•'..'. >•• '� WATER VALVE 'EX RETAINING _ _ PARKING 4. /� 1„ :,:r.::::.:-.77'..,:::•:•:.:•:•:‘::::.:•:.:""::•''') KORA AVE. Y FIRE HYDRANT ROCK/GONG, ��•.���• / ``� ._ $ SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE WALL 4; / 4"'4 3 OR4. TREE (DECIDUOUS OR CONIFEROU TBM EL 2016.2 _ _-` �� -` _ W WATER LINE /Q0/. +° •.---3- SS SANITARY SEWER LINE -"Z...., —.- �' v IS\ -441B-1A---91-4 a% ,Vrisk 04. • •• . IBM #4 EL- 2017.63 SD STORM DRAIN LINE /CULVERT NOTES' orrP POWER UNE (OHP OR BP /// PROPERTY) N�''�.4+� u"'a°� •••'I 2u1i i �+° Pat•/ FM°r.+ 5q..°� �gyp.Ry BT TELEPHONE LINE(OHT OR BT) BOUNDARY TO O. 4.lED °"• :;,.� (19 95) 7o FECT fF:on•t pyy,�,l BNA -- C - - GAS UNE OLwouyM6o, •-•-_• :': —X X FENCE . 11 Fe@? 6LfiJ.no.,4 G,,,„1 � '--2434--- CONTOURS =s •°--_-- — 1 •M V'.,. 3.4 K-T ,..o,-... BFG FIBER OPTIC LINE '.'!.'.::;: ' FLMCc .1rrre.4 TD f oN p.,,F4R.Ty Nor TbP ''''''"/ °C WA�1 .404. :::1 ,deco +e C0. i... . x' j par...4E' ,..1 OMR- 4.0-hGC Pt, Law41+.CG imam cfl1/u 0 0 -- w 1016 IrM OP 0 mt. .aawlwxsat RM41 h, 'eM_ea::`.P-r:(0#ohne -- . a z Google '*coup k=en ...3 lett&-.al There Mere* s9na i• - - - y__ e-tarI+ Measure + More Info 0- + Q - �,I _. _ iii) l-t C7. I Feet. ear I m Measurement Result 256.3 Feet Prete[TILLte enable snappine.Turn off the Meuorementtoot to tom on parcel setectlon. _ i_ Y = .q - 11- , . t , Tax Parcels Districts Permits Zoning n � � 011F .. _._ .. __ - __-.- _.-..,- - _ �..- 7i8 AL1 i © - 0 i. e. i�mn Approximately 255 feet from the DOT right of way to Nora Avenue. If possible,would prefer to have approximately 250 feet of Wilbur Road vacated so that a single gate may be installed to access the driveway to the north and the drive aisle to the west. RECEIVED JAN 262017 SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT r, C _ _ _ ______ _ _ _,. . ro_:_, ....„,....„ I„,...,... .,_ ..,„,. _ x taooOle yammer/um?smut -"3.- elm. Mort s sigh. " e-rig' 'Measure I More info q* + 4 - - €# Ei 0 I Feet.. — Measurement Result 30.4 Feet Press MEAD enable snapping.Tum • e oflthe Measurement tool tomm on .—I parcel selection. Ilk t # Tax Parcels Districts Permits Zoning A 17; III IS El 9Iiir 110.' t} �,. . em nM - _ � vnrmu Approximately 30 feet at the narrower portion of Wilbur Road. - - Otii.mr rwtteee .tom„-K rx,'MI P. our x f3 x Google undone inu tr,eaut .Munn. allsa..l M... %Pin i- - �" I Measure d More Info i- + 4 - i3 D 0 I Feet. — Measurement Result 39.7 Feet 1'ar, Press CMOs enablesnapping.nnn _ o7 the Measurement tool to turn on parcel s•mmu s _ AtAl �. f�` art t� _-- s ! 3 '1 __ + e . , reg,, w Q 11 Tax Parcels Districts Permits Zwiliq 1 A 1 in ® lin 9 :4.,, dal AM 1/2V201/ Approximately 40 feet at the wider portion of Wilbur Road. RECEIVED JAN 262017 SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . ter OP C c.r. eMe•1'1 9-1j er scour x 0 x Gentile widow county watt •y7 t..a.- 31 v.,. more n iyra e S le• la .Measure d More Info 0- a4 ' ® M I Feet- 12 _ 1 4.111 Measurement Result i 11.2 Feet o Press CTRLto enable snapping.Turn ., off the Measuremsettool to tum on - - parcel selection. 7aI T e • a III . ill MIA* - - NE IC I - . _ Tax Parcels Districts Permits Zoning '. III S ra 9WPM. . Approximately 11 feet of land would need to be dedicated to make the adjoining property lines the same. . •, 4, ,.,, _ ,M r x Grxtgle c wmy;pppt Is.•dr, .s.1,, Mmes Sgntn..i,• - 4'4- 1,Measure + More Info 0 r + 4 iii, ® a IFeet- a OIL1 Measurement Result . - • 76.4 Feet t..,. Press CTRL to enable snapping.Tum !_ - *' y .. +- '' off the Measurement tool to tum on ' parcel selection. r 4 a ri 1 • +c / 4 T , Tax Parcels Districts Permits IN ® ® 9 vmmv The length of the dedicated land would be approximately 75 feet. RECEIVED JAN 262017 SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT n x Google Sipstraeusuntrima - - t'ilsma,- Ste. Ma.. sgiM A.- - $' pp- Measure MorelnfojOr + 4 .4El0 ( Feet- w - - - - — - _ Measurement Result 218.7 Feet Press aftl.to enable snapping:rum - - off the Measurement tool totem on '- Pam selection 1 • 3 - . 1 - mss+ lar r • - - - -_ _ - _ - - - y S , Ps Tax Parcels Districts Permits Zoning S, 111 Ei Ell 9 IF - if f a. 7:57 AM 1/25/917 Approximately 220 feet from the DOT right of way to the pavement of Wilbur Road. - - - — - - - - ___r IIIP .,...L—awm.ii:. 'PQ1_A:S_l'.,"J-+'... SCOUT — �. x- 9+�; ogie SAant a Starch- _'l 7.., Mae s tignb A.- *alone cant, 44-tali- a Measure I! More Info-0. 4 i E7 I Feet- Measurement Result 2398 Feet Press CI LLto enable snapping.Tum off the Measurement tool to turn on parcel selection 1 El iu 1.14 1. c r., IP . Tax Parcels Districts Permits Zoning 1/25/2017 It is approximately 240 feet from the DOT right of way to the south edge of the existing drive(which heads west and accesses the house). RECEIVED JAN 262017 SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Jay Rambo From: Richardson, Bryan <Bryan_Richardson@comcast.com> Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 10:39 AM To: Jay Rambo Subject: RE:Vacation of Wilbur Road Attachments: 0074_001.pdf Jay, Enclosed is a map showing Comcast Cable in this area.As you can see we run on the South edge of your property on the West side of Wilbur and on the South side of Nora Ave. Comcast would not have any issues with the vacation of Wilbur Rd. Once you start this project. If we could get an 2" conduit to the Office for future service, if wanted. Any questions please call or e-mail me. Thanks Bryan Richardson Comcast Cable Corporation 509-370-7389 Cell 509-755-4717 Desk bryan richardson@cable.comcast.com From:Jay Rambo [mailto:jay@jrambo.net] Sent: Friday,January 20, 2017 9:58 AM To: Richardson, Bryan<Bryan Richardson@cable.comcast.com> Subject:Vacation of Wilbur Road Bryan; My name is Jay Rambo and I am an attorney who recently purchased three parcels of land which border Wilbur Road as it terminates into 1-90. I am in the process of applying to the City of Spokane Valley to vacate approximately 240 feet of Wilbur Road. My plan is to construct a self-storage facility on the property. Storhaug Engineering has recently surveyed the property (and a copy of the survey is attached to this e-mail). Storhaug Engineering did not identify any easements for Comcast in their survey. Can you visit internally within Comcast and let me know what your positon would be in regards to the street vacation, your needs regarding the site and any easements which may be necessary? I would hope we should be able to accommodate any requests by Comcast and alleviate any concerns you may have. Thank you. Jay. RECEIVED JAN 2 6 2017 SPOKANE VALLEY 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RECEIVED JAN 1 �6 1017 — SPOKANE VALLEY I cor.trrUr�tr�r D VE 0�t�z� r �_ LI M'6 MAEw 544.1-ni-ry,we. ; `rl�io -° v� r 7 fix• ro- s-r":' LN, •':_„ ,•.�A�t+nit �'G],1-IIEVGI '/'•�=u IN,cN11 n l.I�y _T mY.x'M 1-11.-[G 11✓a--r,4,- lv± N?*. < I _. hapnYd l.,y u .2.Q.1 --.�f_ v J V V 1,7, ' N 1 2 ,._ -_,l iVgii N J LID (0_, --___9- I� - .15 rs` qi, `'` '�[� �r- zU •:� `� 132 _.._ - ri1) i jos )�-.v ,; _.l iU (U� )� Fi r,�, ca,'' E Nora Ave j /ice 0 r }- =-�iv,� t p 6.l 61 . — _ _ fir - -- -L4 —. — - - _ ;� , _• � � =a--T----1 T �(r _ — ric-1 p%'� I i SFri r ft---12-'5' T� I I ` 1 '751 i' f} 1?' a T; h� I� RII)i;L Na (0 n , 1706 �s I ; •�« L.11.(.?,D 1.61�� i J V1 v V Cf . -�� ii 11605 1 11617 p rn N p �1 7' � �., 'Ci. Au t. --� 1 161 1 L_ _. 1 1623 f 7 704 6.I � �� \`'' c� n E Augusto Ave ( 139' � rnir m+ ' iJi.A ((11 L a...ar.v: c' J 1 i 604 — ( i+�c ._. —ill, r....,..0,,,,,:47,,,,,::, " ' 11612 L11fi76� 11622 �1 1/1-R,jfj`I 'K _�I ro•,e ai+u a. O -- pct..; _ �-_.- w,re v r )) Z' �...-- T nllG,Gyv,I"'7,-rta-opo-rt[v o' SO S J m '""--- !`r-l.l9 W I _ N 4.114. 1,..4-{_,___ �AQ �I I I a I 05 � ,l (,� FY - -- -}54' Y 1 f LJ X 1 Z3' ! I O 130' -ri -- �. i !- - �?��— fi' X 19U' X _ 1 r X d ----�D--_�-I. -_ —_., ig — •l-_1 I C-6--.--4—`' , a 1 1 f1 • Jay Rambo From: Noble,Jeremy <Jeremy.Noble@CenturyLink.com> RECEIVED Sent: Tuesday,January 24, 2017 7:57 AM 2To: 'jay@jrambo.net' JA2017 Subject: Wilbur Rd Vacation SPOKANE VALLEY COt.1;,1uNITY DEVELOPMENT Hi Jay, I have visited and assessed the area of your vacation request. CenturyLink does not have any facilities in the areas you are requesting vacation. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks, Jeremy Noble CenturyLink Engineering 904 N. Columbus Spokane,WA 99202 Office: 509-623-0308 Cell: 509-475-7775 This communication is the property of CenturyLink and may contain confidential or privileged information. Unauthorized use of this communication is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the communication and any attachments. 1 • Jay Rambo From: Harvey, Traci <HarveyT@SpokaneValleyFire.com> RECEIVED Sent: Monday,January 23, 2017 10:21 AM To: Jay Rambo JAN 2 6 2011 Subject: RE: Vacation of Wilbur Road SPOKANE VALLEY CC'.1",1LiNITY DEVELOPMENT Jay, The fire department would have no specific access issues related to the proposed street vacation of the section of Wilbur Road as noted. Our review for access would be part of the future commercial building permits. Thanks 1,1 o FIRE DEPT , Traci Harvey Fire Protection Engineer Spokane Valley Fire Department 2120 N. Wilbur Spokane Valley, WA 99206 509-892-4183 Work 509-892-4144 Fax From:Jay Rambo [mailto:jay@jrambo.net] Sent: Friday,January 20, 2017 10:27 AM To: Harvey,Traci <HarveyT@SpokaneValleyFire.com> Subject:Vacation of Wilbur Road Traci; My name is Jay Rambo and I am an attorney who recently purchased three parcels of land which border Wilbur Road as it terminates into 1-90. I am in the process of applying to the City of Spokane Valley to vacate approximately 240 feet of Wilbur Road. My plan is to construct a self-storage facility on the property. Storhaug Engineering has recently surveyed the property(and a copy of the survey is attached to this e-mail). Earlier this week I submitted a Pre-Application Letter to the City of Spokane Valley. I know the City will route the Pre- Application Letter to the Fire Department for comment (but I am not sure who will provide the comments). Our property is currently serviced by a well on the property. We are in the process of decommissioning the well and transferring any water rights. We will install a water line to the property which will be serviced by Modern Water. Modern