Sprague E 7225 Install & Operate Paint Booth
R F v .
S~oKANE CouNTr NQ~ ~ 3 IM _
C1141 ~~~ot~uT~o~
+--I t~~~ A~' ~Qi`CA NE ~1~+ f Yr';ai~
S P O iC A MV ~
C~ON~4~ AUTHQR~f1f -
WEST 1101 C4LLEGE, SUITE 443 s,PpKqNE. YVA 99201 •(509) 45"727 Fax (509) 4594828
I SEPA RULES Part Eleven-197-11-970
WAC 197-11-970 Determinatioa rsf Nora.significance (DNS)
Lacativn at grapasal, including street addressl if any:
I E. 7225 SPRAGUE AVEw r SPOKlSlYE. WAw 99212
The lead agency for this propvsal has determj.ned that the
afvrementioned facility does not have a probable signif icaa.t adverse
impact on the env3rarvnent. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is
not required under RCW 43 . 21.+C . Q30( 2)(c) . This decision was rna.de after
review ot a campleted environmental checklist and vther infarmation on
file with the lead agency. ThiB infarmatian is available to the
public on request.
CI There f e nv cvmment period for this DNS.
[X] This DNS is issued under 19 7- 1l- 34 0 (2) ; the lead agency wiZl not
act on thia propvsal for 15 days from the date Qt a ignature belaw.
Conments must be submitted by 5: 40gm vrt p$GMVIBER 7. 1992.
Respons ible of f i cial : CHARLBS E. 5'i'LTDER .
~ Position/title: Air Qixalitv Engineer. Fhone: t509~ 456-4727.
' AddreBs: West 1101 Col3_.eae Ave., Raam 230. Sooka.ne. WA 99201.
Date: 11/20/92 Signature.-ZLA
cC : ]]OE (1) DaE ( 2) SCHD (5)
scFD (6) sCED (8) scnB (15)
SCFD1 (17) SCPD (18) DOE5 (21)
Source file
Q# PMW-Wfta0d R+vW
0 CT 3 01992
+L ~ ,
SECTION 11ol00230 Ill
F ~ ~ • ~ 1
~ a
. ~ 1 . .
t- 3366 Fed Orant ` 3403 State C3rant ❑ r' 3831 Local Assessment ❑ ~
1870 Grass Fees ❑ 4395 N OC R e v l e w ❑ 4396 R e g is t rauon ❑ ~
1 '
4397 Asbestoa ❑ 4398 Ag 6urn Fees ❑ 4398 Wood Stove Exemp. ❑
~ 5800 Penaddee ❑ 6980 Mise {ncome ❑ 6704 Program income ❑ ~
6700 Oonatione ❑ 4317 SEPA Feea v 4318 oxy Fuel Progrem ❑ s
- , W.1 101 College Av , Sune 40 . SpOk~ne WA 99201
RECEIPT NO.10 6 4 .
. {
~.Z ,
R,g 19-11•90s Uctfon 11.10.M01 OCT 3 01992
Etw,porowft;~ ~h"MRAME cOUNTv ArR poLLUriaN
' ~~0
C0~ITROL A~1TNORiT1~ f11e No.
~~n~ose of a# ~ rst:
The Staee En.iromentsl Roltey Ac! (SEP11) thtRte' 43•21C M• ~lret a11 goxerwrWeaf agenttes to eamidor tTa Itavlrprnentel trapatxs of agropo:al
halwe makinq Aesfs4oat. An Enrtroameettti Im+et 3latew+t tES$) m3t 4e preRa►ed for a11 p~ap~ $419 r4th pr~oL~abTe stgnlfirant adrers~ 4maa+ts on
L1t "l/t ot ti~e eiwfrofwr +it. Xha muro~s• et tA1s tle~~lllt fs to praride inforaaiia~ to halo rou tnQ the agei+Cy ldenci#~t impycts froq ]ro~t'
prs~msa1 lamd t,e reducs o~' ;Yatd toactt f*m tRe pfop~osslo i/ !t caa be ~ne1 usd ca Mlp tr% agensY deCiQe wAet~+er tn E1S is r"ulred.
