Ordinance 09-009 Amending Zoning Map CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 09-009 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE 07-015 WHICH ADOPTED THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley adopted Land Use plans and regulations as set forth in the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) and the City of Spokane Valley Zoning Map through Ordinance No. 07-015; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) allows comprehensive plans to be amended annually (RCW 36.70A130); and WHEREAS, amendments to the City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan may be initiated by the Planning Commission (Commission), the City Council (Council) or by the Community Development Director based on citizen requests or when changed conditions warrant adjustments; and WHEREAS, the GMA requires comprehensive plans to be implemented with development regulations, including the zoning of property consistent with land use map designations; and WHEREAS, zone changes under consideration with the annual Comprehensive Plan amendments are to be considered as area-wide rezones pursuant to 17.80.140 of the SVMC; and WHEREAS, consistent with the GMA, City of Spokane Valley adopted Public Participation Guidelines to direct the public involvement process for adopting and amending comprehensive plans and area-wide rezones; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley Municipal Code provides that amendment applications shall be received until November 1 of each year; and WHEREAS, applications were submitted by the applicant, owner or by City staff to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map for the purpose of beneficially using the property described herein; and WHEREAS, following the application to the City, staff conducted an environmental review to determine the potential environmental impacts from the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, after reviewing the Environmental Checklists, staff issued a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) on December 19, 2008 for the proposals, published the DNS in the Valley News Herald on December 19, 2008, posted the DNS on the sites and mailed the DNS to all affected public agencies; and Ordinance 09-009 Zoning Map Changes Page 1 of 5 WHEREAS, the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development was notified on February 27, 2009 pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106 providing a 6-day notice of intent to adopt amendments to the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Commission conducted a briefing on February 26, 2009, to review the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, notice of the Commission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald on February 20, 2009; and WHEREAS, on February 20, 2009, notice of the Commission hearing was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of the subject property ; and WHEREAS, notice of the hearing was posted on the subject properties; and WHEREAS, the Commission conducted a public hearing on March 12, 2009 at which time the Commission received evidence, information, public testimony and a staff report and recommendation; and WHEREAS,the Commission, at the conclusion of the public hearing and after deliberating on the proposed amendments and information presented during the course of the hearing developed recommendations on site-specific map amendments CPA-02-09 through CPA-04-09. Further research was requested on site-specific map amendment CPA-01-09 and CPA-05-09. The Commission requested minor changes to the Public/Quasi-Public provisions in CPA-05-09. The Commission continued the public hearing to March 26, 2009 for CPA-01-09 and CPA-05-09; and WHEREAS, the Commission deliberated