15-159.01 WA St Department of Ecology: Waste 2 Resources Grant 15- G61.01 IDE DEPARTMENT OF RECEIVED ECOLOGY NOV 152016 State of Washington Department of Ecology Eastern Regional Office AMENDMENT NO. 1 RECEIVED TO AGREEMENT NO.W2RCPG-1517-SpoVal-00051 BETWEEN ' THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOIaent of Ecology AND Eastern Regional Office CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PURPOSE: To amend the above-referenced agreement(AGREEMENT)between the state of Washington Department of Ecology(ECOLOGY)and CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY(RECIPIENT)for the 2015-2017 CPG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY IMP(PROJECT). 1.To amend the budget under the category WRR Education,Outreach and Collection.The budget will decrease from $108,261.73 to$99,006.33. Outcomes will remain the same. 2.To amend the scope of work and increase the budget under the category MRW Education, Outreach,Collection and Disposal.The budget will increase from$30,811.00 to$36,072.00.The RECIPIENT will change the yearly one-week HHW collection promotions to yearly one-month advertising campaigns:Outcomes will remain the same. 3. To amend the scope of work and increase the budget under the category ORG Education and Outreach. The budget will increase from$3,596.60 to$7,591.00. The RECIPIENT will contract with Spokane County and/or the City of Spokane to provide Master Composter training for approximately six(6)citizens.This includes staff time,materials and contracted training activities.Outcomes will change to include trained citizens in composting, each committing to 40 hours of volunteer work to demonstrate and train other residents at local events. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED that the AGREEMENT is amended as follows: CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK Task Number: 1 Task Cost: $99,006.33 Task Title: WRR EDUCATION,OUTREACH AND COLLECTION Task Description: RECIPIENT will develop and implement an education and outreach program to increase awareness and the practice of waste reduction,reuse and recycling. RECIPIENT will create and distribute an educational flyer regarding solid waste handling,organics and recycling options in citywide mailers each year.Each brochure will be designed to be consistent with regional solid waste materials handling in a coordinated effort with City of Spokane,Spokane County,Sunshine Disposal&Recycling,and Waste Management.RECIPIENT will oversee and coordinate with contractors for spring and fall recycling advertising campaigns. RECIPIENT will plan,develop and implement a recycling program for City Hall. This includes informational material, Version 10/30/2015 4; State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 2 of 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 2015-2017 CPG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY IMP Project Agreement No.W2RCPG-1517-SpoVal-00051 Amendment No.1 purchasing recycling containers,constructing a recycling area and promoting the program in an educational event for staff at City Hall. RECIPIENT will evaluate recycling rates by developing benchmarks before and after recycling promotion events and publication data.RECIPIENT will report the outcomes for all activities in this task. The following activities and associated costs are identified for reimbursement under this agreement: 1)City staff and wages: Develop and implement recycling education and outreach brochures Develop and implement recycling activities Training,conferences and memberships to solid waste organizations related to this task 2)Contractor services: Advertising design,development and purchase through existing contract 3)Purchases: Media expenses including brochures,newsletters and mailings Recycling containers and construction of recycling area at City Hall Note: funding for construction of the recycling area is allowable to the extent of recycling area and not for solid waste disposal. Education materials Task Goal Statement: The goal of this project is to provide educational information to businesses and residents regarding recycling and waste prevention,and to increase recycling opportunities within the city. Task Expected Outcome: RECIPIENT will develop and implement recycling education,outreach and collection activities.RECIPIENT will gather baseline data and track recycling rates over the two(2)year grant period.RECIPIENT initially estimates one(1) ton will be recycled. Additionally,RECIPIENT estimates the following number of participants and contacts reached: 36,000 Residential Contacts 277 Residential Participants 8,000 Business Contacts 78 Business Participants Method of Evaluation: RECIPIENT will track the quantity of recyclables collected for City Hall and the number of residential and business participants. Recipient Task Coordinator: Eric Guth Version 10/30/2015 State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 3 of 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 2015-2017 CPG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY IMP Project Agreement No.W2RCPG-1517-SpoVal-00051 Amendment No. 1 Deliverables Number Description Due Date 1.1 Advertise and promote recycling programs by providing informational brochures/newsletters, signage,and contact with residents and businesses. 