Resolution 09-009 Adopting 2010 - 2015 Six Year TIP CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON • RESOLUTION NO. 09-009 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2010-2015 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY WHEREAS, to provide for the proper and necessary development of the street system within the City of Spokane Valley, the City shall, as required by State law, develop and adopt annually a Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ("TIP") with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; WHEREAS, the TIP of the City shall specifically set forth those projects and programs of both City and regional significance that benefit the transportation system and promote public safety and efficient vehicle movements; WHEREAS, the Six Year TIP shall be consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and be adopted following one or more public hearings before the City Council; WHEREAS, a draft copy of the Six Year TIP was submitted to the Washington Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) 60 days prior to the scheduled adoption in accordance with RCW 36.70A.106; WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on June 9, 2009, for the purpose of inviting and receiving public comment on the proposed Six Year TI_P; and NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: The City Council hereby adopts the attached Six Year TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the years 2010 through 2015. The City Clerk is directed to file the 2010-2015 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation not later than June 30. The TIP shall be reviewed at least annually for the purpose of determining the work to be accomplished under the program and the City transportation requirements. Adopted this 16TH day of June, 2009. City of Spok. •- Valley 7i4)40. AT Ti 'chard Munson, ayor WigA... Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as Form: Office of the City Attorne, Resolution 09-009 Adopting 2010-2015 TIP Page 1 of 1 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works oiseli ii%hjatillMillikiligirli 1 V. 71/4. ‘, r.... imem. ,...ovalley. ...„„ _J., . 4 --, .....*- ir , _ . . _ __. .1. ,V �` ADOPTED ii. ...— 2010 - 2015 Six Y i Transportation Improvement Program Resolution 09-009, June 16, 2009 .fflont-6.4b1/4 4- .. ._; IN, . - '11 ,-411;,,\ .. ,, ... i., _ _ , - ,1 , 00 k , . , . L— -. le'd. P..---%- 1 Adopted 2010 - 2015 Spernorka 11e Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Vey Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description I Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 1 Barker Road Bridge, 0.1 0 0 408 407 BR 339 339 S City 55 55 Other 13 13 Replace bridge#5503©Spokane River Funding Secured-City funding for Contingency,City Project#0003 Project Total 407 407 2 Broadway Ave 180 ft E. of Moore to Flora 0.73 0 0 2,465 2,465 City 68 68 S UAP 1,749 1,749 Develop 648 648 ers Reconstruct&widen Broadway to 3-lane section,180 ft E.of Moore to Flora Funding Secured(TIB#9-E-208(001)-1),City#0088 Project Total 2,465 2,465 3 Park Road-#2(PE Only)-Broadway to Indiana, 0.75 246 0 0 246 City 34 34 S STP(U) 212 212 Proj.#2-Reconstruct and widen to 3 lanes with bike lanes and sidewalks. Funding Secured(SRTC 06-11),City Project#0069 Project Total 246 246 4 Broadway Avenue Safety Project-Pines(SR-27) 3 0 0 834 834 City 167 167 S to Park UAP 667 667 ADA&Striping Improvements to reduce accidents along Broadway Corridor Funding Secured(TIB 8-3-2008(003)-1),City Project #0063 Project Total 834 834 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/18/2009 Page 1 A dopted 2010 - 2015 SpôkI!111 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Vaey Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 5 Indiana Ave Extension-3600'e/o Sullivan Rd to 0.4 0 0 1,874 1,874 UCP 1,410 1,410 s Mission& Flora City 264 264 Develop 200 200 ers Extend Indiana Ave with a three lane section to a Roundabout at Mission/Flora Funding Secured TIB 9-E-208(002)-1,City Project#0112 Project Total 1,874 1,874 6 Argonne Road-190 to Trent, 0.38 76 500 713 1,289 City 77 101 178 S CMAQ 499 612 1,111 Revise Signal Phasing,Add NB Right Turn Lane at Montgomery,Intersections Improvements at Knox Funding Secured(SRTC 06-31),City Project#0060 Project Total 576 713 1,289 7 Broadway/Sullivan Intersection PCC 0 120 0 1,110 1,230 