109eneetimn rot Aaa1 Ieancs.
This sewlran..eRta1 cHeslclist asts yau ee aestriba sOw b+s1t intormtlon zbaut YoWr proDOMl. Q0*ar--0nssi +qenctes oe this nFaekltst ta dater+aire
+rNttwer tht envipmomal fapads of imr ore0esa1 +n sfgn4#1cant, requirlnq prepiratlon of an EtS. Amwer xha questieRS brfRfly. Yitb cha moss
precise iatoraaRiae tnonao ar girt ths bsst-deurlption yw can.
lai ost tmmer ack qwst+na accvr:tely and suWvlly, ta sM bnt of !w* knartadqe, iri .oi¢t aees. yau sNNlt be abta to snsr+rr !he auestiaRs
troi■ yair own aDsarritlom or projed p1ans rilhatC tAe nsed t0 ~dr+e etvrts. tt you re.ily ae not W+ft tae ;nswer, or ir i qndtTaR does not app?r
to yow plmfa1. wite 'da mt ttmw' aT 'd4ef ftOt anly.' CoOlete ansrerts t0 Rhe queSt1ons itOr nar ar41d umKSfsaryr d31ays la!!r.
5pn qwftfon ask aboui qotwr~tal rlqutalloeis, fui31 as io*ing, shqr+elir►i, sed tiarAlarit deslgqitipns. inswer tl►ese quaslloni If you ean. If yo1
hsve problesx, the fle.srmmtal aqeweies tan attist y►eu.
~cbw#tfst qwntlons aoolr to i1t pans of your vroWl, reo ff yau #lan to do tlm orer a aa*1vd of tin ar an dtlfcrer►t vireels of tead.
Attas% any additlbnAl lrrfe*+gt1on tha4 w4tt Oescrlba paurr prepasal ot IRS ervlroniae►tal elfects. Yho &Wcy to w+icn You sussie tn1s cwrcfcTist msy
ss# yam ta expaiia yaw +wtwws or prortds ieditianil lnfarmlton msoK1b1y rtl#ttd to detsrsinfng If there say s+e slgnitfctnt adrerse imoict.
Lm of ehecttist Me* nemoROjeC# Dropmls•
Caaipltts this cbsckl/st for nenorDiect p*vo4sal:, !rlte lhovgh qYtlttQns sar be u+stier+ed 'doe: Rat je41y'
tli MZTT01t, eo+vltee tfot SPPL.O'4ExYAL PUT F0R MOMNtOACT AC1IQMS(Par# D).
For nowoject actlo++s, tha reforerces iw tl+e tMtklltt tc ths .ords 'prajeCt.' 'app1lcanR.' and 'arore*ty er siRt• st+auta bo r[ead as 'praposal,•
'qrvpbser.• mtd 'aKaetad "faOhlc afefi.' r+tiQast{Ye1x•
1. Irw of prvMed pre jecl, if ippl te.6bir: &PP, &OT-H
2. " of appltcant rm •
3. 11dOres: an4 ahanr Ao.bar of applic-ant or conUcc persaa.
V o~~
I 4. Da« chK►i,s: pr"..ied.
s. i►g*+rcr *aawrstfnq eheeklisc
6. Promed tiri9nq er sc+rtdula (fncivding phaiInq. tf app11t;b1a):
T a. On yoa thsve Wmy olaers tor fucvn addltiorse roanstono er fwtler acti.ity relaced to ar comected wICn cafs oropoMla ti yas. exptiasR.110
b, oe yroa o+n ar Ka.e ovxiom an tand neRrey or aejaces :o er,is propouti ti res, eaptatn. ~
0. List anx emlroaiwntst infomtion yoY knror abaut that lus bme+ prepared, ar witl be prepar4d. OiraCtllt r+eiseag to Rihis Rroaglal.
ftor.If 1fB8 ~
~au+~ ~rtaa~u o~oi~e ~ •
fMAC 197-11-M Saft,on 11.10.:3011) OCT 3 01992
S. onnaoMUffAL aMMrrs(continwa)
Eveluatton For
KANE C Ui'1TY P~iR POLLUTIAInh► use oniy
e. o~sc.iet ci+e ovm~e. ey", aRd appro:laoto awntttl*s oI aey t1111eq or 9n~i~ 0*m
Inetuce soueee of t1tt.
