1989, 10-23 Permit: 89004231 Addition ;UWAT AYCIVUC SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit and state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit is true and correct.In addition,I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agreeto comply with same.All provisions of laws and ordinances governing th .e of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not.I understand that the issuance of this permit and any subsequent inspection approvals or Cert ica •-of Occupancy shall not onstr. ed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction,or as a warrant of c•nformance with the •rovi '-ns of a state or local la s regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF •' r �' APPLICATION /0 — OWNER OR AGENT i:ri _ �� sA E J 7 v‘i ir . IetNUMBER= 89004231 ISSUED PERMIT @: . S ` : 9 i :1 9 k 9 9 i A 9 ji7i1T *t }: PERMIT IJ- MfT. J ********************KK****** SITE STRELi = 13221 L 24tH AVE PARCEL4= 27541 -2456 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WI`'} 99216 PERMIT USE= RESIDENCE ADDITION — SUNROOM PLATO= 001846 PLAT r•'AMI::.:::: OPPORTUNITY TERRACE 4TH ADD BLOCK= LOT= 15 ZONE= AGEUB DIET4= .... DWELLINGS= OWNER= DEROSTER, ALTA PHONE= STREET= 1 ':.'i.'.1 E 24TH AVE ADDRESS= SP+.:?i`•:.ANi::: WA 99216 CONTACT NAME= :...! .. ..r.:,..j;...: PHONE 509 fi 4304 BUILDING ,:r i::. I .;#••#i.,i*.::: • FRONT= F::..:.?.,.. LEFT= .A..i.,.. RIGHT= #::....?.:.. REAR= 59 -ii7&•j+i 3+:}+i-j+i'ji•a' +i !i•jC j+i !i s`!: '-i '-i;_::+i'!+rr:'j}::.....,.....:. .i.:..... .......r .._:... .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CONTRACTOR= PACIFIC CONTRACTORS PHONE= 509 534 STREET= .i l:.j i't L.. :.I::. ST ADDRESS= SPOKANE 99202 }`•:i...W.:. 'i'i:t::.i'3..1i .........:. ADDITION= :: I..:1"A?'`{lYl.. O. USE= DWELL UNITS= ..!..:4.,... n i...J,J:::: BLDG HGT= STORIES= 'i .... : BLDG :': 4: .... .:i:.:.# :': n:..,.t SQ FT=:... 7 !'t':i REQ PARKING— OHANDICAP= SEWER= N HYDRANT= N ENERGY CODE= i`•1 W I::. UTILITY= DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE ,::1:? FT M}'•{i...t.?!i T.1.(.)In? «D!, ..,— :: t.;, 480 i51 �i0 ,0 !•:I:..,:: f•�#..-a: !. •..! a I:: f�... .% ITEM EM D'E,. Ci"IP IIO1'''t QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT RESIDENTIAL VALUATION , 7n0i STATE 4.,I''v t.:i"i#' ri 4.Y E 'I 4 .50 ..'!..•! : : K A: : : P ?: { **K 3 i*i } : : j P ?. 9 7 : PAYMENT ' 7 M+ r ;` j } j7 ( njj.1fjjn { f ;7t f }iij.pii PAYMENT A:A 11::. i";r.?..1....?.{.: { ;,r PAYMENT Ai`'{OI_, :} 10/23/89 5145 10/23/89 ,:: 145 202,50- 10/23/89 ;0•- !:-!`.! ; 175.50 TOTAL DUE— .00 TOTAL PAID= 175.50 PERMIT I T.,r Pt:. FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING BUILDING PERMIT 175.50 175 ,50 ,00 175,50 175 .50 ,