1978, 03-27 Permit: F5064 Plumbing Fixturesi Plumbing Inspection Division SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT ` County Court House, Spokane, Washington PERMIT FOR PLUMBING INSTALLATION, ALTERATION AND J OR REPAIR No. F 5 14 Property Address_ _-E.-13815_--21st..Ave-___._ ----------- Permit for.__ Plumbing .Installation___ (Res. (Com ------------ Owner -----Yoolf-.Cons.truotian.------- ----- ---- ---------------------Address-----Box_-14-.662,___Spok.--.9.9214----...Phone-..822-D7.i12------- ContractorF'rC15-iAn_Taeyelopments__-.-._.____.._______Address. ---- Box --14-094,--.Spok..9.3214-------- Phone .... S35 -8876 ---.--- NUMBER & TYPE OF FIXTURES: Water Closets- _-_.3 ---- ..- Bath Tubs _------- 1---- Sinks- I---- Slop Sinks --------------- Wash Basins __-3__--..-- 0 m Laundry Trays_ _.._ _.-. Urinals._____ ___-__ Separate Shower Baths ------ 2_------- Rain Leaders. ------------------- Garbage Disposal Units -------_---------- m ( m floor Drains ----- ------- Fountains -.----------- Bar Connections ---------- ---.. Dental Cuspidor ----------- _ .-.. Automatic Washing Machines ---------- 1 ------- -. E Mechanical Dishwasher ---- 1._.----- Refrigerators --- ---- -.------ Sumps ____-------- Water Softeners -------------- Hot Water Tanks---------- ............ 1......... SprinklerSystem ----------- ------_------------------------------------ ---- -------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------- .... ---------------------- -- ------ - ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ------- - .. -------...----------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- - --- - ------------------------------------------------------- --------- 4� Fee Paid $- ----- 31.0.0 -_--------------------- Date Issued-........8r27:7-7.8...............pkh f Inspection'etf 'rJ��. / Inspected By & Date -------------------------(Vsti----------------------------- Authorized by Building Official PLUMBING INSPECTION DIVISION By. IleputY "":- •.,� - -- ' --- -------------------------------- Inspector ------------------------------------------------- ......... ............ ..................... (Final)