1. Could aroslon oaewr at • retvlt of cleulnq, eonstruct/nn, o► w*3 1f so. "nerally deserlbe.
. A/
q. Aeout ~at porceM of t~ slte v111 se cov~ed rlth ~p 1ou: wrfatts atter orojeet conairut-
tton ltor ewmlt. as0hiit or bu11A1nqs1?
/ A
A. Proposed .easures to redvce or cont►ol erostoe, or othef Impaets to tAw eortN, it •nys IJA
t. Aia ~
A. Ylut type of eAluions eo tM air ~rorta muic t.~a~ tM prooosat ( t.•.. aust, wcamoe/1t. o0ors ~~5~
~ O r
ledustria1. .ood smko1 dwing con:trvetlon anb wM++ th* projeet 1: eavletad3 !t •ny, ac
ganlnltr doseribe and gt.e aoorostutt Quaetftes /t tnorn.
Q~,~,'f~7]~►b-ri ~l E G~' ~
b. Art tAwe any aft•s/te sourtos of eNssioM or oaor tAat ary atleR par proposelT 1f so,
9snerallr descrlbt.
c. P*oaosee mt•srres to rtdYCf O* COAtr01 ttlfilOnK OT Ot11lI tewCtf t0 •ir. 11 aflr• A(k v~ f~•
I 1~ (j G~
O . ft PA ~ &La i~ 4°
A. SuMace
e» ts che.a a+y ,ur+.c. ..c•r eoay on or itt eho lo..ai.ee viein+ty of ehe :ite Inctuaing ye..-
roun0 ane teisonal streus, sattwcer, iates. oonOs, wtlanda)? it rs, aescrtee tpe •na
vrortde nams. lt appropMate, state rAat :treaw or rlver It tlows 1nco.
(2) Yill tAt projCt re0ulrf iny r0*k Ovet. 11l. or •djae~nt to (Mlth/n 2W teet) tM defCTlOed
.sun? lt rs, piau deserl0e and nt~d~ ov~11ie1• o1aRS.
~ vl
. 51*rA= a1m~
(V= W-11-9641 Stectap l.t 10.L70ti)
OCT 3 011992
' l. SACMIOCim ieentiaard}
Da yau imor +rlotbet appu"t4oao rt* pmndias Eor la+eefwatal s{rpro+sla or other proponai ~ ins ctn preprt~'y ca~snd fry yas~r
~I' ~ r~TV ~ r~~,.~
p~..~_ =E .~~s. cararRoL AUm RI
~ 10, Ltst •ay :w.e eomnt aPpea.als oe f++relto that rtll br e►odW [or ywr psoparal. i! WMO+re. co~
~ j.. '
r ,
il Gl+e 4 bsiel. adr9toee dasetiption oi yaut psapaaai, ltrclndtng tMr proposed wa! +ead tM dts ei c1r pra}eet .ud als# '1+ets ire sa+►eesY
auwtiitdns Lcar ta thie ehetlioi ihrQ ash yau ta dsreriba aretasb rrprats oE yaat pseposa] Tm d4 sss[ need te ropsat thosa sesrwta aa chti
WS~ ~
I:. ]oeastoa oi s1r Frapoev GLvt wdflcMne #ntasotied [ot a porsaaa so arA+ratmad aM'eecis• lorattan at yaac propossd prolaet, lntiwdsag s
■tm.t .ddsees. tr sar. OrA mecias. 4oi.oehip a.d rahp. tt kftwift. tf s ,xaparl wmL8 occrt owee a rantit at aru, pT8tr11I• tttile tanae ar
bo.wdaetos at the sitiLei. Fro*ttb • LAi+I deK=tp<1°n, ate* pk+w. vtattsle7 w4p, aud toMra9Mt Mp. it reuoeobL1 araiLbla 'yhtia yon
GAar10 wbsla aey p1sm rrq,.lred b! eta apwey, fen aei aot ltqrlrN to duplleste +aps oT QetAiiod ptaaM rolnltied Ylib ary p+tmit appllsation
reLCad Ra 044 eArekllst. 9 `7
C~ Oxa the proVa6eA at[lefi lt* vttA4n !M Aqvit:t Sofsfaiw 16ta (lSA)' 'Phs Coearal ga+mr sar+►!te Atti* 1r hiorttr Srwt Sewlee Area' .*Aa
C![y o( SpakMR&' (S*t SpoUaoO r.oue27" s A5A OwrLy Zame Rtlr• [or bw9dartita).