on CPA-01-09 and CPA-05-09 on March 26, 2009; the Commission recommended approval of all amendment proposals; and WHEREAS, on March 31, 2009, Council reviewed the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, on April 14, 2009, Council considered a first ordinance reading to adopt the proposed amendment; and • WHEREAS, on May 12, 2009, Council considered a second ordinance reading at which time Council approved written findings of fact setting forth their basis for approval of the proposed amendments. WHEREAS, on May 12, 2009, Council removed CPA-01-09 for further consideration at a later date. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Ordinance 09-009 Zoning Map Changes Page 2 of 5 Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the Official Zoning Map adopted through Ordinance No. 07-015 in order to permit the property described herein to be used in a manner consistent with the same. Section 2. Findings. The City Council acknowledges that the Commission conducted appropriate investigation and study, held a public hearing on the application and recommends approval of the amendment to the Zoning maps. The City Council hereby adopts the findings of the Commission, specifically that: 1. Notice for the proposed amendments was placed in the Spokane Valley News Herald on February 20, 2009 and each site was posted with a"Notice of Public Hearing" sign,with a description of the proposal. 2. Individual notice of the map amendment proposals was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of each affected site. 3. Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA—RCW 43.21C) environmental checklists were required for each proposed comprehensive plan map and text amendment. 4. Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and a threshold determination was made for each comprehensive plan amendment request. Determinations of Non-significance(DNS) were issued for the requested comprehensive plan amendments on December 19, 2008. 5. The DNS's were published in the city's official newspaper on December 19, 2008 consistent with the City of Spokane Valley Environmental Ordinance. 6. The Spokane Valley Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on March 12, 2009,to consider the proposed amendments. After hearing public testimony,the Commission made recommendations on CPA-02-09 thru CPA-04-09 and excluding CPA-01-09 and CPA-05-09. 7. The Commission continued the public hearing for CPA-01-09 and CPA-05-09 to March 26, 2009. 8. On March 26, 2009,the Commission made recommendations on CPA-01-09 and CPA-05-09. 9. The planning goals of the Growth Management Act (GMA) were considered and the proposed amendments are consistent with the GMA. 10. The goals and policies of the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan were considered and the proposed amendments are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 11. The proposed zoning designations are consistent with the current use of the properties. 12. Findings were made and factors were considered to ensure compliance with approval criteria contained in Section 17.80.140 H. (Comprehensive Plan amendments and area-wide rezones) of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC). 13. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and text amendments will not adversely affect the public's general health, safety, and welfare. Section 3. Property. The properties subject to this Ordinance are described in Attachment "A." Section 4. Map Amendments. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.073, the City of Spokane Valley Zoning Map as adopted through Ordinance No. 07-015, is hereby amended as set forth in Attachment "A." The Zoning map amendments are generally described as follows: Map Amendments Ordinance 09-009 Zoning Map Changes Page 3 of 5 File No. CPA-02-09: Application/Description of Proposal: City initiated site specific Comprehensive Plan map amendment on parcels 45242.1002 and 45242.1006 from High Density Residential(HDR)to Neighborhood Commercial(NC). Applicant: City of Spokane Valley, 11707 E Sprague Ave, Ste 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Amendment Location: The northeast corner of 4`h Avenue and Sullivan Road,parcels 45242.1002 and 45242.1006,addressed as 315 and 325 South Sullivan Road; further located in the NW 1/4 of the NW '/a of Section 24,Township 25 North,Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County,Washington. Counsel Decision: Change to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) File No. CPA-03-09: Application/Description of Proposal: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment from Office(0)to Community Commercial(CC)on six(6)parcels composing approximately 3.5 acres of land. Applicant: City of Spokane Valley, 11707 E Sprague Ave, Ste 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Amendment Location: The proposal is located between Mullan Road and Argonne Road from the north side of Boone Avenue to the south side of Sinto Avenue; specifically located in the SE '/4 of Section 17, Township 25 North,Range 44,East Willamette Meridian, Spokane Valley, Washington Council Decision: Change to Community Commercial (C) File No. CPA-04-09 Application/Description of Proposal: Comprehensive Plan Map amendment to change from Community Commercial(CC)to Low Density Residential (LDR)on approximately.47 acres of land. Applicant: City of Spokane Valley, 11707 E Sprague Ave, Ste 106, Spokane Valley,WA 99206 Amendment Location: The proposal is located on St Charles Road, approximately 780 feet north of Sprague Avenue on the east side of Progress Road; specifically located in the SE 1/4 of Section 14, Township 25 North,Range 44 East Willamette Meridian, Spokane Valley,Washington. Council Decision: Change to Single-family Residential Urban District(R-4) File No. CPA-05-09: Application/Description of Proposal: A City initiated text amendment to Chapter 2—Land Use. The amendment also evaluates all properties designated public/quasi-public and proposes an appropriate land use designation and zone based on the predominant land use surrounding the property. Applicant: City of Spokane Valley, 11707 E Sprague Ave, Ste 106, Spokane Valley,WA 99206 Amendment Location: Text amendments to Chapter 2—Land Use will have city-wide implications. Amendments to Public/Quasi-Public properties are located throughout the city. Council Decision: Adopt amendments to Chapter 2—Land Use; eliminate the Community Facility (CF)zoning designation and change to zoning designations consistent with surrounding designations. Section 5. Zoning Map/Official Controls. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.100, for the purpose of regulating the use of land and to implement and give affect to the Comprehensive Plan the City hereby amends the Official Zoning Map of the City as set forth in Attachment Section 6. Adoption of Other Laws. To the extent that any provision of the SVMC, or any other law, rule or regulation referenced in the attached Zoning Map(s) is necessary or convenient to establish the validity, enforceability or interpretation of the Zoning Map(s), then such provision of the SVMC, or other law,rule or regulation is hereby adopted by reference. Ordinance 09-009 Zoning Map Changes Page 4 of 5 Section 7. Map - Copies on File-Administrative Action. The Zoning Map is maintained in the office of the City Clerk as well as the City Department of Community Development. The City Manager or designee, following adoption of this Ordinance, is authorized to modify the Zoning Map in a manner consistent with this Ordinance. Section 8. Liability. The express intent of the City of Spokane Valley is that the responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this ordinance shall rest with the permit applicant and their agents. This ordinance and its provisions are adopted with the express intent to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public and are not intended to protect any particular class of individuals or organizations. Section 9. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance. Section 10. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this J day of Ma 2009 4 , Mayor, Ric are Munson • T 4 _ j'''4'fae").1441 ity Clerk, Christine Bainbridge Approved As To Form: Office of the City Attor Date of Publication: d d 9 Effective Date: ,5—; 9-Q, Ordinance 09-009 Zoning Map Changes Page 5 of 5 Attachment A Exhibit 2: Zoning Map 12111 ' ' -11 EOM mim ‘... . . ,_ . _ _, .. ........,...-_ -„,... ,..._ __ . . - • ...... . • _ .- ..--:.; -------- • .... = i.,„;,...i....,,, ., ..(a ••• - -... • F .. . .41. , __,.,..j:.. ,__.... .. .,_. .-. -- ...... ' "- -.:, .,..... .., :..:::...... .. ....... , ......: ..:'::*.' .. --- . .. ..k, . -.4..... . .. - . ...,:' :— :•:-........• , .. ... - .I:.. ••••....... ---,"•'• -•••- - :.. . - , ••. --......I...... .. . . . - ..... -_. .. • • .... - '".:..::-..' • -:::--" ' '. - "Nk: -... " ..::.•:' .-. .- ' ' ' —. .. . NNbIA., -. SP-W e S,ra Sp .:ie ..... . .... •-,n,....tr:::1:_. et-,.......p...•.4 I*1,14.,64.*" t2 . ( \)I '' 1.;-- ;:z1,-.1-,,..--r...-::1: _ li tiNIS„ ', 1 - ! [ 1 ...,,,, _..-._.. ......0" NC -,,,„3.- - - 21 --1 7-0 .- - raOr.] 211d- - 7 7 I r CPA-02-09 , .....e.',,, -7 IIIIIIII gum _ oror E ..7. ,Ire Eff--' ''.-----"r-e-c>',---1--'-' - -41: , mill A I 1 1 Ito --,441 „, .... 1 „..., .. _, I ' 11.____I i; 1...74-0,e, I NC I 1 1 R-3 .174 MI 12 Jr„ orto 1111111 l MB • MI ' MI El IM th :itti !fag R-3 ...r.4; Z I " 11—-- 7 Ill r- IlIl ibilimi* 71111:111 "2 IF ..,_ m - - 1E1 550; itm , • Ei 1 .6th 6th•EMI .------4 I ..._ 42., ...0. mon fr.:' pi I .- f.., 111. 7?"-; 4 411111 „:„.. ... .„...., __ ,R-4 Ooktur -- r7--- IIAk-_------ Cr Oil NI h ',a 'It - Central Allilli 1 Valley INN Senior High g R-3 pool li . = , ......a,...-,,,,, _..,,, AP ' CPA-02-09 Cit of Spokane Valley Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation ?, Community Development Department from HDR to NC;change zoning from MF-2 to NC, I_ - Exhibit 2: Zoning Map Luili :.1.....1'............... - -' - -- ..4 _ - / //� .0-:,,..,..,„•:,- ;.„••••000,•••-•„000.0.00,00- el "o„," y CPA-03-09 //////���% ///////%/�, iritiilØ ... .. .0.0: :::..„<",„`„);,"4...5,...0%•,;„::::4,4 ///."i.�///ei. _ � /ice//jam %% Boone 1 .6: if n 1 f .,...../.4 Caraldo °I... : .00 111111111111111:11111111._:Jill .11,011 __ CPA-03-09 Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valle■ Community Development Department from 0 to CC;change zoning from 0 to C. Exhibit 2: Zoning Map R-3 --0111111 Nil ..--.:—.......- 1111 41.......0...:-:....iii..::::-.:::.:........ . ,. . ..__._.___ 7-----'..-'=-.-- 1.17-il,1 - .. .. ---....-...-....■..- ._.... CPA-04-09 =__-_--=_-=--_-_=.1--_. _ 61118Mrr MEMIn ---7— ---- --_:-_-.-2-_-7:_:-----7-___--- 27:=:=-------= ..e die _ ___-- Orr' _ .__ . .-_- A. 0.4 ___-_=-------.1-.