has informed us that we will most likely need to increase the size of the water line in the street and install some fire hydrants on site. 1 Can you visit internally within the Fire Department and let me know what your positon would be in regards to the street vacation,your needs regarding the site and any easements which may be necessary? I would hope we should be able to accommodate any requests by the Fire Department and alleviate any concerns you may have. Thank you. Jay. 2 Jay Rambo From: Lystad, Curt <Curt.Lystad@avistacorp.com> FRE E 'V E D Sent: Monday, January 23, 2017 7:39 AM To: Jay Rambo; Byus, Dave JAN 2011 Subject: RE: [External] Vacation of Wilbur Road SPOKANE VALLEY COM,11.1uN[T Y DEVELOPMENT Dave, I am pretty flexible to meet with you if needed to show you where the cathodic well is located.There are no surface features unless I mark it with paint. Curt Lystad Cathodic Protection Tech, Avista Dollar Road 509-9954725 From:Jay Rambo [mailto:jay@jrambo.net] Sent: Friday,January 20, 2017 12:01 PM To: Byus, Dave<Dave.Byus@avistacorp.com> Cc: Lystad, Curt<Curt.Lystad@avistacorp.com> Subject: RE: [External] Vacation of Wilbur Road Dave; There would be no subdivision going on with the property. We have just under 4 acres at the sites (with 3 different lots). Our plan is to build out about 550 storage units over the next several years in 3 or 4 phases. No construction would occur near Avista's easement/well and Avista would maintain all existing easements on the property. I live out in the Valley and (if you like) would be happy to meet with you at the site and show you our plans and answer any questions. Let me know what works best for you and I will do what I can to accommodate. Thanks. Jay. From: Byus, Dave [mailto:Dave.Byus(aavistacorp.com] Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 11:49 AM To: Jay Rambo Cc: Lystad, Curt Subject: RE: [External] Vacation of Wilbur Road Jay, Let me dig into this and then have a quick conversation with Curt. I may drive out and do a site visit if I have time today as well. I want to check on road vacations in City of Spokane Valley. We usually try to retain utility easement rights if possible when a road Is vacated. Is it your intent to subdivide and/or create a plat to develop these properties? We can usually reserve easement areas through the plat/shortplat process as opposed to private easement. Just trying to get a better feel of what your future plans are so I can come up with the most reasonable path to getting the access and utility easements we need for our existing facilities as well as future facilities that may necessary as part of your development. 1 Dave Byus Real Estate Representative , e RE �IlrED VISTA jAN 2 6 2017 PO Box 3727 MSC-25 Spokane,WA 99220 SPOKANE VALLEY 1411 E Mission Ave.MSC-25 COr:IMJNITY DEVELOPMENT Spok me,WA 99202 P 509.492 2913 C 509 993.7852 htto./Iw'.vw.avistautilities.corn -,341-4 Gtft Edam, d4 This email(including any attachments)may contain confidential and privileged information,and unauthorized disclosure or use is prohibited.If you are not an intended recipient,please notify the sender and delete this email from your system.Thank you From:Jay Rambo [mailto:jay@jrambo.net] Sent: Friday,January 20, 2017 9:45 AM To: Byus, Dave<Dave.Byus@avistacorp.com> Cc: Lystad, Curt<Curt.Lystad@avistacorp.com> Subject: [External] Vacation of Wilbur Road Dave; My name is Jay Rambo and I am an attorney who recently purchased three parcels of land which border Wilbur Road as it terminates into 1-90. I am in the process of applying to the City of Spokane Valley to vacate approximately 240 feet of Wilbur Road. My plan is to construct a self-storage facility on the property. Storhaug Engineering has recently surveyed the property(and a copy of the survey is attached to this e-mail). Storhaug Engineering identified a gas line running under Wilbur Road. It is my understanding the gas line runs under 1-90. I have recently met Curt Lystad when I was plowing snow. Curt was checking on a cathodic well which is installed at the site. I explained our intended pans to Curt and he did not seem to have a problem with any of our development, provided he could get access to the cathodic well every couple months to monitor it. I have no problem granting Avista access(including providing Curt a gate code)to access the well. I also have no problem granting Avista an easement (which I assume would be necessary if the City vacated Wilbur Road)for the cathodic well, as well as for a future well if Avista needed additional space for a future cathodic well (and I think I have a few too many wells in this sentence). Can you visit internally within Avista and let me know what your positon would be in regards to the street vacation,your needs to monitor anything on site and any easements which may be necessary? I would hope we should be able to accommodate Avista and alleviate any concerns you may have. Thank you. Jay USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL SENDER Do not click on links or open attachments that are not familiar. For questions or concerns, please e-mail phishing@avistacorp.com 2 Jay Rambo From: Jay Rambo <jay@jrambo.net> Sent: Friday,January 20, 2017 10:14 AM RECEIVED To: jred@spokanecounty.org' Subject: Vacation of Wilbur Road JAN 2 6 2017 Attachments: Wilbur Road -Topo Survey(Cropped) - 122116.pdf SPOKANE VALLEY cor.1Mw !TV DEVELOPMENT Jim; My name is Jay Rambo and I am an attorney who recently purchased three parcels of land which border Wilbur Road as it terminates into 1-90. I am in the process of applying to the City of Spokane Valley to vacate approximately 240 feet of Wilbur Road. My plan is to construct a self-storage facility on the property. Storhaug Engineering has recently surveyed the property(and a copy of the survey is attached to this e-mail). Storhaug Engineering did not identify any easements for the Spokane County Environmental Services in their survey. At the present time we are thinking about constructing an office and apartment on Parcel#45094.1001.The sewer needs for all three parcels would be serviced by Parcel#45094.1001. I believe we should be able to hook-up to the sewer which is currently in Nora Avenue. Can you visit internally within Spokane County Environmental Services and let me know what your positon would be in regards to the street vacation,your needs regarding the site and any easements which may be necessary? I would hope we should be able to accommodate any requests by Spokane County Environmental Services and alleviate any concerns you may have. Thank you. Jay. 1 Jay Rambo From: Joe Morgan <JMorgan@mewco.com> RECEIVED Sent: Thursday,January 26, 2017 1:25 PM To: Jay Rambo JAN 2 6 2017 Subject: RE:Vacation of Wilbur Road SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Good morning Mr. Rambo, Modern would not oppose your request for the vacation of Wilbur Road. As for the easement part of your question. All three parcels are subject to the Agreement with Modern Electric Water Company dated November 6th, 1905, and recorded in the office of the Spokane County Auditor, Book E, page 267 of contracts. You will find reference to this agreement on the title to each parcel. This agreement essentially gives Modern Electric Water Company easement right to these properties. We will work with you on the easements to ensure that you get the required electric and water services with the least amount of impact to your project. We won't be able to provide you with the service requirements until we know the demand and fire flow requirements and see the final design. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Poen, 271,649ew General Manager Modem Electric Water Company 509-755-9012 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail transmission may contain legally privileged, confidential information belonging to the sender. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking any action based on the contents of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you received in error, please contact sender and delete all copies. From:Jay Rambo [mailto:lay@irambo.net] Sent: Friday,January 20, 2017 10:06 AM To:Joe Morgan <JMorgan@mewco.com> Subject:Vacation of Wilbur Road Joe; My name is Jay Rambo and I am an attorney who recently purchased three parcels of land which border Wilbur Road as it terminates into 1-90. I am in the process of applying to the City of Spokane Valley to vacate approximately 240 feet of Wilbur Road. My plan is to construct a self-storage facility on the property. Storhaug Engineering has recently surveyed the property (and a copy of the survey is attached to this e-mail). Storhaug Engineering did not identify any easements for Modern Water in their survey. The property has a well and the property is currently not serviced by Modern Water. My intent is to decommission the well and have Modern Water service the property(and Vera Water has expressed interest in acquiring any water rights we may have). Itis my understanding 1 that I may have to increase the size of the existing water line in Wilbur Road and extend the line into our facility and install some fire hydrants. Can you visit internally within Modern Water and let me know what your positon would be in regards to the street vacation,your needs regarding the site and any easements which may be necessary? I would hope we should be able to accommodate any requests by Modern Water and alleviate any concerns you may have. Thank you. Jay. 2 EXHIBIT 4 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING S°TO ------ c---"\--, SVMC 17.80 Development- Planning Division 4iocV-alley 11703 E Sprague Ave Suite B-3 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.688.0197♦ Fax: 509.688.0037♦ planning®spokanevalley.org Applicant to complete and sign before a Notary and return to the Permit Center at 11703 E. Sprague, Suite B-3, Spokane Valley,WA 99206. FILE NO. 61\) at--)n—t)Ce 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ) 2X'?A\ \LaC\a4 ,being first duly sworn, deposes and says: At all times mentioned herein I was, and now am, a citizen of the United States of America and over the age of eighteen years. 