AS~4 ~ (;rcs - oo P96. o,
ro ea eosatir.~ es srr:a~ee~r
e. ~~mre~r.~. rarffires
c..IU.L104 fee
A~epes anly
i ~]t~111
' a. 4astal deaeripclon oi ths ii►ee (eleele om)s !3n! 1Litq. htu'16 stMp Itope*. eauasataaws,
Otlrri s
b, "kae ls ltbr rva*prae .tepe ea the sie* CapproYlwacr per+ee1tL •topr)T
e. Vhae lem.srl. rTy.s ai saiL ara damid ou the Rta• (tae •sompls, clay, wd, gsaw peat, sueMt
tf rao Imev abe ei.ntLtaacioa ot +tosseulcue" *adis. *vaciEy tlm aad eareg aoy prir EasmLad.
d. Ax~ ct~sri wvtuo ladtcacsom as htasor,► ai wat.44L mvtL ta the fmr.dLau .tciai:y` It Ila,
datcs! br.
I SlaR~ ~IIli~ ' . I
(•1NC 191-t1•96Q) SOetion 31.10. MIy ~ l~ ~ c) ~ 1~~~
R~IVxs~AL. ~ (eaacf.mo.d)
91ralwatioA !Ot
SPG14~E€ Ci'tf ~ I' dY PtiJR POLL~g
totloste the aneaaC ot LL11 aqd Bs~A« wialtal t6et +rauid be pLcrd ie ar n~s~~7~ .1°# ~,h~ A~rH~~~
yuxtue ntat ar vstLaed~ aud ladiract e~ &e~a ai the +ftu eu.t wald d ,►fiieced. i,+~
' the rwrea o! Ei11 mereial.
l+1 ~+liL eM p[o".al rsqudrw sne[me rseY aLthde4wlr ar Oiweetonst ttw a,rna:aA drrerip- •
eion. pueqa". and appee:iss#• qisraslitrf• tt kaa+e.
I3) Qers tlht peapcsrl 1ls vithtn a lOOZae [YarO pWn* tt w, nes• lapeloe on the *tte pL"
;b? 0ms t" pre"ml ta+al+rr 4n7 dtaekarati ai +amt■ mrseriik1■ to onttscf v*rmtst 14 Do.
dessrtbe the ty" ai vaste anW Encitipacd voYus oL dlsshrrge.
b Grosar~t -
(1) Vill graundwese !+e wseMr~■ ar ~etl3 ruear M diaelurgsd to Ssauadw«e2 GLw+ =eniaeal
deiaetpssaa. P'nepars. ard ovawYlriate 4wintfetrs, t[ 'Im4tla,
~ 0
(2) DfsCelbe 1Hst• Ytur1o1 [haR wtU be EttQ.harged lOtO Cbe fftOlil~ froS. fapEIC Ctnks Or Otl'aT
aanLtitt wati cmemat [ncilley Oraaeibm e!w Ramrs3 •!st of etrr proe=. cbs e,obrr ot
140Wb9 Ca hR faAtd (if appllCmb1a) ol' Ctff *=4ar OL poiiOlli LAf NlFttW+) •rr ta"Citd t0
(1) DsttllLe s1lx Mysitmi. OtIMw Chill L%o0m dmitg►i" fOi the AliCQM1 Of 9Mdta2y YYCl.
