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1977, 09-12 Permit: F3313 Plumbing Fixtures
l _ • Plumbing Inspection Division SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington PERMIT FOR PLUMBING INSTALLATION, ALTERATION AND OR REPAIR No. F3313 Property Address ------ 21at--A�I y--- __14013 - -------------- .. -------- Permit for ---PI;. MDJNG--IUSTAI U- TICti----- _- --- (Com._ --------- Owner ---------- KA.STAR_.CACW0UT_TCR ---------- ------- Owner----------KA.STAR-.CACW0UTICR---------- ------------------ Address --- E. 3X---1sti- 99-206------------- ----- Phone ---- 924 -,2826 ------ Contractor ------ --STz',V&- 4H1TE-PLU1'ABI G----- -- --------- ------ Address---Z.---y922--M=t Phone ...... 526 -3731 ---- NUMBER & TYPE OF FIXTURES: Water Closets ---------------- Bath Tubs --------------- Sinks-- -..._-.- Slop Sinks ----------- _. Wash Basins .......... .. . 0 m Laundry Trays-- - - Urinals ---- ------ ----- Separate Shower Baths- ------- Rain Leaders -.-_...---_---.--. Garbage Disposal Units. ........... ---.... Floor Drains--- _-_.-_- Fountains - Bar Connections_ -------- ---- Dental Cuspidor -------- _---.... Automatic Washing Machines. -------_---- _----_----Mechanical MechanicalDishwasher --- --- .-_----- -. Refrigerators----- __ ---- Sumps ---- -------- Water Softeners ----------- Hot Water Tanks_--_-------------_-......--.. SprinklerSystem-- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------...-------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------- .------------------------------------------------ ......--------------------------------- ..................... -------- _------------- EXTRA..F,73:-INSF.CTICU--CALL-r--R,aJ-ArTED-r-.T,�.-----------------------....------..........................----....---- Fee Paid $_---- ---------- 3..C..C------- ------ Authorized by Building Official PLUMBING INSPECTION DIVISION Date Issued -- ------------9%77----- ----- vu Inspection Called -- -- ---- --- -- -- -- - ------------------ BY ----- - -- DEPLT Inspector Ty Inspected By &Date ---- ------------------------------------------------------------- (Test) (Final)