'CP On the \t..p day of \v\PU'V- , 20 1-1 , I personally posted a sign(s)as required in the City of Spokane Vali y Municipal Code (SVMC) Section 17.8, land use location(s) in the ity of S kane V ley; oulationsrAf8olg - �S pied cu , l'C.c � Pitt c� 6`A,1� n t3�, i �L� 4 H ti 1-cn . ____ _. Veiitt y '.ignature of Applicant or Agent D--I(P- ' Date Signed and sworn to before me this 1(l�1day of r� J20/7 �.,,",,, LLI� �� 1111 �e �MARJEeh'lib 1 7- fIc%; g0N /j//i 3(Aitijeze, , //11 i ,p Gii '' N T RY PUBLIC IN AND FOR Tip STATE OF l' N-a,'4 US . = O - WASHINGTON 1 III. WASIC‘ ss Residing at: Q/laiti `kel My appointment expires: 67°*(.5 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING Page 1 of 1 REVISED 01/27/09 rm m CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. Date of Mailing: 0- �f Community Development Dr nent Di a Current Planning (Mailing of the r Ired notice should occur before or on the 40010FValley 11707 East Sprague Avenue,Suite 106 above referenced date. Failure to mail by this date may result Spokane l:(509)Valley, 00WA 99206 in extendingthepublic comment period.) 921-1000 P ) Fax:(509)921-1008 piannin n.spokanevallev.org FILE NO: 51\' )fl Cap AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING-NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. • City of Spokane Valley ) (PRINT NAME): 1ye,N, AktA 40 02 ,being first duly sworn on oath, depose(s)and say(s): I am a citizen of the United States of America and over the age of eighteen years. On the c\ -'` day of '- t:LC 1,\ 2Ofl I personally deposited in the United States mail at Q-P-AJ `AC) \3 676 ' 11-10-1 ' 111I4 ,IVe (POST OFFICE BRANCH NAME), with sufficient posta4 prepaid, a true and correct copy of the NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference,to the recorded real property owners and/or taxpayers, as shown on the Spokane County Treasurer's records as of the day of} ' b1LAiIUI- 20 \-1 ,who have been found to own property within a four hundred(400)-foot periphery of the applicant's (and/or his/her agents) owned, controlled or under-option property. The notices were addressed to those individuals and sent to those addresses indicated on the attached list, incorporated herein by reference. In the event an address was not available in the official records,I used the current local telephone directory to attempt to locate a valid address. Notices to property owners and/or taxpayers adjacent(or directly across a street or road)to the proposal (including land owned or optioned)by the applicant and/or his/her agent) for REZONE REQUESTS ONLY were by CERTIFIED MAIL as indicated by the atta hed certified mail receipts. die Signature:: itkt Date: a-+LO' `l Signed and sworn to before me this 1J y1 day 1.of - /60G(t_L 20 1 `7 ,*x,11\1\1141}y(1 4.4`y A�,1.A�iii 0i IT, ' PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE ST E OF WASHINGTON F. e. �: �" • G a Residing at40/11/124,---- OUs4` = a 0755 rah �gy�.7 +L _ �- _ ��t� .'"""l"te �""�tC� My appointment expires: 7 �/r p . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY QkPlanning Division Valley NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING THE SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT,PLANNING DIVISION IS SENDING THIS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO ALL PETITIONERS (IF ANY) AND ALL OWNERS OF PROPERTY ABUTTING THE STREET PROPOSED TO BE VACATED BASED ON THE MOST CURRENT RECORDS FROM THE SPOKANE COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OR TREASURER'S OFFICE. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD ON THE LAND USE APPLICATION LISTED BELOW: HEARING DATE: March 9,2017 at 6:00p.m. HEARING LOCATION: Spokane Valley City Council Chambers, City Hall, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 101; Spokane Valley, WA 99206. REVIEW AUTHORITY: Spokane Valley Planning Commission STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall, Planner; (509)720-5026; kkendall(@spokanevallev.ora. APPLICATION/DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: STV-2017-0001; Request to vacate Wilbur Road, an unimproved section 260 feet in length ranging from 30 to 40 feet in width. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: The portion of right-of-way proposed to be vacated is located between Interstate 90 (north) and Nora Avenue (south) and adjacent to three parcels (45094.0598, 45094.0515 and 45094.1001) further located in the SW quarter of the SE quarter of Section 9, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane Valley, Washington OWNER: Jay Rambo; PO Box 142011; Spokane Valley, WA 99214 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The Planning Division has reviewed the proposal/project and has determined that the project is categorically exempt pursuant to WAC 197-11-800 and Section of the City of Spokane Valley Interim Environmental Ordinance from environmental review under the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA). APPROVAL CRITERIA: Section 22.140 (Street Vacations) of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC); Title 21 (Environmental Controls) of the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code; the City of Spokane Valley Street Standards;the Regional Stormwater Manual; and the Spokane Regional Health District regulations. HEARING PROCESS: The Planning Commission holds the public hearing to receive comments and forwards a recommendation to the City Council for an ordinance adoption. STAFF REPORT AND INSPECTION OF FILE: A staff report will be available for inspection seven(7)calendar days before the hearing. The staff report and application file may be inspected at City of Spokane Valley City Hall, Suite 106, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday, excluding holidays. Copies of documents will be made available at a reasonable cost. Send written comments to the City of Spokane Valley Department of Community and Economic Development, 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106; Spokane Valley, WA 99206;Attn: Karen Kendall,File No. STV-2017-0001 NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk at (509) 921-1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. Page 1 of 1 4.0582 r, 4.113`!1/ ---• y.woa N 37 { 4.0585 ri4.0129 jq, 74 74 7lf .- - .- e 348 41 1- �1 1 2S 6 L - 1 '_ jt +���.'' I5 5 155 N 164 515 :2.3 - t23 r'•e39 7 43 44 -, 45 46 •'---------------________51i i' t5 ti01 s v 227.30 107.x3 462.02 93 7 50 48 =� 49 8 c 4.0515 Al .;?,r, _ 9 0 0.62.03 - - s X 4.01344.0598 (. ° 4.0121 N r+ 4.1001 4.1002 4.1003 V� 51 �� g n111 F- 14.0500 v� 5' B Gz Ir 6-r 91.32 106 105 ` 4.0807 , 54 g O. 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Owner Name:RAMBO,JAY A Taxpayer Name:RAMBO,JAY A Address:PO BOX 142011,SPOKANE VALLEY,WA,99214-2011 Address:PO BOX 142011,SPOKANE VALLEY,WA,99214-2011 Site Address Parcel Type Site Address City Land Size Size Desc. Description Tax Year Tax Code Area Status R 1705 N WILBUR RD SPOKANE 105913 Square Feet 11 Single Unit 2017 0146 Active Assessor Description PINECROFT 1ST ADD TRS 45 8 49 EXC HWY 1-90 TOGETHER WITH TR 52 8 N 53FT OF TR 54 TOGETHER WITH E1/2 VAC BATES RD W OF 8 AD./TO Appraisal Parcel Class Appraiser Neighborhood Code Neighborhood Name Neighborhood Dean Appraiser Name Appraiser Phone 11 Single Unit 2 424535 OPORY PLAT-OPPORTUNITY ETAL Vacant 4775902 Assessed Value Tex Year Land DwetlinglSbucbire Current Use Land Taxable Personal Prop. Total Value 2017 76,340 120,900 0 197,240 0 197,240 2016 74,340 111.400 0 185,740 0 185,740 2015 74,340 111,900 0 186,240 0 186,240 2014 72,340 103,800 0 176,140 0 176,140 2013 72,340 107,300 0 179.640 0 179,640 2012 72,340 115,400 0 187,740 0 187,740 Characteristics Dwelling/Structure Year Built Year Remodeled Size Type House Type Roof Material Heat Cool Bedroom Half Bath Full Beth CVP 1980 0 720 0 0 General Purpose Bldg Wood Pole Frame 1985 0 1,280 SF 0 0 Dweling 1930 1963 1,456 SF 47 Ranch 1000-1499 Comp sh medium Forced hot air-gas None 3 0 2 Residential Sq Ft Breakdown Sq Ft Extension Basement 998 R01 1st Floor 1,456 R01 Features/Structure Main Floor Size Size Type DWELL-Basic allowance 1 DWELL-Fireplace 1 CVP-Concrete Patio 720 SF Land Number Soil ID Acreage Sq Ft Frontage Depth Lots) 1 R1SL 2.43 105,913 0 0 1 Sales Sale Date Sale Price Sale Instrument Excise Number parcel 10/04/2016 350,000.00 Statutory Warranty Deed 201614833 45094.0598 09/29/2016 0.00 Quit Claim Deed 201614834 45094.0598 03/22/2013 0.00 Warranty Deed 201304134 45094.0598 Property Taxes Taxes are due Apr130th and October 31st Tax Year Charge Type Annual Charges Remaining Charges Owing 2017 NV Property Tax 2,495.42 2,495.42 2017 Aquifer Principal HOUSE 15.00 15.00 2017 Soil Conservation Principal CNSV1 5.24 5.24 2017 Stommater Principal Spokane Valley RES1 21.00 21.00 2017 Weed Control Principal WCWEEDI 1.80 1.80 Total Taxes for 2017 2,538.46 2,538.46 2016 NV Property Tax 2,322.29 0.00 http://cp.spokanecounty.org/scout/propertyinformation/SummaryPrint.aspx 1/2 2/13/2017 Parcel Information Print Summary Tax Year Charge Type Annual Charges Remaining Charges Owing 2016 Aquifer Principal HOUSE 15.00 0.00 2016 Soil Conservation Principal CNSV1 5.24 0.00 2016 Stommater Principal Spokane Valey RES1 21.00 0.00 2016 Weed Control Principal WCWEED1 1.80 0.00 Total Taxes for 2016 2,365.33 0.00 2015 AN Property Tax 2,416.26 0.00 2015 Aquifer Principal HOUSE 15.00 0.00 2015 Soil Conservation Principal CNSV1 5.24 0.00 2015 Stormvater Principal Spokane Valley RES1 21.00 0.00 2015 Weed Control Principal WCWEED1 1.80 0.00 Total Taxes for 2015 2,459.30 0.00 2014 AN Property Tax 2,248.05 0.00 2014 Aquifer Principal HOUSE 15.00 0.00 2014 Soil Conservation Principal CNSV3 5.00 0.00 2014 Stormwater Principal Spokane Valey RES1 21.00 0.00 2014 Weed Control Principal WCWEED1 3.00 0.00 Total Taxes for 2014 2,292.05 0.00 Tax Receipts Tax Year Receipt Number Receipt Date Receipt Amount 2016 6899287 10/06/2016 1,182.67 2016 6693999 03/18/2016 1,182.66 2015 6520314 09/16/2015 1,229.65 2015 6371225 04/20/2015 1,229.65 2014 6278697 10/30/2014 1,146.03 2014 6129165 05/01/2014 1,146.02 Disclaimer We are pleased to give you online access to the Assessor's Office and Treasurer's Office properly tax and valuation Information.While we make every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible,portions of this information may not be current or correct.Neither Spokane County,the Assessor,nor the Treasurer makes any warranty,express or Impeed,with regard to the accuracy,relablity,or timeliness of Information in this system,and shall not be hell['able for losses caused by using this information.Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from this system,does so at his or her own risk.Please feel free to contact us about any error you discover or to give comments and suggestions.Cat the Assessor's Office at(509)477-3698 or the Treasurer's Office at(509)477-4713. RCW 42.56.070(9)pmhbits the release of lists of individuals requested for commercial purposes.The requester expressly represents that no such use of any such ist w8 be made by the user or Its trensteree(s)or vendee(s).I understand, acknowledge,and accept the statements above,and agree to adhere to the prohibitions listed In RCW 42.56.070(9). http://cp.spokanecounty.org/scout/propertyinformationfSummaryPrint.aspx 2/2 2/13/2017 Parcel Information Print Summary Parcel Information Parcel Number:45094.0515 WEBPADAL Data As Of:2/13/2017 Site Address: 0.UNKNOWN Parcel Image Owner Name:DAYBER,PROPERTIES,LLC Taxpayer Name:DAYBER PROPERTIES,LLC Address:PO BOX 142011,SPOKANE.WA,99214-2011 Address:PO BOX 142011.SPOKANE VALLEY,WA,99214-2011 Site Address Parcel Type Slte Address City Land Size Size Desc. Description Tax Year Tax Code Area Status R 0.UNKNOWN SPOKANE VALLEY 37970 Square Feet 91 Vacant Land 2017 0146 Active Assessor Description PINECROFT 1ST ADDITION TR 46 EXC HWY TOGETHER WITH TR 50 Appraisal Parcel Class Appraiser Neighborhood Code Neighborhood Name Neighborhood Desc Appraiser Name Appraiser Phone 91 Vacant Land 2 424535 OPORY PLAT-OPPORTUNITY ETAL Vacant 477-5902 Assessed Value Tax Year Land Dwelling/Structure Current Use Land Taxable Personal Prop. Total Value 2017 42,000 0 0 42,000 0 42,000 2016 39.900 0 0 39,900 0 39,900 2015 39.900 0 0 39.900 0 39,900 2014 40,950 0 0 40,950 0 40,950 2013 40,950 0 0 40,950 0 40,950 2012 40,950 0 0 40.950 0 40,950 Characteristics Land Number Soli ID Acreage Sq Ft Frontage Depth Lot(s) 1 TISL 0.87 37,970 0 0 1 Sales Sale Date Sale Price Sale Instrument Excise Number parcel 03/23/2016 49,000.00 Statutory Warranty Deed 201603404 45094.0515 11/08/2004 85,000.00 Statutory Warranty Deed 200420958 45094.0515 Properly Taxes Taxes am due AprO 30th and October 31st Tax Year Charge Type Annual Charges Remaining Charges Owing 2017 AN Property Tax 531.37 531.37 2017 Sot Conservation Principal CNSV1 5.09 5.09 2017 Weed Control Principal WCWEED1 1.80 1.80 Total Taxes for 2017 538.26 538.26 2016 NV Property Tax 498.87 0.00 2016 Sot Conservation Principal CNSV1 5.09 0.00 2016 Weed Control Principal WCWEED1 1.80 0.00 Total Taxes for 2016 505.76 0.00 2015 AN Property Tax 517.66 0.00 2015 Soil Conservation Principal CNSV1 5.09 0.00 2015 Weed Control Principal WCWEED1 1.80 0.00 Total Taxes for 2015 524.55 0.00 2014 NV Property Tax 522.64 0.00 2014 Soo Conservation Principal CNSV3 5.00 0.00 2014 Weed Control Principal WCWEED1 3.00 0.00 Total Taxes for 2014 530.64 0.00 Tax Receipts Tax Year Receipt Number Receipt Date Receipt Amount 2016 6890599 08/22/2016 252.88 2016 6702212 03/30/2016 252.88 2015 6531045 10/13/2015 262.28 http://cp.spokanecounty.orglscout/propertyinformation/SummaryPrint.aspx 1/2 2/13/2017 -- Parcel Information Print Summary Tax Year Receipt Number Receipt Date .:eipt Amount 2015 6334199 03/24/2015 262.27 2014 6159845 09/25/2014 265.32 2014 6038624 04/18/2014 265.32 Disclaimer We am pleased to give you online access to the Assessor's Office and Treasurer's Office property tax and valuation information.While we make every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible,portions of this information may not be current or correct.Neither Spokane County,the Assessor,nor the Treasurer makes any warranty,express or implied,with regard to the accuracy,rehabdity,or timeliness of information in this system,and shall not be held liable for losses caused by using this information.Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from this system,does so at his or her own risk.Please feel free to contact us about any error you discover or to give comments and suggestions.Call the Assessor's Office at(509)477-3698 or the Treasurer's Once at(509)477-4713. RCW 42.56.070(9)prohibits the release of lists of individuals requested for commercial purposes.The requester expressly represents that no such use of any such tot will be made by the user or its transferee(s)or vendee(s).I understand, acknovAedge,and accept the statements above,and agree to adhere to the prohibitions listed in RCW 42.56.070(9). http://cp.spokanecounty.org/scout/propertyinformation/SummaryPrint.aspx 2/2 2/13/2017 Parcel Information Print Summary Parcel Information Parcel Number:45094.1001 WEBPADAL Data As Oh 2113/2017 Site Address: 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN Parcel Image I Owner Name:RAMBO,JAY A Taxpayer Name:RAMBO,JAY A Address:PO BOX 142011,SPOKANE VALLEY,WA.99214-2011 Address:PO BOX 142011,SPOKANE VALLEY,WA,99214-2011 Site Address Parcel Type Site Address City Land Size Size Desc. Description Tax Year Tax Code Area Status R 0 ADDRESS UNKNOWN SPOKANE 14854 Square Feet 91 Vacant Land 2017 0146 Active Assessor Description WILBUR ADD LI B1 Appraisal Parcel Class Appraiser Neighborhood Code Neighborhood Name Neighborhood Desc Appraiser Name Appraiser Phone 91 Vacant Land 2 424535 OPORY PLAT-OPPORTUNITY ETAL Vacant 4775902 Assessed Value Tax Year Land Dwelling/Structure Current Use Land Taxable Personal Prop. Total Value 2017 34,000 0 0 34,000 0 34.000 2016 32,000 0 0 32,000 0 32,000 2015 32,000 0 0 32,000 0 32,000 2014 35,000 0 0 35,000 0 35,000 2013 35,000 0 0 35,000 0 35,000 2012 35,000 0 0 35,000 0 35,000 Characteristics Land Number Solt ID Acreage Sq Ft Frontage Depth Lot(s) 1 R1SL 0.34 14,854 111 133 1 Sales Sale Date Sale Price Sale Instrument Excise Number parcel 10/04/2016 350,000.00 Statutory Warranty Deed 201614833 45094.1001 09/29/2016 0.00 Quit Claim Deed 201614834 45094.1001 03/22/2013 0.00 Wananty Deed 201304134 45094.1001 Property Taxes Taxes are due Apra 30th and October 31st Tax Year Charge Type Annual Charges Remaining Charges Owing 2017 NV Property Tax 430.16 430.16 2017 Soil Conservation Principal CNSV1 5.03 5.03 2017 Weed Control Principal WCWEEDI 1.80 1.80 Total Taxes for 2017 436.99 436.99 2016 NV Property Tax 400.10 0.00 2016 Soil Conservation Principal CNSV1 5.03 0.00 2016 Weed Control Principal WCWEED1 1.80 0.00 Total Taxes for 2016 406.93 0.00 2015 AN Property Tax 415.17 0.00 2015 Soil Conservation Principal CNSV1 5.03 0.00 2015 Weed Control Principal WCWEED1 1.80 0.00 Total Taxes for 2015 422.00 0.00 2014 NV Property Tax 446.70 0.00 2014 Soil Conservation Principal CNSV3 5.00 0.00 2014 Weed Control Principal WCWEEDI 3.00 0.00 Total Taxes for 2014 454.70 0.00 Tax Receipts Tax Year Receipt Number Receipt Date Receipt Amount 2016 6899287 10/06/2016 203.47 2016 6693998 03/18/2016 203.46 http://cp.spokanecounty.org/scout/propertyinformation/SummaryPrint.aspx 1/2 2/13/2017 Parcel Information Print Summary Tax Year Receipt Number Receipt Date .reipt Amount 2015 6520315 09/16/2015 211.00 2015 6371226 04/20/2015 211.00 2014 6278698 10/30/2014 227.35 2014 6129164 05/01/2014 227.35 Disclaimer We am pleased to give you online access to the Assessors Office and Treasurers Office property tax and valuation information.While we make every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible,portions of this information may not be current or correct.Neither Spokane County,the Assessor,nor the Treasurer makes any warranty,express or implied,with regard to the accuracy,rvhablity,or timeliness of information in this system,and shall not be held liable for losses caused by using this information.Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from this system,does so at his or her own risk.Please feel free to contact us about any error you discover or to give convnents and suggestions.Call the Assessors Office at(509)477-3698 or the Treasurers Office at(509)477-4713. RCW 42.56.070(9)prohibits the release of lists of individuals requested for commercial purposes.The requester expressly represents that no such use of any such fist will be made by the user or its transferee(s)orvendee(s).I understand, acknowledge,and accept the statements above,and agree to adhere to the prohibitions listed in RCW 42.56.070(9). http://cp.spokanecounty.org/scout/propertyinformation/SummaryPrint.aspx 2/2 EXHIBIT 5 Karen Kendall From: Sean Messner Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 5:06 PM To: Karen Kendall Subject: RE: Review requested for street vacation of Wilbur Road (STV-2017-0001) Attachments: Public Works Comment on STV-2017-0001.pdf Hi Karen, Please see find comments Public Works comments regarding the Wilbur Road Street Vacation per Chapter 22.140.030 of the Municipal Code. Please let me know if more is needed. Thanks much Karen, Sean Sean Messner, P.E. Phone: 509.720.5011. From: Karen Kendall Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2017 4:10 PM To: Sean Messner; Harvey, Traci; 'Chris Johnston'; 'Paul Savage'; 'Spokane County Utilities'; CMCMAHONCHASE@spokanecounty.org; Modern Electric Water Company (jmorgan@mewco.com); 'Spokane Transit Authority'; Gretchen Kaehler (Gretchen.Kaehler@DAHP.wa.gov); Dave Byus (dave.byus@avistacorp.com); Karen Stoddard (karen.stoddard@centurylink.com); bryan_richardson@cable.comcast.com Subject: Review requested for street vacation of Wilbur Road (STV-2017-0001) Hi all! Please review attached proposal to vacate approximately 9,100 square feet of Wilbur Road located between Interstate 90 (north) and Nora Avenue (south). Comments are requested by Thursday, February 16, 2017. Thank you!! Karen Kendall, Planner City of Spokane Valley Community&Economic Development 11707 East Sprague Avenue,Suite 106 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 509.720.5026 direct 509.921.1008 fax www.spokanevalley.org Illouttiki a,rd rc]rlit':z I'101tirdisclo5uo 1 •"\-. Spokane Va11eyP 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 •cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Karen Kendall, Planner From: Sean Messner,Senior Traffic Engineer CC: Date: 2/15/2017 Re: STV-2017-00001 The application proposed to vacate approximately 9,100 square feet of Wilbur Road between Interstate 90 (I-90) and Nora Avenue with three adjacent parcels(45094.0598,45094.0515, and 45094.1001).An exhibit showing the proposed right-of-way vacation area, as included in the application packet, is below: F- • INTERSTATE 90SOBIROLY RK?1r-O-WAY LAE PPECROFI HIST ADDITION P PNECAOFT FFer ADDITION (9005 N 0 PUI2.PAGE 35) (NOOK u ai PLATS.PALS 30 TRACE 44 Use R10Nr-0P-WAY num AO(PBR recer-comuy PNECRCFr FIFER ADDITION 0554 FIRST ADDITION (90121 u 0PLATS.PAGE 35) ( u�TRAPCTT AM PACE 3a) TRACT O 4500�a 01$0,30.5" PORTON OFWLWTROAD � 15 RKRR-0FWAYTO BE VACATED y 25 WLBIE)ADDniON (BOOK 12 Or PUTS.PACE 70 /a/ aOaL(LOT PNEcROFT FIRST ADDR)ON /•(BOOR u Or PUTS,PAGE 35) / TRACT 52 IPI A,a06100) _ _ _ _ NoRTHLRLY RIGHT-Or-WAY INA: (d TUT) RECTOR'OFT Filer ADDITION I NORA AVENUE ,ISA-OP I4 (9001 u OF PUTS.PAGE 35) — NORTH 67 FEET CP TRACT 52 I v- A.CA% AU(A)BTA BUBDNISION I WLBUH ADDTIION (Boal A OF 1 PACK aB) I (000 12 71 4214' ACE 7e) alit' �Yn1.u1L�� haugs-FOiWILBUR ROAD ROW VACATION EXHIBIT 502T75H,R41r,W.M. - i..cnm,ti(c,...c�� SPO BANE VAICY,WA. urco>.c+v:rvn DRAWN TAC DATE 02j02/2017IEXM5IT +m,.,,m.C..