1.2 Construct and develop recycling area at City Hall and maintain as needed. 1.3 Track and report tonnage of collected recyclable materials. CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK Task Number: 2 Task Cost: $36,072.00 Task Title: MRW EDUCATION,OUTREACH,COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL Task Description: RECIPIENT will plan,develop and implement education and outreach materials for HHW health and environmental hazards,proper handling,disposal,and recycling. In partnership with the existing contractor at the Spokane Valley University Road Transfer Station's recycling services, yearly one-month HHW collection promotions will be held encouraging residents to bring their HHW to the transfer station for proper disposal. In conjunction with the 1111W promotions,the RECIPIENT will offer Categorically Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG)disposal opportunities at the transfer station. The CESQG's will be required to pay for the service through payments to the contractor.A contractor will provide technical assistance and education to the CESQGs. The following activities and associated costs are identified for reimbursement under this agreement: 1)City staff and wages Education and outreach Training 2)Contractor services: HHW collection and disposal Advertising design,development and purchase through existing contract Assisting public at transfer station during HHW collection promotions 3)Purchases: Educational material costs Advertising and media outreach Note:The Coordinated Prevention Grant Program does not pay for the disposal costs for Small Quantity Generators. Version 10/30/2015 State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 4 of 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 2015-2017 CPG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY IMP Project Agreement No.W2RCPG-1517-SpoVal-00051' Amendment No.1 Additionally,this grant does not cover those costs already covered under the E-Cycle Washington and Mercury Light Recycling programs. Task Goal Statement: The goal of this project is to increase knowledge of HHW,proper disposal,and to encourage residents to use the HHW facility at the transfer station. Task Expected Outcome: Data will be collected at the transfer station to establish baselines and collection rates will be tracked. RECIPIENT expects to collect and properly disposed of approximately one(1)ton of HHW over the two(2)year period. Additionally,RECIPIENT estimates the following number of participants and contacts reached: 36,000 Residential Contacts 11,110 Residential Participants Method of Evaluation: RECIPIENT will track participation numbers, waste volumes,and number of residents and businesses requesting technical assistance. Recipient Task Coordinator: Eric Guth Deliverables Number Description Due Date 2.1 Provide education and outreach to residents and technical assistance to CESQG's. 2.2 Track and report tonnage of waste collected. 2.3 Provide HHW collection promotions at the Spokane Valley University Road Transfer Station. CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK Task Number: 3 Task Cost: $7,591.00 Task Title: ORG EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Task Description: RECIPIENT will partner with the nonprofit Master Gardener Foundation of Spokane County and Valleyfest to present composting demonstrations and displays at Valleyfest in 2015 and in 2016.RECIPIENT expects to enter into a new agreement with the nonprofit organization and reimburse the organization for performing work under this task. RECIPIENT will contract with Spokane County and/orthe City of Spokane to provide Master Composter training for Version 10/30/2015 State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 5 of 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 2015-2017 CPG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY IMP Project Agreement No.W2RCPG-1517-SpoVal-00051 Amendment No.1 approximately six(6)citizens. Attendees at Valleyfest and participants in the composting demonstration will be invited to a screening of the documentary film"Symphony of the Soil"as part of the 2015 International Year of the Soil. The film provides further education about the properties and importance of soil and composting as an important component in backyard and agricultural waste.At the completion of the demonstration,participants will sign up for a follow-up survey and enter a drawing for a composting bin;two(2)will be given away at each event. The survey will poll participants on usefulness of the education tools,whether they plan to begin composting or are currently composting and ask for an