-- ---_-:-= • -\1t . . • Ij, • • • • 'ii,§1Sith. CPA-0 ne Request: Change the Comprehensive Plan map designation City of Spokane Valley from CC to LDR; change zoning from C to R4. Community Development Department — — Public/Quasi-Public Analysis Section No. CP Designation Subsequent Zoning WS-1 Low Density Residential SF Residential District(R-3) WS-2 Low Density Residential SF Residential Urban District(R-4) WS-3 Medium Density Residential Multifamily Medium Density Residential District (MF-1) WS-4 High Density Residential Multifamily High Density Residential District(MF-2) WS-5 Community Commercial Community Commercial District(C) WS-6 Regional Commercial Regional Commercial (RC) WS-7 _Parks and Open Space _Parks and Open Space(P/OS) • Section No. CP Designation Subsequent Zoning WN-1 Heavy Industrial Heavy Industrial (1-2) WN-2 Regional Commercial Regional Commercial (RC) WN-3 Low Density Residential SF Residential District(R-3) WN-4 Low Density Residential SF Residential Urban District(R-4) WN-5 Office Office (0) WN-6 Office Garden Office(GO) WN-7 Light Industrial Light Industrial (I-1) WN-8 Low Density Residential SF Residential Suburban District (R-2) WN-9 Parks and Open Space _Parks and Open Space(P/OS) Section No. CP Designation Subsequent Zoning WCS-1 Low Density Residential SF Residential Estate District (R-1) WCS-2 Low Density Residential SF Residential Suburban District (R-2) WCS-3 Low Density Residential SF Residential District (R-3) WCS-4 Community Commercial Community Commercial District (C) WCS-5 Neighborhood Commercial Neighborhood Commercial (NC) WCS-6 _Parks and Open Space _Parks and Open Space(P/OS) Section No. CP Designation Subsequent Zoning WC-1 Low Density Residential SF Residential Suburban District (R-2) WC-2 Low Density Residential SF Residential District (R-3) WC-3 Corridor Mixed Use Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) WC-4 High Density Residential Multifamily High Density Residential District (MF-2) Section No. CP Designation Subsequent Zoning WCN-1 Corridor Mixed Use Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) WCN-2 Medium Density Residential Multifamily Medium Density Residential District (MF-1) WCN-3 Office Office (0) WCN-4 Community Commercial Community Commercial District(C) WCN-5 Light Industrial Light Industrial (I-1) WCN-6 High Density Residential Multifamily High Density Residential District (MF-2) WCN-7 Low Density Residential SF Residential District(R-3) WCN-8 Mixed Use Center Mixed Use Center District(MUC) WCN-9 _Parks and Open Space Parks and Open Space(P/OS) 1 of 2 Public/Quasi-Public Analysis Section No. CP Designation Subsequent Zoning ECN-1 Mixed Use Center Mixed Use Center District(MUC) ECN-2 High Density Residential Multifamily High Density Residential District(MF-2) ECN-3 Parks and Open Space Parks and Open Space (P/OS) ECN-4 Heavy Industrial Heavy Industrial (1-2) ECN-5 Low Density Residential SF Residential District(R-3) ECN-6 _Low Density Residential _SF Residential Urban District(R-4) Section No. CP Designation Subsequent Zoning EC-1 Corridor Mixed Use Corridor Mixed Use(CMU) EC-2 Office Garden Office(GO) EC-3 High Density Residential Multifamily High Density Residential District (MF-2) EC-4 Low Density Residential SF Residential District(R-3) EC-5 Office Office(0) EC-6 _Regional Commercial _Regional Commercial (RC) Section No. CP Designation Subsequent Zoning ECS-1 Low Density Residential SF Residential Suburban District (R-2) ECS-2 Parks and Open Space Parks and Open Space(P/OS) ECS-3 Low Density Residential SF Residential District (R-3) ECS-4 High Density Residential Multifamily High Density Residential District(MF-2) ECS-5 Corridor Mixed Use Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) ECS-6 Medium Density Residential Multifamily Medium Density Residential District (MF-1) Section No. CP Designation Subsequent Zoninj ES-1 Low Density Residential SF Residential Suburban District (R-2) ES-2 Low Density Residential SF Residential Urban District(R-4) ES-3 Low Density Residential SF Residential Estate District (R-1) ES-4 Low Density Residential SF Residential District (R-3) ES-5 Community Commercial Community Commercial District (C) ES-6 Medium Density Residential Multifamily Medium Density Residential District(MF-1) ES-7 Corridor Mixed