«.-1•L.-•t..-n.F nw i n.m r,r:on lsn,+r,wl CHECKED TAC SCALE 1 =50. 'RO.ECTT5-292.010/ Public Works comments on STV-2017-0001 1 P:\Public Works\Traffic\Street Vacations&Establishments\Public Works Comment on STV-2017-0001.doc The Public Works Department submits the following comments for the Public Hearing. These comments are based on the criteria for street vacation listed in Chapter 22.140.030 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. 1. Whether a change of use or vacation of the street or alley will better serve the public; The vacation is expected to have no impact on the general public. 2. Whether the street or alley is no longer required for public use or access; The right-of-way being vacated is currently vacant land not being utilized for public use or access and is not required for current or future public use or access. Should future development require improvements to the intersection of Wilbur Road and Nora Avenue, the intersection improvements will be reviewed and right-of-way needs assessed through agreement with the future development. 3. Whether the substitution of a new and different public way would be more useful to the public; No. There is no need for a new and different public way. 4. Whether conditions may so change in the future as to provide a greater use or need than presently exists; It is not anticipated that changes would occur in the future which would require use of the subject right-of-way for public access. Should future development require improvements to the intersection of Wilbur Road and Nora Avenue, the intersection improvements will be reviewed and right-of-way needs assessed through agreement with the future development. 5. Whether objections to the proposed vacation are made by owners of private property abutting the street or alley or other governmental agencies or members of the general public. Public Works is not aware of any objections at this time. Public Works comments on STV-2017-0001 2 P:\Public Works\Traffic\Street Vacations&Establishments\Public Works Comment on STV-2017-0001.doc - — e1 , jgp`,V1129'On F OMP a__1 190 ;fib ®, r Om -110111 W ,0. . > , Ii90 a 0111,4 ea I 11901E289 OFF r. ...... _ _ ......,.„,„,,,, ,,. ._ . Arm 4‘. C� __. rb. _ - - -- .. I "' I.': Drywell Location _ ;� :.- �. I" ► roxrrrate L ��, L ' r ,f � i1 � s . Approximate Inlet-Location q4 ` /J 4,1„,,,,, ..._, - ,ra ' . ,., ... , , _ , , . ii- .. r i„........., I 3.,_,,,,'. .r. ..- -- '' "t." --- '.' 1-.'-'-' - ' --j'' • T.-7-P"' i ,...,, - . 't i'3414, 1�y*rjMS'-, ' 41111P" • ,,.. , .,,I, li , ", 1 '1 I. r ' gl I . klisit... i 1 _fr. .. _ - - - I --- - * - 100 50 0 100 Feet N ID Existing Concrete Inlet M +i— Scale 1:1000 © Existing Drywell Date: 3/1/2017 s,NE Imo! 't. ‘{ Bryan Collins,Fire Chief 144 4N7,-) SPOKANE VALLEY 2120 N.Wilbur FIRE DEPARTMENT Spokane VaKe :WA99146 Phone(509)928-1700 •" FAX(509)892-4125 ',JIBE DEFT. Est. 1940 wIsiv.spoJanevalleyfire.com February 8, 2017 Karen Kendall City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave. Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 RE: STV-2017-0001 North Wilbur Dear Karen: The Spokane Valley Fire Department has completed a review for the above referenced project and has no comments on the vacation of the proposed section of N.Wilbur Road. All specific Fire Department requirements shall be conditioned on future commercial building permits. If there are any questions please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, c�]CG�P.t�f� Traci Harvey Fire Protection Engineer Spokane Valley Fire Department Q:\Dept Data Unshared\Prevention Unshared\Plats\Shorties\2017\STV-2017-0001 Kendall.docx Karen Kendall From: Red,Jim <JRed@spokanecounty.org> Sent: Friday, February 17, 2017 3:16 PM To: Karen Kendall Cc: jay@rambo.net Subject: Project: STV-2017-0001 Attachments: r PA Comments.rtf James L. Red,Jr. Project Manager Spokane County Environmental Services Department 1026 W Broadway Ave. Spokane, WA. 99260 509-477-7279 1 To: Karen Kendall (City of Spokane Valley-Community Development) CC: From: Jim Red (Spokane County- Environmental Services Dept) Date: Friday, February 17, 2017 Planning/Building #: Subject STV-2017-0001 Stage: Pre-Application Phase: Vacate Wilbur Rd-Wilbur& Nora Address WILBUR AND NORA CO01 Comment: Because the street vacation would create a lot that will not have access to public sewer, a sanitary sewer easement, acceptable to the Environmental Services Department, will be required. If parcel 45094.0515 is to be aggregated with another parcel, in such a manner, that it will have access to the sanitary sewer system, an easement will not be necessary. Karen Kendall From: Byus, Dave <Dave.Byus@avistacorp.com> Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2017 2:43 PM To: Karen Kendall Cc: Jay Rambo Subject: RE: [External] Review requested for street vacation of Wilbur Road (STV-2017-0001) Attachments: Wilbur Rd Vacation Exhibit2.png Hi Karen, I am not 100%sure if I have already sent in comments regarding the proposed Wilbur Rd vacation. . Avista does not provide electric distribution service to this part of the Valley however we do have underground natural gas service, an 8" high pressure gas main, and a cathodic well with underground communications used for monitoring. The communications equipment is mounted to a what I believe is Qwest telephone phone located on the eastern side of Parcel#45094.0598. Jay and I had spoken at length about this back in January regarding the location of our existing 8" high pressure gas main as well as the location of a cathodic well and communications that are currently located in Wilbur Rd ROW and/or as part of our franchise agreement with City of Spokane Valley. Jay has agreed to work with Avista on granting new private easements to cover our existing facilities noted above. I will prepare a new easement agreement or agreements to cover our facilities that currently reside in Wilbur Rd ROW and present to Jay when complete. I would appreciate if we could get the procurement of a valid easement(s) as a condition of the vacation. I have attached an exhibit showing the general location of our facilities as located in Wilbur Rd ROW that is part of the proposed vacation. I will be out of the office Monday-Thursday of next week. If you have any questions or need any additional information please email me and I will try to respond as quickly as possible. Thanks Dave Byus Real Estate Representative Flu VISTA PO Box 3727 MSC-25 Spokane,WA 99220 1411 E Mission Ave.MSC-25 Spokane,WA 99202 P 509.495.2013 C 509.993.7852 http://www.avistautilities.com 811raw when below Callbokwye.dig. This email(including any attachments)may contain confidential and privileged information,and unauthorized disclosure or use is prohibited.If you are not an intended recipient,please notify the sender and delete this email from your system.Thank you. 1 From: Karen Kendall [mailto:kkendall@spokanevalley.org] Sent:Thursday, February 02, 2017 4:10 PM To:Sean Messner<smessner@spokanevalley.org>; Harvey,Traci<HarveyT@SpokaneValleyFire.com>; 'Chris Johnston' <crjohnston@spokanesheriff.org>; 'Paul Savage'<psavage@srhd.org>; 'Spokane County Utilities' <jred@spokanecounty.org>; CMCMAHONCHASE@spokanecounty.org; Modern Electric Water Company (jmorgan@mewco.com)<jmorgan@mewco.com>; 'Spokane Transit Authority'<kotterstrom@spokanetransit.com>; Gretchen Kaehler(Gretchen.Kaehler@DAHP.wa.gov)<Gretchen.Kaehler@DAHP.wa.gov>; Byus, Dave <Dave.Byus@avistacorp.com>; Karen Stoddard (karen.stoddard@centurylink.com)<karen.stoddard@centurylink.com>; bryan_richardson@cable.comcast.com Subject: [External] Review requested for street vacation of Wilbur Road (STV-2017-0001) Hi all! Please review attached proposal to vacate approximately 9,100 square feet of Wilbur Road located between Interstate 90 (north) and Nora Avenue (south). Comments are requested by Thursday, February 16, 2017. Thank you!! Karen Kendall, Manner City of Spokane Valley Community&Economic Development 11707 East Sprague Avenue,Suite 106 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 509.720.5026 direct 509.921.1008 fax wWw.spokaneval Iey.org USE CAUTION - EXTERNAL SENDER Do not click on links or open attachments that are not familiar. For questions or concerns, please e-mail phishing@avistacorp.com 2 45094.0515 45094.0598 " Wilbur&August (48) 45094.1001450940100294.100 41715 i` t4571aA-@ IlL, , 70512" /- --- 6 Fir 94.1101 45094.110 45094.1103 Aug usta 45094.0578 Karen Kendall From: Jay Rambo <jay@jrambo.net> Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2017 7:32 AM To: Karen Kendall Cc: bstclair@mewco.com Subject: Letter from MEWCO Attachments: MEWCO - Letter re Road Vacation -Wilbur Road -012717.pdf Karen; Attached is a letter I received yesterday from MEWCO when I spoke with Bryan St. Clair. I wanted to make sure you had a copy for your files. Please let me know if you need anything from either Bryan or I at this time. Thanks. Jay. • 1 .0% ELECj8 "Serving the OPPORTUNITY AREA Since 1905" 40, N. 904 Pines Road Spokane Valley,WA P.O.Box 14008 4+ ;< � 99206 99214 Telephone E-mail Fax 4411 CONipp° (509)928-4540 modern@mewco.com (509)755-9000 01/27/2017 Jay Rambo PO BOX 142011 Spokane Valley, WA 