16-196.01 Spokane County: Euclid Avenue Flora to Barker Trunk Sewer . FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AND SPOKANE COUNTY Spokane Valley Contract# 16-196.o . For good and valuable consideration, the legal sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, City and Spokane County mutually agree as follows: 1. Purpose: This Amendment is for the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the construction of the Euclid Avenue Reconstruction Project, CIP No. 0251 (Road Project), in conjunction with the Euclid Avenue Trunk Sewer Project No. 219C (Sewer Project), by and between the Parties, executed by the Parties on December 28, 2016, and which terminates upon completion of the Sewer Project and Road Project. Said MOU shall be referred to as the"Original MOU" and its terms are hereby incorporated by reference. 2.Original MOU Provisions: The Parties agree to continue to abide by those terms and conditions of the Original MOU and any amendments thereto which are not specifically modified by this Amendment. 3. Amendment Provisions: This Amendment is subject to the following amended provisions. All such amended provisions are hereby incorporated by reference herein and shall control over any conflicting provisions of the Original MOU, including any previous amendments thereto. A new section 3.5 is added to Article 3 Allocation of Costs,as follows: 3.5 The County shall reimburse the City 50% of the cost of the following Base Bid Schedule A Bid Items: Mobilization; Construction Surveying; SPCC Plan; Public Liaison Representative; Project Temporary Traffic Control;and Portable Changeable Message Sign. The City shall invoice the County monthly during construction of the Sewer and Road Projects for 50% of the amounts paid to the Contractor for the Bid Items identified above and for the County's share of paving and gravelling patchback costs outside the City's proposed edge of shoulder caused by sewer work. 4.Amendment History:This is Amendment#1 of the Original MOU. T ,/ The parties have executed this Amendment to the Original MOU this 1 day of j 1I k20 (7. CITY O�FS,,POKA► Vi• EY: SPOKANE COUNTY: ) A Mark Calhoun :y: Key"• '.C•oke,P.E. City Manager Its: Environ• -ntal Services Director ATT Sir APPROVED AS • FORM: 4 ., _A+ _La .. . Ara ( ,). A4,4,/, Christine ,Bainbrid g eCi Clerk Office the'City • tY 1 1