Use Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) ES-8 Office Garden Office(GO) Section No. CP Designation Subsequent Zoning EN-1 Parks and Open Space Parks and Open Space(P/OS) EN-2 Medium Density Residential Multifamily Medium Density Residential District (MF-1) EN-3 Low Density Residential SF Residential District (R-3) EN-4 Low Density Residential SF Residential Urban District(R-4) EN-5 Heavy Industrial _Heavy Industrial (1-2) EN-6 Light Industrial Light Industrial (I-1) 2 of 2 Public/Quasi-Public Property _ ,Lewd _unielb • '`-: - W„rL ■-‘ . \ Eist 1 !)irC:: ' et Cent.l NOM\ '� 1 r�• it::NW �� .,R=�. ~ ! 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ItA. ._nth __ 47th__ 14 i �' t---- to -A,.,ttet111tt 2L u Holman l r1 '1,,,,,we L 50ti5: • -1t4eMM 1,„ WCS-1 „.•t R-1 'f Ge rudi ` ,_tenit1/e111111111t11t1111111 .11,x, ►iaf11111111111111111111111111111iIt IIIIt►1111111111111111111111E % 114rdsil 3 it 3rd i.����j\���� I 3rd �-3--::•��• C �. 4th,CMU m' _ - t►�3 b 5th 5th in c 3� ;th We-d c S 6th - i - - >r. 6tn NB ■ V \. MF-2 1 7th 7th -c a —- ~ IN k\1- 11 U. J F O. :8 '71111( 8th tche �; 1 — 0 N a A � 9th • Nlnt, 9t• _ r .. ,�t 1 m -mu- = WC-2, 1 - ■ a a 11th _ i___ - _ —� . o F__ - :I IlTwmf____ 13h X *♦ �4t -al'''. i , I V D ; 14tt,•• 3 15th 15th Legend _ 4� � 18 West Centra WCPOP ,Bits_�_ 18th ° - . Mutt 3 r . s,��r POPID : 17th_ I g a i'S car 17th • =w`.i j yc`'c • • l _ • -we-3 •• - I A'0,_ �°o4; 19th_ ?' —WC-t • \ - -„'r, W C •1%. \ '-- 76 , I 14___ Mr . � 1 S—tom II ,�.M1 21 _ �, • 22nd I 22nd 1 : � • ..„ ,o n %it- 23rd r VM , y 1111i 1Zn1 11111ti1tttttl11n/1111t1111t1111111-itt#lR 23rd � -; I_ 1 I \ i Heroy e _ ,Legend WCN-9 u � • � Zo n n = P/OS >. ',52:1- c .Ro kwe I _ PaPID +11V�CN�8 * ° `� * >.C) -WCN-1 �►4♦ e� Soi,rh ° t "l -WCN-2 Rwe,wa +•+001 n p Otan or ..._. WCN ,,+••` ; 'O MC N-7 A,,,� R-3 `,°e 11.11 WCN-4 � WCN-7 Railroad a Ey m WCN-5 ik F dir • R-3 F � _ • • _, r-WCN-5 View ++++++ Fairview — ' ¢o praae + +�++• Grae� l3uckce p1% n WCN-7 kcyo +++• • - arr aim 41 :El M. -WCN-8 Kson ?+`++ Jt►ckson Kalb o WIC N-6 ■ Cullsie tr MF-2 - C, III i v ntgomory Ermina -:'�, e LT, - t•'ot Mansfield 4: MIanSfleld a I • Knox a _ • Knox -- . WCN-5 w c `i„„Q,e S a _�„�., o - t 90 WCN- � d-1 U Indiana 0 Batdww, i _ ,eo !°9 PADS g so so wpo �-- -.. . 1Oµ 267 Q__ Nora 9tl p�F+EZ� Nora_E29p OF Nora I� t"'t'*' .. _ - - y - Fes, 49:Qhf_ikL WCN-4 oAugusta - Mission Mission ! E2 MissloM_ � I'_ C I I Ma it ; L a i o , 1._ xWQ c,lit—' pinto 0 r �fir' ' I , sintQ_ v _ Sha .-_ Boone > 0 0 03 c — De et of 1 t r 1 I I I voes mot `l, . !_. • _1 atalE = «. am t; ' - Mello Madan., t ►,a ��'_r WC' -2 11 t _ Broadw 1--i y_ of Broadw3Y 8 —WCN 7 .Nn tiel+b WCN-3 I�:. Springfield "0, Y w I `3 —. � 9 ; �Alki� 1.. : a _� _I m =live 1 LI [ i VaIleywny o _ 4 s LL. . Vaileyway. I 0. 3 Nixon '''.c,'WCN-4 . Hoo -� won s e Main-I” --° WCN-9-Q `o z✓ - V' C La Maiin I-.I _a L,�.!._ ��- •,.•..r, o Rif e� +de ►. f- SRn+9ue 5 - :, P/0S t 0 c a;� • Sprague. ,- u c m v, de 1st m �' 2nd =1stQW.CN•9 c 2np oa t-i,3rrd 4Dplewa o o,� liiii ttttlil�ttrtfo�th1(�c'6at1 atitra`WCN�1 ti*MNPI�'lOS - la 3r0 4th a 4th tt- 5th ; stt C M U �° fit,, 5th —j --i -1 4,01111111111t` ■,, • Legend 3hritil uuilimIIuIlsi ` Everett • Ns ECNPQP Zoning :-�- -, c-o :• POPID c 1,01Y.L m v, o M*I,,• a E ECN ° waba, =ut ECN•5 ��cN._ I Broad tu m schoo, BroT ECN•3ellesley _ a - o Wellesley• 4 um II l: - °I: Neroy . 11.1 ECN-a I Uplarat V u I I- �c o,. Longfellow _kN.s :v l_ a ! �� eye - M/* o ; �� .z Rich ,. Nal ecr�.e ♦♦ ��j : � ,� N . Rich �� '� ♦• I. n to s -oekwe1I EC N-6 o,�ors Trortt �- �j Lars se° N x o _ $ a c R-3 ♦ - - i-41 r�t+l - - ; pn — 1 Indian Legend .i j--�,' . 