1978, 10-24 Permit: G2237 Plumbing FixturesIm Plumbing Inspection Division SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington PERMIT FOR PLUMBING INSTALLATION, ALTERATION AND OR REPAIR No. G Property Address ----- E_-14920- .... 21S -'i:.. --eve. -------- --------- ----- __. vv. (Res ...-..~^..) Permit for ---- ----- PUmbi€�g-4-nsta1-tation-------- (Corn ... ......... ) Owner --------------- Frank --- Cobb- -Cots-tmot1on----------------- --- Address ------ 1., --- 11-212----1-&th-.---Ave--------- -. Phone ----- 9 -24 -9406.. --- Contractor -------- L ---S-1- Plumbing ------- ------------------------- -- -- -_-- Address. ------ E e --- 17-47--lio-i-,yoke, ... 992 7-----.Phone-----489-3780----- NUMBER & TYPE OF FIXTURES: Water Closets ---- -- ---- 2--- Bath Tubs._.__1-------- Sinks ----_-_.1--- Slop Sinks_______________ Wash Basins ------- ------ .. Laundry Trays. --------- Urinals --------------- Separate Shower Baths ----- .__1--------- Rain Leaders-------------------- Garbage Disposal Units ---------- .____---- Floor Drains ---- ------ 1-. Fountains -------------- Bar Connections ---- .----------- Dental Cuspidor. ... .------------- Automatic Washing Machines -. ------------------ Mechanical ................. Mechanical Dishwasher----------- 1-_-- Refrigerators ---- .----------- Sumps ............. Water Softeners ---------- .----- Hot Water Tanks -------------- ._-------....1-.... Sprinkler System._. ------ s,J>�> ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee Paid $----- 30-.-50 - ----- -------- Date Issued------I4-=-24-7$--J- � Inspection Calle t= /c z7/ % - -------- Inspected _ Inspected By & Date----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Test) Authorized by Building Official PLUMBING JNSPECTION DIVISION Inspector rv„>• ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------- (Final)