1981, 04-21 Permit: M81A-3184 InspectINSPECTION RECORD OWNER LOCATION CONTRACTOR TY N S E W FINAL INSPECTION: SET BACKS W DAtE REMARKS: fi / lIle 1 PLAN �[,.,:.. APPLICATION/ PERMIT #1582 SPOKANE COUNTY — BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT NORTH 611 JE F F E RSON/ AN E, WASH INOTON ESM /East 660.4676 APPLICANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES PRESS BARD TO MAKE 3 COPIES 1 Jo to RESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION — SEE ATTACHED RCEL NUMBER/Is 2. 3_ _Robert B. Austin e. Indiana Avenue K 7.❑ N[W ❑ALT. F.AD'N. D RPL. ❑ MVE. 11OTHER OF El 11— CI RMs. O McCH. 13 .. Oro CERTIFIGTE R.s a. Sc 6. w wORH OL . _.......a..... R Inetell beet pump furnace, EAC, humidifier FEES COLLECTED VAL ATI SOURCE OAS ELECTRIC WATER SEWER OwmrRnp US[CODE g. UTI LITIes >� hent ❑RIVM6 O $irpN S I hereby certity that I has read and examined this application and have reed the ' NU i I/:F" urovisions included -1 QOOG+ verse title, and know, the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing thn Building type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a penmr does not prewme to give authority to violate or cancel the Prwislons of any other state or local law remdat-g—struclion nr the peorrnancs of construction. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REQUIRED INSPECTIONS rt %iniefnE it 6, 1981 VA Mete. L Sn UATE OF APPLICATIONI' SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT — _— ESPECIAL APPROVALS SPECIAL CONDITION!, NAME DATE Plan MMk an.. ...,.a lEPA g— „— — ,.a�. / MOWN Hassle s apnx�loatelHl�D.OQ_ -,-)•. qI.«. ul�6r TOTAL g 14.00 -1 QOOG+ -1400tS A -000 8 183? 04-07-61 2 6479