estimate of how much organic materials they are diverting from their solid waste disposal. The following activities and associated costs are identified for reimbursement under this agreement: 1)City staff and wages: Survey participants Advertising design and placement Master Composter training 2)Contractor services: Conduct composting display and demonstration Education and outreach Advertising design and placement Tracking and reporting Master Composter training 3)Purchases: Educational materials Banners and signage for events Rental and transportation of tent,tables,chairs and audio system for demonstration area Advertising and promotion of events Display samples of three(3)types of composting bins Four(4)composting bins for participant drawing Survey mailing Screening license for"Symphony of the Soil" Task Goal Statement: The goal of this project is aimed at increasing public knowledge about backyard composting and increasing residential composting. Task Expected Outcome: RECIPIENT estimates diverting up to one(1)ton of green waste and other organic materials from the waste stream in the two(2)year grant period.RECIPIENT expects approximately six(6)Master Composters to complete the training and provide local volunteer work to demonstrate and train other residents at local events. Additionally,RECIPIENT estimates the following number of participants and contacts reached: 30,000 Residential Contacts Version 10/30/2015 State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 6 of 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 2015-2017 CPG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY IMP Project Agreement No.W2RCPG-1517-SpoVal-00051 Amendment No. 1 30 Residential Participants Method of Evaluation: RECIPIENT will assess participation rates at events,gather information on composting awareness and activity through follow-up surveys from participants,and will track the tons of diverted yard waste collected. Recipient Task Coordinator: Eric Guth Deliverables Number Description Due Date 3.1 Promote organic collection program through backyard composting demonstrations,media and personal contacts. 3.2 Collect information from participants through a survey and track tonnage of organic materials reported. 3.3 Provide Master Composter training. CHANGES TO THE BUDGET Funding Distribution EG160127 Funding Title: State Building Construction Account Funding Type: Grant Funding Effective Date: 07/10/2015 Funding Expiration Date: 06/30/2017 Funding Source: Title: State Building Construction Account(SBCA) Type: State Funding Source%: 100% Description: Approved Indirect Costs Rate: Approved Rate Negotiated Between ECOLOGY and RECIPIENT: 25% Recipient Match%: 25% InKind Interlocal Allowed: No InKind Other Allowed: No Is this Funding Distributidn used to match a federal grant? No State Building Construction Account Task Total MRW EDUCATION,OUTREACH,COLLECTION $ 36,072.00 AND DISPOSAL Version 10/30/2015 State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 7 of 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY • 2015-2017 CPG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY IMP Project Agreement No.W2RCPG-1517-SpoVal-00051 Amendment No. 1 ORG EDUCATION AND OUTREACH $ 7,591.00 WRR EDUCATION,OUTREACH AND $ 99,006.33 COLLECTION Total: $ 142,669.33 Version 10/30/2015 State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 8 of 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 2015-2017 CPG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY IMP Project Agreement No.W2RCPG-1517-SpoVal-00051 Amendment No. 1 Funding Distribution Summary Recipient/Ecology Share Funding Distribution Name Recipient Match % Recipient Share Ecology Share Total State Building Construction 25 % $ 35,667.33 $ 107,002.00 $ 142,669.33 Account Total $ 35,667.33 $ 107,002.00 $ 142,669.33 Version 10/30/2015 State of Washington Department of Ecology Page 9 of 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 2015-2017 CPG CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY IMP Project Agreement No.W2RCPG-1517-SpoVal-00051 Amendment No.1 AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES All other terms and conditions of the original Agreement including any Amendments remain in full force and effect, except as expressly provided by this Amendment. The signatories to this Amendment represent that they have the authority to execute this Amendment and bind their respective organizations to this Amendment. This amendment will be effective 03/01/2016. IN WITNESS WHEREOF:the parties hereto,having read this Amendment in its entirety, including all attachments, do agree in each and every particular and have thus set their hands hereunto. Washington State CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Department of Ecology By:Xot1)44.-e/>d, , DM//` By: G /% 4 / Laurie Davies Date Eric Paul Gu Date Waste 2 Resources Public works Director Program Manager Template Approved to Form by Attorney General's Office Version 10/30/2015