1999, 04-09 Permit: 99002734 Residence1 PERMITS) GAS WATER HEATER SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING g Contractor: HARLEY C DOUGLASS INC License #: HARLECD110PE 4 1026 W. BROADWAY • SPOKANE, WA 99260-0050 New Building (509) 456-3675 R-3 VN 725 SITE INFORMATION PROJECT INFORMATION Site Address: 15915 E 17TH AVE Project Number: 99002734 Inv: 1 Issue Date: VERADALE, WA 99037 Permit Use: RESIDENCE/ATTACHED GARAGE - FORCED AIR GAS Parcel Number: 45252.4710 Applicant: HARLEY DOUGLASS Subdivision: RIDGEMONT ESTATES NORTH Phone: (509) 487-9792 Zoning: UR 3 Urban Residential 3.5 Address: 815 E ROSEWOOD Owner: DOUGLASS, HARLEY C SPOKANE WA 99208 Address: 815 E ROSEWOOD AVE Contact: HARLEY DOUGLASS Phone: (509) 487-9792 SPOKANE, WA 99208 815 E ROSEWOOD SPOKANE WA 992 Inspector: BOBBY STONE DECK Water Dist: UNKNOWN Setbacks -Front: 30 Left: 5 Right: 5 Rear: 20 1 PERMITS) GAS WATER HEATER Building Permit Contractor: HARLEY C DOUGLASS INC License #: HARLECD110PE 1 New Building 2ND FLOOR R-3 VN 725 RESIDENTIAL VALUATION $900.00 Dim: 52 X42 2 Stories BASEMENT F R-3 VN 451 STATE SURCHARGE $4.50 BASEMENT U R-3 VN 812 RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE $198.00 Sq Ft: 2,526 PlumhinP Permit Contractor: GOLD SEAL MECHANICAL License #: GOLDSM*290C4 TOILETS/BIDETS 3 DECK R-3 VN 120 $30.00 SHOWERS 1 $6.00 TUBS 2 Total Permit Fee: $1,102.50 1 GARAGE U-1 VN 400 $6.00 CLOTHES WASHER 1 RESIDENCE R-3 VN 538 $12.00 Total Value: $100,483.68 Mechanical Permit Contractor: COMPLETE HEATING & SH License #: COMPLHS05OBT GAS WATER HEATER 1 $10.00 GAS APPLIANCE<=I00,000BT 1 $12.00 GAS PIPING 3 $3.00 VENTILATING FANS 5 $50.00 GAS LOG OR GAS INSERT 1 $10.00 Total Permit Fee: $85.00 PlumhinP Permit Contractor: GOLD SEAL MECHANICAL License #: GOLDSM*290C4 TOILETS/BIDETS 3 $18.00 SINKS 5 $30.00 SHOWERS 1 $6.00 TUBS 2 $12.00 DISH WASHERS 1 $6.00 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 1 $6.00 CLOTHES WASHER 1 $6.00 WATER USING DEVICES 2 $12.00 Total Permit Fee: $96.00 PAYMENT SUMMARY Page 1 of 1 NOTES PERMIT By: BURRIS, ROBIN Tran Date Receipt # Payment Amt 4/9/99 2604 $1,283.50 Total Fees AmountPaid AmountOwin¢ $1,283.50 $1,283.50 $0.00 r'I :;pol.ane- t.our,ty, to _etre at rt th;I1 the use described on the front of this permit complies with applicable codes rrqu«,st-rCyuired inspections and obtain the necessary approvals prior to „ :, I„ , • , ,, i rlI„y ;,t.. removal of certain parts of the construction at the owner's/permittee's u. It. „tI[- Hr01Eil+e:`., t; +:ounty Gude t t:t'+!Itl� I A I,,ii-i,:nrt;n1 art: Ili pI-ice a nd pnor to Iilace lent of concrete. iJ(> I I : II "-V' „I 01'x -.r,,:, -tare's setbacks frurn property lines. Minimum setbacks are established by County zoning "t! '- il,,,, I,'; air' rnPc1',Wud frurn pioperty lines, while setbacks for yards abutting streets are measured from I„ ,,,, ,:I fitro'lowrly right ')I we3y, v-dhn !i :v+rr provides the greater setback from the center line of the roadway rn,t !Ie•:essrtrily ll. +i(,”! f- of 1trop:arty lines. In some residential areas, the County can own as much I s -•_aur pl-.alar-qty .'nd the a: tt_til irnpio ved street/curb. The responsibility to comply with applicable setback acini, nt�itht.r ;1'me- (:ur'.r:ty rux m- authorized rr,presentatives assume any responsibility for the verification 1 • ;, ,. Plt-tae. v(�rily Ih,;ir luci.,uon ;),I )I t., ':('Itir,g your structure. Failure to properly locate the structure may require I ;els;;I aro Ill rel t,. -!i,J ,.ii,)r tc placement of concrete. (Blocking for a manufactured home is -� P' I1 ilh�IlPvl, ail l, .. il..'I I.' I',.,, II ,'.; �I III ��'�•1 �.Il li, III , t, -.. i'I lI.i aril aJ �.UIIC:Vaing- 1 III I rVI: :'ia, Pvlt t I3;,1vVt r-± �I;•n I, : =i"nt, c.:,ve;inc iiwtal chimneys before concealment, and final. I INA! .. .. -.I 10/0I Use. Please. provide 24 hours notice. No t t In .