Ltiacaltod fo: aM purposs Vt diSCh*waLUs EI9~s *1mr stw gsa"d aulac• (lsririda• my6emr ikoth
a• thase !eT the dispossl. ef •4era rasos ar draiaye le+am llaoe drafias). Oooerib* ttM hpe aL
slsc.., th• a~t a[ saterlal to 6r dtiBpaw" a[ thtoqb the aycos aAd sM ri"■ ot mseetsls
liwy r.4 be aiq.oud of tlrAlu4la; "tariala vulth rt te►stv Rbr sy*smoi imdwt'teaLLY t5ipoula
sp11li ar a• a erwmiR n[ linti=hting aativitlon).
I (e} YiIt sns ehaleaAr (`sp+eiai1Y artu►ic wL"ece oi peteoloas tnris) be stand ta obeve-
sranoW oR mnaygreuod uon`• oaalmit it mo, wbat qp~s sz4 g+natlsi*s o= nsanaL +rtll ba ~
I t
r`• . 07-
~ • S~ ~ - ~J~.. 1 ~ -
s (_(~tA~C 19~-11•960~ 5~celoa 11.I0.2'0(1) J~: t~~.~.~~:
GIOIlOAlQIRAL ELZM:a (eoetiawd)
(S) VMt peotaatlw smw:~v vl11 be ukse to iasasO tLat iftW oe •pilla of aul ehodeals
scosed os vsed oo •!te wtll net be allowd ta pOreoLsG to g:wndwaulr (cb!s lmlwbs msanB
to kp cb.uLa,t ,f elipoi.i .y.&..a a..crss.a ta 3ac:) Me 3M»• SPOKANE COUtdTY AIR POLLUTIOR
C 6I ~'~M t G A t4((r L- ~
c. vates Rvmoti (incldaiaa •cees vacet)s
(1) peseTibe tNe soure• of tveot! (leKludlnt •eoro vatet) aad ~t~ of eoileetioo sttd dispesal
st .ay (seelu" aweclci... tt ImeM+) M.ts v!u cl+i• ~c.t elevt Vtu c!s!, wac.s tlar tn:o
osher wcere? 11 w. deseeibe (2) Jfll spl ekesicals be sto«d. Aandied or wed oe ctr sfte !n • loeatloe vMrg sGDill er
leak vlll drNe te svsfae• ee `rouMwcee ot to ••toem wtot dfsoowl yet= dleel+asllna to
turface or srandwstet•
(3) Could vast• mtetials eeser ground of sasfaee inten1 Lt so, geeGta11l demeibe.
d twOoged rssuhis co reduce or eonteol sortase. orwrd, au0 nmoif wtar topaats. lt aay (tt
c cM prvpossd Aetioo 11se vltAte tM Mntiot Somitl.e Ana M~lpeeLlly clbr oe 6"Uoatlons
• folstf+& to tael12C1e• toaeeealnf Seettoas 7bM• 70M. Gp/ 3(2) ol tAts CdreLllst)s
• rLA't4S
a 'heck of elecle lyps of roefta[lOA looe0 oe e1N •ite•
deeWuow crw vdnr, amols. &soee. otlrt.
•wrtmn ttms ilt. codst, pine. ot1wr.
shfu0r 1 ~
C*ag• N ~
ctoP or ,t.to.
wet soll pLats. cactatl. OutteTeup. baLlsws. stmk eobbess. oclet
meer olsncss rseer lillI. eslgsan, atltoiie ottwt
otMr types et wptatloe.
e whae tio0 and Mouat of wSetseion nill be sesowd of alcKed!
c Ust cArasan*d or eeeaasesae speeles kaown to y oe oc na.r ebe •ice.
d. Psopote0 lsWreapiag, ow of osciw pLats, oi oLla[ soawrN to Osmatre os onsabee vapNCioa
ot► t!u •ltt. tt aeyt .
' ' .
