1980, 07-07 Permit: P80-2954 InspectI%-- INSPECTION RECORD OWNER LOCATION CONTRACTOR TYPE OF WORK N S E W FINAL INSPECTION: SET BACKS DATE REMARKS• 47 --fid owa JPLAI NI—Ell APPLICATION/PERMITIPERMIT NUMBER _ --- C7 — . �p SPOKANE COUNTY —BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT NORTH 8I1 JEcrE 9260 r m0ef se 0675 DATE APPLICANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES —PRESS HARD TO MAKE 4 COPILS ao 1401 — 21st Varadale LEGAL DESCRIPTION — SEE ATTACHED t. E. 5 RCEL NUMBEIA Z. OWNER PHONE 7 Jame. D. Y « A=s ..PP .1r.dS.f "t-," 951037 N.- ]wall CONTRACTOR PHONE Su. of P-1 Soft Yater Service n. CMNlllutron ESS v« Cont. OccuP.n 111I E. 25 Third Ow. ON.❑ R..e. DESmNE. PHONE -u— E' Ildlna Aru In ao. 11. ADOR[Sa 211 DWL Aru I aul—nt Ar.. 0.119. AN. Star.aa CHANGE OR USE FROM TO Solt E.Iry 8011! L.vR R.ncn.r TYPE O NEW ❑ALT. O AD -N. O PPL ❑ MVS. Na. BMn. No. FlooN o. Room .c Room 7.y WP O 0TH[. WORK O SLD. KMB. ❑ MECH: ❑ M.M. ❑POOL CERTIPICATE of E%EAMTION « R.t d. o W . DESCRIES WORK & Yater Softemer FEESCOLLECTED VALUATION Souris ELECTRIC WATER EEW D. uI niN. single E ify that I have read and examined this application and have read the "NOTICE' provisioncluded I hereby certs in se lido, and know the same to I* true and correct. All provisions of laws and I. dmances governing this no reverse Building type ofwork will be complied with whether specified herein o tot. The granting .1.l nnr 1 does not presu to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance f construction. Plumbing DATE 3/21/80 sirNATURE_SOLI Yater So ice 0o. Pa.ch SPECIAL APPROVALS SPECIAL CONDITIONS: DEPT. REO -D. RECD. � PIM CMak BEPA AMWII IIonr Dole, lSp.cifyl TOTAL S _. [nr. H«Itn R.nnlna _.. Fln M.ria.t Co. urnm« 0.�• +300 •300 7, •3001t E •Q00 s 29533 04—01—AO 9 6479.