1991, 03-14 Permit: 91001104 ACSPOKANE COUNTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303W'.5""AY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509)456-3675 1 certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. in addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. 1 understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate a cancel the provisions of any state a local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE _- 1-`i'tiO tri. ! NUMBER= % 00 + ; 04 ISSUED PERMIT DATE= 0304/0 I•'E;i.I::... Oi PERMIT INFORMATION SITE STREET= 'E 481 2 t::. 2iST CT PARCELO= 2654i-2904 ADDRESS= VERADALE WA 9903''1'' PERMIT USE= INSTALL AIR CONDITIONER PLATO= •x•= t.11.J•." r '`LEr. NA!"!::.= It.fi:;.f!f'•1 ADDITION t.ON AREA= t;Jt:i+,y%'it:Jiyt: 0 L. A = t.. WIDTH= DEPTH= R/W--:: 0 OF , OWNER= R= ;:sI"IA.T..T O, TERRY PHONE= 50 325 450!5 jjRgEj- ::: .. , n : t�..1 ii!'til::.,.: ,.. �,'t:.I';.[•rtJf••i....I::: IAi�t �J .Jta,., , CONTACT f'.f•`iME= ,a• 3 ..!RM HEATING INC. P.'li..!l.E NUMBER= 509 325 4505 f:tUILD.i.Nt- SETBACKS: BA!.,i'•.. FRONT= NA LEFT= tw..A RIGHT= NA REAR= NA +: #i ?a ixi 3+: Ji .p..j,, '),:.){' Fi 'i+: 'i+: '}+: 'Pi i+: 'i,; ') '},; '},; •}i..),..,,. j;..j,:.i,; -} •},; P: i,: J,i MECHANICAL I"'ERM.I.I 11' a 3+: )i i+i Ji iG P: n: �+: 'P::,+: 'Ji• •i,: 'P: •},r 'ii P: i i 'h: '}t•'i4 'ir: '},: }G P: CONTRACTOR= ,.. , t.. i'C !"i HEATING PHONE= 509 325 STREET= 204 E INDIANA AVI� ADDRESS= SPOKANE itl A 99207 ITEM DESCRIPTION .t.Oi_a QUANTITYFEE AMOUNT' _.................................................................................... - -------- ------------ PROCESSING ......-_..................---- .J,..J, .14..J,..1,..P..,,: 'P: ;". ;:.P..P: �+• •11• •1,: 'n. •P• •Jr'Je' 1,: •J�• •J,; ,,: 'P: r: x..Je..,,, PAYMENT SUMMARY ik;+' i( f,; :ii• •i, }+i :+i ii •},i'n: P: ';{"n: '1+: );: jk ),: 3;. :Pi }E')C ;+: Pi')t"J!: 'P: it PAYMENT DATE ,::. .......... d. i'' i •:r PAYMENT AMOUNT TOTAL !.:..!::.:::: 100 TOTAL PAID= 37.0(-) PERMIT TYPE --------------- MECHANICAL PRM'I' FEE AMOUNT ------------- 37.00 ...................................................:..t. 0 ------------- 37.00 PROCESSED BY: jOHN LARSON PRINTED BY: ,,! L,! t-! }',t ! A R v; t i N AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT iii l i : w c; ------------ ---------------- 37,00 ......-..................................----- 0{_i 00 THANK HANS., T I,! %,i