(wAC i97-11-980y Socx4m 11.10 I3001
e. MIROMrrAL EUDWM lcor►siwsal EYa)uatlart For
Rqetnpr We Only
C3re1e any birds and arim1s +rhIch lure bnn oherred oe+ ar eur t.M site orarf knarn to 6e an
or neor tlre s1td: M ~
b1rds. haricr i+arae, ei+ple, ao~lqbirdi. olRtr: J`-° '
mum1t: +Satr. bar, alk, bet"ar, atker: , OCT3 f1sh: bass, saibR, trout, ber~r4n, slyallfl~~+~ 4t1ia1"•
other• MONTY AtR POLLU?101V
b. tist any tKrsotened or andangeried soseias tnwrn to be aff 6r Mr thg siRt. AUTWO&Ty
Q►` ~
t ts tfie slte part of ; o{qr;tl0n rew[e' if 30■ eiplafn.
d. Propaied cwosures to 9teseme ot anhance •4ldlift• 1f anyt
~ •
S Ll1ERGY A!!D 4ANU1. W0tIACE3 ~
a, wh8t t1flds et te**gy tolectric. rrat.ur-at git. wwd seotis. solari rifi bt usee ee mret ehe
tke coAplatod projret'n snerigy nadt Qaitrlbo rw*tMT #t wit; b# tised for hnaRing, oumrfac-
t1ttirg, Cii. ,
h. Mautd yaur pro#ett alfttt tht o4tentta1 ~se af. xoirr erAerW br sdf acent proparRies' Ti so,
genrrslly descr~be.
c. whit kfnds of tnergy tonter+ltlen fteitlpl3 ii'e ineluaa0 in tha plans of this a*oAaul' L9st
oxrisr aroposed srastires to lpeduce er coMral enorqr faepacts. 1f aey:
133 "k?,
7 CNnriaa+04WA. Kxti'14
E. i4rr tftere any cnrlrerrentAl ftaitA tiarird=• fnCiY4iq coO#wi t0 t07[iC iMAtCl1s, rtslc of tire
afio raploslen. sgd11, or I+a;ardous wsle, snat eou1e eeavr a: e resvlt of thrs ProDosai? if so.
r ~
l1~ Dl~Crtbe ~peci~l a~g~ncy serrlers that e1qR# be t"uimd.
• • tMAiR sifvi1t0R@!LL oISINAMZ
(VAC 197-11-980) Seetiaa 11.10 t"(i)
s. C~IIR1t01oQ.lR~1. tL~lS (easelonad)
Lvaluacloa !or
Qaaoey Ose Oely
OnRA0TRM't:ll{. ILAL.~R (eoatinnod)
(2) Proposed eeiause• to rodueo oe coacrol :.asoayetal ba~ltb A~sarOs. it arh:
oF A P~PRnV~ e&wT
. OCr3 019e2
- - sPOMn►E couMrY ArR p
cor~rRO~ aurH~R°~ urIoN
e sotoo:
,(1) ~ Vbac t"oa of eoia niec se the ana WAIeA e47 Wact 7one preHet Ver ossapls : teattic,
spatpaMec, op~r~cloa.,~otlns•
(2) vAat c"e• aad lwolo of eofos ve40 Oe erutN by ot aMOefated wleA cM project oe •
•AOrc-ttiv or a loeg-ts*o besie (tor rsaspie: traltle, eomtrvetioe. opetasien. ecMt)• Iediwte
vhi`t honrs nolet vou14"e0ar tm the, site
(3) tropowd msg" eo erars• oT,eoetsol eolo@ iw"ets. 1t aal:
8 L►.'ta IuOD St10AtLI'tL U4i
Vbaa the evtrint we ot the sste asd adjseeat propeft1*89
0. nsa acM •lte bra nsed tot aa*ia~~..~~- st w; deoetiDe-
e Desessbe sM► ettuetwe• oe the slee
d Vill nfy steoesutes be deoolloAoQ! tl w. vN'eAv IJ
~ a
s tiRMc !s eM euscomt souie; elaeeiiiwtioe oi the sseet
4,LLI~2&"' ~/✓.t7 - L_.
t VUe i• the eor:aat aaopsssomsvo oLe dos!=wttoo ot the •ice!