City 253 253 S STA 977 977 Replace asphalt pavement with portland cement concrete pavement. Funding secured-STA 0.3%sales tax levy approved,City Project#0114 Project Total 1,230 1,230 8 Indiana/Sullivan Intersection PCC 0 126 0 1,216 1,342 City 275 275 S STA 1,067 1,067 Replace asphalt pavement with portland cement concrete pavement. Funding secured-STA 0.3%sales tax levy approved,City Project#0113 Project Total 1,342 1,342 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/18/2009 Page 2 C 'i Adopted 2010 - 2015 Spode Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ValleyDollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description I Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 9 Pavement Management Program-Arterials 0 2,400 0 21,600 24,000 City 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 12,000 P Other 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 12,000 Fed Annual street preservation projects per PMP Project Total 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 24,000 10 Pavement Management Program-Local Access 0 1,200 0 10,800 12,000 City 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 12,000 P Annual street preservation projects Project Total 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 12,000 11 STEP Paveback 0 0 0 4,300 4,300 City 3,047 651 3,698 P SW 496 106 602 Full-width paving and drainage associated with Spokane County's STEP City Funds Project Total 3,543 757 4,300 12 Sullivan Road (PE only)-Euclid to Wellesley 1 595 0 0 596 City 40 40 80 S STP(U) 258 258 516 Reconstruct arterial. Funding Secured(SRTC 06-12),City Project#0070 Project Total 298 298 596 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/18/2009 Page 3 ,. Adopted 2010 - 2015 Spode Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 13 Sullivan/Sprague Intersection PCC 0.1 210 0 1,468 1,678 City 933 933 S STP(U) 745 745 Replace rutted asphalt pavement with portland concrete cement. Funding Secured(SRTC 06-6),City Project#0065 Project Total 1,678 1,678 14 Mission Ave.- Flora to Barker 1 649 300 4,967 5,916 City 128 671 799 P STP(U) 821 4,296 5,117 Reconstruct&widen to 3 lanes City Project#0123 Project Total 949 4,967 5,916 15 Pines Corridor ITS: Sprague to Trent 2.26 222 250 1,609 2,081 City 280 280 S CMAQ 1,801 1,801 Traffic Signal Control System for Corridor Funding Secured(SRTC 06-26),City Project#0061 Project Total 2,081 2,081 16 Sullivan Road West Bridge 0.08 1,370 100 13,000 14,470 BR 588 588 5,200 5,200 11,576 P City 147 147 1,300 1,300 2,894 Reconstruct and widen west bridge Project Total 735 735 6,500 6,500 14,470 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/18/2009 Page 4 Ado pted 2010 - 2015 Spcnbilra e Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ValleyDollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 17 Bowdish Road-32nd to 8th 1.52 1,017 500 7,782 9,299 City 116 89 1,051 1,256 P STP(U) 746 566 6,731 8,043 Reconstruct&widen to 3-lane roadway City Project#0121 Project Total 862 655 7,782 9,299 18 Park Road-#2(CN Only)-Broadway to Indiana 0.75 0 1,000 4,709 5,709 City 262 509 771 P STP(U) 1,680 3,258 4,938 Proj.#2-Reconstruct and widen to 3 lanes with bike lanes and sidewalks. Project Total 1,942 3,767 5,709 19 Park Road-Bridging the Valley/BNSF Grade 0.2 900 2,000 6,810 9,709 City 31 90 286 407 p Separation FMSIB 227 651 2,061 2,939 Other 364 1,045 3,308 4,717 Fed Reconstruct Park Road to separate the grades of Park Road and the BNSF railroad tracks. Other- 37 104 330 471 RR UCP 91 260 824 1,175 "Other"Funding from BNSF RR Project Total 750 2,150 6,809 9,709 20 Saltese/Sullivan Signal 24 0 226 250 City 62 62 P Spo.Co. 25 25 Develop 163 163 ers Improvements to Intersection In Coordination w/Spokane County Project Total 250 250 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/18/2009 Page 5 , Adopted 2010 - 2015 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 21 Sprague/Barker Traffic Signal 0 50 25 370 445 City 15 74 89 P Develop 60 296 356 ers Install Traffic Signal Project Total 75 370 445 22 Appleway Extension-University to Evergreen 2.02 205 0 0 205 City 64 64 P STP 138 138 WSDOT 3 3 Extend Appleway Blvd.with a multi-lane facility including curbs and sidewalks. UCP Other Secured STP(U)($4.2 mil),WSDOT,City Project#0023 Project Total 205 205 23 Barker Road-Appleway to Broadway Avenue 0.26 259 0 0 259 City 52 52 P UAP 207 207 