99214-2011 RE: Vacation of North Wilbur Road Modern Electric Water Company's receipt and acknowledgement of the vacation of North Wilbur Rd would be subject to the Agreement to Modem Electric Water Company dated November 6th, 1905, and recorded in the office of the Spokane County Auditor, Book E, page 267 of contracts. It does not relieve the Owner of meeting Modern Electric Water Company's current Specifications & Requirements at the time of construction or the requirements outlined in the Company's current Comprehensive Plan. The following conditions are applicable to your request for vacating the 240-foot section of North Wilbur Road. Modern Electric Water Company has existing facilities within the street to be vacated. Any facilities that will need to be relocated due to the street vacation, at owner's expense, and may need to be relocated before any construction or development is allowed to proceed. Encroachment into the area before the facilities are relocated could cause an interruption of service to city residents. Attached is a map of the affected water infrastructure. However, Modern Electric Water Company does not object to vacating that portion of North Wilbur Road as long as existing facilities are not disturbed until such time as you or subsequent owners submit development plans that include relocation and meet Modern Electric Water Company's standards and specifications. Sincerely, a rrit Bryan St. Clair Water Superintendent Karen Kendall From: Engle, Kathy <EngleK@wsdot.wa.gov> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 2:07 PM To: Karen Kendall Cc: Figg, Greg; Engle, Kathy Subject: Follow-up 2-28-17 Requested for street vacation of Wilbur Road Karen, As we discussed on the phone this morning, WSDOT needs water and power services to continue within WSDOT's right of way for landscaping proposes.This will require an easement across the proposed Wilbur Road vacation property, providing it is acceptable with the local utility companies, Modern Electric and Water and Avista. Let us know if you need anything else. Kathy From: Engle, Kathy Sent: Monday, February 27, 2017 10:03 AM To: 'Karen Kendall'<kkendall@spokanevalley.org> Cc: Engle, Kathy<EngleK@wsdot.wa.gov>; Figg, Greg<FiggG@wsdot.wa.gov> Subject: RE: Review requested for street vacation of Wilbur Road (STV-2017-0001) Sorry 1 can't be more specific but our maintenance crew is still looking into this matter. It appears as though the gray box is the service feed for the sprinkler controller that was installed for as part of a 2-year plant establishment period, on a past contract. They(WSDOT Maintenance) are looking into who is the owner WSDOT or the contractor and if it needs to stay active. We (Greg) or I will get back to you as soon as we know. Sorry again for the delay. Kathy Engle Eastern Region Planning (509) 324-6192 1 CC $ :: - '!. _ L - . , .., . . ., , _, . - -_ - __ „,. . • Y ~•,r y.. . • * 4.y. . .yi • i , r +�4' - .i+#-- 1�, `� 1w.� Q1... + - 1. ,. �. t 1 • . .', A f s i I '., • `'st#' A6.„ t i< 1 r-.o.. ,, :3 : ':a:'lito r t r . ere . ` - `fie . k 'ar."► 17641 i From: Karen Kendall [mailto:kkendall@spokanevalley.orgl Sent: Friday, February 24,2017 9:11 AM To: Engle, Kathy<EngleK@wsdot.wa.gov> Cc: Figg, Greg<FiggG@wsdot.wa.gov> Subject: RE: Review requested for street vacation of Wilbur Road (STV-2017-0001) Hi,Kathy. I wanted to check in on progress of determining any easements are required for WSDOT in association with the proposed street vacation of Wilbur Road. I am finalizing my staff report on Monday(2-27-17)and wanted to incorporate any comments, if available. 2 I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you,Kathy! Karen Kendall 509.720,5026 direct From: Karen Kendall Sent:Tuesday, February 21, 2017 2:12 PM To:'Engle, Kathy' Cc: Figg, Greg Subject: RE: Review requested for street vacation of Wilbur Road (STV-2017-0001) Thank you for your quick reply, Kathy. I look forward to your response. Please indicate the amount of area requested to be set aside in an easement to maintain the power pole and junction box, if located in the proposed vacation area. Thank you again,Kathy and Greg! Karen Kendall 509.720.5026 direct From: Engle, Kathy(mailto:EngleK@wsdot.wa.gov] Sent:Tuesday, February 21,2017 2:07 PM To: Karen Kendall Cc: Figg, Greg; Engle, Kathy Subject: RE: Review requested for street vacation of Wilbur Road (STV-2017-0001) Karen, Thank you for an opportunity to comment on the proposal to vacate Wilbur Road adjacent to 1-90. In Google Earth, Greg and I noticed there is a power pole and junction box that could be feeding the adjacent luminaries and sign bridge on 1-90. We have asked our maintenance and signals people to look into this and get back to us with comments. If the power pole and junction box are the power source, we will request that these items be allowed to remain in the former right of way. Thanks. Kathy Engle Eastern Region Planning (509)324-6192 3 rosy` - _ - -- n t 1 • - it I ' +1 j' _�_ a _ ......... _lir jolletiot. . A 4 • P • . • _ 4 • •-•tk. • ••• • . • • • 144iii" • ,C - • 11. " 1,` - 4••••.' • Nir •‘ • • uf It - p • 44' .211 , t - 16. -• - . t pp. • ' t . I rhm„, ,9Nef I t!4l'Ar .rt iii_ -er"- I--111.6100.1 •111WEIMr, .11 5 ,',i , ft. 4w-za", -r-.t. frk 'r`. N,r. r "' , ;F J'. - *tef '� • -' - - - ' —. II { • E a' ''' -LI j .fir'- y4. r ! f + _ '7 yf•�-,mo i° `K. - T R + Y- o —_Pr — 4 1) Y• ir =Owe - •4 " as —Voir r :�:� 4 4.i... t i 111 '11.4118 - -. k St: From: Figg, Greg Sent:Tuesday, February 21, 2017 8:20 AM To: Engle, Kathy<EngleK@wsdot.wa.gov> Subject: FW: Review requested for street vacation of Wilbur Road (STV-2017-0001) Could you take a look at this. 6 From: Karen Kendall [mailto:kkendallc spokanevallev.argj Sent:Thursday, February 16, 2017 12:04 PM To: Figg, Greg<FiggG@wsdot.wa.gov> Subject: FW: Review requested for street vacation of Wilbur Road (STV-2017-0001) Hi, Greg! My apologies for the late request. Please review the attached documents and provide any guidance from WSDOT regarding the area proposed to be vacated abuts I-90 along the south side. I'll check in with you on Wednesday, February 22, 2017 and get your feedback. Thank you, Greg! Karen Kendall,Planner City of Spokane Valley Community&Economic Development 11707 East Sprague Avenue,Suite 106 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 509.720.5026 direct 5093211008 fax www.spokyn va11ey.ors Al/mails and replies are subject to public-disclosure From: Karen Kendall Sent:Thursday, February 02, 2017 4:10 PM To:Sean Messner; Harvey,Traci; 'Chris Johnston'; 'Paul Savage'; 'Spokane County Utilities'; CMCMAHONCHASEpsookariecounty.org; Modern Electric Water Company(jrnorgan@rnewco.com); 'Spokane Transit Authority';Gretchen Kaehler(Gretchen.Kaehler@DAHP.wa.goy); Dave Byus(dave.bvus@avistacorp.com); Karen Stoddard (karen.stoddard@centurvlink.com); bryan richardson@cable.comcast.com Subject: Review requested for street vacation of Wilbur Road (STV-2017-0001) Hi all! Please review attached proposal to vacate approximately 9,100 square feet of Wilbur Road located between Interstate 90 (north) and Nora Avenue (south). Comments are requested by Thursday, February 16, 2017. Thank you!! Karen Kendall, Planner City of Spokane Valley Community&Economic Development 11707 East Sprague Avenue,Suite 106 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 509.720.5026 direct 509.921.1008 fax www.spokanevalley.org 7 EXHIBIT 6 Karen Kendall From: Jay Rambo <jay@jrambo.net> Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 2:49 PM To: Karen Kendall Subject: Questions and Comments from Planning Commission Attachments: Wilbur Road - Preliminary Design by JR (8x11) - 021317.pdf Karen; I wanted to write you an e-mail and address (in a little more detail)the questions which were asked at the last nights Planning Commission meeting and study session on the proposed vacation of Wilbur Road. These would be my thoughts and hopefully would help in the decision making process. I apologize if I get into too much detail regarding the specifics of what has been discussed (as this may bog the process down and this is not my intent). Prior Zoning The question was asked as to what the property was previously zoned. The land we acquired was formerly zoned Office. Little use of the property was able to be made(because of the market conditions for office space). I think the change to Corridor Mixed Use was positive as it will allow us to use the property for a self-storage facility(with an apartment or two for night time security). Drywell and Utilities There was a question about whether access to the existing drywell (which is located at the NE corner of Wilbur and Nora)would be permitted.Access to the drywell by the City will absolutely be permitted. We have also agreed to provide Avista access to their cathodic well for maintenance,which requires inspection every month or two by Avista personnel (and we will grant a gate code if necessary, but Avista did not think a gate code would be necessary at this point in time since their inspections are during normal business hours). Public Works and Storm Water have asked that the facility design incorporate run-off from Wilbur Road (especially since Wilbur Road slopes toward 1-90 which is good as Mission cannot handle the snow and run-off). We have agreed to incorporate swales on both sides of(the portion of)Wilbur Road (which is being requested to be vacated)for snow removal and run-off. Please see the preliminary layout which is attached to this e-mail and was submitted to the City with our SEPA Checklist. Financial Benefit to the City The comment was made as to how this benefits the City financially(and I understand that the Planning Commission and City Council have an obligation to look out for the interests of the City). It may be easier for me to answer this by starting with the negative as to what will occur if the City does not approve the vacation (and I don't want to my comments to be taken in a negative light so hopefully no one takes offense at my remarks). If the vacation were not approved, let me say what I "think" will happen. Let me start with the fact that regardless of what happens, I believe we will be responsible for the cost of any improvements to Wilbur Road. The primary cost will be the grading and