1977, 09-13 Permit: F3348 Plumbing FixturesPlumbing Inspection Division SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT No. F3348 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington Property Address ----- 21st_XV!NU,�:,___3-__1401T_ PERMIT FOR PLUMBING INSTALLATION, Permit for ------ PLUMIBIWI-114STALUTICK ------------ (Rex---- ALTERATION AND I OR REPAIR (Com. _ ------ 928-4671 Owner----------. TI sTIC- _GCUSTIRUCTICU --- _ .......................... Address--- Contractor-------L— L 'a 'x - C --------- ------- ------------------------- Add ress.- _Z.. - 17_Q7__Ho1y0k,3_j, _99=7_ -----Phone... 7.«41.221.. --- NUMBER & TYPE OF FIXTURES: Water Closets_ ----- 2 ------- Bath Tubs.-. ..1- ...... Sinks ---- 1_... Slop Sinks--------------- Wash Basins. -"-2...------ Laundry asins----2--------- Laundry Trays...-..__..--- Urinals__--.---_-.. Separate Shower Baths. -.I,.___-.----- Rain Leaders..--------.._------ Garbage Disposal Units.. --- ---------- Floor Drains ------ j_ --- Fountains-_.---_--..- Bar Connections----_- Dental Cuspidor-..._---.-_--_ Automatic Washing Machines_] ----------------- LL Mechanical Dishwasher -I ------------ . Refrigerators---------------- Sumps-___----.- Water Softeners-_------.------ Hot Water Tanks --- I --------------_--- SprinklerSystem------------- ........................................ --------------------------------------------------- ------ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------------- ­ ----------------------------------- ------------------------ 7 ---------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- --------------- ............................................... -- ---- - -- --- ------------------------------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Fee Paid $ ---------------- -- 2-5-.-G-C ------------- Authorized by Building Official PLUMBING INSPECTION DIVISION Date Issued-. .-------...9/13/.77-------------- VW Inspection Called--- ------ - By.-- .... . ........ ........................ ........ e)i.✓ Inspector Inspected --------- ....... -------- ------ DEPUT - y --------­-- -------------- ......................... ------ By & Date ....... . / ------- ----- ............ .. --------- --------- (Final) 0.