~ oept ^J
S. ft •pplleae]e. +rt,as la the eusMs •bossliem ouces yr"iaa doofgascioa, ot `t!e •lteT
b Has sq past, ot the •ito poao eLait3ad t" ao 'eatssosmtaUy samiRiw' aeso7' It se,
i. Jypio=iaatoly bw m007 0eo0le Moold esalds os votk io t00 twP34ted psojeasT
Sp0VAM Env aIDI1WIR ' • -
(~AC 19~•11•460) Soetioo 11.~a.2~0(1)
S. Q14SOf1Ml& ELMCCM (QOaetawd)
Svalwtien Tot
, Aseeq nw Otfly
J. AyPeesimtaly Go~r Sao~ peopU roaid tM eooaletad Proyoet 41op3aeet ' ` 1 ~f`
o ~ ~
~ ~D
1. Proposed'eosoone eo avoid of sedrae dlepLeoseat fBpoet•. it aeit -ltl- ~CT,3 1019.002
i Pro9osed moseur~. co .nsuro eAs proposol i• eompasielo wica eati•cse4 .ae vroj.ecse Lne vnea aad
PlSai. lt aa~t
_ ~ N6-
9 BOtt5tv6
• ApproslaaNly I+ar oafty 9Mito ronld 0e peovidad. Ii sayt tediaai• whotlrr AIeA-. oiddlr, or
'lerieeom houeloi.
0 Appioif..taiY ~MfW ..o7,95teo. tt .ay. VOIAle"e. .iima.g.a? ipeICAC., W+aee.f dw. "aai.-. oe
lo+riaeovo~ t►owte~
e PaopoMd wewee* to cedec• of eowtsel lemofws- lapaets. !t aeys
,l0 ALMETlC3
a Vl+ae to tbe ealleee rboigAt otiasy psopoMd otsvetun(e)• nos laeludle149 sotomast, Vhst /o eAe
peinefoei esterlot DYiiai~y..eeteeial(e~ propeao07
- - ~STA'GA G~//, L
ax ~SN&-
s +lUt •fr" in eM tmMtseo wesetcr raald be alcemd oe o6seroaso0t
c Peopoood mmmres co redaee or eoatiol stotAosia tsosets, it aay•
11 L'2At' AlfO CIJ1A!
s •&at t»o o! ligAt os a3sso vl11 tAs peopoasl pe+odaaaf 'FhAt esae of day wnld lt nolnly oeeus•
b. Could 11gAt ot gL[s l*vo tOs llaloAed psojeee be i mlseylesaatd~ ototaden vltd vLwt
e Vlre aslseisy o1t-sia swe+e*s of ltabt of SLre my •lteat 7ais pteposal!
#961~ -
d. Prooosod aosemn• to ssdYee os eoaeeoi liget aod $Lso loPoete. i[ ~e>>
, d
(YnC ilT-u-460) S~ecioa u.10.230(i)
1. eJlvilt0NmlR1►L QMCJRS (eoscssand)
Cvoiwtioe tet
Agenc7 tt.e only
u PscNauton
VNac deotpaceA and inteetil seetnsloesl oppostmitio• ua !a tM farAla einltT!
/ r A Pz" Ec. ~J ~
. ocr3 oy9~2
b. Would eM otooosr4 Osojiet dlspLc• aay aslecit►i tieTntional wset tt so. dseeti0e. S~9
~ oAA f coUNTY
e Fropoved umwss• to eedde• of eonseol lsaetr oa reeiutlos. tneludieg nemsleml oMstui-
clo• to M Provsded b/ tM osojtet or •pqtluot. !t aay: t
13 pISTO1liC A11p C1}LTURAL ?R=SQVA:tOlt
a Are chere ami oLeto or o0jeeeo iisied oe os propNd tot titiowl. •cac• oz loul prewe.s•
eior ngiacere keoa► to De om ov east to sle altet tt w, pnetally denes!!~.
