1978, 09-11 Permit: G1809 SprinklerPlumbing Inspection Division SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington PERMIT FOR PLUMBING INSTALLATION, ALTERATION AND OR REPAIR No.G 1809 Property Address ----E. --1-41-07 ------ 21 -St. AVAe-e------------- --------------- Permit for-Sp,.*i nkle4t --Insta1-1atfon------ --- (Re. s"..) (Com............) Owner --------- Joe - tapletC3n------- -------------------- Address ------- E -ii --- 141177 ..... 2 -1St: ... A-Vew----------- Phone ------- 9224-93$8--- Contractor ---- Evergreen Lawn --Spr-#nkler -Co. ----- Address ------- E -i---- 530-1 ----- BreadWlayW -'9}211 Phone. ...... §33-4777 ... NUMBER & TYPE OF FIXTURES: Water Closets ---------------- Bath Tubs--------------- Sinks ------------ Slop Sinks. ---------- ---. Wash Basins ---------------- Laundry Trays. - - ----. Urinals ------ ---- ----- Separate Shower Baths -- -- _-. ---- Rain Leaders. ----- ..--------- -- Garbage Disposal Units- ......... _--.... Floor Drains ___ ----- Fountains----- ---__- Bar Connections-- -------- .-.. Dental Cuspidor --------- ---_---- Automatic Washing Machines --------- ---------_. Mechanical Dishwasher_ ---___- --- Refrigerators---------------- Sumps ------------ Water Softeners........-------- Hot Water Tanks ------ .............. .----_..._--. SprinklerSystem.- - XXXXXX------- ------------------------- -------------------------- --- - ----------- ------ - - - ------ -------------- -- -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ........................ -------- -- ------------- ........................................ Fee Paid $--r���-------- ------- -_------_. ---- �� Authorized by Building Official PLUMBING INSPECTION DIVISION Date Issued -9-1--j-7.8--- --------- ----pk-h Inspection Called- ------------------ ---------- ------------- ------ --- 'i f .x:. ------...... 1 ' '' ..... By ---q ... ty Inspector InspectedBy & Date--- -------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ............................................. (Test) (Final)