+,l,;,tl•,,, i,: 11w structure, this inspection includes review of site improvements (typically depicted on the approved site 1,1:111) w(IIIlw'I I'y .-:I'' m. ,. ;,I n:::, coioitiun of approval of this permit. Items such as the installation of fire hydrants, fire department access, on 'Ate cfrarrr.:.,: t 'ir:.s .vv�&S ), road improvements, parking, and landscaping are common requirements of a permit/site plan which must Ir,• , I)iI P„I p,:, , I ' ilMd .,IIpr,w_d ,r! <l building or ISSLIant:e of a Certificate of Occupancy. In .r,i'lill"rl I" uI i, ,, , ;Jural;irul ,,r Ili,,:hanlcal systems of materials which would be concealed by framing, drywall, concrete, etc., must be t,+,l pilon P" ,'"� I it:, I, with III,. ,f,-harUnent for "special inspections" in conjunction with commercial projects. CALL 455-3575 FOR INSPECTIONS. 10 114SURE 17ROMPT SE FIVII- E, 13LEASE GIVE 24 HOUR NOTICE. 4 f cel ll INSF"E=C IOFA IS I JI tI i i ; i ,;I rI i,: IIS;:: I , %["U f',<R I ;; OI Yl P1 i(;JE C 1- MAY REQUIRE INSPECTIONS FROM OTHER AGENCIES: 11Pvl ..,n, ,)I t („J -Iluy Sewer connection, County Division of Utilities t:.. 456-3604 t ; u ,r r or City Public Works Department 625-6300 ;ul it it r L,;trl t c Electrical wiring, State Department of Labor and Industries 3242640 ,;11I,,, II,I;J & IIla( 1, EXPIR -ATION tlyd,..,. iiia Ivvl . it;,. will 1.; coi,sid�-red null and void by limit:ation of the work authorized by the permit if not commenced or is stopped for :r Il,',r I,i I I, ,; lit;,-„ icor all u xtew-,ion of the permit is received and approved by the Building Official prior to expiration. At J !east atic,- eer,;v 1 b days to assure the validity of the permit. A permit may be renewed within gait y, .0 at ur.- ,:,; 1, origil;al 1 subjact to certain limitations—please call us if you have any questions. MISTAKES? If yo, tPli :' wd v•_ :.. c:u::;:uy this parmit or in conducting inspections pertaining to it, or find erroneous information in the permit, please bring it t„ out I. Ly tiring a written requtsst for correction within 10 working days of discovery. All such requests should be directed to the Uivisiuu ul d it -6s found on the face of tris permit. I Lo,;It"y ti,:_r I -m =vti: t zed by the owner to matte this application and that I have examined this permit/application, state that the �y me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to p:oc�"d ,.:.. ;iii:c;,, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and a^y r'.t :c :., •. ,io,/isions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I u J: ;.I c tNs p;,rm'i/apc•Iicatlon and any suL- eql_Ient inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to c :v.. c. c or visluns of any state cr Ioc i law regulating construction or agreement concerning this property, or as a L,,� cif any state or loco ,-, r-:gu!ating construction. LIQ APPLICATION G G� OWN.. + , , ,. • C` -L - — -�� t� ----- -- DATE.00 1 —T