Reconstruct to a 3-lane arterial with center turn lane from Appleway to Broadway Ave.;realign Broadway east of Barker Project Total 259 259 24 Citywide ITS Improvements 0 394 250 0 644 City 87 87 P CMAQ 557 557 Traffic Control Systems Upgrades throughout City:Evergreen(Broadway to 16th),Broadway@Argonne/Mullan, Sprague(Bowdish to Sullivan) Project Total 644 644 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions, 6/18/2009 Page 6 Adopted 2010 - 2015 SPokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 25 Evergreen/32nd-16th to 32nd, Evergreen to 1.25 815 400 0 1,215 City 164 164 p SR-27 STP(U) 1,051 1,051 Reconstruct&Widen to 3 lanes City Project#0124 Project Total 1,215 1,215 26 Mansfield Extension-Pines(SR27)to 300-ft East 0.21 113 255 0 367 City 73 73 p of Houk Rd UAP 294 294 Construct 3-lane arterial from Pines to Houk,Complete Gap Project Total 367 367 27 Park/Sprague Intersection PCC 0 138 0 0 138 City 19 19 P STP(P) 119 119 Reconstruct Intersection in PCC Project Total 138 138 28 Sullivan Rd ITS, Broadway to 24th 0 122 100 886 1,108 City 150 150 p CMAQ 958 958 Extend Traffic Control System for Corridor Project Total 1,108 1,108 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/18/2009 Page 7 Adopted 2010 - 2015 Spökafle Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total 29 Sullivan Road (RW/CN only)-Euclid to Wellesley 1 0 400 0 400 City 54 54 P STP(U) 346 346 Reconstruct urban arterial. Project Total 400 400 30 Sullivan Road North Extension(Bigelow Gulch) 0.25 0 1 54 55 City 55 55 P Reconstruct and widen the Sullivan Road extension north also known as Bigelow Gulch Road to a 4-lane roadway with 8-foot shoulders and a 12-foot two way left turn lane. Project Total 55 55 31 Trent(SR290)-Del Ray to Barker Turn Lane 0.28 71 0 461 532 City 133 133 P ' Develop 399 399 ers Widen Trent from Barker to Del Ray to accommodate Turning traffic movements Project Total 532 532 Totals: 11,321 6,081 87,662 105,064 20,493 11,533 14,506 17,922 22,507 18,102 105,063 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/18/2009 Page 8 �rr,<,r� Adopted 2010 - 2015 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program .woolVValley Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Totals, Secured Projects Planned Projects Totals Year Federal State Other City Total Federal State Other City Total Federal State Other City Total 2010 $2,053 $3,826 $2,905 $2,166 $10,950 $2,000 $0 $0 $7,543 $9,543 $4,053 $3,826 $2,905 $9,709 $20,493 2011 $2,671 $0 $0 $421 $3,092 $3,409 $0 $0 $5,032 $8,441 $6,080 $0 $0 $5,453 $11,533 2012 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,310 $0 $0 $5,196 $14,506 $9,310 $0 $0 $5,196 $14,506 2013 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,388 $318 $225 $5,991 $17,922 $11,388 $318 $225 $5,991 $17,922 2014 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,976 $911 $164 $6,456 $22,507 $14,976 $911 $164 $6,456 $22,507 2015 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,477 $3,389 $1,025 $5,211 $18,102 $8,477 $3,389 $1,025 $5,211 $18,102 Total $4,724 $3,826 $2,905 $2,587 $14,042 $49,560 $4,618 $1,414 $35,429 $91,021 $54,284 $8,444 $4,319 $38,016 $105,063 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/18/2009 Page 1 sjoiie a e ® - 11707 E.Sprague Ave. •Suite 106 •Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509) 921-1000 • Fax(509) 921-1008 • cityhall @spokanevalley.org June 26,2009 Paula J. Hammond,Secretary of Transportation Washington State Department of Transportation PO Box 47300 Olympia, WA 98504-7300 Glenn Miles, Transportation Manager Spokane Regional Transportation Council 221 W.First Avenue,Suite 310 Spokane, WA 99201-3613 Spokane County Courthouse Attention: Board of County Commissioners West 1116 Broadway Spokane,WA 99260 RE: City of Spokane Valley 2010-2015 TIP Greetings: Enclosed please find a certified copy of the City of Spokane Valley Resolution 09-009, adopting the 2010-2015 Transportation Improvement Program for the City of Spokane Valley, which was approved by our Council at their June 16,2009 Council meeting. Sincerely, i 4,4 (2?C(A-- Christine Bainbridge,CMC City Clerk /cb Enc. cc: Dept of Community,Trade&Economic Development [filed electronically to reviewteam®cted.wa.gov City of Spokane, Attn: Clerk's Office West 808 Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 Steve Worley, Spokane Valley Senior Engineer •