2013, 04-03 Permit: BLD-2013-0562 Furnace City of Spokane Valley Spokane Community Development Y ,,,,.f Valley11703 E. Sprague Ave., Suite B-3 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509)720-5240 permitcenter(aspokanevalley.orq BLD-2013-0562 BLD-RES-TRADE PROJECT NAME: ISSUED: 04/03/2013 SITE ADDRESS: 10820 E 24TH AVE SPOKANE VALLEY EXPIRES: 04/03/2015 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: CHANGE-OUT GAS F/A FURNACE PARCEL: 45283.2810 APPLICANT: AIR CONTROL HEATING&NC OWNER: OSBORNE, MARTIN E&EMMA S 7203 E NORA SPOKANE,WA 99212 10820 E 24TH AVE 509-924-0018 SPOKANE,WA 99206 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: AIR CONTROL HEATING&NC License: AIRCOHA051J6 7203 E NORA Expires: 08/31/2014 SPOKANE,WA 99212 509-924-0018 FEES: Paid Due Mechanical Permit $50.00 $0.00 Totals : $50.00 $0.00 FIXTURES Qty Mechanical Fixtures 1 Installation or relocation of Furnaces and suspended heaters, up to and including 100,000 btu REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Rough- In Mechanical Final Mechanical Inspection Printed by:Heather Morris on:04-03-2013 16:48:03 Page 1 of 2