0. Gneratly QeaertM aeh larAmtta er evtdsnae ef Rlateeta arelueologleal, oeleettlle es cultnral
lsposeaeee tsiaw+ to be oa or n.sc to c!r •iee.
c 1ro4ooed meawees to redne• oT eoatrol tqaets. lt sela
t; :MpStO1l:ATt021 . .
s. idenslfy ovpllc urNC• ad bilAwy• serrteg eM •lte aed deeeeibe I"Sed "eoa ce che
eiisttng otf"t yseoa. Slmron stt• Plew. tt sey
D 1o boe eur►atly soned by puDife traaslt• tt aet, what la e1+~ sppeomfaate Alecsae• to c1+o
ne.noc crawtt scoo•
e ltev "ay oaetcsttg soaee• re41 tle copieced Oserat Aswt Nw sany veald cl+e P*eret eligitAca•
d Vill eM pro9o"1 erpulee aay ow toad@ oe seseseo, ot iaoeowset• to mlstiag tosdr as KsNCs
eot Soeluaini diiNwy*! t mo. Somselly damert0e (iedleace vhetles yudlle oe 9slvate)
vti1 t1N projeet uso (or oeear le cm ia■NLN nlCisity oi) mtei, tall• oi di tssupottaLloo!
Lf go. gramsal17 deseKOe.
' EPOLAtft Oev'noleufRAi. 0l1aD1ANR • • •
(YAt 197-11-960) Seccloo 11.10 230(1)
f. VI9IAOlOQ1MAL QLMlS (eoaelowd)
~soeT Qa~ bd~ ' ' - t _•e
~ Aew .W wnicu.s crsao o.: a.r wmie ee g.e.r.t.e ey ebe ca.aUt.e proj.et• it tioore.
ladleat• wrn puk vould ouus. QCT 3 0199 )
~ ProposeA n• to ralues os eontrol tianspoetat3an isaaeta. !t aeqs ~
~ t~ - - -
• 'Jould tM peo t naolt !e an leereasad nmA for pn%lfc set+iee• (Iot onowle, ilre psoceetioo,
polie• ptoteet e. Aealth eart, ssAoels* ocf»r)2 It se, paacai>> devstlbe.
1 ho9opa suiute* to trluet or toetrol Oieeel fsyeatm o ouDl eseevleen. t• anls
a~ c s eteetly svaiLWe •~etHele w ral . t• y fCYS• .
set~r1 teSoO . uettan Mwr. sptic y• , ot
s Deseri0e trs ucilltle• thet are yreoomeA Iar tM Psojeet. the nt11lq oto•ldleg tAo •errlet inA
the ;eneral coestevecioa aecivitle• ee ttr sttt et ls tAe fas0iat• rlciefty wisleA mlgAC M •
i, tfee undesslgned. NYi umder cAn penaiq ot perjun elrt t1r •bom rompows• sse maM e*aeNlullr a+/ eo eAa !eu of my 1wwLdto. t•lso
uudssscand chac. *%onid el»re be aey vtlltul alarepn"ntscloa or vtiltel Lat of tull aleclowre oe OF Oarc, cm .r"ey my vithdav any
a•c•e.twcson ot f~os lunce et,sc fe atlac t..w !a reliaae• uoo tese elsetit.s.
a~. , ~ lcZ- ho~.et ~~A1E`S ~ • ~D ~,~,l~ E~
cr~.w r~tes or :yvoy
.~~~t_ Addt...= S00946LCff
Parwe eompleeies foms ~~,~r r.►' ~ Ooates
ftwnta 12k "Sta 7
fvu m,vr vst mn.s
s:atr umast.) re+f.rlns cM+oekls.s:
B.sed oa N+l• ssatt revlw ot cl+e oovt:onnental ehwhlSn aad otlrs pansoont inlonst3oo, cb scall a
A. Wneludas clmc elrr ase no PsobapL sigadiiesnt sdwsn lspset• and reemetide • bteestmston ot naaeigaitieance.
S. Co=luda• clrc Osobable signltiasnc adwn• .e.lreamensal lapae" de uVac te= cd aueftas psoyoma2 and reswsod• a otslpce0 deser-
sloaeioo ot aadfgeitieanaa vitb eoaditiont.
C. Conclofts tAat tlrs* •re pro0abie •igoitiesas a0wrBe eevl~~atal Lopaess and reeommaode • ds«nlastion ot si=aiticaaee.
TItUC m - =75.00