190 �-- Zo n i n g EC PQ P I Jsit grtfi � llsrldrfn nt1n1til�tR�iroi rrrrr�l f W2�90 Q q W . ndtat PQPID so▪ a; E C ■ EC - ,V EC-6 � %.r,EC-5 I . - EC-2 P.11111.. = o RC_ p,, �y _ Mission r 'P'�+• 9 _Md - EC 3 Is— >z a . ��,,r ®EC-4 c� J y 0 Q"lig f - EC-5 F, • Slnto _4 m - Slnto.__ ci missy >a ci,Nii - EC-6 on ::�_ , Sharp $. .. ISharPf - ,z.. �F_. Boom: - "'�,may i— _@o4n @_ c c f_. . — _. • . _Desmet - ._.Desmot v r I Cu,CafbldQ EC-2 Cata do:= R' co ,m r = mu G� .111C-3 — - U au Mallon 11110 F 2 ay , III 13 roadway - :roadwey: r N �� - __et) �a pringfl4ltl •ringfi�i �= r Fj Alkl t r :r EC-4: { 1 ()illy. • Otivs _ R-3 -1 _�„� / . Valley WAY_• r Valleyway I . ,.se Nixon :C a• 11111TN > c m Rlv9nkia :' 1 rg= !S Main o a s jc II` - -.Main :� • c a Riverside [t.:::, 21° ,I i eiv©rsica o 0 i_. .. u t !.. a->>>Sprague ' Sprague - , — ==-= Sprague so = c _ 'I : ▪ 1st c EC-1 m 1st $ °' CMU 2nd•-_L • 3111111111f11r11111 111111111rit1191ttfr>,t>r,< IIIII,II11111111111r11i•11111 it0i»•s ar110111,Ir1111/I1/111r111111111■1111r1111; 2nd w 3rd )o 3rd I Q - bPrIKIU. ",d W___ Spr:,fitto ECS-5 , 3 sprague= 16 ECS-6 ,., ----ir .:--- 7- _tst nct t 400011 '2 1st E. 0 ‘iwini.- 0111111101a41111111114114116-11-611111119121111[Mil IV.Ft tillideVel msmoltirs a-12 u ' s __ 31 ti i 21 I , to t 6° W44 t• .. , 0 5\41_ .., 4th , .gi 4_.1 4th ..c ao k..to'r. -.: ,.. • . . x , - CO s- 5th o c LL. •- t 1 TOL 5th 11 Crystal i awc C.) ,s• t 6th ma ,I _ _• .c 6th . o Valttly IIPM IIII , :12 cl Ridge 5, > 7t h a_ al .:.• sit .. 1p ,s- 8th .0 _____, . co 1 9th_ am .. 1 1111 9th Ig,_ — • illm . ,.— 9t#, • 10th c- .• .4 : OP 8 . 111111110th_ Ill, ,----i • WA I 11 t h. ---IT .C.: 17... .. Ell °11th 1 — k ■ 11th --,--- • 2t" ECS-3 i , -- MI il 1 i ,p? -i-.41-2th..17;_ .,... . ._ .5. '--• : _ 13th .. , RE er hotcE I roy.7.3' 3 6 2 la t.-._, Er- H.:as. ... ECS-3 1--' R-3-11!"" ''''. , it mill i_uthl'9_ 4,9.4-6 c.,<■c>t—14 tnl .-< _ _,,... e P 116th ..../Pe",..i.' 1.1 iiird --- — -1--' *- ristrrii ▪ . f---) I tilihrj lh .1 1-0 ECS-4 . .... 3-_____18th u" ,s\4 M E'Villinq Sl'iCk■t.06 1 ' ' BM_ is,, -.. 1 , _ 4.19t ge.,. , I k— ■0 0, I -IL"' as• 'C\S S 3elY . l'40 4' M ta •>. 4'Inro a; AS; 1 - a — ,• ‹).S.-i, V .....ri 0th t 20th — nct II;Pi: __.1 1. ..v. tk• 1 c k.". .. I 11— 111 l'Ive02inl Ai oc4 _ ,, 2„.. e . .■,. No i _230 ' IP- ' 4 _ . •c11.1 im • v TY a .<4. 24th i --..- 11M1 0 a. _240‘,,, , 25th- 1 sli v )..-. . .— i_ :1 t- 2 ,...:• 0 141/44111111111111111111412254 112 —54 pm.... _84_,,,, N 27th . e's) e), ' -.Lie' IsefilCi57:7( •• t. 1 29th 1 as ---/ ji-P---.7-&-"16 . !tfi$ Mal - r :4- - R_, 31811 "-_,106, .._so .noril=1 ) _ c miimiriam.6 ...... rf 0 ; _ -1 : i- 1 . _ _ -. Legend tilim 1 e I alit 11.'0 viiiitil a r pEoc:DPop 1 1 323g3rd. I 1, ill z • •34th 1 1 - <1'- rIT117:17: g MI ecs..: 4$... "P •)(' - 38th • -—-,IN 4 ell: ECS I=ECS-3 yo 6 li P 0 - i , E eillur 41 ... —4 ..e. R-2 ----7 ecs -c ■ Mfg'' _,1194r Desmot Y N ca jr�o ►� ���fit��, ,,■tttt■���rmliTft��t��������■■�t ���rts tt ■tara+d�nrr��ttttt� Legend Mallon,�o . ES-8 !� Q co m cc : GO Broadway ❑ •1 ;: _„. r\�0 Broadway : ESPQP ` nn PQPID Springlmid � I I to 9field IT ... R 1 _ _- Alki _ ES-1 S' m �"' . R o o m 1 i � = vb 1e 14 us ES-2 E Iieyway a °_ u = e— 11116 Low 1 0 V911eywa ES-3 rn Hixon Nixon (ES-7 ES14 ES-6 I CMU - �'MF- Riverside_. ES-5 Ri�\\ ES-5 w `, o Sprague �;;_ v — I .SPfe9u n ES-6 1st .. - [�] t. i °poi — —I E' - ES-7 I = a 4th .3rd 3rd; = ES-8 _ nth r, 4� go. _ S 5th ES-4 5th p ,� i . °�c�i irg R-3 r t= �i ' 6th v %Y �' .. _ c valley . �' a` 7th so 'f Ridge W 8 •a - 8th cn �` 8th N art co r'' h - �, LES-3 Rb1 =11th .✓ o = •11j11.1 f�.= 41 ' a 12th �_ 2 Za c o� 1i� r 13 - `C - la ' 1 4th Q, o.or ISMS s ES-1 DES-2 lsth R-2__ -�sftutRittt■tt■t■tttttt■t■tr r-11-`‘N-01- 18th t • ■ • - is_ . 19 h �. . °� Zo n i ng,_):, .: 22nd lsL^ , ��t � � ' re/0AZ - 0. y 1 V# 24th , I 1 J* feti Itltti,ll e F% #^%( 1 •� ,,,