paving of the road. However, if the vacation is not approved, I would assume that it will be necessary for us to install curbs to bring Wilbur Road up to current City street specifications. If this is the case,the curbs would appear to defeat the purpose (or at the very least, inhibit the effectiveness of the run-off and snow removal)of the swales on each side of Wilbur Road. Thus, we have an issue with some curbing potentially defeating the purpose of installing the requested swales. Once Wilbur Road is improved,the City would be responsible for maintaining Wilbur Road. As I understand it,we will be prohibited from maintaining the portion of Wilbur Road which serves as a drive aisle (i.e.,we may not plow the snow on a drive aisle between our properties to allow access to the storage units). Conversely, if the street is vacated, we can plow the road whenever we want and do with it as we see fit. Finally,we have also agree, if requested by the City,to provide compensation (either through a dedication or in cash) if the street is vacated. We would prefer to pay nothing. However,we realize that we are receiving the benefit of owning the land and we therefore have no issue with compensating the City(based on the formula as described to us). Future Road Improvements between Mission and Nora There was also a question as to what future road improvements are slated for the portion of Wilbur Road between Mission and Nora avenues. Obviously I am in no positon to answer this question. However, I would like to provide you my thoughts on what will occur if a self-storage facility is constructed (visa vie other potential alternatives which are currently permitted in the CMU zone). I would assume there will be no sidewalks installed along Wilbur Road in the future. I say this because the homes on both sides of Wilbur Road currently have their fences up to Wilbur Road (and installing sidewalks will not please these neighbors as it will require the removal of their fences and reduce the current size of the neighbors'yards). As I drive through surrounding neighborhoods in the immediate vicinity, it doesn't seem like there are many sidewalks. Thus, I would assume that installing sidewalks is probably not a high priority for the City in the foreseeable future. The use of the property as a self-storage facility presumably should not increase the foot traffic from Mission to Nora (as most customers will not use mass transit to be dropped at Mission and walk two blocks to retrieve their items from storage). The one or two apartments to be constructed on-site will be for security purposes(i.e.,to have personnel present on site at night). The couple of apartments would not seem to necessitate the installation of any future sidewalks along Wilbur Road (from Mission to Nora). The use of the property as a self-storage facility will (from a traffic perspective)generate fewer trips along Wilbur Road than new offices(which would have difficulty being rented due to current vacancies), retail (and I realize this is not a retail corridor) or apartments (and apartments are going up everywhere at the moment). Ann Winkler(our traffic engineer) calculated that using current guidelines,the use of the property for the following purposes would generate the following trips: - Offices(43,560 square feet, approximately 25%coverage) would generate 480 average daily trips and 65 trips during peak hours per day. - Retail (43, 560 square feet, approximately 25%coverage) would generate 1931 average daily trips and 118 trips during peak hours per day. - Apartments (60 units) would generate 399 average daily trips and 37 trips during peak hours(and may require sidewalks being installed due to increased foot traffic from Mission). - Self-storage (as proposed)would generate 151 average daily trips and 12 trips during peak hours per day. In my opinion (and I realize I am biased), I believe the use of the property as a self-storage facility would minimize the wear and tear on the existing roadway and would not require the installation of additional infrastructure to facilitate the use. Hopefully my comments are beneficial and will provide some additional context. Please let me know if there are any additional questions as I am happy to do what I can to provide answers and information. I appreciate all your time and effort on this project. Thanks. Jay. 2 r -10 -- ( 33S. 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POC _ rr is•ZAr (_Ff"Yr 0f ,on-guca_ rA.C. wl-y- Fww e-A.0f. le Fa 0 • - F.¢E 1+110r0AJT -70 De-14D0.04-61. A0„. Fe-C.:NW ACCSS, 4.-1 FIRS Pari. ///- RnVE.MEh r INhrnw r -Crrt'nnra New sy wA ee WAS.? — - RETAINIJL W,nI„-TD ...,PFtR-r -MS DoJ&+-d= -rAP 1.4 LFbOrn.E0 Id PIACC Dec&-6/z V.J.-1. . To OT 1.II,45J03. (300Y.4).11r(In) rl 8" we-R. L.,I,4e? �i TAP!J -l,J1u.r�/fZ I�Ap CS.-ne,J o1' 1,c)„,,,,,,,,. Ronp WHICH Ira 3.EIa1.. kr rbc. RCQUEcoCA -rV 3E Vu.ATEC .711/6./50FA, •,** „ jUalley STV-20 17 - 0001 Wilbur Road Street Vacation Public Hearing March 9, 2017 PROCESS C TTss.. cz C Study Session •zz 'w, 2-23-17 uzz cs itg N C : c Public Hearing Administrative cis 1 o 4., V 3-9-17 Reportcu 4- cd ;�cs o > '� '� Findings of Fact : Ordinance 1st 0 0 c 3-23-17 U Reading c Po V P4 i U Ordinance 2nd o U Reading Wo - 11,( Vr i -.mmirOP - Today 2 VICINITY MAPS ,K.,/ _ .-_ ----,----- _____ 1_____t_______L__________=_-____________,_____„„ ■1 ...______''T . ' 1 IL__ Q-.1-7-;(--T .;..t!,..., .)'..,_______ 1 ,., ra .. - Wilbur Road 4 '-- ' ' _ — —I street vacationo�� _ T __ _ —_- f r __ - - —.'E h9dntg°m ry f1r _ --- — G x ^+� 5pl ash Dawn L°� ,:i r 20,5 R I T ',,,,t_ isaitin_Av.e. ' -- --- - - -- -- -if_i--------------------- : ve• ----- — -- — - - --- A — — — — JI - _• , T = "QUA _� tI .SI iL----- I _.— I:no AV - __r.si,Ftp L, �, I 1 — — — — Z7 1 - .� q� I�_I JT _ T— 1 1 1 1M f I I 1 1 irr-tt® 1 1 ; . -.. SITE AERIAL OF PROPOSAL - -- . Property Owner REASON FOR RE QUEST Proposed ' Q Wilbur Road t street vacation OF .:i.'... — _,..- „..14. > Unimproved & not a „ maintained ,,,,,,,.,...,_..,5,,„..°-� �a_ E Nora Ave - 1 :.. e { f.- �= 3, 00�-- ; . > Allow maximum use ' of abutting properties 111 1 2SI a Augusta r , . Area of existing p M inlet & drywell > Same owner •`~ > No future right of •r. i 3s. I. =I imil 111 . II way connection I Mission .... ., ....: .,,,,... .. ...,... .. -0. .,..... ,„, J.,''" •'4' 1 • " '' rit, ...:4";• ,/,,/' •-i•/'''':-- ' 41,,A,•,,, -..'!,,` Ai'', • 1"ig•-4:b!!'•"• '''• tiiiibe. . •-... •os,j.,‘,.....-li.,- ''•ii lity;JO. 's ,A,_•-•- - .„..•:,, • ..?".'." ..' .4(.4 • '1,' " --1 .:,,.1,0,,•'',1 ,. . ,71rt'il"-4,-;',.r•S', 4., .('•'' '.. '`.. • '-• •-44'444'f'.••-,-;,•*.„4 4,- ...,-' .< ,..,,, . .- -..-,.-iii ,•V• -• , --,•...,. ,,,e '/ ', , ,,:.:*• -..-40;7:141!Ifis..4.-4 1. 1%4: ik .•%,- , 7*1 ',..'• ,' tr. -;:,-,-*,r4;:s- '..ii/••4'!." r i'''. . , , ‘1,\ ,, ,, ;,0A.5 ..it,NATA•14;"f,1!! ' v;"--.. , •..1 . -,‘ i 4 f ,.."'--',.nr.17-„,- -74.:' •',/7 4 Ir' , ,'-1, ' - ' 4 • ,.- ' '4, .,4 - .• • 4 'fit/"f;"4‘-`'-',.1. ' 1 '!.4' • ,'' „--• --,,,r .0,,•-•,.. . . ' ,. -,#.4.). ' ,:-.• - ' - - v. i , -.,,., Nil , .4.',, . t iv i •,.,,,,,. ,..,,,,, . ,- -' • ' ! ' 94'.i',7 . '.,:07. `. TA!k.. ••• :4.',...,r*,,s1,7tfr,'' ' ,4. -4--"‘ — ., ..41, 4 .. . -:- • . ,, , . ''' ='''.11,4W; . --1),•,. -, . -, -1 ..., -_-'- , , Air,•=4,11,1 ..' '' ' / • 4.1-,-, ..: - ._ , me, _---- 7.-r,-q ..- . - • -,. v,iot.,4-,1,1 Milli — - J iqft,ck'" -• e•-•1-.. _ ...•. ,V,,,fr 'Y' • ' -rra ... -gr - - , aillalltak.„ ----...,- •. __,.... ,.,.. f-..,..m.,--_ ...-__ l..f. ..::, -1:' . ''''.".•'. - - '.7',4_11140eci. --"11.111110101111. VIEW NORTH AT WILBUR RD & NORA AVE 5 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE REQUIREMENTS 1 . Posted in 3 places City Hall, Center Place, Valley Library 2 . Published in the Valley Herald and Exchange 2 times 3 . Written notice to abutting property owner along Wilbur Road 4. Signs posted at each end of proposed vacation area CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL SVMC TITLE 22 . 140.030.A 1. Will vacation better serve the public? 2. Is street still required for public use or public access? 3. Is substitution of a new and different public way more useful to the public? 4. Will conditions change to provide a greater use or need than presently exists? 5. Are there any objections? RECOMMENDATION APPROVE with conditions to City Council 1 L- 6 ti , v - by ` s ii. 4,101144.1 Pl..41— r Liimis • - . . 4. _ -- -., . - 0w - lir a .I--1 _ . . i ., ._, .. . . _. _ * . , QuEsJIoN _ _ - „...... , i, s a r C _ , C c .. 4111140 F Li i Ad. — PIL i • .I ��� , -7' .ii . - I 1Et . •�, I 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: March 9,2017 Item: Check all that apply ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® study session ❑ pending legislation FILE NUMBER: STV-2017-0002 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Study session—McMillan Street and unnamed right-of-way street vacation DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Request to vacate 1,975 feet of McMillan Street and 1,657 feet of right-of-way. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 22.140; RCW 35A.47.020 and RCW 35.79 PREVIOUS PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: On February 21,2017 the City Council passed Resolution 17-004 initiating the vacation of two unimproved rights-of-way (ROW),a portion dedicated by the West Farms Irrigated Tracts No. 1 Plat in 1911. The ROW width is 30 feet on McMillan Street and 16 feet on secondary ROW. The vacation of McMillan Street is approximately 59,250 square feet and approximately 26,512 square feet of ROW. The vacation will remove physical barriers that may impede future development. The intent is to allow underutilized industrial land to be considered for future development. This request is being initiated as part of the City's Economic Development Program. The rights of ways, as they currently exist, are not needed and limit the usability of the adjacent parcels. Adequate vehicular access will be provided at the time of development. The area of vacation is located northeast of the intersection of Barker Road and Euclid Avenue adjacent to five parcels (55053.0118, 55053.0119, 55053.0113, 55053.0114 and 55053.0115) and one parcel located in Spokane County(55055.9071). On February 21, 2017 the City Council passed Resolution 17-005 to set a public hearing date with the Planning Commission on March 23, 2017. The street vacation process is prescribed in SVMC 22.140 and conducted following the City's process of three touches with the Planning Commission and City Council. Staff will discuss the project and the process at the March 9th meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: No action recommended at this time. The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing and consider the street vacation on March 23,2017. STAFF CONTACT: Karen Kendall,Planner ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 17-004 2. PowerPoint presentation RPCA Study Session for STV-2017-0002 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 17-004 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON,INITIATING THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY'S RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION REQUEST STV-2017-0002 PURSUANT TO RCW 35.79.010; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, McMillan Street right-of-way lying east of Barker Road, north of Union Pacific Railroad and Euclid Avenue, west half of Section 5, Township 25N., Range 45E., W.M.was dedicated to Spokane County through the West Farms Irrigation Tracts Plat No. 1 on January 10, 1911; and WHEREAS, right-of-way lying east of Barker Road, north of Union Pacific Railroad and Euclid Avenue, west half of Section 5,Township 25N., Range 45E.,W.M.; and WHEREAS,upon incorporation,the City of Spokane Valley acquired all public right of-way within its municipal boundaries from Spokane County; and WHEREAS, RCW 35.79.010 specifies that the legislative authority may initiate by resolution the vacation of any street or alley or any part when it is in the public interest; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley City Council finds it is in the public interest to vacate the streets as shown in attachment"A"; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley Municipal Code 22.140.020 establishes authority to initiate by resolution the vacation of McMillan Street and Hodges Road; and NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1, Initiate the street vacation of McMillan Street and right-of-way File No. STV-2017- 0002 as shown below as attachment"A." Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. Adopted this 215E day of February,2017. CITY iF,S'0 .NE VALLEY AT ,, - 4 ( 1r —- - ' S Ist7r/ //7 j / re L.R.Higgins,May+ • Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Ap -oved to form: , , Offi e the;Cit Attorney Resolution No. 17-004 Council initiates street vacation STV-2017-0002 Page I of 2 Attachment"A" WI 1 II,L FF Cl i- c G tin r u,,, • • - S + 1.01)a M I a.,( N''%," - ec4: --.—_____ • l9rl ;;;(I u • j ;ut 4,40 71 a1,, 1, 1 1 a SPS'. I,l' J" LSI1C01 • me. ..ial MW u1t - w• o r_r___.A.11 L. A. Lrp a 1 i T Resolution No. 17-004 Council initiates street vacation STV-2017-0002 Page 2 of 2 Spokan�~ Valley STV-20 17 - 0002 City Initiated Street Vacation Study Session March 9, 2017 PROCESS „. aA . 'w1 Study Session : 7:3 ci4 cA • N 3-9-17 vai U N : N E Administrative . c..)© Public Hearing Reportcs cv c cs 0 , CZ un a 3-23-17 •. e. Ordinance 1st — - O _ : Findings of Fact ^" I, cu c� V Reading o cu o U p 4-13-17 V) -IV Ordinance 2nd ^" V Reading V Ni.00D1 ,005 ikeS tteS rV V Lii-T- _ _____ A A Today 2 VICINITY MAPS _ _ - I St Joseph's :1 ."i Catholic I venae(5i&-:fir' McMillan tiotoer Right-of- Tle\ .�w«00,0 Street way 4 1 City of 3 i ��� II Spokane �(,o`� r Valley o I 0� P4 off` _ 2. _i" _ J "City's boundary v I 2: 9. rr U Z. Euclid Avenue I re t X �- I E-Grace Ln_iI Ce�r[enn a. `� { r n .eve ive E Buckeye Ln Trail P I _. Saba Fork e - n. H 1 �. Fra arte.. .nue d .19 Ppp.I,- • - r. 648 Degrees Fi mnn mom in,Ave x' I C, 3i SITE AERIAL , ,IN,-;__ ._ , . _ r 1"6 ❑ Unimproved and McMillan • = not maintained; (30 ft in width) ' I ❑ Allow maximum 0 use of abutting _- Right-of-way properties, r �.R '2 r (16 ft in width) =� — ❑ Remove physical 44 �� - barriers that may - .. impede future 13 Euclid CED - development .i r may'' s y�agq;ayy��r * _ + V L . 16 -3, y b 4.y 4. a ,' d. A A I A` a eA 11111 61111111H A )11 . Illi i. lis 1., ._ 7.1* 0 U E S T I 0 N S '. * .... . . 0 .. il, ! A lijklIli w r - - fi g.• - I k a i' Al a, 01 ., L _ 1 I r • iii - l U 5 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: March 9, 2017 Check all that apply: ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® study session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Study Session — Small Residential Dwellings/Supportive Housing GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 36.70A, SVMC 17.80.150 and 19.30.040 PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: On June 9, 2016 staff presented to the Spokane Valley Planning Commission an overview of the various housing alternatives, pertinent regulations, and a discussion of tiny houses. At the October 20, 2016 Planning Commission meeting staff presented the Draft Development Regulations that included housing alternatives. At that time the Planning Commission agreed to remove SVMC 19.40.100 (Small residential dwellings-supportive housing) from the Draft Development Regulations to be reviewed as a separate future code text amendment. On December 8, 2016 staff gave a presentation to the Planning Commission which included draft regulations and the zones that they were allowed. Staff was directed to research other jurisdictions and their regulations. At the February 9, 2017 meeting staff presented temporary supportive housing developments and regulations in other jurisdictions and also provided information on permanent supportive housing. At that meeting, the Planning Commission agreed they were not interested in pursuing regulations for temporary supportive housing developments, but felt that permanent supportive housing should be considered. Staff was directed to review the regulations and consult with housing providers to identify potential obstacles for future development in Spokane Valley. On March 9, 2017 staff will discuss the conversations with service providers for Permanent Supportive Housing Development. At this time the Planning Commission will also determine if the regulations should be modified or other courses of action. OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: The Planning Commission should discuss the issue and determine the next course of action. STAFF CONTACT: Micki Harnois, Planner ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation 1. Presentation •,** „ Spokane 'Dalley Planning Commission Meeting March 9, 2017 Supportive Housing Draft Regulations Review • Review COSV regulations to identify obstacles • Discuss conversations with Housing Agencies regarding Permanent Supportive Housing Development • Solicit PC input on next steps Feb . 9, 2017 PC Meeting Summary • Reviewed Small Supportive Residential Housing-other jurisdictions • Reviewed Permanent Supportive Housing Development- other jurisdictions • Planning Commission Information Requests: • Contact service providers • Determine effect of SV Municipal Code regulations on future development of permanent supportive housing Spokane VProject - Example Project Description Pope Francis Haven • Located at Sprague Ave and Conklin Rd — CMU zone • 50 units 2 — 3 bdrms with kitchen & bath —�---- - for families • Units range from 1,000+ sf in size • Community building with computer lab, ii kitchen, kid's play area, outdoor patio i - - n . . i ''' ' I • _ • Sponsored by Catholic Charities Housing — 111 ill_ 1 '' '' tax credits , Spokane Housing Authority • Near schools, transit services, grocery L y i1 _---: taitr'_ -� stores, etc. — available land. CMU Regulation Comparison • Pre-2017 Development • Current Development Regulations Regulations • CMU zone • CMU zone • Permitted use • Permitted use • Max. Density - 22 d/u per • Maximum Density — no acre (same as MF-2 zone) • Max. bonus density — 20% max. • Parking -1 to 1.5 spaces per ' Parking -1 to 1.5 spaces d/u per d/u Multi - Family Regulation Comparison • Pre-2017 Development • Current Development Regulations Regulations • MF-2 zone • MFR zone • Permitted use • Permitted use • Max. Density - 22 d/u per acre • Max. Density — 22 d/u per acre (same as MF-2 zone) • No bonus density • Max. bonus density — 20% • Parking - 1 to 1.5 spaces per d/u • Parking — 1 to 1.5 spaces per d/u Housing Agencies and Questions • Agencies Contacted : • Basic Questions: • Catholic Charities • Identify Future SV Projects • Community Frameworks • None planned at this time • Spokane Housing Alliance • Discuss obstacles in previous code • Spokane Housing Authority • Identify Obstacles in current • Inland Group code • Possible solutions Summary of Conversation with Supportive Housing Providers • Positives of SVMC pre-2017 code: • Positives of current code • SEPA threshold of 60 dwelling units • SEPA threshold of 60 dwelling units or less exempt from SEPA review or less exempt from SEPA review • Permitted Use • Permitted use • Bonus density and amenities — • No maximum density in CMU zone allowed in MFR and CMU zone • Land available near services (transit, schools) — not code related but a general comment Summary of Conversation with Supportive Housing Providers • Potential Obstacles in current • Requested Solutions SVMC • Add bonus density and • No Bonus density allowed in amenities to SVMC in MFR zone MFR zone • Means to reduce parking • No mechanism to reduce requirements parking requirements • Landbank City property for future affordable housing development • Waive/defer utility connection fees - Not controlled by city Parking Reduction Regulation Comparison • Spokane Valley: The director may allow a reduction up to 25 percent when the applicant makes a written request demonstrating site conditions that prohibit compliance with these requirements. • City of Spokane: The minimum number of off-street parking stalls may be modified based upon sufficient evidence that the occupancy of the project will not require the number of off-street parking stalls. • Spokane County: The Director may allow a reduced number of parking spaces when an applicant can quantify a reduced demand based on the attributes of the use, site or surrounding area.